333 CMR, § 11.11

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 11.11 - Rights-of-way Advisory Panel
(1) A Rights-of-way Advisory Panel shall be established to advise the Department on issues relating to 333 CMR 11.00 and to fulfill specific functions as detailed within 333 CMR 11.00.
(2) The Department shall request that the following members participate on the Rights-of-way Advisory Panel: the Commissioners/Secretaries or his/her designee of the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Public Health, and the Executive Office of Transportation; and a representative, respectively, from each of the following, all to be appointed by the Department Commissioner: the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions, the Massachusetts Association of Health Boards, the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, and an Environmental Advocacy Organization Representative, a member of the University of Massachusetts Extension who is well versed in weed science and Integrated Pest Management of weeds, a representative of the Massachusetts Railroad Association, a representative of a utility company and a commercial pesticide applicator.
(3) Non-agency representatives shall remain on the panel for a term of five years. Any member absent from two or more consecutive meetings may be removed from the Advisory Panel at the discretion of the Commissioner of the Department, and a replacement requested from the representative agency, industry group, or association.
(4) The Advisory Panel shall meet at least once each year, and shall hold further meetings upon the request of the Department of Agricultural Resources or at the request of any two members of the Advisory Panel.
(5) All Advisory Panel members shall serve without compensation.

333 CMR, § 11.11