Director means the Director of the Division of Marine Fisheries or his or her designee.
Division means the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries.
DPH means the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Master Digger means any person authorized by the Director pursuant to 322 CMR 7.02 to engage in the harvest, possession and transportation of moderately contaminated shellfish.
Moderatelv Contaminated Shellfish means any shellfish from an area classified as "restricted" and suitable for the harvest of shellfish with purification.
Purification means the process of purifying moderately contaminated shellfish at the purification plant operated by the Division and located at Plum Island, Newburyport, Massachusetts.
Subordinate Digger means any person authorized by the Director pursuant to 322 CMR 7.02 to harvest and possess moderately contaminated shellfish for sale to a master digger only.
322 CMR, § 7.02