322 CMR, § 6.44

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 6.44 - Atlantic Mackerel Management
(1)Definitions. For the purposes of 322 CMR 6.44, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

Atlantic Mackerel means that species known as Scomber scombrus.

Commercial Fisher means any person who retains, possess, or lands Atlantic mackerel for the purpose of sale, barter, or exchange or keeps for personal or family use Atlantic mackerel taken under the authority of a commercial fishing permit and regulated fishery permit for Atlantic mackerel issued in accordance with M.G.L. c. 130, § 80 and 322 CMR 7.01: Form, Use and Contents of Permits.

Director means the Director of the Division of Marine Fisheries

Division means the Division of Marine Fisheries

Quota means the annual coastwide commercial quota for Atlantic mackerel set by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and monitored by NOAA Fisheries.

Recreational Fisher means any person who harvests or attempts to harvest fish for personal or family use, sport or pleasure, and which are not sold, bartered, or exchanged.

Recreational Fishing means the non-commercial harvest or attempted harvest of fish for personal or family use, sport or pleasure, and which are not sold, traded, or bartered.

(2)Recreational Fishing Limit. It shall be unlawful for any recreational fisher to harvest more than 20 Atlantic mackerel per calendar day or to possess more than 20 Atlantic mackerel while recreationally fishing.
(3)Commercial Fishing.
(a)Permit Requirement. To retain, possess, or land Atlantic mackerel in excess of the recreational fishing limit set forth at 322 CMR 6.44(2), a person shall obtain a commercial fishing permit and regulated fishery permit endorsement for Atlantic mackerel.
(b) Commercial fishers may retain, possess, and land Atlantic mackerel for use as bait in other commercial fisheries in quantities that exceed the recreational fishing limit set forth at 322 CMR 6.44(2).
(c) If a commercial fisher is recreationally fishing from shore, a private vessel, or charter vessel, it shall be unlawful to retain, possess, or land Atlantic mackerel in quantities exceeding the recreational fishing limit set forth at 322 CMR 6.44(2).
(d)State Waters Trip Limit. Within the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth, it shall be unlawful for any commercial fisher to retain, possess, or land more than 5,000 pounds of Atlantic mackerel during any trip or calendar day, whichever period of time is longer. Once NOAA Fisheries determines 80% of the quota has been taken, it shall be unlawful for any commercial fisher fishing in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth to retain, possess, or land more than 2,500 pounds of Atlantic mackerel.
1.Exemptions to State Waters Trip Limit.
a.Federal Permit Holders. Vessels permitted by NOAA Fisheries to commercially harvest and land Atlantic mackerel may possess and land more than the state waters trip limit in Massachusetts provided the fish was lawfully caught outside of the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth; the vessel transits directly through the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth for the purposes of landing Atlantic mackerel; the vessel's gear is out of the water and stowed properly onboard while within the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth; and the vessel makes no stops upon entering the waters under the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth prior to landing unless so directed by law enforcement or authorized in writing by the Division.
b.Fish Wiers. Commercial fishers permitted in accordance with 322 CMR 7.01: Form, Use and Contents of Permit and M.G.L. c. 130, § 29 to operate a fish weir are exempt from this trip limit when retaining, possessing, or landing Atlantic mackerel caught in their permitted fish weirs.

322 CMR, § 6.44

Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1491, eff. 1/20/2023.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1500, eff. 7/21/2023.
Amended by Mass Register Issue 1520, eff. 4/26/2024.