(1)Definitions. For the purposes of 322 CMR 6.13, the following words shall have the following meanings. Effective Traps Fished means a value used in:
(a)the Outer Cape Cod Trap Allocation Determination that was calculated in the assessment of each eligible fisherman's annual performance for the years 2000, 2001 and 2002. For each year that traps and landings were reported, Effective Traps Fished is the lower value of the maximum number of traps reported fished for the year and the predicted number of traps that is associated with the permit holder's reported poundage of lobsters for the year. The value for predicted number of traps was calculated based on a DMF published analysis of traps fished and pounds landed for the OCCLCMA, and that relationship is depicted in 322 CMR 6.13: Figure 1. FIGURE 1.
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Figure 1. Relationship between pounds harvested and traps fished used to allocate Initial Trap Allocation. Data to calculate the relationship was obtained from catch reports from fishermen fishing primarily in Outer Cape Cod Lobster Conservation Management Area during years (1997-2001).
(b)the LCMA 2 Trap Allocation Determination that was calculated in the assessment of each eligible fisherman's annual performance for the years 2001, 2002, and 2003. For each year that traps and landings were reported, Effective Traps Fished is the lower value of the maximum number of traps reported fished for the year and the predicted number of traps that is associated with the permit holder's reported poundage of lobsters for the year. The value for predicted number of traps was calculated based on the Interstate Lobster Management Plan Addendum VII published by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission that relationship is depicted in Figure 2. FIGURE 2
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Figure 2. Relationship between pounds harvested and traps fished used to allocate Initial Trap Allocation. Data to calculate the relationship was obtained from catch reports from fishermen fishing primarily in LCMA 2 during years (2001-2003).
(c)Exception. For coastal lobster permit holders who fished for lobster primarily by hand using SCUBA gear in a LCMA under control of an effort control plan, Effective Traps Fished means the annual predicted number of traps that is associated with the permit holder's reported poundage of lobsters during the performance years specified for a LCMA under control of an effort control plan as defined in 322 CMR 6.13(1)(a) and (b). The value for predicted number of traps was calculated based on a DMF published analysis of traps fished and pounds landed for a LCMA and that relationship is depicted in 322 CMR 6.13: Figures 1 and 2. Fish means to set lobster traps on the ocean bottom.
LCMA 2 Trap Allocation means the number of traps assigned to a coastal permit holder endorsed for LCMA 2 plus or minus any traps allocated through the trap transfer process outlined in 322 CMR 7.03: Coastal Lobster Permit and Trap Allocation Transfer Programs.
Lobster means that species known as Homarus americanus.