Acid Rain Program means a multi-state SO and NO air pollution control and emission reduction program established by the Administrator under title IV of the Act and 40 CFR Parts 72 through 78.
Alternate MassNO Designated Representative means the person who has been authorized by the owner or operator of the facility in accordance with 310 CMR 7.34(5)(c) to act on behalf of the MassNO Designated Representative in matters pertaining to NO mass emissions monitoring and reporting for the MassNO program. If the MassNO Facility is also subject to the Acid Rain Program then this person shall be the same natural person as the Alternate Designated Representative under the Acid Rain Program. If the MassNO Facility is not subject to the Acid Rain Program then this person shall be the same natural person as the SIPNO Source Alternate Designated Representative.
CAIR NO Ozone Season Allowances means a limited authorization that was issued by the Department to the owner or operator of a MassNO Unit under provisions of the State Implementation Plan that was approved under 40 CFR 51.123(aa)(1) or (2) and (bb)(1), (bb)(2), (dd), (ee), or under Subpart EEEE of 40 CFR Part 97 or 97.388 , to emit a specified amount of tons of NOx during the 2015 ozone season.
Combustion Turbine means:
Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) means the regulation promulgated at 40 CFR 97 Subpart EEEEE CSAPR NO Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program by the Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
CSAPR NOx Ozone Season Group 2 Allowance means a limited authorization issued and allocated or auctioned by the Administrator under 40 CFR 97 Subpart EEEEE or § 97.526(c), or by a State or permitting authority under a SIP revision approved by the Administrator under 40 CFR 52.38(b)(6), (7), (8), or (9), to emit one ton of NOx during a control period of the specified calendar year for which the authorization is allocated or auctioned or any calendar year thereafter under the CSAPR NO Ozone Season Group 2 Trading progam
MassNOx Designated Representative means the person who has been authorized by the owner or operator of the MassNO Facility to represent and legally bind the owner or operator in matters pertaining to the MassNOx program. If the MassNO Facility is also subject to the Acid Rain Program then this person shall be the same natural person as the Designated Representative under the Acid Rain Program. If the MassNO Facility is not subject to the Acid Rain Program then this person shall be the same natural person as the SIPNO Source Designated Representative.
MassNOx Facility means a facility that has one or more MassNO Units on site.
MassNOx Facility Emissions Budget means a budget amount of ozone season NO mass emissions assigned to a MassNO Facility as determined by the Department.
MassNOx Unit means any unit listed in 310 CMR 7.34(7)(b): Table A.
Monitoring System means a monitoring system that meets the requirements of 310 CMR 7.34(3) including a continuous emissions monitoring system, an alternative monitoring system, or an accepted monitoring system under 40 CFR Part 75 , or as otherwise approved by the Department or the Administrator.
Operator means any person who operates, controls, or supervises a MassNO Unit or a MassNO Facility including, but not be limited to, any holding company, utility system, or plant manager of such a MassNO Unit or MassNO Facility.
Owner means any of the following persons:
OZONE SEASON means the period beginning May 1st of a calendar year, and ending on September 30th of the same year.
Reference Method means any direct test method of sampling and analyzing for an air pollutant as specified in 40 CFR 75.22.
SIPNOxSource means any MassNOx Unit that is subject to;
Ton means 2,000 pounds. For the purpose of determining compliance with the state-wide emissions budget, total tons of NO mass emissions for an ozone season shall be calculated as the sum of all recorded hourly emissions (or the mass equivalent of the recorded hourly emission rates) in accordance with 310 CMR 7.34(3)(c), but with any remaining fraction of a ton equal to or greater than 0.50 tons deemed to equal one ton and any remaining fraction of a ton less than 0.50 tons deemed to equal zero tons.
"I certify that I have personally examined the foregoing and am familiar with the information contained in this document and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the information is true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including possible fines and imprisonment."
310 CMR 7.34(7)(b): Table A
Braintree Electric | 1660 | 3, 4, 5 | 23 |
Brayton Point Energy, LLC | 1619 | 1, 2, 3, 4 | 989 |
Dartmouth Power Associates | 52026 | 1, 2, 5 | 32 |
Essential Power Mass, LLC, Doreen St. | 1631 | 1 | 0 |
Essential Power Mass, LLC, Woodland St. | 1643 | 1 | 0 |
Essential Power West Springfield | 1642 | 15, 17 | 9 |
Exelon Framingham | 1586 | FJ-1, FJ-2, FJ-3 | 0 |
Exelon New Boston | 1589 | NBJ1 | 0 |
Exelon West Medway | 1592 | J1T1, J1T2, J2T1, J2T2, J3T1, J3T2 | 1 |
General Electric Aircraft Engines | 10029 | 99-5, 99-3 | 10 |
Harvard University Blackstone Steam Plant | 1594 | B11, B12 | 8 |
Kendall Green Energy, LLC | 1595 | 2, 3, S6 | 67 |
Kneeland St. Station | 880023 | 1, 2, 3, 4 | 60 |
Masspower | 10726 | 1, 2 | 93 |
MBTA South Boston Power | 10176 | A, B | 1 |
Milford Power, LLC | 54805 | 1 | 76 |
MWRA Deer Island | 10823 | S42, S43 | 0 |
Mystic Station | 1588 | 4, 10 | 42 |
NEA Bellingham | 10307 | 1, 2 | 138 |
NRG Canal Station | 1599 | 1, 2 | 143 |
Peabody Municipal Light Plant - Waters River | 1678 | 1, 2 | 3 |
Pittsfield Generating Company, LP | 50002 | 1, 2, 3 | 29 |
Stony Brook Energy Center | 6081 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | 60 |
Taunton Municipal Light Plant - Cleary Flood | 1682 | 8, 9 | 15 |
310 CMR, § 7.34