Automobile Efficiency Rate means the figure calculated by dividing the number of employees who report to a worksite within the City of Cambridge between 6:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. inclusive (Monday through Friday to achieve a five consecutive weekday average) by the number of vehicles used by those employees to reach the worksite during those hours. Bicycles, public transit vehicles, and approved Clean-Fuel vehicles shall be excluded from the vehicles counted. Motorcycles and light trucks shall be included in the vehicles counted.
Cambridge Parking Freeze means the regulation for a commercial parking freeze in the City of Cambridge at 40 CFR section 52.1128 and 52.1135, as modified by South Terminal Corp. v. EPA,502 F. 2d 646, 671-672 (1st Cir. 1974) and the 1978 and 1983 Transportation Elements of the SIP, which limited commercial parking spaces in the City to a total of 13,452 spaces.
Caravan means Caravan for Commuters Inc., a private, non-profit commuter services company which develops and markets commuter transportation services.
Carpool means a vehicle carrying two to seven passengers.
City means the City of Cambridge, massachusetts.
Clean fuel means any fuel or power source used in a vehicle that complies with the applicable standards for clean fueled vehicles contained in §§ 241-245 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. §§ 7581 - 7595.
Clean fueled vehicle means a vehicle in a class or category of vehicles which has been certified to meet the applicable clean-fuel vehicle standards as defined by and pursuant to the federal Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.
Commercial parking space means a parking space available for use by the general public at any time for a fee and shall not include:
Department means the Department of Environmental Protection.
EPA means the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Flex Time means a wide range of flexible scheduling procedures that allows employees to set their own start times at their place of employment with the purpose of avoiding peak commute periods.
Four-day Workweek means a provision which allows employees to work the number of hours normally worked in a five-day period in a four-day period.
Monitoring and Demonstration Plan means the monitoring and demonstration plan developed by the City and approved by DEP on July 17,1996 for use by the City in connection with 310 CMR 60.04 and as it may be amended by the City in consultation with DEP.
MBTA means the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.
Oversight Committee means a panel jointly appointed by the Department and the City.
Preferential Parking means parking spaces reserved for motor vehicles such as carpools, vanpools, ULEVs and ZEVs which produce lower emissions than a single occupant vehicle. Preferential parking may be provided in more convenient locations to destinations as an incentive to utilize lower emitting modes of travel.
SIP is the portion (or portions) of the state implementation plan, or most recent revision thereof, approved under § 110 of the Clean Air Act, or promulgated under § 110(c), or promulgated under § 301(d) and which implements the relevant requirements of the Clean Air Act.
Telecommuting means working at home or at a satellite facility which substantially reduces the VMT which would occur by working at the primary employment location.
ULEV means an ultra low emitting vehicle as defined at 310 CMR 7.40.
Vanpool means a vehicle carrying eight or more passengers.
VMT means vehicle miles travelled.
Vehicle trip reduction programs are programs designed to reduce VMT or vehicle trips by influencing travel behavior and demand or by reducing air emissions from mobile sources by utilizing clean fuels.
ZEV means a zero emitting passenger car or light duty truck which produces zero emissions under any and all possible operations.
Improved Coordination with the MBTA.
310 CMR, § 60.04