309 CMR, § 3.02

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 3.02 - Qualifications for Eligibility to Take Licensing Examination

Applicants must demonstrate that they meet the following requirements for the Board to determine that they are eligible to take the licensing examination:

(1)Minimum Education Requirements. Applicants for licensure shall meet the requirements of one of the following tracks:
(a)Standard Track. Applicant has earned a baccalaureate, masters or doctorate degree from a recognized educational institution in one of the curricula listed in Appendix A, or in a curriculum found to be equivalent by the Board.
(b)Alternate Track. Applicant has earned at least a high school diploma, but does not meet the requirements for the Standard Track.
(2)Minimum Experience Requirements. Each applicant shall demonstrate to the Board's satisfaction that he or she meets the requirements for total professional experience and relevant professional experience, determined separately for each position. Qualifying total professional experience and relevant professional experience must be work of a professional grade and character performed for a minimum average of 20 hours per week that indicates the applicant is competent to render waste site cleanup activity opinions. Total professional experience or relevant professional experience performed for less than a minimum average of 20 hours per week will be applied toward the satisfaction of 309 CMR 3.02(2) on a pro rata basis.
(a) Standard Track applicants must have eight years of total professional experience, five years of which are relevant professional experience. At least three years of the relevant professional experience must have occurred within five years prior to submission of an application for licensure.
(b) Alternate Track applicants must have 14 years of total professional experience, seven years of which are relevant professional experience. At least three years of the relevant professional experience must have occurred within five years prior to submission of an application for licensure.
(c) Work performed during a period of full-time undergraduate study at an educational institution is considered part of the educational program and is not considered acceptable professional experience; provided, however, that the Board may accept work performed for periods of at least two and one half consecutive months per calendar year when not enrolled as a full-time student, during, or incidental to, undergraduate education as total professional experience if the applicant did not receive college credits for that work.
(3)Good Moral Character. Applicants shall demonstrate that they possess good moral character.
(4)Credits. Applicants who have earned degrees from recognized educational institutions in addition to those required to meet the minimum educational requirements set forth in 309 CMR 3.02 may request that the Board credit some or all of that additional education toward the requirements for total professional experience in accordance with the following:
(a) in the case of an applicant seeking a license via the Standard Track, one year credit for each master's degree, and two years credit for a doctorate degree, if the degrees are from a recognized educational institution in one of the curricula listed in Appendix A or in a curriculum found to be equivalent by the Board; or
(b) in the case of an applicant seeking a license via the Alternate Track, one year credit for each associate's degree, and two years credit for a baccalaureate or higher degree. The Board will grant to an applicant up to two years maximum credit for additional education.

309 CMR, § 3.02