Section 12.11 - Rules of Conduct on DCR Properties - Hunting, Fishing, Trapping(1) Any person who hunts, fishes and traps on DCR property shall comply with M.G.L. chs. 130, 131, and 321 CMR: Division of Fisheries and Wildlife.(2) Hunting, fishing, and trapping is permitted within the boundaries of any DCR property except those properties or areas listed in 302 CMR 12.11(3) or (4).(3) Unless authorized by the Commissioner or specifically authorized by law, including the Colonial Ordinances of 1641-47 concerning the intertidal zone, and in compliance with all other laws, no person may hunt or trap on the following DCR properties, or specific sections of the properties listed in 302 CMR 12.11(3)(a) through (qq): (a) Ames Nowell State Park: Abington;(b) Arthur Warton Swann State Forest: Monterey;(c) Ashland State Park: Ashland;(d) Bates Memorial State Park: Hancock;(e) Borderland State Park: Sharon, Easton;(f) Bradley W. Palmer State Park: Hamilton, Ipswich, Topsfield;(g) Bristol-Blake State Reservation: Norfolk;(h) Callahan State Park: Framingham, Marlborough, Southborough;(i) Cape Cod Rail Trail: Dennis, Harwich, Brewster, Orleans, Eastham, Wellfleet;(j) Captain William K. Webb Memorial State Park: Weymouth (above the high tide line);(k) Chicopee State Park: Chicopee;(l) Cochituate State Park: Natick, Framingham, Wayland;(m) Cushing Memorial State Park: Scituate;(n) Daughters of American Revolution State Forest: Goshen;(o) Demarest Lloyd Memorial State Park: Dartmouth;(p) Dighton Rock State Park: Berkley;(q) Great Brook Farm State Park: All lands within the Town of Carlisle;(r) Halibut Point State Park: Rockport;(s) Hampton Ponds State Park: Westfield;(t) Hopkinton State Park: Hopkinton, Ashland;(u) Maudslay State Park: Newburyport;(v) Mount Everett Reservation: Mount Washington;(w) Mount Tom State Reservation: Holyoke and Easthampton;(x) Nickerson State Park: Brewster;(y) Nobscot Hill Property: Framingham;(z) Purgatory Chasm: Sutton;(aa) Quinsigamond State Park: Worcester, Shrewsbury;(bb) Robinson State Park: Agawam, Westfield, West Springfield;(cc) Skinner State Park: Hadley, South Hadley;(dd) Standish Monument State Reservation: Duxbury;(ee) Heritage State Parks: Lynn, Lowell, Lawrence, Roxbury, Holyoke, Fall River, Gardner, Holyoke;(ff) Wahconah Falls State Park: Dalton, Hinsdale, Windsor;(gg) Whitehall State Park: Hopkinton;(hh) Walden Pond State Reservation: Lincoln, Concord;(ii) All properties in the following municipalities: Arlington, Belmont, Boston, Braintree, Brookline, Cambridge, Canton, Chelsea, Dedham, Dover, Everett, Hingham, Hull, Lynn, Malden, Medford, Melrose, Milton, Nahant, Needham, Newton, Quincy, Revere, Saugus, Somerville, Stoneham, Swampscott, Wakefield, Waltham, Watertown, Wellesley, Weston, Westwood, Weymouth, Winchester, Winthrop;(jj) Charles River State Reservation/Medfield State Hospital, Medfield (hunting is prohibited north and east of Route 27, except for bow and primitive arms, which are allowed on the parcel bounded on the northwest by the Charles River, on the northeast by the Conrail tracks, and on the south by Route 27/Hospital Road (excluding the cemetery));(kk) Mt. Washington State Forest, Mt. Washington (only the area known as the former "Intemann Property");(ll) No hunting within 500 feet of campsites at Federated Women's Clubs State Forest, Petersham (Description of closed area: Beginning at a stake on the northerly side of the Dana-Petersham Road, said stake being the most westerly point of the area to be described, thence following said Dana-Petersham Road in an easterly and southeasterly direction for a distance of 3,500 feet more or less, to a stone bound; thence S 81 21' E 831.77' to a stone bound; thence N 4 13' E 757.73' along a fence to an angle in said fence; thence N 60 13' E 702.33' along said fence to a junction of fences; thence N 83 50' W 436' to a corner of fences; thence N 4 20' E 1772' along a fence and stone wall to an iron pin; thence N 86 10' W 1420' to a stake; thence S 50 50' W to the point of beginning. Containing 140 acres);(mm) Harold Parker State Forest, Andover (Description of closed area: All portions of Harold Parker State Forest in the town of Andover, West of Jenkins Road);(nn) Greylock State Reservation (Description of closed area: Hunting is prohibited within a radius of 3/4 miles from the Mount Greylock summit, the area designated by statute as the War Memorial Park. In addition, no hunting shall be allowed from May 20th to the day observed by the Commonwealth as Columbus Day);(oo) Willowdale State Forest, Ipswich and Topsfield (Description of closed area: east of U.S. Highway Route 1);(pp) Lowell Dracut State Forest, Lowell (Description of closed area: 150 acres included in the Native American Permit area); and(qq) Wompatuck State Park (Description of closed area: all areas of the park with the exception of the portion of the park known as the "South Group," which is generally located west of Union Street/Mt. Blue Street, south of the Aaron River, and includes the area known as "Prospect Hill".) Special restrictions at Wompatuck State Park: 1. No hunting of deer is permitted; and2. No person may use any weapon other than a shotgun or bow and arrow for the purpose of taking game, with the exception that for the purpose of raccoon hunting, the firearms regulations of the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife shall apply.(4) No person may hunt on the following DCR property, except with bow and arrow only: Prospect Hill, Rowley.(5) No person may fish on the following DCR properties, or specific sections of the properties listed in 302 CMR 12.11(5)(a) through (e): (a) Fall River Heritage State Park (areas south of the boathouse);(b) Holyoke Heritage State Park;(c) Lowell Heritage State Park, with the following exceptions: 1. Merrimack Canal adjacent to Lucy Larcom Park;2. Area along Eastern Canal adjacent to Prescott and Kerouac Parks;3. Western Canal along Suffolk Street between Fletcher Street, Merrimack Street, and Moody Street;4. Pawtucket Canal along walkway, not including stairway between Market Street parking lot and Central Street; and5. Merrimack Riverfront Park except at boathouse;(d) Lynn Heritage State Park, except at the area designated for fishing on the pier; and(e) Charles River boat locks.(6) No person may hunt, trap or discharge a firearm within 500 feet of the border of a DCR designated campsite or camping structure, including those along the Appalachian Trail.(7) No person may hunt or shoot at any wildlife within 500 feet of any designated DCR picnic area, camping area, residence, service building, parking lot, camping structure, or designated swimming area.(8) No person may fish in any inland designated swimming areas or where boundaries are posted with "no fishing" signs.(9) No person may fish in a designated coastal swimming area during the hours between 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M., from Memorial Day to Labor Day.(10) No person may install a permanent tree stand on DCR property. A permanent tree stand is defined as that type of hunting platform or structure (emplaced for any period of time) which is fastened to a tree by nails, bolts, wire, or other fasteners which intrude through the bark into the wood of the tree, or, which is fastened or erected in any manner and is emplaced for a period exceeding 30 days.Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1272, eff. 10/24/2014.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1471, eff. 6/10/2022.