Before designating an area, the Secretary shall hold a public hearing. The hearing must be held within 25 miles of the area nominated or at the nearest location where a suitable facility exists. Public notice of the hearing shall be published by the Secretary not less than 30 days before such hearing in the Environmental Monitor. Notice shall also be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the vicinity of the nominated area and in appropriate trade, industry, informational, or professional publications. Such notice shall be mailed to the appropriate Boards of Selectmen, Town Managers, City Councils, or Mayors; Planning Boards; Conservation Commission; and at the Secretary's discretion, to interested citizens or organizations. Such notice shall include a citation of the authority under which the designation would occur, a summary of the reasons proposed for such a designation, the time and place of the hearing, and the method by which members of the public may make their views known. A map of the area to be designated may be included.
301 CMR, § 12.07