271 CMR, § 9.01

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 9.01 - Jurisdiction of Inspectors
(1)Commonwealth Inspections. Permits to perform sheet metal work in buildings owned, used, or leased by the Commonwealth shall be submitted to the Board. The Board and designated DPL staff shall grant or deny such permit applications and DPL inspectors shall perform the related inspections. Non-refundable fees for Commonwealth permits shall be established by the Secretary of Administration and Finance pursuant to M.G.L. c. 7, § 3B. Commonwealth inspectors may inspect any work site regardless of the issuing authority for the permit.
(2)Local Inspections. For all buildings that are not owned or constructed by the United States Government or owned, used or constructed by the Commonwealth, permit applications shall be submitted to the local inspector of buildings, or a like official, who shall grant or deny all such permit applications and who shall perform the related inspections. Fees and fee procedures for local inspections shall be determined by the municipalities.

NOTE: For those buildings owned or constructed by the United States Government, permits and inspections are only performed at the request of the Federal Government

(3)Interchangeable Meaning. Throughout 271 CMR the term "Inspector" shall refer to the inspector having jurisdiction, either the Local or Commonwealth Inspector.
(4)Right of Entry. Subject to compliance with all relevant Federal and Commonwealth laws, the inspector, after proper identification, shall have the right to enter any premises for the purpose of conducting inspections of sheet metal work. Except in the case of emergencies, inspectors will perm their duties and inspections during the normal working hours of the day.

271 CMR, § 9.01

Amended by Mass Register Issue 1326, eff. 11/18/2016.