211 CMR, § 50.04
Any insurance producer licensed to sell one or more lines of insurance listed in 211 CMR 50.03(1) shall satisfactorily complete 60 hours of approved instruction prior to the renewal date of his or her initial insurance license. Following the initial renewal, any person licensed to sell one or more lines of insurance shall satisfactorily complete, for each 36 month period prior to the renewal date of his or her license, 45 hours or equivalent of approved instruction. Said instruction shall include a program of instruction or seminar on Massachusetts Approved Ethics (MAE) equivalent to three classroom hours of instruction. The requirements of 211 CMR 50.04 may be met by the licensee in any of the lines of insurance for which he or she is licensed. Licensees are encouraged to take at least one credit hour of approved instruction in each line for which they are licensed.
211 CMR, § 50.04