211 CMR, § 50.02
Commissioner. The Commissioner of Insurance, appointed under the provisions of M.G.L. c. 26, § 6, or his or her designee
Committee. The review committee established pursuant to M.G.L. c. 175, § 177E, subsection J.
Continuing Education Administrator or Administrator. A third party selected by the Commissioner to review continuing education courses and to maintain records of course completion.
Insurance Producers. All persons required to be licensed under the laws of the Commonwealth to sell, solicit or negotiate insurance.
Person. An individual or a business entity.
Satisfactory Completion. Completion in accordance with course credit rules established by the Committee.
Sponsor. Any business entity, trade association or other group which develops a course of study, monitors insurance producer participation in a course of study, or otherwise administers a course of study approved for continuing education credits pursuant to 211 CMR 50.00.
211 CMR, § 50.02