205 CMR, § 4.13

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 4.13 - General Rules
(1) The definitions and interpretations of racing terms, heretofore set forth as well as the Foreword are to be considered in connection with 205 CMR 4.00 and as part of them.
(2) All owners and trainers of horses and their stable employees are subject to M.G.L. c. 128A and 205 CMR 4.00 immediately upon acceptance and occupancy of stabling accommodations from or approved by an Association or upon making entry to run on its track.
(3) Owners, trainers and stable employees shall abide by M.G.L. c. 128A and 205 CMR 4.00 and accept the decision of the Stewards on any and all questions to which their authority extends, subject to their right of appeal to the Commission.
(4) Every person participating in and every patron of a licensed Race Meeting shall abide by M.G.L. c. 128A and 205 CMR 4.00, and accept the Stewards' decisions on any and all questions to which their authority extends, subject to the right of appeal to the Commission.
(5)Safety Equipment.
(a) Any person mounted on a horse or stable pony on association grounds must wear a properly secured safety helmet at all times. Additionally, all members of the starting gate crew must adhere to this regulation at all times while performing their duties or handling a horse. For the purpose of 205 CMR 4.13(5)(a), a member of the starting gate crew means any person licensed as an assistant starter or any person who handles a horse in the starting gate. The helmet must comply with one of the following minimum safety standards: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM 1163); UK Standards (EN-1384 and PAS-015); or Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZ 3838).
(b) Any person mounted on a horse or stable pony on the association grounds must wear a properly-secured safety vest at all times. Additionally, all members of the starting gate crew must also adhere to 205 CMR 4.13(5)(b) at all times while performing their duties or handling a horse. For the purpose of 205 CMR 4.13(5)(b), a member of the starting gate crew means any person licensed as an assistant starter or any person who handles a horse at the starting gate. The safety vest must comply with one of the following minimum standards: British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA):2000 Level 1; Euro Norm (EN) 13158:2000 Level 1; American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) F2681-08 or F1937; Shoe and Allied Trade Research Association (SATRA) Jockey Vest Document M6 Issue 3; or Australian Racing Board (ARB) Standard 1.1998.
(c) A safety helmet or a safety vest shall not be altered in any manner nor shall the product marking be removed or defaced.
(6) No person shall use improper, profane or indecent language to a racing official.
(7) No person shall in any manner, or at any time, disturb the peace or make himself or herself obnoxious on the grounds of an Association.
(8) No person shall make a handbook or a foreign book on the grounds of an Association.
(9) No person shall solicit for or bet from a handbook or foreign book on the grounds of an Association.
(10) No person shall make a bet with a handbook or foreign book on the grounds of an Association.
(11) Any person, who participates in an unrecognized meeting anywhere, either as a racing official or as an owner, trainer or jockey, may be adjudged guilty of conduct detrimental to racing.
(12) No person or horse ruled off, or under suspension by any recognized turf authority, trotting association included, shall be admitted to the grounds of any Association. (For exception, see 205 CMR 4.15(12).)
(13) No person shall be allowed in the Steward's stand unless previous permission is obtained from the Stewards.
(14) Any person who has been convicted by any court anywhere for illegal possession, sale or giving away of narcotics may be ruled off.
(15) Any person who has been arrested and/or charged with a violation of the law may be suspended until such time as said charge has been adjudged.
(16) If any owner, trainer, jockey, stable employee, or other person solicits bets from the public by correspondence or other methods, to be made on any horse which is to run on a track in Massachusetts, such person or persons shall be ruled off.
(17) When a person is ruled off a course or suspended, every horse owned in whole or in part by him or her shall be ineligible to be entered or to start in any race until said horse has been reinstated either by the rescinding of his or her owner's penalty or his or her transfer through bona fide sale to an ownership acceptable to the Stewards.
(18) When a person is ruled off a course or suspended, any horse which is under his or her care, management, training or superintendence shall not be qualified to be entered or to start in any race until said horse has been reinstated by the rescinding of said person's penalty or by the placement of the horse in the hand of a licensed trainer and the approval of the transfer by the Stewards.
(19) When a person is ruled off a course or suspended, he or she shall not be qualified, whether acting as agent or otherwise to subscribe for or to enter or run any horse in any race either in his or her own name or in that of any other person until the rescinding of that person's penalty.
(20) Any horse that has been the subject of fraudulent practice may be disqualified.
(21) When a person is ruled off for a fraudulent practice in relation to a particular horse, wholly or partly belonging to him or her, he or she shall return all money or prizes that such horse has fraudulently won.
(22) Violators of any rule will be subject to ejection from the grounds, and/or to forfeiture, suspension or ruling off.
(23) No horse will be allowed at a track and no horse shall be entered or permitted to start unless a current, valid health certificate showing that said horse has been examined and found to be free from symptoms of any infections or communicable disease, is on file. The Association conducting the racing meeting is responsible for compliance with 205 CMR 4.13(23).
(24) The Stewards may suspend for no greater period than 180 days anyone whom they have authority to supervise, or they may impose a forfeiture, not exceeding $3,000.00. All such suspensions and forfeitures must be reported to the Commission. If the punishment so imposed is not in the opinion of the Stewards sufficient, they shall so report to the Commission.
(25) Complaints against racing official (other than a Steward) or his or her assistant shall be made to the Stewards in writing and be signed by the complainant. Complaints against a Steward shall be made in writing to the Commission and be signed by the complainant.
(26) When a hearing is to be held by the Board of Stewards, the person or persons involved must be properly notified and given the opportunity to hear all of the evidence presented against them. If any summoned or notified party shall fail to appear, an order or ruling may be made against them by default.
(27) Every racing Association, the Commission or the Stewards investigating for violations of M.G.L. c. 128A or 205 CMR 4.00 shall have the right to permit persons authorized by any of them to search the person, or enter and search the buildings, stables, rooms, vehicles or other places within the grounds of the association, or at other places where horses which are eligible to race are kept together with the personal property and effects contained therein. Every licensed person or person permitted to pursue his or her occupation or employment within the grounds of any association by accepting his or her license or such permission does thereby irrevocably consent to such search as aforesaid and waive and release all claims or possible actions for damages that he or she may have by virtue of any action taken under 205 CMR 4.00.
(28) No person shall make false or misleading statements to the Stewards.
(29) No licensee or other person under the jurisdiction of the Commission shall subject or permit any animal under his or her control, custody or supervision to be subjected to or to incur any form of cruelty, mistreatment, neglect or abuse or abandon, injure, maim or kill or administer any noxious substance to or deprive any animal of necessary care or sustenance, shelter or veterinary care.

205 CMR, § 4.13