Section 434.421 - Psychiatric Day Treatment Program Services(A) A psychiatric day treatment program is a planned combination of diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitative services provided to mentally or emotionally disturbed persons who need more active or inclusive treatment than is typically available through a weekly visit for outpatient mental health services, but who do not need full-time hospitalization or institutionalization. Such a program uses multiple, intensive, and focused activities in a supportive environment to enable these individuals to acquire more realistic and appropriate behavior patterns, attitudes, and skills for eventual independent functioning in the community.(B) The MassHealth agency pays for services provided as part of an organized psychiatric day treatment program by the outpatient department of a psychiatric hospital. These services must be furnished in compliance with MassHealth regulations governing psychiatric day treatment program services in 130 CMR 417.000. (See Subchapter 5 of the Psychiatric Outpatient Hospital Manual for instructions about obtaining the Psychiatric Day Treatment Program Manual, which contains the necessary regulations.)