130 CMR, § 405.477
Comprehensive Assessment - a systematic, timely, and clearly documented screening process that provides the foundation for care coordination and the individual care plan. The assessment includes information and data from multiple sources and reflects key information about the member and their parent/guardian's needs and priorities.
Individual Care Plan (ICP) - a plan that specifies the goals and actions to address the medical, educational, social, behavioral, or other services needed by the member and their parent/guardian.
Local Education Agency - a public authority legally constituted by the state as an administrative agency to provide control of and direction for kindergarten through grade 12 public educational institutions.
Medical Complexity - a combination of multiorgan system involvement from chronic health condition(s) that often result in functional limitations, ongoing use of medical technology, and high resource need and use.
Natural Supports - include family, friends, neighbors, and self-help groups intentionally identified to support the member. This support system is an active component of the ICP to support the member and their parent/guardian.
Subspecialist - a provider who specializes in a narrow field of professional knowledge/skills within a medical specialty, such as pediatric congenital heart disease within the broad specialty of cardiology.
130 CMR, § 405.477