115 CMR, § 12.12
The results of fingerprint-based checks of the state and national criminal history databases from DCJIS shall be treated according to EOHHS's regulations regarding criminal offender record information, 101 CMR 15.00: Criminal Offender Record Checks and M.G.L. c. 6, §§ 167 through 178. The report or findings of fingerprint-based checks may be disseminated only to Department personnel certified by DCJIS to receive such information, to the candidate, or to other person(s) legally authorized to receive such information. The Department will maintain a listing of personnel so certified by DCJIS. Dissemination of the results of fingerprint-based checks, except as authorized by M.G.L. c. 6, §§ 168 through 178 and 115 CMR 12.00, and DCJIS policies is prohibited.
115 CMR, § 12.12