115 CMR, § 12.03
115 CMR 12.00 applies to all applicants seeking a license for a facility offering DDS clients residential, day, or any other service licensed or funded by DDS; any household member or person 15 years of age or older regularly on the premises of such applicants for licensure; all current and prospective employees in any DDS licensed, contracted, funded, or approved program who have the potential for unsupervised contact with Department clients; any individual who provides transportation services on behalf of any DDS licensed, funded, or approved program; any person providing residential or support services in any DDS or contracted vendor program with the potential for unsupervised contact with Department clients; any household member or person 15 years of age or older regularly on the premises of such programs; and any other individual required by M.G.L. c. 19B, §§ 19 and 20 to undergo a fingerprint-based check of the state and national criminal history databases.
115 CMR, § 12.03