On going support services must include an assessment of employment stability and provision of specific services or the coordination of services at or away from the worksite that are needed to maintain stability. Ongoing support services need to be based on, at a minimum, twice-monthly monitoring at the worksite of the individual or twice monthly meetings with the individual and one meeting with the employer. Off site meetings must be documented as such in the case record. Ongoing support services consist of:
The source of extended services should be identified at the time that intensive supported employment services are planned during IPE development. If no source can be identified at that time, but there is a reasonable expectation that such a source will become available, then a statement must be included in the IPE and intensive supported employment services may be provided.
Intensive supported employment services address employment related objectives such as learning:
The case should be closed when the individual's work performance stabilizes and the job coaching and related interventions have decreased to the lowest level needed by the individual to maintain the employment outcome. The closure decision should be made jointly by the individual, the counselor, and the employer.
Supported employment services are subject to determination of financial participation and consideration of any comparable benefit available to an individual to meet, in whole or in part, the cost of supported employment services.
107 CMR, § 6.20