Title 106 CMR 706.000 - Transitional Cash Assistance Programs (TCAP): Auxiliary Activities
- Section 706.000 - Overview of Auxiliary Activities
- Section 706.100 - Inquiries, Requests, and Complaints
- Section 706.110 - Inquiries
- Section 706.130 - Complaints
- Section 706.140 - Oral Complaints
- Section 706.150 - Written Complaints
- Section 706.200 - Overpayments and Underpayments
- Section 706.210 - Correction of Overpayments and Underpayments
- Section 706.220 - Causes of Overpayments
- Section 706.230 - Bureau of Special Investigations
- Section 706.240 - Referral to the Bureau of Special Investigations
- Section 706.250 - Recovery
- Section 706.260 - Recovery of Overpayments Resulting from Department Error and Payments Pending a Fair Hearing Decision and Non-fraudulent Client Error
- Section 706.270 - Recovery of Overpayments Resulting from Possible Fraud
- Section 706.280 - Recovery from Closed Cases
- Section 706.290 - Recovery from Current Clients
- Section 706.295 - Recovery by Wage Assignment
- Section 706.296 - Recovery of Legal Counsel Fee
- Section 706.300 - Definition of an Intentional Program Violation(IPV)
- Section 706.305 - Intentional Program Violations(IPV) Disqualification Penalties
- Section 706.310 - Warning to Applicants and Clients
- Section 706.315 - Introduction to Administrative Disqualification Hearings (ADH)
- Section 706.320 - Advance Notice of an Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH)
- Section 706.325 - Timeliness Standards
- Section 706.330 - Consolidation of Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH) with Fair Hearing
- Section 706.335 - The Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH)
- Section 706.340 - Waiver of an Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH)
- Section 706.345 - Results of an Administrative Disqualification Hearing (ADH) or Waiver - Notification
- Section 706.346 - Out-of-state Intentional Program Violation Disqualification (IPV) Referrals for TAFDC
- Section 706.350 - Civil and Criminal Prosecution
- Section 706.355 - Duties and Limitations on the Department with Respect to Court Ordered Disqualification
- Section 706.360 - Notification of Court Imposed Disqualification
- Section 706.365 - Overturned Intentional Program Violation (IPV) Disqualification
- Section 706.400 - Delivery of Benefits
- Section 706.410 - Direct Deposit
- Section 706.420 - Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)
- Section 706.430 - Check Cashing Requirements
- Section 706.500 - Lost and Stolen Checks
- Section 706.510 - Authorization of a Replacement Check
- Section 706.520 - Issuance of a Replacement Check
- Section 706.530 - Immediate Assistance Pending Replacement
- Section 706.600 - Vendor Payments
- Section 706.610 - Vendor Payments for TAFDC Sanction Situations
- Section 706.620 - Vendor Payments for Mismanagement of Funds
- Section 706.630 - Voluntary Vendor Payments
- Section 706.640 - Vendor Payments for EAEDC- or TAFDC- Related Benefits
- Section 706.650 - Determination of Amount of Vendor Payments
- Section 706.660 - Vendor Payments for Housing
- Section 706.670 - Notification of Request for Vendor Payments
- Section 706.680 - Notification of Vendor Payment Status
- Section 706.690 - Exceptions to Advance Vendor Notification
- Section 706.700 - Quality Control
- Section 706.710 - Requirement of Cooperation with Quality Control Reviews