Section 803.520 - Plan of Correction(1) The Department may require any Certified Health Officer pursuant to 105 CMR 803.510(2)(b) to submit a written plan of correction for each existing deficiency.(2) The Certified Health Officer shall specify in the plan of correction the manner in which the deficiency shall be corrected and the date by which the deficiency shall be corrected.(3) The plan of correction shall be submitted to the Department no later than ten calendar days after written notice of deficiency and request by the Department for submission of such plan, or sooner as determined by the Department if deficiencies threaten health and safety.(4) The Department shall approve or deny the plan of correction within ten calendar days of receipt of the plan. Failure to respond to a submitted plan of correction within ten calendar days of receipt shall be deemed an acceptance of the plan of correction.(5) Failure to timely submit an acceptable plan of correction or failure to timely correct the deficiency in accordance with the plan of correction are grounds for further enforcement action including suspension or revocation of a certification.Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1492, eff. 3/31/2023.