105 CMR, § 803.020
Approved School of Public Health shall mean any school, which grants a bachelor's degree or a graduate degree in public health and which is recognized as accredited by the United States Department of Education, or any other educational institution approved by the Department.
Board of Health shall mean the appropriate and legally designated health authority of a city, town, or other legally constituted governmental unit within the Commonwealth having the usual powers and duties of the board of health or health department of a city or town.
Certified Health Officer or C.H.O shall mean a Health Officer who has been duly certified by the Department and who maintains such active certification and shall include Health Officers with active certification by the Division of Occupational Licensure as of December 31, 2022.
Contact Hour shall mean the unit of measurement of organized learning experience lasting 50 consecutive minutes.
Commissioner shall mean the Commissioner of Public Health.
Continuing Education shall mean planned learning experiences designed to augment the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of a Certified Health Officer, for improving the health of the public.
Department shall mean the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.
Evaluation shall mean the process of determining whether Objectives have been met.
Health Officer shall mean a person with broad basic education and experience in the physical, biological, and social sciences, supplemented by specialization in the field of health administration and who is qualified to carry out public health administrative duties and enforce the laws in the field of public health.
Objective shall mean a statement that delineates a desired, specific attainable and/or measurable change in a learner's behavior.
Program shall mean seminars, educational courses, lectures, conferences, and workshops offered by Providers.
Provider shall mean professional organizations and educational institutions recognized by the Department and shall include colleges, universities, municipal, state, and federal agencies, public health organizations, and other professional associations and organizations offering Continuing Education.
105 CMR, § 803.020