105 CMR, § 330.300
A certificate of vaccination must be completed in triplicate by the vaccinating veterinarian. The original copy shall be filed by the vaccinating veterinarian within 30 days with the clerk of the city or town where the dog is licensed, one copy of to be provided to the owner of the dog, and one shall be retained by the vaccinating veterinarian. The certificate shall be either the certificate recommended in the latest Compendium of Animal Rabies control published by the national Association of state Public Health veterinarians or a certificate containing at least the following information: the owner's name and address; a description of the animal, including breed, sex, age, name and distinctive markings; date of vaccination; rabies vaccination tag number; type of rabies vaccine used; route of vaccination; expiration date of the vaccine; and the vaccine lot number.
105 CMR, § 330.300