Section 271.005 - Responsibilities of CarriersA Carrier shall report data regarding postpartum screening conducted by Providers on an annual basis by March 1st for the previous calendar year to the Department using one of the following methods of reporting:
(A) Directly through submission of an annual report to the Department no later than March 1st for the previous calendar year using a form or electronic format specified by the Commissioner and in accordance with guidelines issued by the Commissioner; or(B) Indirectly through submission of reportable claims to the Center for Health Information and Analysis on an ongoing basis in accordance with applicable guidelines issued by the Commissioner, in consultation with the Center for Health Information and Analysis, regarding requisite code(s), mechanisms and deadlines for the reporting. A reportable claim means a claim for postpartum screening services covered by the Carrier in accordance with the Carrier's coverage and payment policies during a given calendar year for which an annual report would otherwise be due for submission to the Department under 105 CMR 271.004(A).Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1275, eff. 12/5/2014.