105 CMR, § 200.100

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 200.100 - Physical Examinations Required by Primary Care Provider or School Physician
(A) The school health program should encourage the performance of the physical examination required in 105 CMR 200.100 by the student's own physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant whenever possible. Said health care provider shall record the results of the physical examination on health record forms approved by the Department of Public Health (Department) and provide a copy of this record containing the results of the examination and the physician's, physician assistant's or nurse practitioner's recommendations to the school. With the consent of the parent or legal guardian, the student's primary care provider shall be furnished with a copy of the record of a physical examination performed in the school.
(B) The school committee or board of health shall ensure that every student in the public schools be separately and carefully examined by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant, as follows:
(1) within one year prior to entrance to school or within 30 days after school entry and at intervals of either three or four years thereafter. A student transferred from another school system shall be examined as an entering student. Health records transferred from the student's previous school may be used to determine compliance with this requirement;
(2) students under 16 and over 14 years of age requesting employment certificates;
(3) prior to a student's participation in competitive athletics, on an annual basis.

105 CMR, § 200.100