Section 942.03 - Minimum Requirements in Classification (Required)The Classification Plan shall include written policy and procedure that require:
(1) Female inmates shall be housed separately from and out of sight of male inmates.(2) Juveniles tried and adjudicated as adults shall be managed separately from adult inmates.(3) Awaiting trial inmates shall be housed according to statute.(4) Inmates assessed as having special needs (mentally ill, drug addicts, handicapped, emotionally disturbed, chronically ill) shall be managed, and where necessary, housed separately.(5) Inmates who, because of their criminal record, the nature of the charges pending against them, their behavior within the facility or other reliable and relevant information, are determined to be a threat to persons, property, or the security of the institution, or in need of protection from other inmates, shall be housed separately from inmates in the general population in a living area operated in accordance with suitable security procedures.(6) Inmates shall not be segregated by reasons of race, religion, political beliefs, or national origin.(7) Inmates shall be classified in appropriate levels of security which shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a)Maximum Security: A security level in which both the design/construction as well as inmate classification reflect the need to provide maximum external and internal control and supervision of inmates primarily through the use of high security perimeters and extensive use of internal physical barriers and check points. 103 CMR 942.03(7)(a) is applicable to all jail only facilities.(b)Medium Security: A security level in which both the design/construction as well as inmate classification reflect the goal of restoring to the inmates some degree of responsibility and control of their own behavior and actions, while still ensuring the safety of the staff and other inmates. Design/construction is generally characterized by high security perimeters and limited use of internal physical barriers.(c)Minimum Security: A security level in which both the design/construction as well as inmate classification reflect the goal of returning to the inmate a greater sense of personal responsibility and autonomy while still providing for supervision and monitoring of behavior and activity. Design/construction is generally characterized by limiting security to exterior building walls.(d)Pre-release Security: A security level in which both design/construction as well as inmate classification reflect the goal of restoring to the inmate the maximum of responsibility and control of their own behavior and actions prior to release. Design/construction is generally characterized by providing monitoring abilities to the building exterior walls.