Title 103 CMR 485.00 - Volunteers And Volunteer Programs
- Section 485.01 - Purpose
- Section 485.02 - Cancellation
- Section 485.03 - Applicability
- Section 485.04 - Access to Regulation
- Section 485.05 - Definitions
- Section 485.06 - Administration and Supervision of Volunteers and Volunteer Programs
- Section 485.07 - Recruitment of Volunteers
- Section 485.08 - Application Procedures for Permanent Volunteers
- Section 485.09 - Application Procedures for Ex-offenders
- Section 485.10 - Temporary Volunteers
- Section 485.11 - Reentry Volunteers
- Section 485.12 - Application Procedures for Volunteer Programs and Special Activities
- Section 485.13 - Orientation
- Section 485.14 - Entrance to Correctional Institutions
- Section 485.15 - Security
- Section 485.16 - Rescission of Approval for Volunteers and Volunteer Programs
- Section 485.17 - Responsible Staff
- Section 485.18 - Annual Review
- Section 485.19 - Severability Clause