103 CMR, § 131.07

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 131.07 - News Release Statements

The Department is committed to informing the public and the news media of events within the agency's areas of responsibility. All Department news release statements shall be released to the news media through the Office of Communications and Outreach with the Commissioner's approval. Employees, contractual staff, and volunteers shall refer all news media inquiries to the director of public affairs for official response.

(1) Except as provided in 103 CMR 131.07(2), the Department is prohibited from commenting and/or releasing the following information:
(a) Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI);
(b) Evaluative Information;
(c) Intelligence or Investigative Information;
(d) Medical Data;
(e) Personnel information regarding an employee of the Department of Correction as described in the 103 DOC 204.00: Personnel Records policy, available at http://www.mass.gov/doc/policy.
(2) The Commissioner or a designee shall decide whether the Department will disseminate CORI that refers to the death of an individual or that is specifically related to and contemporaneous with the search for, or apprehension of, any person who has escaped from correctional custody or who has been involved in a disturbance at a correctional institution.
(3) It is the general policy of the Department not to comment on on-going or pending investigations involving inmates and/or employees in order to protect the integrity of the investigation. The Commissioner may authorize the release of preliminary information as deemed appropriate.
(4) In the event of a hostage situation or a major disturbance, a specific area shall be designated for news media representatives, at which time an on-site Department of Correction Spokesperson shall provide a general, prepared statement outlining the occurrences. For the safety of all concerned, information shall be released at a time deemed appropriate by the Commissioner or a designee.
(5) The Department encourages the dissemination of general and statistical information. However, requests for information otherwise unattainable and/or requiring extensive research may not be available and therefore the person requesting said information may be charged for the cost of searching, segregating, and copying said information.
(6)Departmental Confirmation of Certain Information. The Department may confirm to members of the public, in response to specific inquiries, statements that an offender currently:
(a) resides in a correctional or related facility;
(b) is on furlough, pre-release status, parole, or probation; and
(c) is a participant in a rehabilitation or education program.

103 CMR, § 131.07