Section 415.01 - General Provisions(1)Scope. 101 CMR 415.00 governs the payment rates for community-based day support services that assist individuals to participate in community activities by improving communication, self-care, and relationship-building skills.(2)Applicable Dates of Service. The rates contained in 101 CMR 415.00 apply for dates of service provided on or after July 1, 2023.(3)Disclaimer of Authorization of Services. 101 CMR 415.00 is neither authorization for nor approval of the services for which the regulation establishes payment rates. Purchasing agencies are responsible for the definition, authorization, and approval of services as specified in a contract between the provider and the purchasing agency.(4)Administrative Bulletins. EOHHS may issue administrative bulletins to clarify its policy on substantive provisions of 101 CMR 415.00.Adopted by Mass Register Issue 1308, eff. 3/11/2016.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1351, eff. 11/3/2017.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1394, eff. 6/28/2019.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1446, eff. 6/25/2021.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1459, eff. 1/1/2022.Amended by Mass Register Issue 1503, eff. 9/1/2023.