50 C.F.R. § 17.96

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 17.96 - Critical habitat-plants
(a)Flowering plants.


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for St. Croix, USVI, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Agave eggersiana consist of these components:
(i) Areas consisting of coastal cliffs and dry coastal shrublands.
(A) Coastal cliff habitat includes:
(1) Bare rock; and
(2) Sparse vegetation.
(B) Dry coastal shrubland habitat includes:
(1) Dry forest structure; and
(2) A plant community of predominately native vegetation.
(ii) Well-drained soils from the series Cramer, Glynn, Hasselberg, Southgate, and Victory.
(iii) Habitat of sufficient area to sustain viable populations in the coastal cliffs and dry coastal shrublands described in paragraphs (2)(i)(A) and (2)(i)(B) of this entry.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, bridges, docks, aqueducts, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 9, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of an aerial image (USCOE) and USFS-IITF Landcover GAP raster. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) North American Datum (NAD) 1983 Zone 20 N coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/caribbean/es, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0040, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map of critical habitat units for Agave eggersiana follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Cane Garden, Estate Cane Garden and Estate Peters Mindle, Christiansted, St. Croix, USVI.
(i) Unit 1 includes 6.9 acres (ac) (2.8 hectares (ha)).
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Manchenil, Estate Granard, Christiansted, St. Croix, USVI.
(i) Unit 2 includes 1.5 ac (0.61 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Great Pond, Estate Great Pond, Christiansted, St. Croix, USVI.
(i) Unit 3 includes 0.8 ac (0.32 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Protestant Cay, Protestant Cay, St. Croix, USVI.
(i) Unit 4 includes 0.4 ac (0.16 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(10) Unit 5: East End South, Estate Jack's Bay and Estate Issac's Bay, Christiansted, St. Croix, USVI.
(i) Unit 5 includes 19 ac (7.7 ha).
(ii) Map of Units 5 and 6 follows:

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(11) Unit 6: East End North, Estate Cotton Garden, Christiansted, St. Croix, USVI.
(i) Unit 6 includes 22 ac (8.9 ha).
(ii) Map Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Riverside County, California, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Allium munzii consist of two components:
(i) Clay soil series of sedimentary origin (for example, Altamont, Auld, Bosanko, Porterville), clay lenses (pockets of clay soils) of those series that may be found as unmapped inclusions in other soil series, or soil series of sedimentary or igneous origin with a clay subsoil (for example, Cajalco, Las Posas, Vallecitos):
(A) Found on level or slightly sloping landscapes or terrace escarpments;
(B) Generally between the elevations of 1,200 to 3,500 ft (366 to 1,067 m) above mean sea level;
(C) Within intact natural surface and subsurface structures that have been minimally altered or unaltered by ground-disturbing activities (for example, disked, graded, excavated, or recontoured);
(D) Within microhabitats that receive or retain more moisture than surrounding areas, due in part to factors such as exposure, slope, and subsurface geology; and
(E) Part of open native or nonnative grassland plant communities and clay soil flora, including southern needlegrass grassland, mixed grassland, and open coastal sage scrub or occasionally in cismontane juniper woodlands; or
(ii) Outcrops of igneous rocks (pyroxenite) on rocky-sandy loam or clay soils within Riversidean sage scrub, generally between the elevations of 1,200 to 3,500 ft (366 to 1,067 m) above mean sea level.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and related infrastructure, and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on May 16, 2013.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of USDA digital ortho-photos of Riverside County, California. Critical habitat units were then defined using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Elsinore Peak Unit, Riverside County, California. Map of Elsinore Peak Unit, follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Pima and Cochise Counties, Arizona, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Arizona eryngo consist of the following components:
(i) Cienegas within the Chihuahuan and Sonoran Deserts:
(A) That contain permanently moist to saturated, organic, alkaline soils with some standing water in winter and that are moist at or just below the surface in summer; and
(B) That have functional hydrological processes and are sustained by springflow via discharge of groundwater.
(ii) Areas of open canopy throughout the cienega.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 11, 2022.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of U.S. Geological Survey digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 15N coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/, at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2020-0130, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5)Note: Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Lewis Springs, Cochise County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 1 consists of 9.6 acres (3.9 hectares) encompassing the wetlands at Lewis Springs just to the east of the San Pedro River in Cochise County, within the San Pedro River Basin. The unit is located within the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, which is owned and managed by the Bureau of Land Management.
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: La Cebadilla, Pima County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 2 consists of 3.1 acres (1.3 hectares) of cienega habitat at La Cebadilla Cienega, adjacent to the Tanque Verde Wash east of Tucson within the Santa Cruz River Basin. The majority of the unit is located on lands owned by La Cebadilla Estates, with a smaller portion of the unit located on lands owned and managed by the Pima County Regional Flood Control District.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

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Critical habitat includes the stream courses identified in the legal descriptions below, and includes adjacent areas out to the beginning of upland vegetation. Within these areas, the primary constituent elements include, but are not limited to, the habitat components which provide-(1) Sufficient perennial base flows to provide a permanently or nearly permanently wetted substrate for growth and reproduction of Lilaeopsis; (2) A stream channel that is relatively stable, but subject to periodic flooding that provides for rejuvenation of the riparian plant community and produces open microsites for Lilaeopsis expansion; (3) A riparian plant community that is relatively stable over time and in which nonnative species do not exist or are at a density that has little or no adverse effect on resources available for Lilaeopsis growth and reproduction; and (4) In streams and rivers, refugial sites in each watershed and in each reach, including but not limited to springs or backwaters of mainstem rivers, that allow each population to survive catastrophic floods and recolonize larger areas.

Unit 1. Santa Cruz County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Sonoita, Arizona.

Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: T. 20 S., R. 16 E., beginning at a point on Sonoita Creek in sec. 34 at approx. 31°39'19" N latitude and 110°41'52" W longitude proceeding downstream (westerly) to a point in sec. 33 at approx. 31°39'07" N latitude and 110°42'46" W longitude covering approx. 2 km (1.25 mi.).

Unit 2. Santa Cruz County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Lochiel, Arizona.

That portion of the Santa Cruz River beginning in the San Rafael De La Zanja Grant approx. at 31°22'30" N latitude and 110°35'45" W longitude downstream (southerly) to Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona, T. 24 S., R. 17 E., through secs. 11 and 14, to the south boundary of sec. 14 covering approx. 4.4 km (2.7 mi.). Also, a tributary that begins in T. 24 S., R. 17 E., sec. 13 at approx. 31°21'10" N latitude and 110°34'16" W longitude downstream (southwesterly) to its confluence with the Santa Cruz River covering approx. 3 km (1.9 mi.).

Unit 3. Cochise County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Huachuca Peak, Arizona.

Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: That portion of Scotia Canyon beginning in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 3 at approx. 31°27'19" N latitude and 110°23'44" W longitude downstream (southwesterly) through secs. 10, 9, 16 and to approx. 31°25'22" N latitude and 110°25'22" W longitude in sec. 21 covering approx. 5.4 km (3.4 mi.).

Unit 4. Cochise County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Huachuca Peak, Arizona.

Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: That portion of Sunnyside Canyon beginning in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., on the east boundary of sec. 10 downstream (southwesterly) to the south boundary of sec. 10 covering approx. 1.1 km (0.7 mi.).

Unit 5. Cochise County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Miller Peak, Arizona.

That portion of Garden Canyon in the Fort Huachuca Military Reservation beginning at approx. 31°27'13" N latitude and 110°22'33" W longitude downstream (northwesterly) to approx. 31°28'45" N latitude and 110°20'11" W longitude covering approx. 6.1 km (3.8 mi.).

Unit 6. Cochise County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Miller Peak, Arizona.

Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: That portion of Bear Canyon beginning at a point in T. 24 S., R. 19 E., sec. 1 at approx. 31°22'30" N latitude and 110°21'47" W longitude upstream through T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 36 to a point in sec. 31 at approx. 31°23'18" N latitude and 110°21'22" W longitude covering approx. 1.7 km (1.0 mi.). Also, continuing up an unnamed tributary beginning at a point in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 31 at approx. 31°23'18" N latitude and 110°21'22" W longitude upstream (northerly) to a point in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 30 at approx. 31°23'44" N latitude and 110°21'14" W longitude covering approx. 0.9 km (0.5 mi.). Also, that portion of Lone Mountain Canyon beginning at its confluence with Bear Creek at a point in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 36 at approx. 31°22'54" N latitude and 110°21'43" W longitude to a point in sec. 36 at approx. 31°23'26" N latitude and 110°21'58" W longitude, thence up an unnamed tributary northwesterly into sec. 25 thence northerly to a point at approx. 31°24'13" N latitude and 110°21'54" W longitude covering approx. 2.7 km (1.7 mi.). Also that portion of Rattlesnake Canyon beginning at its confluence with Lone Mountain Canyon in T. 23 S., R. 19 E., sec. 36 upstream northeasterly into sec. 25 to a point at approx. 31°22'08" N latitude and 110°21'31" W longitude covering approx. 1.5 km (1.0 mi.).

Unit 7. Cochise County, Arizona. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle maps: Hereford, Ariz.; Tombstone SE, Ariz.; Nicksville, Ariz.; Lewis Springs, Ariz.; Fairbank, Ariz.; Land, Ariz.

Gila and Salt Principal Meridian, Arizona: That portion of the San Pedro River beginning in the San Rafael Del Valle Grant at a point approx. 200 meters upstream (south) of the Hereford Road bridge at approx. 31°26'16" N latitude and 110°06'24" W longitude continuing downstream (northerly) through the San Rafael Del Valle Grant; T. 21 S., R. 22 E.; T. 21 S., R 21 S.; through the San Juan De Las Boquilla y Nogales Grant to a point at approx. 31°48'28" N latitude and 110°12'32" W longitude covering approx. 54.2 km (33.7 mi.).

Note: The maps provided are for informational purposes only. Maps for Units 1-7 follow:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Jackson and Josephine Counties, Oregon, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Lomatium cookii are the habitat components that provide:
(i)In the Rogue River Valley:
(A) Vernal pools and ephemeral wetlands and depths and the adjacent upland margins of these depressions that hold water for a sufficient length of time to sustain Lomatium cookii germination, growth, and reproduction. These vernal pools or ephemeral wetlands support native plant populations and are seasonally inundated during wet years but do not necessarily fill with water every year due to natural variability in rainfall. Areas of sufficient size and quality are likely to have the following characteristics:
(1) Elevations from 372 to 411 m (1,220 to 1,350 ft);
(2) Associated dominant native plants including, but not limited to: Alopecurus saccatus, Achnatherum lemmonii, Deschampsia danthonioides, Eryngium petiolatum, Lasthenia californica, Myosurus minimus, Navarretia leucocephala ssp. leucocephala, Phlox gracilis, Plagiobothrys bracteatus, Trifolium depauperatum, and Triteleia hyacinthina; and
(3) A minimum area of 8 ha (20 ac) to provide intact hydrology and protection from development and weed sources.
(B) The hydrologically and ecologically functional system of interconnected pools or ephemeral wetlands or depressions within a matrix of surrounding uplands that together form vernal pool complexes within the greater watershed. The associated features may include the pool basin and ephemeral wetlands; an intact hardpan subsoil underlying the surface soils up to 0.75 m (2.5 ft) in depth; and surrounding uplands, including mound topography and other geographic and edaphic features that support systems of hydrologically interconnected pools and other ephemeral wetlands (which may vary in extent depending on site-specific characteristics of pool size and depth, soil type, and hardpan depth).
(C) Silt, loam, and clay soils that are of ultramafic and nonultramafic alluvial origin, with a 0 to 3 percent slope, classified as Agate-Winlo or Provig-Agate soils.
(D) No or negligible presence of competitive, nonnative invasive plant species. Negligible is defined for the purpose of this rule as a minimal level of nonnative plant species that will still allow Lomatium cookii to continue to survive and recover.
(ii)In the Illinois River Valley:
(A) Wet meadows in oak and pine forests, sloped mixed-conifer openings, and shrubby plant communities that are seasonally inundated and support native plant populations. Areas of sufficient size and quality are likely to have the following characteristics:
(1) Elevations from 383 to 488 m (1,256 to 1,600 ft);
(2) Associated dominant native plants including, but not limited to: Achnatherum lemmonii, Arbutus menziesii, Arctostaphylos viscida, Camassia spp., Ceanothus cuneatus, Danthonia californica, Deschampsia cespitosa, Festuca roemeri var. klamathensis, Poa secunda, Ranunculus occidentalis, and Limnanthes gracilis var. gracilis;
(3) Occurrence primarily in bottomland Quercus garryana-Quercus kelloggii-Pinus ponderosa (Oregon white oak-California black oak-ponderosa pine) forest openings along seasonal creeks; and
(4) A minimum area of 8 ha (20 ac) to provide intact hydrology and protection from development and weed sources.
(B) The hydrologically and ecologically functional system of streams, slopes, and wooded systems that surround and maintain seasonally wet alluvial meadows underlain by relatively undisturbed ultramafic soils within the greater watershed.
(C) Silt, loam, and clay soils that are of ultramafic and nonultramafic alluvial origin, with a 0 to 40 percent slope, classified as Abegg gravelly loam, Brockman clay loam, Copsey clay, Cornutt-Dubakel complex, Dumps, Eightlar extremely stony clay, Evans loam, Foehlin gravelly loam, Josephine gravelly loam, Kerby loam, Newberg fine sandy loam, Pearsoll-Rock outcrop complex, Pollard loam, Riverwash, Speaker-Josephine gravelly loam, Takilma cobbly loam, or Takilma Variant extremely cobbly loam.
(D) No or negligible presence of competitive, nonnative invasive plant species. Negligible is defined for the purpose of this rule as a minimal level of nonnative plant species that will still allow Lomatium cookii to continue to survive and recover.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (including, but not limited to, buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical habitat map units. These critical habitat units were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 10, North American Datum 1983 (UTM NAD 83) coordinates. These coordinates establish the vertices and endpoints of the boundaries of the units.
(5) NOTE: Index map for critical habitat for Lomatium cookii in Jackson County, Oregon, follows:

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(6) Unit RV6, subunits A, F, G, and H, for Lomatium cookii: White City, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV6, subunits A, F, G, and H for Lomatium cookii comprises 546 ha (1,349 ac) of vernal pool-mounded prairie and swale habitats. RV6 is located around White City, is 1.6 km (1.0 mi) southwest of Eagle Point, and is 440 m (1,444 ft) southeast of the confluence of the Rogue River and Little Butte Creek. Subunit RV6A is located north of Whetstone Creek and is 500 m (1,200 ft) west of the junction of Highway 62 and Antelope Road. Subunits RV6F and RV6G are located approximately 500 feet west of Dry Creek and are east of Highway 62 in White City. Subunit RV6H is located north of Whetstone Creek and south of Antelope Road. Subunit RV6H roughly encircles the Hoover Ponds, east of Highway 62, and is 850 m (2790 ft) east of subunit RV6A.
(ii) Map of Unit RV6 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(7) Unit RV8 for Lomatium cookii: Whetstone Creek, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV8 for Lomatium cookii consists of 344 ha (850 ac) of vernal pool-mounded prairie and swale habitat. Unit RV8 is located approximately 1.4 km (0.9 mi) southeast of the confluence of the Rogue River and Whetstone Creek, 2.2 km (1.4 mi) southwest of Tou Velle State Park, and 2.9 km southeast of the confluence of Bear Creek and the Rogue River. The unit roughly parallels a 2.6-km (1.6-mi) stretch of Whetstone Creek to the south.
(ii) Map of Unit RV8 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(8) Unit RV9, subunits A, B, C, D and E, for Lomatium cookii: Medford Airport, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV9, subunits A through E, consists of 34 ha (83 ac) of slightly degraded vernal pool-mounded prairie habitat. The five subunits of RV9 are located mostly within the Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport, approximately 2 km (1.2 mi) west of Coker Butte and 1.5 km (0.9 mi) northeast of Bear Creek. Subunit RV9A is located 1.4 km (0.9 mi) north of the Rogue Valley International-Medford Airport and is 300 m (980 ft) east of the junction of Vilas Road and Table Rock Road. Subunits RV9B through E are located between Upton Slough and Bear Creek, 2 mi (1.2 km) southeast of the junction of Vilas Road and Table Rock Road, and 1.7 km northeast of the junction of Interstate 5 and Highway 62.
(ii) Map of Unit RV9 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(9) NOTE: Index map for critical habitat for Lomatium cookii in Josephine County, Oregon, follows:

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(10) Unit IV1 for Lomatium cookii: Anderson Creek, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Units IV1A and B comprise 35 ha (85 ac) of wet meadow and sloped mixed conifer habitat. Unit IV1A is located 3.5 km (2.2 mi) north of Selma, and 14 km (8.8 mi) north of Cave Junction; it is along a 1.0-km (0.6-mi) stretch of Anderson Creek and Highway 199, 2.0 km (1.2 mi) southwest of Hays Hill Summit. It is also 1.7 km (1.0 mi) northwest of the junction of Draper Valley Road and Indian Creek Road. Unit IV1B is located 3.5 km (2.2 mi) north of Selma, 3.4 km (2.1 mi) southwest of Hays Hill Summit, and 0.8 km (0.5 mi) west of the junction of Draper Valley Road and Highway 199.
(ii) Map of Unit IV1 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(11) Unit IV2 for Lomatium cookii: Draper Creek, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV2 is composed of 28 ha (70 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. It is located 2.7 km (1.7 mi) northeast of Selma and 13.5 km (8.4 mi) north of Cave Junction; it is along a 900-m (2,900-ft) stretch of Draper Creek, and is located 800 m (2,600 ft) east of Anderson Creek. The unit is 800 m (2,600 ft) north-northwest of the confluence of Draper Creek and Davis Creek and is 200 m (650 ft) southeast of the junction of Draper Valley Road and Indian Creek Road.
(ii) Map of Unit IV2 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(12) Unit IV3 for Lomatium cookii: Reeves Creek North, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV3 consists of 152 ha (374 ac) of sloped, mixed-conifer and shrubby habitat. The unit is located 1.4 km (0.9 mi) east of the confluence between Reeves Creek and the Illinois River and extends along a 2.0-km (1.2-mi) stretch of Reeves Creek, beginning 800 m (2,600 ft) northeast of the junction of Highway 199 and Reeves Creek Road.
(ii) Map of Unit IV3 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(13) Unit IV4 for Lomatium cookii: Reeves Creek East, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV4 consists of 83 ha (204 ac) of sloped, partially open, mixed-conifer and shrubby habitat. It is located 6.2 km (3.9 mi) south of Selma and 5.3 km (3.3 mi) northwest of Cave Junction. It occurs along a 500-m (1,640-ft) stretch of Reeves Creek located 700 m (2,300 ft) southeast of Unit IV3.
(ii) Map of Unit IV4 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(14) Unit IV5 for Lomatium cookii: Reeves Creek South, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV5 consists of 165 ha (407 ac) of sloped, partially open, mixed-conifer and understory shrub habitat. The unit is roughly parallel to Highway 199 for 2.5 km (1.6 mi), which is 500 m (1,640 ft) west of the unit. The unit is located 1.6 km (1.0 mi) north of Cave Junction, 1 km (0.6 mi) southeast of Sauers Flat, 800 m (2,600 ft) east of Kerby, and 1.2 km (0.7 mi) east of the confluence between Holton Creek and the Illinois River.
(ii) Unit IV5 excludes land bound by 447470, 4673148; 447474, 4673000; 448289, 4673443; 448361, 4673480; 448056, 4673583; 447789, 4673459; 447703, 4673370; 447653, 4673327; 447540, 4673183; 447470, 4673148.
(iii) Map of Unit IV5 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(15) Unit IV6 for Lomatium cookii: Laurel Road, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV6 totals 182 ha (449 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. It is located west and alongside of the base of Lime Rock, 1.2 km (0.7 mi) east of the city of Cave Junction; it follows along Highway 46 for 1.5 km (0.9 mi). Subunit IV6A is located 1.2 km (0.7 mi) west of Lime Rock summit, 1.0 km east of the junction of Laurel Road and Highway 199; it is also roughly parallel to Highway 199 for 1.3 km (0.8 mi). Highway 199 lies approximately 1.0 km (0.6 mi) west of the subunit. Subunit IV6B is 2.7 km (1.7 mi) east of the confluence of the east and west forks of the Illinois River and from the intersection of Holland Loop Road and Highway 46; it extends approximately 1.8 km (1.1 mi) to the northeast and 2.7 km (1.7 mi) to the north.
(ii) Map of Unit IV6 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(16) Unit IV7 for Lomatium cookii: Illinois River Forks State Park, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV7 consists of 55 ha (136 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. The unit is located 500 m (1,640 ft) west of the city of Cave Junction and 600 m (1,970 ft) southeast of Pomeroy Dam; it is also 230 m (750 ft) east of the confluence of the east and west forks of the Illinois River. The unit occurs along a 2.8-km (1.7-mi) stretch of the West Fork Illinois River.
(ii) Map of Unit IV7 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(17) Unit IV8 for Lomatium cookii: Woodcock Mountain, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV8 consists of 234 ha (579 ac) of wet meadow and shrubby habitat. The unit is located 2.4 km (1.5 mi) southwest of the city of Cave Junction, 5.3 km (3.3 mi) north of O'Brien, and 140 m (ft) west of the confluence of Woodcock Creek and the West Fork Illinois River. It occurs along a 3.3-km (2.0-mi) stretch of West Side Road. Unit IV7 is 400 m (ft) west of Highway 199 and roughly parallels the highway for 5.0 km (3.1 mi).
(ii) Map of Unit IV8 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(18) Unit IV9 for Lomatium cookii: Riverwash, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV9 consists of 12 ha (30 ac) of intact wet meadow and streambank habitat. It is located 4.2 km (2.6 mi) south of Cave Junction and 6.1 km (3.8 mi) north-northeast of O'Brien. It is located along the east bend of the West Fork Illinois River, 700 m (2,300 ft) south (upstream) of the confluence between Woodcock Creek and the West Fork Illinois River.
(ii) Map of Unit IV9 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(19) Unit IV10 for Lomatium cookii: French Flat North, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV10 consists of 45 ha (110 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. The unit is located 3.7 km (2.3 mi) south of Cave Junction, 900 m (2,950 ft) north of the intersection of Sherrier Drive and Raintree Drive, and 1.7 km (1.1 mi) southwest of the confluence of Althouse Creek and the East Fork Illinois River. It parallels a 300-m (980-ft) stretch of Rockydale Road.
(ii) Map of Unit IV10 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(20) Unit IV11 for Lomatium cookii: Rough and Ready Creek, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV11 consists of 118 ha (292 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. The unit roughly follows along and is adjacent to a 1.9-km (1.2-mi) stretch of Airport Drive. It is located 3 km (1.9 mi) north of O'Brien, 900 m (2,950 ft) west of the Rough and Ready Forest Wayside State Park, and 122 m (400 ft) east of the confluence with the Illinois River and Rough and Ready Creek.
(ii) Map of Unit IV11 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(21) Unit IV12 for Lomatium cookii: French Flat Middle, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV12 consists of 492 ha (1,216 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. The unit is located 4.5 km (2.8 mi) east of Cave Junction, 3.7 km (2.3 mi) northeast of O'Brien, 140 m (460 ft) north and 560 m (1,830 ft) west of Esterly Lakes, 1.4 km (0.9 mi) northeast of Indian Hill, and 300 m (960 ft) east of the confluence of Rough and Ready Creek and the West Fork Illinois River. It also follows along a 1.6-km (1.0-mi) stretch of Rockydale Road until the junction with Waldo Road.
(ii) Unit IV12 excludes land bound by 447273, 4659208; 447203, 4659076; 446889, 4658443; 446818, 4658110; 446840, 4658012; 446808, 4657965; 446838, 4657883; 446882, 4657863; 447019, 4657935; 447073, 4658033; 447029, 4658069; 446977, 4658167; 447192, 4658493; 447212, 4658784; 447290, 4658824; 447455, 4658678; 447581, 4658749; 447723, 4658749; 447975, 4658749; 447971, 4658840; 447876, 4659346; 447403, 4659604; 447407, 4659962; 447305, 4660216; 447329, 4660591; 447452, 4660569; 447689, 4660530; 447706, 4660555; 447643, 4660838; 447497, 4660883; 447296, 4660866; 447186, 4660643; 447167, 4660448; 447273, 4659208.
(iii) Map of Unit IV12 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(22) Unit IV13 for Lomatium cookii: Indian Hill, Josephine County, Oregon.
(i) Unit IV13 consists of 22 ha (54 ac) of intact wet meadow habitat. The unit is located adjacent to and lies east of a 900-m (2,950-ft) stretch of the West Fork Illinois River. It is located approximately 300 m south (upstream) of the confluence of Rough and Ready Creek and the West Fork Illinois River. The unit is 1.8 km (1.1 mi) northeast of O'Brien and 350 m (1,150 ft) northwest of Indian Hill.
(ii) Map of Unit IV13 for Lomatium cookii follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Starr and Zapata Counties, Texas, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Asclepias prostrata consist of the following components:
(i) Well-drained sandy soil overlying strata of sandstone or indurated caliche;
(ii) High soil gypsum concentration;
(iii) Open savannas and grasslands of the Tamaulipan shrubland ecological region;
(iv) Vegetation composition that includes abundant, diverse pollen and nectar plants and healthy populations of native bee and wasp species; and
(v) Less than 20 percent cover of Pennisetum ciliare (buffelgrass).
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on March 30, 2023.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created using Texas Natural Diversity Database (2019-2020) survey data of the documented Asclepias prostrata locations in the United States to determine the geological formations and soil types they occupy.
(i) We used the Esri ArcMap software to overlay the geographic coordinates of populations on a digitized map of Texas surface geology and a digitized soil survey map. We then clipped those areas of potential to lands that have documented populations of Asclepias prostrata.
(ii) The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at https://www.fws.gov/office/texas-coastal-ecological-services, at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2021-0041, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

Figure 1 to Family Apocynaceae: Asclepias prostrata (prostrate milkweed) paragraph (5)

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(6) Unit 1: Zapata County, Texas.
(i) Unit 1 consists of 6 areas totaling 10.5 ac (4.3 ha) east of U.S. Highway 83 in northwest Zapata County. This unit is on private land and a county road right-of-way.
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

Figure 2 to Family Apocynaceae: Asclepias prostrata (prostrate milkweed) paragraph (6)(ii)

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(7) Unit 2: Starr County, Texas.
(i) Unit 2 consists of 85.7 ac (34.7 ha) in the Arroyo Ramirez tract of Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge. This unit is in southwestern Starr County adjacent to the Rio Grande on the U.S.-Mexico border. The entire unit is on land owned and managed by the Service.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

Figure 3 to Family Apocynaceae: Asclepias prostrata (prostrate milkweed) paragraph (7)(ii)

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(8) Unit 3: Starr County, Texas.
(i) Unit 3 consists of 4.0 ac (1.6 ha) along both sides of a road right-of-way on private land in southern Starr County.
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

Figure 4 to Family Apocynaceae: Asclepias prostrata (prostrate milkweed) paragraph (8)(ii)

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(9) Unit 4: Starr County, Texas.
(i) Unit 4 consists of 4.2 ac (1.7 ha) along the unpaved right-of-way of Los Arrieros Loop, a county road in southwestern Starr County.
(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

Figure 5 to Family Apocynaceae: Asclepias prostrata (prostrate milkweed) paragraph (9)(ii)

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(10) Unit 5: Starr County, Texas.
(i) Unit 5 consists of 51.9 ac (21.0 ha) in the Arroyo Morteros tract of the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge. This unit is in western Starr County adjacent to the Rio Grande on the U.S.-Mexico border. The entire unit is on land owned and managed by the Service.
(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

Figure 6 to Family Apocynaceae: Asclepias prostrata (prostrate milkweed) paragraph (10)(ii)

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(11) Unit 6: Starr County, Texas.
(i) Unit 6 consists of 484.3 ac (196.0 ha) entirely on privately owned land and the adjacent right-of-way of San Julian Road. This unit is in western Starr County.
(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

Figure 7 to Family Apocynaceae: Asclepias prostrata (prostrate milkweed) paragraph (11)(ii)

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(12) Unit 7: Starr County, Texas.
(i) Unit 7 consists of 19.4 ac (7.8 ha) along both sides of a right-of-way and adjacent private land in western Starr County.
(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

Figure 8 to Family Apocynaceae: Asclepias prostrata (prostrate milkweed) paragraph (12)(ii)

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(13) Unit 8: Zapata County, Texas.
(i) Unit 8 consists of 1.0 ac (0.4 ha) on private land in central Zapata County.
(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

Figure 9 to Family Apocynaceae: Asclepias prostrata (prostrate milkweed) paragraph (13)(ii)

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Utah, Kane County: entire Coral Pink Sand Dunes, within T43S, R7W and R8W, and T44S, R8W about 10 miles west of Kanab; also, the area of the Sand Hills, about 10 miles north of Kanab, within T42S, R6W, Section 8 (S 1/2 of the N 1/2 and N 1/2 of the S 1/2). The constituent elements of this critical habitat are the sand dunes themselves.

Note: The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Riverside and San Diego Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements (PCE) for Ambrosia pumila are:
(i) PCE 1-Sandy loam or clay soils (regardless of disturbance status), including (but not limited to) the Placentia (sandy loam), Diablo (clay), and Ramona (sandy loam) soil series that occur on or near (up to several hundred meters from but not directly adjacent to) a river, creek, or other drainage, or within the watershed of a vernal pool, and that occur on an upper terrace (flat or gently sloping areas of 0 to 42 percent slopes are typical for terraces on which Ambrosia pumila occurrences are found).
(ii) PCE 2-Grassland or ruderal habitat types, or openings within coastal sage scrub, on the soil types and topography described in PCE 1, that provide adequate sunlight, and airflow for wind pollination.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one of more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5' quadrangle maps. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.
(5) NOTE: Index Map of critical habitat units for Ambrosia pumila (San Diego ambrosia) follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Santa Ana River Watershed, Riverside County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1: Santa Ana River Watershed (Map 2) follows:

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(7) Unit 3: Santa Margarita River Watershed, Riverside County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 3: Santa Margarita River Watershed (Map 3) follows:

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(8) Unit 4: San Luis Rey River Watershed. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Bonsall, San Diego County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 4, San Luis Rey River Watershed (Map 4) follows:

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(9) Unit 5: San Dieguito River Watershed, San Diego County, California.
(i) Subunit 5B excludes land bound by 485418, 3656210; 485473, 3656204; 485522, 3656211; 485590, 3656193; 485677, 3656187; 485720, 3656187; 485731, 3656348; 485724, 3656348; 485576, 3656356; 485534, 3656359; 485509, 3656315; 485472, 3656290; 485448, 3656272; 485411, 3656271; 485411, 3656267; 485411, 3656234; returning to 485418, 3656210.
(ii) Map of Unit 5, San Dieguito River Watershed (Map 5) follows:

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(10) Unit 6: San Diego River Watershed (Mission Trails Regional Park), San Diego County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 6, San Diego River Watershed (Map 6) follows:

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(11) Unit 7: Sweetwater River Watershed. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Jamul Mountains, San Diego County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 7, Sweetwater River Watershed (Map 7) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units for Brickellia mosieri are depicted for Miami-Dade County, Florida, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Brickellia mosieri are:
(i) Areas of pine rockland habitat that contain:
(A) Open canopy, semi-open subcanopy, and understory;
(B) Substrate of oolitic limestone rock; and
(C) A plant community of predominately native vegetation that may include, but is not limited to:
(1) Canopy vegetation dominated by Pinus elliottii var. densa (South Florida slash pine);
(2) Subcanopy vegetation that may include, but is not limited to, Serenoa repens (saw palmetto), Sabal palmetto (cabbage palm), Coccothrinax argentata (silver palm), Myrica cerifera (wax myrtle), Myrsine floridana (myrsine), Metopium toxiferum (poisonwood), Byrsonima lucida (locustberry), Tetrazygia bicolor (tetrazygia), Guettarda scabra (rough velvetseed), Ardisia escallonioides (marlberry), Psidium longipes (mangroveberry), Sideroxylon salicifolium (willow bustic), and Rhus copallinum (winged sumac);
(3) Short-statured shrubs that may include, but are not limited to, Quercus pumila (running oak), Randia aculeata (white indigoberry), Crossopetalum ilicifolium (Christmas berry), Morinda royoc (redgal), and Chiococca alba (snowberry); and
(4) Understory vegetation that may include, but is not limited to: Andropogon spp.; Schizachyrium gracile, S. rhizomatum, and S. sanguineum (bluestems); Aristida purpurascens (arrowfeather threeawn); Sorghastrum secundum (lopsided Indiangrass); Muhlenbergia capillaris (hairawn muhly); Rhynchospora floridensis (Florida white-top sedge); Tragia saxicola (pineland noseburn); Echites umbellata (devil's potato); Croton linearis (pineland croton); Chamaesyce spp. (sandmats); Chamaecrista deeringiania (partridge pea); Zamia integrifolia (coontie); and Anemia adiantifolia (maidenhair pineland fern).
(ii) A disturbance regime that naturally or artificially duplicates natural ecological processes (e.g., fire, hurricanes, or other weather events) and that maintains the pine rockland habitat described in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry.
(iii) Habitats that are connected and of sufficient area to sustain viable populations of Brickellia mosieri in the pine rockland habitat described in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located exists within the legal boundaries on September 16, 2015.
(5) Critical habitat map units. Unit maps were developed using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial data layers. ArcGIS was also used to calculate the size of habitat areas. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the units was North American Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/verobeach/, at the Federal eRulemaking Portal (http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0108), and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit BM1: Trinity Pineland and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit BM1 follows:

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(7) Unit BM2: Nixon Smiley Pineland Preserve and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit BM2 follows:

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(8) Unit BM3: USDA Subtropical Horticultural Research Station and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit BM3 follows:

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(9) Unit BM4: Richmond Pinelands and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit BM4 follows:

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(10) Unit BM5: Quail Roost Pineland and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit BM5 follows:

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(11) Unit BM6: Camp Owaissa Bauer and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit BM6 follows:

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(12) Unit BM7: Navy Wells Pineland Preserve and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit BM7 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units for Chromolaena frustrata are depicted for Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, Florida, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Chromolaena frustrata consist of four components:
(i) Areas of upland habitats consisting of coastal berm, coastal rock barren, coastal hardwood hammock, rockland hammocks, and buttonwood forest.
(A) Coastal berm habitat that contains:
(1) Open to semi-open canopy, subcanopy, and understory; and
(2) Substrate of coarse, calcareous, storm-deposited sediment.
(B) Coastal rock barren (Keys cactus barren, Keys tidal rock barren) habitat that contains:
(1) Open to semi-open canopy and understory; and
(2) Limestone rock substrate.
(C) Coastal hardwood hammock habitat occurring in Everglades National Park that contains:
(1) Canopy gaps and edges with an open to semi-open canopy, subcanopy, and understory; and
(2) Substrate of marl covered with a thin layer of highly organic soil.
(D) Rockland hammock habitat that contains:
(1) Canopy gaps and edges with an open to semi-open canopy, subcanopy, and understory; and
(2) Substrate with a thin layer of highly organic soil, marl, humus, or leaf litter on top of the underlying limestone.
(E) Buttonwood forest habitat that contains:
(1) Open to semi-open canopy and understory; and
(2) Substrate with calcareous marl muds, calcareous sands, or limestone rock.
(ii) Plant communities of predominately native vegetation with either no invasive, nonnative species or with low enough quantities of nonnative, invasive plant species to have minimal effect on the survival of Chromolaena frustrata.
(iii) A disturbance regime, due to the effects of strong winds or saltwater inundation from storm surge or infrequent tidal inundation, that creates canopy openings in coastal berm, coastal rock barren, coastal hardwood hammock, rockland hammocks, and buttonwood forest.
(iv) Habitats that are connected and of sufficient area to sustain viable populations in coastal berm, coastal rock barren, coastal hardwood hammock, rockland hammocks, and buttonwood forest.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located exists within the legal boundaries on February 7, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Unit maps were developed using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial data layers. ArcGIS was also used to calculate the size of habitat areas. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the units was North American Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/verobeach/, on the Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0029, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map of all critical habitat units for Chromolaena frustrata follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Everglades National Park, Monroe and Miami-Dade Counties, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit 1 consists of a total of 6,166 acres (2,495 hectares) in Monroe and Miami-Dade Counties. This unit is composed entirely of lands in Federal ownership, 100 percent of which are located within the Everglades National Park.
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit 2 consists of a total of 3,431 acres (1,388 hectares) in Monroe County. This unit is composed of Federal lands within Crocodile Lake National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) (804 acres (325 hectares)); State lands within Dagny Johnson Botanical State Park, John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, and the Florida Keys Wildlife and Environmental Area (2,170 acres (878 hectares)); and parcels in private ownership (457 acres (185 hectares)).
(ii) Index map of Unit 2 follows:

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(iii) Map A of Unit 2 follows:

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(iv) Map B of Unit 2 follows:

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(v) Map C of Unit 2 follows:

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(vi) Map D of Unit 2 follows:

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(vii) Map E of Unit 2 follows:

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(viii) Map F of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Upper Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit 3 consists of 69 acres (28 hectares) in Monroe County. This unit is comprised of State lands within Lignumvitae Key State Botanical Park, Indian Key Historical State Park (24 acres (10 hectares)); City of Islamorada lands within the Key Tree Cactus Preserve and Green Turtle Hammock Park and parcels in private ownership (45 acres (18 hectares)).
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Lignumvitae Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit 4 consists of a total of 180 acres (73 hectares) in Monroe County. This unit is composed entirely of lands in State ownership, 100 percent of which are located within the Lignumvitae Key Botanical State Park on Lignumvitae Key in the Florida Keys. This unit includes the entire upland area of Lignumvitae Key.
(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(10) Unit 5: Lower Matecumbe Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit 5 consists of a total of 44 acres (18 hectares) in Monroe County. The unit is composed of State lands within Lignumvitae Key Botanical State Park and parcels owned by the Florida Department of Transportation (22 acres (9 hectares)), and parcels in private ownership (22 acres (9 hectares)).
(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

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(11) Unit 6: Long Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit 6 consists of a total of 208 acres (84 hectares) in Monroe County. This unit is composed of State lands within Long Key State Park (151 acres (61 hectares)) and parcels in private ownership (57 acres (23 hectares)).
(ii) Index map of Unit 6 follows:

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(iii) Map A of Unit 6 follows:

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(iv) Map B of Unit 6 follows:

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(12) Unit 7: Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit 7 consists of a total of 780 acres (316 hectares) in Monroe County. This unit is composed of Federal land within the National Key Deer Refuge (686 acres (278 hectares)) and parcels in private ownership (94 acres (38 hectares)).
(ii) Index map of Unit 7 follows:

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(iii) Map A of Unit 7 follows:

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(iv) Map B of Unit 7 follows:

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(v) Map C of Unit 7 follows:

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(vi) Map D of Unit 7 follows:

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(vii) Map E of Unit 7 follows:

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(13) Unit 8: Big Munson Island, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit 8 consists of a total of 28 acres (11 hectares) in Monroe County. This unit is composed entirely of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

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(14) Unit 9: Boca Grande Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit 9 consists of a total of 62 acres (25 hectares) in Monroe County. This unit is composed entirely of lands in Federal ownership, 100 percent of which is located within the Key West National Wildlife Refuge.
(ii) Map of Unit 9 follows:

View Image


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Solano County, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum are:
(i) Persistent emergent, intertidal, estuarine wetland at or above the mean high-water line (as extended directly across any intersecting channels);
(ii) Open channels that periodically contain moving water with ocean-derived salts in excess of 0.5 percent; and
(iii) Gaps in surrounding vegetation to allow for seed germination and growth.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining Solano County map units were created on a base map using CDWR color mosaic 1:9,600 scale digital aerial photographs for Suisun Bay captured June 16, 2003 (CDFG 2005c). Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 10, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.
(5) NOTE: Index Maps for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum (Map 1) follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum: Hill Slough Marsh, Solano County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum is depicted on Map 2 in paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.
(7) Unit 2 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum: Peytonia Slough Marsh, Solano County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 2 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum is depicted on Map 2 in paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.
(8) Unit 3 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum: Rush Ranch/Grizzly Island Wildlife Area, Solano County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 1, 2, and 3 for Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum (Map 2) follows:

View Image


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Cirsium loncholepis are:
(i) Mesic areas associated with:
(A) Margins of dune swales, dune lakes, marshes, and estuaries that are associated with dynamic (changing) dune systems including the Santa Maria Valley Dune Complex and Santa Ynez Valley Dune Complex;
(B) Margins of dynamic riparian systems including the Santa Maria and Santa Ynez Rivers and Orcutt and San Antonio Creeks; and
(C) Freshwater seeps and intermittent streams found in other habitats, including grassland, meadow, coastal scrub, and oak woodland. These areas provide space needed for individual and population growth including sites for germination, reproduction, seed dispersal, seed bank, and pollination;
(ii) Associated plant communities including: Central dune scrub, coastal dune, coastal scrub, freshwater seep, coastal and valley freshwater marsh and fen, riparian scrub (e.g., mule fat scrub, willow scrub), oak woodland, intermittent streams, and other wetland communities, generally in association with the following species: Juncus spp. (rush), Scirpus spp. (tule), Salix spp. (willow), Toxicodendron diversilobum (poison oak), Distichlis spicata (salt grass), Baccharis pilularis (coyote brush), and B. douglasii (Douglas' baccharis);
(iii) Soils with a sandy component including but not limited to dune sands, Oceano sands, Camarillo sandy loams, riverwash, and sandy alluvial soils; and
(iv) Features that allow dispersal and connectivity between populations, particularly:
(A) Natural riparian drainages in Santa Maria River, Orcutt Creek, San Antonio Creek, and Santa Ynez River that are not channelized or confined by barriers or dams, such that they have soft bottoms and sides and a natural flood plain (allowing uninterrupted water flows); and
(B) Natural aeolian geomorphology in the Santa Maria Dune Complex and Santa Ynez Dune Complex, and along the Santa Maria River, Orcutt Creek, San Antonio Creek, and Santa Ynez River drainages that is not confined by barriers or wind-blocks such as large manmade structures, tree rows, or wind-breaks (allowing uninterrupted winds across these areas).
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on base maps using aerial imagery from the National Agricultural Imagery Program (aerial imagery captured June 2005). Data were projected to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983.
(5) NOTE: Index map of Cirsium loncholepis critical habitat follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1: Callender-Guadalupe Dunes. San Luis Obispo County, California.


(i) Subunit 1A excludes land bounded by the following Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) coordinates (E,N):
(A) 717937.807, 3880783.475; 717849.041, 3880821.504; 717848.938, 3880817.720; 717849.392, 3880817.650; 717845.549, 3880807.313; 717843.593, 3880800.027; 717841.269, 3880793.548; 717837.501, 3880785.669; 717836.131, 3880783.911; 717828.857, 3880776.863; 717817.989, 3880765.903; 717812.187, 3880758.047; 717776.455, 3880744.115; 717946.560, 3880643.422; 717990.327, 3880695.942; thence returning to 717937.807, 3880783.475.
(B) 717791.575, 3880459.554; 717799.332, 3880445.386; 717793.518, 3880418.908; 717877.719, 3880381.762; 717877.788, 3880381.731; 717878.022, 3880381.614; 717878.247, 3880381.481; 717878.464, 3880381.333; 717878.670, 3880381.172; 717931.589, 3880343.026; 717999.080, 3880459.602; 717946.560, 3880564.642; 717687.919, 3880630.938; 717691.226, 3880626.729; 717694.265, 3880622.551; 717699.251, 3880616.956; 717706.283, 3880606.405; 717710.417, 3880598.353; 717714.342, 3880595.747; 717713.908, 3880594.512; 717712.625, 3880591.920; 717715.053, 3880585.202; 717716.723, 3880581.192; 717718.867, 3880576.150; 717721.160, 3880570.917; 717723.858, 3880566.063; 717724.433, 3880561.206; 717728.941, 3880560.990; 717731.725, 3880540.438; 717732.513, 3880535.099; 717733.828, 3880528.387; 717734.669, 3880522.890; 717736.483, 3880519.997; 717735.778, 3880516.228; 717736.401, 3880511.843; 717741.119, 3880509.748; 717750.271, 3880489.562, thence returning to 717791.575, 3880459.554.
(ii) Map of Unit 1, Subunits 1A through 1P, follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Santa Maria River-Orcutt Creek. San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle maps Point Sal, Guadalupe, Santa Maria, Casmalia, and Orcutt.
(i) Unit 2 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 733655.106, 3859548.220; 733713.315, 3859516.470; 733951.440, 3859516.470; 733951.440, 3859418.574; 734594.379, 3859415.928; 734594.379, 3860029.762; 734472.671, 3860021.825; 734462.087, 3860249.367; 734200.149, 3860336.680; 734110.191, 3860336.680; 733932.919, 3860286.409; 733932.919, 3860222.908; 733623.356, 3860209.679; 733615.419, 3860204.388; 733607.481, 3860127.658; 733567.794, 3860053.575; 733541.335, 3859939.804; 733533.398, 3859889.533, thence returning to 733655.106, 3859548.220.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Canada de las Flores. Santa Barbara County, California.


(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: San Antonio Creek. Santa Barbara County, California.

From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle maps Casmalia and Orcutt.

(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 4, Subunits 4A and 4B, follows:

View Image

(10) Unit 5: San Antonio Terrace. Santa Barbara County, California.

From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Casmalia.

(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

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(11) Unit 6: Santa Ynez River. San Luis Obispo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle map Surf.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 6, Subunits 6A through 6C, follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Chavez, Eddy, Guadalupe, Otero, and Socorro Counties, New Mexico, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Wright's marsh thistle consist of the following components:
(i) Water-saturated soils with surface or subsurface water flow that allows permanent root saturation and seed germination;
(ii) Alkaline soils;
(iii) Full sunlight; and
(iv) Diverse floral communities to attract pollinators.
(3) Critical habitat does not include humanmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on May 25, 2023.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created using the latest imagery available through Esri (https://www.esri.com/en-us/home). The source is DigitalGlobe, and the year of the imagery was 2016. Critical habitat units were then mapped using ArcGIS ArcMap 10.4. All data are in North America Albers Equal Area Conic projection, Datum North American 1983. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at https://www.fws.gov/office/new-mexico-ecological-services, at http://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2018-0071, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

Figure 1 to Family Asteraceae: Cirsium wrightii (Wright's marsh thistle) paragraph (5)

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(6) Unit 1: Santa Rosa, Guadalupe County, New Mexico.
(i) Unit 1 consists of 26.6 hectares (ha) (65.7 acres (ac)) in Guadalupe County, New Mexico, and is composed of lands in State (12.65 ha (31.2 ac)), City of Santa Rosa (9.88 ha (24.4 ac)), and private (4.09 ha (10.16 ac)) ownership.
(ii) Maps of Unit 1 follow:

Figure 2 to Family Asteraceae: Cirsium wrightii (Wright's marsh thistle) paragraph (6)(ii)

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Figure 3 to Family Asteraceae: Cirsium wrightii (Wright's marsh thistle) paragraph (6)(ii)

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Figure 4 to Family Asteraceae: Cirsium wrightii (Wright's marsh thistle) paragraph (6)(ii)

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(7) Unit 2: Alamosa Springs, Socorro County, New Mexico.
(i) Unit 2 consists of 1.58 ha (3.9 ac) in Socorro County, New Mexico, and is composed of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

Figure 5 to Family Asteraceae: Cirsium wrightii (Wright's marsh thistle) paragraph (7)(ii)

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(8) Unit 3: Bitter Lake, Chaves County, New Mexico.
(i) Unit 3 consists of 19.0 ha (47.0 ac) in Chaves County, New Mexico, and is composed of lands under Federal management, specifically the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge.
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

Figure 6 to Family Asteraceae: Cirsium wrightii (Wright's marsh thistle) paragraph (8)(ii)

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(9) Unit 4 has been excluded from this critical habitat designation.
(10) Unit 5: La Luz Canyon, Otero County, New Mexico.
(i) Unit 5 consists of 0.01 ha (0.03 ac) in Otero County, New Mexico, and is composed of lands under Federal management, specifically the U.S. Forest Service's Lincoln National Forest.
(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

Figure 7 to Family Asteraceae: Cirsium wrightii (Wright's marsh thistle) paragraph (10)(ii)

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(11) Unit 6: Silver Springs, Otero County, New Mexico.
(i) Unit 6 consists of 0.38 ha (0.95 ac) in Otero County, New Mexico, and is composed of lands under Federal management, specifically the U.S. Forest Service's Lincoln National Forest.
(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

Figure 8 to Family Asteraceae: Cirsium wrightii (Wright's marsh thistle) paragraph (11)(ii)

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(12) Unit 7: Karr/Haynes Canyon, Otero County, New Mexico.
(i) Unit 7 consists of 1.79 ha (4.42 ac) in Otero County, New Mexico, and is composed of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

Figure 9 to Family Asteraceae: Cirsium wrightii (Wright's marsh thistle) paragraph (12)(ii)

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(13) Unit 8: Blue Springs, Eddy County, New Mexico.
(i) Unit 8 consists of 14.04 ha (34.7 ac) in Eddy County, New Mexico, and is composed of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

Figure 10 to Family Asteraceae: Cirsium wrightii (Wright's marsh thistle) paragraph (13)(ii)

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Diego County, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Deinandra conjugens are those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of the species. Based on our current knowledge of this species, the primary constituent elements for Deinandra conjugens consist of, but are not limited to, soils with a high clay content (generally greater than 25 percent) (or clay intrusions or lenses) that are associated with grasslands, open coastal sage scrub, or maritime succulent scrub communities between 25 m (80 ft) and 300 m (1,000 ft) elevation. These plant communities contain natural openings that provide habitat for Deinandra conjugens life-cycle, and pollen and seed dispersal agents.
(3) Critical habitat does not include non-Federal lands covered by a legally operative Habitat Conservation Plan issued under section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Act in which Deinandra conjugens is a covered species on or before the publication of this final rule.
(4) Existing features and structures, such as buildings, paved or unpaved roads, and other landscaped areas not containing primary constituent elements, are not likely to contain the primary constituent elements for Deinandra conjugens. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a section 7 consultation, unless they affect the species or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(i) NOTE: Index map follows:

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(5)Unit 1: Sweetwater/Proctor Valley, San Diego County, California.
(i)Unit 1a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Jamul Mountains, beginning at the SDNWR boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 505100; thence south following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 505100, 3620400; 505000, 3620400; 505000, 3620200; 504900, 3620200; 504900, 3620100; 504800, 3620100; 504800, 3620000; 504700, 3620000; 504700, 3619900; 504600, 3619900; 504600, 3619700; 504500, 3619700; 504500, 3619600; 504400, 3619600; 504400, 3619500; 504300, 3619500; 504300, 3619400; 504100, 3619400; 504100, 3619300; 504000, 3619300; thence south to the SDNWR boundary at UTM x-coordinate 504000; thence south following the SDNWR boundary returning to the point of beginning on the SDNWR boundary at UTM x-coordinate 505100.
(ii)Unit 1b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps National City and Jamul Mountains, beginning at the Sweetwater Reservoir at UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3618500; thence east and following UTM NAD27 coordinates 503000, 3618500; 503000, 3616000; 503100, 3616000; 503100, 3615400; 503200, 3615400; 503200, 3615300; 503600, 3615300; 503600, 3615400; 503700, 3615400; 503700, 3615600; 503900, 3615600; 503900, 3615800; thence east to the Otay Water District (OWD) boundary at UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3615800; thence north following the OWD boundary to the City of Chula Vista Preserve Design (CCVPD) boundary; thence east following the CCVPD boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 505900; thence north following UTM NAD27 coordinates 505900, 3615900; 506000, 3615900; 506000, 3616000; 506700, 3616000, 506700, 3616100; thence east to the SDNWR boundary at UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3616100; thence east following the SDNWR boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 507200; thence north following UTM NAD27 coordinates 507200, 3616200; 507400, 3616200; 507400, 3616300; 507500, 3616300; 507500, 3616400; 507600, 3616400; thence north to the County of San Diego Major Amendment (CSDMjA) boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 507600; thence east following the CSDMjA boundary to the SDNWR boundary; thence south following the SDNWR boundary to the CSDMjA boundary; thence south following the CSDMjA boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 506100; thence south following UTM NAD27 coordinates 506100, 3613100; 506000, 3613100; thence north to the City of Chula Vista (CCV) boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 506000; thence northwest following the CCV boundary south to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 505700; thence north to the CCVPD boundary at UTM x-coordinate 505700: thence northwest along the CCVPD boundary to the City of Chula Vista Major Amendment boundary (CCVMjA); thence north along the CCVMjA boundary to the CCVPD boundary; thence north and east along the CCVPD boundary to the CCVMjA boundary; thence east along the CCVMjA boundary to the CCVPD boundary; thence north and west along the CCVPD boundary to the MSCP Neutral Area boundary (MNA); thence south and back north along the MNA boundary to UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3614700; thence east along UTM NAD27 y-coordinate to the MNA boundary; thence south along the MNA boundary to the CCVPD boundary; thence following the CCVPD boundary to the MNA boundary; thence south along the MNA boundary to the CCVPD boundary; thence west along the CCVPD boundary to UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3621500; thence west along UTM y-coordinate to the OWD boundary; thence south following the OWD boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 504600; thence north following UTM NAD27 coordinates 504600, 3614600; 504500, 3614600; 504500, 3615500; 504400, 3615500; 504400, 3615700; 504300, 3615700; 504300, 3615800; 504200, 3615800; 504200, 3615700; 504100, 3615700; 504100, 3615200; 504000, 3615200; 504000, 3615100; 503900, 3615100; 503900, 3614900; 503800, 3614900; 503800, 3614800; 503900, 3614800; 503900, 3614600; 503800, 3614600; 503800, 3614400; 503700, 3614400; thence south to the OWD boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 503700; thence west following the OWD boundary to the Multiple Habitat Planning Area (MHPA) boundary; thence west following the MHPA to the SDNWR boundary; thence south following the SDNWR boundary to UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3616100; thence west following UTM NAD27 coordinates 501200, 3616100; 501200, 3615800; 500800, 3615800; thence north to the Sweetwater Authority Water District (SWAWD) boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 500800; thence west following the SWAWD boundary to the County of San Diego Minor Amendment (CSDMnA) boundary; thence west following the CSDMnA boundary to the SWAWD boundary; thence west following the SWAWD boundary to approximately UTM NAD27 coordinates 5014000, 3618650 where the SWAWD meets the Sweetwater Reservoir shoreline; thence south following the Sweetwater Reservoir shoreline (SRS) to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 499400; thence north following UTM NAD27 coordinates 499400, 3617000; 499400, 3617100; 499300, 3617100; 499300, 3617200; 499200, 3617200; 499200, 3617000; thence east to the SRS at UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3617000; thence south following the SRS back to the point of beginning at UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3618500; excluding lands bounded by the CCVPD boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 505800; thence east following the CCVPD boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 506100; thence north and following UTM NAD27 coordinates 506100, 3614700; 505700, 3614700; 505700, 3615300; 505800, 3615300; thence north returning to the point of beginning on the CCVPD boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 505800; excluding lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates 499800, 3616000; 500000, 3616000; 500000, 3615800; 499900, 3615800; 499900, 3615700; 499800, 3615700; 499800, 3616000; excluding the proposed State Route 125 easement.
(iii)Unit 1c and d: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Jamul Mountains, the lands bounded by the CCVPD boundary at Horseshoe Bend and Gobblers Knob.
(iv)Unit 1e: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Jamul Mountains, the lands bounded by the MNA boundary at Rolling Hills Ranch.
(v) NOTE: Unit 1 map follows:

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(6)Unit 2: Chula Vista, San Diego County, California.
(i)Unit 2a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps National City, the lands bounded by the CCVPD boundary in Long Canyon and between UTM NAD27 coordinates 497900 and 499700.
(ii)Unit 2b and c: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map National City, the lands bounded by the CCVPD boundary south of Otay Lakes Road and between UTM NAD27 x-coordinates 497300 and 499500.
(iii)Unit 2d: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map National City, the lands bounded by the CCVPD boundary in Rice Canyon and between UTM NAD27 x-coordinates 496900 and 499100.
(iv)Unit 2e: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps National City and Imperial Beach, the lands bounded by the CCVPD boundary in Telegraph Canyon and between UTM NAD27 x-coordinates 498100 and 499300.
(v)Unit 2f: and h: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Imperial Beach, the lands bounded by the CCVPD boundary in Poggi Canyon and between UTM NAD27 x-coordinates 497400 and 499000.
(vi)Unit 2g: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Imperial Beach, beginning at the CCV boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 498600; thence south following UTM NAD27 coordinates 498600, 3607300; 498400, 3607300; 498400, 3607200; 498300, 3607200; 498300, 3606900; 498500, 3606900; thence south to the CCV boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 498500; thence west following the CCV boundary to the CCVPD boundary; thence west following the CCVPD boundary to the CCV boundary; thence east returning to the point of beginning on the CCV boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 498600.
(vii) NOTE: Unit 2 map follows:

View Image

(7)Unit 3: Otay Valley/Big Murphy's, San Diego County, California.
(i)Unit 3a: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Imperial Beach, Otay Mesa, and Jamul Mountains beginning on the CCVPD boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 499900; thence east following the CCVPD boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 506400; thence south following the UTM NAD27 coordinates 506400, 3607200; 506300, 3607200; 506300, 3607100; 505600, 3607100; 505600, 3606900; 505300, 3606900; 505300, 3606700; 505100, 3606700; 505100, 3606600; 504900, 3606600; 504900, 3606500; 504800, 3606500; 504800, 3606600; 504700, 3606600; 504700, 3606700; 504500, 3606700; 504500, 3606600; 504400, 3606600; 504400, 3606500; 504300, 3606500; 504300, 3606300; thence west to the CCVPD boundary at UTM y-coordinate 3606300; thence north following the CCVPD boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 502400; thence south following UTM NAD27 coordinates 502100, 3605600; 502100, 3605500; 501900, 3605500; 501900, 3605300; 502800, 3605300; 502800, 3605400; thence east to the CCVPD boundary at UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3605400; thence east following the CCVPD boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 504500; thence north following UTM NAD27 coordinates 504500, 3606200; 504800, 3606200; 504800, 3606300; 505000, 3606300; 505000, 3606400; 505100, 3606400; 505100, 3606500; 505200, 3606500; 505200, 3606600; 505700, 3606600; 505700, 3606500; 505800, 3606500; 505800, 3606600; 506300, 3606600; 506300, 3606800; 506600, 3606800; 506600, 3606900; thence east to the CCVPD boundary at UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3606900; thence south following the CCVPD boundary to the CCV boundary; thence west following the CCV boundary to the CCVPD boundary; thence north following the CCVPD boundary to the UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3604700; thence west following UTM NAD27 coordinates 500400, 3604700; 500400, 3604800; 500100, 3604800; 500100, 3604700; thence west to the CCV boundary at UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3604700; thence north along the CCV boundary to the CCVPD boundary; thence east following the CCVPD boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 501300; thence north following UTM NAD27 coordinates 501300, 3605300; 501400, 3605300; thence north to the CCVPD boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 501400; thence north following the CCVPD boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 501600; thence north following UTM NAD27 coordinates 501600, 3605900; 501500, 3605900; 501500, 3606000; 501300, 3606000; 501300, 3606100; thence north to the CCVPD boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 501300; thence east following the CCVPD boundary to UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3605700; thence east following UTM NAD27 coordinates 500600, 3605700; 500600, 3605800; 500100, 3605800; 500100, 3605900; 499900, 3605900; thence north returning to the point of beginning on the CCVPD boundary at UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 499900; excluding the proposed State Route 125 easement.
(ii)Unit 3b: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Otay Mesa, the southern half of the Immigration and Nationalization Service land at Brown Field.
(iii)Unit 3c: From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Otay Mesa, beginning on the CSDMjA boundary at UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3604000; thence south following the CSDMjA boundary to UTM NAD27 x-coordinate 509200; thence south following UTM NAD27 coordinates 509200, 3602900; 509000, 3602900; 509000, 3602800; 509100, 3602800; 509100, 3602700; 508200, 3602700; 508200, 3603200; 508100, 3603200; 508100, 3603400; 508000, 3603400; 508000, 3603600; 508100, 3603600; 508100, 3603700; 508200, 3603700; 508200, 3603800; 508400, 3603800; 508400, 3604000; returning to the point of beginning on the CSDMjA boundary at UTM NAD27 y-coordinate 3604000.
(iv) NOTE: Unit 3 map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Santa Barbara County, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Deinandra increscens ssp. villosa are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Sandy soils associated with coastal terraces adjacent to the coast or uplifted marine sediments at interior sites up to 5.6 km (3.5 mi) inland from the coast, and
(ii) Plant communities that support associated species, including needlegrass grassland and coastal sage scrub communities, particularly where the following associated species are found: Needlegrass species (Nassella spp.), California sagebrush (Artemisia californica), coyote bush (Baccharis pilularis), sawtooth golden bush (Hazardia squarrosa), and California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum).
(3) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, aqueducts, railroads, airports, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

Critical Habitat Map Units.

(i) Data layers defining map units were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(ii) Note: Index map follows:

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(4) Sudden Peak Unit: Santa Barbara County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Tranquillon Mountain, Lompoc Hills, Santa Rosa Hills, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 729958, 3827610; 729742, 3827440; 729579, 3827450; 729425, 3827600; 729439, 3827710; 729508, 3827830; 729376, 3827830; 729212, 3827800; 729116, 3827760; 729008, 3827960; 728870, 3828070; 727858, 3828370; 727151, 3828380; 726435, 3828390; 726349, 3828300; 726296, 3828210; 726142, 3828370; 725873, 3828420; 725662, 3828470; 725478, 3828790; 724801, 3829170; 724588, 3829000; 724595, 3829180; 724666, 3829350; 724689, 3829390; 724710, 3829420; 724742, 3829500; 724748, 3829510; 724772, 3829520; 724802, 3829490; 724864, 3829440; 724894, 3829450; 724903, 3829460; 724923, 3829490; 724952, 3829510; 724982, 3829500; 724993, 3829460; 725000, 3829450; 725013, 3829430; 725045, 3829430; 725100, 3829430; 725105, 3829430; 725116, 3829420; 725120, 3829410; 725124, 3829350; 725129, 3829320; 725139, 3829300; 725145, 3829290; 725196, 3829290; 725210, 3829290; 725229, 3829280; 725242, 3829270; 725252, 3829260; 725266, 3829230; 725267, 3829200; 725289, 3829140; 725294, 3829130; 725325, 3829110; 725354, 3829110; 725375, 3829150; 725383, 3829160; 725444, 3829140; 725456, 3829150; 725460, 3829160; 725460, 3829180; 725452, 3829200; 725437, 3829230; 725430, 3829260; 725427, 3829310; 725432, 3829350; 725406, 3829410; 725427, 3829420; 725435, 3829420; 725496, 3829400; 725526, 3829410; 725556, 3829420; 725581, 3829410; 725586, 3829410; 725617, 3829380; 725651, 3829330; 725679, 3829310; 725708, 3829340; 725738, 3829340; 725774, 3829300; 725786, 3829260; 725796, 3829240; 725862, 3829220; 725869, 3829220; 725888, 3829190; 725912, 3829130; 725917, 3829120; 725956, 3829090; 725986, 3829080; 726017, 3829070; 726048, 3829070; 726056, 3829090; 726061, 3829130; 726069, 3829170; 726090, 3829220; 726100, 3829280; 726112, 3829300; 726130, 3829310; 726163, 3829290; 726242, 3829220; 726253, 3829200; 726284, 3829170; 726314, 3829160; 726333, 3829160; 726478, 3829080; 726500, 3829060; 726529, 3829020; 726558, 3829050; 726570, 3829080; 726584, 3829090; 726616, 3829100; 726651, 3829100; 726738, 3829050; 726768, 3829040; 726799, 3829020; 726830, 3829000; 726907, 3828970; 726925, 3828950; 726935, 3828920; 726942, 3828910; 726964, 3828860; 726961, 3828830; 726952, 3828800; 726957, 3828760; 726995, 3828750; 727013, 3828740; 727022, 3828720; 727026, 3828680; 727046, 3828620; 727053, 3828560; 727083, 3828570; 727121, 3828590; 727140, 3828600; 727145, 3828620; 727143, 3828660; 727168, 3828720; 727186, 3828780; 727223, 3828840; 727232, 3828870; 727242, 3828940; 727251, 3828960; 727273, 3828970; 727281, 3828970; 727291, 3828960; 727312, 3828930; 727343, 3828910; 727414, 3828880; 727433, 3828870; 727521, 3828760; 727579, 3828670; 727659, 3828660; 727724, 3828680; 727806, 3828720; 727873, 3828820; 728014, 3829090; 728073, 3829130; 728179, 3829170; 728262, 3829210; 728345, 3829230; 728412, 3829250; 728414, 3829240; 728688, 3829280; 728783, 3829210; 728830, 3829050; 728820, 3828900; 728839, 3828590; 728863, 3828400; 728940, 3828300; 729160, 3828270; 729685, 3828110; 729721, 3828100; 729755, 3828070; 729958, 3827610.
(ii) NOTE: Map 2 follows:

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(5) Conception-Gaviota Unit: Santa Barbara County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Gaviota, Lompoc Hills, Point Conception, Sacate, and Tranquillon Mountain, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 729837, 3821770; 729855, 3821690; 729971, 3821490; 730078, 3821250; 730181, 3821200; 730191, 3821100; 730302, 3820990; 730393, 3820950; 730490, 3820870; 730490, 3820840; 730445, 3820790; 730431, 3820750; 730455, 3820690; 730520, 3820630; 730464, 3820600; 730344, 3820590; 730333, 3820570; 730346, 3820500; 730377, 3820470; 730496, 3820520; 730587, 3820480; 730593, 3820450; 730530, 3820400; 730514, 3820360; 730523, 3820330; 730625, 3820210; 730716, 3820200; 730731, 3820190; 730718, 3820160; 730653, 3820100; 730646, 3819980; 730614, 3819910; 730617, 3819860; 730679, 3819780; 730729, 3819750; 730822, 3819770; 730967, 3819830; 730997, 3819830; 731013, 3819810; 730970, 3819750; 730793, 3819640; 730748, 3819560; 730764, 3819530; 730761, 3819440; 730779, 3819410; 730783, 3819260; 730921, 3819080; 731051, 3819040; 731073, 3819060; 731099, 3819240; 731134, 3819290; 731148, 3819290; 731160, 3819400; 731174, 3819330; 731164, 3819290; 731149, 3819290; 731155, 3819210; 731165, 3819180; 731211, 3819140; 731219, 3819020; 731282, 3818980; 731303, 3818890; 731356, 3818870; 731386, 3818900; 731418, 3819100; 731472, 3819130; 731510, 3818920; 731511, 3818770; 731540, 3818740; 731587, 3818790; 731627, 3818860; 731641, 3818850; 731651, 3818830; 731631, 3818650; 731641, 3818600; 731658, 3818590; 731785, 3818620; 731841, 3818730; 731900, 3818770; 731931, 3818750; 731924, 3818600; 731936, 3818580; 731999, 3818550; 732050, 3818560; 732097, 3818660; 732142, 3818700; 732147, 3818740; 732126, 3818790; 732145, 3818820; 732169, 3818810; 732215, 3818780; 732260, 3818790; 732289, 3818770; 732285, 3818740; 732228, 3818640; 732238, 3818500; 732269, 3818500; 732323, 3818650; 732344, 3818660; 732371, 3818620; 732374, 3818530; 732419, 3818490; 732479, 3818490; 732537, 3818560; 732578, 3818550; 732627, 3818580; 732644, 3818510; 732584, 3818410; 732599, 3818320; 732534, 3818230; 732571, 3818140; 732609, 3818110; 732700, 3818130; 732759, 3818160; 732818, 3818220; 732914, 3818270; 732939, 3818310; 732945, 3818240; 732879, 3818170; 732828, 3818060; 732812, 3818030; 732809, 3817980; 732856, 3817950; 732945, 3817970; 733036, 3818070; 733120, 3818160; 733150, 3818160; 733231, 3818070; 733234, 3818070; 733240, 3818040; 733109, 3817940; 733092, 3817880; 733109, 3817830; 733281, 3817800; 733363, 3817810; 733547, 3817950; 733576, 3817960; 733646, 3817900; 733604, 3817840; 733588, 3817780; 733601, 3817750; 733643, 3817740; 733702, 3817770; 733793, 3817750; 733820, 3817840; 733908, 3817800; 733987, 3817810; 734040, 3817950; 734157, 3818050; 734158, 3818010; 734120, 3817980; 734083, 3817910; 734045, 3817760; 734020, 3817730; 733957, 3817710; 733907, 3817670; 733894, 3817550; 733963, 3817490; 734053, 3817490; 734088, 3817550; 734101, 3817650; 734160, 3817700; 734193, 3817770; 734250, 3817800; 734324, 3817820; 734350, 3817870; 734361, 3817860; 734345, 3817780; 734255, 3817710; 734226, 3817650; 734232, 3817550; 734273, 3817470; 734257, 3817410; 734267, 3817390; 734385, 3817440; 734414, 3817350; 734449, 3817320; 734478, 3817350; 734490, 3817530; 734470, 3817770; 734481, 3817860; 734492, 3817880; 734565, 3817880; 734639, 3818000; 734669, 3818000; 734639, 3817810; 734654, 3817750; 734634, 3817700; 734638, 3817620; 734755, 3817490; 734782, 3817430; 734806, 3817430; 734841, 3817510; 734892, 3817580; 734928, 3817580; 734927, 3817420; 734987, 3817400; 735019, 3817340; 735054, 3817330; 735108, 3817370; 735123, 3817360; 735093, 3817220; 735102, 3817180; 735175, 3817150; 735206, 3817120; 735305, 3817160; 735354, 3817200; 735376, 3817100; 735360, 3816990; 735450, 3816840; 735485, 3816840; 735495, 3816860; 735711, 3816870; 735754, 3816850; 735817, 3816780; 735847, 3816790; 735877, 3816850; 735856, 3816940; 735871, 3816960; 735993, 3816910; 736021, 3816920; 736012, 3816930; 736295, 3816960; 736323, 3816930; 736470, 3817040; 736500, 3817040; 736559, 3817070; 736591, 3817000; 736651, 3817020; 736688, 3817010; 736717, 3816940; 736701, 3816880; 736713, 3816850; 736747, 3816810; 736777, 3816800; 736826, 3816820; 736851, 3816850; 736893, 3816970; 736882, 3817060; 736919, 3817080; 736978, 3816890; 736960, 3816710; 736991, 3816690; 737091, 3816760; 737087, 3816860; 737103, 3816890; 737196, 3816850; 737260, 3816870; 737277, 3816960; 737230, 3817080; 737202, 3817100; 737210, 3817130; 737247, 3817170; 737368, 3817120; 737402, 3817140; 737584, 3817090; 737594, 3817060; 737702, 3817010; 737792, 3817000; 737807, 3816970; 737793, 3816910; 737816, 3816880; 737856, 3816880; 737914, 3816940; 738009, 3816800; 738067, 3816870; 738158, 3816860; 738157, 3816890; 738093, 3816980; 738092, 3817030; 738132, 3816990; 738305, 3816950; 738365, 3816950; 738420, 3816920; 738575, 3816960; 738594, 3817000; 738541, 3817140; 738552, 3817170; 738593, 3817210; 738589, 3817270; 738620, 3817330; 738653, 3817340; 738668, 3817330; 738648, 3817230; 738698, 3817090; 738658, 3816860; 738632, 3816790; 738642, 3816730; 738702, 3816720; 738774, 3816760; 738801, 3816790; 738799, 3816850; 738817, 3816880; 738908, 3816860; 739028, 3816870; 739087, 3816890; 739179, 3816830; 739209, 3816830; 739268, 3816880; 739298, 3816880; 739309, 3816750; 739362, 3816740; 739411, 3816780; 739448, 3816870; 739539, 3816850; 739605, 3816880; 739901, 3816930; 739928, 3816900; 740007, 3816900; 740117, 3816940; 740137, 3816950; 740130, 3816980; 740102, 3817010; 740161, 3817130; 740191, 3817150; 740230, 3817070; 740284, 3817040; 740326, 3817040; 740362, 3817060; 740635, 3817030; 740617, 3817030; 740657, 3817010; 740765, 3817020; 740856, 3817010; 740900, 3817050; 740937, 3817130; 740972, 3817140; 741018, 3817080; 741095, 3817040; 741125, 3817060; 741245, 3817040; 741298, 3817080; 741314, 3817110; 741562, 3817110; 741605, 3817060; 741665, 3817050; 741735, 3817080; 741787, 3817170; 741918, 3817200; 741982, 3817180; 742113, 3817170; 742196, 3817210; 742798, 3817310; 742860, 3817300; 742980, 3817300; 743099, 3817320; 743221, 3817270; 743244, 3817280; 743250, 3817340; 743308, 3817360; 743343, 3817390; 743596, 3817430; 743607, 3817410; 743874, 3817420; 743908, 3817390; 743938, 3817380; 744027, 3817420; 744117, 3817430; 744176, 3817470; 744303, 3817490; 744367, 3817530; 744644, 3817570; 744660, 3817540; 744685, 3817540; 744744, 3817570; 744769, 3817570; 744804, 3817510; 744829, 3817510; 744925, 3817540; 744985, 3817540; 745044, 3817570; 745077, 3817490; 745137, 3817470; 745205, 3817500; 745228, 3817500; 745258, 3817440; 745289, 3817430; 745318, 3817460; 745321, 3817500; 745287, 3817560; 745284, 3817590; 745313, 3817600; 745501, 3817590; 745524, 3817590; 745544, 3817630; 745731, 3817700; 745771, 3817730; 746052, 3817770; 746091, 3817720; 746121, 3817730; 746209, 3817810; 746240, 3817750; 746360, 3817750; 746388, 3817820; 746521, 3817830; 746544, 3817910; 746722, 3818070; 746833, 3818030; 747014, 3818010; 747043, 3818020; 747031, 3818050; 747374, 3818110; 747401, 3818090; 747431, 3818100; 747460, 3818150; 747549, 3818180; 747606, 3818130; 747633, 3818070; 747653, 3818060; 747702, 3818080; 747763, 3818060; 747776, 3818110; 747958, 3818180; 748008, 3818150; 748091, 3818140; 748121, 3818090; 748153, 3818070; 748243, 3818060; 748303, 3818080; 748315, 3818100; 748305, 3818120; 748585, 3818230; 748630, 3818180; 748783, 3818110; 748808, 3818120; 748816, 3818140; 749085, 3818040; 749116, 3818010; 749187, 3817980; 749239, 3817910; 749423, 3817960; 749430, 3817860; 749569, 3817740; 749647, 3817730; 749696, 3817690; 749756, 3817700; 749847, 3817670; 749893, 3817680; 749934, 3817760; 749964, 3817790; 750026, 3817710; 750106, 3817740; 750176, 3817720; 750266, 3817730; 750357, 3817790; 750765, 3817740; 750777, 3817720; 750898, 3817700; 751017, 3817710; 751077, 3817740; 751161, 3817690; 751409, 3817660; 751445, 3817670; 751468, 3817710; 751498, 3817710; 751527, 3817650; 751560, 3817640; 751620, 3817660; 751710, 3817650; 751769, 3817700; 751850, 3817700; 751888, 3817720; 751966, 3817740; 752007, 3817760; 752091, 3817720; 752142, 3817720; 752186, 3817730; 752185, 3817750; 752495, 3817790; 752518, 3817760; 752668, 3817760; 752879, 3817730; 752929, 3817750; 752925, 3817810; 752949, 3817900; 752963, 3817940; 752993, 3817950; 753068, 3817800; 753148, 3817780; 753206, 3817790; 753231, 3818030; 753260, 3818070; 753348, 3817820; 753388, 3817800; 753508, 3817790; 753531, 3817840; 753535, 3817980; 753562, 3818010; 753593, 3817980; 753651, 3817870; 753686, 3817860; 753760, 3817880; 753834, 3817950; 753893, 3817970; 754161, 3818050; 754228, 3818090; 754245, 3818140; 754992, 3818450; 755014, 3818420; 755141, 3818430; 755230, 3818480; 755254, 3818520; 755249, 3818560; 755238, 3818660; 755250, 3818800; 755280, 3818810; 755352, 3818670; 755375, 3818640; 755403, 3818640; 755436, 3818760; 755489, 3818860; 755534, 3818820; 755575, 3818730; 755586, 3818640; 755617, 3818590; 755647, 3818600; 755734, 3818700; 755856, 3818650; 755927, 3818700; 756035, 3818670; 756077, 3818680; 756044, 3818780; 756057, 3818950; 756151, 3818810; 756212, 3818780; 756333, 3818770; 756368, 3818790; 756435, 3818880; 756455, 3818930; 756536, 3819010; 756550, 3818970; 756603, 3818920; 756619, 3818790; 756561, 3818700; 756576, 3818670; 756695, 3818650; 756758, 3818620; 756819, 3818620; 756895, 3818740; 756927, 3818830; 756990, 3818880; 757011, 3818840; 757002, 3818750; 757038, 3818660; 757063, 3818630; 757118, 3818620; 757178, 3818620; 757209, 3818610; 757238, 3818620; 757267, 3818660; 757297, 3818670; 757359, 3818610; 757379, 3818620; 757404, 3818640; 757436, 3818730; 757436, 3818820; 757532, 3818850; 757582, 3818790; 757574, 3818680; 757587, 3818610; 757606, 3818590; 757660, 3818580; 757720, 3818600; 757802, 3818550; 757931, 3818540; 757966, 3818560; 757957, 3818660; 758005, 3818750; 758001, 3818840; 758075, 3818930; 758071, 3818990; 758100, 3819020; 758124, 3819140; 758214, 3819020; 758142, 3818900; 758180, 3818840; 758179, 3818750; 758222, 3818690; 758314, 3818640; 758323, 3818580; 758413, 3818500; 758482, 3818520; 758657, 3818550; 758700, 3818600; 758708, 3818680; 758738, 3818690; 758794, 3818610; 758848, 3818580; 758923, 3818550; 758952, 3818560; 759096, 3818660; 759126, 3818770; 759157, 3818750; 759168, 3818660; 759189, 3818630; 759278, 3818600; 759288, 3818480; 759316, 3818470; 759406, 3818450; 759496, 3818470; 759573, 3818390; 759641, 3818380; 759681, 3818400; 759695, 3818440; 759674, 3818620; 759727, 3818650; 759810, 3818650; 759830, 3818290; 759919, 3818100; 759988, 3817930; 759729, 3817980; 759478, 3818010; 759217, 3818010; 758902, 3818010; 758751, 3817980; 758567, 3817930; 758397, 3817880; 758186, 3817920; 757595, 3817960; 757096, 3817950; 756634, 3817920; 756455, 3817910; 756241, 3817920; 755971, 3817930; 755452, 3817920; 755057, 3817910; 754820, 3817930; 754772, 3818110; 754583, 3818130; 754488, 3818160; 754446, 3818160; 754433, 3818070; 754463, 3817870; 754315, 3817820; 754240, 3817840; 754112, 3817820; 753820, 3817730; 753689, 3817610; 753599, 3817600; 753438, 3817620; 753296, 3817610; 753000, 3817580; 752956, 3817540; 752869, 3817530; 752688, 3817540; 752379, 3817510; 752131, 3817480; 751813, 3817460; 751526, 3817460; 751312, 3817510; 750941, 3817550; 750704, 3817560; 750557, 3817570; 750473, 3817550; 750339, 3817500; 750192, 3817410; 750036, 3817370; 749949, 3817400; 749771, 3817440; 748910, 3817700; 748606, 3817730; 748344, 3817710; 748155, 3817660; 748066, 3817600; 748021, 3817510; 747963, 3817420; 747899, 3817380; 747829, 3817340; 747690, 3817240; 747620, 3817230; 747528, 3817260; 747464, 3817290; 747511, 3817540; 747431, 3817590; 747177, 3817450; 747052, 3817370; 747124, 3817180; 746926, 3817100; 746752, 3817050; 746670, 3817050; 746578, 3817060; 746487, 3817020; 746259, 3816890; 746108, 3816830; 745972, 3816820; 745461, 3816790; 745216, 3816760; 744860, 3816720; 744574, 3816570; 744655, 3816460; 744621, 3816380; 744557, 3816360; 744428, 3816380; 744368, 3816360; 744289, 3816330; 744207, 3816280; 744075, 3816240; 743893, 3816240; 743710, 3816240; 743576, 3816260; 743444, 3816240; 743168, 3816280; 743014, 3816260; 742907, 3816190; 742841, 3816110; 742786, 3816080; 742114, 3816030; 741814, 3816010; 741507, 3816040; 741374, 3816020; 741117, 3815950; 740983, 3815940; 740864, 3815940; 740750, 3815960; 740635, 3815970; 740543, 3815950; 740437, 3815900; 740266, 3815840; 740113, 3815800; 739992, 3815790; 739469, 3815780; 739362, 3815750; 739187, 3815750; 738956, 3815760; 738749, 3815750; 738472, 3815710; 738080, 3815640; 737729, 3815560; 737613, 3815520; 737525, 3815480; 737454, 3815470; 737393, 3815480; 737297, 3815470; 737212, 3815450; 737163, 3815410; 737122, 3815350; 737042, 3815190; 737001, 3815130; 736814, 3815060; 736721, 3815050; 736557, 3815060; 736302, 3815130; 735981, 3815170; 735719, 3815200; 735519, 3815240; 735387, 3815220; 735259, 3815220; 735138, 3815230; 735020, 3815250; 734963, 3815240; 734861, 3815230; 734761, 3815200; 734683, 3815120; 734653, 3815030; 734637, 3814960; 734572, 3814910; 734287, 3814800; 734139, 3814700; 734071, 3814630; 734016, 3814520; 734017, 3814450; 734027, 3814340; 734042, 3814260; 734082, 3814180; 734048, 3814160; 734011, 3814160; 733934, 3814230; 733834, 3814250; 733716, 3814250; 733702, 3814270; 733716, 3814320; 733684, 3814390; 733652, 3814430; 733606, 3814450; 733538, 3814560; 733527, 3814610; 733490, 3814670; 733419, 3814720; 733342, 3814740; 733265, 3814750; 733224, 3814780; 733160, 3814830; 733076, 3814860; 732793, 3814930; 732732, 3814910; 732641, 3814850; 732607, 3814870; 732606, 3814890; 732579, 3814940; 732495, 3814940; 732452, 3814880; 732429, 3814870; 732409, 3814850; 732351, 3814800; 732293, 3814790; 732295, 3814840; 732329, 3814890; 732390, 3814980; 732384, 3815040; 732395, 3815110; 732359, 3815260; 732288, 3815340; 732226, 3815410; 732195, 3815570; 732206, 3815670; 732181, 3815720; 732154, 3815780; 732131, 3815820; 732140, 3815990; 732154, 3816090; 732137, 3816570; 732072, 3816920; 732014, 3817200; 731949, 3817400; 731910, 3817520; 731800, 3817760; 731742, 3818040; 731657, 3818180; 731480, 3818350; 731486, 3818420; 731438, 3818490; 731359, 3818520; 731311, 3818550; 731293, 3818620; 731188, 3818710; 731058, 3818740; 731038, 3818760; 730986, 3818830; 730940, 3818840; 730870, 3818930; 730821, 3818980; 730742, 3819010; 730632, 3819110; 730576, 3819160; 730525, 3819280; 730501, 3819400; 730475, 3819460; 730428, 3819550; 730389, 3819610; 730311, 3819710; 730243, 3819800; 730184, 3819850; 730123, 3819880; 730054, 3819890; 729972, 3819900; 729908, 3819960; 729891, 3820160; 729836, 3820260; 729809, 3820390; 729758, 3820580; 729697, 3820730; 729633, 3820880; 729601, 3821000; 729531, 3821140; 729499, 3821220; 729553, 3821600; 729546, 3821700; 729521, 3821780; 729492, 3821790; 729615, 3821830; 729837, 3821770; 757199, 3818110; 757102, 3818190; 757102, 3818260; 757275, 3818250; 757269, 3818320; 757110, 3818360; 757113, 3818410; 757403, 3818400; 757355, 3818550; 757183, 3818560; 757163, 3818530; 756943, 3818550; 756500, 3818610; 756469, 3818590; 756433, 3818530; 756414, 3818460; 756427, 3818410; 756466, 3818340; 756486, 3818270; 756489, 3818230; 756531, 3818140; 756558, 3818050; 756611, 3818000; 756698, 3817970; 756884, 3817980; 757199, 3817990; 757199, 3818110.
(ii) Note: Map 3 follows:

View Image

(6) Santa Ynez Mountains Unit (Gaviota tarplant): Santa Barbara County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Santa Rosa Hills and Sacate, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 747710, 3821530; 747708, 3821520; 747676, 3821490; 747651, 3821470; 747601, 3821430; 747545, 3821390; 747491, 3821350; 747409, 3821330; 747383, 3821320; 747323, 3821300; 747288, 3821300; 747240, 3821300; 747204, 3821310; 747150, 3821330; 747123, 3821340; 747104, 3821350; 747051, 3821380; 747023, 3821380; 746956, 3821370; 746929, 3821340; 746918, 3821330; 746903, 3821290; 746900, 3821270; 746909, 3821240; 746925, 3821220; 746945, 3821200; 746980, 3821180; 746998, 3821150; 747011, 3821140; 747023, 3821130; 747042, 3821120; 747072, 3821090; 747081, 3821080; 747092, 3821050; 747102, 3820980; 747108, 3820960; 747124, 3820950; 747134, 3820940; 747194, 3820930; 747216, 3820900; 747220, 3820890; 747230, 3820860; 747231, 3820820; 747257, 3820730; 747344, 3820660; 747492, 3820540; 747783, 3820400; 747831, 3820350; 747902, 3820290; 747931, 3820270; 747964, 3820290; 748102, 3820440; 748147, 3820460; 748170, 3820470; 748195, 3820490; 748232, 3820520; 748257, 3820540; 748280, 3820550; 748291, 3820550; 748302, 3820560; 748327, 3820560; 748414, 3820560; 748453, 3820560; 748519, 3820590; 748575, 3820620; 748619, 3820630; 748688, 3820640; 748735, 3820650; 748763, 3820670; 748818, 3820700; 748851, 3820700; 748954, 3820700; 749061, 3820700; 749095, 3820700; 749112, 3820710; 749147, 3820720; 749226, 3820770; 749243, 3820780; 749266, 3820790; 749372, 3820810; 749400, 3820820; 749469, 3820860; 749504, 3820870; 749523, 3820880; 749552, 3820880; 749571, 3820870; 749603, 3820870; 749628, 3820870; 749660, 3820880; 749701, 3820900; 749744, 3820910; 749769, 3820910; 749821, 3820900; 749835, 3820900; 749872, 3820910; 749904, 3820930; 749930, 3820930; 749955, 3820930; 749978, 3820930; 749993, 3820920; 750000, 3820910; 750004, 3820890; 749997, 3820860; 749973, 3820830; 749923, 3820800; 749904, 3820790; 749855, 3820770; 749775, 3820760; 749715, 3820760; 749636, 3820760; 749603, 3820750; 749530, 3820730; 749517, 3820720; 749505, 3820710; 749493, 3820690; 749501, 3820660; 749503, 3820630; 749496, 3820600; 749487, 3820570; 749462, 3820540; 749453, 3820540; 749438, 3820530; 749461, 3820510; 749484, 3820500; 749507, 3820490; 749537, 3820490; 749572, 3820500; 749579, 3820500; 749796, 3820530; 749832, 3820540; 749862, 3820550; 749929, 3820570; 749949, 3820570; 749966, 3820580; 749989, 3820580; 750012, 3820590; 750089, 3820610; 750158, 3820640; 750184, 3820650; 750247, 3820680; 750281, 3820680; 750303, 3820680; 750372, 3820690; 750384, 3820700; 750439, 3820700; 750562, 3820750; 750616, 3820770; 750713, 3820810; 750817, 3820820; 750846, 3820830; 750863, 3820840; 750913, 3820880; 750979, 3820920; 751051, 3820980; 751112, 3820970; 751231, 3820960; 751357, 3820950; 751454, 3820940; 751527, 3820930; 751526, 3820920; 751511, 3820900; 751475, 3820850; 751439, 3820820; 751394, 3820800; 751365, 3820770; 751308, 3820700; 751281, 3820680; 751240, 3820660; 751221, 3820640; 751199, 3820600; 751187, 3820590; 751180, 3820580; 751160, 3820570; 751128, 3820570; 751117, 3820570; 751117, 3820580; 751132, 3820620; 751136, 3820650; 751136, 3820670; 751128, 3820700; 751110, 3820720; 751088, 3820720; 751079, 3820720; 751072, 3820710; 751063, 3820700; 751051, 3820680; 751045, 3820630; 751037, 3820610; 751020, 3820580; 750988, 3820520; 750974, 3820490; 750963, 3820490; 750862, 3820490; 750796, 3820490; 750753, 3820470; 750731, 3820450; 750710, 3820430; 750682, 3820410; 750664, 3820400; 750627, 3820400; 750555, 3820400; 750536, 3820390; 750509, 3820360; 750492, 3820350; 750473, 3820350; 750447, 3820340; 750440, 3820340; 750379, 3820330; 750282, 3820340; 750250, 3820340; 750223, 3820330; 750193, 3820310; 750158, 3820280; 750133, 3820270; 750092, 3820250; 750071, 3820240; 750048, 3820240; 750041, 3820230; 750006, 3820230; 749986, 3820230; 749952, 3820230; 749894, 3820250; 749817, 3820250; 749801, 3820250; 749762, 3820230; 749707, 3820230; 749675, 3820230; 749618, 3820240; 749569, 3820240; 749519, 3820240; 749496, 3820230; 749437, 3820200; 749399, 3820190; 749341, 3820180; 749290, 3820160; 749260, 3820150; 749099, 3820140; 749049, 3820130; 749011, 3820120; 748982, 3820110; 748938, 3820100; 748865, 3820100; 748821, 3820100; 748769, 3820120; 748730, 3820130; 748701, 3820140; 748687, 3820130; 748627, 3820110; 748581, 3820090; 748546, 3820080; 748405, 3820070; 748383, 3820080; 748312, 3820060; 748253, 3820050; 748154, 3820000; 748104, 3819990; 748028, 3819980; 747992, 3819970; 747956, 3819940; 747893, 3819900; 747769, 3819840; 747743, 3819840; 747709, 3819860; 747678, 3819920; 747637, 3820020; 747587, 3820130; 747517, 3820240; 747435, 3820300; 747375, 3820310; 747303, 3820310; 747192, 3820300; 747186, 3820290; 747106, 3820280; 747099, 3820280; 747069, 3820270; 746957, 3820260; 746946, 3820250; 746934, 3820240; 746925, 3820220; 746929, 3820190; 746939, 3820150; 746934, 3820120; 746913, 3820090; 746895, 3820080; 746824, 3820060; 746808, 3820060; 746784, 3820010; 746775, 3820000; 746766, 3820000; 746732, 3819990; 746725, 3819990; 746679, 3819980; 746663, 3819990; 746615, 3819980; 746602, 3819980; 746588, 3819980; 746575, 3819990; 746548, 3820010; 746512, 3820040; 746477, 3820040; 746431, 3820030; 746422, 3820030; 746369, 3820010; 746299, 3820000; 746264, 3820010; 746246, 3820010; 746218, 3820020; 746211, 3820020; 746163, 3820020; 746149, 3820020; 746133, 3820010; 746095, 3819970; 746083, 3819960; 746061, 3819960; 746055, 3819950; 746026, 3819960; 746009, 3819960; 745999, 3819970; 745982, 3819990; 745948, 3820070; 745937, 3820100; 745935, 3820120; 745945, 3820160; 745956, 3820170; 745993, 3820210; 746037, 3820230; 746052, 3820240; 746062, 3820250; 746133, 3820300; 746166, 3820310; 746196, 3820330; 746236, 3820330; 746263, 3820330; 746287, 3820330; 746322, 3820320; 746393, 3820310; 746405, 3820310; 746414, 3820320; 746424, 3820330; 746428, 3820340; 746430, 3820400; 746426, 3820400; 746417, 3820430; 746397, 3820460; 746372, 3820490; 746349, 3820500; 746332, 3820510; 746312, 3820530; 746274, 3820570; 746248, 3820590; 746230, 3820610; 746212, 3820620; 746163, 3820630; 746109, 3820630; 746091, 3820630; 746076, 3820620; 746053, 3820600; 746002, 3820540; 745988, 3820530; 745975, 3820520; 745909, 3820500; 745788, 3820490; 745755, 3820480; 745708, 3820450; 745610, 3820390; 745574, 3820360; 745531, 3820330; 745439, 3820290; 745426, 3820280; 745412, 3820260; 745398, 3820220; 745385, 3820200; 745359, 3820160; 745342, 3820150; 745264, 3820110; 745221, 3820080; 745194, 3820060; 745171, 3820050; 745162, 3820050; 745084, 3820060; 745047, 3820050; 744936, 3819990; 744905, 3819980; 744861, 3819950; 744835, 3819950; 744777, 3819920; 744735, 3819900; 744710, 3819900; 744657, 3819880; 744623, 3819860; 744601, 3819850; 744571, 3819840; 744564, 3819840; 744491, 3819840; 744417, 3819840; 744390, 3819830; 744322, 3819810; 744251, 3819800; 744196, 3819800; 744182, 3819790; 744151, 3819780; 744114, 3819780; 744079, 3819790; 744047, 3819800; 743990, 3819800; 743937, 3819800; 743889, 3819860; 743826, 3819960; 743779, 3819990; 743727, 3820040; 743686, 3820090; 743644, 3820130; 743636, 3820170; 743695, 3820200; 743722, 3820210; 743728, 3820210; 743765, 3820220; 743789, 3820230; 743915, 3820270; 744011, 3820290; 744069, 3820310; 744084, 3820320; 744211, 3820370; 744227, 3820370; 744261, 3820370; 744279, 3820360; 744312, 3820350; 744385, 3820310; 744408, 3820300; 744427, 3820300; 744509, 3820310; 744566, 3820300; 744600, 3820310; 744613, 3820310; 744626, 3820330; 744623, 3820390; 744627, 3820410; 744637, 3820420; 744670, 3820450; 744685, 3820460; 744716, 3820490; 744745, 3820510; 744777, 3820530; 744799, 3820510; 744804, 3820500; 744807, 3820480; 744803, 3820460; 744790, 3820430; 744779, 3820420; 744770, 3820390; 744779, 3820370; 744801, 3820350; 744864, 3820330; 744905, 3820320; 744972, 3820320; 745028, 3820310; 745135, 3820280; 745158, 3820280; 745180, 3820290; 745194, 3820300; 745217, 3820360; 745251, 3820400; 745255, 3820430; 745259, 3820490; 745268, 3820560; 745286, 3820620; 745283, 3820650; 745271, 3820660; 745253, 3820660; 745226, 3820650; 745142, 3820600; 745123, 3820590; 745100, 3820590; 745073, 3820580; 745063, 3820580; 745049, 3820590; 745051, 3820620; 745062, 3820630; 745084, 3820650; 745133, 3820660; 745150, 3820670; 745182, 3820700; 745208, 3820710; 745288, 3820720; 745325, 3820730; 745336, 3820730; 745364, 3820740; 745403, 3820770; 745431, 3820790; 745449, 3820800; 745496, 3820810; 745511, 3820820; 745534, 3820840; 745548, 3820860; 745578, 3820870; 745751, 3820870; 745803, 3820880; 745829, 3820890; 745845, 3820910; 745858, 3820940; 745863, 3820960; 745890, 3821020; 745916, 3821060; 745944, 3821080; 746103, 3821120; 746154, 3821140; 746180, 3821160; 746198, 3821230; 746218, 3821250; 746237, 3821260; 746278, 3821260; 746308, 3821270; 746324, 3821270; 746375, 3821270; 746457, 3821250; 746488, 3821240; 746514, 3821230; 746519, 3821230; 746536, 3821220; 746550, 3821230; 746591, 3821270; 746623, 3821290; 746636, 3821300; 746665, 3821310; 746691, 3821330; 746719, 3821370; 746733, 3821390; 746772, 3821460; 746857, 3821540; 746868, 3821540; 746894, 3821550; 746969, 3821550; 746986, 3821550; 747014, 3821560; 747062, 3821580; 747092, 3821600; 747145, 3821600; 747181, 3821600; 747194, 3821590; 747266, 3821540; 747285, 3821530; 747315, 3821530; 747344, 3821530; 747377, 3821530; 747397, 3821550; 747399, 3821550; 747428, 3821590; 747710, 3821530.


Nevada, Nye County, Ash Meadows: SW 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 15, SW 1/4NE 1/4 and W 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 21, NW 1/4NE 1/4 sec. 22, E 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 34, SW 1/4NE 1/4, S 1/2NW 1/4, SW 1/4, and W 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 35, T17S R50E. SE 1/4 sec. 20, T17S, R51E. NW 1/4, SW 1/4, and W 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 1, E 1/2NE 1/4, SW 1/4NW 1/4, NW 1/4SW 1/4, and E 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 2, NE 1/4NW 1/4S. 12, E 1/2SW 1/4 and W 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 13, T18S, R50E. SW 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 7, NW 1/4NE 1/4 and SE 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 18, T18S, R51E.

Known primary constituent elements include dry washes or whitish saline soil associated with outcrops of pale whitish limestone.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

View Image


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Benton, Lane, Linn, Marion, and Polk Counties, Oregon, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Early seral upland prairie, wet prairie, or oak savanna habitat with a mosaic of low-growing grasses and forbs, and spaces to establish seedlings or new vegetative growth; an absence of dense canopy vegetation; and undisturbed subsoils.
(3) Critical habitat does not include man-made structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas, and the land on which such structures are located) existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical Habitat Map Units. Critical habitat units are described below. Data layers defining map units were created using USGS 24,000 scale Digital Ortho Quads captured in 2000. Critical habitat units were then mapped using UTM zone 10, NAD 1983 coordinates.
(5) NOTE: Map 1 (Index map for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens) follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-1), Polk County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 2 (Unit 1 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-1)) follows:

View Image

(7) Unit 2 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens, Marion County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 3 (Unit 2 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-2)) follows:

View Image

(8) Unit 3 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-3), Linn County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 4 (Unit 3 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-3)) follows:

View Image

(9) Unit 4 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-4), Benton County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 5 (Unit 4 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-4)) follows:

View Image

(10) Unit 5 of Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-5), Benton County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 6 (Unit 5 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-5)) follows:

View Image

(11) Unit 6 of Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-6), Lane County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 7 (Unit 6 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-6)) follows:

View Image

(12) Unit 7 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-7), Lane County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 8 (Unit 7 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-7)) follows:

View Image

(13) Unit 8 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-8), Lane County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 9 (Unit 8 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-8)) follows:

View Image

(14) Unit 9 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-9), Lane County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 10 (Unit 9 for Erigeron decumbens var. decumbens (WD-9)) follows:

View Image


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Bernardino County, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Erigeron parishii are those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of the species. Based on our current knowledge of this species, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for this species are listed below and consist of, but are not limited to:
(i) Soils derived primarily from upstream or upslope limestone, dolomite, or quartz monzonite parent materials that occur on dry, rocky hillsides, shallow drainages, or outwash plains at elevations between 1,171 and 1,950 m (3,842 and 6,400 ft);
(ii) Soils with intact, natural surfaces that have not been substantially altered by land use activities (e.g., graded, excavated, re-contoured, or otherwise altered by ground-disturbing equipment); and
(iii) Associated plant communities that have areas with an open canopy cover.
(3) Existing features and structures, such as buildings, active mines, paved or unpaved roads, other paved or cleared areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, are not likely to contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a section 7 consultation, unless they may affect the species or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(i) NOTE: Index map follows:

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(4) Northeastern Slope Unit, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Fawnskin, Big Bear City, and Onyx Peak, California.
(ii) Subunit 1a: land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 507200, 3802000; 507400, 3802000; 507400, 3801800; 507500, 3801800; 507500, 3801600; 507400, 3801600; 507400, 3801500; 507500, 3801500; 507500, 3801200; 507600, 3801200; 507600, 3801300; 507700, 3801300; 507700, 3801400; 507800, 3801400; 507800, 3801500; 507900, 3801500; 507900, 3801600; 508100, 3801600; 508100, 3801100; 508000, 3801100; 508000, 3800900; 507900, 3800900; 507900, 3800800; 507700, 3800800; 507700, 3800900; 507600, 3800900; 507600, 3801000; 507500, 3801000; 507500, 3800700; 507400, 3800700; 507400, 3800300; 507300, 3800300; 507300, 3799900; 507100, 3799900; 507100, 3800100; 506900, 3800100; 506900, 3800500; 506800, 3800500; 506800, 3800700; 506700, 3800700; 506700, 3801100; 507100, 3801100; 507100, 3801400; 507000, 3801400; 507000, 3801800; 507100, 3801800; 507100, 3801900; 507200, 3801900; and 507200, 3802000.
(iii) Subunit 1b: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 508300, 3802400; 508500, 3802400; 508500, 3801900; 508400, 3801900; 508400, 3801800; 508100, 3801800; 508100, 3802300; 508300, 3802300; and 508300, 3802400.
(iv) Subunit 1c: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 509700, 3800500; 510200, 3800500; 510200, 3800200; 510100, 3800200; 510100, 3800100; 509700, 3800100; and 509700, 3800500.
(v) Subunit 1d: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 510300, 3801000; 510500, 3801000; 510500, 3800800; 510300, 3800800; and 510300, 3801000.
(vi) Subunit 1e: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 510900, 3802200; 511200, 3802200; 511200, 3801700; 511100, 3801700; 511100, 3801400; 510700, 3801400; 510700, 3801800; 510800, 3801800; 510800, 3802100; 510900, 3802100; and 510900, 3802200.
(vii) Subunit 1f: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 511400, 3801000; 511600, 3801000; 511600, 3800900; 511700, 3800900; 511700, 3800700; 511600, 3800700; 511600, 3800600; 511500, 3800600; 511500, 3800500; 511200, 3800500; 511200, 3800400; 511000, 3800400; 511000, 3800500; 510900, 3800500; 510900, 3800600; 511000, 3800600; 511000, 3800700; 511300, 3800700; 511300, 3800800; 511400, 3800800; and 511400, 3801000.
(viii) Subunit 1g: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 511800, 3800000; 512200, 3800000; 512200, 3799900; 512300, 3799900; 512300, 3799800; 512400, 3799800; 512400, 3799800; 512400, 3799500; 512300, 3799400; 511900, 3799400; 511900, 3799500; 511700, 3799500; 511700, 3799400; 511500, 3799400; 511500, 3799500; 511400, 3799500; 511400, 3799600; 511300, 3799600; 511300, 3799800; 511800, 3799800; and 511800, 3800000.
(ix) Subunit 1h: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 512100, 3800700; 512400, 3800700; 512400, 3800600; 512500, 3800600; 512500, 3800400; 512600, 3800400; 512600, 3800300; 512700, 3800300; 512700, 3800100; 512600, 3800100; 512600, 3800000; 512300, 3800000; 512300, 3800300; 512200, 3800300; 512200, 3800200; 512100, 3800200; 512100, 3800100; 511900, 3800100; 511900, 3800200; 511800, 3800200; 511800, 3800400; 511900, 3800400; 511900, 3800500; 512100, 3800500; and 512100, 3800700.
(x) Subunit 1i: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 512200, 3803200; 512400, 3803200; 512400, 3802900; 512100; 3803100; 512500, 3803100; 512500, 3802800; 512400, 3802800; 512400, 3802600; 512500, 3802600; 512500, 3802700; 512800, 3802700; 512800, 3802600; 512900, 3802600; 512900, 3802400; 512800, 3802400; 512800, 3802300; 512700, 3802300; 512700, 3802200; 512500, 3802200; 512500, 3802000; 512400, 3802000; 512400, 3801800; 512000, 3801800; 512000, 3802100; 512100, 3802100; 512100, 3802300; 511900, 3802300; 511900, 3802800; 512000, 3802800; 512000, 3802900; 512100, 3802900; 512100, 3803100; 512200, 3803100; and 512200, 3803200.
(xi) Subunit 1j: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 513300, 3802300; 513600, 3802300; 513600, 3802000; 513700, 3802000; 513700, 3801900; 513800, 3801900; 513800, 3802000; 514100, 3802000; 514100, 3801600; 514000, 3801600; 514000, 3801400; 513800, 3801400; 513800, 3801500; 513600, 3801500; 513600, 3801600; 513400, 3801600; 513400, 3801700; 513300, 3801700; 513300, 3801800; 513200, 3801800; 513200, 3802200; 513300, 3802200; and 513300, 3802300.
(xii) Subunit 1k: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 515800, 3802900; 516000, 3802900; 516000, 3802800; 516100, 3802800; 516100, 3802500; 516300, 3802500; 516300, 3802200; 516000, 3802200; 516000, 3802000; 516100, 3802000; 516100, 3801900; 516200, 3801900; 516200, 3801700; 516300, 3801700; 516300, 3801500; 516400, 3801500; 516400, 3800800; 516300, 3800800; 516300, 3800700; 516000, 3800700; 516000, 3801300; 515900, 3801300; 515900, 3801400; 515800, 3801400; 515800, 3801600; 515700, 3801600; 515700, 3801700; 515100, 3801700; 515100, 3801800; 515000, 3801800; 515000, 3801500; 515100, 3801500; 515100, 3801200; 515000, 3801200; 515000, 3801100; 514900, 3801100; 514900, 3800700; 514400, 3800700; 514400, 3801000; 514300, 3801000; 514300, 3801400; 514400, 3801400; 514400, 3801500; 514500, 3801500; 514500, 3801600; 514600, 3801600; 514600, 3801600; 514600, 3802100; 514700, 3802100; 514700, 3802400; 514800, 3802400; 514800, 3802600; 514900, 3802600; 514900, 3802800; 515300, 3802800; 515300, 3802500; 515200, 3802500; 515200, 3802300; 515400, 3802300; 515400, 3802200; 515400, 3802200; 515500, 3802200; 515500, 3802100; 515600, 3802700; 515700, 3802700; 515700, 3802800; 515800, 3802800, and 515800; 3802900.
(xiii) Subunit 1l: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 515600, 3801200; 515900, 3801200; 515900, 3800800; 515500, 3800800; 515500, 3801100; 515600, 3801100; and 515600, 3801200.
(xiv) Subunit 1m: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 514900, 3799900; 514900, 3800000; 515000, 3800000; 515000, 3800200; 514900, 3800200; 514900, 3800500; 515000, 3800500; 515000, 3800600; 515400, 3800600; 515400, 3800200; 515500, 3800200; 515500, 3799700; 515400, 3799700; 515400, 3799600; 516000, 3799600; 516000, 3799500; 516100, 3799500; 516100, 3799200; 516500, 3799200; 516500, 3799100; 516600, 3799100; 516600, 3798900; 516500, 3798900; 516500, 3798800; 516200, 3798800; 516200, 3798800; 516200, 3798900; 516000, 3798900; 516000, 3799100; 515900, 3799100; 515900, 3799000; 515700, 3799000; 515700, 3799100; 515600, 3799100; 515600, 3799000; 515200, 3799000; 515200, 3799100; 514800, 3799100; 514800, 3799200; 514700, 3799200; 514700, 3799300; 514100, 3799300; 514100, 3799400; 514000, 3799400; 514000, 3799300; 513600, 3799300; 513600, 3799400; 513500, 3799400; 513500, 3799600; 513600, 3799600; 513600, 3799700; 513500, 3799700; 513500, 3800000; 513600, 3800000; 513600, 3800100; 513700, 3800100; 513700, 3800200; 513900, 3800200; 513900; 3800000; 514700, 3800000; 514700, 3799900; and 514900, 3799900; excluding land bounded by 514900, 3799900; 514900, 3799700; 515000, 3799700; 515000, 3799900; and 514900, 3799900.
(xv) Subunit 1n: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 517300, 3801000; 517800, 3801000; 517800, 3800600; 517600, 3800600; 517600, 3800300; 517500, 3800300; 517500, 3800200; 517000, 3800200; 517000, 3800700; 517100, 3800700; 517100, 3800800; 517200, 3800800; 517200, 3800900; 517300, 3800900; and 517300, 3801000.
(xvi) Subunit 1o: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 519200, 3801600; 519500, 3801600; 519500, 3801500; 519600, 3801500; 519600, 3801100; 519500, 3801100; 519500, 3800900; 519400, 3800900; 519400, 3800800; 519300, 3800800; 519300, 3800700; 519200, 3800700; 519200, 3800600; 519100, 3800600; 519100, 3800500; 518800, 3800500; 518800, 3800900; 518900, 3800900; 518900, 3801000; 519000, 3801000; 519000, 3801100; 519100, 3801100; 519100, 3801500; 519200, 3801500; and 519200, 3801600.
(xvii) Subunit 1p: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 520000, 3801100; 520300, 3801100; 520300, 3800700; 520100, 3800700; 520100, 3800600; 519900, 3800600; 519900, 3800700; 519800, 3800700; 519800, 3800900; 519900, 3800900; 519900, 3801000; 520000, 3801000; and 520000, 3801100.
(xviii) Subunit 1q: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 521100, 3800700; 521300, 3800700; 521300, 3800600; 521400, 3800600; 521400, 3800500; 521600, 3800500; 521600, 3800300; 521700, 3800300; 521700, 3800200; 521600, 3800200; 521600, 3800100; 521500, 3800100; 521500, 3800000; 521300, 3800000; 521300, 3799900; 521200, 3799900; 521200, 3799700; 521000, 3799700; 521000, 3799600; 520900, 3799600; 520900, 3799500; 520500, 3799500; 520500, 3799100; 520300, 3799100; 520300, 3799300; 520200, 3799300; 520200, 3799200; 520000, 3799200; 520000, 3799000; 520200, 3799000; 520200, 3798900; 520300, 3798900; 520300, 3798800; 520700, 3798800; 520700, 3798600; 520800, 3798600; 520800, 3798700; 521500, 3798700; 521500, 3798800; 521300, 3798800; 521300, 3798900; 521700, 3798900; 521700, 3799000; 522000, 3799000; 522000, 3798900; 522100, 3798900; 522100, 3798700; 522000, 3798700; 522000, 3798600; 521900, 3798600; 521900, 3798400; 521500, 3798400; 521500, 3798100; 521300, 3798100; 521300, 3798000; 521200, 3798000; 521200, 3797800; 520600, 3797800; 520600, 3797900; 520500, 3797900; 520500, 3798100; 520400, 3798100; 520400, 3798200; 520300, 3798200; 520300, 3798400; 520200, 3798400; 520200, 3798500; 520100, 3798500; 520100, 3798600; 519600, 3798600; 519600, 3798900; 519200, 3798900; 519200, 3799200; 519300, 3799200; 519300, 3799300; 519500, 3799300; 519500, 3799400; 519700, 3799400; 519700, 3799500; 519900, 3799500; 519900, 3799600; 520100, 3799600; 520100, 3799700; 520300, 3799700; 520300, 3799800; 520400, 3799800; 520400, 3799900; 520500, 3799900; 520500, 3800100; 520600, 3800100; 520600, 3800300; 520800, 3800300; 520800, 3800400; 520900, 3800400; 520900, 3800500; 521000, 3800500; 521000, 3800600; 521100, 3800600; and 521100, 3800700.
(xix) Subunit 1r: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 519200, 3797300; 519600, 3797300; 519600, 3796900; 519500, 3796900; 519500, 3796800; 519400, 3796800; 519400, 3796600; 519300, 3796600; 519300, 3796500; 519500, 3796500; 519500, 3796400; 519600, 3796400; 519600, 3796100; 519700, 3796100; 519700, 3796000; 519600, 3796000; 519600, 3795400; 519300, 3795400; 519300, 3795500; 518500, 3795500; 518500, 3795900; 518800, 3795900; 518800, 3796000; 519000, 3796000; 519000, 3796100; 519100, 3796100; 519100, 3796200; 519200, 3796200; 519200, 3796500; 518900, 3796500; 518900, 3796600; 518800, 3796600; 518800, 3796900; 518900, 3796900; 518900, 3797000; 519100, 3797000; 519100, 3797200; 519200, 3797200; and 519200, 3797300.
(xx) Subunit 1s: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 520000, 3797600; 520300, 3797600; 520300, 3797100; 520100, 3797100; 520100, 3797000; 520000, 3797000; 520000, 3796900; 519800, 3796900; 519800, 3797000; 519700, 3797000; 519700, 3797400; 519800, 3797400; 519800, 3797500; 520000, 3797500; and 520000, 3797600.
(xxi) Subunit 1t: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 521300, 3797100; 521700, 3797100; 521700, 3796700; 521600, 3796700; 521600, 3796600; 521400, 3796600; 521400, 3796700; 521300, 3796700; and 521300, 3797100.
(xxii) Subunit 1u: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 519300, 3794600; 519700, 3794600; 519700, 3794300; 519600, 3794300; 519600, 3794100; 519500, 3794100; 519500, 3794000; 519400, 3794000; 519400, 3793900; 519300, 3793900; 519300, 3793800; 519000, 3793800; 519000, 3794200; 519100, 3794200; 519100, 3794300; 519200, 3794300; 519200, 3794400; 519300, 3794400; and 519300, 3794600.
(xxiii) Subunit 1v: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 519800, 3794300; 520200, 3794300; 520200, 3793900; 520300, 3793900; 520300, 3794000; 520500, 3794000; 520500, 3794100; 521000, 3794100; 521000, 3794200; 521600, 3794200; 521600, 3793900; 521500, 3793900; 521500, 3793800; 521200, 3793800; 521200, 3793700; 521100, 3793700; 521100, 3793600; 520800, 3793600; 520800, 3793700; 520600, 3793700; 520600, 3793600; 520300, 3793600; 520300, 3793700; 520200, 3793700; 520200, 3793800; 520000, 3793800; 520000, 3793700; 519800, 3793700; and 519800, 3794300.
(xxiv) Subunit 1w: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 521700, 3793800; 522100, 3793800; 522100, 3793700; 522400, 3793700; 522400, 3793600; 522500, 3793600; 522500, 3793300; 522400, 3793300; 522400, 3792700; 522300, 3792700; 522300, 3792600; 522200, 3792600; 522200, 3792500; 522000, 3792500; 522000, 3792600; 521800, 3792600; 521800, 3792700; 521600, 3792700; 521600, 3793000; 521500, 3793000; 521500, 3793300; 521600, 3793300; 521600, 3793700; 521700, 3793700; and 521700, 3793800.
(xxv) Subunit 1x: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 530800, 3789300; 531100, 3789300; 531100, 3788900; 531000, 3788900; 531000, 3788800; 530600, 3788800; 530600, 3788900; 530500, 3788900; 530500, 3789100; 530600, 3789100; 530600, 3789200; 530800, 3789200; and 530800, 3789300.
(xxvi) Subunit 1y: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 530900, 3788600; 531500, 3788600; 531500, 3788300; 530900, 3788300; and 530900, 3788600.
(xxvii) NOTE: Erigeron parishii map follows.

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California, Inyo County, Ash Meadows: NE 1/4, E 1/2NW 1/4, SW 1/4NW 1/4, N 1/2SW 1/4, and NW 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 30, T26N, R6E.

Nevada, Nye County, Ash Meadows: SE 1/4NW 1/4 sec. 26, W 1/2SW 1/4NE 1/4 and W 1/2NW 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 33, W 1/2NW 1/4, SW 1/4SW 1/4, E 1/2SE 1/4, and W 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 35, T17S, R50E. N 1/2SW 1/4 sec. 1, N 1/2NW 1/4 sec. 2, NE 1/4NE 1/4 and NW 1/4NW 1/4 sec. 3, SW 1/4NE 1/4, SE 1/4NW 1/4, NE 1/4SW 1/4, and, NW 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 4; W 1/2NE 1/4 and NW 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 5, N 1/2NE 1/4 sec. 7, NE 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 10, W 1/2NW 1/4 and NW 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 11, SW 1/4NE 1/4 and E 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 14; SW 1/4NW 1/4, SW 1/4SE 1/4, W 1/2SW 1/4, and SE 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 20 northeast of the Nevada-California boundary, E 1/2NE 1/4 and E 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 23, W 1/2SW 1/4 sec. 24, NW 1/4NE 1/4 sec. 29 northeast of the Nevada-California boundary, T18S, R50E. SW 1/4NW 1/4 and NW 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 18, T18S, R51E.

Known primary constituent elements include saltgrass meadows along streams and pools or drier areas with alkali clay soils.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Chaves, Cibola, and Guadalupe Counties, New Mexico, and for Pecos County, Texas, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) Within critical habitat units, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Helianthus paradoxus are the desert wetland or riparian habitat components that provide:
(i) Silty clay or fine sand soils that contain high organic content, are saline or alkaline, are permanently saturated within the root zone (top 50 cm (19.7 in) of the soil profile), and have salinity levels ranging from 10 to 40 parts per thousand; and
(ii) A low proportion (less than 10 percent) of woody shrub or canopy cover directly around the plant.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located, existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,0000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) NOTE: Index map for Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower) critical habitat units follows:

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(6) Unit 1: West-Central New Mexico, Cibola County, New Mexico.
(i) Subunit 1a for Helianthus paradoxus, Rancho del Padre Spring Cienega, Cibola County, New Mexico. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Grants SE, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (meters E, meters N): 243145, 3889604; 243025, 3889705; 243053, 3889708; 243097, 3889700; 243141, 3889702; 243201, 3889703; 243246, 3889703; 243286, 3889703; 243342, 3889708; 243377, 3889712; 243402, 3889704; 243441, 3889707; 243441, 3889707; 243472, 3889710; 243490, 3889709; 243518, 3889707; 243577, 3889698; 243626, 3889686; 243657, 3889669; 243683, 3889642; 243706, 3889616; 243729, 3889590; 243765, 3889564; 243794, 3889545; 243826, 3889535; 243863, 3889518; 243888, 3889519; 243932, 3889513; 243966, 3889506; 243991, 3889508; 244056, 3889504; 244120, 3889510; 244157, 3889513; 244196, 3889517; 244242, 3889530; 244282, 3889546; 244325, 3889560; 244359, 3889575; 244388, 3889592; 244423, 3889592; 244410, 3889576; 244393, 3889566; 244362, 3889539; 244322, 3889506; 244278, 3889486; 244244, 3889470; 244209, 3889467; 244155, 3889466; 244126, 3889461; 244088, 3889450; 244057, 3889453; 244019, 3889457; 243982, 3889456; 243923, 3889459; 243879, 3889459; 243824, 3889470; 243779, 3889490; 243752, 3889510; 243726, 3889522; 243689, 3889537; 243653, 3889566; 243604, 3889594; 243573, 3889612; 243515, 3889637; 243471, 3889643; 243427, 3889641; 243376, 3889630; 243325, 3889625; 243265, 3889619; 243224, 3889611; 243169, 3889606; thence returning to 243145, 3889604.
(ii) Subunit 1b for Helianthus paradoxus, Grants Salt Flat Wetlands, Cibola County, New Mexico. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Grants, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (meters E, meters N): 241567, 3891788; 241548, 3891788; 241521, 3891788; 241509, 3891801; 241493, 3891806; 241482, 3891812; 241460, 3891822; 241448, 3891840; 241440, 3891865; 241445, 3891886; 241449, 3891910; 241445, 3891930; 241456, 3891947; 241463, 3891957; 241484, 3891960; 241499, 3891965; 241517, 3891962; 241531, 3891941; 241534, 3891918; 241543, 3891893; 241551, 3891866; 241560, 3891846; 241568, 3891825; 241582, 3891801; 241602, 3891789; 241636, 3891777; 241670, 3891770; 241691, 3891774; 241714, 3891774; 241733, 3891785; 241751, 3891795; 241751, 3891785; 241762, 3891765; 241775, 3891750; 241798, 3891741; 241812, 3891747; 241825, 3891755; 241850, 3891755; 241876, 3891751; 241901, 3891738; 241917, 3891731; 241934, 3891717; 241942, 3891694; 241952, 3891679; 241959, 3891662; 241979, 3891648; 242003, 3891648; 242025, 3891648; 242045, 3891648; 242071, 3891659; 242100, 3891656; 242122, 3891641; 242135, 3891629; 242168, 3891604; 242175, 3891585; 242186, 3891578; 242196, 3891570; 242215, 3891570; 242234, 3891570; 242252, 3891554; 242288, 3891527; 242295, 3891507; 242295, 3891482; 242288, 3891465; 242283, 3891452; 242239, 3891452; 242191, 3891452; 242178, 3891441; 242171, 3891432; 242169, 3891409; 242172, 3891391; 242172, 3891378; 242171, 3891358; 242169, 3891344; 242165, 3891323; 242155, 3891303; 242154, 3891285; 242142, 3891252; 242141, 3891232; 242128, 3891205; 242114, 3891194; 242097, 3891188; 242080, 3891180; 242062, 3891179; 242052, 3891190; 242040, 3891204; 242023, 3891225; 241999, 3891240; 241984, 3891255; 241975, 3891262; 241971, 3891278; 241972, 3891293; 241964, 3891308; 241944, 3891322; 241911, 3891325; 241879, 3891325; 241836, 3891326; 241811, 3891335; 241785, 3891350; 241768, 3891359; 241755, 3891360; 241728, 3891356; 241706, 3891357; 241680, 3891357; 241666, 3891373; 241662, 3891403; 241664, 3891455; 241666, 3891502; 241666, 3891544; 241657, 3891574; 241650, 3891611; 241612, 3891644; 241567, 3891688; thence returning to 241567, 3891788.
(iii) NOTE: Map of subunits 1a and 1b for Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower) critical habitat follows:

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(7) Unit 3: Santa Rosa, Guadalupe County, New Mexico.
(i) Subunit 3a for Helianthus paradoxus, Blue Hole Cienega/Blue Hole Fish Hatchery Ponds, Guadalupe County, New Mexico. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Santa Rosa, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (meters E, meters N): 529408, 3865628; 529431, 3865639; 529449, 3865654; 529468, 3865681; 529481, 3865715; 529491, 3865773; 529491, 3865792; 529478, 3865810; 529467, 3865832; 529465, 3865863; 529472, 3865903; 529484, 3865943; 529494, 3866006; 529507, 3866073; 529505, 3866104; 529497, 3866123; 529484, 3866171; 529479, 3866207; 529483, 3866245; 529489, 3866310; 529489, 3866366; 529640, 3866364; 529771, 3866366; 529910, 3866363; 529980, 3866361; 529991, 3866355; 529996, 3866347; 529991, 3866329; 529988, 3866289; 529980, 3866217; 529967, 3866125; 529959, 3866012; 529957, 3865985; 529887, 3865918; 529859, 3865879; 529876, 3865756; 529962, 3865656; 530041, 3865519; 530099, 3865390; 530105, 3865209; 530091, 3865144; 529784, 3865313; 529705, 3865355; 529593, 3865417; 529522, 3865456; 529550, 3865504; 529505, 3865533; 529524, 3865564; thence returning to 529408, 3865628. 529555, 3866753; 529618, 3866754; 529654, 3866751; 529702, 3866748; 529706, 3866687; 529712, 3866651; 529713, 3866618; 529717, 3866581; 529717, 3866559; 529652, 3866555; 529640, 3866558; 529638, 3866609; 529634, 3866613; 529590, 3866609; 529556, 3866611; 529556, 3866639; 529555, 3866683; thence returning to 529555, 3866753.
(ii) NOTE: Map of Subunit 3a for Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower) critical habitat follows:

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(iii) Subunit 3b for Helianthus paradoxus, Westside Spring, Guadalupe County, New Mexico. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Santa Rosa, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (meters E, meters N): 527977, 3864746; 527990, 3864762; 527999, 3864783; 528009, 3864801; 528033, 3864823; 528054, 3864837; 528079, 3864848; 528103, 3864852; 528121, 3864843; 528125, 3864832; 528125, 3864813; 528123, 3864796; 528118, 3864780; 528108, 3864756; 528095, 3864734; 528072, 3864717; 528047, 3864697; 528018, 3864676; 527987, 3864654; 527961, 3864633; 527932, 3864613; 527906, 3864594; 527886, 3864575; 527866, 3864561; 527850, 3864551; 527836, 3864552; 527838, 3864566; 527852, 3864585; 527869, 3864606; 527886, 3864626; 527903, 3864648; 527921, 3864672; 527938, 3864694; 527957, 3864716; 527961, 3864722; 527975, 3864743; thence returning to 527977, 3864746.
(iv) NOTE: Map of Subunit 3b for Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower) critical habitat follows:

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(8) Unit 4: Roswell/Dexter, Chaves County, New Mexico.
(i) Subunit 4a for Helianthus paradoxus, Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge/City of Roswell Land, Chaves County, New Mexico. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Bitter Lake, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (meters E, meters N): 553433, 3705266; 553438, 3705244; 553427, 3705221; 553405, 3705160; 553392, 3705130; 553391, 3705126; 553381, 3705133; 553368, 3705185; 553355, 3705203; 553368, 3705223; 553376, 3705270; 553375, 3705274; 553381, 3705283; 553418, 3705283; thence returning to 553433, 3705266; 553416, 3704901; 553407, 3704896; 553357, 3704881; 553349, 3704867; 553330, 3704867; 553303, 3704849; 553295, 3704769; 553285, 3704696; 553304, 3704631; 553315, 3704558; 553332, 3704453; 553335, 3704381; 553337, 3704374; 553334, 3704362; 553342, 3704308; 553370, 3704265; 553400, 3704250; 553417, 3704226; 553422, 3704196; 553395, 3704176; 553363, 3704198; 553314, 3704250; 553264, 3704275; 553234, 3704292; 553221, 3704360; 553221, 3704364; 553217, 3704432; 553207, 3704447; 553200, 3704508; 553191, 3704580; 553178, 3704613; 553167, 3704675; 553165, 3704683; 553165, 3704758; 553176, 3704802; 553177, 3704821; 553185, 3704828; 553206, 3704841; 553231, 3704889; 553258, 3704926; 553294, 3704942; 553310, 3704972; 553314, 3705012; 553350, 3705042; 553367, 3705040; 553384, 3705022; 553384, 3704997; 553424, 3705000; 553438, 3704985; 553443, 3704945; thence returning to 553416, 3704901; 553595, 3704036; 553574, 3704029; 553551, 3704059; 553523, 3704061; 553500, 3704101; 553500, 3704104; 553496, 3704123; 553516, 3704176; 553544, 3704184; 553571, 3704161; 553592, 3704112; 553614, 3704059; thence returning to 553595, 3704036; 553958, 3704101; 553958, 3704066; 553977, 3704066; 553992, 3704051; 553990, 3703994; 553984, 3703966; 553978, 3703928; 553967, 3703901; 553965, 3703876; 553984, 3703856; 553997, 3703818; 554016, 3703798; 554020, 3703781; 553997, 3703768; 553970, 3703778; 553959, 3703813; 553949, 3703830; 553930, 3703830; 553907, 3703828; 553884, 3703808; 553865, 3703775; 553842, 3703755; 553819, 3703745; 553792, 3703744; 553779, 3703754; 553779, 3703787; 553779, 3703812; 553787, 3703830; 553802, 3703837; 553797, 3703852; 553776, 3703860; 553757, 3703874; 553761, 3703935; 553767, 3703962; 553771, 3704005; 553822, 3704048; 553853, 3704075; 553895, 3704121; 553911, 3704143; 553945, 3704149; 553966, 3704146; thence returning to 553958, 3704101; 554094, 3704475; 554107, 3704473; 554121, 3704488; 554151, 3704476; 554195, 3704456; 554210, 3704423; 554269, 3704424; 554338, 3704434; 554401, 3704449; 554479, 3704442; 554548, 3704423; 554592, 3704418; 554622, 3704405; 554640, 3704421; 554661, 3704426; 554678, 3704416; 554676, 3704391; 554725, 3704384; 554748, 3704369; 554760, 3704339; 554744, 3704333; 554712, 3704333; 554691, 3704323; 554670, 3704323; 554658, 3704290; 554639, 3704268; 554614, 3704270; 554607, 3704310; 554588, 3704348; 554569, 3704363; 554534, 3704375; 554487, 3704385; 554447, 3704389; 554418, 3704389; 554386, 3704389; 554351, 3704371; 554313, 3704356; 554263, 3704348; 554238, 3704353; 554208, 3704363; 554187, 3704385; 554164, 3704400; 554137, 3704400; 554118, 3704393; 554124, 3704340; 554118, 3704297; 554097, 3704277; 554066, 3704272; 554043, 3704284; 554043, 3704312; 554028, 3704344; 554004, 3704392; 553989, 3704434; 553989, 3704500; 553995, 3704555; 554012, 3704575; 554062, 3704555; 554094, 3704543; 554109, 3704503; thence returning to 554094, 3704475; 555025, 3703999; 554991, 3703999; 554962, 3704029; 554951, 3704067; 554959, 3704122; 554982, 3704144; 554995, 3704139; 554980, 3704069; 555018, 3704024; thence returning to 555025, 3703999; 554437, 3703590; 554460, 3703560; 554454, 3703550; 554433, 3703545; 554412, 3703540; 554404, 3703537; 554410, 3703517; 554421, 3703495; 554423, 3703460; 554421, 3703430; 554405, 3703430; 554373, 3703450; 554358, 3703492; 554339, 3703524; 554311, 3703547; 554284, 3703569; 554261, 3703567; 554234, 3703571; 554231, 3703592; 554235, 3703627; 554248, 3703662; 554256, 3703689; 554258, 3703732; 554266, 3703752; 554302, 3703762; 554325, 3703785; 554358, 3703823; 554379, 3703808; 554392, 3703785; 554394, 3703753; 554386, 3703733; 554390, 3703715; 554407, 3703670; 554416, 3703638; thence returning to 554437, 3703590; 555874, 3704071; 555869, 3704052; 555873, 3703974; 555893, 3703927; 555899, 3703877; 555918, 3703859; 555923, 3703809; 555889, 3703794; 556064, 3702986; 556073, 3702873; 556031, 3702863; 555981, 3702792; 555927, 3702732; 555889, 3702692; 555870, 3702734; 555928, 3702797; 556003, 3702905; 556031, 3702923; 556028, 3702953; 555992, 3703018; 555969, 3703018; 555942, 3703060; 555920, 3703110; 555843, 3703105; 555839, 3703069; 555818, 3703039; 555817, 3702909; 555773, 3702746; 555742, 3702738; 555704, 3702776; 555718, 3702818; 555775, 3702891; 555768, 3702936; 555772, 3703079; 555767, 3703144; 555754, 3703169; 555746, 3703124; 555715, 3703114; 555685, 3703106; 555671, 3703079; 555671, 3703033; 555675, 3702996; 555659, 3702978; 555629, 3702956; 555596, 3702958; 555577, 3702975; 555543, 3702955; 555495, 3702975; 555476, 3702987; 555461, 3703025; 555450, 3703042; 555421, 3703045; 555408, 3703034; 555392, 3703027; 555443, 3702956; 555489, 3702941; 555502, 3702888; 555479, 3702865; 555500, 3702850; 555529, 3702820; 555534, 3702780; 555532, 3702699; 555507, 3702669; 555474, 3702666; 555452, 3702694; 555436, 3702692; 555419, 3702686; 555406, 3702691; 555397, 3702754; 555406, 3702781; 555412, 3702839; 555370, 3702869; 555333, 3702914; 555274, 3702966; 555216, 3702966; 555157, 3703003; 555100, 3703033; 555053, 3703057; 555015, 3703110; 554971, 3703180; 554958, 3703210; 554943, 3703230; 554916, 3703229; 554884, 3703245; 554867, 3703264; 554867, 3703302; 554861, 3703332; 554825, 3703357; 554787, 3703377; 554766, 3703416; 554745, 3703459; 554746, 3703494; 554772, 3703522; 554801, 3703507; 554805, 3703482; 554829, 3703445; 554867, 3703417; 554883, 3703395; 554913, 3703373; 554951, 3703383; 554968, 3703400; 555003, 3703425; 555024, 3703431; 555054, 3703391; 555072, 3703416; 555100, 3703429; 555125, 3703411; 555127, 3703381; 555127, 3703371; 555169, 3703356; 555215, 3703364; 555245, 3703344; 555266, 3703314; 555268, 3703282; 555254, 3703267; 555216, 3703266; 555178, 3703266; 555166, 3703256; 555149, 3703241; 555138, 3703228; 555178, 3703206; 555206, 3703191; 555225, 3703171; 555238, 3703139; 555254, 3703149; 555280, 3703147; 555295, 3703109; 555326, 3703099; 555328, 3703117; 555349, 3703137; 555374, 3703157; 555376, 3703192; 555397, 3703232; 555422, 3703235; 555435, 3703210; 555437, 3703170; 555416, 3703142; 555410, 3703125; 555427, 3703105; 555461, 3703095; 555467, 3703072; 555524, 3703073; 555557, 3703063; 555580, 3703078; 555610, 3703091; 555618, 3703138; 555630, 3703174; 555664, 3703191; 555668, 3703214; 555640, 3703234; 555628, 3703271; 555629, 3703311; 555663, 3703322; 555667, 3703357; 555688, 3703372; 555736, 3703387; 555788, 3703397; 555820, 3703400; 555839, 3703388; 555870, 3703400; 555879, 3703448; 555870, 3703520; 555848, 3703591; 555844, 3703628; 555844, 3703689; 555843, 3703739; 555837, 3703781; 555811, 3703853; 555805, 3703883; 555798, 3703931; 555781, 3703959; 555806, 3704001; 555806, 3704034; 555781, 3704042; 555774, 3704066; 555778, 3704079; 555819, 3704076; thence returning to 555874, 3704071; 556313, 3701253; 556267, 3701245; 556183, 3701262; 556218, 3701446; 556444, 3701492; 556495, 3701492; 556501, 3701475; 556456, 3701332; 556401, 3701266; thence returning to 556313, 3701253; 555609, 3701001; 555569, 3700991; 555565, 3701038; 555560, 3701104; 555564, 3701144; 555585, 3701186; 555593, 3701242; 555599, 3701312; 555578, 3701352; 555586, 3701422; 555600, 3701462; 555661, 3701485; 555720, 3701505; 555722, 3701463; 555701, 3701390; 555706, 3701337; 555744, 3701288; 555738, 3701255; 555702, 3701205; 555654, 3701154; 555619, 3701106; 555615, 3701061; 555628, 3701031; thence returning to 555609, 3701001; 555918, 3700885; 555889, 3700880; 555901, 3700925; 555916, 3700978; 555959, 3701151; 555967, 3701214; 555988, 3701284; 555983, 3701329; 555998, 3701382; 555995, 3701432; 556010, 3701452; 556022, 3701452; 556033, 3701414; 556025, 3701367; 556006, 3701299; 555988, 3701214; 555990, 3701154; thence returning to 555918, 3700885; 555523, 3701399; 555516, 3701460; 555499, 3701477; 555494, 3701490; 555529, 3701523; 555592, 3701574; 555605, 3701596; 555618, 3701644; 555623, 3701655; 555656, 3701703; 555657, 3701745; 555651, 3701788; 555632, 3701838; 555635, 3701906; 555652, 3701959; 555658, 3702024; 555674, 3702067; 555674, 3702111; 555682, 3702169; 555686, 3702234; 555658, 3702275; 555631, 3702339; 555635, 3702422; 555637, 3702460; 555580, 3702484; 555552, 3702484; 555498, 3702499; 555451, 3702531; 555417, 3702563; 555402, 3702621; 555430, 3702639; 555451, 3702581; 555489, 3702571; 555493, 3702529; 555512, 3702541; 555531, 3702559; 555583, 3702557; 555613, 3702582; 555648, 3702595; 555720, 3702583; 555785, 3702598; 555795, 3702626; 555816, 3702643; 555831, 3702614; 555848, 3702601; 555928, 3702617; 556024, 3702617; 556064, 3702605; 556083, 3702572; 556077, 3702525; 556100, 3702472; 556107, 3702442; 556099, 3702365; 556093, 3702269; 556096, 3702162; 556128, 3702064; 556116, 3702059; 556067, 3702089; 556058, 3702156; 556045, 3702241; 556020, 3702241; 555955, 3702261; 555917, 3702304; 555893, 3702323; 555895, 3702348; 555931, 3702334; 555969, 3702326; 555992, 3702381; 556013, 3702411; 556046, 3702429; 556071, 3702462; 556036, 3702506; 556016, 3702497; 555970, 3702481; 555918, 3702461; 555802, 3702456; 555748, 3702478; 555704, 3702452; 555689, 3702410; 555694, 3702352; 555713, 3702305; 555717, 3702260; 555743, 3702265; 555770, 3702298; 555818, 3702348; 555856, 3702340; 555866, 3702318; 555862, 3702278; 555818, 3702265; 555781, 3702212; 555754, 3702165; 555764, 3702137; 555798, 3702112; 555832, 3702052; 555811, 3702035; 555729, 3702029; 555725, 3701972; 555726, 3701926; 555747, 3701849; 555747, 3701806; 555760, 3701709; 556110, 3701600; 556143, 3701598; 556157, 3701731; 556110, 3701944; 556150, 3701961; 556208, 3701689; 556172, 3701536; 556103, 3701012; 556079, 3701014; 556062, 3701049; 556064, 3701102; 556089, 3701257; 556124, 3701392; 556144, 3701544; 555765, 3701651; 555767, 3701618; 555724, 3701555; 555658, 3701533; 555637, 3701573; 555614, 3701570; 555566, 3701535; 555541, 3701492; 555542, 3701422; thence returning to 555523, 3701399; 555288, 3700536; 555303, 3700526; 555328, 3700548; 555353, 3700584; 555418, 3700647; 555458, 3700675; 555483, 3700650; 555452, 3700597; 555414, 3700567; 555385, 3700506; 555364, 3700474; 555367, 3700413; 555346, 3700373; 555310, 3700328; 555292, 3700330; 555256, 3700353; 555241, 3700410; 555240, 3700488; 555265, 3700578; 555287, 3700676; 555292, 3700709; 555310, 3700731; 555305, 3700859; 555333, 3700862; 555347, 3700892; 555351, 3700942; 555347, 3700990; 555384, 3701020; 555376, 3700957; 555360, 3700889; 555335, 3700779; 555315, 3700669; 555309, 3700598; thence returning to 555288, 3700536; 555350, 3700060; 555304, 3700042; 555289, 3700077; 555289, 3700112; 555303, 3700140; 555303, 3700180; 555303, 3700238; 555317, 3700275; 555367, 3700283; 555401, 3700283; 555481, 3700266; 555571, 3700244; 555645, 3700242; 555668, 3700217; 555666, 3700175; 555629, 3700167; 555572, 3700144; 555503, 3700139; 555412, 3700121; 555373, 3700090; thence returning to 555350, 3700060; 555001, 3699914; 555002, 3699921; 555022, 3699943; 555027, 3699947; 555034, 3699952; 555060, 3699982; 555061, 3699986; 555075, 3700001; 555102, 3700066; 555146, 3700086; 555111, 3700006; 555077, 3699946; 555057, 3699916; 555046, 3699875; 555055, 3699843; 555090, 3699881; 555149, 3699889; 555193, 3699874; 555215, 3699836; 555221, 3699779; 555194, 3699718; 555159, 3699683; 555096, 3699660; 555043, 3699657; 554970, 3699619; 554928, 3699597; 554901, 3699541; 554874, 3699506; 554836, 3699516; 554836, 3699554; 554854, 3699639; 554886, 3699684; 554917, 3699702; 554986, 3699735; 555030, 3699780; 555036, 3699823; 555019, 3699868; thence returning to 555001, 3699914; 555370, 3699131; 555265, 3699038; 555219, 3699005; 555145, 3698991; 555135, 3698968; 555141, 3698887; 555147, 3698776; 555128, 3698655; 555115, 3698547; 555108, 3698488; 555140, 3698489; 555200, 3698486; 555326, 3698477; 555381, 3698445; 555431, 3698383; 555467, 3698285; 555489, 3698168; 555479, 3698109; 555441, 3698064; 555361, 3698056; 555252, 3698052; 555219, 3698029; 555181, 3698023; 555110, 3698036; 555105, 3697925; 555084, 3697833; 555002, 3697764; 554926, 3697724; 554898, 3697741; 554917, 3697774; 554958, 3697842; 555015, 3697895; 555031, 3697960; 555052, 3698084; 555073, 3698195; 555064, 3698375; 555059, 3698746; 555069, 3698952; 555104, 3699014; 555145, 3699050; 555077, 3699033; 555022, 3699020; 554935, 3698980; 554867, 3698941; 554799, 3698882; 554741, 3698917; 554686, 3698969; 554675, 3699021; 554628, 3699021; 554626, 3699057; 554675, 3699076; 554781, 3699107; 554926, 3699114; 555068, 3699121; 555197, 3699112; 555298, 3699129; 555372, 3699183; 555411, 3699219; 555464, 3699247; 555505, 3699299; 555536, 3699390; 555582, 3699520; 555602, 3699608; 555643, 3699774; 555662, 3699837; 555693, 3699932; 555718, 3699972; 555743, 3700068; 555793, 3700100; 555806, 3700088; 555751, 3700010; 555678, 3699734; 555605, 3699483; 555533, 3699282; 555477, 3699202; 555370, 3699131; 555194, 3698098; 555246, 3698098; 555293, 3698118; 555344, 3698131; 555372, 3698158; 555407, 3698223; 555407, 3698272; 555401, 3698337; 555360, 3698363; 555313, 3698415; 555217, 3698418; 555138, 3698437; 555102, 3698443; 555111, 3698352; 555112, 3698101; 555151, 3698097; thence returning to 555194, 3698098; 554173, 3698864; 554194, 3698881; 554233, 3698942; 554256, 3698968; 554293, 3698994; 554371, 3699029; 554390, 3699052; 554398, 3699065; 554441, 3699113; 554443, 3699135; 554453, 3699147; 554505, 3699202; 554535, 3699258; 554580, 3699323; 554617, 3699364; 554678, 3699411; 554686, 3699422; 554706, 3699446; 554722, 3699481; 554742, 3699513; 554779, 3699548; 554807, 3699521; 554799, 3699483; 554788, 3699431; 554787, 3699378; 554787, 3699305; 554781, 3699248; 554773, 3699228; 554743, 3699235; 554741, 3699280; 554749, 3699323; 554716, 3699305; 554693, 3699305; 554655, 3699277; 554623, 3699247; 554586, 3699227; 554556, 3699206; 554532, 3699153; 554511, 3699118; 554488, 3699091; 554463, 3699061; 554404, 3698997; 554363, 3698958; 554328, 3698912; 554290, 3698875; 554244, 3698830; 554214, 3698820; 554184, 3698790; 554159, 3698758; 554113, 3698718; 554089, 3698718; 554094, 3698760; 554129, 3698800; 554170, 3698839; thence returning to 554173, 3698864; 554637, 3698460; 554599, 3698456; 554568, 3698486; 554568, 3698561; 554581, 3698652; 554608, 3698675; 554649, 3698678; 554704, 3698646; 554721, 3698610; 554719, 3698539; 554661, 3698493; thence returning to 554637, 3698460; 554661, 3698079; 554623, 3698078; 554584, 3698124; 554559, 3698153; 554565, 3698205; 554584, 3698244; 554622, 3698271; 554657, 3698261; 554679, 3698245; 554699, 3698209; 554707, 3698102; 554694, 3698095; thence returning to 554661, 3698079; 553963, 3697638; 553988, 3697664; 554001, 3697681; 554018, 3697690; 554031, 3697706; 554053, 3697715; 554075, 3697746; 554071, 3697770; 554083, 3697824; 554088, 3697928; 554103, 3698069; 554141, 3698190; 554162, 3698275; 554154, 3698350; 554110, 3698411; 554096, 3698450; 554049, 3698483; 554040, 3698494; 554016, 3698568; 554016, 3698577; 554081, 3698561; 554136, 3698519; 554164, 3698496; 554169, 3698477; 554186, 3698454; 554202, 3698412; 554205, 3698383; 554225, 3698350; 554233, 3698314; 554433, 3698273; 554433, 3698247; 554258, 3698285; 554258, 3698223; 554242, 3698174; 554191, 3698105; 554185, 3698056; 554172, 3698001; 554153, 3697932; 554156, 3697903; 554186, 3697903; 554216, 3697900; 554227, 3697877; 554211, 3697867; 554164, 3697867; 554167, 3697838; 554129, 3697837; 554148, 3697795; 554149, 3697727; 554204, 3697714; 554207, 3697691; 554196, 3697649; 554245, 3697649; 554319, 3697649; 554426, 3697650; 554464, 3697634; 554511, 3697618; 554584, 3697622; 554604, 3697596; 554618, 3697537; 554602, 3697459; 554577, 3697397; 554509, 3697376; 554454, 3697422; 554399, 3697490; 554308, 3697574; 554270, 3697558; 554144, 3697538; 554054, 3697527; 553997, 3697579; thence returning to 553963, 3697638; 554100, 3697209; 554053, 3697208; 553998, 3697292; 553962, 3697351; 553962, 3697429; 553967, 3697533; 554005, 3697507; 554038, 3697455; 554044, 3697413; 554047, 3697361; 554066, 3697335; 554105, 3697260; thence returning to 554100, 3697209; 554694, 3697638; 554707, 3697616; 554746, 3697616; 554770, 3697636; 554819, 3697626; 554850, 3697594; 554899, 3697529; 554992, 3697177; 554959, 3697148; 554912, 3697164; 554813, 3697404; 554815, 3697483; 554787, 3697486; 554736, 3697489; 554705, 3697515; 554658, 3697583; 554663, 3697648; thence returning to 554694, 3697638; 555818, 3696814; 555704, 3696812; 555673, 3696811; 555685, 3696845; 555721, 3696842; 555806, 3696836; thence returning to 555818, 3696814; 554053, 3697208; 554100, 3697209; 554338, 3697211; 554336, 3696805; 554330, 3696733; 554330, 3696665; 554327, 3696605; 554268, 3696635; 554205, 3696666; 554127, 3696699; 554092, 3696768; 554089, 3696787; 554084, 3696811; 554048, 3696856; 554021, 3696861; 553990, 3696861; 553957, 3696849; 553925, 3696849; 553881, 3696851; 553847, 3696860; 553809, 3696885; 553793, 3696903; 553765, 3696930; 553751, 3696954; 553740, 3696972; 553738, 3696995; 553733, 3697019; 553718, 3697038; 553716, 3697053; 553710, 3697067; 553702, 3697088; 553691, 3697115; 553689, 3697128; 553684, 3697150; 553673, 3697170; 553652, 3697201; 553624, 3697231; 553617, 3697248; 553614, 3697266; 553601, 3697291; 553600, 3697304; 553580, 3697324; 553571, 3697335; 553567, 3697359; 553567, 3697381; 553569, 3697402; 553577, 3697416; 553587, 3697427; 553601, 3697453; 553627, 3697474; 553647, 3697485; 553663, 3697495; 553689, 3697518; 553709, 3697535; 553731, 3697546; 553765, 3697552; 553808, 3697556; 553866, 3697558; 553895, 3697563; 553916, 3697574; 553923, 3697590; 553930, 3697605; 553934, 3697207; thence returning to 554053, 3697208
(ii) NOTE: Map of Subunit 4a for Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower) critical habitat follows:

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(iii) Subunit 4b for Helianthus paradoxus, Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge Farm, Chaves County, New Mexico. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles Bottomless Lakes and South Spring, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (meters E, meters N): 554219, 3693892; 554261, 3693848; 554290, 3693737; 554276, 3693659; 554328, 3693532; 554323, 3693504; 554263, 3693526; 554239, 3693587; 554188, 3693676; 554137, 3693648; 554104, 3693647; 554076, 3693664; 554043, 3693675; 553974, 3693685; 553899, 3693735; 553894, 3693846; 553880, 3693868; 553819, 3693867; 553805, 3693906; 553795, 3694011; 553790, 3694128; 553813, 3694156; 553873, 3694161; 553929, 3694167; 553962, 3694129; 554013, 3694101; 554088, 3694085; 554134, 3694080; 554172, 3693991; 554172, 3693941; thence returning to 554219, 3693892; 554157, 3694858; 554177, 3694762; 554220, 3694579; 554243, 3694507; 554244, 3694402; 554268, 3694280; 554333, 3694198; 554423, 3694059; 554517, 3693894; 554521, 3693849; 554520, 3693841; 554523, 3693831; 554526, 3693799; 554536, 3693678; 554593, 3693578; 554612, 3693512; 554598, 3693423; 554599, 3693312; 554618, 3693223; 554614, 3693102; 554633, 3693030; 554641, 3692940; 554656, 3692862; 554698, 3692810; 554741, 3692755; 554779, 3692758; 554831, 3692771; 554894, 3692789; 554945, 3692809; 554981, 3692819; 555025, 3692810; 555052, 3692782; 555097, 3692737; 555141, 3692720; 555186, 3692687; 555247, 3692665; 555335, 3692663; 555405, 3692671; 555472, 3692679; 555550, 3692695; 555641, 3692707; 555702, 3692705; 555794, 3692681; 555854, 3692646; 555873, 3692601; 555862, 3692568; 555841, 3692555; 555772, 3692585; 555736, 3692630; 555656, 3692647; 555576, 3692652; 555510, 3692634; 555430, 3692621; 555384, 3692596; 555336, 3692588; 555254, 3692595; 555165, 3692617; 555093, 3692657; 555034, 3692714; 554983, 3692742; 554951, 3692741; 554897, 3692706; 554832, 3692680; 554735, 3692690; 554653, 3692737; 554578, 3692832; 554578, 3692882; 554582, 3692965; 554565, 3692998; 554559, 3693035; 554553, 3693196; 554548, 3693345; 554547, 3693423; 554570, 3693478; 554579, 3693523; 554542, 3693600; 554504, 3693683; 554471, 3693788; 554419, 3693910; 554400, 3694009; 554348, 3694075; 554287, 3694158; 554231, 3694252; 554217, 3694308; 554206, 3694451; 554173, 3694574; 554164, 3694602; 554154, 3694634; 554131, 3694713; 554142, 3694747; 554118, 3694756; 554107, 3694795; 554098, 3694876; thence returning to 554157, 3694858
(iv) NOTE: Map of subunit 4b for Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower) critical habitat follows:

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(v) Subunit 4c for Helianthus paradoxus, Oasis Dairy Subunit, Chaves County, New Mexico. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles Bottomless Lakes and South Spring, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (meters E, meters N): 559225, 3688383; 559265, 3688370; 559292, 3688339; 559312, 3688333; 559335, 3688294; 559348, 3688262; 559355, 3688228; 559377, 3688207; 559420, 3688160; 559431, 3688128; 559436, 3688078; 559458, 3688030; 559492, 3687977; 559523, 3687927; 559548, 3687893; 559579, 3687870; 559595, 3687851; 559617, 3687819; 559638, 3687777; 559649, 3687709; 559647, 3687656; 559636, 3687605; 559608, 3687555; 559584, 3687497; 559559, 3687483; 559533, 3687486; 559506, 3687488; 559486, 3687523; 559475, 3687573; 559474, 3687634; 559481, 3687686; 559480, 3687729; 559469, 3687782; 559446, 3687826; 559433, 3687871; 559412, 3687924; 559385, 3687977; 559365, 3688014; 559345, 3688040; 559325, 3688077; 559305, 3688122; 559282, 3688159; 559238, 3688182; 559204, 3688219; 559184, 3688267; 559184, 3688314; 559199, 3688359; thence returning to 559225, 3688383; 558767, 3686447; 558771, 3686449; 558790, 3686451; 558823, 3686444; 558852, 3686446; 558879, 3686451; 558899, 3686458; 558917, 3686464; 558932, 3686466; 558952, 3686459; 558963, 3686453; 558977, 3686433; 558986, 3686422; 558997, 3686411; 559012, 3686407; 559030, 3686392; 559038, 3686377; 559038, 3686361; 559035, 3686343; 559031, 3686291; 559031, 3686253; 559026, 3686238; 559014, 3686223; 558985, 3686205; 558960, 3686191; 558934, 3686182; 558915, 3686177; 558884, 3686164; 558866, 3686152; 558839, 3686137; 558817, 3686127; 558804, 3686124; 558795, 3686123; 558772, 3686135; 558745, 3686144; 558722, 3686150; 558700, 3686157; 558678, 3686161; 558650, 3686157; 558621, 3686154; 558589, 3686153; 558561, 3686152; 558534, 3686153; 558498, 3686144; 558467, 3686137; 558439, 3686122; 558415, 3686108; 558398, 3686086; 558385, 3686058; 558380, 3686024; 558387, 3685985; 558396, 3685944; 558404, 3685914; 558408, 3685894; 558404, 3685879; 558387, 3685862; 558363, 3685843; 558338, 3685818; 558318, 3685805; 558305, 3685787; 558290, 3685762; 558284, 3685734; 558286, 3685712; 558292, 3685684; 558294, 3685662; 558288, 3685634; 558286, 3685609; 558276, 3685584; 558262, 3685566; 558253, 3685552; 558232, 3685540; 558208, 3685531; 558183, 3685532; 558148, 3685542; 558126, 3685553; 558099, 3685568; 558086, 3685583; 558073, 3685608; 558071, 3685633; 558079, 3685654; 558095, 3685671; 558115, 3685672; 558132, 3685672; 558150, 3685666; 558163, 3685655; 558192, 3685654; 558209, 3685658; 558221, 3685671; 558221, 3685689; 558221, 3685714; 558220, 3685738; 558211, 3685759; 558209, 3685781; 558207, 3685799; 558218, 3685819; 558232, 3685829; 558250, 3685836; 558262, 3685843; 558270, 3685859; 558275, 3685880; 558273, 3685888; 558255, 3685909; 558253, 3685931; 558252, 3685946; 558256, 3685956; 558259, 3685975; 558260, 3685989; 558258, 3686009; 558256, 3686024; 558250, 3686035; 558240, 3686046; 558233, 3686056; 558223, 3686065; 558221, 3686071; 558220, 3686078; 558224, 3686092; 558227, 3686102; 558227, 3686119; 558219, 3686147; 558215, 3686174; 558216, 3686193; 558228, 3686212; 558243, 3686232; 558267, 3686257; 558281, 3686271; 558297, 3686283; 558315, 3686290; 558338, 3686302; 558355, 3686314; 558368, 3686325; 558393, 3686346; 558406, 3686362; 558423, 3686381; 558432, 3686397; 558438, 3686423; 558437, 3686445; 558425, 3686461; 558410, 3686475; 558392, 3686490; 558373, 3686507; 558364, 3686529; 558413, 3686519; 558466, 3686502; 558514, 3686488; 558558, 3686475; 558601, 3686470; 558635, 3686457; 558667, 3686443; 558689, 3686445; 558720, 3686431; thence returning to 558767, 3686447.
(vi) NOTE: Map of Subunit 4c for Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower) critical habitat follows:

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(vii) Subunit 4d for Helianthus paradoxus, Lea Lake at Bottomless Lakes State Park, Chaves County, New Mexico. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Bottomless Lakes, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (meters E, meters N): 562371, 3687020; 562381, 3687019; 562402, 3687011; 562419, 3686993; 562437, 3686976; 562464, 3686956; 562476, 3686950; 562499, 3686947; 562515, 3686938; 562519, 3686919; 562520, 3686895; 562511, 3686875; 562495, 3686857; 562483, 3686851; 562471, 3686849; 562453, 3686850; 562442, 3686836; 562432, 3686814; 562420, 3686784; 562409, 3686747; 562410, 3686718; 562402, 3686690; 562391, 3686663; 562366, 3686642; 562325, 3686637; 562286, 3686639; 562276, 3686652; 562230, 3686695; 562216, 3686715; 562203, 3686732; 562200, 3686752; 562201, 3686770; 562203, 3686791; 562208, 3686818; 562221, 3686835; 562225, 3686852; 562222, 3686868; 562216, 3686888; 562217, 3686914; 562230, 3686939; 562250, 3686958; 562270, 3686978; 562293, 3686992; 562323, 3687006; 562351, 3687016; thence returning to 562371, 3687020.
(viii) NOTE: Map of Subunit 4d for Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower) critical habitat follows:

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(ix) Subunit 4e for Helianthus paradoxus, Dexter Cienega, Chaves County, New Mexico. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Dexter East, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (meters E, meters N): 559316, 3678509; 559316, 3678510; 559329, 3678521; 559339, 3678530; 559355, 3678547; 559372, 3678557; 559402, 3678565; 559412, 3678566; 559432, 3678560; 559452, 3678542; 559471, 3678532; 559508, 3678527; 559525, 3678528; 559567, 3678532; 559595, 3678535; 559622, 3678521; 559635, 3678495; 559645, 3678472; 559648, 3678443; 559642, 3678414; 559630, 3678392; 559622, 3678376; 559606, 3678361; 559582, 3678344; 559549, 3678334; 559519, 3678314; 559493, 3678303; 559464, 3678290; 559439, 3678280; 559410, 3678271; 559381, 3678263; 559358, 3678260; 559329, 3678249; 559293, 3678233; 559265, 3678223; 559234, 3678215; 559205, 3678201; 559177, 3678193; 559160, 3678178; 559132, 3678157; 559111, 3678136; 559083, 3678118; 559048, 3678097; 559012, 3678082; 558980, 3678067; 558948, 3678058; 558915, 3678047; 558884, 3678045; 558855, 3678046; 558830, 3678054; 558801, 3678062; 558776, 3678067; 558754, 3678070; 558732, 3678071; 558714, 3678078; 558703, 3678089; 558702, 3678101; 558703, 3678116; 558711, 3678128; 558728, 3678126; 558757, 3678122; 558776, 3678124; 558812, 3678130; 558833, 3678134; 558843, 3678141; 558856, 3678145; 558869, 3678166; 558895, 3678186; 558906, 3678205; 558926, 3678207; 558948, 3678215; 558966, 3678227; 558976, 3678240; 558995, 3678256; 559017, 3678272; 559038, 3678284; 559074, 3678307; 559099, 3678323; 559124, 3678334; 559157, 3678352; 559185, 3678364; 559210, 3678373; 559242, 3678378; 559260, 3678389; 559269, 3678401; 559268, 3678424; 559272, 3678437; 559285, 3678457; 559299, 3678486; thence returning to 559316, 3678509.
(x) NOTE: Map of Subunit 4e for Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower) critical habitat follows:

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(9) Unit 5: West Texas-Diamond Y Springs, Pecos County, Texas.
(i) Unit 5 for Helianthus paradoxus, West Texas-Diamond Y Spring, Pecos County, Texas. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles Diamond Y Spring and Fort Stockton West, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (meters E, meters N): 698884, 3432181; 698826, 3432165; 698791, 3432139; 698736, 3432128; 698662, 3432110; 698622, 3432104; 698558, 3432087; 698508, 3432029; 698495, 3431944; 698484, 3431889; 698482, 3431809; 698466, 3431762; 698429, 3431714; 698368, 3431658; 698333, 3431624; 698304, 3431582; 698291, 3431529; 698275, 3431500; 698238, 3431492; 698183, 3431494; 698143, 3431534; 698111, 3431608; 698106, 3431682; 698132, 3431764; 698180, 3431828; 698222, 3431883; 698217, 3431955; 698246, 3432042; 698267, 3432103; 698288, 3432156; 698299, 3432225; 698275, 3432262; 698196, 3432251; 698069, 3432206; 697987, 3432198; 697936, 3432214; 697876, 3432223; 697820, 3432243; 697774, 3432254; 697727, 3432259; 697728, 3432663; 697784, 3432632; 697855, 3432612; 697932, 3432595; 698003, 3432587; 698052, 3432577; 698116, 3432570; 698179, 3432573; 698264, 3432570; 698313, 3432580; 698359, 3432591; 698402, 3432587; 698462, 3432584; 698507, 3432584; 698550, 3432584; 698596, 3432591; 698652, 3432605; 698702, 3432630; 698772, 3432665; 698814, 3432700; 698860, 3432736; 698920, 3432796; 699002, 3432859; 699062, 3432895; 699125, 3432930; 699204, 3432951; 699241, 3432959; 699347, 3432935; 699405, 3432877; 699416, 3432816; 699427, 3432729; 699411, 3432697; 699352, 3432634; 699310, 3432560; 699281, 3432504; 699265, 3432456; 699265, 3432409; 699270, 3432345; 699263, 3432289; 699233, 3432258; 699186, 3432213; 699128, 3432200; 699080, 3432194; 699011, 3432202; 698934, 3432197; thence returning to 698884, 3432181
(ii) NOTE: Map of Unit 5 for Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos sunflower) critical habitat follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Cherokee County, Alabama; Floyd County, Georgia; and Madison and McNairy Counties, Tennessee, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of whorled sunflower consist of three components:
(i) Silt loam, silty clay loam, or fine sandy loam soils on land forms including broad uplands, depressions, stream terraces, and floodplains within the headwaters of the Coosa River in Alabama and Georgia and the East Fork Forked Deer and Tuscumbia rivers in Tennessee.
(ii) Sites in which forest canopy is absent, or where woody vegetation is present at sufficiently low densities to provide full or partial sunlight to whorled sunflower plants for most of the day, and which support vegetation characteristic of moist prairie communities. Invasive, nonnative plants must be absent or present in sufficiently low numbers to not inhibit growth or reproduction of whorled sunflower.
(iii) Occupied sites in which a sufficient number of compatible mates are present for outcrossing and production of viable achenes to occur.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 25, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of Bing Maps digital aerial photography supplied by the Harris Corporation, Earthstar Geographics LLC, and the Microsoft Corporation. Critical habitat units were then mapped using the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Projection with a NAD 83 datum. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/cookeville, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0086, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Mud Creek, Cherokee County, Alabama. Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Coosa Valley Prairie, Floyd County, Georgia. Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Prairie Branch, McNairy County, Tennessee. Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Pinson, Madison County, Tennessee. Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Contra Costa, Santa Cruz, and Monterey Counties, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Holocarpha macradenia are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Soils associated with coastal terrace prairies, including the Watsonville, Tierra, Elkhorn, Santa Inez, and Pinto series.
(ii) Plant communities that support associated species, including native grasses such as Nassella sp.(needlegrass) and Danthonia californica (California oatgrass); native herbaceous species such as members of the genus Hemizonia (other tarplants), Perideridia gairdneri (Gairdner's yampah), Plagiobothrys diffusus (San Francisco popcorn flower), and Trifolium buckwestiorum (Santa Cruz clover); and
(iii) Physical processes, particularly soils and hydrologic processes, that maintain the soil structure and hydrology that produce the seasonally saturated soils characteristic of Holocarpha macradenia habitat.
(3) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, aqueducts, railroads, airport runways and buildings, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical Habitat Map Units.
(i) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles obtained from the State of California's Stephen P. Teale Data Center. Critical habitat units were then mapped using UTM coordinates.
(ii) Map 1-Index map follows:

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(5)Unit A: Mezue. Contra Costa County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Richmond. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 562046, 4199420; 562047, 4199460; 562063, 4199550; 562066, 4199570; 562070, 4199600; 562073, 4199650; 562074, 4199670; 562076, 4199690; 562076, 4199690; 562079, 4199700; 562085, 4199710; 562100, 4199720; 562116, 4199730; 562133, 4199740; 562149, 4199750; 562179, 4199780; 562190, 4199800; 562230, 4199800; 562270, 4199800; 562299, 4199800; 562324, 4199800; 562357, 4199820; 562382, 4199840; 562403, 4199860; 562466, 4199870; 562548, 4199840; 562579, 4199820; 562616, 4199790; 562703, 4199720; 562717, 4199700; 562723, 4199690; 562724, 4199680; 562722, 4199670; 562712, 4199650; 562705, 4199620; 562699, 4199600; 562690, 4199580; 562684, 4199550; 562687, 4199490; 562684, 4199440; 562683, 4199390; 562680, 4199340; 562686, 4199300; 562629, 4199340; 562599, 4199370; 562577, 4199410; 562556, 4199480; 562520, 4199680; 562513, 4199690; 562500, 4199690; 562496, 4199680; 562498, 4199650; 562520, 4199510; 562526, 4199420; 562537, 4199380; 562544, 4199340; 562567, 4199290; 562598, 4199250; 562615, 4199240; 562621, 4199200; 562629, 4199170; 562636, 4199120; 562637, 4199070; 562638, 4199010; 562640, 4198990; 562645, 4198960; 562649, 4198920; 562648, 4198910; 562632, 4198880; 562615, 4198860; 562592, 4198840; 562554, 4198820; 562530, 4198810; 562499, 4198800; 562483, 4198800; 562465, 4198790; 562417, 4198780; 562371, 4198800; 562314, 4198810; 562255, 4198850; 562280, 4198890; 562291, 4198910; 562299, 4198930; 562299, 4198950; 562301, 4198970; 562309, 4199010; 562308, 4199030; 562306, 4199040; 562293, 4199060; 562288, 4199070; 562276, 4199090; 562271, 4199090; 562264, 4199090; 562264, 4199090; 562258, 4199080; 562258, 4199060; 562253, 4199020; 562251, 4198990; 562252, 4198940; 562251, 4198930; 562250, 4198930; 562242, 4198920; 562229, 4198900; 562212, 4198880; 562188, 4198890; 562184, 4198920; 562174, 4198960; 562163, 4199000; 562155, 4199030; 562151, 4199050; 562146, 4199070; 562136, 4199130; 562135, 4199140; 562132, 4199150; 562118, 4199180; 562108, 4199190; 562092, 4199220; 562078, 4199230; 562058, 4199270; 562049, 4199280; 562045, 4199290; 562043, 4199300; 562041, 4199310; 562041, 4199330; 562042, 4199350; 562044, 4199360; 562046, 4199420.
(ii) Map 2 of Unit A follows:

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(6)Unit B: Graham Hill. Santa Cruz County, California.
(i) Unit B (Graham Hill north subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Felton. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 585905, 4096930; 585915, 4096850; 585930, 4096130; 585930, 4096110; 585879, 4096100; 585863, 4096100; 585841, 4096110; 585833, 4096130; 585817, 4096180; 585815, 4096210; 585819, 4096240; 585840, 4096280; 585850, 4096320; 585837, 4096350; 585810, 4096390; 585749, 4096430; 585721, 4096480; 585719, 4096560; 585710, 4096710; 585724, 4096750; 585701, 4096790; 585699, 4096820; 585739, 4096850; 585791, 4096860; 585839, 4096880; 585905, 4096930.
(ii) Unit B (Graham Hill central subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Felton. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 585912, 4095900; 585919, 4095900; 585928, 4095910; 585942, 4095900; 585974, 4095840; 585954, 4095830; 585939, 4095840; 585925, 4095840; 585915, 4095850; 585912, 4095870; 585910, 4095880; 585910, 4095890; 585912, 4095900.
(iii) Unit B (Graham Hill south subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Felton. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 586017, 4095760; 586058, 4095680; 585931, 4095640; 585928, 4095650; 585922, 4095670; 585920, 4095680; 585922, 4095690; 585930, 4095710; 585937, 4095730; 585944, 4095740; 585955, 4095740; 585976, 4095750; 586017, 4095760.
(iv) Map 3 of Unit B follows:

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(7)Unit C: (De Laveaga). Santa Cruz County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Santa Cruz. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 588446, 4094810; 588468, 4094810; 588492, 4094800; 588510, 4094780; 588523, 4094760; 588523, 4094740; 588522, 4094730; 588519, 4094710; 588522, 4094690; 588522, 4094680; 588519, 4094660; 588515, 4094650; 588504, 4094630; 588488, 4094660; 588476, 4094660; 588459, 4094620; 588445, 4094620; 588440, 4094590; 588429, 4094590; 588417, 4094610; 588406, 4094620; 588401, 4094640; 588399, 4094660; 588401, 4094690; 588410, 4094720; 588416, 4094740; 588424, 4094770; 588432, 4094790; 588439, 4094810; 588446, 4094810.
(ii) Map 4 of Unit C follows:

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(8)Unit D: Arana Gulch. Santa Cruz County, California.

From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Santa Cruz and Soquel. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 589295, 4093310; 589315, 4093270; 589338, 4093210; 589358, 4093170; 589399, 4093120; 589404, 4093100; 589399, 4093030; 589401, 4092990; 589400, 4092940; 589391, 4092900; 589386, 4092860; 589375, 4092830; 589353, 4092780; 589340, 4092750; 589340, 4092730; 589325, 4092690; 589310, 4092640; 589290, 4092600; 589272, 4092590; 589252, 4092570; 589238, 4092550; 589229, 4092530; 589221, 4092500; 589195, 4092460; 589161, 4092490; 589139, 4092530; 589120, 4092540; 589108, 4092540; 589092, 4092510; 589057, 4092450; 589033, 4092400; 588999, 4092360; 588929, 4092350; 588916, 4092360; 588894, 4092470; 588891, 4092560; 588890, 4092650; 588919, 4092710; 588946, 4092730; 588980, 4092760; 589053, 4092880; 589080, 4092950; 589119, 4093040; 589234, 4093080; 589178, 4093270; 589181, 4093310; 589214, 4093320; 589245, 4093330; 589268, 4093330; 589295, 4093310.

(9)Unit E: Twin Lakes. Santa Cruz County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Soquel. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 589964, 4091950; 589967, 4091930; 589964, 4091890; 589918, 4091800; 589899, 4091780; 589871, 4091770; 589823, 4091760; 589784, 4091760; 589744, 4091750; 589722, 4091750; 589692, 4091760; 589667, 4091780; 589656, 4091770; 589640, 4091750; 589616, 4091740; 589559, 4091710; 589532, 4091690; 589521, 4091660; 589521, 4091640; 589522, 4091620; 589504, 4091610; 589489, 4091620; 589476, 4091640; 589455, 4091700; 589450, 4091730; 589449, 4091770; 589458, 4091800; 589472, 4091830; 589473, 4091840; 589465, 4091860; 589464, 4091890; 589463, 4091900; 589482, 4091920; 589506, 4091940; 589522, 4091950; 589964, 4091950.
(ii) Map 5 of Units D and E follows:

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(10)Unit F: Rodeo Gulch. Santa Cruz County, California.

From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Soquel. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 590971, 4094630; 590995, 4094740; 591007, 4094780; 591037, 4094830; 591069, 4094860; 591095, 4094900; 591125, 4094960; 591182, 4094940; 591196, 4094940; 591199, 4094950; 591207, 4094980; 591216, 4095000; 591225, 4095030; 591220, 4095050; 591225, 4095090; 591232, 4095130; 591241, 4095160; 591252, 4095180; 591265, 4095180; 591291, 4095170; 591321, 4095140; 591353, 4095050; 591393, 4094970; 591301, 4094960; 591293, 4094950; 591299, 4094910; 591300, 4094850; 591293, 4094810; 591275, 4094750; 591252, 4094660; 591224, 4094650; 591185, 4094630; 591097, 4094630; 590971, 4094630.

(11)Unit G: Soquel Unit. Santa Cruz County, California.
(i) Unit G (Soquel north subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Soquel and Laurel. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 592050, 4095340; 592094, 4095290; 592102, 4095240; 592112, 4095200; 592119, 4095200; 592130, 4095200; 592158, 4095210; 592173, 4095220; 592180, 4095230; 592193, 4095270; 592211, 4095320; 592218, 4095330; 592227, 4095330; 592257, 4095330; 592275, 4095330; 592299, 4095330; 592393, 4095340; 592404, 4095330; 592411, 4095220; 592423, 4095180; 592425, 4095140; 592414, 4095130; 592381, 4095120; 592290, 4095120; 592177, 4095120; 592165, 4095120; 592159, 4095120; 592149, 4095110; 592138, 4095100; 592129, 4095090; 592116, 4095090; 592109, 4095100; 592041, 4095190; 592009, 4095220; 591986, 4095240; 591980, 4095270; 591970, 4095360; 591971, 4095360; 591973, 4095370; 591995, 4095390; 592012, 4095400; 592021, 4095410; 592031, 4095400; 592046, 4095390; 592050, 4095340.
(ii) Unit G (Soquel north area). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Soquel and Laurel. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E, N). 592050, 4095340; 592094, 4095290; 592102, 4095240; 592112, 4095200; 592119, 4095200; 592130, 4095200; 592158, 4095210; 592173, 4095220; 592180, 4095230; 592193, 4095270; 592211, 4095320; 592218, 4095330; 592227, 4095330; 592257, 4095330; 592275, 4095330; 592299, 4095330; 592393, 4095340; 592404, 4095330; 592411, 4095220; 592423, 4095180; 592425, 4095140; 592414, 4095130; 592381, 4095120; 592290, 4095120; 592177, 4095120; 592165, 4095120; 592159, 4095120; 592149, 4095110; 592138, 4095100; 592129, 4095090; 592116, 4095090; 592109, 4095100; 592041, 4095190; 592009, 4095220; 591986, 4095240; 591980, 4095270; 591970, 4095360; 591971, 4095360; 591973, 4095370; 591995, 4095390; 592012, 4095400; 592021, 4095410; 592031, 4095400; 592046, 4095390; 592050, 4095340.
(iii) Unit G (Soquel south subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Soquel and Laurel. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 592076, 4095040; 592097, 4094850; 592304, 4094860; 592315, 4094660; 592322, 4094620; 592334, 4094580; 592341, 4094510; 592347, 4094490; 592354, 4094480; 592375, 4094440; 592378, 4094430; 592380, 4094400; 592385, 4094380; 592406, 4094360; 592430, 4094320; 592442, 4094310; 592460, 4094300; 592478, 4094290; 592491, 4094280; 592494, 4094210; 592495, 4094190; 592491, 4094180; 592478, 4094180; 592458, 4094180; 592452, 4094200; 592442, 4094200; 592326, 4094210; 592311, 4094210; 592224, 4094110; 592216, 4094110; 592204, 4094110; 592165, 4094130; 592161, 4094140; 592126, 4094560; 592123, 4094590; 592117, 4094610; 592105, 4094630; 592087, 4094670; 592074, 4094690; 592057, 4094720; 592047, 4094730; 592036, 4094730; 592032, 4094720; 592036, 4094700; 592043, 4094680; 592047, 4094650; 592043, 4094610; 592036, 4094550; 592000, 4094420; 591994, 4094390; 591987, 4094380; 591973, 4094380; 591957, 4094380; 591944, 4094380; 591904, 4094420; 591855, 4094440; 591853, 4094500; 591833, 4094500; 591696, 4094500; 591696, 4094440; 591606, 4094490; 591597, 4094510; 591596, 4094520; 591613, 4094650; 591617, 4094650; 591676, 4094660; 591718, 4094660; 591751, 4094660; 591759, 4094670; 591757, 4094680; 591749, 4094680; 591738, 4094690; 591704, 4094690; 591656, 4094710; 591651, 4094720; 591651, 4094730; 591657, 4094740; 591711, 4094750; 591720, 4094740; 591726, 4094730; 591736, 4094730; 591777, 4094730; 591790, 4094740; 591797, 4094740; 591806, 4094750; 591819, 4094750; 591831, 4094750; 591845, 4094740; 591856, 4094740; 591935, 4094740; 591946, 4094880; 591956, 4094930; 591995, 4095060; 591998, 4095100; 592017, 4095090; 592059, 4095060; 592076, 4095040.
(iv) Map 6 of Units F and G follows:

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(12)Unit H: Porter Gulch. Santa Cruz County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Soquel and Laurel. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 594615, 4095600; 594643, 4095630; 594684, 4095640; 594774, 4095680; 594850, 4095720; 594898, 4095750; 594929, 4095780; 594958, 4095820; 595017, 4095780; 595008, 4095760; 594990, 4095720; 594993, 4095700; 595020, 4095680; 595057, 4095630; 595081, 4095610; 595068, 4095600; 595061, 4095590; 595045, 4095580; 595013, 4095550; 594989, 4095540; 594967, 4095530; 594929, 4095520; 594917, 4095520; 594907, 4095500; 594893, 4095470; 594857, 4095380; 594846, 4095340; 594843, 4095320; 594842, 4095290; 594839, 4095250; 594838, 4095180; 594835, 4095150; 594828, 4095130; 594816, 4095120; 594800, 4095120; 594785, 4095120; 594772, 4095130; 594765, 4095130; 594760, 4095140; 594758, 4095150; 594760, 4095170; 594766, 4095230; 594779, 4095310; 594819, 4095420; 594856, 4095500; 594867, 4095520; 594869, 4095540; 594863, 4095550; 594848, 4095560; 594837, 4095550; 594833, 4095540; 594828, 4095540; 594810, 4095500; 594776, 4095470; 594747, 4095440; 594718, 4095410; 594689, 4095370; 594669, 4095370; 594652, 4095370; 594639, 4095380; 594627, 4095380; 594622, 4095400; 594624, 4095470; 594606, 4095470; 594587, 4095460; 594571, 4095470; 594565, 4095480; 594557, 4095480; 594549, 4095480; 594530, 4095480; 594518, 4095470; 594514, 4095460; 594517, 4095440; 594509, 4095430; 594498, 4095430; 594473, 4095430; 594462, 4095430; 594453, 4095430; 594444, 4095420; 594442, 4095410; 594441, 4095390; 594436, 4095380; 594427, 4095380; 594415, 4095380; 594411, 4095390; 594394, 4095420; 594390, 4095440; 594390, 4095450; 594391, 4095470; 594410, 4095490; 594457, 4095530; 594502, 4095550; 594542, 4095560; 594597, 4095560; 594597, 4095600; 594615, 4095600.
(ii) Map 7 of Unit H follows:

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(13)Unit I: Watsonville Unit. Santa Cruz County, California.
(i) Unit I (Watsonville north subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Watsonville West. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 606195, 4088630; 606299, 4088730; 606331, 4088750; 606365, 4088760; 606454, 4088750; 606492, 4088750; 606515, 4088750; 606535, 4088760; 606555, 4088800; 606560, 4088840; 606580, 4088880; 606607, 4088890; 606660, 4088900; 606927, 4088910; 606938, 4088530; 606930, 4088220; 606810, 4088090; 606689, 4087970; 606652, 4088040; 606596, 4088110; 606522, 4088170; 606490, 4088210; 606437, 4088250; 606362, 4088300; 606303, 4088340; 606274, 4088370; 606263, 4088390; 606252, 4088430; 606234, 4088450; 606219, 4088480; 606215, 4088520; 606199, 4088590; 606195, 4088630.
(ii) Unit I (Airport subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Watsonville West. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 607026, 4087500; 606967, 4087520; 607005, 4087620; 607031, 4087670; 607046, 4087710; 607073, 4087750; 607095, 4087820; 607136, 4087830; 607137, 4087860; 607146, 4087980; 607140, 4088020; 607145, 4088050; 607158, 4088060; 607202, 4088060; 607247, 4088050; 607252, 4088090; 607292, 4088090; 607378, 4088100; 607383, 4088250; 607306, 4088240; 607226, 4088240; 607201, 4088250; 607184, 4088270; 607159, 4088300; 607147, 4088310; 607147, 4088340; 607158, 4088380; 607195, 4088470; 607203, 4088510; 607212, 4088560; 607222, 4088620; 607226, 4088650; 607227, 4088710; 607240, 4088750; 607241, 4088780; 607236, 4088820; 607246, 4088840; 607340, 4088840; 607846, 4088860; 607947, 4089000; 608079, 4089030; 608191, 4088860; 608477, 4088700; 608460, 4088620; 608641, 4088590; 608652, 4088610; 608746, 4088570; 608602, 4088450; 607932, 4088550; 607689, 4088150; 607267, 4087440; 607312, 4087430; 607297, 4087340; 607239, 4087340; 607201, 4087350; 607181, 4087320; 607148, 4087320; 607031, 4087350; 606969, 4087370; 607026, 4087500.
(iii) Unit I (Watsonville south subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Watsonville West. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 609032, 4085780; 609074, 4085770; 609198, 4085730; 609153, 4085610; 609208, 4085430; 609333, 4085390; 609504, 4085250; 609242, 4085080; 609191, 4085230; 609164, 4085310; 609006, 4085250; 609123, 4085020; 608761, 4084800; 608590, 4085160; 608651, 4085380; 608760, 4085450; 608869, 4085480; 608941, 4085530; 608976, 4085570; 609032, 4085580; 609040, 4085630; 608979, 4085640; 608931, 4085660; 608920, 4085700; 608928, 4085730; 608957, 4085760; 608995, 4085780; 609032, 4085780.
(iv) Unit I (Highway 1 north subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Watsonville West. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 607333, 4087090; 607348, 4087150; 607389, 4087150; 607449, 4087090; 607498, 4087060; 607570, 4087060; 607570, 4086940; 607558, 4086930; 607333, 4087090.
(v) Unit I (Highway 1 south subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Watsonville West. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 607819, 4086590; 607892, 4086560; 607893, 4086520; 607900, 4086500; 607920, 4086470; 607931, 4086440; 607946, 4086410; 607978, 4086370; 608003, 4086320; 608031, 4086280; 608057, 4086260; 608029, 4086240; 608063, 4086190; 608101, 4086160; 608138, 4086130; 608069, 4086100; 607819, 4086590.
(vi) Unit I (Harkins Slough subunit). From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Watsonville West. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 606736, 4084900; 606721, 4084900; 606703, 4084900; 606698, 4084920; 606703, 4084940; 606709, 4084960; 606710, 4085000; 606715, 4085030; 606715, 4085050; 606715, 4085080; 606707, 4085090; 606698, 4085100; 606678, 4085110; 606661, 4085140; 606634, 4085230; 606632, 4085260; 606635, 4085290; 606651, 4085310; 606667, 4085370; 606677, 4085390; 606695, 4085410; 606713, 4085420; 606695, 4085510; 606701, 4085540; 606721, 4085550; 606733, 4085580; 606742, 4085610; 606745, 4085650; 606756, 4085690; 606773, 4085710; 606759, 4085800; 606744, 4085830; 606736, 4085870; 606725, 4085930; 606729, 4085960; 606741, 4085990; 606761, 4086020; 606756, 4086050; 606735, 4086090; 606715, 4086130; 606704, 4086180; 606689, 4086350; 606690, 4086390; 606696, 4086440; 606715, 4086490; 606746, 4086540; 606762, 4086620; 606767, 4086650; 606766, 4086700; 606762, 4086780; 606786, 4086810; 606896, 4086850; 606923, 4086940; 607053, 4086940; 607125, 4087120; 607085, 4087130; 607002, 4087200; 606976, 4087250; 606968, 4087280; 607157, 4087140; 607286, 4087040; 607497, 4086890; 607591, 4086820; 607719, 4086630; 607746, 4086620; 608027, 4086080; 607960, 4086030; 607945, 4086070; 607914, 4086180; 607889, 4086200; 607861, 4086220; 607830, 4086260; 607799, 4086310; 607782, 4086380; 607764, 4086400; 607738, 4086400; 607715, 4086390; 607705, 4086370; 607705, 4086350; 607713, 4086320; 607741, 4086240; 607771, 4086180; 607825, 4086100; 607863, 4086050; 607891, 4085970; 607999, 4085770; 608023, 4085720; 608026, 4085670; 608026, 4085630; 608016, 4085590; 607990, 4085560; 607945, 4085560; 607911, 4085550; 607871, 4085500; 607932, 4085480; 607985, 4085460; 608013, 4085440; 608016, 4085410; 608006, 4085380; 607995, 4085350; 608006, 4085310; 608054, 4085240; 608087, 4085210; 608107, 4085160; 608143, 4085110; 608184, 4085090; 608219, 4085060; 608233, 4085030; 608237, 4084990; 608186, 4084950; 608118, 4084660; 607891, 4084590; 607817, 4084540; 607733, 4084490; 607718, 4084490; 607703, 4084510; 607705, 4084540; 607708, 4084590; 607708, 4084640; 607703, 4084680; 607659, 4084750; 607643, 4084810; 607647, 4084850; 607672, 4084900; 607715, 4084960; 607746, 4084980; 607777, 4084990; 607821, 4085040; 607812, 4085100; 607937, 4085270; 607886, 4085330; 607769, 4085220; 607709, 4085150; 607649, 4085150; 607619, 4085130; 607642, 4085070; 607644, 4085050; 607639, 4085020; 607562, 4084870; 607547, 4084850; 607527, 4084850; 607499, 4084850; 607474, 4084850; 607385, 4084990; 607313, 4085120; 607306, 4085190; 607301, 4085230; 607313, 4085260; 607359, 4085370; 607405, 4085500; 607407, 4085550; 607397, 4085580; 607341, 4085640; 607242, 4085780; 607199, 4085760; 607186, 4085730; 607196, 4085690; 607293, 4085520; 607308, 4085490; 607311, 4085460; 607295, 4085370; 607241, 4085250; 607232, 4085220; 607232, 4085190; 607242, 4085100; 607269, 4085010; 607303, 4084920; 607375, 4084780; 607484, 4084640; 607545, 4084530; 607586, 4084420; 607028, 4083920; 607011, 4083950; 607058, 4084120; 607036, 4084150; 606990, 4084230; 606906, 4084180; 606797, 4084220; 606768, 4084240; 606753, 4084300; 606753, 4084330; 606758, 4084360; 606765, 4084380; 606774, 4084410; 606791, 4084480; 606759, 4084610; 606696, 4084670; 606680, 4084680; 606672, 4084700; 606667, 4084720; 606684, 4084760; 606698, 4084770; 606712, 4084780; 606736, 4084810; 606756, 4084840; 606770, 4084860; 606758, 4084890; 606736, 4084900.
(vii) Map 8 of Unit I follows:

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(14)Unit J: Casserly. Santa Cruz County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Loma Prieta, Mt. Madona, Watsonville East, and Watsonville West. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 610201, 4094760; 610253, 4094770; 610315, 4094760; 610340, 4094730; 610351, 4094720; 610366, 4094730; 610368, 4094750; 610363, 4094780; 610346, 4094860; 610330, 4094910; 610300, 4094980; 610231, 4095070; 610143, 4095150; 610117, 4095190; 610107, 4095220; 610111, 4095230; 610169, 4095280; 610196, 4095290; 610217, 4095330; 610236, 4095340; 610262, 4095340; 610289, 4095330; 610366, 4095260; 610399, 4095240; 610412, 4095240; 610428, 4095240; 610453, 4095240; 610471, 4095210; 610499, 4095190; 610524, 4095200; 610548, 4095210; 610563, 4095200; 610577, 4095170; 610599, 4095160; 610619, 4095170; 610630, 4095180; 610659, 4095190; 610678, 4095200; 610695, 4095220; 610702, 4095240; 610711, 4095250; 610730, 4095240; 610750, 4095240; 610789, 4095230; 610783, 4095210; 610777, 4095180; 610768, 4095150; 610761, 4095120; 610763, 4095090; 610779, 4095070; 610809, 4095070; 610832, 4095070; 610851, 4095080; 610872, 4095070; 610880, 4095050; 610878, 4095010; 610879, 4094990; 610881, 4094980; 610911, 4094930; 610924, 4094910; 610946, 4094890; 610964, 4094890; 610982, 4094890; 611082, 4094950; 611126, 4094960; 611161, 4094970; 611190, 4094970; 611213, 4094950; 611216, 4094930; 611211, 4094870; 611210, 4094830; 611226, 4094710; 611217, 4094510; 611258, 4094460; 611358, 4094440; 611566, 4094440; 611639, 4094440; 611754, 4094460; 611806, 4094450; 611867, 4094430; 612002, 4094360; 612045, 4094320; 612071, 4094280; 612100, 4094230; 612136, 4094160; 612158, 4094130; 612214, 4094100; 612248, 4094090; 612354, 4094010; 612393, 4094000; 612433, 4093990; 612493, 4094000; 612575, 4094010; 612678, 4094000; 612764, 4093980; 612836, 4093950; 612974, 4093850; 613106, 4093720; 613136, 4093690; 613169, 4093670; 613269, 4093640; 613373, 4093620; 613483, 4093620; 613505, 4093590; 613499, 4093570; 613482, 4093550; 613451, 4093520; 613409, 4093480; 613386, 4093440; 613380, 4093410; 613391, 4093380; 613409, 4093380; 613441, 4093380; 613522, 4093420; 613553, 4093430; 613596, 4093430; 613625, 4093410; 613641, 4093360; 613631, 4093320; 613615, 4093290; 613563, 4093250; 613496, 4093210; 613479, 4093190; 613480, 4093170; 613542, 4093120; 613617, 4093090; 613699, 4093090; 613732, 4093080; 613772, 4093050; 613790, 4093020; 613855, 4092900; 613866, 4092870; 613909, 4092860; 613918, 4092810; 613905, 4092770; 613871, 4092710; 613783, 4092690; 613730, 4092670; 613661, 4092630; 613624, 4092650; 613555, 4092700; 613496, 4092640; 613468, 4092650; 613409, 4092710; 613316, 4092620; 613285, 4092580; 613240, 4092560; 613167, 4092570; 613101, 4092530; 613023, 4092520; 612958, 4092450; 612847, 4092450; 612846, 4092620; 612576, 4092620; 612538, 4092680; 612564, 4092770; 612630, 4092830; 612631, 4092890; 612676, 4092950; 612688, 4093020; 612680, 4093040; 612651, 4093040; 612603, 4093000; 612561, 4092980; 612529, 4092970; 612490, 4092980; 612464, 4093000; 612439, 4093000; 612409, 4092950; 612333, 4092870; 612269, 4092760; 612242, 4092710; 612214, 4092690; 612167, 4092710; 612109, 4092760; 612022, 4092810; 612003, 4092850; 612002, 4092880; 612023, 4092900; 612065, 4092900; 612111, 4092920; 612145, 4092970; 612159, 4092990; 612183, 4092990; 612212, 4092980; 612227, 4092960; 612259, 4092950; 612312, 4092970; 612336, 4093010; 612323, 4093080; 612339, 4093130; 612369, 4093180; 612390, 4093200; 612383, 4093220; 612353, 4093240; 612307, 4093250; 612235, 4093250; 612181, 4093280; 612123, 4093320; 612011, 4093360; 612028, 4093410; 612061, 4093490; 612043, 4093600; 612069, 4093670; 611870, 4093750; 611832, 4093680; 611760, 4093640; 611676, 4093620; 611667, 4093570; 611636, 4093530; 611587, 4093520; 611584, 4093430; 611398, 4093410; 611395, 4093160; 611331, 4093110; 611251, 4093060; 610986, 4093130; 610818, 4093180; 610752, 4093240; 610709, 4093270; 610662, 4093270; 610498, 4093240; 610429, 4093250; 610382, 4093310; 610351, 4093370; 610333, 4093410; 610109, 4093470; 610090, 4093520; 610066, 4093570; 610046, 4093640; 610050, 4093710; 610070, 4093790; 610114, 4093830; 610182, 4093840; 610443, 4093800; 610465, 4093800; 610477, 4093820; 610483, 4093860; 610489, 4093950; 610489, 4093980; 610467, 4094020; 610456, 4094100; 610442, 4094120; 610426, 4094130; 610385, 4094150; 610296, 4094180; 610278, 4094190; 610255, 4094210; 610220, 4094250; 610188, 4094290; 610152, 4094330; 610121, 4094380; 610115, 4094410; 610110, 4094460; 610121, 4094590; 610133, 4094680; 610140, 4094710; 610154, 4094730; 610175, 4094750; 610201, 4094760.
(ii) Map 9 of Unit J follows:

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(15)Unit K: Elkhorn. Santa Cruz County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Watsonville East, Prunedale. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 611931, 4081300; 611930, 4081420; 611939, 4081530; 611956, 4081610; 611983, 4081680; 611981, 4081740; 611956, 4081790; 611918, 4081860; 611877, 4081940; 611839, 4082020; 611806, 4082090; 611787, 4082150; 611788, 4082180; 611796, 4082190; 611834, 4082200; 611862, 4082190; 611875, 4082170; 611885, 4082140; 611902, 4082110; 611916, 4082100; 611967, 4082090; 612005, 4082090; 612065, 4082080; 612155, 4082060; 612210, 4082080; 612247, 4082100; 612283, 4082110; 612348, 4082090; 612423, 4082080; 612481, 4082050; 612501, 4082000; 612519, 4081910; 612517, 4081840; 612517, 4081750; 612499, 4081720; 612478, 4081690; 612469, 4081640; 612473, 4081600; 612504, 4081490; 612509, 4081400; 612518, 4081210; 612520, 4081080; 612504, 4081040; 612475, 4081010; 612428, 4080960; 612393, 4080940; 612333, 4080880; 612255, 4080790; 612142, 4080860; 612070, 4080930; 612001, 4081020; 611957, 4081120; 611940, 4081200; 611931, 4081300.
(ii) Map 10 of Unit K follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Alameda, Contra Costa, Mendocino, Napa, and Solano Counties, California, on the maps in this entry. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Lasthenia conjugens (Contra Costa goldfields) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described below in paragraph (2)(ii), providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools;
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands;
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Mendocino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Point Arena. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 441300, 4314200; 441600, 4313700; 441700, 4313500; 442200, 4313400; 442500, 4313300; 442900, 4312800; 443200, 4312300; 443300, 4312000; 443300, 4311800; 442500, 4311800; 442400, 4312000; 442200, 4312000; 441300, 4311000; 441000, 4310900; 440700, 4310900; 440500, 4311100; 440200, 4311100; 440000, 4311300; 439500, 4311000; 438900, 4311000; 438500, 4311400; 438500, 4311800; 438500, 4312500; 438500, 4312700; 438700, 4313000; 439000, 4313100; 439100, 4313500; 439300, 4313900; 439500, 4314000; 439800, 4313900; 440100, 4314000; 441000, 4314000; 441200, 4314200; returning to 441300, 4314200.
(5) NOTE: Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Unit 2: Napa County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Yountville, Capell Valley. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 566800, 4250900; 567300, 4250500; 568100, 4250500; 568300, 4250100; 568100, 4250000; 568400, 4249400; 568500, 4249300; 568300, 4249100; 567800, 4249000; 567500, 4248900; 567400, 4248600; 567300, 4248100; 567200, 4248300; 567000, 4249800; 566700, 4250000; 566400, 4250300; 566100, 4250400; 566000, 4250500; 565500, 4250500; 565100, 4250500; 565100, 4250800; 565400, 4251200; 566000, 4251800; 566600, 4251600; returning to 566800, 4250900.
(7) Unit 3: Napa County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Napa, Cuttings Wharf. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 564800, 4233300; 564800, 4233100; 564600, 4233200; 564100, 4232800; 563800, 4233000; 563800, 4233600; 563800, 4235100; 563800, 4235200; 563900, 4235300; 564200, 4235400; 564400, 4235300; 564500, 4235100; 564700, 4235000; 564700, 4234900; 564800, 4234700; 564700, 4234400; 564800, 4234200; 564700, 4234100; 564700, 4234000; 564800, 4233800; returning to 564800, 4233300.
(8) Unit 4: Solano County, California.
(i) Unit 4A: Solano County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Fairfield South. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 577600, 4229700; 577700, 4229600; 578100, 4229800; 578100, 4229700; 577900, 4229100; 577300, 4229400; 577200, 4229800; 577400, 4230000; 577600, 4229800; returning to 577600, 4229700.
(ii) Unit 4B: Solano County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Fairfield South. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 583778, 4233214; 583700, 4232900; 583100, 4231900; 582700, 4231800; 582400, 4231500; 582300, 4230700; 582000, 4230700; 581900, 4230400; 581700, 4230400; 581700, 4231100; 581800, 4231100; 581800, 4231600; 581300, 4231600; 581300, 4232000; 581500, 4232200; 581500, 4231900; 581700, 4231900; 581700, 4232900; 581900, 4232900; 582800, 4233000; 583100, 4233000; 583112, 4232993; 583156, 4233006; 583545, 4233137; 583619, 4233161; 583629, 4233165; 583725, 4233196; returning to 583778, 4233214.
(iii) Unit 4C: Solano County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Elmira, Denverton. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 594915, 4234098; 594916, 4233314; 595044, 4233310; 595068, 4233296; 595131, 4233266; 595174, 4233226; 595189, 4233210; 595239, 4233151; 595322, 4232978; 595423, 4232778; 595483, 4232667; 595553, 4232524; 595699, 4232243; 595966, 4231717; 594927, 4231710; 594445, 4231707; 594409, 4231673; 594410, 4231616; 594434, 4231540; 594474, 4231494; 594495, 4231457; 594497, 4231414; 594510, 4231370; 594543, 4231356; 594575, 4231342; 594603, 4231341; 594614, 4231338; 594616, 4231325; 594618, 4231311; 594614, 4231290; 594605, 4231284; 594583, 4231275; 594573, 4231268; 594557, 4231245; 594550, 4231209; 594543, 4231179; 594500, 4231200; 593800, 4231200; 593600, 4230500; 593291, 4230515; 593291, 4230514; 589300, 4230700; 589179, 4230901; 589179, 4230901; 589240, 4230894; 589274, 4230890; 589315, 4230894; 589321, 4230909; 589313, 4231179; 589015, 4231215; 589100, 4231300; 589100, 4231700; 588600, 4231600; 588440, 4231680; 588417, 4232400; 588500, 4232400; 588500, 4232500; 588600, 4232500; 588600, 4232800; 588400, 4233000; 588600, 4233300; 588700, 4233500; 589300, 4233500; 589983, 4233500; 590000, 4233500; 590100, 4233500; 590100, 4233300; 590600, 4233300; 591100, 4232800; 591138, 4232825; 591143, 4232820; 591184, 4232856; 591700, 4233200; 592513, 4233290; 592594, 4233291; 592594, 4233299; 592600, 4233300; 592600, 4233800; 592900, 4233700; 592900, 4233751; 592901, 4233751; 592900, 4233754; 592900, 4233800; 593400, 4234100; 594200, 4234100; 594300, 4234900; 594500, 4234900; 594890, 4235396; returning to 594915, 4234098.
(9) Unit 5: Solano County, California.
(i) Unit 5A: Solano County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Elmira. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 593200, 4242200; 593200, 4240600; 593211, 4240600; 593255, 4239807; 592030, 4239793; 592062, 4240126; 592044, 4240137; 592026, 4240170; 592026, 4240181; 592030, 4240261; 592300, 4240800; 592100, 4240800; 591800, 4241000; 591700, 4241100; 591600, 4241200; 591600, 4241300; 591600, 4241700; 591700, 4241700; 591800, 4241600; 591900, 4241600; 592000, 4241500; 592200, 4241300; 592300, 4240900; returning to 593200, 4242200.
(ii) Unit 5B: Solano County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Elmira, Denverton. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 589698, 4236560; 589600, 4234900; 589700, 4234900; 589700, 4234500; 590100, 4234500; 590100, 4234064; 590100, 4234000; 589400, 4234000; 589000, 4234400; 588500, 4234400; 588500, 4236400; 588549, 4236449; 588944, 4236551; 589524, 4236558; 589670, 4236559; returning to 589698, 4236560.
(iii) NOTE: Units 2-5 (Map 2) follow:

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(10) Unit 6: Contra Costa County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Benicia. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 566800, 4208500; 566800, 4208000; 566900, 4208000; 566900, 4207900; 566900, 4207800; 567100, 4207800; 567100, 4207900; 567000, 4207900; 567000, 4208000; 567100, 4208100; 567200, 4208200; 567500, 4207800; 567900, 4207400; 568200, 4207200; 568500, 4207100; 568400, 4207100; 568300, 4207000; 568200, 4207000; 568200, 4207100; 568100, 4207100; 568100, 4207000; 567900, 4207100; 567700, 4207200; 567600, 4207200; 567600, 4207100; 567500, 4207100; 567200, 4207100; 566600, 4207700; 566400, 4207500; 565900, 4207400; 565700, 4207700; 566411, 4208500; returning to 566800, 4208500.
(11) NOTE: Unit 6 (Map 3) follows:

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(12) Unit 7: Contra Costa County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Byron Hot Springs, Clifton Court Forebay. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 621800, 4191200; 622200, 4190700; 622300, 4190400; 622275, 4190400; 621200, 4190400; 621100, 4190400; 621100, 4188700; 620900, 4188700; 620600, 4188400; 620400, 4188600; 620400, 4188100; 620500, 4187900; 620600, 4187800; 620700, 4187700; 620900, 4187700; 621100, 4187500; 620500, 4187100; 620500, 4186900; 621300, 4187300; 621321, 4187289; 621338, 4187281; 621700, 4187100; 621800, 4186900; 621600, 4186200; 621600, 4186000; 621800, 4185900; 621900, 4186100; 621800, 4186500; 621900, 4186600; 622100, 4186600; 622200, 4186400; 622300, 4186200; 622500, 4186000; 622500, 4185800; 622000, 4185300; 621200, 4185300; 621200, 4185700; 621300, 4186000; 621100, 4186100; 620500, 4185900; 620600, 4185400; 620500, 4185200; 620200, 4185300; 620200, 4185500; 620000, 4185900; 620000, 4186100; 620500, 4186100; 620700, 4186200; 620700, 4186600; 620200, 4186800; 620100, 4186900; 620000, 4186800; 619900, 4186600; 619900, 4186400; 619800, 4186300; 619600, 4186400; 619500, 4186300; 619600, 4186100; 619600, 4185700; 619400, 4185700; 618200, 4186600; 618100, 4187100; 617700, 4187400; 617800, 4187900; 618400, 4187900; 618400, 4187500; 619000, 4186900; 619400, 4186700; 619500, 4186900; 619500, 4189200; 619300, 4189400; 619400, 4189600; 619000, 4189700; 618700, 4189400; 618500, 4189000; 617800, 4188900; 617618, 4188855; 617400, 4189000; 617400, 4189200; 618200, 4189500; 618100, 4189800; 618200, 4190100; 618700, 4190300; 618700, 4190700; 619000, 4191000; 619300, 4191100; 619600, 4191100; 619800, 4190700; 619900, 4190700; 620100, 4190900; 620400, 4190900; 620400, 4190900; 620400, 4190900; 620500, 4191200; returning to 621800, 4191200.
(13) NOTE: Unit 7 (Map 4) follows:

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(14) Unit 8: Alameda County, California.
(i) Unit 8A: Alameda County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Milpitas, Niles. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 590100, 4150400; 590481, 4150210; 590452, 4150159; 590383, 4150201; 590320, 4150230; 590312, 4150216; 590309, 4150216; 590306, 4150215; 590303, 4150215; 590300, 4150214; 590297, 4150213; 590294, 4150212; 590291, 4150212; 590202, 4150262; 590201, 4150263; 590199, 4150264; 590197, 4150265; 590195, 4150266; 590193, 4150267; 590191, 4150267; 590189, 4150268; 590187, 4150269; 590185, 4150269; 590183, 4150269; 590180, 4150270; 590178, 4150270; 590176, 4150270; 590174, 4150270; 590172, 4150270; 590170, 4150270; 590168, 4150270; 590165, 4150270; 590163, 4150270; 590161, 4150269; 590159, 4150269; 590157, 4150269; 590155, 4150268; 590153, 4150267; 590151, 4150266; 590149, 4150266; 590147, 4150265; 590145, 4150264; 590143, 4150263; 590141, 4150262; 590140, 4150261; 590138, 4150260; 590136, 4150258; 590134, 4150257; 590133, 4150256; 589930, 4150084; 589926, 4150080; 589921, 4150076; 589916, 4150073; 589911, 4150070; 589906, 4150066; 589901, 4150064; 589896, 4150061; 589891, 4150059; 589885, 4150056; 589880, 4150054; 589874, 4150052; 589869, 4150050; 589863, 4150049; 589857, 4150048; 589852, 4150046; 589846, 4150045; 589840, 4150045; 589834, 4150044; 589829, 4150044; 589823, 4150044; 589817, 4150044; 589811, 4150044; 589805, 4150045; 589799, 4150045; 589794, 4150046; 589788, 4150047; 589782, 4150048; 589776, 4150050; 589771, 4150052; 589765, 4150053; 589760, 4150055; 589754, 4150058; 589749, 4150060; 589744, 4150063; 589739, 4150066; 589734, 4150068; 589729, 4150072; 589724, 4150075; 589719, 4150078; 589715, 4150082; 589710, 4150086; 589706, 4150090; 589702, 4150094; 589698, 4150098; 589694, 4150103; 589641, 4150165; 589900, 4150100; returning to 590100, 4150400;
(ii) Unit 8B: Alameda County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Milpitas, Niles. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N):592000, 4150900; 592300, 4150600; 592300, 4150582; 592274, 4150603; 592276, 4150615; 592213, 4150675; 592195, 4150689; 592081, 4150769; 592026, 4150768; 591957, 4150835; 591831, 4150703; 591824, 4150696; 591604, 4150449; 591601, 4150449; 591598, 4150449; 591595, 4150449; 591592, 4150449; 591589, 4150448; 591586, 4150448; 591583, 4150448; 591581, 4150447; 591578, 4150446; 591575, 4150446; 591572, 4150445; 591569, 4150444; 591567, 4150443; 591564, 4150441; 591561, 4150440; 591559, 4150439; 591556, 4150437; 591554, 4150436; 591552, 4150434; 591549, 4150433; 591547, 4150431; 591545, 4150429; 591542, 4150427; 591540, 4150425; 591538, 4150423; 591536, 4150421; 591534, 4150419; 591533, 4150416; 591531, 4150414; 591529, 4150412; 591528, 4150409; 591526, 4150407; 591525, 4150404; 591523, 4150401; 591522, 4150399; 591521, 4150396; 591520, 4150393; 591519, 4150391; 591518, 4150388; 591518, 4150385; 591517, 4150382; 591516, 4150379; 591516, 4150376; 591516, 4150374; 591515, 4150371; 591515, 4150368; 591515, 4150365; 591515, 4150362; 591515, 4150359; 591516, 4150356; 591516, 4150354; 591442, 4150273; 591396, 4150319; 591243, 4150156; 591255, 4150145; 591269, 4150133; 591300, 4150104; 591331, 4150075; 591473, 4149942; 591550, 4149873; 591589, 4149840; 591620, 4149817; 591665, 4149787; 591688, 4149775; 591721, 4149761; 591777, 4149738; 591825, 4149720; 591872, 4149707; 591913, 4149697; 591958, 4149690; 592001, 4149686; 592064, 4149684; 592119, 4149689; 592237, 4150383; 592245, 4150384; 592244, 4150388; 592251, 4150389; 592252, 4150385; 592298, 4150392; 592200, 4150000; 592100, 4149600; 592000, 4149500; 591984, 4149500; 592103, 4149649; 592088, 4149647; 592058, 4149645; 592030, 4149647; 591994, 4149650; 591954, 4149655; 591886, 4149666; 591844, 4149677; 591783, 4149697; 591717, 4149723; 591651, 4149757; 591594, 4149794; 591557, 4149824; 591530, 4149850; 591453, 4149920; 591310, 4150053; 591279, 4150082; 591248, 4150110; 591235, 4150123; 591222, 4150134; 591220, 4150131; 591045, 4149947; 590916, 4150021; 591500, 4150800; 591600, 4150700; 591800, 4150700; returning to 592000, 4150900;
(iii) NOTE: Unit 8 (Map 5) follows:

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Arizona: Coconino County; Coconino National Forest, Agassiz Peak and Humphreys Peak, T22N, R7E, N 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec. 5; T23N, R7E, W 1/2 Section 32 and W 1/2 Section 29. Primary constituent elements are the loose cinder talus slopes of the alpine tundra system of the San Francisco Peaks and absence of disturbance and damage from hikers.

Note: The reference to "groundsel" on the map is equivalent to "ragwort." Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Cochise, Pima, and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona, on the map in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the beardless chinchweed consist of the following components:
(i) Native-dominated plant communities, consisting of:
(A) Plains, great basin, and semi-desert grasslands, oak savanna, or Madrean evergreen woodland;
(B) Communities dominated by bunchgrasses with open spacing (adjacent to and within 10 meters (33 feet) of individual beardless chinchweed plants) and with little competition from other plants; and
(C) Communities with plants for pollinator foraging and nesting within 1 kilometer (0.62 miles) of beardless chinchweed populations.
(ii) 1,158 to 1,737 meters (3,799 to 5,699 feet) elevation.
(iii) Eroding limestone or granite bedrock substrate.
(iv) Steep, south-facing, sunny to partially shaded hillslopes.
(v) The presence of pollinators (i.e., flies, bees, and butterflies).
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of the rule.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created using ArcMap version 10 (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a geographic information systems program on a base of USA Topo Maps. Critical habitat units were then mapped using NAD 1983, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 12N coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/Docs_Species.htm and at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2018-0104, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5)Note: Index map follows:

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(6)Unit 1: McCleary Canyon, Pima County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 1 consists of 682 hectares (1,686 acres) of U.S. Forest Service lands.
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7)Unit 2: Audubon Research Ranch, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 2 consists of 926 hectares (2,287 acres) of land, of which 331 hectares (817 acres) are owned by the U.S. Forest Service, 474 hectares (1,170 acres) by the Bureau of Land Management, and 121 hectares (300 acres) by the Audubon Research Ranch.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8)Unit 3: Scotia Canyon, Cochise County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 3 consists of 346 hectares (855 acres) of U.S. Forest Service lands.
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9)Unit 4: Coronado National Memorial, Cochise County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 4 consists of 853 hectares (2,109 acres) of National Park Service lands.
(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(10)Unit 5: Lampshire Well, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 5 consists of 380 hectares (939 acres) of U.S. Forest Service lands.
(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

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(11)Unit 6: Harshaw Creek, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 6 consists of 410 hectares (1,013 acres) of U.S. Forest Service lands.
(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

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(12)Unit 7: Washington Camp, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 7 consists of 380 hectares (939 acres) of U.S. Forest Service lands.
(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

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(13)Unit 8: Ruby Road, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 8 consists of 314 hectares (776 acres) of U.S. Forest Service lands.
(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) Critical habitat includes the plant communities within the range of Pentachaeta lyonii that are characterized by the following primary constituent elements:
(i) Clay soils of volcanic origin;
(ii) Exposed soils that exhibit a microbiotic crust, which may inhibit invasion by other plant competitors; and
(iii) A mosaic of bare ground ([GREATER THAN]10%) patches in an area with less than 60 percent cover.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created on base maps using the following aerial imagery: For eastern Ventura County, we used Air Photo USA, Inc., aerial imagery captured in October 2002; for westernmost Los Angeles county populations, we used Air Photo USA, Inc., aerial imagery captured in August 1999. Both were projected to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1927.
(5) Index map for Pentachaeta lyonii (Map 1) follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1 for Pentachaeta lyonii: Simi Valley Unit, Ventura County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 1 for Pentachaeta lyonii is depicted on Map 2 in paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.
(7) Unit 2 for Pentachaeta lyonii: Montclef Ridge Unit, Ventura County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 2 for Pentachaeta lyonii is depicted on Map 2, which follows:

View Image

(8) Unit 3 for Pentachaeta lyonii: Thousand Oaks Unit, Ventura and Los Angeles Counties, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 3 for Pentachaeta lyonii is depicted on Map 3 in paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(9) Unit 4 for Pentachaeta lyonii: Triunfo Canyon Unit, Los Angeles County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 4 for Pentachaeta lyonii is depicted on Map 3 in paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(10) Unit 5 for Pentachaeta lyonii: Mulholland Drive Unit, Los Angeles County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 5 for Pentachaeta lyonii is depicted on Map 3 in paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(11) Unit 7 for Pentachaeta lyonii: Malibu Lake Unit, Los Angeles County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 7 for Pentachaeta lyonii is depicted on Map 3, which follows:

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Oregon, Harney County; the lands west of State Highway 205 within the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 and the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4, Section 11; and the W 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, and the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, and the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 12, T27S, R30E, Willamette Meridian.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Bernardino County, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Taraxacum californicum are:
(i) Wet meadows subject to flooding during wet years and forest openings with seeps, springs, or creeks in the San Bernardino Mountains in San Bernardino County located at elevations of 6,700 to 9,000 feet (2,000 to 2,800 meters), that provide space for individual and population growth, reproduction, and dispersal; and
(ii) Well-drained, loamy alluvial to sandy loam soils occurring in the wet meadow system or forest openings with seeps, springs, or creeks, with a 0 to 46 percent slope, to provide water, air, minerals, and other nutritional or physiological requirements to the species.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for Taraxacum californicum (California taraxacum) follows:

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(6) Unit 2: North Baldwin Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 for Taraxacum californicum follows:

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(7) Unit 3: Belleville Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 3 for Taraxacum californicum is depicted on the map in paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(8) Unit 4: Hitchcock Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 4 for Taraxacum californicum is depicted on the map in paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(9) Unit 5: Bluff Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 5 for Taraxacum californicum is depicted on the map in paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(10) Unit 6: North Shay Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 6 for Taraxacum californicum is depicted on the map in paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(11) Unit 7: Horse Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 for Taraxacum californicum follows:

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(12) Unit 8: Fish Creek Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 8 for Taraxacum californicum is depicted on the map in paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(13) Unit 9: Broom Flat Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 9 for Taraxacum californicum is depicted on the map in paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(14) Unit 10: Wildhorse Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 10 for Taraxacum californicum is depicted on the map in paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(15) Unit 11: Cienega Seca Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 11 for Taraxacum californicum is depicted on the map in paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(16) Unit 12: South Fork Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 12 for Taraxacum californicum is depicted on the map in paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.


(1) Critical habitat unit is depicted for Fremont County, Wyoming, on the map below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Yermo xanthocephalus are those habitat components that are essential for the primary needs of the species. Based upon our current knowledge of this species, the primary constituent elements include, but are not limited to:
(i) Recent soils derived from sandstones and limestones of the Split Rock Formation at its junction with the White River Formation. These are shallow, loamy soils of the Entisol order that can be classified as course-loamy over sandy-skeletal, mixed, Lithic Torriorthent. The surface stratum has little organic matter, and subsurface layers show no accumulation of humus, clay, gypsum, salts, or carbonates.
(ii) Plant communities associated with Yermo xanthocephalus that include, but may not be limited to, sparsely vegetated cushion plant communities with scattered clumps of Oryzopsis hymenoides (Indian ricegrass) between 2,043 and 2,073 m (6,700 and 6,800 ft) in Fremont County, Wyoming. Species common to these communities include Arenaria hookeri (Hooker's sandwort), Astragalus kentrophyta (thistle milkvetch), Hymenoxys acaulis (stemless hymenoxy), and Phlox muscoides (squarestem phlox). These cushion-plant communities also contain natural openings.
(iii) Topographic features/relief and physical processes, particularly hydrologic processes, that maintain the shape and orientation of the hollows characteristic of Yermo xanthocephalus and maintain moisture below the surface of the ground.
(3) Critical habitat: Fremont County, Wyoming.
(i) From U.S. Geological Survey 7.5" quadrangle maps Dishpan Butte and Sweetwater Station, Wyoming. T. 31 N., R. 95 W., SW 1/4 sec. 27, NW 1/4 sec. 34, and W 1/2 W 1/2 NE 1/4 sec. 34.
(ii) Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat is depicted for Riverside County, California, in the text and on the map in this entry. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Berberis nevinii are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Low-gradient (i.e., nearly flat) canyon floors, washes and adjacent terraces, and mountain ridge/summits, or eroded, generally northeast to northwest-facing mountain slopes and banks of dry washes typically of less than 70 percent slope that provide space for plant establishment and growth;
(ii) Well-drained alluvial soils primarily of non-marine sedimentary origin, such as Temecula or sandy arkose soils; soils of the Cajalco-Temescal-Las Posas soil association formed on gabbro (igneous) or latite (volcanic) bedrock; metasedimentary substrates associated with springs or seeps; and heavy adobe/gabbro-type soils derived from metavolcanic geology (Mesozoic basic intrusive rock) that provide the appropriate nutrients and space for growth and reproduction; and
(iii) Scrub (chaparral, coastal sage, alluvial, riparian) and woodland (oak, riparian) vegetation communities between 900 and 3,000 feet (275 and 915 meters) in elevation that provide the appropriate cover for growth and reproduction.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) Critical habitat map. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,000 maps and critical habitat units were then mapped using a 100-meter grid to establish Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27) coordinates which, when connected, provided the boundaries of the unit. All acreage calculations were performed using GIS.
(5) Unit 1: Agua Tibia/Vail Lake Unit, Riverside County, California.
(i) Subunit 1A: Big Oak Mountain Summit. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Sage, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 502153, 3708505; 502157, 3708510; 502167, 3708519; 502179, 3708526; 502192, 3708532; 502205, 3708534; 502219, 3708535; 502233, 3708533; 502246, 3708528; 502258, 3708522; 502269, 3708513; 502278, 3708503; 502286, 3708491; 502291, 3708478; 502294, 3708465; 502294, 3708451; 502292, 3708437; 502288, 3708424; 502281, 3708412; 502272, 3708401; 502262, 3708392; 502250, 3708384; 502237, 3708379; 502224, 3708376; 502210, 3708376; 502196, 3708378; 502183, 3708382; 502171, 3708389; 502160, 3708398; 502151, 3708408; 502143, 3708420; 502138, 3708432; 502135, 3708446; 502135, 3708460; 502137, 3708474; 502141, 3708487; 502148, 3708499; 502153, 3708505; thence returning to 502153, 3708505.
(ii) Subunit 1B: Agua Tibia Mountain Foothills. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Vail Lake, lands bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 504200, 3702900; 504300, 3702900; 504300, 3702800; 504200, 3702800; thence returning to 504200, 3702900.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit 1 follows:

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California, San Joaquin County, Mount Diablo Meridian, T3S R4E Section 28 W 1/2 NW 1/4 and W 1/2 SW 1/4.

This includes the known primary constituent elements of a steep, west- and south-facing slope with light textured but stable soils.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Coos and Curry Counties, Oregon, and Del Norte County, California, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the sand dune phacelia consist of the following components:
(i) Sandy coastal dune habitat above the high tide line that provides a high light environment, room for growth, and adequate moisture.
(ii) A sufficiently abundant pollinator community (which may include leafcutter bees and bumble bees) for pollination and reproduction.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 21, 2023.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) feature classes from known extant populations. Critical habitat units were defined by applying the minimum convex polygon approach in GIS, thereby creating a single polygon from occupied habitat patches within each population consisting of 25 or more individuals. Several units have two polygons each to include individuals that are separated from the main populations by unsuitable or unoccupied habitat. In a few cases, the unit boundaries were modified to align with the coastal boundary based on current National Agriculture Imagery Program natural color imagery. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at https://www.fws.gov/office/oregon-fish-and-wildlife, at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2021-0070, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map for Phacelia argentea follows:

Figure 1 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (5)

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(6) Unit 1: North Bandon 1, Coos County, Oregon.
(i) Unit 1 consists of 0.6 acres (ac) (0.2 hectares (ha)) in Coos County, Oregon, and is composed of land in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Units 1 and 2 follows:

Figure 2 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (6)(ii)

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(7) Unit 2: North Bandon 2, Coos County, Oregon.
(i) Unit 2 consists of 61.3 ac (24.8 ha) in Coos County, Oregon, and is composed of land in State (6.9 ac (2.8 ha)) and private (54.4 ac (22 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(8) Unit 3: Lost Lake, Coos County, Oregon.
(i) Unit 3 consists of 3.7 ac (1.5 ha) in Coos County, Oregon, and is composed of land in State (0.1 ac (0.04 ha)), Federal (0.8 ac (0.3 ha)), and private (2.8 ac (1.1 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

Figure 3 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (8)(ii)

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(9) Unit 4: Floras Lake, Curry County, Oregon.
(i) Unit 4 consists of 5.8 ac (2.3 ha) in Curry County, Oregon, and is composed of land in Federal ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

Figure 4 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (9)(ii)

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(10) Unit 5: Cape Blanco, Curry County, Oregon.
(i) Unit 5 consists of 2 ac (0.8 ha) in Curry County, Oregon, and is composed of land in State ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

Figure 5 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (10)(ii)

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(11) Unit 6: Paradise Point, Curry County, Oregon.
(i) Unit 6 consists of 3.7 ac (1.5 ha) in Curry County, Oregon, and is composed of land in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

Figure 6 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (11)(ii)

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(12) Unit 7: Pistol River North, Curry County, Oregon.
(i) Unit 7 consists of 3.2 ac (1.3 ha) in Curry County, Oregon, and is composed of land in State ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

Figure 7 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (12)(ii)

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(13) Unit 8: Pistol River South, Curry County, Oregon.
(i) Unit 8 consists of 0.7 ac (0.3 ha) in Curry County, Oregon, and is composed of land in State ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

Figure 8 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (13)(ii)

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(14) Unit 9: Lone Ranch, Curry County, Oregon.
(i) Unit 9 consists of 6.5 ac (2.6 ha) in Curry County, Oregon, and is composed of land in State ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 9 follows:

Figure 9 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (14)(ii)

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(15) Unit 10: Pacific Shores, Del Norte County, California.
(i) Unit 10 consists of 21 ac (8.5 ha) in Del Norte County, California, and is composed of land in State (13.2 ac (5.3 ha)) and private (7.8 ac (3.2 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Units 10 and 11 follows:

Figure 10 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (15)(ii)

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(16) Unit 11: Tolowa Dunes, Del Norte County, California.
(i) Unit 11 consists of 69.6 ac (28.2 ha) in Del Norte County, California, and is composed of land in State ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 11 is provided at paragraph (15)(ii) of this entry.
(17) Unit 12: Point Saint George, Del Norte County, California.
(i) Unit 12 consists of 1.1 ac (0.4 ha) in Del Norte County, California, and is composed of land in county (1 ac (0.4 ha)) and private (0.1 ac (0.04 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 12 follows:

Figure 11 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (17)(ii)

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(18) Unit 13: Pebble Beach, Del Norte County, California.
(i) Unit 13 consists of 1.6 ac (0.6 ha) in Del Norte County, California, and is under county ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 13 follows:

Figure 12 to Phacelia argentea (sand dune phacelia) paragraph (18)(ii)

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for the municipalities of Guanica, Yauco, Guayanilla, Penuelas, Ponce, and Vieques, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Varronia rupicola consist of the following components:
(i) Remnants of native shrubland and scrubland forest on limestone substrate within the subtropical dry forest life zone. Dry shrubland and scrubland forest includes:
(A) Shrubland vegetation with canopy from 6.5 to 9.8 feet (ft) (2 to 3 meters (m)) high;
(B) Limestone pavement;
(C) Associated native vegetation; and
(D) A shrub layer dominated by Croton humilis, Eupatorium sinuatum,Lantana reticulata, and Turnera diffusa.
(ii) Semi-deciduous dry forest on limestone substrate within the subtropical dry forest life zone. Dry limestone semi-deciduous forest includes:
(A) Low forest with canopy from 8 to 15 ft (3 to 5 m) high;
(B) Limestone pavement;
(C) Associated dry forest native vegetation; and
(D) A shrub layer dominated by Croton humilis, Eupatorium sinuatum,Lantana reticulata, and Turnera diffusa.
(iii) The type locations described paragraphs (2)(i) and (2)(ii) of this entry for this species should have shallow and alkaline soils derived from limestone rock and an average rainfall of 34 in (86 cm).
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as houses, bridges, aqueducts, and paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 9, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of an aerial image (ESRI image Basemap) and USFS-IITF Landcover GAP raster. Critical habitat units were then mapped using the Geographic Coordinate System-World Geodetic System (WGS) 1984 datum. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/caribbean/es, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0040, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map of critical habitat units for Varronia rupicola follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1: Montalva, municipality of Guanica, Puerto Rico.
(i) Unit 1 includes 992 acres (ac) (401 hectares (ha)).
(ii) Map of Units 1, 2, 3, and 4 follows:

View Image

(7) Unit 2: Guanica Commonwealth Forest, municipalities of Guanica and Yauco, Puerto Rico.
(i) Unit 2 includes 584 ac (236 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(8) Unit 3: Montes de Barina, municipalities of Yauco and Guayanilla, Puerto Rico.
(i) Unit 3 includes 2,002 ac (810 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(9) Unit 4: Penon de Ponce, municipalities of Penuelas and Ponce, Puerto Rico.
(i) Unit 4 includes 2,174 ac (880 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 4 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(10) Unit 5: Punta Negra, municipality of Vieques, Puerto Rico.
(i) Unit 5 includes 291 ac (117 ha).
(ii) Map of Units 5, 6, and 7 follows:

View Image

(11) Unit 6: Puerto Ferro, municipality of Viequez, Puerto Rico.
(i) Unit 6 includes 381 ac (154 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.
(12) Unit 7: Cerro Playuela, municipality of Vieques, Puerto Rico.
(i) Unit 7 includes 123 ac (50 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 7 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted in Georgia, including Clay, Gordon, Floyd, Harris, and Muscogee Counties, and in Alabama, including Bibb, Dallas, Elmore, Monroe, Sumter, and Wilcox Counties, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Arabis georgiana (Georgia rockcress) consist of four components:
(i) Large river bluffs with steep and/or shallow soils that are subject to localized disturbances that limit the accumulation of leaf litter and competition within the Lower Gulf Coastal Plain, Upper Gulf Coastal Plain, Red Hills, Black Belt, Piedmont, and Ridge and Valley Physiographic Provinces of Georgia and Alabama.
(ii) Well-drained soils that are buffered or circumneutral generally within regions underlain or otherwise influenced by granite, sandstone, or limestone.
(iii) A mature, mixed-level canopy with spatial heterogeneity, providing mottled shade and often including species such as Juniperus virginiana (eastern red cedar), Ostrya virginiana (American hophornbeam), Quercus muehlenbergii (chinquapin oak), Fraxinus americana (white ash), Acer barbatum (southern sugar maple), and Cercis canadensis (eastern redbud) with a rich diversity of grasses and forbs characterizing the herb layer.
(iv) Intact habitat that is fully functional (i.e., with mature canopy and discrete disturbances) and buffered by surrounding habitat to impede the invasion of competitors.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 14, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining critical habitat map units were created using GIS shapefiles of Natural Heritage Element Occurrence (EO) data for Arabis georgiana (Georgia rockcress) locations that were provided by the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and 1-meter resolution National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) images from 2009. Each EO feature was buffered by 76 meters (m) (250 feet (ft)) up and down slope and 304.8 m (1,000 ft) laterally. The 76-m (250-ft) buffer was used as a guideline for delineating critical habitat upslope and downslope of the EO feature, with the downslope direction extending 76 m (250 ft) or to the edge of the water, whichever was shorter. The 304.8-m (1,000-ft) buffer was used a guideline for delineating critical habitat adjacent to the EO features along the length of the river. The critical habitat polygons were manually drawn using a mouse on a computer screen by visually checking for PCEs within the buffer areas against 2009 NAIP imagery. The critical habitat polygons were then viewed over the ArcGIS basemap Bing Aerial Imagery as an additional assessment tool for the placement of the critical habitat polygon boundaries. Critical habitat units were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), zone 16N. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/athens/, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0030, and at the Ecological Services Office in Athens, Georgia. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index maps of critical habitat units for Arabis georgiana (Georgia rockcress) follow:

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(6) Unit 1: Fort Tombecbee, Sumter County, Alabama. Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Marshalls Bluff, Monroe County, Alabama. Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Prairie Bluff, Wilcox County, Alabama. Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Portland Landing River Slopes, Dallas County, Alabama. Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(10) Unit 5: Durant Bend, Dallas County, Alabama. Map of Unit 5 follows:

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(11) Unit 6: Murphys Bluff Bridge Cahaba River, Bibb County, Alabama. Map of Unit 6 follows:

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(12) Unit 7: Bibb County, Alabama.
(i) Subunit 7A: Creekside Glades.
(ii) Subunit 7B: Little Schultz Creek.
(iii) Map of Subunits 7A and 7B follows:

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(13) Unit 8: Bibb County, Alabama.
(i) Subunit 8A: Cottingham Creek Bluff.
(ii) Subunit 8B: Pratts Ferry.
(iii) Map of Subunits 8A and 8B follows:

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(14) Unit 9: Bibb County, Alabama.
(i) Subunit 9A: Fern Glade.
(ii) Subunit 9B: Sixmile Creek.
(iii) Map of Subunits 9A and 9B follows:

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(15) Unit 10: Bibb County, Alabama.
(i) Subunit 10A: Browns Dam Glade North.
(ii) Subunit 10B: Browns Dam Glade South.
(iii) Map of Subunits 10A and 10B follows:

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(16) Unit 11: McGuire Ford/Limestone Park, Bibb County, Alabama. Map of Unit 11 follows:

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(17) Unit 12: Fort Toulouse State Park, Elmore County, Alabama. Map of Unit 12 follows:

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(18) Unit 13: Fort Gaines Bluff, Clay County, Georgia. Map of Unit 13 follows:

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(19) Unit 14: Harris and Muscogee Counties, Georgia.
(i) Subunit 14A: Goat Rock North.
(ii) Subunit 14B: Goat Rock South.
(iii) Map of Subunits 14A and 14B follows:

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(20) Unit 15: Blacks Bluff Preserve, Floyd County, Georgia. Map of Unit 15 follows:

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(21) Unit 16: Whitmore Bluff, Floyd County, Georgia. Map of Unit 16 follows:

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(22) Unit 17: Resaca Bluffs, Gordon County, Georgia. Map of Unit 17 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Franklin, Henry, and Owen Counties, Kentucky, and Rutherford and Wilson Counties, Tennessee, on the maps in this entry. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) Based on the best available information, primary constituent elements essential for the conservation of Arabis perstellata are:
(i) Relatively undisturbed, closed canopy mesophytic and sub-xeric forest with large, mature trees (such as sugar maple (Acer saccharum), chinquapin oak (Quercus muhlenbergii), hackberry (Celtus occidentalis), or Ohio buckeye (Aesculus glabra)), and
(ii) Open forest floors with little herbaceous cover and leaf litter accumulation with natural disturbance to allow for Arabis perstellata germination and seedling germination, and
(iii) Areas with few introduced weed species such as Alliaria petiolata or Lonicera maackii, and
(iv) Rock outcrops on moderate to steep calcareous slopes defined by:
(A) Ordovician limestone, in particular the Grier, Tanglewood, and Macedonia Bed Members of the Lexington Limestone in Kentucky and the Lebanon, Carters, Leipers, and Catheys, and Bigby-Cannon Limestones in Tennessee; and
(B) Limestone soils such as the Fairmont Rock outcrop complexes in Kentucky and the Mimosa Rock outcrop complexes in Tennessee.
(3) Existing features and structures made by people, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements and are not critical habitat. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4)Critical Habitat Map Units for Kentucky.
(i) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles and critical habitat units were then mapped in feet using Kentucky State Plane North, NAD 83, and Tennessee State Plane, NAD 83, coordinates.
(ii) Map 1-Index map of Critical Habitat for Braun's Rock-cress, Kentucky, follows:

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(5) Unit 1: Sky View Drive, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Frankfort West, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1453158.08, 257013.95; 1455318.02, 258193.89; 1455537.40, 256159.34.
(6) Unit 2: Benson Valley Woods, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Frankfort East, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1450864.02, 256869.46; 1453925.25, 260160.79; 1454705.56, 258980.31; 1451054.09, 256519.32.
(7) Unit 3: Red Bridge Road, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,0000 quadrangle Frankfort West, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1442614.00, 258863.10; 1443144.60, 258502.62; 1441670.26, 257801.90; 1441581.15, 258012.52.
(8) Unit 4: Tributary to South Benson Creek, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Frankfort West, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1443620.37, 253609.15; 1444037.01, 253294.00; 1442925.97, 252129.54; 1442210.20, 252471.40.
(ii) Map 2-Units 1, 2, 3, and 4, follows:

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(9) Unit 5: Davis Branch, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Polsgrove, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1450167.05, 277739.69; 1450767.00, 277750.87; 1450761.41, 277314.88; 1450202.46, 277180.73.
(10) Unit 6: Onans Bend, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Polsgrove, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1458610.26, 289401.40; 1459066.14, 289401.50; 1459484.82, 288182.67; 1458210.30, 287759.68; 1458191.76, 288155.34.
(11) Unit 7: Shadrock Ferry Road, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,0000 quadrangle Switzer, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1461695.27, 280422.79; 1462823.09, 280986.70; 1463880.43, 280256.18; 1463463.90, 279506.43.
(12) Unit 8: Hoover Site, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,0000 quadrangle Frankfort West, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1479208.72, 296984.32; 1480548.19, 297074.83; 1480548.19, 296260.28; 1479407.83, 295690.11; 1479177.04, 295694.63.
(13) Unit 9: Longs Ravine Site, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,0000 quadrangle Frankfort West, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1457404.81, 269596.23; 1457959.89, 270126.46; 1460205.09, 268958.30; 1459003.79, 267607.86.
(ii) Map 3-Units 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, follows:

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(14) Unit 10: Strohmeiers Hills, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,0000 quadrangle Switzer, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1467733.92, 298729.06; 1468218.13, 298978.50; 1468695.00, 297144.38; 1469854.17, 296131.94; 1469568.53, 295848.76; 1468658.32, 296498.77; 1468247.47, 297181.06; 1468056.72, 297936.72; 1467763.26, 296704.19; 1467440.46, 297415.83.
(15) Unit 11: U.S. 127, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Switzer, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1469164.24, 295115.19; 1469939.07, 295511.62; 1470629.82, 294466.49; 1469662.78, 294058.06.
(ii) Map 4-Units 10 and 11, follows:

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(16) Unit 12: Camp Pleasant Branch Woods, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Switzer, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1453446.71, 269919.75; 1454641.35, 269410.27; 1453921.05, 266476.39; 1452392.62, 264561.46; 1451250.69, 265879.07.
(17) Unit 13: Saufley, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Switzer, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1476234.26, 281055.05; 1476538.92, 281115.98; 1476924.83, 280171.52; 1477848.97, 279612.98; 1476538.92, 279887.17.
(ii) Map 5-Units 12 and 13, follows:

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(18) Unit 14: Clements Bluff, Owen County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Gratz, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1451615.01, 349295.36; 1452022.39, 349505.61; 1452910.30, 347908.24; 1452180.35, 347473.85.
(19) Unit 15: Monterey U.S. 127, Owen County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Monterey, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1462791.17, 342357.03; 1463347.35, 341639.38; 1462109.41, 340778.21; 1461660.88, 341370.27.
(20) Unit 16: Craddock Bottom, Owen County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangles Frankfort East and West, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1463039.86, 332602.65; 1463575.00, 332555.43; 1464377.71, 331784.20; 1464377.71, 329218.68; 1463748.13, 329202.94; 1463716.65, 330918.53.
(ii) Map 6-Units 14, 15, and 16, follows:

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(21) Unit 17: Backbone North, Franklin County, Kentucky.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Frankfort East, Kentucky; land bounded by the following Kentucky State Plane North / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates: 1470487.13, 273240.06; 1471988.00, 273697.42; 1472199.59, 273279.29; 1471168.97, 272953.00; 1470516.94, 272031.81; 1470339.01, 272116.74.
(ii) Map 7-Unit 17, follows:

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(21)Critical Habitat Map Units for Tennessee.
(i) Data layers defining map unit were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles and proposed critical habitat units were then mapped in feet using Tennessee State Plane, NAD 83, coordinates.
(ii) Map 8-Index of Critical Habitat for Braun's Rock-cress, Tennessee, follows:

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(22) Unit 18: Scales Mountain, Rutherford County, Tennessee.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Rockvale, Tennessee; land bounded by the following Tennessee State Plane / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates (E,N): 1797871.97, 548892.57; 1800101.59, 549457.83; 1800070.19, 547856.27; 1797934.77, 547071.19.
(23) Unit 19: Sophie Hill, Rutherford County, Tennessee.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Rockvale, Tennessee; land bounded by the following Tennessee State Plane / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates (E,N): 1804270.37, 539691.44; 1805958.29, 539809.20; 1806076.05, 538867.10; 1804427.38, 538631.58.
(24) Unit 20: Indian Mountain, Rutherford County, Tennessee.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Rockvale, Tennessee; land bounded by the following Tennessee State Plane / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates (E,N): 1800305.71, 546168.35; 1802111.40, 546443.12; 1802543.19, 544794.46; 1800423.48, 544676.69.
(ii) Map 9-Units 18, 19, and 20, follows:

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(25) Unit 21: Grandfather Knob, Wilson County, Tennessee.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Lascassas, Tennessee; land bounded by the following Tennessee State Plane / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates (E,N): 1888463.64, 602182.29; 1890759.35, 602182.29; 1890842.07, 601189.55; 1889518.42, 599969.31; 1888877.28, 599638.40; 188670.46, 599638.40; 1888401.59, 600300.23.
(ii) Map 10-Unit 21, follows:

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(26) Unit 22: Versailles Knob, Rutherford County, Tennessee.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle Rover, Tennessee; land bounded by the following Tennessee State Plane / NAD83 (Feet) coordinates (E,N): 1806361.65, 504515.38; 1808616.22, 505711.83; 1809308.27, 504327.51; 1808517.23, 503872.66; 1807034.03, 503477.14.
(ii) Map 11-Unit 22, follows:

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California. An area of land, water, and airspace in Contra Costa County, with the following components: T. 2 N. R. 2 E. SW 1/4 section 17, E 2/3 of S 1/3 of section 18.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Lawrence and Morgan Counties, Alabama, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of fleshy-fruit gladecress consist of three components:
(i) Shallow-soiled, open areas with exposed limestone bedrock or gravel that are dominated by herbaceous vegetation characteristic of glade communities.
(ii) Open or well-lighted areas of exposed limestone bedrock or gravel that ensure fleshy-fruit gladecress plants remain unshaded for a significant portion of the day.
(iii) Glade habitat that is protected from both native and invasive, nonnative plants to minimize competition and shading of fleshy-fruit gladecress.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 25, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of Bing Maps digital aerial photography supplied by the Harris Corporation, Earthstar Geographics LLC, and the Microsoft Corporation. Critical habitat units were then mapped using the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Projection with a NAD 83 datum. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/cookeville, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0086, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Bluebird Glades, Lawrence County, Alabama. Map of Units 1 and 2 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Stover Branch Glades, Lawrence County, Alabama. Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (6) of this entry.
(8) Unit 3: Indian Tomb Hollow Glade, Lawrence County, Alabama. Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Cedar Plains South, Morgan County, Alabama. Map of Units 4, 5, and 6 follows:

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(10) Unit 5: Cedar Plains North, Morgan County, Alabama. Map of Unit 5 is provided at paragraph (9) of this entry.
(11) Unit 6: Massey Glade, Morgan County, Alabama. Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (9) of this entry.
(12) Unit 7: Hillsboro Glade, Lawrence County, Alabama. Map of Unit 7 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Bullitt and Jefferson Counties, Kentucky, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of L. exigua var. laciniata consist of these components:
(i) Cedar glades and gladelike areas within the range of L. exigua var. laciniata that include:
(A) Areas of rock outcrop, gravel, flagstone of Silurian dolomite or dolomitic limestone, and/or shallow (1 to 5 centimeters (0.393 to 1.97 inches)), calcareous soils;
(B) Intact cyclic hydrologic regime involving saturation and/or inundation of the area in winter and early spring, then drying quickly in the summer;
(C) Full or nearly full sunlight; and
(D) An undisturbed seed bank.
(ii) Vegetated land around glades and gladelike areas that extends up and down slope and ends at natural (e.g., stream, topographic contours) or manmade breaks (e.g., roads).
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on June 5, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining critical habitat map units were created using a base of aerial photographs (USDA National Agricultural Imagery Program; NAIP 2010), and USA Topo Maps (National Geographic Society 2011). Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 16 North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0015, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: McNeely Lake, Jefferson County, Kentucky.
(i) Unit 1 includes 18 ac (7 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Old Mans Run, Bullitt and Jefferson Counties, Kentucky.
(i) Unit 2 includes 1,014 ac (410 ha): Subunit A includes 102 acres (41 ha); subunit B includes 870 acres (352 ha); and subunit C includes 42 ac (17 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Mount Washington, Bullitt County, Kentucky.
(i) Unit 3 contains 42 ac (17 ha): Subunit A contains 25 ac (10 ha); subunit B contains 7 ac (3 ha); and subunit C contains 10 ac (4 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Cedar Creek, Bullitt County, Kentucky.
(i) Unit 4 contains 547 ac (221 ha): Subunit A contains 91 ac (37 ha); subunit B contains 69 ac (28 ha); subunit C contains 83 ac (34 ha); subunit D contains 46 ac (19 ha); subunit E contains 102 ac (41 ha); subunit F contains 120 ac (49 ha); subunit G contains 20 ac (8 ha); and subunit H contains 16 ac (6 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(10) Unit 5: Cox Creek, Bullitt County, Kentucky.
(i) Subunit 5 contains 58 ac (23 ha): Subunit A contains 8 ac (3 ha), and subunit B contains 50 ac (20 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

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(11) Unit 6: Rocky Run, Bullitt County, Kentucky.
(i) Unit 6 contains 374 ac (151 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Augustine and Sabine Counties, Texas, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Leavenworthia texana consist of the three primary constituent elements identified for the species:
(i) Exposed outcrops of the Weches Formation within Weches prairies. Within the outcrop sites, there must be bare, exposed bedrock on top-level surfaces or rocky ledges with small depressions where rainwater or seepage can collect. The openings should support Weches Glade native herbaceous plant communities.
(ii) Thin layers of rocky, alkaline soils, underlain by glauconite clay (greenstone, ironstone, bluestone), that are found only on the Weches Formation. Appropriate soils are in the series classifications Nacogdoches clay loam, Trawick gravelly clay loam, or Bub clay loam, ranging in slope from 1-15 percent.
(iii) The outcrop ledges should occur within the glade such that Texas golden gladecress plants remain unshaded for a significant portion of the day, and trees should be far enough away from the outcrop(s) that leaves do not accumulate within the gladecress habitat. The habitat should be relatively clear of nonnative and native invasive plants, especially woody species, or with only a minimal level of invasion.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, bridges, aqueducts, runways, well pads, metering stations, roads and the filled areas immediately adjacent to pavement, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 11, 2013.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Soil Survey Geographic Dataset (SSURGO) was used as a base map layer. The SSURGO is an updated digital version of the Natural Resources Conservation Service county soil surveys. The SSURGO uses recent digital orthophotos and fieldwork to update the original printed surveys. Data layers defining map units were created using the Texas golden gladecress' restriction to the Weches Formation and its tight association with the three soil map units: Nacogdoches clay loam 1-5 percent slope, Trawick gravelly clay loam 5-15 percent slope, or Bub clay loam 2-5 percent slope. In San Augustine and Sabine Counties, these soil types are restricted to the Weches Formation. Locations of all known gladecress populations, as well as potential glade sites, were overlaid on the three afore-named soil mapping units from the San Augustine and Sabine County's soils survey. Potential glade sites were identified using soil map units and a time series of aerial photographs that depicted changes in land cover. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site, at http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/ElectronicLibrary/ElectronicLibrary_Main.cfm, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0027, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Geneva Unit, Sabine County, Texas. Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Chapel Hill, San Augustine County. Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Southeast Caney Creek Glades, San Augustine County, Texas. Map of Units 3 and 4 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Northwest Caney Creek Glades, San Augustine County, Texas. Map of Unit 4 is depicted in paragraph (8) of this entry.


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Ada, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, and Payette, Counties, Idaho, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the specific physical or biological features (PBFs) essential to the conservation of slickspot peppergrass consist of four components:
(i) Ecologically functional microsites or "slick spots" that are characterized by:
(A) A high sodium and clay content, and a three-layer soil profile, which allows for successful seed germination, seedling growth, and maintenance of the seed bank. The surface horizon consists of a thin, silty vesicular, pored (small cavity) layer that forms a physical crust (the silt layer). The subsoil horizon is a restrictive clay layer, with an abruptic (referring to an abrupt change in texture) boundary with the surface layer, that is natric or natric-like in properties (a type of argillic (clay-based) horizon with distinct structural and chemical features); this is the restrictive layer. The second argillic subsoil layer (that is less distinct than the upper argillic horizon) retains moisture through part of the year (the moist clay layer).
(B) Sparse vegetation, with invasive, nonnative plant species cover absent or limited to low to moderate levels.
(ii) Relatively intact, native Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis) vegetation assemblages, represented by native bunchgrasses, shrubs, and forbs, within 500 m (1,640 ft) of slickspot peppergrass element occurrences to protect slick spots and slickspot peppergrass from disturbance from wildfire, slow the invasion of slick spots by nonnative plant species and native harvester ants, and provide the habitats needed by slickspot peppergrass' pollinators.
(iii) A diversity of native plants whose blooming times overlap to provide pollinator species with flowers for foraging throughout the seasons and to provide nesting and egg-laying sites; appropriate nesting materials; and sheltered, undisturbed places for hibernation and overwintering of pollinator species. In order for genetic exchange of slickspot peppergrass to occur, pollinators must be able to move freely between slick spots. Alternative pollen and nectar sources (other plant species within the surrounding sagebrush vegetation) are needed to support pollinators during times when slickspot peppergrass is not flowering, when distances between slick spots are long, and in years when slickspot peppergrass is not a prolific flowerer.
(iv) Sufficient pollinators for successful fruit and seed production, particularly pollinator species of the sphecid and vespid wasp families, species of the bombyliid and tachnid fly families, and halictid bee species, most of which are solitary insects that nest outside of slick spots in the surrounding sagebrush-steppe vegetation, both in the ground and within the vegetation.
(3) Critical habitat does not include human-made structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas), cultivated agricultural fields, areas dominated by turf grass such as parks, and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on June 5, 2023.
(4) Data layers defining map units were developed using ESRI ArcGIS 10.7.1 mapping software along with various spatial layers. Feature class data for element occurrences (EOs) were derived from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game's Idaho Fish and Wildlife Information System (IFWIS) database (July 2021). EOs were depicted as points or polygons in the IFWIS database, and an E.O. could consist of one or more points or polygons. For ArcGIS analyses, we dissolved a 500-m (1,640-ft) exterior insect pollinator buffer on each point or polygon that comprised an E.O. and calculated acreages based on these dissolved, buffered polygons. Overlapping polygons were merged to prevent a double count of critical habitat hectares. Critical habitat polygon outlines are exaggerated (using 1- or 2-point size, depending on map scale) to allow for better visibility. The critical habitat polygons were then overlaid upon aerial imagery, including the ArcGIS World Imagery layer, aerial imagery from Google Earth Pro, and the 2019 National Agricultural Imagery Program Idaho layer, which has a spatial resolution of a 60-centimeter ground sample distance.
(i) Lands that visually lacked the necessary PBFs were manually removed from the critical habitat polygons; any such lands inadvertently left inside critical habitat boundaries shown on the maps of this final rule are excluded by this text and are not designated as critical habitat. Areas that lack PBFs include land covered in human-made structures (such as buildings, roads, runways, and other paved areas), cultivated farmland, and riparian areas.
(ii) The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at https://www.fws.gov/species/slickspot-peppergrass-lepidium-papilliferum, at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2010-0071, and at the Idaho Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

Figure 1 to Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) paragraph (5)

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(6)Unit 1: Payette and Gem Counties, Idaho.
(i)General Description: Unit 1 contains 704 ha (1,741 ac) of critical habitat in Payette and Gem Counties, Idaho, consisting of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land in the Four Rivers Field Office area (695 ha (1,718 ac)) and Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) land (9 ha (23 ac)).
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

Figure 2 to Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) paragraph (6)(ii)

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(7)Unit 2: Gem and Ada Counties, Idaho.
(i)Subunit 2a General Description: Subunit 2a contains 874 ha (2,160 ac) of critical habitat on BLM land in Gem and Ada Counties, Idaho.
(ii) Map of Unit 2, Subunit 2a follows:

Figure 3 to Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) paragraph (7)(ii)

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(iii)Subunit 2b General Description: Subunit 2b contains 5,423 ha (13,401 ac) of critical habitat in Ada County, Idaho, within the BLM's Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area south of Kuna, Idaho.
(iv) Map of Unit 2, Subunit 2b follows:

Figure 4 to Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) paragraph (7)(iv)

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(v)Subunit 2c General Description: Subunit 2c contains 657 ha (1,623 ac) of critical habitat in Ada County, Idaho, on BLM land within the Four Rivers Field Office area.
(vi) Map of Unit 2, Subunit 2c follows:

Figure 5 to Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) paragraph (7)(vi)

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(vii)Subunit 2d General Description: Subunit 2d contains 1,707 ha (4,218 ac) of critical habitat in Ada County, Idaho, consisting of BLM land (1,689 ha (4,173 ac)) and BOR land (18 ha (45 ac)). Critical habitat within Subunit 2d is adjacent to the Idaho Army National Guard-administered Orchard Combat Training Center (formerly known as the Orchard Training Area).
(viii) Map of Unit 2, Subunit 2d follows:

Figure 6 to Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) paragraph (7)(viii)

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(8)Unit 3: Ada and Elmore Counties, Idaho.
(i)Subunit 3a General Description: Subunit 3a contains 1,554 ha (3,839 ac) of critical habitat in Ada and Elmore Counties, Idaho, consisting of BLM, Four Rivers Field Office area land (1,502 ha (3,711 ac)) and BOR land (52 ha (128 ac)).
(ii) Map of Unit 3, Subunit 3a follows:

Figure 7 to Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) paragraph (8)(ii)

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(iii)Subunit 3b General Description: Subunit 3b contains 1,957 ha (4,835 ac) of critical habitat in Elmore County, Idaho, consisting of BLM land (1,890 ha (4,671 ac)) and BOR land (66 ha (164 ac)). BLM land includes the Four Rivers Field Office area and the Morley Nelson Birds of Prey National Conservation Area.
(iv) Map of Unit 3, Subunit 3b follows:

Figure 8 to Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) paragraph (8)(iv)

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(v)Subunit 3c General Description: Subunit 3c contains 2,485 ha (6,142 ac) of critical habitat in Elmore County, Idaho consisting of consisting of BLM land (2,453 ha (6,062 ac)) and BOR land (32 ha (80 ac)).
(vi) Map of Unit 3, Subunit 3c follows:

Figure 9 to Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) paragraph (8)(vi)

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(9)Unit 4: Owyhee County, Idaho.
(i)General description: Unit 4 contains 16,310 ha (40,303 ac) of critical habitat in Owyhee County, Idaho, within the BLM Jarbidge Field Office area.
(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

Figure 10 to Lepidium papilliferum (slickspot peppergrass) paragraph (9)(ii)

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Bernardino County, California, on the map in this entry. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Lesquerella kingii ssp. bernardina are those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of the species. Based on our current knowledge of this species, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for this species are listed below and consist of, but are not limited to:
(i) Soils derived primarily from Bonanza King Formation and Undivided Cambrian parent materials that occur on hillsides or on large rock outcrops at elevations between 2,098 and 2,700 m (6,883 and 8,800 ft);
(ii) Soils with intact, natural surfaces that have not been substantially altered by land use activities (e.g., graded, excavated, re-contoured, or otherwise altered by ground-disturbing equipment); and
(iii) Associated plant communities that have areas with an open canopy cover and little accumulation of organic material (e.g., leaf litter) on the surface of the soil.
(3) Existing features and structures, such as buildings, active mines, paved or unpaved roads, other paved or cleared areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, are not likely to contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a section 7 consultation, unless they may affect the species or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Bertha Ridge Unit, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Fawnskin and Big Bear City, California.
(ii) Subunit 2a: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 510400, 3793600; 510700, 3793600; 510700, 3793500; 510800, 3793500; 510800, 3793400; 511000, 3793400; 511000, 3793100; 510900, 3793100; 510900, 3793000; 510600, 3793000; 510600, 3793100; 510500, 3793100; 510500, 3793200; 510400, 3793200; and 510400, 3793600.
(iii) Subunit 2b: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 511600, 3793900; 511900, 3793900; 511900, 3793800; 512000, 3793800; 512000, 3793700; 512300, 3793700; 512300, 3793600; 512400, 3793600; 512400, 3793300; 512300, 3793300; 512300, 3793200; 512100, 3793200; 512100, 3793300; 512000, 3793300; 512000, 3793200; 511600, 3793200; 511600, 3793500; 511500, 3793500; 511500, 3793800; 511600, 3793800; and 511600, 3793900.
(iv) Subunit 2c: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 511700, 3793100; 512000, 3793100; 512000, 3793000; 512200, 3793000; 512200, 3792700; 512100, 3792700; 512100, 3792500; 511900, 3792500; 511900, 3792300; 512600, 3792300; 512600, 3792100; 512400, 3792100; 512400, 3791400; 512100, 3791400; 512100, 3791500; 511900, 3791500; 511900, 3791400; 511700, 3791400; 511700, 3791300; 511600, 3791300; 511600, 3791200; 511200, 3791200; 511200, 3791400; 511100, 3791400; 511100, 3791500; 511200, 3791500; 511200, 3791600; 511300, 3791600; 511300, 3791700; 511600, 3791700; 511600, 3792300; 511500, 3792300; 511500, 3792500; 511600, 3792500; 511600, 3792600; 511700, 3792600; 511700, 3792700; 511600, 3792700; 511600, 3793000; 511700, 3793000; and 511700, 3793100.
(5) Sugarlump Ridge Unit, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Moonridge, California.
(ii) Subunit 3a: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 512700, 3785700; 512900, 3785700; 512900, 3785600; 513300, 3785600; 513300, 3785300; 513400, 3785300; 513400, 3785400; 513500, 3785400; 513500, 3785500; 513600, 3785500; 513600, 3785600; 513700, 3785600; 513700, 3785700; 514000, 3785700; 514000, 3785600; 514300, 3785600; 514300, 3785500; 514500, 3785500; 514500, 3785600; 514600, 3785600; 514600, 3785700; 515000, 3785700; 515000, 3785600; 515400, 3785600; 515400, 3785500; 516300, 3785500; 516300, 3785400; 516400, 3785400; 516400, 3785100; 516200, 3785100; 516200, 3785000; 515900, 3785000; 515900, 3784900; 515600, 3784900; 515600, 3785000; 515400, 3785000; 515400, 3785100; 515200, 3785100; 515200, 3785000; 514500, 3785000; 514500, 3785100; 514400, 3785100; 514400, 3785200; 514100, 3785200; 514100, 3785300; 514000, 3785300; 514000, 3785000; 513800, 3785000; 513800, 3784900; 513500, 3784900; 513500, 3785000; 513400, 3785000; 513400, 3785100; 513300, 3785100; 513300, 3785000; 513100, 3785000; 513100, 3785100; 513000, 3785100; 513000, 3785300; 512600, 3785300; 512600, 3785600; 512700, 3785600; and 512700, 3785700.
(iii) Subunit 3b: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 516500, 3785700; 516900, 3785700; 516900, 3785400; 516500, 3785400; and 516500, 3785700.
(iv) Note: Lesquerella kingii ssp. bernardina map follows:

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(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Franklin County, Washington, on the map at paragraph (5) of this entry.
(2) The primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of critical habitat for Physaria douglasii subsp. tuplashensis are the following:
(i) Weathered alkaline paleosols and mixed soils overlying the Ringold Formation. These soils occur within and around the exposed caliche-like cap deposits associated with the White Bluffs of the Ringold Formation, which contain a high percentage of calcium carbonate. These features occur between 210-275 m (700-900 ft) in elevation.
(ii) Sparsely vegetated habitat (less than 10-15 percent total cover), containing low amounts of nonnative or invasive plant species (less than 1 percent cover).
(iii) The presence of insect pollinator species.
(iv) The presence of native shrub steppe habitat within the effective pollinator distance (300 m (approximately 980 ft)).
(v) The presence of stable bluff formations with minimal landslide occurrence.
(3) Critical habitat does not include irrigated private lands or manmade structures (such as buildings, pavement, or other structures) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) This critical habitat unit was mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 11, North American Datum 1983 (UTM NAD 83) coordinates. These coordinates establish the vertices of the unit boundaries. The map in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the field office internet site (http://www.fws.gov/wafwo/HanfordPlants/FLFCH.html), http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2013-0012, and at the Service's Washington Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5)Note: Map of critical habitat for Physaria douglasii subsp. tuplashensis (White Bluffs bladderpod) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Posey County, Indiana; Clark, Franklin, and Woodford Counties, Kentucky; and Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Jackson, Montgomery, Smith, and Trousdale Counties, Tennessee, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Short's bladderpod consist of three components:
(i) Bedrock formations and outcrops of calcareous limestone, sometimes with interbedded shale or siltstone, in close proximity to the mainstem or tributaries of the Kentucky and Cumberland rivers. These outcrop sites or areas of suitable bedrock geology should be located on steeply sloped hillsides or bluffs, typically on south- to west-facing aspects.
(ii) Shallow or rocky, well-drained soils formed from the weathering of underlying calcareous bedrock formations, which are undisturbed or subjected to minimal disturbance, so as to retain habitat for ground-nesting pollinators and potential for maintenance of a soil seed bank.
(iii) Forest communities with low levels of canopy closure or openings in the canopy to provide adequate sunlight for individual and population growth. Invasive, nonnative plants must be absent or present in sufficiently low numbers not to inhibit growth or reproduction of Short's bladderpod.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 25, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of Bing Maps digital aerial photography supplied by the Harris Corporation, Earthstar Geographics LLC, and the Microsoft Corporation. Critical habitat units were then mapped using the USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area Projection with a NAD 83 datum. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/cookeville, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0086, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Kings and Queens Bluff, Montgomery County, Tennessee. Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Lock B Road, Montgomery County, Tennessee. Map of Units 2 and 3 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Jarrel Ridge Road, Montgomery County, Tennessee. Map of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (7) of this entry.
(9) Unit 4: Cheatham Lake, Cheatham County, Tennessee. Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(10) Unit 5: Harpeth River, Cheatham County, Tennessee. Map of Units 5 and 6 follows:

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(11) Unit 6: Montgomery Bell Bridge, Cheatham and Dickson Counties, Tennessee. Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (10) of this entry.
(12) Unit 7: Nashville and Western Railroad, Cheatham County, Tennessee. Map of Unit 7 follows:

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(13) Unit 8: River Trace, Cheatham and Davidson Counties, Tennessee. Map of Unit 8 follows:

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(14) Unit 9: Old Hickory Lake, Trousdale County, Tennessee. Map of Units 9 and 10 follows:

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(15) Unit 10: Coleman-Winston Bridge, Trousdale County, Tennessee. Map of Unit 10 is provided at paragraph (14) of this entry.
(16) Unit 11: Cordell Hull Reservoir, Smith County, Tennessee. Map of Unit 11 follows:

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(17) Unit 12: Funns Branch, Jackson County, Tennessee. Map of Units 12 and 13 follows:

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(18) Unit 13: Wartrace Creek, Jackson County, Tennessee. Map of Unit 13 is provided at paragraph (17) of this entry.
(19) Unit 14: Camp Pleasant Branch, Franklin County, Kentucky. Map of Unit 14 follows:

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(20) Unit 15: Kentucky River, Franklin County, Kentucky. Map of Units 15 and 16 follows:

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(21) Unit 16: Owenton Road, Franklin County, Kentucky. Map of Unit 16 is provided at paragraph (20) of this entry.
(22) Unit 17: Little Benson Creek, Franklin County, Kentucky. Map of Unit 17 follows:

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(23) Unit 18: Boone Creek, Clark County, Kentucky. Map of Unit 18 follows:

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(24) Unit 19: Delaney Ferry Road, Woodford County, Kentucky. Map of Unit 19 follows:

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(25) Unit 20: Bonebank Road, Posey County, Indiana. Map of Unit 20 follows:

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1. Critical habitat units are depicted for Starr County, Texas, on the maps below. Critical habitat includes National Wildlife Refuge tracts and one private land site. Maps are for general informational purposes only; the legal descriptions precisely define critical habitat boundaries.
2. Within these areas, the primary constituent elements include:
(a) Arid upland habitats of various soil types, including highly calcareous sandy loam to loamy sand, with low to moderate salinity levels on low sloping hills;
(b) Absence of substantial previous soil disturbance and seeding or sodding of exotic grasses; and
(c) A sparse overstory of shrub species typical of the Tamaulipan biotic province, but lacking a complete canopy as might be provided by a continuous overstory dominated by mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa).
3. Existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, urban development, and other features not containing primary constituent elements, are not considered critical habitat.

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Unit 1, Cuellar Tract (18 hectares (ha); 45 acres (ac))-(Segment 669). Note: All bearings are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, as referenced by the National Geodetic Survey Triangulation Station "LABRA" (not found) having State plane coordinates of N = 331,881.065, E = 1,794,777.75. The scale factor used is 0.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32". All areas and distances are true surface measurements. Beginning at a standard U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) aluminum monument set for corner on the southeasterly line of Porcion No. 59 and the northeast corner of Share 35 and stamped "Tract 669, COR. No. 1, R.P.L.S. #4303" and having a State plane coordinate value of N = 320,083.51, E = 1,799,578.77, from which triangulation station "LABRA", bears N 22°08'38" W, 12,737.98 feet; thence, in a southwesterly direction along the common line of Porcion 59 and 60, S 54°32'24" W, 2,290.19 feet, to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner, being the common corner of Shares 35 and 26 and stamped "Tract 669, COR. No. 2, R.P.L.S. No. 4303; thence, in a northwesterly direction along the common line of Share 35 with Shares 26 and 27, N 35°27'36" W, 640.00 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner, being the most southerly common corner of Shares 35 and 34 and stamped "Tract 669, COR. No. 3, R.P.L.S. No. 4303"; thence, in a northeasterly direction along the common line of Shares 35 and 34; N 54°32'24" E, 2,290.19 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner, being the most northerly common corner of shares 35 and 34 and stamped "Tract 669, COR. No. 4, R.P.L.S. No. 4303; thence, in a southeasterly direction along the common line of Shares 35 and 36 Parcel-A; S 35°27'36" E, 640.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 33.648 acres of land.

(Cuellar Tract-Segment 672). Note: All bearings are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, as referenced by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service GPS Monument No. 105 having State plane coordinates (NAD 27) of N = 311,099.90, E = 1,799,824.45. The scale factor used is 0.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32". All areas and distances are true surface measurements. Beginning at a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner on the common line between Porcions 59 and 60, and being the northeast corner of Share 26 and stamped "Tract 672, COR. No. 1, R.P.L.S. No. 3680" and having a State plane coordinate value of N = 318,737.64, E = 1,797,725.36, from which FWS GPS Monument No. 105 bears S 15°22'02" E, 7,920.94 feet; thence, in a southeasterly direction along the common line of Porcion 59 and 60, S 54°27'12" W, 806.50 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner, being the southeast corner of said north one-half (1/2) of Share 26, same being the northeast corner of the south one-half (1/2) of Share 26 and stamped "Tract 672, COR. No. 2, R.P.L.S. No. 3680"; thence, in a northwesterly direction along the common line of said north and south one-half (1/2) of Share 26; N 35°27'36" W, 463.31 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner in the common line between Shares 26 and 27 and stamped "Tract 672, COR. No. 3, R.P.L.S. No. 3680"; thence, in a northeast direction along the common line of Shares 26 and 27; N 54°32'24" E, 806.50 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner, being the most northerly common corner of Shares 26 and 27 in the south line of Share 35 and stamped "Tract 672, COR. No. 4, R.P.L.S. No. 3680"; thence, in a southeasterly direction along the common line of Shares 35 and 26; S 35°27'36" E, 462.09 feet to the point of beginning and containing 8.567 acres of land.

(Cuellar Tract-Segment 673). Note: All bearings are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, as referenced by FWS GPS Monument No. 105 having State plane coordinates (NAD 27) of N = 311,099.90, E = 1,799,824.45. The scale factor used is 0.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32". All areas and distances are true surface measurements. Beginning at a standard FWS aluminum monument set for the common north corner of Shares 26 and 27, in the south line of Share 35 and stamped "Tract 672, COR. No. 4, R.P.L.S. No. 3680" and having a state plane coordinate value of N = 319,114.02, E = 1,797,457.29, from which FWS GPS Monument No. 105 bears S 16°27'21" E, 8,356.40 feet; thence, in a southwesterly direction along the common line of Shares 26 and 27, S 54°32'24" N, 806.50 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner, being the southeast corner of said north one-half (1/2) of Share 27, same being the northeast corner of the south one-half (1/2) of Share 27 and stamped "Tract 672, COR. No. 3, R.P.L.S. No. 3680"; thence, in a northwesterly direction along the common line of said north and south one-half (1/2) of Share 27; N 35°27'36" W, 592.30 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner in the common line between Shares 27 and 28 and stamped "Tract 674, COR. No. 3, R.P.L.S. No. 3680"; thence, in a northeasterly direction along the common line of Shares 27 and 28, N 54°32'24" E, 806.50 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner, being the most northerly common corner of Shares 27 and 28 in the south line of Share 34 and stamped "Tract 674, COR. No. 2, R.P.L.S. No. 3680"; thence, in a southeasterly direction along the common line of Shares 34 and 27, S 35°27'36" E, 592.30 feet to the point of beginning and containing 10.966 acres of land.

(Cuellar Tract-Segment 672). Note: All bearings are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, as referenced by FWS GPS Monument No. 105 having State plane coordinates (NAD 27) of N = 311,099.90, E = 1,799,824.45. The scale factor used is 0.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32". All areas and distances are true surface measurements. Beginning at a standard FWS aluminum monument set replacing a 1-inch iron pipe found for the common north corner of Shares 28 and 29, in the south line of Share 33 and stamped "Tract 674, COR. No. 1, R.P.L.S. No. 3680"; and having a state plane coordinate value of N = 320,078.90, E = 1,796,770.06, from which FWS GPS Monument No. 105 bears S 18°47'11" E, 9,484.36 feet; thence, in a southeasterly direction along the common line of Share 28 and Shares 33 and 34, S 35°27'36" E, 592.30 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner, being the common northerly corner of Shares 28 and 27 and stamped "Tract 674, COR. No. 2, R.P.L.S. No. 3680"; thence, in a southwesterly direction along the common line of said Share 28 and 27; S 54°32'24" W, 806.50 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for the southeasterly corner of said north one-half (1/2) of Share 28, same being the northeasterly corner of the south one-half (1/2) of Share 28 and stamped "Tract 674, COR. No. 3, R.P.L.S. No. 3680"; thence, in a northwesterly direction along the common line of the north and south one-half (1/2) of Share 28, N 35°27'36" W, 592.30 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner in the common line between Shares 28 and 29 and stamped "Tract 674, COR. No. 4, R.P.S. No. 3680"; thence, in a northeasterly direction along the common line of Shares 28 and 29; N 54°32'24" E, 806.50 feet to the point of beginning and containing 10.966 acres of land.

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Unit 2, Chapeno Tract (28 ha; 69 ac)-(Chapeno Tract-Segment 660). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the International Boundary Commission Monuments as referenced by the U.S.C. & G.S. Triangulation Station "LABRA." The scale factor used is 0.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32" (NAD 1927). All areas shown are true ground areas. Commencing for reference at the U.S.C. & G.S. triangulation station "LABRA," having coordinate values: x = 1,794,777.75, y = 331,881.06; thence, S 02°08'43" W, a distance of 9,020.47 feet to the northwesterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract for the northmost corner of said Share No. 17 and being corner No. 1 and the northernmost corner and place of beginning of the tract herein-described; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 17 and the southwesterly boundary line of a 35-foot perpetual easement, S 32°11'36" E, 840.62 feet to the easternmost corner of said Share No. 17 and being corner No. 2 of this tract; thence, along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 17 and the northwesterly boundary line of Share No. 18, S 47°29'30" W, 293.59 feet to a said point on a fence line along the southwesterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract for the southernmost corner of said Share No. 17 and being corner No. 3 of this tract; thence, following said fence line along the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 17 and the southwesterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, N 30°16'28" W, 166.16 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "Tract (660), R.P.S. No. 4731" set for a corner of said 44.900-acre tract and being corner No. 4 of this tract; thence, continuing along said fence line along the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 17 and the southwesterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, N 31°04'59" W, 684.02 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "Tract (660), R. P. S. No. 4731" set for the westernmost corner of said 44.900-acre tract and being corner No. 5 of this tract, thence, following a fence line along the northwesterly boundary line of Share No. 17 and the northwesterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, N 48°42'36" E, 273.46 feet to the place of beginning and containing 5.396 acres of land.

(Chapeno Tract-Segment 661). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the International Boundary Commission Monuments as referenced by the U.S.C. & G.S. triangulation station "LABRA." The scale factor used is 00.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32" (NAD 1927). All areas shown are true ground areas. Commencing for reference at the U.S.C. & G.S. triangulation station "LABRA," having coordinate values: x = 1,794,777.75, y = 331,881.06; thence, S 00°48'20" E, a distance of 9,702.45 feet to the northernmost corner of said Share No. 18 and being corner No. 1 and the northernmost corner and place of beginning of the tract herein-described; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 18 and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 19, S 42°40'05" E, 623.01 feet to a point on a fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract for the easternmost corner of said Share No. 18 and being corner No. 2 of this tract; thence, following said fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 18 and the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 54°58'43" W, 14.82 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "Tract (661), R. P. S. No. 4731" set for a corner of said 44.900-acre tract and being corner No. 3 of this tract; thence, continuing along said fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 18 and the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 54°17'40" W, 442.61 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "Tract (661), R. P. S. No. 4731" set for the southernmost corner of said 44.900-acre tract and being corner No. 4 of this tract; thence, following a fence line along the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 18 and the southwesterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, N 30°16'28" W, 581.86 feet to a point for the westernmost corner of said Share No. 18 and being corner No. 5 of this tract; thence, along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 17 and the northwesterly boundary line of Share No. 18, N 47°29'30" E, 329.16 feet to the place of beginning and containing 5.396 acres of land.

(Chapeno Tract-Segment 662). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the International Boundary Commission Monuments as referenced by the U.S.C. & G.S. triangulation station "LABRA." The scale factor used is 00.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32" (NAD 1927). All areas shown are true ground areas. Commencing for reference at the U.S.C. & G.S. triangulation station "LABRA," having coordinate values: x = 1,794,777.75, y = 331,881.06; thence, S 00°53'22" E, a distance of 9,308.09 feet to the northernmost corner of said Share No. 19 and being corner No. 1 and the northernmost corner and the place of beginning of the tract herein-described; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 19 and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 20, S 41°14'45" E, 941.54 feet to a point on a fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract for the easternmost corner of said Share No. 19 and being corner No. 2 of this tract; thence, following said fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 19 and the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 55°22'51" W, 8.49 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "Tract (662), R. P. S. No. 4731" set for a corner of said 44.900-acre tract and being corner No. 3 of this tract; thence, continuing along said fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 19 and the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 54°58'43" W, 243.72 feet to the southernmost corner of Share No. 19 and being corner No. 4 of this tract; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 18 and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 19, N 42°40'05" W, 623.01 feet to a corner of Share No. 19 and being corner No. 5 of this tract; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of a 35-foot perpetual easement and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 19, N 32°08'41" W, 293.64 feet to the westernmost corner of said Share No. 19 and being corner No. 6 of this tract; thence, along the southeasterly boundary line of a 35-ft. perpetual easement and the northwesterly boundary line of Share No. 19, N 48°23'35" E, 219.73 feet to the place of beginning and containing 5.396 acres of land.

(Chapeno Tract-Segment 663). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the International Boundary Commission Monuments as referenced by the U.S.C. & G.S. triangulation station "LABRA." The scale factor used is 00.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32" (NAD 1927). All areas shown are true ground areas. Commencing for reference at the U. S. C. & G. S. triangulation station "LABRA," having coordinate values: x = 1,794,777.75, y = 331,881.06; thence, S 01°55'50" E, a distance of 9,166.26 feet to the northernmost corner of said share No 20, and being corner No. 1, and the northernmost corner and place of beginning of the tract herein-described; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 20 and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 21, S 44°17'45" E, 975.87 feet to a point on a fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract for the easternmost corner of said Share No. 20 and being corner No. 2 of this tract; thence, following said fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 20 and the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract; S 55°22'51" W, 273.48 feet to the southernmost corner of Share No. 20 and being corner No. 3 of this tract; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 19 and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 20, N 41°14'45" W, 941.54 feet to the westernmost corner of Share No. 20 and being corner No. 4 of this tract; thence, along the southeasterly boundary line of a 35-ft. perpetual easement and the northwesterly boundary line of Share No. 20, N 48°23'35" E, 219.73 feet to the place of beginning and containing 5.396 acres of land.

(Chapeno Tract-Segment 664). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the International Boundary Commission Monuments as referenced by the U.S.C. & G.S. triangulation station "LABRA." The scale factor used is 00.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32" (NAD 1927). All areas shown are true ground areas. Commencing for reference at the U.S.C. & G.S. triangulation station "LABRA," having coordinate values: x = 1,794,777.75, y = 331,881.06; thence, S 03°00'15" E, a distance of 9,027.56 feet to the northernmost corner of said Share No. 21 and being corner No. 1 and the northernmost corner and place of beginning of the tract herein-described; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 21 and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No 22, S 46 °18'57" E, 1,008.60 feet to a point on a fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract for the easternmost corner of Share No. 21 and being corner No. 2 of this tract; thence, following said fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 21 and the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 54°17'59" W, 56.04 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "Tract (664), R. P. S. No. 4731" set for a corner of said 44.900-acre tract and being corner No. 3 of this tract; thence, continuing along said fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 21 and the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 55°22'51" W, 202.51 feet to the southernmost corner of Share No. 21 and being corner No. 4 of this tract; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 20 and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 21, N 44°17'45" W, 975.87 feet to the westernmost corner of Share No. 21 and being corner No. 5 of this tract; thence, along the southeasterly boundary line of a 35-foot perpetual easement and the northwesterly boundary line of Share No. 21, N 48°23'35" E, 219.73 feet to the place of beginning and containing 5.396 acres of land.

(Chapeno Tract-Segment 665). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the International Boundary Commission Monuments as referenced by the U.S.C. & G.S. Triangulation station "LABRA." The scale factor used is 00.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32" (NAD 1927). All areas shown are true ground areas. Commencing for reference at the U.S.C. & G.S. Triangulation station "LABRA," having coordinate values: x = 1794,777.75, y = 331,881.06; thence, S 04°06'38" E, a distance of 8,892.12 feet to the northernmost corner of said Share No. 22 and being corner No. 1 and the northernmost corner and place of beginning of the tract herein-described; thence, following a fence line along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 22 and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 23, S 47°33'31" E, 1,036.06 feet to a point on a fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract for the easternmost corner of said Share No. 22 and being corner No. 2 of this tract; thence, following said fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 22 and the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 54°17'59" W, 245.67 feet to the southernmost corner of Share No. 22 and being corner No. 3 of this tract; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 21 and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 22, N 46°18'57" W, 1,008.60 feet to the westernmost corner of Share No. 22 and being corner No. 4 of this tract; thence, along the southeasterly boundary line of a 35-foot perpetual easement and the northwesterly boundary line of Share No. 22, N 48°23'35" E, 219.73 feet to the place of beginning and containing 5.396 acres of land.

(Chapeno Tract-Segment 666). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the International Boundary Commission Monuments as referenced by the U.S.C. & G.S. triangulation station "LABRA." The scale factor used is 00.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32" (NAD 1927). All areas shown are true ground areas. Commencing for reference at the U.S.C. & G.S. Triangulation station "LABRA," having coordinate values: x = 1,794,777.75, y =331,881.06; thence, S 05°15'03" E, a distance of 8,710.10 feet to the northernmost corner of said Share No. 23 and being corner No. 1 and the northernmost corner and place of beginning of the tract herein-described; thence, following a fence line along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 23 and the southwesterly boundary line of said Share No. 24, S 48 °10'23" E, 1,061.62 feet to a point on a fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract for the easternmost corner of Share No.23 and being corner No. 2 of this tract; thence, following said fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of Share No. 23 and the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 54°17'59" W, 234.95 feet to the southernmost corner of Share No.23 and being corner No. 3 of this tract; thence, along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 22 and the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 23, N 47°33'31" W, 1,036.06 feet to the westernmost corner of Share No. 23 and being corner No. 4 of this tract; thence, along the southeasterly boundary line of a 35-ft. perpetual easement and the northwesterly boundary line of Share No. 23, N 48°23'35" E, 219.73 feet to the place of beginning and containing 5.396 acres of land.

(Chapeno Tract-Segment 667). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the International Boundary Commission Monuments as referenced by the U.S.C. & G.S. Triangulation station "LABRA." The scale factor used is 00.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32" (NAD 1927). All areas shown are true ground areas. Commencing for reference at the U.S.C. & G.S. Triangulation station "LABRA," having coordinate values: x = 1,794,777.75, y = 331,881.06; thence, S 06°25'32" E, a distance of 8,631.65 feet to the northeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract for corner No. 1 and the place of beginning of the tract herein-described; thence, following a fence line along the northeasterly boundary line of share No. 24 and the northeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 51°42'47" E, 679.97 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "Tract (667), R. P. S. No. 4731" set for a corner of said 44.900-acre tract and being corner No. 2 of this tract; thence, continuing along the fence line along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 24 and the northeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 01°11'48" E, 136.46 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "Tract (667), R. P. S. No. 4731" set for a corner of said 44.900-acre tract and being corner No. 3 of this tract; thence, continuing along the fence line along the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 24 and the northeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 54°15'17" E, 309.21 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "Tract (667), R. P. S. No. 4731" set on a fence line for the easternmost corner of Share No. 24 and being on the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract and being corner No. 4 of this tract; thence, following said fence line along the southeasterly boundary line of share No. 24 and the southeasterly boundary line of said 44.900-acre tract, S 54°17'59" W, 197.94 feet to the southernmost corner of Share No. 24 and being corner No. 5 of this tract; thence, following said fence line along the southwesterly boundary line of Share No. 24 and the northeasterly boundary line of Share No. 23, N 48°10'23" W, 1,061.62 feet to the westernmost corner of Share No. 24 and northernmost corner of Share No. 23 and being corner No. 6 of this tract; thence, along the southeasterly boundary line of a 35-ft. perpetual easement and the northwesterly boundary line of Share No. 24, N 48°23'35" E, 219.73 feet to the place of beginning and containing 5.396 acres of land.

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Unit 3, Arroyo Morteros Tract (41 ha; 102 ac)-Note: All bearings are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, (NAD 27), as referenced by FWS GPS Monument No. 105 having State plane coordinates of N = 311,099.90, E = 1,799,824.45. The scale factor used is 0.9999252, and the theta angle is -00°37'32". All areas and distances are true surface measurements. Beginning at a 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner No. 1 on the common line between Porcions 59 and 60, and being the northwest corner of that certain 127.71-acre tract and having a State plane coordinate value of N = 315,746.07, E = 1,793,538.58, from which FWS GPS monument No. 105 bears S 53°31'49" E, 7,816.59 feet; thence, in a northeasterly direction along the common line of Porcion 59 and 60; N 54°27'12" E, 510.43 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner replacing a 1/2-inch iron rod found, being the northwest corner of the herein described tract and stamped "Tract 670, Cor. No. 2, R. P. L. S. No. 3680"; thence, in an easterly direction through the interior of said 536.485 acre tract; S 35°20'27" E, 3,621.01 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set for corner replacing a 1/2-inch iron rod found, being the northeast corner of the herein-described tract and stamped "Tract 670, Cor. No. 3, R.P.L.S. No. 3680"; thence, in a southerly direction continuing through the interior of said 536.485 acre tract; S 61°18'54" W, 219.24 feet to a fence corner post found for a northwesterly corner of that certain 17.408 acre tract and being corner No. 4; thence, in an easterly direction along the common line between said 17.408 acre tract and the herein described tract; S 88°47'16" W, 110.41 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 5; thence, in an easterly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408 acre tract and herein described tract; N 79°11'33" W, 67.63 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 6; thence, in an easterly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408 acre tract and herein described tract; S 71°49'04" W, 50.57 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 7; thence, in a southerly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408 acre tract and herein described tract; S 15°40'49" W, 44.43 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 8; thence, in a southerly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408 acre tract and herein described tract; S 00°18'59" E, 253.83 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 9; thence, in a southerly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408 acre tract and herein described tract; S 06°36'21" W, 182.88 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 10; thence, in a southerly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408 acre tract and herein described tract; S 26°38'19" W, 125.18 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 11; thence, in a southerly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408 acre tract and herein described tract; S 67°33'26" W, 129.76 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 12; thence, in a southerly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408-acre tract and herein described tract; S 45°58'19" W, 73.00 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 13; thence, in a southerly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408 acre tract and herein described tract; S 35°10'19" W, 113.60 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 14; thence, in a southerly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408 acre tract and herein described tract; S 19°34'19" W, 42.80 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 15; thence, in a southerly direction continuing along said common line between a 17.408-acre tract and herein described tract; S 15°23'41" W, 28.84 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for the southeast corner hereof and corner No. 16; thence, in a westerly direction along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; N 62°26'09" W, 81.47 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 7; thence, in a northwesterly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; N 36°34'14" W, 122.63 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 18; thence, in a northerly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; N 20°15'10" W, 58.91 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 19; thence, in a northwesterly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; N 34°02'20" W, 118.95 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for Corner No. 20; thence, in a westerly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; S 73°36'56" W, 17.73 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 21; thence, in a northwesterly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; N 43°36'30" W, 118.21 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande corner No. 22; thence, in a northerly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; N 28°12'58" W, 168.21 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 23; thence, in a northwesterly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; N 49°09'29" W, 149.82 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 24; thence, in a westerly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; N 66°23'26" W, 123.27 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 25; thence, in a westerly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; N 77°18'49" W, 240.49 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 26; thence, in a westerly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; S 80°06'32" W, 129.98 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 27; thence, in a westerly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; N 79°54'48" W, 218.17 feet to a point on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 28; thence, in a westerly direction continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande; S 81°13'28" W, 136.03 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found on said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for the southeast corner of the aforementioned 127.71 acre tract, same being the southwest corner hereof and corner No. 29; thence, in a northerly direction along the common line between said 127.71-acre tract and the herein described tract; N 06°09'33" W, 237.00 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 30; thence, in a northerly direction continuing along the common line between said 127.71-acre tract and the herein described tract; N 05°51'34" W, 198.49 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 31; thence, in a Northerly direction continuing along the common line between said 127.71-acre tract and the herein described tract; N 07°49'27" E, 161.97 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 32; thence, in a Northerly direction continuing along the common line between said 127.71-acre tract and the herein described tract; N 07°47'00" E, 302.39 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 33; thence, in a northerly direction continuing along the common line between said 127.71 acre tract and the herein described tract; N 07°17'37" E, 493.82 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 34; thence, in a northeasterly direction continuing along the common line between said 127.71-acre tract and the herein described tract, as fenced; N 46°28'41" E, 643.50 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 35; thence, in a northwesterly direction continuing along the common line between said 127.71 acre tract and the herein described tract; N 47°51'47" W, 1,087.49 feet to a fence post found for angle point and corner No. 36; thence, in a northerly direction continuing along the common line between said 127.71-acre tract and the herein described tract; N 21°22'25" W, 375.05 feet to the point of beginning and containing 89.90 acres of land.

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Unit 4, Las Ruinas Tract (104 ha; 256 ac)-Note: All bearings are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, as referenced by National Geodetic Survey (NGS.) Triangulation Station "GORGORA" having State plane coordinates (NAD 27) of N = 275,335.73, E = 1.833,217.01. The scale factor used is 0.9999421, and the theta angle is -00°16'22". All areas and distances are true surface measurements. Beginning at a 2-inch iron pipe having State plane coordinates of N = 280,488.40, E = 1,804,584.01 for the northerly southeast corner of the herein described tract, from which said triangulation station "GORGORA" bears S 79°47'55" E, a distance of 29,092.93 feet, same being the southwest corner of Share 96, of said Porcion 66, and the southwest corner of a 1455.52-acre tract of land as described, same being in the north line of Share 94, of said Porcion 66, same being in the north line of Tract "K", a 26.82-acre tract of land as described, for corner No. 1 and point of beginning of the herein described tract of land. Thence, westerly along the common line between said northerly line of tract "K" and the southerly line hereof N 80°30'29" W, 871.09 feet to a 6' iron pipe found for corner No. 2, same being the northwest corner of said Tract "K"; thence, southerly along the common line between the westerly line of said Tract "K" and the easterly line hereof S 09°22'35" W, 837.18 feet, to a 13/4" iron pipe found for the southwest corner of said tract "K" and the northwest corner of a 23.5131-acre tract of land at corner No. 3, thence, southerly along the common line between said 23.5131-acre tract and the most southerly easterly line hereof, S 09°22'35" W, 540.00 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set, said monument being in the north line of a 56.82-acre tract of land as described for corner No. 4 and stamped "Tract 630, Ref. No. 4, RPLS 3680"; thence, westerly along the common northerly line between said 56.82 acre tract and the southerly line hereof, N 80°31'16" W, 3295.18 feet to the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande, and passing a standard FWS aluminum monument set for reference at a distance of 3,210.08 feet and stamped "Tract 630, Ref. No. 5, RPLS 3680"; thence, northerly along the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 63°00'17" E, 192.97 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for Corner No. 6; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 62°39'49" E, 398.99 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for Corner No. 7; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 60°14'39" E, 722.34 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 8; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 57°28'43" E, 416.75 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 9; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 57°55'40" E, 171.44 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 10; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 47°49'48" E, 287.44 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 11; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 43°00'00" E, 246.79 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 12; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 39°40'14" E, 295.08 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 13; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 35°41'43" E, 380.79 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 14; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 31°28'24" E, 370.58 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 15; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 33°19'15" E, 293.00 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 16; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 13°43'08" E, 146.31 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 17; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 11°00'57" E, 189.14 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 18; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 02°10'54" W, 305.51 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 19; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 01°31'51" W, 416.25 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 20; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 00°01'29" W, 441.45 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 21; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 03°29'26" E, 405.03 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 22; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 08°08'02" E, 308.09 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande for corner No. 23; thence, northerly continuing along said apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande N 39°03'01" E, 218.95 feet to a point on the apparent gradient boundary line of the Rio Grande, for corner No. 24 and northwest corner of this tract, same being the southwest corner of a 60.77-acre tract of land; thence, easterly along the common line between the south line of said 60.77-acre tract and the northerly line hereof S 80°31'16" E, 1942.92 feet to a standard FWS aluminum monument set and stamped "Tract 630, Ref. No. 25, RPLS 3680" for corner No. 25, same being the southeast corner of said 60.77-acre tract, same being in the west line of Share 339 of said Porcion 66, same being in the west line of said 1,455.52-acre tract of land, and passing a standard FWS aluminum monument set for Reference at a distance of 38.95 feet and stamped "Tract 630, Ref. No. 24, RPLS 3680"; thence, southerly along the common line between the west line of said Share 339, Share 319, Share 227, Share 231, Share 230, Share 229, Share 518, Share 226, Share 225, Share 224, and said Share 96, same being the west line of said 1,455.52-acre tract and the east line hereof S 09°28'44" W, 3,845.12 feet and passing a 2-inch iron pipe found for the southwest corner of Share 339, same being the northwest corner of Share 319 at a distance of 315.48 feet, and being 0.46 feet easterly of and perpendicular to this line, and also passing a 1- 1/2 inch iron pipe found for the southwest corner of Share 319, same being the northwest corner of Share 227 at a distance of 711.48 feet, and being 0.39 feet easterly of and perpendicular to this line, and also passing a 2-inch iron pipe found for the southwest corner of Share 231, same being the northwest corner of Share 230 at a distance of 1,320.71 feet, and being 0.09 feet easterly of and perpendicular to this line, to the point of beginning of the herein described tract and containing 254.42 acres of land.

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Unit 5, Arroyo Ramirez Tract (273 ha; 675 ac)-Formal surveying of the tract has not been performed. Described as, "All of Share 79, Porcion 68, Abstract 191, Former Jurisdiction of Mier, Mexico, now Starr County, Texas, and all of Share 166, Porcion 69, Abstract No. 160, Former Jurisdiction of Mier, Mexico, now Starr County, Texas. Description by approximated latitude/longitude coordinates (attached maps): Beginning at Latitude/Longitude 26°24 00.9' N/099°03'23.9" W, westward to Latitude/Longitude 026°24'04.7" N/099°03'46.5" W, northward to Lat/Long 026°24'25.2" N/099°03'43.3" W, westward to Lat/Long 026°24'26.0" N/099°03'49.8" W, northward to Lat/Long 026°25'05.5" N/099°03'42.6" W, eastward to Lat/Long 026°24'56.6" N/099°02'40.3" W to the apparent gradient boundary of the Rio Grande River.

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Unit 6, Los Negros Creek Tract (47 ha; 116 ac)-The following described tract of land is located in Starr County, Texas, about 1 mile northwest of the town of Roma, being 111.67 acres out of Share 13, Porcion 70, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at Cor. No. 1, an iron pin set for the northeast corner of Share No. 13 of Porcion No. 70 ; thence, along an old fence line and the dividing line between Share Nos. 13, 1-B and 12-A, S 09°15' W, 2,694.00 feet to Cor. No. 2 an iron pin set on the Old High Bank of the Rio Grande and the southeast corner of this tract; thence leaving said fence line and along said Old High Bank with the following two courses, N 63°17'27" W, 1,161.54 feet to Cor. No. 3 and N 87°10'00" W, 612.00 feet to Cor. No. 4, a set iron pin and the southwest corner of this tract; thence leaving said Old High Bank and along the dividing line of Tract 2 and 3 of said Share 13 and an old fence line with the following three courses, N 09°15" E, 841.30 feet to Cor. No. 5, a set iron pin; N 80°45' W, 397.50 feet to Cor. No. 6, a set iron pin; and N 09°15' E, 1,572.60 feet to Cor. No. 7 & iron pin set for the northwest corner of this tract; thence leaving said dividing line and along the north line of this tract and an old fence line, S 80°45' E, 2,113.70 feet to Cor. No. 1 and the true place of beginning, containing 111.67 acres of land bounded on the West, North, and East by lands of unknown owner and on the South by the Rio Grande.

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Unit 7, La Puerta Tract (1,577 ha; 3,895 ac) (Segment 590). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, as referenced by National Geodetic Survey (NGS) triangulation station "Fordyce 2" and NGS triangulation station "Monument". Scale factor used was 0.99993949; theta angle used was -00°06'15". All areas are true ground measured areas. Beginning at corner No. 1, a standard U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) aluminum monument stamped "TR 590 COR 1" set in the west boundary of Porcion 86, said point being at the southwest corner of the aforementioned 8,061-acre tract, and also being the northeast corner of a 160-acre tract recorded in volume 60, pages 47-48, Deed Records, Starr County, Texas, from which NGS triangulation station "Monument" bears N. 68°59'27" W, 8,477.20 feet; thence, from corner No. 1, along the western boundary line of said 8,061-acre tract and Porcion 86, N 09°02'27" E, 25,125.17 feet to corner No. 2, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590 COR 2", set at a fence corner from which NGS triangulation station "Monument" bears S 28°34'49" W, 24,795.18 feet; said corner No. 2 also being the northwest corner of the herein described tract, thence, from corner No. 2, departing said western boundary line, with fence, S. 78°52'36" E, 1,889.04 feet, to corner No. 3, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590 COR 3" set at fence corner; thence, from corner No. 3, continuing with fence, N 06°16'07" E, 1,007.99 feet to corner No. 4, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590 COR 4" set at fence corner; thence, from corner No. 4, continuing with fence, S 78°42'12" E, 2,691.33 feet to corner No. 5, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590 COR 5" set for angle; thence from corner No. 5, continuing with fence, S 72°35'38" E, 2,000.57 feet to corner No. 6, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590 COR 6" set at fence corner, said point being a perpendicular distance of 20.20 feet from the eastern boundary line of Porcion 87, said point also being the Northeast corner of the herein described tract; thence, from corner No. 6, continuing with fence, S 09°01'08" W, 10,831.38 feet to corner No. 7, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590 COR 7" set for angle adjacent to a found 5/8-inch iron pin; thence, from corner No. 7, continuing with fence, S 08°56'57" W, 10,030.04 feet, to corner No. 8, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590 COR 8" set for angle point, said point being at the intersection of said fence with the east boundary line of Porcion 87; thence, from corner No. 8, departing said fence, along the east boundary line of Porcion 87, S 09°02'27" W, 4,824.69 feet to corner No. 9, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590 COR 9" set for corner; thence, from corner No. 9, departing said east line, N 80°47'09" W, 6,527.80 feet to the place of beginning and containing 3,844.674 acres.

(La Puerta 590a). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, (NAD 27), as referenced by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Triangulation Station "Monument" having a coordinate value of N = 250,167.56; E = 1,912,489.81. Scale factor applied equals 0.99993949; theta angle equals -00°06'15". All areas are based on true ground measurements. Beginning at corner No. 1, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590A COR 1" set over a 2-inch iron pipe found in the west boundary line of Porcion 87, east boundary line of Porcion 86, at the northwest corner of said Lot 22, also being the northeast corner of a 2.83-acre tract as described by deed recorded in Volume 516, Page 62, Official Records, Starr County, Texas and being in the south boundary line of USA Tract (590) as described by deed recorded in Volume 608, Page 309, Official Records, Starr County, Texas said point having a coordinate value of N = 246,550.96; E = 1,923,962.74 and bearing S 72°30'13" E, 12,029.47 feet from NGS Triangulation Station "Monument"; thence from corner No. 1, with south boundary line of said USA Tract (590), the north boundary line of said Lot 22, S 80°47'09" E, 2,922.00 feet to corner No. 2, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590 COR 9" found at the southeast corner of said USA Tract (590), also being the northeast corner of said Lot 21, and being in the east boundary line of Porcion 87, west boundary line of Porcion 88 for the northeast corner of the herein-described tract of land; thence, from Corner No. 2, with the said east boundary line of Porcion 87, west boundary line of Porcion 88, and also being the east boundary line of said Lot 21, S 08°18'30" W, 1,130.60 feet to corner No. 3, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590A COR 3" set in the existing north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 83 with the intersection of said east boundary line of Porcion 87, west boundary line of Porcion 88 for the southeast corner of the herein described tract of land; thence, from corner No. 3, with and along the said existing north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 83, N 66°14'23" W, 18.20 feet to corner No. 4, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590A COR 4" set for an angle point; thence, from corner No. 4, continuing along said existing north right-of-way line, N 60°31'23" W, 100.39 feet to corner No. 5, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590A COR 5" set for an angle point; thence, from corner 5, continuing along said existing north right-of-way line, N 66°14'23" W, 499.97 feet to corner No. 6, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590A COR 6" set for an angle point; thence, from corner No. 6, continuing along said existing north right-of-way line, N 71°57'23" W, 100.39 feet to a corner No. 7, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590A COR 7" set for an angle point; thence, from corner No. 7, continuing along said existing north right-of-way line, N 66°14'14" W, 1,084.94 feet to corner No. 8, a 5/8-inch iron rod found at the intersection of the said existing north right-of-way line with the proposed north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 83; thence, from corner No. 8, departing said existing north right-of-way line with and along the proposed north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 83, N 60°43'04" W, 200.90 feet to corner No. 9, a 5/8-inch iron rod found for an angle point; thence, from corner No. 9, continuing along said proposed north right-of-way line, N 69°54'31" W, 300.83 feet to corner No. 10, a 5/8-inch iron rod found at the intersection of said proposed north right-of-way line with the existing north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 83; thence, from corner No. 10, with the said existing north right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 83, N 66°16'51" W, 399.70 feet to corner No.11, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590A COR 11" set over a 1/2-inch iron rod found for an angle point; thence, from corner No. 11, continuing along said existing North right-of-way line, N 64°31'54" W, 335.45 feet to corner No.12, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590A COR 12" set at the intersection of said existing north right-of-way line with the west boundary line of Porcion 87, east boundary line of Porcion 86; thence, from corner No. 12, departing said existing north right-of-way line with the said west boundary line of Porcion 87, east boundary line of Porcion 86, N 08°56'59" E, 357.90 feet to corner No.1, the point of beginning and containing 50.033 acres of land.

(La Puerta Tract-Segment 590b). Note: All bearings and distances are based on the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, (NAD 27), as referenced by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Triangulation Station "Monument" having a coordinate value of N = 250,167.56' E = 1,912,489.81. Scale factor applied equals 0.00003040; theta angle equals -00°06'15". All areas are based on true ground measurements. Beginning at corner No. 1, a 5/8-inch iron rod found at the intersection of the west boundary line of Porcion 87, east boundary line of Porcion 86 with the proposed south right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 83, said point bears S 08°57'33" W, 139.55 feet from a 5/8-inch iron rod found in the existing south right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 83, said point having a coordinate value of N = 245,880.85, E = 1,923,857.21 and bearing S 69°20'18" E, 12,148.81 feet from NGS Triangulation Station "Monument"; thence, from corner No. 1, with the said proposed south right-of-way line, S 66°14'23" E, 3,043.33 feet to corner No. 2, a 5/8-inch iron rod found at the intersection of the east boundary line of Porcion 87, the west boundary line of Porcion 88 and the said proposed south right-of-way line, thence, from corner No. 2, with the said east boundary line of Porcion 87, west boundary line of Porcion 88, S 08°59'29" W, 2,925.70 feet to corner No. 3, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590B COR 3" set over a 1/2-inch iron rod found at the intersection of said east boundary line of Porcion 87, west boundary line of Porcion 88 with the north right-of-way line of the Missouri-Pacific Railroad; thence, from corner No. 3, with the said north right-of-way line of the Missouri-Pacific Railroad, N 52°58'07" W, 3,333.49 feet to corner No. 4, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590B COR 4" set over a 3/8-inch iron rod found at the intersection of the said north right-of-way line with the said west boundary line of Porcion 87, the east boundary line of Porcion 86, said point also being the southeast corner of a 39.492-acre tract, thence from corner No. 4, with the said west boundary line of Porcion 87, east boundary line of Porcion 86, N 08°56'13" E, 1,715.55 feet to corner No. 5, a standard FWS aluminum monument stamped "TR 590B COR 5" set over a 1/2-inch iron rod found at the southeast corner of a 2.0-acre tract, thence, from corner No. 5, continuing along said west boundary line of Porcion 87, east boundary line of Porcion 86, N 09°08'05" E, 418.93 feet to corner No. 1, the point of beginning and containing 170.950 acres of land.

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Unit 8-Private ranch site comprises 0.552 hectares (1.36 acres) within the Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 14 and begins at UTM 490706 E, 2929709 N; thence to 490729 E, 2929706 N; to 490748 E, 2929720 N; to 490762 E, 2929722 N; to 490767 E, 2929704 N; to 490767 E, 2929679 N; to 490769 E, 2929654 N; to 490770 E, 2929637 N; to 490770 E, 2929629 N; to 490760 E, 2929619 N; to 490743 E, 2929614 N; to 490732 E, 2929612 N; to 490720 E, 2929614 N; to 490709 E, 2929670 N; and thence to point of beginning.

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Bexar, Medina, Travis, and Uvalde Counties, Texas, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of bracted twistflower consist of the following components:
(i) Karstic, dolomitic limestones underlain by less permeable limestone strata, where perched aquifers seep to the surface along slopes. These are often found within 2 kilometers of the exposed boundary of the Edwards or Devils River and Glen Rose geological formations;
(ii) Native, old-growth juniper-oak woodlands and shrublands along the Balcones Escarpment;
(iii) Herbivory from white-tailed deer and introduced ungulates of such low intensity that it does not severely deplete populations prior to seed dispersal;
(iv) Tree and shrub canopy gaps that allow direct sunlight to reach the herbaceous plant layer at least 6 hours per day; and
(v) Viable populations of native bee species and the abundant, diverse forb and shrub understory that support them.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on May 11, 2023.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created using U.S. Geological Survey digital elevation models. For each unit/subunit, we determined the range of occupied elevations and the range of occupied slopes; critical habitat polygons consist of the intersection of the occupied elevations and occupied slopes. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2021-0013, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

Figure 1 to Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower) paragraph (5)

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(6) Unit 1: Northeast; Travis County, Texas.
(i) Subunit 1a: Barton Creek Greenbelt and Barton Creek Wilderness Park.
(A) Subunit 1a consists of 690.5 acres (ac) (279.44 hectares (ha)) in Travis County and is composed of lands along Barton Creek owned by the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department and jointly managed by the Parks and Recreation Department and Austin Water's Wildland Conservation Division as a unit of the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve (BCP) system.
(B) Map of Subunit 1a follows:

Figure 2 to Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower) paragraph (6)(i)(B)

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(ii) Subunit 1b: Bull Creek District Park.
(A) Subunit 1b consists of 2.32 ac (0.94 ha) in Travis County and is composed of lands owned by the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department and jointly managed by the Parks and Recreation Department and Austin Water's Wildland Conservation Division as a unit of the BCP system.
(B) Map of Subunit 1b follows:

Figure 3 to Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower) paragraph (6)(ii)(B)

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(iii) Subunit 1c: Mount Bonnell Park.
(A) Subunit 1c consists of 2 ac (0.81 ha) in Travis County and is composed of lands owned by the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department and jointly managed by the Parks and Recreation Department and Austin Water's Wildland Conservation Division as a unit of the BCP system.
(B) Map of Subunit 1c follows:

Figure 4 to Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower) paragraph (6)(iii)(B)

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(iv) Subunit 1d: Ullrich Water Treatment Plant/Bee Creek Park.
(A) Subunit 1d consists of 19.47 ac (7.88 ha) in Travis County and is composed of lands owned by the City of Austin Water Utility, a portion of which is jointly managed by the Parks and Recreation Department and Austin Water's Wildland Conservation Division as a unit of the BCP system.
(B) Map of Subunit 1d follows:

Figure 5 to Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower) paragraph (6)(iv)(B)

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(7) Unit 2: Central; Bexar and Medina Counties, Texas.
(i) Subunit 2a: Eisenhower Park.
(A) Subunit 2a consists of 78.16 ac (31.63 ha) in Bexar County and is composed of lands owned by the City of San Antonio and managed by San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department.
(B) Map of Subunit 2a follows:

Figure 6 to Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower) paragraph (7)(i)(B)

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(ii) Subunit 2b: Rancho Diana.
(A) Subunit 2b consists of 395.73 ac (160.15 ha) in Bexar County and is composed of lands owned and managed by the City of San Antonio.
(B) Map of Subunit 2b follows:

Figure 7 to Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower) paragraph (7)(ii)(B)

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(iii) Subunit 2c: Laurel Canyon Ranch Easement.
(A) Subunit 2c consists of 39.59 ac (16.02 ha) in Medina County and is composed of private property owned by Laurel C. Canyon Ranch, LP. The City of San Antonio Edwards Aquifer Protection Program holds a conservation easement on 222 ha (549 ac) of Laurel Canyon Ranch.
(B) Map of Subunit 2c follows:

Figure 8 to Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower) paragraph (7)(iii)(B)

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(iv) Subunit 2d: Medina River.
(A) Subunit 2d consists of 23.28 ac (9.42 ha) in Medina County and is composed of private property owned by Medina Ranch Inc.
(B) Map of Subunit 2d follows:

Figure 9 to Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower) paragraph (7)(iv)(B)

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(8) Unit 3: Southwest; Garner State Park, Uvalde County, Texas.
(i) Unit 3 consists of 345.22 ac (139.71 ha) in Uvalde County and is composed of lands within Garner State Park, which is managed by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

Figure 10 to Streptanthus bracteatus (bracted twistflower) paragraph (8)(ii)

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(1) A critical habitat unit is depicted for Humboldt County, California, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Thlaspi californicum are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Thin rocky soils that have developed on exposures of serpentine substrates;
(ii) Plant communities that support a relatively sparse assemblage of serpentine indicator, or facultative-serpentine indicator, species, including various native forbs and grasses, but not trees or shrubs, such that competition for space and water (both above and below ground) and light is reduced, compared to the surrounding habitats. Known associated species include the following: Festuca rubra (red fescue), Koeleria macrantha (junegrass), Elymus glaucus (blue wildrye), Eriophyllum lanatum (woolly sunflower), Lomatium macrocarpum (large-fruited lomatium), and Viola hallii (Hall's violet);
(iii) Serpentine substrates that contain 15 percent or greater (by surface area) of exposed gravels, cobbles, or larger rock fragments, which may contribute to alteration of factors of microclimate, including surface drainage and moisture availability, exposure to wind and sun, and temperature; and
(iv) Prairie grasslands and oak woodlands located within 30 m (100 ft) of the serpentine outcrop area on Ashfield Ridge. Protection of these habitats is essential to the conservation of Thlaspi californicum in that it will provide connectivity among the serpentine sites, help to maintain the hydrologic and edaphic integrity of the serpentine sites, and support populations of pollinators and seed dispersal organisms.
(3) Existing features and structures within the boundaries of mapped critical habitat units, such as buildings, roads, airports, and other paved areas will not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a section 7 consultation, unless they affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Critical habitat unit. Humboldt County, California.
(i) From USGS. 1:24,000 scale Iaqua Buttes quadrangle, land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10 NAD27 coordinate pairs (East, North): 421800, 4507300; 422100, 4507800; 422100, 4507300; 422200, 4507600; 421700, 4507400; 421800, 4507500; 421600, 4507500; 421800, 4507900; 421800, 4507800; 421900, 4507900
(ii) Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, Florida, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Consolea corallicola are:
(i) Areas of upland habitats consisting of coastal berm, rockland hammocks, and buttonwood forest.
(A) Coastal berm habitat that contains:
(1) Open to semi-open canopy, subcanopy, and understory; and
(2) Substrate of coarse, calcareous, and storm-deposited sediment.
(B) Rockland hammock habitat that contains:
(1) Canopy gaps and edges with an open to semi-open canopy, subcanopy, and understory; and
(2) Substrate with a thin layer of highly organic soil covering limestone or organic matter that accumulates on top of the limestone.
(C) Buttonwood forest habitat that contains:
(1) Open to semi-open canopy and understory; and
(2) Substrate with calcareous marl muds, calcareous sands, or limestone rock.
(ii) A plant community of predominately native vegetation with no invasive, nonnative animal or plant species or such species in quantities low enough to have minimal effect on survival of Consolea corallicola.
(iii) A disturbance regime, due to the effects of strong winds or saltwater inundation from storm surge or infrequent tidal inundation, that creates canopy openings in coastal berm, rockland hammocks, and buttonwood forest.
(iv) Habitats that are connected and of sufficient size to sustain viable populations in coastal berm, rockland hammocks, and buttonwood forest.
(v) Habitats that provide populations of the generalist pollinators that visit the flowers of Consolea corallicola.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located that exists within the legal boundaries on February 22, 2016.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were developed using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial data layers. ArcGIS was also used to calculate area. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the units was North American Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates, plot points, or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/verobeach/, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2014-0057, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map of all critical habitat units for Consolea corallicola follows:

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(6) Unit FSC1: Swan Key, Biscayne National Park, Miami-Dade County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit FSC1 consists of 37 ac (15 ha) in Miami-Dade County. This unit is composed entirely of lands in Federal ownership, 100 percent of which are located on Swan Key within Biscayne National Park. The unit includes all upland rockland hammock habitat on Swan Key, most of which is located on the eastern side of Swan Key, surrounded by the island's mangrove fringe. A second, smaller area is located on the island's elongate western half and is also surrounded by mangroves.
(ii) Map of Unit FSC1 follows:

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(7) Unit FSC2: Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit FSC2 consists of 3,434 ac (1,389 ha) in Monroe County. This unit is composed of Federal lands within Crocodile Lake National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) (702 ac (284 ha)); State lands within Dagny Johnson Botanical State Park, John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park, and the Florida Keys Wildlife and Environmental Area (2,331 ac (943 ha)); lands owned by Monroe County (17 ac (7 ha)); and parcels in private or other ownership (384 ac (155 ha)). This unit extends from near the northern tip of Key Largo, along the length of Key Largo, beginning at the south shore of Ocean Reef Harbor near South Marina Drive and the intersection of County Road (CR) 905 and Clubhouse Road on the west side of CR 905, and between CR 905 and Old State Road 905, then extending to the shoreline south of South Harbor Drive. The unit then continues on both sides of CR 905 through the Crocodile Lake NWR, Dagny Johnson Key Largo Hammock Botanical State Park, and John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. The unit then terminates near the junction of U.S. 1 and CR 905 and Garden Cove Drive. The unit resumes on the east side of U.S. 1 from South Andros Road to Key Largo Elementary; then from the intersection of Taylor Drive and Pamela Street to Avenue A, then from Sound Drive to the intersection of Old Road and Valencia Road, then resumes on the east side of U.S. 1 from Hibiscus Lane and Ocean Drive. The unit continues south near the Port Largo Airport from Poisonwood Road to Bo Peep Boulevard. The unit resumes on the west side of U.S. 1 from the intersection of South Drive and Meridian Avenue to Casa Court Drive. The unit then continues on the west side of U.S. 1 from the point on the coast directly west of Peace Avenue south to Caribbean Avenue. The unit also includes a portion of the barrier island (El Radabob Key) in Largo Sound located directly east of Avenue A, extending south to a point directly east of Mahogany Drive.
(ii) Index map of Unit FSC2 follows:

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(iii) Map A of Unit FSC2 follows:

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(iv) Map B of Unit FSC2 follows:

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(v) Map C of Unit FSC2 follows:

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(vi) Map D of Unit FSC2 follows:

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(vii) Map E of Unit FSC2 follows:

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(viii) Map F of Unit FSC2 follows:

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(8) Unit FSC3: Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit FSC3 consists of 772 ac (313 ha) in Monroe County. This unit is composed of Federal land within the National Key Deer Refuge (NKDR) (508 ac (205 ha)), State land managed as part of the NKDR (172 ac (70 ha)), lands owned by Monroe County (11 ac (5 ha)), and parcels in private or other ownership (81 ac (33 ha)). This unit extends from near the northern tip of Big Pine Key along the eastern shore to the vicinity of Hellenga Drive and Watson Road; from Gulf Boulevard south to West Shore Drive; Big Pine Avenue and Elma Avenues on the east, Coral and Yacht Club Road, and U.S. 1 on the north, and Industrial Avenue on the east from the southeastern tip of Big Pine Key to Avenue A.
(ii) Index map of Unit FSC3 follows:

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(iii) Map A of Unit FSC3 follows:

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(iv) Map B of Unit FSC3 follows:

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(v) Map C of Unit FSC3 follows:

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(vi) Map D of Unit FSC3 follows:

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(vii) Map E of Unit FSC3 follows:

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(9) Unit FSC4: Little Torch Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit FSC4 consists of 168 ac (68 ha) in Monroe County. This unit is composed of State lands (47 ac (19 ha)), lands owned by Monroe County (10 ac (4 ha)), and parcels in private and other ownership (111 ac (45 ha)). This unit extends along State Highway 4A, from Coral Shores Road, south to County Road, resuming at Linda Street and extending south to the Overseas Highway. South of the Overseas Highway, the unit includes areas west of Kings Cove Road, and an area comprising the southern tip of Little Torch Key that includes portions of the John J. Pescatello Torchwood Hammock Preserve.
(ii) Index map of Unit FSC4 follows:

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(iii) Map A of Unit FSC4 follows:

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(iv) Map B of Unit FSC4 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal Counties, Arizona, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the acuna cactus consist of:
(i) Native vegetation within the Paloverde-Cacti-Mixed-Scrub Series of the Arizona Upland Subdivision of the Sonoran Desert-scrub at elevations between 365 to 1,150 m (1,198 to 3,773 ft). This vegetation must contain predominantly native plant species that:
(A) Provide protection to the acuna cactus (Examples of such plants are creosote bush, ironwood, and palo verde.);
(B) Provide for pollinator habitat with a radius of 900 m (2,953 ft) around each individual reproducing acuna cactus;
(C) Allow for seed dispersal through the presence of bare soils immediately adjacent to and within 10 m (33 ft) of individual acuna cactus.
(ii) Soils overlying rhyolite, andesite, tuff, granite, granodiorite, diorite, or Cornelia quartz monzonite bedrock that are in valley bottoms, on small knolls, or on ridgetops, and are generally on slopes of less than 30 percent.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 19, 2016.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Digital data layers defining map units were created using geology, topography, elevation, vegetation community, mean annual precipitation from the 1971 to 2000 period of record, and acuna cactus herbarium and site visit records from 1952 to the present; these were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site (http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/), http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0025, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Pima County, AZ. Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Ajo Unit, Pima County, AZ. Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Sauceda Mountains Unit, Maricopa and Pima Counties, AZ. Map of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (7) of this entry.
(9) Unit 4: Sand Tank Mountains Unit, Maricopa County, AZ. Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(10) Unit 5: Mineral Mountain Unit, Pinal County, AZ. Map of Units 5 and 6 follows:

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(11) Unit 6: Box O Wash Unit, Pinal County, AZ. Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (10) of this entry.


(1) Critical habitat units for Harrisia aboriginum are depicted for Manatee, Charlotte, Sarasota, and Lee Counties, Florida, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Harrisia aboriginum are:
(i) Areas of upland habitats consisting of coastal strand, coastal grassland, coastal berm, maritime hammocks, and shell mounds.
(A) Coastal strand habitat that contains:
(1) Open to semi-open canopy and understory, and
(2) Substrate of sand and shell fragments of stabilized coastal dunes.
(B) Coastal grassland habitat that contains:
(1) No canopy and an open understory, and
(2) Substrate of sand and shell fragments.
(C) Coastal berm habitat that contains:
(1) Open to semi-open canopy, subcanopy, and understory, and
(2) Substrate of coarse, calcareous, storm-deposited sediment.
(D) Maritime hammock habitat that contains:
(1) Canopy gaps and edges with an open to semi-open canopy, subcanopy, and understory; and
(2) Substrate of calcareous sand and shell fragments.
(E) Shell mound habitat that contains:
(1) Open to semi-open canopy and understory, and
(2) Substrate of soil derived from calcareous shells deposited by Native Americans during prehistoric times.
(ii) A plant community of predominately native vegetation with no invasive, nonnative animal or plant species or such species in quantities low enough to have minimal effect on survival of Harrisia aboriginum.
(iii) Canopy openings in coastal strand, coastal grassland, coastal berm, maritime hammock, and shell mound habitats that are created by the effects of strong winds or saltwater inundation from storm surge or infrequent tidal inundation.
(iv) Habitats that are connected and of sufficient size to sustain viable populations in coastal strand, coastal grassland, coastal berm, maritime hammock, and shell mound habitats.
(v) Habitats that provide populations of the generalist pollinators that visit the flowers of Harrisia aboriginum.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located that exists within the legal boundaries on February 22, 2016.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Unit maps were developed using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial data layers. ArcGIS was also used to calculate area. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the units was North American Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/verobeach/, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2014-0057, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map of all critical habitat units for Harrisia aboriginum follows:

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(6) Unit APA1: Terra Ceia, Manatee County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit APA1 consists of approximately 222 ac (90 ha) in Manatee County, Florida. This unit is composed of State lands within Madira Bickel Mound State Historical Park, Terra Ceia Preserve State Park, Cockroach Bay State Buffer Preserve, and the Tampa Bay Estuarine System (66 ac (27 ha)); Manatee County lands at Emerson Point Preserve and parcels owned by the Manatee County Port Authority (70 ac (28 ha)); and parcels in private or other ownership (87 ac (35 ha)). This unit includes lands west of Highway 41 extending from just south of South Dock Street south to Snead Island. The unit also includes areas of Harbor Key, Mariposa Key, Horseshoe Key, Joe Island, Skeet Key, Paradise Island, Ed's Key, and Rattlesnake Key.
(ii) Index map of Unit APA1 follows:

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(iii) Map A of Unit APA1 follows:

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(iv) Map B of Unit APA1 follows:

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(7) Unit APA2: Longboat Key, Sarasota County, Florida.
(i)General description: Unit APA2 consists of approximately 54 ac (22 ha) in Sarasota County, Florida. This unit is composed entirely of parcels in private or other ownership. This unit includes lands west of Gulf of Mexico Drive, extending from 0.40 mi (0.6 km) south of the intersection of Bay Isles Parkway and Gulf of Mexico Drive, to the southern tip of Longboat Key. It also includes lands on the north side of Gulf of Mexico Drive, east of Longboat Club Key Drive, on the northwest tip of Longboat Key.
(ii) Map of Unit APA2 follows:

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(8) Unit APA3: Osprey, Sarasota County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit APA3 consists of approximately 116 ac (47 ha) in Sarasota County, Florida. This unit is composed of Sarasota County lands within Palmer Point County Park (50 ac (20 ha)) and parcels in private or other ownership (66 ac (27 ha)). This unit extends along the barrier island (Casey Key) from the south terminus of Blind Pass Road, south for approximately 1.2 mi (1.9 km) along North Casey Key Road. On the mainland, the unit includes lands bordered on the north by Vamo Way, to the east by Highway 41, and to the south by Palmetto Avenue.
(ii) Map of Unit APA3 follows:

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(9) Unit APA4: Manasota Key, Sarasota and Charlotte Counties, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit APA4 consists of approximately 415 ac (168 ha) in Sarasota and Charlotte Counties, Florida. This unit is composed of State lands within Stump Pass Beach State Park (58 ac (23 ha)); County lands within Blind Pass Park, Brohard Beach and Paw Park, Manasota Beach Park, Casperson Beach Park, and Service Club Park (111 ac (45 ha)); and parcels in private or other ownership (245 ac (99 ha)). This unit extends from Beach Road in the City of Venice, south along Manasota Key to the barrier islands southern tip, including a portion of Peterson Island.
(ii) Index map of Unit APA4 follows:

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(iii) Map A of Unit APA4 follows:

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(iv) Map B of Unit APA4 follows:

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(v) Map C of Unit APA4 follows:

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(10) Unit APA5: Charlotte Harbor, Charlotte County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit APA5 consists of 51 ac (21 ha) in Charlotte County, Florida. This unit is composed entirely of State lands within the Charlotte Harbor Preserve State Park. This unit includes the Big Mound, Boggess Ridge, and a shell mound located on the east side of Charlotte Harbor, south of the City of Charlotte Park.
(ii) Map of Unit APA5 follows:

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(11) Unit APA6: Gasparilla North, Charlotte and Lee Counties, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit APA6 consists of approximately 98 ac (40 ha) in Charlotte and Lee Counties, Florida. This unit is composed of State land (0.006 ac (0.02 ha)), county land (22 ac (9 ha)), and parcels in private or other ownership (77 ac (31 ha)). This unit includes most of Kitchen Key (Live Oak Key) and the area east of Gasparilla Road, from the intersection of Grouper Hole Road and Grouper Hole Court, south to 0.15 mi (0.24 km) north of Snail Island Court, from approximately 0.10 mi (0.21 km) south of 35th Street to 23rd Street, including the small island separated from Gasparilla Island by a canal; and from 22nd Street to 20th Street.
(ii) Map of Unit APA6 follows:

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(12) Unit APA7: Gasparilla South, Lee County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit APA7 consists of approximately 92 ac (37 ha) in Lee County, Florida. This unit is composed of Federal land owned by the Service and Bureau of Land Management (3 ac (1 ha)), State lands within Gasparilla Island State Park (69 ac (28 ha)), Lee County lands (12 ac (5 ha), and parcels in private or other ownership (8 ac (3 ha)). This unit includes lands located from south of 1st Street to the southern tip of Gasparilla Island.
(ii) Map of Unit APA7 follows:

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(13) Unit APA8: Cayo Pelau, Lee County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit APA8 consists of approximately 25 ac (10 ha) in Charlotte and Lee Counties, Florida. This unit is composed of Lee County lands within Cayo Pelau Preserve, and parcels in private or other ownership (0.6 ac (0.2 ha)). This unit includes lands located from 0.13 mi (0.21 km) south of the northern tip of Cayo Pelau, extending south to the southeastern tip of Cayo Pelau.
(ii) Map of Unit APA8 follows:

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(14) Unit APA9: Cayo Costa, Lee County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit APA9 consists of approximately 1,702 ac (689 ha) in Lee County, Florida. This unit is composed of State lands within Cayo Costa State Park (1,379 ac (558 ha)), lands owned by Lee County (94 ac (38 ha)), and parcels in private or other ownership (230 ac (93 ha)). This unit includes lands located from the northern tip to the southern tip of Cayo Costa.
(ii) Map of Unit APA9 follows:

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(15) Unit APA10: Bocilla, Lee County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit APA10 consists of approximately 33 ac (13 ha) in Lee County, Florida. This unit is composed of Lee County lands within the Bocilla Preserve (32 ac (13 ha)) and parcels in private or other ownership (0.7 ac (0.3 ha)). This unit includes lands located on the undeveloped portion of Bokeelia Island from 0.02 mi (0.03 km) west of the terminus of Ebbtide Way, extending south and west to the northwestern and southeastern corners of Bokeelia Island.
(ii) Map of Unit APA10 follows:

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(16) Unit APA11: Sanibel Island and Buck Key, Lee County, Florida.
(i)General Description: Unit APA11 consists of approximately 635 ac (257 ha) in Lee County, Florida. This unit is composed of Federal lands owned by the Bureau of Land Management, and Service lands within the J.N. `Ding' Darling National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) (373 ac (151 ha)), State lands (47 ac (19 ha)), lands owned by Lee County (90 ac (36 ha)), and parcels in private or other ownership (126 ac (51 ha)). This unit includes lands on Buck Key, Runyan Key, and Sanibel Island. On Sanibel Island, the unit includes a portion of Bowman's Beach, from just south of Silver Key to the western terminus of Water's Edge Lane; uplands within J.N. `Ding' Darling NWR; and a shell mound located near the northern terminus of Tarpon Bay Road.
(ii) Index map of Unit APA11 follows:

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(iii) Map A of Unit APA11 follows:

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(iv) Map B of Unit APA11 follows:

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(v) Map C of Unit APA11 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Mohave and Coconino Counties, Arizona, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Fickeisen plains cactus consist of:
(i) Soils derived from limestone that are found on mesas, plateaus, terraces, the toe of gentle sloping hills with up to 20 percent slope, margins of canyon rims, and desert washes. These soils have the following features:
(A) They occur on the Colorado Plateau in Coconino and Mohave Counties of northern Arizona and are within the appropriate series found in occupied areas;
(B) They are derived from alluvium, colluvium, or eolian deposits of limestone from the Harrisburg member of the Kaibab Formation and limestone, siltstone, and sandstone of the Toroweap and Moenkopi Formations;
(C) They are nonsaline to slightly saline, gravelly, shallow to moderately deep, and well-drained with little signs of soil movement. Soil texture consists of gravelly loam, fine sandy loam, gravelly sandy loam, very gravelly sandy loam, clay loam, and cobbly loam.
(ii) Native vegetation within the Plains and Great Basin grassland and Great Basin desertscrub vegetation communities from 1,310 to 1,813 m (4,200 to 5,950 ft) in elevation that has a natural, generally intact surface and subsurface that preserves the bedrock substrate and is supportive of microbiotic soil crusts where they are naturally found.
(iii) Native vegetation that provides for habitat of identified pollinators within the effective pollinator distance of 1,000 m (3,280 ft) around each individual Fickeisen plains cactus.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 19, 2016.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5' quadrangle maps. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator zone 11, North American Datum 1983 coordinates.
(5)Note: Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Hurricane Cliffs Unit, Mohave County, AZ. Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Sunshine Ridge Unit, Mohave County, AZ. Map of Units 2 and 3 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Clayhole Valley Unit, Mohave County, AZ. Map of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (7) of this entry.
(9) Unit 4: South Canyon Unit, Coconino County, AZ. Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(10) Unit 5: House Rock Valley Unit, Coconino County, AZ. Map of Unit 5 is provided at paragraph (9) of this entry.
(11) Unit 6: Gray Mountain Unit, Coconino County, AZ. Map of Unit 6 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units for Arenaria ursina are found in San Bernardino County, California. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Arenaria ursina are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Pebble plains in dry meadow-like openings within upper montane coniferous forest, pinyon-juniper woodlands, or Great Basin sagebrush in the San Bernardino Mountains of San Bernardino County, California; at elevations between 5,900 to 9,800 ft (1,830 to 2,990 m) that provide space for individual and population growth, reproduction and dispersal; and
(ii) Seasonally wet clay, or sandy clay soils, generally containing quartzite pebbles, subject to natural hydrological processes that include water hydrating the soil and freezing in winter and drying in summer causing lifting and churning of included pebbles, that provide space for individual and population growth, reproduction and dispersal, adequate water, air, minerals, and other nutritional or physiological requirements to the species.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,0000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) Index map (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Units ARUR 1 and ARUR 2. Arrastre/Union Flat, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear City.
(i) Unit ARUR 1. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 512434, 3795966; 512436, 3795961; 512446, 3795966; 512450, 3795966; 512469, 3795969; 512508, 3795965; 512533, 3795959; 512537, 3795959; 512539, 3795960; 512549, 3795964; 512560, 3795961; 512568, 3795954; 512573, 3795948; 512573, 3795936; 512571, 3795930; 512568, 3795927; 512565, 3795927; 512563, 3795927; 512563, 3795924; 512561, 3795914; 512556, 3795904; 512555, 3795903; 512554, 3795901; 512548, 3795879; 512535, 3795835; 512544, 3795791; 512546, 3795790; 512554, 3795787; 512568, 3795779; 512576, 3795774; 512582, 3795771; 512592, 3795764; 512595, 3795753; 512595, 3795747; 512591, 3795739; 512584, 3795732; 512581, 3795731; 512575, 3795727; 512569, 3795727; 512560, 3795728; 512552, 3795733; 512544, 3795739; 512542, 3795740; 512541, 3795739; 512540, 3795738; 512525, 3795717; 512469, 3795694; 512447, 3795680; 512445, 3795679; 512427, 3795653; 512428, 3795649; 512450, 3795617; 512476, 3795588; 512476, 3795588; 512504, 3795564; 512514, 3795552; 512541, 3795525; 512546, 3795509; 512548, 3795508; 512553, 3795501; 512554, 3795500; 512558, 3795490; 512566, 3795479; 512573, 3795468; 512584, 3795444; 512586, 3795433; 512588, 3795412; 512594, 3795398; 512601, 3795395; 512607, 3795395; 512627, 3795401; 512632, 3795400; 512641, 3795402; 512654, 3795400; 512675, 3795405; 512691, 3795401; 512699, 3795397; 512703, 3795397; 512707, 3795394; 512715, 3795393; 512718, 3795391; 512730, 3795388; 512740, 3795378; 512742, 3795374; 512746, 3795371; 512770, 3795357; 512806, 3795330; 512815, 3795317; 512837, 3795311; 512856, 3795327; 512872, 3795330; 512883, 3795343; 512886, 3795339; 512900, 3795331; 512905, 3795319; 512909, 3795312; 512913, 3795307; 512913, 3795306; 512913, 3795305; 512914, 3795303; 512920, 3795287; 512924, 3795286; 512935, 3795275; 512938, 3795270; 512944, 3795264; 512948, 3795258; 512953, 3795250; 512955, 3795245; 512954, 3795239; 512953, 3795233; 512949, 3795225; 512946, 3795221; 512949, 3795219; 512976, 3795203; 512998, 3795196; 513008, 3795189; 513014, 3795187; 513019, 3795183; 513030, 3795176; 513031, 3795173; 513048, 3795163; 513049, 3795158; 513051, 3795154; 513053, 3795150; 513053, 3795143; 513053, 3795142; 513056, 3795131; 513053, 3795122; 513053, 3795109; 513055, 3795098; 513059, 3795095; 513062, 3795091; 513066, 3795086; 513069, 3795084; 513072, 3795077; 513076, 3795073; 513079, 3795066; 513080, 3795064; 513083, 3795057; 513083, 3795052; 513083, 3795047; 513082, 3795043; 513080, 3795036; 513080, 3795034; 513079, 3795025; 513077, 3795018; 513075, 3795011; 513075, 3795007; 513072, 3794999; 513069, 3794994; 513066, 3794989; 513058, 3794982; 513053, 3794982; 513047, 3794982; 513037, 3794982; 513035, 3794981; 513017, 3794975; 513010, 3794975; 513006, 3794978; 513000, 3794981; 512993, 3794985; 512988, 3794988; 512973, 3794993; 512965, 3794993; 512960, 3794991; 512951, 3794990; 512944, 3794988; 512938, 3794987; 512934, 3794988; 512924, 3794989; 512915, 3794991; 512897, 3794997; 512886, 3795001; 512875, 3795007; 512866, 3795012; 512852, 3795026; 512850, 3795031; 512847, 3795037; 512848, 3795042; 512848, 3795045; 512856, 3795057; 512861, 3795057; 512871, 3795053; 512875, 3795052; 512883, 3795047; 512863, 3795065; 512861, 3795066; 512853, 3795072; 512853, 3795075; 512847, 3795081; 512851, 3795097; 512867, 3795120; 512875, 3795132; 512879, 3795132; 512881, 3795135; 512913, 3795143; 512919, 3795177; 512903, 3795187; 512899, 3795188; 512884, 3795190; 512840, 3795190; 512839, 3795192; 512835, 3795194; 512826, 3795195; 512825, 3795196; 512811, 3795199; 512812, 3795203; 512811, 3795204; 512811, 3795217; 512800, 3795241; 512793, 3795247; 512785, 3795251; 512778, 3795254; 512765, 3795263; 512732, 3795279; 512696, 3795299; 512648, 3795303; 512621, 3795315; 512618, 3795316; 512607, 3795318; 512601, 3795321; 512585, 3795327; 512561, 3795335; 512558, 3795344; 512555, 3795349; 512545, 3795359; 512533, 3795366; 512510, 3795373; 512508, 3795373; 512500, 3795376; 512498, 3795372; 512497, 3795370; 512495, 3795367; 512492, 3795368; 512490, 3795372; 512490, 3795379; 512489, 3795379; 512484, 3795381; 512485, 3795387; 512482, 3795398; 512482, 3795418; 512485, 3795432; 512484, 3795433; 512486, 3795443; 512486, 3795452; 512453, 3795490; 512413, 3795508; 512409, 3795509; 512408, 3795507; 512406, 3795499; 512398, 3795500; 512390, 3795509; 512386, 3795512; 512354, 3795501; 512340, 3795496; 512357, 3795495; 512366, 3795491; 512362, 3795478; 512360, 3795467; 512361, 3795466; 512364, 3795462; 512368, 3795462; 512373, 3795469; 512376, 3795462; 512392, 3795462; 512392, 3795461; 512393, 3795461; 512401, 3795463; 512406, 3795462; 512408, 3795459; 512429, 3795455; 512432, 3795454; 512437, 3795449; 512437, 3795446; 512434, 3795435; 512431, 3795430; 512434, 3795422; 512433, 3795419; 512434, 3795416; 512432, 3795410; 512433, 3795405; 512430, 3795402; 512428, 3795397; 512423, 3795395; 512421, 3795393; 512393, 3795381; 512369, 3795385; 512368, 3795386; 512367, 3795386; 512351, 3795394; 512339, 3795398; 512339, 3795414; 512342, 3795418; 512342, 3795425; 512350, 3795437; 512339, 3795449; 512324, 3795455; 512306, 3795472; 512299, 3795481; 512283, 3795473; 512264, 3795473; 512249, 3795472; 512248, 3795473; 512247, 3795473; 512237, 3795473; 512228, 3795473; 512223, 3795475; 512207, 3795477; 512189, 3795483; 512172, 3795485; 512165, 3795492; 512163, 3795493; 512156, 3795496; 512155, 3795496; 512150, 3795497; 512149, 3795498; 512135, 3795504; 512124, 3795510; 512100, 3795517; 512095, 3795519; 512080, 3795516; 512060, 3795516; 512044, 3795536; 512052, 3795560; 512056, 3795588; 512064, 3795616; 512064, 3795617; 512065, 3795620; 512081, 3795644; 512087, 3795650; 512088, 3795651; 512089, 3795652; 512101, 3795664; 512123, 3795675; 512123, 3795688; 512123, 3795695; 512122, 3795699; 512119, 3795715; 512111, 3795727; 512119, 3795747; 512125, 3795759; 512133, 3795784; 512135, 3795798; 512143, 3795822; 512155, 3795842; 512171, 3795857; 512199, 3795878; 512223, 3795886; 512228, 3795889; 512235, 3795890; 512242, 3795892; 512248, 3795895; 512282, 3795913; 512334, 3795929; 512377, 3795941; 512380, 3795941; 512383, 3795942; 512387, 3795942; 512394, 3795943; 512397, 3795947; 512412, 3795966; 512417, 3795971; 512422, 3795975; 512427, 3795979; 512430, 3795978; 512434, 3795966.
(ii) Unit ARUR 2. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 513282, 3797202; 513312, 3797195; 513346, 3797179; 513347, 3797179; 513352, 3797178; 513378, 3797155; 513382, 3797151; 513404, 3797137; 513430, 3797126; 513434, 3797122; 513438, 3797119; 513475, 3797110; 513503, 3797106; 513500, 3797115; 513500, 3797124; 513510, 3797137; 513520, 3797137; 513532, 3797131; 513545, 3797124; 513554, 3797111; 513554, 3797108; 513567, 3797110; 513599, 3797116; 513650, 3797107; 513655, 3797103; 513659, 3797103; 513666, 3797099; 513668, 3797098; 513694, 3797083; 513708, 3797069; 513727, 3797057; 513758, 3797027; 513788, 3796985; 513797, 3796978; 513801, 3796976; 513815, 3796968; 513834, 3796962; 513876, 3796962; 513926, 3796970; 513952, 3796981; 513956, 3796985; 513979, 3797000; 514002, 3797019; 514028, 3797035; 514070, 3797061; 514093, 3797069; 514129, 3797075; 514136, 3797079; 514216, 3797087; 514238, 3797082; 514329, 3797076; 514364, 3797073; 514406, 3797069; 514444, 3797046; 514455, 3797019; 514448, 3797004; 514444, 3797001; 514441, 3796991; 514418, 3796945; 514401, 3796935; 514398, 3796928; 514393, 3796914; 514396, 3796911; 514384, 3796831; 514384, 3796806; 514387, 3796798; 514383, 3796764; 514375, 3796741; 514362, 3796721; 514357, 3796709; 514343, 3796691; 514329, 3796661; 514318, 3796650; 514303, 3796631; 514288, 3796623; 514276, 3796625; 514270, 3796622; 514239, 3796625; 514197, 3796645; 514171, 3796637; 514166, 3796635; 514151, 3796626; 514106, 3796587; 514064, 3796561; 514003, 3796519; 513965, 3796488; 513946, 3796458; 513946, 3796457; 513959, 3796433; 513996, 3796392; 514005, 3796381; 514022, 3796370; 514030, 3796350; 514036, 3796343; 514043, 3796339; 514101, 3796309; 514102, 3796309; 514108, 3796307; 514111, 3796304; 514142, 3796287; 514170, 3796255; 514215, 3796208; 514291, 3796164; 514355, 3796119; 514424, 3796055; 514439, 3796024; 514451, 3796009; 514449, 3795971; 514450, 3795964; 514443, 3795894; 514441, 3795891; 514440, 3795890; 514393, 3795830; 514332, 3795801; 514321, 3795800; 514291, 3795789; 514262, 3795785; 514258, 3795783; 514231, 3795781; 514227, 3795781; 514226, 3795781; 514155, 3795776; 514144, 3795785; 514116, 3795789; 514088, 3795817; 514047, 3795891; 514018, 3795938; 514005, 3795973; 513980, 3796014; 513957, 3796046; 513948, 3796055; 513865, 3796109; 513828, 3796145; 513797, 3796168; 513780, 3796186; 513762, 3796200; 513760, 3796201; 513723, 3796230; 513687, 3796286; 513678, 3796295; 513674, 3796304; 513669, 3796313; 513661, 3796338; 513655, 3796353; 513652, 3796365; 513634, 3796408; 513630, 3796430; 513628, 3796432; 513627, 3796434; 513625, 3796439; 513622, 3796448; 513622, 3796451; 513619, 3796455; 513615, 3796461; 513612, 3796466; 513607, 3796471; 513601, 3796475; 513594, 3796479; 513581, 3796480; 513579, 3796481; 513577, 3796481; 513568, 3796491; 513563, 3796494; 513561, 3796495; 513560, 3796500; 513560, 3796506; 513560, 3796508; 513562, 3796511; 513567, 3796513; 513573, 3796517; 513578, 3796520; 513586, 3796523; 513592, 3796524; 513582, 3796530; 513580, 3796555; 513590, 3796564; 513595, 3796566; 513601, 3796566; 513598, 3796573; 513589, 3796592; 513581, 3796602; 513570, 3796605; 513551, 3796618; 513539, 3796656; 513548, 3796669; 513548, 3796676; 513571, 3796707; 513590, 3796760; 513590, 3796810; 513587, 3796851; 513586, 3796856; 513584, 3796863; 513571, 3796887; 513565, 3796881; 513546, 3796877; 513512, 3796881; 513489, 3796900; 513481, 3796923; 513481, 3796924; 513465, 3796924; 513438, 3796920; 513432, 3796923; 513431, 3796922; 513380, 3796910; 513348, 3796878; 513329, 3796849; 513326, 3796805; 513300, 3796757; 513293, 3796749; 513291, 3796739; 513275, 3796710; 513273, 3796706; 513268, 3796698; 513256, 3796676; 513232, 3796652; 513204, 3796636; 513196, 3796629; 513168, 3796629; 513162, 3796631; 513162, 3796628; 513162, 3796619; 513158, 3796609; 513155, 3796603; 513149, 3796597; 513138, 3796593; 513131, 3796584; 513128, 3796581; 513148, 3796577; 513167, 3796562; 513167, 3796528; 513152, 3796516; 513146, 3796511; 513141, 3796511; 513118, 3796501; 513119, 3796501; 513131, 3796493; 513134, 3796488; 513145, 3796482; 513149, 3796466; 513145, 3796450; 513137, 3796434; 513126, 3796434; 513115, 3796429; 513106, 3796427; 513100, 3796425; 513087, 3796427; 513085, 3796426; 513082, 3796427; 513085, 3796425; 513089, 3796424; 513094, 3796423; 513099, 3796421; 513103, 3796421; 513107, 3796420; 513109, 3796419; 513120, 3796414; 513122, 3796411; 513123, 3796407; 513123, 3796401; 513121, 3796389; 513110, 3796387; 513089, 3796387; 513085, 3796387; 513080, 3796383; 513075, 3796378; 513069, 3796376; 513065, 3796378; 513061, 3796380; 513038, 3796401; 513031, 3796403; 513022, 3796403; 513016, 3796403; 513010, 3796404; 513007, 3796408; 512998, 3796427; 512993, 3796432; 512984, 3796432; 512976, 3796431; 512967, 3796430; 512958, 3796430; 512948, 3796431; 512942, 3796435; 512942, 3796440; 512943, 3796447; 512947, 3796453; 512958, 3796458; 512968, 3796460; 512981, 3796461; 512990, 3796462; 512998, 3796461; 513002, 3796462; 513000, 3796463; 512996, 3796465; 512992, 3796472; 512986, 3796477; 512982, 3796485; 512977, 3796493; 512985, 3796499; 512986, 3796501; 512996, 3796509; 513006, 3796518; 513003, 3796519; 513001, 3796524; 513001, 3796528; 513003, 3796531; 513006, 3796533; 513013, 3796536; 513026, 3796540; 513031, 3796543; 513019, 3796558; 513004, 3796600; 513004, 3796623; 513001, 3796637; 513009, 3796690; 513024, 3796717; 513039, 3796763; 513070, 3796797; 513089, 3796843; 513096, 3796872; 513099, 3796901; 513095, 3796915; 513094, 3796917; 513076, 3796939; 513072, 3796962; 513087, 3796975; 513089, 3796980; 513123, 3797003; 513126, 3797015; 513126, 3797031; 513106, 3797069; 513087, 3797088; 513084, 3797137; 513096, 3797163; 513103, 3797175; 513141, 3797195; 513182, 3797197; 513184, 3797197; 513218, 3797201; 513240, 3797201; 513255, 3797202; 513282, 3797202.
(iii) Note: Map of Units ARUR 1 and ARUR 2 (Map 2) follows:

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(7) Units ARUR 3 and ARUR 4. Big Bear Lake, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear Lake.
(i) Unit ARUR 3. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506933, 3788172; 506933, 3788172; 507055, 3788172; 507058, 3788169; 507058, 3788169; 507166, 3788172; 507208, 3788170; 507213, 3788165; 507215, 3788157; 507213, 3788134; 507205, 3788104; 507197, 3788062; 507176, 3788009; 507151, 3787955; 507123, 3787915; 507111, 3787897; 507087, 3787865; 507069, 3787840; 507045, 3787831; 507043, 3787831; 507040, 3787820; 507041, 3787818; 507036, 3787807; 507036, 3787807; 507036, 3787806; 507036, 3787806; 507025, 3787783; 507009, 3787755; 507006, 3787754; 507000, 3787747; 506974, 3787747; 506974, 3787747; 506973, 3787747; 506968, 3787747; 506967, 3787748; 506954, 3787751; 506938, 3787779; 506942, 3787811; 506954, 3787842; 506966, 3787866; 506974, 3787869; 506956, 3787901; 506949, 3787935; 506941, 3787974; 506938, 3788020; 506941, 3788043; 506939, 3788042; 506926, 3788042; 506907, 3788042; 506901, 3788049; 506892, 3788058; 506885, 3788071; 506885, 3788093; 506888, 3788115; 506895, 3788135; 506911, 3788153; 506933, 3788160; 506933, 3788172.
(ii) Unit ARUR 4. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 507777, 3788001; 507780, 3787993; 507783, 3788009; 507791, 3788029; 507801, 3788015; 507806, 3788013; 507806, 3788005; 507811, 3787989; 507811, 3787973; 507811, 3787949; 507810, 3787946; 507810, 3787941; 507807, 3787932; 507806, 3787930; 507804, 3787929; 507803, 3787925; 507802, 3787925; 507790, 3787909; 507764, 3787877; 507732, 3787851; 507704, 3787839; 507688, 3787829; 507686, 3787828; 507682, 3787826; 507682, 3787827; 507678, 3787826; 507674, 3787876; 507666, 3787929; 507659, 3787975; 507659, 3788001; 507669, 3788023; 507682, 3788035; 507707, 3788042; 507729, 3788042; 507752, 3788036; 507767, 3788013; 507769, 3788006; 507777, 3788001.
(iii) Note: Map of Units ARUR 3 and ARUR 4 (Map 3) follows:

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(8) Unit ARUR 5. Broom Flat, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Onyx Peak. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 525111, 3785431; 525155, 3785406; 525142, 3785419; 525199, 3785419; 525250, 3785412; 525307, 3785393; 525365, 3785362; 525378, 3785345; 525421, 3785349; 525497, 3785323; 525558, 3785296; 525600, 3785262; 525661, 3785220; 525706, 3785197; 525744, 3785182; 525813, 3785170; 525870, 3785170; 525950, 3785201; 526053, 3785243; 526125, 3785292; 526198, 3785323; 526247, 3785330; 526297, 3785338; 526358, 3785338; 526411, 3785327; 526457, 3785292; 526491, 3785262; 526529, 3785227; 526556, 3785170; 526556, 3785132; 526552, 3785079; 526548, 3785022; 526540, 3784978; 526562, 3784983; 526585, 3784983; 526610, 3784977; 526632, 3784967; 526642, 3784945; 526639, 3784907; 526632, 3784885; 526616, 3784847; 526604, 3784834; 526588, 3784815; 526575, 3784789; 526562, 3784774; 526617, 3784774; 526651, 3784759; 526651, 3784751; 526662, 3784735; 526662, 3784724; 526642, 3784701; 526625, 3784671; 526614, 3784655; 526626, 3784653; 526636, 3784634; 526632, 3784615; 526616, 3784593; 526604, 3784577; 526594, 3784567; 526582, 3784558; 526575, 3784548; 526562, 3784542; 526550, 3784535; 526547, 3784534; 526522, 3784488; 526509, 3784440; 526506, 3784412; 526495, 3784379; 526459, 3784332; 526457, 3784330; 526449, 3784321; 526434, 3784252; 526415, 3784229; 526418, 3784219; 526423, 3784219; 526430, 3784207; 526436, 3784191; 526442, 3784178; 526445, 3784162; 526439, 3784151; 526445, 3784130; 526476, 3784019; 526510, 3783943; 526522, 3783890; 526541, 3783795; 526567, 3783692; 526579, 3783627; 526606, 3783581; 526647, 3783490; 526680, 3783446; 526713, 3783425; 526764, 3783396; 526818, 3783371; 526861, 3783342; 526873, 3783324; 526876, 3783323; 526878, 3783320; 526913, 3783270; 526922, 3783257; 526963, 3783235; 526981, 3783233; 527032, 3783219; 527050, 3783204; 527064, 3783175; 527075, 3783143; 527071, 3783137; 527074, 3783128; 527051, 3783117; 527037, 3783121; 527006, 3783124; 526970, 3783139; 526945, 3783150; 526930, 3783150; 526898, 3783168; 526872, 3783183; 526869, 3783183; 526840, 3783163; 526840, 3783139; 526843, 3783117; 526861, 3783088; 526890, 3783052; 526911, 3783037; 526907, 3783059; 526904, 3783081; 526901, 3783107; 526917, 3783113; 526926, 3783107; 526939, 3783094; 526946, 3783072; 526955, 3783069; 526958, 3783062; 526961, 3783031; 526961, 3783008; 526960, 3783003; 526974, 3782994; 526978, 3782969; 526979, 3782968; 526979, 3782967; 526981, 3782954; 526976, 3782944; 526975, 3782934; 526937, 3782873; 526904, 3782868; 526894, 3782863; 526880, 3782865; 526853, 3782861; 526788, 3782899; 526724, 3782957; 526678, 3783010; 526653, 3783029; 526644, 3783034; 526634, 3783043; 526613, 3783059; 526600, 3783077; 526571, 3783103; 526524, 3783161; 526489, 3783206; 526476, 3783219; 526473, 3783226; 526448, 3783262; 526452, 3783284; 526470, 3783284; 526495, 3783297; 526493, 3783306; 526477, 3783327; 526441, 3783378; 526419, 3783393; 526408, 3783425; 526401, 3783469; 526394, 3783531; 526390, 3783585; 526381, 3783631; 526351, 3783704; 526339, 3783719; 526299, 3783803; 526269, 3783859; 526263, 3783867; 526261, 3783869; 526234, 3783893; 526221, 3783921; 526209, 3783936; 526113, 3784063; 526089, 3784082; 526072, 3784131; 526026, 3784168; 526012, 3784180; 525995, 3784180; 525987, 3784194; 525958, 3784212; 525951, 3784270; 525969, 3784310; 526016, 3784379; 526029, 3784402; 526038, 3784423; 526068, 3784501; 526071, 3784513; 526089, 3784575; 526109, 3784589; 526125, 3784624; 526125, 3784644; 526103, 3784691; 526089, 3784702; 526083, 3784713; 526072, 3784721; 526062, 3784751; 526049, 3784775; 526052, 3784781; 526049, 3784789; 526065, 3784836; 526067, 3784883; 526064, 3784909; 526060, 3784931; 525995, 3784927; 525944, 3784916; 525912, 3784910; 525882, 3784896; 525828, 3784881; 525786, 3784858; 525737, 3784850; 525710, 3784854; 525630, 3784865; 525573, 3784888; 525508, 3784927; 525478, 3784965; 525455, 3785003; 525382, 3785037; 525360, 3785067; 525328, 3785099; 525326, 3785095; 525301, 3785044; 525263, 3785019; 525238, 3785063; 525231, 3785120; 525206, 3785165; 525206, 3785203; 525187, 3785247; 525149, 3785273; 525072, 3785298; 524965, 3785304; 524926, 3785298; 524869, 3785292; 524799, 3785323; 524799, 3785362; 524831, 3785406; 524869, 3785444; 524876, 3785470; 524914, 3785489; 524933, 3785501; 524984, 3785495; 525022, 3785482; 525066, 3785470; 525111, 3785431.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit ARUR 5 (Map 4) follows:

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(9) Unit ARUR 6 and ARUR 7. Fawnskin, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Fawnskin.
(i) Unit ARUR 6. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506020, 3792309; 506020, 3792303; 506001, 3792335; 506014, 3792404; 506014, 3792468; 506001, 3792538; 505982, 3792557; 505963, 3792595; 505950, 3792639; 505937, 3792671; 505944, 3792703; 505994, 3792722; 506039, 3792722; 506109, 3792684; 506147, 3792665; 506191, 3792627; 506229, 3792582; 506217, 3792525; 506166, 3792493; 506121, 3792462; 506109, 3792442; 506109, 3792417; 506096, 3792392; 506077, 3792373; 506052, 3792335; 506020, 3792309.
(ii) Unit ARUR 7. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506636, 3791541; 506604, 3791490; 506547, 3791496; 506534, 3791515; 506515, 3791579; 506522, 3791661; 506502, 3791757; 506490, 3791807; 506502, 3791852; 506547, 3791941; 506579, 3792017; 506610, 3792100; 506629, 3792182; 506649, 3792220; 506668, 3792233; 506687, 3792227; 506680, 3792214; 506693, 3792182; 506706, 3792138; 506712, 3792074; 506725, 3792036; 506706, 3791928; 506680, 3791846; 506674, 3791801; 506674, 3791744; 506668, 3791674; 506655, 3791623; 506636, 3791541.
(iii) Note: Map of Unit ARUR 6 and ARUR 7 (Map 5) follows:

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(10) Units ARUR 8, ARUR 9, and ARUR 12. Gold Mountain and North Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear City.
(i) Unit ARUR 8. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 516297, 3793523; 516342, 3793514; 516374, 3793491; 516405, 3793447; 516412, 3793390; 516424, 3793352; 516421, 3793333; 516437, 3793335; 516450, 3793331; 516463, 3793309; 516466, 3793281; 516465, 3793279; 516475, 3793268; 516469, 3793227; 516447, 3793207; 516421, 3793189; 516380, 3793166; 516345, 3793154; 516311, 3793139; 516272, 3793103; 516244, 3793081; 516215, 3793077; 516187, 3793090; 516206, 3793135; 516202, 3793144; 516207, 3793149; 516196, 3793141; 516172, 3793137; 516163, 3793137; 516157, 3793137; 516154, 3793135; 516147, 3793133; 516132, 3793125; 516128, 3793123; 516109, 3793112; 516096, 3793112; 516095, 3793112; 516081, 3793111; 516065, 3793105; 516045, 3793109; 516017, 3793126; 516016, 3793127; 516006, 3793132; 516003, 3793145; 515998, 3793153; 515995, 3793166; 515988, 3793165; 515980, 3793163; 515971, 3793161; 515961, 3793161; 515956, 3793162; 515943, 3793162; 515926, 3793178; 515919, 3793180; 515912, 3793182; 515905, 3793188; 515899, 3793193; 515893, 3793198; 515884, 3793209; 515881, 3793219; 515879, 3793220; 515793, 3793243; 515732, 3793233; 515685, 3793220; 515647, 3793211; 515577, 3793211; 515536, 3793230; 515507, 3793261; 515501, 3793303; 515501, 3793335; 515542, 3793357; 515586, 3793360; 515625, 3793357; 515666, 3793341; 515707, 3793335; 515761, 3793338; 515809, 3793354; 515828, 3793376; 515851, 3793399; 515851, 3793403; 515848, 3793408; 515845, 3793414; 515844, 3793417; 515842, 3793424; 515842, 3793431; 515843, 3793438; 515839, 3793448; 515845, 3793446; 515849, 3793444; 515856, 3793439; 515860, 3793433; 515872, 3793430; 515873, 3793429; 515879, 3793443; 515901, 3793468; 515904, 3793468; 515910, 3793468; 515917, 3793461; 515921, 3793461; 515935, 3793473; 515980, 3793495; 516015, 3793501; 516082, 3793514; 516132, 3793514; 516212, 3793520; 516262, 3793527; 516297, 3793523.
(ii) Unit ARUR 9. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 516768, 3792969; 516744, 3792965; 516720, 3792965; 516705, 3792961; 516685, 3792953; 516673, 3792949; 516652, 3792935; 516645, 3792926; 516642, 3792923; 516641, 3792918; 516633, 3792898; 516633, 3792891; 516633, 3792891; 516623, 3792868; 516621, 3792864; 516585, 3792863; 516581, 3792865; 516578, 3792862; 516562, 3792870; 516560, 3792871; 516556, 3792871; 516545, 3792873; 516540, 3792875; 516521, 3792875; 516510, 3792864; 516502, 3792855; 516496, 3792848; 516490, 3792840; 516477, 3792833; 516463, 3792824; 516461, 3792822; 516450, 3792804; 516447, 3792800; 516438, 3792788; 516423, 3792784; 516410, 3792780; 516377, 3792769; 516375, 3792768; 516364, 3792763; 516319, 3792740; 516318, 3792740; 516311, 3792737; 516304, 3792731; 516298, 3792731; 516283, 3792725; 516279, 3792728; 516271, 3792727; 516229, 3792731; 516176, 3792758; 516157, 3792773; 516130, 3792803; 516127, 3792815; 516119, 3792849; 516138, 3792891; 516157, 3792925; 516180, 3792952; 516203, 3792979; 516233, 3793009; 516268, 3793036; 516274, 3793041; 516275, 3793055; 516282, 3793087; 516298, 3793112; 516329, 3793125; 516364, 3793131; 516453, 3793154; 516520, 3793160; 516590, 3793166; 516610, 3793155; 516641, 3793150; 516668, 3793139; 516694, 3793116; 516717, 3793093; 516732, 3793074; 516748, 3793055; 516759, 3793039; 516770, 3793024; 516772, 3793012; 516775, 3793010; 516778, 3793004; 516778, 3793004; 516780, 3793001; 516784, 3792993; 516783, 3792989; 516783, 3792987; 516783, 3792987; 516783, 3792987; 516782, 3792985; 516780, 3792983; 516780, 3792981; 516777, 3792979; 516777, 3792978; 516775, 3792975; 516773, 3792971; 516772, 3792971; 516772, 3792971; 516771, 3792971; 516769, 3792970; 516768, 3792969.
(iii) Unit ARUR 12. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 516160, 3795525; 516163, 3795551; 516182, 3795563; 516194, 3795563; 516198, 3795566; 516240, 3795559; 516278, 3795551; 516308, 3795555; 516331, 3795578; 516396, 3795605; 516406, 3795603; 516415, 3795605; 516453, 3795601; 516491, 3795578; 516491, 3795574; 516491, 3795551; 516472, 3795525; 516466, 3795501; 516465, 3795486; 516468, 3795452; 516480, 3795422; 516486, 3795415; 516518, 3795399; 516552, 3795379; 516598, 3795380; 516649, 3795388; 516655, 3795391; 516654, 3795425; 516658, 3795442; 516685, 3795452; 516698, 3795449; 516708, 3795431; 516716, 3795406; 516765, 3795429; 516807, 3795448; 516810, 3795448; 516834, 3795456; 516857, 3795452; 516906, 3795429; 516933, 3795410; 516960, 3795383; 516971, 3795361; 516986, 3795334; 517009, 3795299; 517032, 3795262; 517063, 3795223; 517097, 3795181; 517110, 3795163; 517131, 3795140; 517165, 3795101; 517184, 3795090; 517207, 3795083; 517211, 3795082; 517269, 3795104; 517278, 3795133; 517272, 3795170; 517264, 3795193; 517230, 3795239; 517196, 3795288; 517154, 3795349; 517150, 3795370; 517146, 3795376; 517139, 3795399; 517141, 3795414; 517139, 3795425; 517146, 3795448; 517154, 3795471; 517211, 3795517; 517245, 3795521; 517314, 3795517; 517360, 3795509; 517381, 3795485; 517386, 3795479; 517388, 3795476; 517402, 3795460; 517413, 3795433; 517440, 3795387; 517460, 3795371; 517489, 3795353; 517506, 3795341; 517520, 3795334; 517584, 3795315; 517611, 3795292; 517653, 3795261; 517672, 3795219; 517699, 3795159; 517718, 3795115; 517749, 3795078; 517759, 3795070; 517786, 3795052; 517809, 3795029; 517840, 3794999; 517841, 3794997; 517851, 3794987; 517882, 3794923; 517908, 3794881; 517917, 3794871; 517939, 3794854; 517981, 3794819; 518023, 3794812; 518038, 3794812; 518095, 3794819; 518152, 3794816; 518155, 3794815; 518171, 3794816; 518202, 3794804; 518251, 3794778; 518339, 3794755; 518411, 3794732; 518461, 3794724; 518461, 3794713; 518457, 3794698; 518442, 3794683; 518439, 3794680; 518438, 3794679; 518415, 3794652; 518458, 3794642; 518462, 3794598; 518443, 3794587; 518438, 3794583; 518413, 3794573; 518371, 3794577; 518322, 3794586; 518279, 3794597; 518246, 3794608; 518230, 3794614; 518206, 3794614; 518133, 3794617; 518117, 3794619; 518097, 3794610; 518097, 3794615; 518097, 3794618; 518098, 3794621; 518069, 3794625; 518061, 3794625; 518045, 3794627; 518046, 3794602; 518045, 3794602; 518039, 3794605; 518034, 3794609; 518019, 3794610; 518017, 3794611; 518019, 3794605; 518019, 3794589; 518012, 3794567; 517993, 3794554; 517968, 3794567; 517946, 3794573; 517936, 3794560; 517920, 3794548; 517914, 3794549; 517917, 3794545; 517924, 3794535; 517931, 3794526; 517939, 3794516; 517948, 3794503; 517954, 3794493; 517959, 3794482; 517964, 3794473; 517964, 3794468; 517959, 3794461; 517950, 3794456; 517934, 3794458; 517923, 3794462; 517905, 3794469; 517892, 3794475; 517882, 3794478; 517869, 3794480; 517852, 3794480; 517859, 3794462; 517866, 3794439; 517889, 3794413; 517927, 3794397; 517988, 3794404; 518030, 3794416; 518087, 3794439; 518110, 3794450; 518141, 3794473; 518187, 3794489; 518187, 3794490; 518222, 3794509; 518263, 3794506; 518311, 3794497; 518358, 3794490; 518419, 3794490; 518476, 3794493; 518481, 3794494; 518521, 3794504; 518558, 3794517; 518564, 3794521; 518569, 3794521; 518583, 3794526; 518586, 3794527; 518612, 3794538; 518617, 3794537; 518631, 3794533; 518632, 3794534; 518633, 3794533; 518663, 3794526; 518666, 3794509; 518673, 3794503; 518666, 3794484; 518666, 3794453; 518652, 3794447; 518644, 3794435; 518627, 3794432; 518620, 3794430; 518617, 3794427; 518602, 3794424; 518587, 3794421; 518565, 3794411; 518549, 3794409; 518508, 3794396; 518507, 3794395; 518505, 3794395; 518499, 3794393; 518457, 3794385; 518453, 3794385; 518428, 3794373; 518387, 3794376; 518358, 3794379; 518338, 3794383; 518327, 3794381; 518297, 3794362; 518273, 3794328; 518272, 3794325; 518277, 3794321; 518281, 3794312; 518281, 3794302; 518281, 3794291; 518279, 3794282; 518279, 3794278; 518293, 3794271; 518316, 3794259; 518369, 3794248; 518415, 3794244; 518426, 3794242; 518442, 3794241; 518455, 3794236; 518468, 3794233; 518507, 3794221; 518533, 3794195; 518541, 3794175; 518552, 3794157; 518554, 3794145; 518560, 3794134; 518558, 3794126; 518560, 3794115; 518552, 3794092; 518539, 3794081; 518529, 3794065; 518480, 3794069; 518474, 3794071; 518446, 3794073; 518407, 3794092; 518373, 3794111; 518312, 3794145; 518305, 3794152; 518297, 3794157; 518280, 3794177; 518270, 3794183; 518251, 3794179; 518221, 3794179; 518175, 3794164; 518142, 3794157; 518099, 3794141; 518065, 3794130; 518030, 3794122; 517965, 3794115; 517927, 3794103; 517901, 3794092; 517878, 3794093; 517863, 3794088; 517830, 3794088; 517836, 3794390; 517634, 3794390; 517639, 3794589; 517192, 3794589; 517160, 3794606; 517141, 3794622; 517130, 3794635; 517123, 3794641; 517120, 3794653; 517119, 3794657; 517112, 3794663; 517070, 3794705; 517068, 3794708; 517063, 3794711; 517052, 3794723; 517046, 3794727; 517042, 3794731; 517041, 3794732; 517036, 3794736; 517030, 3794739; 517025, 3794739; 517020, 3794742; 517019, 3794742; 517014, 3794745; 517009, 3794751; 517014, 3794755; 517025, 3794753; 517041, 3794746; 517040, 3794749; 516998, 3794804; 516956, 3794839; 516952, 3794841; 516906, 3794865; 516883, 3794884; 516856, 3794905; 516851, 3794907; 516849, 3794897; 516839, 3794910; 516811, 3794919; 516735, 3794926; 516686, 3794937; 516674, 3794938; 516657, 3794947; 516643, 3794953; 516613, 3794973; 516582, 3794991; 516573, 3795005; 516567, 3795010; 516548, 3795037; 516525, 3795059; 516522, 3795063; 516487, 3795098; 516483, 3795101; 516472, 3795119; 516461, 3795136; 516443, 3795164; 516430, 3795185; 516420, 3795212; 516419, 3795216; 516396, 3795265; 516377, 3795311; 516365, 3795341; 516346, 3795368; 516304, 3795399; 516259, 3795433; 516198, 3795471; 516175, 3795494; 516167, 3795501; 516168, 3795507; 516160, 3795525.
(iv) Note: Map of Unit ARUR 8, ARUR 9, and ARUR 12 (Map 6) follows:

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(11) Units ARUR 10 and ARUR 11. Holcomb Valley, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Fawnskin.
(i) Unit ARUR 10. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506727, 3796049; 506738, 3796035; 506743, 3796031; 506761, 3796001; 506765, 3795985; 506767, 3795981; 506783, 3795942; 506785, 3795915; 506787, 3795910; 506790, 3795878; 506784, 3795872; 506782, 3795867; 506779, 3795843; 506773, 3795840; 506772, 3795835; 506767, 3795833; 506752, 3795821; 506730, 3795818; 506689, 3795818; 506663, 3795823; 506634, 3795825; 506624, 3795837; 506612, 3795847; 506606, 3795854; 506597, 3795862; 506571, 3795881; 506571, 3795883; 506557, 3795893; 506544, 3795910; 506529, 3795930; 506530, 3795930; 506528, 3795934; 506565, 3795933; 506565, 3795935; 506574, 3795964; 506600, 3795986; 506635, 3796001; 506633, 3796023; 506631, 3796041; 506632, 3796041; 506644, 3796045; 506663, 3796042; 506681, 3796042; 506707, 3796045; 506715, 3796049; 506727, 3796049. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506666, 3795511; 506661, 3795481; 506647, 3795471; 506625, 3795463; 506622, 3795462; 506612, 3795476; 506604, 3795484; 506602, 3795500; 506591, 3795480; 506584, 3795455; 506569, 3795435; 506569, 3795428; 506562, 3795409; 506556, 3795389; 506547, 3795351; 506537, 3795317; 506532, 3795310; 506524, 3795303; 506512, 3795298; 506504, 3795291; 506495, 3795298; 506492, 3795307; 506487, 3795328; 506483, 3795347; 506477, 3795372; 506472, 3795393; 506470, 3795416; 506466, 3795433; 506463, 3795457; 506468, 3795488; 506472, 3795510; 506474, 3795533; 506477, 3795567; 506485, 3795593; 506494, 3795624; 506507, 3795657; 506517, 3795687; 506534, 3795715; 506555, 3795736; 506549, 3795747; 506552, 3795771; 506564, 3795799; 506572, 3795807; 506600, 3795819; 506616, 3795811; 506617, 3795807; 506620, 3795805; 506635, 3795794; 506639, 3795763; 506641, 3795759; 506670, 3795753; 506695, 3795750; 506705, 3795731; 506695, 3795712; 506690, 3795703; 506692, 3795687; 506687, 3795672; 506679, 3795655; 506689, 3795626; 506705, 3795598; 506708, 3795575; 506689, 3795550; 506677, 3795540; 506676, 3795537; 506666, 3795511.
(ii) Unit ARUR 11. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 509943, 3794740; 509997, 3794674; 510070, 3794623; 510076, 3794591; 510073, 3794585; 510044, 3794562; 510003, 3794556; 510054, 3794518; 510105, 3794477; 510124, 3794477; 510194, 3794473; 510219, 3794442; 510222, 3794391; 510168, 3794347; 510105, 3794283; 510067, 3794201; 510054, 3794162; 510013, 3794124; 509999, 3794124; 509999, 3794118; 509996, 3794110; 509991, 3794106; 509987, 3794102; 509981, 3794099; 509975, 3794097; 509968, 3794095; 509961, 3794096; 509955, 3794096; 509950, 3794098; 509946, 3794101; 509940, 3794109; 509940, 3794115; 509940, 3794122; 509943, 3794131; 509947, 3794139; 509911, 3794159; 509908, 3794173; 509894, 3794173; 509886, 3794181; 509874, 3794221; 509894, 3794256; 509914, 3794284; 509943, 3794302; 509943, 3794305; 509893, 3794327; 509858, 3794375; 509839, 3794404; 509807, 3794445; 509782, 3794480; 509747, 3794531; 509668, 3794579; 509639, 3794617; 509643, 3794633; 509635, 3794642; 509648, 3794660; 509649, 3794664; 509664, 3794674; 509668, 3794674; 509674, 3794667; 509680, 3794664; 509682, 3794659; 509737, 3794651; 509797, 3794623; 509800, 3794620; 509787, 3794641; 509771, 3794660; 509747, 3794684; 509743, 3794708; 509747, 3794731; 509755, 3794743; 509775, 3794743; 509791, 3794735; 509806, 3794729; 509803, 3794743; 509822, 3794772; 509902, 3794759; 509943, 3794740.
(iii) Note: Units ARUR 10 and ARUR 11 (Map 7) follows:

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(12) Units ARUR 13 and ARUR 14. Sawmill, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Big Bear City and Moonridge.
(i) Unit ARUR 13. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 514010, 3788419; 513955, 3788406; 513936, 3788404; 513891, 3788404; 513855, 3788412; 513831, 3788423; 513803, 3788431; 513777, 3788444; 513756, 3788453; 513744, 3788464; 513731, 3788473; 513761, 3788481; 513764, 3788488; 513768, 3788499; 513787, 3788551; 513781, 3788561; 513779, 3788566; 513777, 3788572; 513775, 3788579; 513777, 3788585; 513784, 3788591; 513809, 3788609; 513815, 3788611; 513820, 3788612; 513823, 3788612; 513837, 3788627; 513843, 3788649; 513843, 3788659; 513842, 3788660; 513830, 3788680; 513826, 3788709; 513821, 3788716; 513811, 3788742; 513789, 3788818; 513789, 3788865; 513789, 3788897; 513789, 3788923; 513776, 3788948; 513761, 3788973; 513742, 3788986; 513735, 3789005; 513719, 3789024; 513703, 3789050; 513697, 3789059; 513691, 3789069; 513678, 3789094; 513665, 3789113; 513653, 3789135; 513652, 3789137; 513648, 3789140; 513624, 3789156; 513620, 3789168; 513604, 3789184; 513600, 3789208; 513606, 3789220; 513606, 3789228; 513608, 3789229; 513581, 3789259; 513591, 3789262; 513601, 3789262; 513605, 3789257; 513608, 3789253; 513611, 3789247; 513621, 3789233; 513636, 3789235; 513645, 3789230; 513648, 3789234; 513652, 3789230; 513658, 3789229; 513662, 3789230; 513670, 3789236; 513674, 3789239; 513679, 3789244; 513686, 3789364; 513695, 3789377; 513704, 3789381; 513715, 3789379; 513719, 3789377; 513728, 3789372; 513730, 3789357; 513724, 3789335; 513743, 3789335; 513747, 3789335; 513763, 3789331; 513766, 3789326; 513772, 3789321; 513778, 3789313; 513781, 3789306; 513783, 3789303; 513783, 3789275; 513778, 3789268; 513778, 3789266; 513776, 3789263; 513753, 3789217; 513753, 3789214; 513750, 3789205; 513748, 3789194; 513745, 3789182; 513744, 3789171; 513744, 3789168; 513759, 3789161; 513765, 3789157; 513772, 3789154; 513780, 3789137; 513792, 3789126; 513793, 3789113; 513798, 3789111; 513804, 3789105; 513812, 3789102; 513826, 3789091; 513836, 3789093; 513846, 3789090; 513853, 3789083; 513854, 3789059; 513850, 3789053; 513878, 3789041; 513902, 3789017; 513905, 3789013; 513906, 3789010; 513913, 3789005; 513913, 3789001; 513918, 3788993; 513918, 3788973; 513923, 3788961; 513919, 3788942; 513926, 3788919; 513935, 3788882; 513948, 3788850; 513957, 3788824; 513964, 3788796; 513957, 3788729; 513945, 3788701; 513938, 3788672; 513935, 3788640; 513948, 3788599; 513964, 3788577; 513986, 3788561; 513992, 3788542; 513999, 3788507; 514008, 3788472; 514021, 3788448; 514027, 3788437; 514027, 3788419.
(ii) Unit ARUR 14. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 515023, 3789730; 515031, 3789764; 515027, 3789815; 515027, 3789875; 515029, 3789884; 515029, 3789895; 515034, 3789907; 515034, 3789909; 515035, 3789912; 515037, 3789923; 515053, 3789964; 515054, 3789966; 515058, 3789977; 515063, 3789983; 515066, 3789986; 515069, 3789988; 515077, 3789997; 515092, 3789990; 515094, 3789989; 515104, 3789979; 515113, 3789974; 515120, 3789962; 515128, 3789941; 515137, 3789925; 515140, 3789915; 515142, 3789911; 515153, 3789887; 515153, 3789881; 515156, 3789875; 515148, 3789851; 515132, 3789851; 515116, 3789851; 515113, 3789850; 515104, 3789865; 515098, 3789869; 515091, 3789873; 515089, 3789873; 515077, 3789867; 515066, 3789856; 515069, 3789834; 515073, 3789814; 515077, 3789790; 515085, 3789759; 515088, 3789732.
(iii) Note: Units ARUR 13 and ARUR 14 (Map 8) follows:

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(13) Unit ARUR 15. South Baldwin Ridge/Erwin Lake, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear City. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 518798, 3790531; 518814, 3790499; 518836, 3790501; 518883, 3790501; 518891, 3790493; 518942, 3790490; 519022, 3790477; 519063, 3790455; 519104, 3790439; 519114, 3790429; 519108, 3790395; 519085, 3790359; 519057, 3790347; 519012, 3790344; 518955, 3790357; 518923, 3790404; 518900, 3790419; 518911, 3790389; 518923, 3790370; 518907, 3790346; 518876, 3790342; 518839, 3790342; 518822, 3790331; 518821, 3790331; 518820, 3790320; 518800, 3790313; 518797, 3790307; 518792, 3790302; 518776, 3790291; 518766, 3790295; 518764, 3790297; 518763, 3790296; 518744, 3790298; 518740, 3790308; 518737, 3790313; 518724, 3790318; 518725, 3790327; 518714, 3790333; 518716, 3790337; 518707, 3790343; 518699, 3790340; 518697, 3790342; 518695, 3790345; 518693, 3790346; 518691, 3790351; 518685, 3790353; 518683, 3790359; 518682, 3790364; 518683, 3790368; 518698, 3790377; 518704, 3790378; 518712, 3790375; 518707, 3790379; 518666, 3790392; 518637, 3790398; 518629, 3790391; 518618, 3790391; 518613, 3790387; 518613, 3790385; 518611, 3790382; 518605, 3790378; 518600, 3790374; 518591, 3790377; 518580, 3790376; 518568, 3790381; 518553, 3790380; 518545, 3790386; 518540, 3790382; 518541, 3790379; 518541, 3790375; 518542, 3790373; 518540, 3790371; 518538, 3790371; 518535, 3790374; 518533, 3790378; 518531, 3790382; 518530, 3790387; 518529, 3790392; 518530, 3790397; 518532, 3790400; 518536, 3790400; 518542, 3790399; 518550, 3790401; 518553, 3790401; 518563, 3790404; 518567, 3790405; 518568, 3790403; 518570, 3790401; 518574, 3790401; 518577, 3790399; 518583, 3790401; 518590, 3790403; 518596, 3790399; 518596, 3790397; 518597, 3790397; 518602, 3790395; 518604, 3790398; 518607, 3790400; 518609, 3790402; 518610, 3790404; 518602, 3790406; 518597, 3790409; 518586, 3790409; 518562, 3790429; 518582, 3790445; 518597, 3790453; 518595, 3790463; 518574, 3790467; 518561, 3790460; 518541, 3790453; 518503, 3790453; 518490, 3790477; 518517, 3790511; 518551, 3790531; 518632, 3790551; 518686, 3790571; 518720, 3790579; 518740, 3790579; 518764, 3790562; 518798, 3790531.
(ii) Note: Map of ARUR 15 (Map 9) follows:

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(14) Units ARUR 16 and ARUR 17. Sugarloaf Ridge, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Moonridge.
(i) Unit ARUR 16. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 521244, 3783525; 521340, 3783525; 521411, 3783533; 521470, 3783533; 521550, 3783517; 521601, 3783537; 521617, 3783561; 521669, 3783589; 521752, 3783569; 521824, 3783533; 521883, 3783493; 521939, 3783453; 521959, 3783406; 521971, 3783351; 521982, 3783287; 521975, 3783203; 521970, 3783181; 521967, 3783152; 521967, 3783101; 521967, 3783072; 521951, 3783015; 521939, 3782987; 521897, 3782936; 521875, 3782911; 521831, 3782891; 521793, 3782882; 521739, 3782888; 521694, 3782888; 521650, 3782911; 521624, 3782926; 521602, 3782955; 521561, 3782993; 521520, 3783066; 521485, 3783126; 521462, 3783203; 521440, 3783228; 521380, 3783237; 521323, 3783241; 521266, 3783247; 521228, 3783247; 521151, 3783237; 521075, 3783234; 521040, 3783237; 520939, 3783250; 520894, 3783257; 520859, 3783279; 520862, 3783301; 520856, 3783336; 520853, 3783371; 520852, 3783374; 520828, 3783382; 520780, 3783410; 520764, 3783453; 520776, 3783521; 520784, 3783549; 520784, 3783557; 520752, 3783628; 520764, 3783652; 520820, 3783684; 520867, 3783692; 520927, 3783688; 520955, 3783652; 520994, 3783605; 521022, 3783573; 521078, 3783549; 521109, 3783533; 521244, 3783525.
(ii) Unit ARUR 17. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 522459, 3784505; 522475, 3784502; 522490, 3784501; 522542, 3784497; 522570, 3784493; 522573, 3784489; 522582, 3784489; 522598, 3784448; 522601, 3784441; 522629, 3784382; 522640, 3784339; 522641, 3784335; 522641, 3784333; 522645, 3784318; 522637, 3784302; 522627, 3784289; 522625, 3784287; 522623, 3784285; 522621, 3784283; 522607, 3784265; 522602, 3784251; 522602, 3784227; 522613, 3784195; 522622, 3784177; 522637, 3784156; 522641, 3784144; 522640, 3784127; 522641, 3784116; 522638, 3784107; 522637, 3784097; 522633, 3784091; 522621, 3784064; 522586, 3784040; 522552, 3784021; 522534, 3784009; 522531, 3784009; 522530, 3784009; 522486, 3784009; 522455, 3784013; 522427, 3784044; 522387, 3784088; 522351, 3784135; 522347, 3784153; 522340, 3784168; 522292, 3784188; 522268, 3784200; 522258, 3784217; 522252, 3784223; 522256, 3784247; 522256, 3784255; 522280, 3784279; 522289, 3784297; 522292, 3784306; 522308, 3784366; 522308, 3784397; 522324, 3784449; 522327, 3784451; 522328, 3784454; 522339, 3784459; 522359, 3784473; 522403, 3784493; 522447, 3784505; 522455, 3784504; 522459, 3784505.
(iii) Note: Map of Units ARUR 16 and ARUR 17 (Map 10) follows:

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Pursuant to section 4(b)(2) of the Act, we have excluded all areas determined to meet the definition of critical habitat under section 3(5)(A) of the Act for Atriplex coronata var. notatior. Therefore, no specific areas are designated as critical habitat for this species.


California, Inyo County, Ash Meadows: W 1/2 sec. 5, E 1/2 sec. 6, NE 1/4 and E 1/2NW 1/4 sec. 7, NW 1/4 sec. 8, T25N, R6E.

Known primary constituent elements include salt-encrusted alkaline flats.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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North Carolina; Burke County; the areas bounded by the following: on the west by the 2200' contour; on the east by the Linville Gorge Wilderness Boundary north from the intersection of the 2200' contour and the Shortoff Mountain Trail to where it intersects the 3400' contour at "The chimneys"-then following the 3400' contour north until it reintersects the Wilderness Boundary-then following the Wilderness Boundary again northward until it intersects the 3200' contour extending west from its intersection with the Wilderness Boundary until it begins to turn south-at this point the Boundary extends due east until it intersects the 2200' contour.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Onslow and Pender Counties, NC, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent element of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of Carex lutea is Pine Savanna (Very Wet Clay Variant) natural plant community or ecotones that contain:
(i) Moist to completely saturated loamy fine sands, fine sands, fine sandy loams, and loamy sands soils with a pH between 5.5 and 7.2;
(ii) Open to relatively open canopy that allows full to partial sunlight to penetrate to the herbaceous layer between savannas and hardwood forests; and
(iii) Areas of bare soil immediately adjacent (within 12 inches (30 centimeters)) to mature Carex lutea plants where seeds may fall and germinate or existing plants may expand in size.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing the primary constituent element, such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas, and the land on which such structures are located.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of aerial photographs (USDA National Agriculture Imagery Program; NAIP 2008). Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 18 North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates. These coordinates establish the vertices and endpoints of the boundaries of the units and subunits.
(5) Note: Index Map (Map 1) for critical habitat for Carex lutea in Onslow and Pender Counties, NC, follows:

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(6) Unit 1, subunits A, B, and C, for Carex lutea: Watkins Savanna, Pender County, NC.
(i) Unit 1, subunits A, B, and C, for Carex lutea comprises 3.8 acres (ac) (1.5 hectares (ha)) of somewhat overgrown Pine Savanna habitat. Unit 1 is located approximately 5.1 miles (mi) (8.2 kilometers (km)) southeast of the intersection of NC 50 and NC 53, and all three subunits are on the north side of NC 50.
(ii) Map of Unit 1 (Watkins Savanna) follows:

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(7) Unit 2 for Carex lutea: Haws Run Mitigation Site, Onslow County, NC.
(i) Unit 2 for Carex lutea comprises 27.1 ac (11.0 ha) of Pine Savanna. Unit 2 is located approximately 7.6 mi (12.2 km) southeast of the intersection of NC 50 and NC 53, on the south side of NC 50.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 (Haws Run Mitigation Site) follows:

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(8) Unit 3 for Carex lutea: Maple Hill School Road Savanna, Pender County, NC.
(i) Unit 3 for Carex lutea comprises 27.7 ac (11.2 ha) of Pine Savanna. Unit 3 is located approximately 3.7 mi (6.0 km) southeast of the intersection of NC 50 and NC 53, east of SR 1580 and north of NC 50.
(ii) Map of Unit 3 (Maple Hill School Road Savanna) follows:

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(9) Unit 4, subunits A and B, for Carex lutea: Southwest Ridge Savanna, Pender County, NC.
(i) Unit 4, subunits A and B, for Carex lutea comprises 3.3 ac (1.3 ha) of maintained power line on the edge of Pine Savanna. Unit 4 is located approximately 9.1 mi (14.7 km) southwest of the intersection of NC 50 and NC 53.
(ii) Map of Unit 4 (Southwest Ridge Savanna) follows:

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(10) Unit 5, subunits A, B, C, D and E, for Carex lutea: Sandy Run Savannas, Onslow County, NC.
(i) Unit 5, subunits A, B, C, D and E, for Carex lutea comprises 25.2 ac (10.2 ha) of power line right-of-way, ecotone and Pine Savanna habitat. Unit 5 is located approximately 7.1 mi (11.4 km) southeast of the intersection of NC 50 and NC 53. Subunit A is located in a power line corridor east of NC 50, and subunits B, C, D, and E are west of NC 50.
(ii) Map of Unit 5 (Sandy Run Savannas) follows:

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(11) Unit 6, subunits A, B, and C, for Carex lutea: The Neck Savanna, Pender County, NC.
(i) Unit 6, subunits A, B, and C, for Carex lutea comprises 4.4 ac (1.8 ha) of power line right-of-way, Pine Savanna habitat. Unit 6 is located approximately 5.3 mi (8.5 km) southeast of the intersection of NC 50 and NC 53. All three subunits are located south of NC 50. Subunits 6A and 6B are located in remnant Pine Savanna ecotones southeast of SR 1532, and Subunit 6C is located along a power line right-of-way adjacent to Williams Road.
(ii) Map of Unit 6 (The Neck Savanna) follows:

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(12) Unit 7, subunits A, B, and C, for Carex lutea: Shaken Creek Savanna, Pender County, NC.
(i) Unit 7, subunits A, B, and C, for Carex lutea comprises 57.7 ac (23.4 ha) of Pine Savanna habitat. Unit 7 is located approximately 8.6 mi (13.8 km) southeast of the intersection of NC 50 and NC 53. All three subunits are located west of NC 50. Subunit 7A is immediately south side of Flo Road and east of Alligator Lake Road. Subunit 7B is immediately south of Flo Road and west of Alligator Lake Road. Subunit 7C is immediately south of Flo Road and approximately 1,800 feet (549 meters) west of Alligator Lake Road.
(ii) Map of Unit 7 (Shaken Creek Savanna) follows:

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(13) Unit 8, subunits A, B, and C, for Carex lutea: McLean Savanna, Pender County, NC.
(i) Unit 8, subunits A, B, and C, for Carex lutea comprises 52.6 ac (21.3 ha) of Pine Savanna and ecotone habitat. Unit 8 is located approximately 16.4 mi (26.4 km) south of the intersection of NC 50 and NC 53 and approximately 2.1 mi (3.4 km) east of NC 210.
(ii) Map of Unit 8 (McLean Savanna) follows:

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Arizona: Coconino County; Navajo Indian Reservation. A 40 * 5 meter rectangular area, with its long axis in the direction of seep-spring flow, around each of the following points:

(1) Latitude 36°39'53" N, longitude 110°47'18" W; (2) latitude 36°40'07" N, longitude 110°47'55" W; and (3) latitude 36°40'18" N, longitude 110°48'15" W. Primary constituent elements include moist sandy to silty soils at shady seep-springs within the Navajo Sandstone Formation.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Francisco County, California, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Arctostaphylos franciscana consist of four components:
(i) Areas on or near bedrock outcrops often associated with ridges of serpentine or greenstone, mixed Franciscan rocks, or soils derived from these parent materials.
(ii) Areas having soils originating from parent materials identified in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry that are thin, have limited nutrient content or availability, or have large concentrations of heavy metals.
(iii) Areas within a vegetation community consisting of a mosaic of coastal scrub, serpentine maritime chaparral, or serpentine grassland as characterized as having a vegetation structure that is open, barren, or sparse with minimal overstory or understory of trees, shrubs, or plants, and that contain and exhibit a healthy fungal mycorrhizae component.
(iv) Areas that are influenced by summer fog, which limits daily and seasonal temperature ranges, provides moisture to limit drought stress, and increases humidity.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on January 21, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of the Natural Resource Conservation Service National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP 2010), and critical habitat was then mapped using North American Datum (NAD) 83, Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 10N coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation.
(5) The coordinates for these maps are available on the Internet at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2012-0067, at http://www.fws.gov/sacramento/, or at the Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office. Field office location information may be obtained at the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(6) The index map of critical habitat units for Arctostaphylos franciscana (Franciscan manzanita) in San Francisco County, California, follows:

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(7) Unit 1: Fort Point, San Francisco County, California. Map of Unit 1 and Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 2: Fort Point Rock, San Francisco County, California. Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (7) of this entry.
(9) Unit 3: World War II Memorial, San Francisco, California. Map of Unit 3 and Unit 4 follows:

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(10) Unit 4: Immigrant Point, San Francisco County, California. Map of Unit 4 is provided at paragraph (9) of this entry.
(11) Unit 5: Inspiration Point, San Francisco, California. Map of Unit 5 follows:

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(12) Unit 6: Corona Heights, San Francisco County, California. Map of Unit 6 follows:

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(13) Unit 7: Twin Peaks, San Francisco, California. Map of Unit 7 follows:

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(14) Unit 8: Mount Davidson, San Francisco County, California. Map of Unit 8 follows:

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(15) Unit 9: Diamond Heights, San Francisco, California. Map of Unit 9 follows:

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(16) Unit 11: Bayview Park, San Francisco County, California. Map of Unit 11 follows:

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(17) Unit 12: McLaren Park East, San Francisco County, California. Map of Unit 12 follows:

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(18) Unit 13: McLaren Park West, San Francisco County, California. Map of Unit 13 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for the municipalities of Cayey, San Lorenzo, and Patillas, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Gonocalyx concolor consist of these components:
(i) Elfin forest at elevations over 2,900 feet (ft) (880 meters (m)) in Cerro La Santa, Puerto Rico, which includes:
(A) Forest with single canopy layer with trees seldom exceeding 22 ft (7 m) in height.
(B) Associated native vegetation dominated by species such as Tabebuia schumanniana, Tabebuia rigida, Ocotea spathulata, Eugenia borinquensis, Clusia minor, and Prestoea acuminata var. montana, native ferns, and dense cover with epiphytes, including bromeliads and mosses.
(ii) Ausubo forest at elevations between 2,000 to 2,300 ft (620 to 720 m) in the Charco Azul, which includes:
(A) Forest with single canopy layer with trees exceeding 22 ft (7 m) in height.
(B) Plant association comprised by few species of native trees and associated native vegetation (e.g., Manilkara bidentata, Dacryodes excelsa,Guarea guidonia, and Cyrilla racemiflora), native ferns, and dense cover with epiphytes, including bromeliads and mosses.
(iii) The type locations described in paragraphs (2)(i) and (2)(ii) of this entry for this species should have mean annual precipitation of 88.7 in (225.3 cm), mean annual temperature of 72.3 °F (22.7 °C), and Los Guineos type of soil (i.e., very deep, acidic, clayey, well-drained soils on side slopes of mountains).
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as bridges, docks, and aqueducts) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 9, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of U.S. Geological Survey digital ortho-photo quarter-quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using aerial photos (ArcGis) to limits of the boundaries of the elfin forest and ausubo forest. Critical habitat units were then mapped using ArcMap version 10 (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a Geographic Information Systems program. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/caribbean/es, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0040, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map of critical habitat units for Gonocalyx concolor follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Cerro La Santa, Carite Commonwealth Forest, Puerto Rico.
(i) Unit 1 includes 18.8 acres (ac) (7.6 hectares (ha)).
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Charco Azul, Carite Commonwealth Forest, Puerto Rico.
(i) Unit 2 includes 179.2 ac (72.5 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Merced, Stanislaus, Tehama, Tulare, and Tuolumne Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Chamaesyce hooveri (Hoover's Spurge) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described below in paragraph (2)(ii), providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools;
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands;
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Tehama County, California.
(5) Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Unit 2: Butte County, California.
(7) Unit 2 (Map 2) follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Glenn and Colusa Counties, California. This unit was excluded from the designation pursuant to Section 4(b)(2) of the Act (see Exclusions under 4(b)(2) in the final critical habitat rule (70 FR 46924).
(9) Unit 4: Stanislaus and Tuolumne Counties. Map of Unit 4 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.
(10) Unit 5: Stanislaus and Merced Counties.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Units 4-5 (Map 3) follow:

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(11) Unit 6: Merced County.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 6 (Map 4) follows:

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(12) Unit 7: Tulare County.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 7 (Map 5) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Bernardino County, California, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Astragalus albens are those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of the species. Based on our current knowledge of this species, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for this species are listed below and consist of, but are not limited to:
(i) Soils derived primarily from the upper and middle members of the Bird Spring Formation and Undivided Cambrian parent materials that occur on hillsides or along rocky washes with limestone outwash/deposits at elevations between 1,171 and 2,013 m (3,864 and 6,604 ft);
(ii) Soils with intact, natural surfaces that have not been substantially altered by land use activities (e.g., graded, excavated, re-contoured, or otherwise altered by ground-disturbing equipment); and
(iii) Associated plant communities that have areas with an open canopy cover and little accumulation of organic material (e.g., leaf litter) on the surface of the soil.
(3) Existing features and structures, such as buildings, active mines, paved or unpaved roads, other paved or cleared areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, are not likely to contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a section 7 consultation, unless they may affect the species or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Northeastern Slope Unit, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Fawnskin, Big Bear City, Rattlesnake Canyon, and Cougar Buttes, California.
(ii) Subunit 1a: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 503300, 3801900; 503600, 3801900; 503600, 3801700; 503700, 3801700; 503700, 3801600; 503800, 3801600; 503800, 3801500; 503900, 3801500; 503900, 3801200; 503800, 3801200; 503800, 3801100; 503900, 3801100; 503900, 3800900; 504000, 3800800; 504100, 3800800; 504100, 3800800; 504100, 3800500; 504000, 3800500; 504000, 3800300; 503900, 3800300; 503900, 3800200; 503500, 3800200; 503500, 3800300; 503400, 3800300; 503400, 3800400; 503300, 3800400; 503300, 3800600; 503200, 3800600; 503200, 3801800; 503300, 3801800; and 503300, 3801900.
(iii) Subunit 1b: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 507000, 3801600; 507400, 3801600; 507400, 3801300; 507500, 3801300; 507500, 3800900; 507600, 3800900; 507600, 3800500; 507500, 3800500; 507500, 3800400; 507400, 3800400; 507400, 3800300; 507300, 3800300; 507300, 3800200; 507200, 3800200; 507200, 3800100; 507100, 3800100; 507100, 3800200; 507000, 3800200; 507000, 3800500; 506800, 3800500; 506800, 3800600; 506700, 3800600; 506700, 3801100; 506900, 3801100; 506900, 3801000; 507100, 3801000; 507100, 3801300; 507000, 3801300; and 507000, 3801600.
(iv) Subunit 1c: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 513100, 3803700; 513600, 3803700; 513600, 3803100; 513500, 3803100; 513500, 3803000; 513400, 3803000; 513400, 3802900; 513300, 3802900; 513300, 3802800; 513100, 3802800; 513100, 3802900; 513000, 3802900; 513000, 3803000; 512900, 3803000; 512900, 3803400; 513000, 3803400; 513000, 3803500; 513100, 3803500; and 513100, 3803700.
(v) Subunit 1d: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 516000, 3803300; 516300, 3803300; 516300, 3803000; 516000, 3803000; and 516000, 3803300.
(vi) Subunit 1e: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 514800, 3802600; 515200, 3802600; 515200, 3802200; 515100, 3802200; 515100, 3801900; 515300, 3801900; 515300, 3802000; 515400, 3802000; 515400, 3801900; 515500, 3801900; 515500, 3801600; 515100, 3801600; 515100, 3801500; 514800, 3801500; 514800, 3801600; 514700, 3801600; 514700, 3801900; 514600, 3801900; 514600, 3802000; 514500, 3802000; 514500, 3802300; 514600, 3802300; 514600, 3802400; 514700, 3802400; 514700, 3802500; 514800, 3802500; and 514800, 3802600.
(vii) Subunit 1f: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 516000, 3802500; 516200, 3802500; 516200, 3802400; 516300, 3802400; 516300, 3802100; 516200, 3802100; 516200, 3801900; 515800, 3801900; 515800, 3801800; 515700, 3801800; 515700, 3801900; 515600, 3801900; 515600, 3802100; 515500, 3802100; 515500, 3802200; 515600, 3802200; 515600, 3802300; 515900, 3802300; 515900, 3802400; 516000, 3802400; and 516000, 3802500.
(viii) Subunit 1g: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 513700, 3800000; 514100, 3800000; 514100, 3799900; 514300, 3799900; 514300, 3799800; 514700, 3799800; 514700, 3799500; 514800, 3799500; 514800, 3799600; 515000, 3799600; 515000, 3799500; 515100, 3799500; 515100, 3799200; 515000, 3799200; 515000, 3799100; 514800, 3799100; 514800, 3799200; 514700, 3799200; 514700, 3799300; 514600, 3799300; 514600, 3799400; 514500, 3799400; 514500, 3799300; 514100, 3799300; 514100, 3799500; 514000, 3799500; 514000, 3799400; 513800, 3799400; 513800, 3799500; 513700, 3799500; and 513700, 3800000.
(ix) Subunit 1h: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 515200, 3801300; 515500, 3801300; 515500, 3801200; 515600, 3801200; 515600, 3800800; 515500, 3800800; 515500, 3800700; 515400, 3800700; 515400, 3800400; 515300, 3800400; 515300, 3800300; 515400, 3800300; 515400, 3800200; 515500, 3800200; 515500, 3799600; 515600, 3799600; 515600, 3799500; 515900, 3799500; 515900, 3799400; 516300, 3799400; 516300, 3799200; 516500, 3799200; 516500, 3799000; 516700, 3799000; 516700, 3799600; 517100, 3799600; 517100, 3799400; 517200, 3799400; 517200, 3799300; 517100, 3799300; 517100, 3799200; 517200, 3799200; 517200, 3798900; 517100, 3798900; 517100, 3798600; 516500, 3798600; 516500, 3798900; 516400, 3798900; 516400, 3798800; 516200, 3798800; 516200, 3798900; 515400, 3798900; 515400, 3799000; 515300, 3799000; 515300, 3799100; 515200, 3799100; 515200, 3799600; 515100, 3799600; 515100, 3799700; 515000, 3799700; 515000, 3800100; 514900, 3800100; 514900, 3800800; 514800, 3800800; 514800, 3800700; 514600, 3800700; 514600, 3800800; 514500, 3800800; 514500, 3801000; 514600, 3801000; 514600, 3801100; 514800, 3801100; 514800, 3801000; 514900, 3801000; 514900, 3801100; 515100, 3801100; 515100, 3801200; 515200, 3801200; and 515200, 3801300.
(x) Subunit 1i: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 517200, 3802800; 517700, 3802800; 517700, 3802400; 517600, 3802400; 517600, 3802100; 517500, 3802100; 517500, 3802000; 517400, 3802000; 517400, 3801900; 517200, 3801900; 517200, 3802000; 517100, 3802000; 517100, 3802700; 517200, 3802700; and 517200, 3802800.
(xi) Subunit 1j: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 517800, 3802200; 518200, 3802200; 518200, 3801900; 518100, 3801900; 518100, 3801800; 517800, 3801800; and 517800, 3802200.
(xii) Subunit 1k: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 517700, 3801500; 518300, 3801500; 518300, 3801200; 518200, 3801200; 518200, 3801100; 518100, 3801100; 518100, 3801000; 518000, 3801000; 518000, 3800900; 517900, 3800900; 517900, 3800800; 517800, 3800800; 517800, 3800600; 517700, 3800600; 517700, 3800500; 517800, 3800500; 517800, 3800000; 517700, 3800000; 517700, 3799900; 517300, 3799900; 517300, 3800000; 517200, 3800000; 517200, 3799900; 516800, 3799900; 516800, 3800000; 516700, 3800000; 516700, 3800200; 517100, 3800200; 517100, 3800900; 517200, 3800900; 517200, 3801000; 517400, 3801000; 517400, 3801200; 517500, 3801200; 517500, 3801400; 517700, 3801400; and 517700, 3801500.
(xiii) Subunit 1l: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 517800, 3799800; 518600, 3799800; 518600, 3799500; 518500, 3799500; 518500, 3799400; 518400, 3799400; 518400, 3799300; 518200, 3799300; 518200, 3799100; 517900, 3799100; 517900, 3798700; 517500, 3798700; 517500, 3798900; 517400, 3798900; 517400, 3799600; 517700, 3799600; 517700, 3799700; 517800, 3799700; and 517800, 3799800.
(xiv) Subunit 1m: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 520200, 3801000; 520600, 3801000; 520600, 3800700; 520500, 3800700; 520500, 3800600; 520600, 3800600; 520600, 3800500; 520800, 3800500; 520800, 3800400; 520900, 3800400; 520900, 3800300; 521100, 3800300; 521100, 3800200; 521200, 3800200; 521200, 3800000; 521100, 3800000; 521100, 3799900; 520800, 3799900; 520800, 3800100; 520300, 3800100; 520300, 3800200; 520200, 3800200; 520200, 3800300; 520100, 3800300; 520100, 3800200; 519800, 3800200; 519800, 3800700; 520100, 3800700; 520100, 3800600; 520200, 3800600; and 520200, 3801000.
(xv) Subunit 1n: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 519300, 3799300; 519600, 3799300; 519600, 3798900; 519300, 3798900; 519300, 3799000; 519200, 3799000; 519200, 3799200; 519300, 3799200; and 519300, 3799300.
(xvi) Subunit 1o: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 520100, 3800000; 520400, 3800000; 520400, 3799900; 520500, 3799900; 520500, 3799700; 520400, 3799700; 520400, 3799600; 520000, 3799600; 520000, 3799500; 520100, 3799500; 520100, 3799400; 520200, 3799400; 520200, 3799300; 520300, 3799300; 520300, 3799400; 520600, 3799400; 520600, 3799100; 520300, 3799100; 520300, 3799200; 520100, 3799200; 520100, 3799000; 520200, 3799000; 520200, 3798900; 520300, 3798900; 520300, 3798800; 520700, 3798800; 520700, 3798700; 521500, 3798700; 521500, 3798800; 521400, 3798800; 521400, 3799000; 521300, 3799000; 521300, 3799100; 521200, 3799100; 521200, 3799200; 521500, 3799200; 521500, 3799300; 521800, 3799300; 521800, 3798600; 521600, 3798600; 521600, 3798500; 521500, 3798500; 521500, 3797900; 521100, 3797900; 521100, 3798000; 521000, 3798000; 521000, 3797900; 520900, 3797900; 520900, 3797800; 520600, 3797800; 520600, 3797900; 520500, 3797900; 520500, 3798000; 520300, 3798000; 520300, 3798300; 520200, 3798300; 520200, 3798200; 519900, 3798200; 519900, 3798300; 519800, 3798300; 519800, 3798400; 519700, 3798400; 519700, 3799000; 519800, 3799000; 519800, 3799100; 519700, 3799100; 519700, 3799600; 519900, 3799600; 519900, 3799900; 520100, 3799900; and 520100, 3800000.
(xvii) Subunit 1p: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 521900, 3799000; 522200, 3799000; 522200, 3798600; 521900, 3798600; and 521900, 3799000.
(xviii) Subunit 1q: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 520100, 3797900; 520300, 3797900; 520300, 3797800; 520400, 3797800; 520400, 3797600; 520300, 3797600; 520300, 3797000; 520200, 3797000; 520200, 3796900; 519900, 3796900; 519900, 3797000; 519600, 3797000; 519600, 3796900; 519500, 3796900; 519500, 3796800; 519400, 3796800; 519400, 3796700; 519600, 3796700; 519600, 3796600; 519700, 3796600; 519700, 3795900; 519800, 3795900; 519800, 3795800; 519900, 3795800; 519900, 3795700; 520100, 3795700; 520100, 3795600; 520200, 3795600; 520200, 3795500; 520300, 3795500; 520300, 3795400; 520400, 3795400; 520400, 3795300; 520600, 3795300; 520600, 3795200; 520800, 3795200; 520800, 3795100; 520900, 3795100; 520900, 3795000; 521000, 3795000; 521000, 3794800; 521100, 3794800; 521100, 3794700; 521200, 3794700; 521200, 3794600; 521300, 3794600; 521300, 3794400; 521600, 3794400; 521600, 3794300; 521700, 3794300; 521700, 3793900; 521600, 3793900; 521600, 3793800; 521200, 3793800; 521200, 3793900; 521100, 3793900; 521100, 3794000; 521000, 3794000; 521000, 3794100; 520900, 3794100; 520900, 3794200; 520800, 3794200; 520800, 3794300; 520700, 3794300; 520700, 3794400; 520500, 3794400; 520500, 3794500; 520400, 3794500; 520400, 3794600; 520300, 3794600; 520300, 3794700; 520200, 3794700; 520200, 3794800; 520100, 3794800; 520100, 3794900; 520000, 3794900; 520000, 3795000; 519900, 3795000; 519900, 3795100; 519800, 3795100; 519800, 3795200; 519700, 3795200; 519700, 3795300; 519500, 3795300; 519500, 3795400; 519400, 3795400; 519400, 3795300; 519300, 3795300; 519300, 3795400; 519000, 3795400; 519000, 3795500; 518400, 3795500; 518400, 3795600; 518300, 3795600; 518300, 3796000; 518400, 3796000; 518400, 3796100; 518500, 3796100; 518500, 3796200; 518900, 3796200; 518900, 3796300; 519000, 3796300; 519000, 3796500; 518900, 3796500; 518900, 3796600; 518800, 3796600; 518800, 3796800; 518900, 3796800; 518900, 3796900; 519000, 3796900; 519000, 3797000; 519100, 3797000; 519100, 3797200; 519200, 3797200; 519200, 3797300; 519300, 3797300; 519300, 3797400; 519700, 3797400; 519700, 3797600; 519800, 3797600; 519800, 3797700; 519900, 3797700; 519900, 3797800; 520100, 3797800; and 520100, 3797900.
(xix) Subunit 1r: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 521900, 3793400; 522400, 3793400; 522400, 3793300; 522500, 3793300; 522500, 3793200; 522600, 3793200; 522600, 3793100; 522700, 3793100; 522700, 3793200; 523000, 3793200; 523000, 3793100; 523100, 3793100; 523100, 3793000; 523200, 3793000; 523200, 3792800; 523100, 3792800; 523100, 3792400; 522600, 3792400; 522600, 3792500; 522400, 3792500; 522400, 3792600; 521900, 3792600; 521900, 3792700; 521700, 3792700; 521700, 3793100; 521800, 3793100; 521800, 3793300; 521900, 3793300; and 521900, 3793400.
(xx) Subunit 1s: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 524100, 3792500; 524500, 3792500; 524500, 3792400; 524600, 3792400; 524600, 3792300; 524800, 3792300; 524800, 3792200; 524900, 3792200; 524900, 3791900; 524800, 3791900; 524800, 3791800; 524600, 3791800; 524600, 3791900; 524300, 3791900; 524300, 3792000; 524100, 3792000; and 524100, 3792500.
(xxi) Note: Astragalus albens map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Washington County, Utah, on the maps and as described below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Astragalus ampullarioides are:
(i) Outcroppings of soft clay soil, which is often purplish red, within the Chinle Formation and the Dinosaur Canyon Member of the Moenave Formation, at elevations from 920 to 1,330 m (3,018 to 4,367 ft);
(ii) Topographic features/relief, including alluvial fans and fan terraces, and gently rolling to steep swales with little to moderate slope (3 to 24 percent), that are often markedly dissected by water flow pathways from seasonal precipitation; and
(iii) The presence of insect visitors or pollinators, such as Anthophora captognatha, A. damnersi, A. porterae, other Anthophora species, Eucera quadricincta, Bombus morrissonis, Hoplitis grinnelli, Osmia clarescens, O. marginata, O. titus, O. clavescens, and two types of Dialictus species.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.
(4) Data layers defining map units were an electronic base map of USGS 7.5' quadrangles projected to the UTM coordinate system, Zone 12 NAD 83. Ancillary data used to help refine the unit boundaries included Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQs); National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP); cadastral land survey (Township, Range, and Section); soils data; and the 1:24,000 Utah water courses data set. Critical habitat units were delineated through heads-up digitizing in a Geographic Information System.
(5) Note: Index map (Map 1-A. ampullarioides) follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1-Pahcoon Spring Wash, Washington County, Utah.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1 (Map 2-A. ampullarioides) follows:

View Image

(7) Unit 3-Coral Canyon, Washington County, Utah. Map of Unit 3 is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.
(8) Unit 4-Harrisburg Junction, Washington County, Utah.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 3 and 4 (Map 3-A. ampullarioides) follows:

View Image

(9) Unit 5-Zion, Washington County, Utah.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5 (Map 4-A. ampullioides) follows:

View Image


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Ventura, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Astragalus brauntonii are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Calcium carbonate soils derived from marine sediment;
(ii) Low proportion (less than 10 percent) of shrub cover directly around the plant; and
(iii) Chaparral and coastal sage scrub communities characterized by periodic disturbances that stimulate seed germination (e.g., fire, flooding, erosion) and reduce vegetative cover,
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.
(4) Critical habitat units are described below. Data layers defining map units were created on base maps using the following aerial imagery: For eastern Ventura County, we used AirPhotoUSA, Inc., aerial imagery captured in October 2002; for western-most Los Angeles county populations, we used AirPhotoUSA, Inc., aerial imagery captured in August 1999; for populations near the City of Monrovia, in Los Angeles County, and for the population in Orange County, we used USGS Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles captured in the mid-1990's. All were projected to UTM zone 11, NAD27.
(5) Note: Index map for Astragalus brauntonii (Map 1) follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1 for Astragalus brauntonii, Northern Simi Hills Unit, Ventura County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 1 for Astragalus brauntonii is depicted on Map 2 in paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.
(7) Unit 2 for Astragalus brauntonii, Southern Simi Hills Unit, Ventura County and Los Angeles County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 2 for Astragalus brauntonii is depicted on Map 2, which follows:

View Image

(8) Unit 3 for Astragalus brauntonii, Santa Monica Mountains Unit, Los Angeles County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 3 (Map 3 for Astragalus brauntonii) follows:

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(9) Unit 4 for Astragalus brauntonii: Pacific Palisades Unit, Los Angeles County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 4 (Map 4 for Astragalus brauntonii) follows:

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(10) Unit 5 for Astragalus brauntonii: Monrovia Unit, Los Angeles County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 5 (Map 5 for Astragalus brauntonii) follows:

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(11) Unit 6 for Astragalus brauntonii, Coal Canyon Unit, Orange County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 6 (Map 6 for Astragalus brauntonii) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Mohave County, Arizona, and Washington County, Utah, on the maps and as described below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Astragalus holmgreniorum are:
(i) Appropriate geological layers or soils that support individual Astragalus holmgreniorum plants. These include the Virgin Limestone member, middle red member, and upper red member of the Moenkopi Formation, and the Petrified Forest member of the Chinle Formation. Associated soils are Badland; Badland, very steep; Eroded land-Shalet complex, warm; Hobog-rock land association; Isom cobbly sandy loam; Ruesh very gravelly fine sandy loam; Gypill Hobog complex, 6 to 35 percent slopes; Gypill very cobbly sandy loam, 15 to 40 percent slopes; and Hobog-Grapevine complex, 2 to 35 percent slopes;
(ii) Topographic features/relief (mesas, ridge remnants, alluvial fans and fan terraces, their summits and backslopes, and gently rolling to steep swales) and the drainage areas along formation edges with little to moderate slope (0 to 20 percent); and
(iii) The presence of insect visitors or pollinators, such as Anthophora captognatha, A. damnersi, A. porterae, other Anthophora species, Eucera quadricincta, Omia titus, and two types of Dialictus species.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.
(4) Data layers defining map units were an electronic base map of USGS 7.5' quadrangles projected to the UTM coordinate system, Zone 12 NAD 83. Ancillary data used to help refine the unit boundaries included Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQs); National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP); cadastral land survey (Township, Range, and Section); soils data; and the 1:24,000 Utah water courses data set. Critical habitat units were delineated through heads-up digitizing in a Geographic Information System.
(5) Note: Index map (Map 1-A. holmgreniorum) follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1-Utah-Arizona Border, Mohave County, Arizona, and Washington County, Utah. This unit consists of three subunits: State Line, Gardner Well, and Central Valley.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1 (Map 2-A. holmgreniorum) follows:

View Image

(7) Unit 2-Santa Clara, Washington County, Utah. This unit consists of two subunits: Stucki Spring and South Hills.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 2 (Map 3-A. holmgreniorum) follows:

View Image

(8) Unit 3-Purgatory Flat, Washington County, Utah.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 3 (Map 4-A. holmgreniorum) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Bernardino County, California, on the map below.
(2) Critical habitat consists of the mixed desert scrub community within the range of Astragalus jaegerianus that is characterized by the following primary constituent elements:
(i) Shallow soils at elevations between 3,100 and 4,200 ft (945 to 1,280 m) derived primarily from Jurassic or Cretaceous granitic bedrock, and less frequently on soils derived from diorite or gabbroid bedrock, or on granitic soils overlain by scattered rhyolitic cobble, gravel, and sand.
(ii) Host shrubs at elevations between 3,100 and 4,200 ft (945 to 1,280 m). The primary host shrubs include, but are not limited to: Thamnosma montana (turpentine bush), Ambrosia dumosa (burro bush), Eriogonum fasciculatum ssp. Polifolium (California buckwheat), Ericameria cooperi var. cooperi (golden bush), Ephedra nevadensis (Mormon tea), and Salazaria mexicana (paperbag bush) that are usually found in mixed desert shrub communities.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (including, but not limited to, buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the PCEs.
(4)Critical habitat map units. These critical habitat units were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Zone 10, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 (UTM NAD 83) coordinates. These coordinates establish the vertices and endpoints of the boundaries of the units.
(5) Coolgardie Unit: San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Lane Mountain and Mud Hills, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Coolgardie Unit is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(6) Paradise Unit: San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Williams Well, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Coolgardie and Paradise Units follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Riverside County, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent element of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Astragalus lentiginosus var. coachellae consists of sand formations associated with the sand transport system in Coachella Valley, California. These sand formations have the following features:
(i) They are active sand dunes, stabilized or partially stabilized sand dunes, active or stabilized sand fields (including hummocks forming on leeward sides of shrubs), ephemeral sand fields or dunes, and fluvial sand deposits on floodplain terraces of active washes.
(ii) They are found within the fluvial sand depositional areas, and the aeolian sand source, transport, and depositional areas of the sand transport system.
(iii) They comprise sand originating in the hills surrounding Coachella Valley and alluvial deposits at the base of the Indio Hills, which is moved into the valley by water (fluvial transport) and through the valley by wind (aeolian transport).
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on March 15, 2013.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5' quadrangle maps. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site, http://www.fws.gov/carlsbad/GIS/CFWOGIS.html, http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2011-0064, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5)Note: Index map of four critical habitat units designated for Astragalus lentiginosus var. coachellae follows:

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(6) Unit 1: San Gorgonio River/Snow Creek System.
(i) Note: Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Whitewater River System.
(i) Note: Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Mission Creek/Morongo Wash System.
(i) Note: Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Thousand Palms System.
(i) Note: Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Inyo and Mono Counties, California, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) The PCEs of critical habitat for Astragalus lentiginosus var. piscinensis consist of:
(i) Alkaline soils that occur in areas with little or no slope, and which overlay a groundwater table that is 19 to 60 in (48 to 152 cm) below the land surface;
(ii) Plant associations dominated by Spartina-Sporobolis, or where a sparse amount of Chrysothamnus albidus occurs in the transition zone between Spartina-Sporobolis and Chrysothamnus albidus-Distichlis plant associations;
(iii) The presence of pollinator populations for Astragalus lentiginosus var. piscinensis; and
(iv) Hydrologic conditions that provide suitable periods of soil moisture and chemistry for Astragalus lentiginosus var. piscinensis germination, growth, reproduction, and dispersal.
(3) Critical habitat does not include the land upon which are found existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, parking lots, and other paved surfaces, or areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4) Critical Habitat Map Unit.
(i) Map Unit 1: Fish Slough unit, Inyo and Mono Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Chidago Canyon and Fish Slough, California. Lands bounded by the following UTM Zone 11, NAD 1927 coordinates (E, N): 373700, 4149500; 373800, 4149800; 373800, 4150300; 373900, 4150700; 373900, 4151400; 374000, 4151800; 374100, 4152400; 374200, 4152700; 374400, 4153000; 374500, 4153100; 374800, 4153200; 375000, 4153300; 375100, 4153500; 375200, 4153700; 375400, 4154000; 375700, 4154200; 375800, 4154200; 376100, 4154300; 376500, 4154200; 376700, 4154100; 377000, 4153900; 377200, 4153600; 377300, 4153400; 377400, 4153100; 377400, 4152400; 377300, 4151900; 377200, 4151600; 377300, 4150200; 377200, 4149900; 377100, 4149700; 377000, 4149500; 377300, 4149100; 377400, 4148900; 377500, 4148200; 377500, 4147700; 377400, 4147100; 377300, 4146400; 377200, 4145800; 377100, 4145600; 377000, 4145300; 377000, 4145200; 376900, 4144600; 376900, 4144300; 376900, 4144200; 376800, 4144000; 376800, 4143800; 376900, 4143700; 377100, 4143600; 377500, 4143000; 377500, 4142600; thence to 377466; 4142464, where the boundary intersects the south McNally Canal. Thence westerly along the south McNally Canal to 375331, 4141934; thence northwest and following coordinates: 375200, 4142000; 375000, 4142200; 374800, 4142500; 374700, 4142900; 374600, 4143500; 374500, 4144000; 374600, 4144400; 374700, 4144600; 374700, 4145600; 374800, 4145900; 374900, 4146300; 374900, 4146900; 374800, 4147300; 374700, 4147500; 374400, 4147800; 374000, 4148600; 373800, 4149200; and returning to 373700, 4149500.
(ii) Excluding land bounded by 375700, 4143400; 375700, 4142900; 376300, 4142900; and 376300, 4143400; and returning to 375700, 4143400.
(iii) Note: Map of the critical habitat unit follows.

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Imperial County, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Astragalus magdalenae var. peirsonii are:
(i) West and/or northwest-facing sides of bowls, swales, and slopes consisting of Rositas fine sands within intact, active sand dune systems (defined as sand areas that are subject to sand-moving winds) in the existing range of the species that provide space needed for individual and population growth, including sites for germination, reproduction, seed dispersal, seed bank, and pollination;
(ii) The associated co-adapted psammophytic scrub plant community characterized by Croton wigginsii, Eriogonum deserticola, Helianthus niveus ssp. tephrodes, Palafoxia arida var. gigantea, Pholisma sonorae, Tiquilia plicata, Petalonyx thurberi, and Panicum urvilleanum that provides habitat for insect pollinators, particularly the white-faced digger bee (Habropoda pallida), required for reproduction; and
(iii) Areas within intact, active sand dune systems between occupied bowls, swales, and slopes that allow for pollinator movement and wind dispersal of fruit and seeds.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1:24,000 quadrangles.
(5) Note: Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Mammoth Wash/North Algodones Dunes Wilderness, Imperial County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1, Mammoth Wash/North Algodones Dunes Wilderness, follows:

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(7) Unit 3: Adaptive Management Area/Ogilby, Imperial County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) The map depicting Unit 3 is found at paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.
(8) Unit 4: Buttercup, Imperial County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 3 and 4 follows:

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Utah, Sanpete County, western Heliotrope Mountain. T19S R4E, Sec. 34, SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4; S 1/2 of SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4; NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4; NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4; E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4; NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4; S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4; NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4; N 1/2 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4; SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4; W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4; NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4. The primary constituent element is the white limestone barrens of the Flagstaff Formation.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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Nevada, Nye County, Ash Meadows: W 1/2NW 1/4 and SW 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 14, SW 1/4NE 1/4 and W 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 21, NE 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 22, NW 1/4 sec. 26, T17S, R50E. SW 1/4 and W 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 1, NW 1/4NE 1/4 and N 1/2NW 1/4 sec. 12, SW 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 13, W 1/2NW 1/4 sec. 24, T18S, R50E. SE 1/4SW 1/4 and SW 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 7, N 1/2NW 1/4 and E 1/2SW 1/4 sec. 18, NE 1/4NW 1/4 sec. 19, T18S, R51E.

Known primary constituent elements include dry, hard, white, barren, saline, clay flats, knolls, and slopes.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Astragalus pycnostachyus var. lanosissimus are as follows:
(i) Vegetation cover of at least 50 percent but not exceeding 75 percent, consisting primarily of known associated native species, including but not limited to, Baccharis salicifolia, Baccharis pilularis, Salix lasiolepis, Lotus scoparius, and Ericameria ericoides;
(ii) Low densities of nonnative annual plants and shrubs;
(iii) The presence of a high water table, either fresh or brackish, as evidenced by the presence of channels, sloughs, or depressions that may support stands of Salix lasiolepis, Typha spp., and Scirpus spp.;
(iv) Soils that are fine-grained, composed primarily of sand with some clay and silt, yet are well-drained; and
(v) Soils that do not exhibit a white crystalline crust that would indicate saline or alkaline conditions.
(3) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, aqueducts, railroads, airport runways and buildings, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical Habitat Map Units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) McGrath and Mandalay Units. Ventura County, California.
(i) Mandalay Unit A. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Oxnard, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 11 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 293381, 3786370; 293036, 3787170; 292994, 3787290; 292974, 3787330; 292995, 3787330; 293017, 3787330; 293122, 3787270; 293269, 3787190; 293331, 3787150; 293362, 3787140; 293399, 3787130; 293570, 3787080; 293640, 3787050; 293665, 3787040; 293686, 3787020; 293699, 3786990; 293707, 3786960; 293701, 3786620; 293713, 3786580; 293732, 3786540; 293760, 3786520; 293851, 3786460; 293903, 3786420; 293928, 3786380; 293936, 3786360; 293381, 3786370.
(ii) Mandalay Unit B. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Oxnard, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 11 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 293352, 3786380; 293044, 3786380; 292798, 3786960; 292761, 3787040; 293070, 3787030; 293352, 3786380.
(iii) McGrath Unit. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Oxnard, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 11 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 292406, 3788600; 292474, 3788440; 292752, 3787790; 292716, 3787780; 292704, 3787770; 292702, 3787770; 292717, 3787730; 292718, 3787720; 292715, 3787710; 292692, 3787680; 292725, 3787600; 292530, 3787600; 292415, 3787630; 292394, 3787670; 292400, 3787690; 292403, 3787710; 292407, 3787720; 292412, 3787770; 292412, 3787800; 292412, 3787820; 292409, 3787840; 292401, 3787900; 292375, 3787940; 292348, 3787960; 292338, 3787980; 292338, 3788000; 292343, 3788010; 292353, 3788030; 292358, 3788040; 292360, 3788050; 292360, 3788060; 292354, 3788070; 292338, 3788070; 292326, 3788090; 292322, 3788120; 292313, 3788150; 292310, 3788170; 292312, 3788230; 292309, 3788250; 292301, 3788260; 292302, 3788280; 292304, 3788290; 292308, 3788300; 292311, 3788320; 292307, 3788330; 292308, 3788350; 292310, 3788380; 292310, 3788390; 292310, 3788400; 292311, 3788420; 292306, 3788450; 292305, 3788480; 292301, 3788490; 292295, 3788500; 292297, 3788520; 292304, 3788550; 292306, 3788560; 292406, 3788600.
(iv) Map 1-McGrath and Mandalay Units-follows:

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(6) Carpinteria Salt Marsh. Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, California.
(i) Carpinteria Salt Marsh Unit A. Santa Barbara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Carpinteria, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 11 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 266039, 3810060; 266166, 3810060; 266335, 3810050; 266449, 3810040; 266521, 3810040; 266572, 3810030; 266621, 3810010; 266711, 3809980; 266784, 3809950; 266912, 3809880; 267485, 3809530; 267463, 3809500; 267453, 3809470; 267428, 3809440; 267403, 3809390; 267381, 3809360; 267343, 3809300; 267290, 3809250; 267255, 3809190; 267243, 3809170; 267214, 3809160; 267185, 3809170; 267148, 3809200; 267094, 3809240; 267058, 3809260; 267023, 3809260; 266973, 3809260; 266932, 3809250; 266889, 3809250; 266813, 3809250; 266793, 3809260; 266772, 3809270; 266720, 3809290; 266690, 3809300; 266655, 3809310; 266644, 3809330; 266645, 3809350; 266602, 3809360; 266580, 3809380; 266544, 3809420; 266498, 3809480; 266456, 3809530; 266408, 3809590; 266356, 3809650; 266320, 3809690; 266264, 3809750; 266206, 3809810; 266162, 3809860; 266122, 3809900; 266081, 3809940; 266053, 3809960; 266042, 3809980; 266033, 3809990; 266032, 3810010; 266037, 3810060; 266039, 3810060.
(ii) Carpinteria Salt Marsh Unit B. Santa Barbara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Carpinteria, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 11 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 267531, 3809510; 267588, 3809470; 267654, 3809440; 267708, 3809400; 267767, 3809360; 267755, 3809360; 267733, 3809360; 267710, 3809360; 267684, 3809360; 267662, 3809340; 267638, 3809310; 267621, 3809290; 267602, 3809270; 267587, 3809240; 267577, 3809220; 267563, 3809180; 267555, 3809150; 267544, 3809120; 267526, 3809100; 267504, 3809090; 267480, 3809080; 267458, 3809080; 267434, 3809090; 267413, 3809100; 267387, 3809110; 267357, 3809120; 267342, 3809130; 267318, 3809140; 267270, 3809140; 267275, 3809160; 267291, 3809170; 267303, 3809190; 267309, 3809210; 267319, 3809220; 267342, 3809240; 267365, 3809260; 267384, 3809280; 267411, 3809330; 267435, 3809360; 267454, 3809390; 267469, 3809420; 267490, 3809470; 267508, 3809490; 267531, 3809510.
(iii) Carpinteria Salt Marsh Unit C. Santa Barbara County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Carpinteria, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 11 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 267638, 3809260; 267658, 3809240; 267668, 3809240; 267775, 3809120; 267611, 3808980; 267584, 3808950; 267538, 3808970; 267516, 3808980; 267504, 3808960; 267488, 3808950; 267462, 3808960; 267437, 3808980; 267408, 3809010; 267386, 3809020; 267354, 3809040; 267344, 3809070; 267320, 3809080; 267337, 3809110; 267410, 3809070; 267443, 3809060; 267461, 3809050; 267487, 3809050; 267513, 3809060; 267532, 3809070; 267548, 3809080; 267564, 3809100; 267576, 3809120; 267600, 3809170; 267613, 3809210; 267627, 3809250; 267638, 3809260.
(iv) Carpinteria Salt Marsh Unit D. Ventura County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Carpinteria, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 11 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 266801, 3809220; 266818, 3809220; 266839, 3809220; 266859, 3809220; 266883, 3809220; 266912, 3809220; 266939, 3809230; 266960, 3809230; 266988, 3809230; 267008, 3809230; 267025, 3809220; 267044, 3809210; 267062, 3809200; 267085, 3809180; 267105, 3809170; 267127, 3809150; 267149, 3809140; 267171, 3809130; 267190, 3809120; 267211, 3809120; 267239, 3809120; 267262, 3809120; 267290, 3809120; 267312, 3809120; 267331, 3809110; 267323, 3809100; 267314, 3809090; 267305, 3809080; 267294, 3809060; 267290, 3809060; 267279, 3809060; 267271, 3809060; 267258, 3809070; 267240, 3809070; 267223, 3809070; 267208, 3809070; 267190, 3809080; 267169, 3809090; 267147, 3809100; 267125, 3809100; 267099, 3809100; 267079, 3809110; 267061, 3809120; 267047, 3809140; 267029, 3809150; 267022, 3809160; 267012, 3809170; 266993, 3809170; 266970, 3809180; 266940, 3809180; 266912, 3809180; 266883, 3809190; 266862, 3809190; 266843, 3809180; 266823, 3809180; 266810, 3809180; 266795, 3809180; 266787, 3809180; 266781, 3809190; 266775, 3809200; 266773, 3809210; 266776, 3809220; 266783, 3809220; 266791, 3809230; 266801, 3809220.
(v) Map 2-Carpinteria Salt Marsh Unit-follows:

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(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Humboldt and Trinity Counties, California, on the map in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Lassics lupine consist of the following components:
(i) A plant community that consists of the following:
(A) Areas of open to sparse understory to ensure competition with Lassics lupine is inhibited. When sparse understory is present, the composition is predominantly native vegetation.
(B) Suitable solar insolation levels to support growth. These suitable levels can be achieved by the appropriate combination of canopy cover and aspect, with hotter and drier west-facing slopes needing moderate and more protective canopy cover compared to cooler north-facing slopes where there can be little to no canopy cover.
(C) A diversity and abundance of native plant species whose blooming times overlap to provide pollinator species with pollen and nectar sources for foraging throughout the seasons and to provide nesting and egg-laying sites; appropriate nest materials; and sheltered, undisturbed habitat for hibernation and overwintering of pollinator species and insect visitors.
(ii) Sufficient pollinators, particularly bees, for successful Lassics lupine reproduction and seed production.
(iii) Suitable soils and hydrology that consist of the following:
(A) Open, relatively barren, upland sites categorized as receiving sufficient snow and rain for seed germination and moisture for growing plants.
(B) Soils that are generally fast-draining, including serpentine or clastic (composed of pieces of older rocks) soils, with very shallow soil and low organic matter.
(C) Soils characterized by their relatively high levels of magnesium and iron, while being simultaneously low in calcium, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus.
(D) Soils characterized by relatively high sand content.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 6, 2023.
(4) Data layers defining the map unit were created based on surveys conducted with global positioning system (GPS) units collecting in WGS84 coordinates, and the critical habitat unit was then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 10N coordinates. The map in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at https://www.fws.gov/office/arcata-fish-and-wildlife, at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2022-0083, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Mount Lassic Unit, Humboldt and Trinity Counties, California.
(i) The Mount Lassic Unit consists of 512 acres (207 hectares) of land in Humboldt and Trinity Counties. The entirety of the unit falls within the boundary of the Six Rivers National Forest.
(ii) Map of the Mount Lassic Unit follows:

Figure 1 to Family Fabaceae: Lupinus constancei (Lassics lupine) paragraph (5)(ii)

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Benton, Lane, Polk, and Yamhill Counties, Oregon, and Lewis County, Washington, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for the Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Early seral upland prairie, or oak savanna habitat with a mosaic of low-growing grasses and forbs, and spaces to establish seedlings or new vegetative growth; an absence of dense canopy vegetation; and undisturbed subsoils.
(ii) The presence of insect outcrossing pollinators, such as Bombus mixtus and B. californicus, with unrestricted movement between existing lupine patches.
(3) Critical habitat does not include man-made structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas, and the land on which such structures are located) existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical Habitat Map Units. Critical habitat units are described below. Data layers defining map units were created using USGS 24,000 scale Digital Ortho Quads captured in 2000. Critical habitat units were then mapped using UTM zone 10, NAD 1983 coordinates.
(5) Note: Map 1 (Index map for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii) follows:

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(6) Unit 1 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-1), Lewis County, Washington.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 2 (Unit 1 of Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-1)) follows:

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(7) Unit 2 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-2) Yamhill County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 3 (Unit 2 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-2)) follows:

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(8) Units 3 and 4 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-3 and KL-4), Yamhill County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 4 (Units 3 and 4 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-3 and KL-4)) follows:

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(9) Units 5 and 6 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-5 and KL-6): Yamhill and Polk Counties, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 5 (Units 5 and 6 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-5 and KL-6)) follows:

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(10) Unit 7 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-7), Polk County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 6 (Unit 7 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (Unit KL-7)) follows:

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(11) Units 8, 9, and 10 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-8, KL-9, and KL-10), Benton County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 7 (Units 8, 9, and 10 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-8, KL-9, and KL-10)) follows:

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(12) Units 11 and 12 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-11 and KL-12), Lane County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 8 (Units 11 and 12 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-11 and KL-12)) follows:

View Image

(13) Unit 13 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-13), Lane County, Oregon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map 9 (Unit 13 for Lupinus sulphureus ssp. kincaidii (KL-13)) follows:

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Nevada, Nye County, Ash Meadows: SW 1/4NE 1/4, SE 1/4NW 1/4, E 1/2SW 1/4, and W 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 21; W 1/2NW 1/4 sec. 23, NW 1/4NE 1/4 and NE 1/4NW 1/4 sec. 28, SE 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 34, SW 1/4SW 1/4 and E 1/2SW 1/4 sec. 35, T17S, R50E. SW 1/2 sec. 1, NE 1/4NW 1/4 and W 1/2NW 1/4 sec. 2, E 1/2NE 1/4 sec. 3, NE 1/4 sec. 7; SE 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 23, SE 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 24, T18S, R50E. NW 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 7, S 1/2NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 sec. 18, NW 1/4 and NE 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 19, E 1/2SW 1/4 sec. 20, N 1/2NW 1/4 sec. 29, NE 1/4NW 1/4 sec. 30, T18S, R51E.

Known primary constituent elements include moist to wet clay soils along banks of streams or in seepage areas.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Santa Barbara County, California, on the map in this entry. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Eriodictyon capitatum are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Soils with a large component of sand and that tend to be acidic; and
(ii) Plant communities that support associated species, including maritime chaparral, particularly where the following associated species are found: Dendromecon rigida (bush poppy), Quercus berberidifolia (California scrub oak), Quercus parvula (Santa Cruz Island scrub oak), and Ceanothus cuneatus (buck brush); and in southern bishop pine forests that intergrade with chaparral Arctostaphylos spp. (manzanita) and Salvia mellifera (black sage).
(3) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, aqueducts, railroads, airports, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical Habitat Map Units. Data layers defining map units were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) Santa Ynez Mountains Unit (Lompoc yerba santa). Santa Barbara County, California
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Lompoc Hills, Point Conception, Sacate, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 739493, 3817820; 739352, 3817850; 739008, 3817860; 738828, 3817800; 738440, 3817810; 738377, 3817820; 738294, 3817900; 738288, 3817900; 738104, 3817960; 738034, 3817960; 738028, 3817900; 738026, 3817900; 737925, 3817940; 737892, 3817950; 737726, 3817950; 737666, 3818000; 737619, 3817970; 737540, 3817910; 737423, 3817890; 737416, 3817960; 737414, 3818040; 737489, 3818070; 737612, 3818160; 737622, 3818190; 737676, 3818230; 737715, 3818280; 737744, 3818320; 737757, 3818380; 737791, 3818440; 737809, 3818500; 737838, 3818550; 737862, 3818600; 737916, 3818660; 737924, 3818710; 737903, 3818760; 737865, 3818820; 737823, 3818880; 737791, 3818950; 737804, 3819010; 737791, 3819100; 737774, 3819180; 737701, 3819270; 737662, 3819360; 737624, 3819450; 737611, 3819560; 737633, 3819670; 737661, 3819750; 737679, 3819800; 737708, 3819870; 737731, 3819930; 737729, 3820000; 737717, 3820070; 737725, 3820140; 737753, 3820210; 737777, 3820240; 737816, 3820290; 737829, 3820360; 737868, 3820430; 737942, 3820490; 738005, 3820560; 738019, 3820610; 737996, 3820700; 737947, 3820820; 737893, 3820930; 737840, 3821030; 737813, 3821090; 737897, 3821130; 738005, 3821060; 738136, 3821070; 738167, 3821060; 738214, 3821020; 738264, 3821030; 738308, 3821050; 738328, 3821090; 738373, 3821110; 738439, 3821080; 738520, 3821060; 738581, 3821060; 738652, 3821060; 738698, 3821030; 738759, 3821030; 738830, 3821010; 738891, 3821010; 738951, 3821010; 739027, 3821020; 739077, 3821020; 739111, 3821060; 739161, 3821090; 739227, 3821090; 739288, 3821070; 739384, 3821050; 739541, 3821060; 739607, 3821020; 739669, 3820990; 739714, 3821020; 739762, 3821080; 739796, 3821140; 739825, 3821180; 739969, 3821260; 740158, 3821340; 740234, 3821350; 740295, 3821320; 740387, 3821280; 740453, 3821280; 740503, 3821280; 740575, 3821270; 740631, 3821250; 740677, 3821220; 740710, 3821150; 740767, 3821070; 740784, 3821010; 740786, 3820950; 740822, 3820930; 740869, 3820870; 740917, 3820790; 740919, 3820720; 740917, 3820630; 740945, 3820540; 741007, 3820480; 741084, 3820430; 741186, 3820400; 741298, 3820400; 741383, 3820400; 741510, 3820380; 741666, 3820390; 741747, 3820400; 741808, 3820400; 741863, 3820390; 741990, 3820390; 742184, 3820310; 742250, 3820300; 742356, 3820290; 742458, 3820280; 742554, 3820270; 742604, 3820280; 742645, 3820260; 742690, 3820260; 742741, 3820260; 742817, 3820270; 742907, 3820270; 742973, 3820280; 743029, 3820250; 743100, 3820250; 743139, 3820280; 743224, 3820310; 743315, 3820320; 743406, 3820320; 743461, 3820320; 743528, 3820300; 743579, 3820260; 743632, 3820200; 743644, 3820130; 743686, 3820090; 743727, 3820040; 743779, 3819990; 743826, 3819960; 743857, 3819910; 743889, 3819860; 743926, 3819820; 743958, 3819770; 743999, 3819720; 744026, 3819680; 744028, 3819620; 744039, 3819570; 744061, 3819530; 744067, 3819490; 744074, 3819420; 744096, 3819360; 744108, 3819300; 744104, 3819260; 744146, 3819210; 744162, 3819170; 744190, 3819080; 744211, 3819050; 744228, 3819020; 744244, 3818970; 744300, 3818940; 744347, 3818910; 744373, 3818900; 744394, 3818840; 744417, 3818780; 744403, 3818730; 744383, 3818720; 744395, 3818650; 744401, 3818620; 744407, 3818580; 744388, 3818560; 744376, 3818540; 744260, 3818520; 744138, 3818530; 744059, 3818550; 743870, 3818540; 743706, 3818470; 743584, 3818440; 743363, 3818350; 743096, 3818380; 742902, 3818290; 742736, 3818260; 742563, 3818270; 742371, 3818150; 742218, 3818120; 742033, 3818130; 741925, 3818110; 741699, 3818060; 741574, 3818050; 741405, 3818040; 741236, 3817980; 741084, 3817970; 740947, 3817980; 740756, 3817980; 740697, 3817920; 740515, 3817850; 740279, 3817860; 740080, 3817930; 739907, 3817850; 739493, 3817820.
(6) Solomon Hills Unit. Santa Barbara County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Orcutt, lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 737417, 3856100; 737363, 3856080; 737307, 3856040; 737239, 3856000; 737175, 3856000; 737140, 3856010; 737105, 3856070; 737059, 3856130; 736981, 3856170; 736919, 3856190; 736825, 3856180; 736785, 3856210; 736755, 3856250; 736747, 3856310; 736677, 3856370; 736618, 3856410; 736583, 3856440; 736581, 3856480; 736669, 3856620; 736664, 3856670; 736629, 3856680; 736545, 3856600; 736451, 3856570; 736373, 3856590; 736298, 3856650; 736258, 3856730; 736239, 3856830; 736217, 3856960; 736147, 3857020; 736067, 3857040; 736018, 3857030; 735919, 3856920; 735881, 3856830; 735798, 3856740; 735620, 3856630; 735534, 3856390; 735378, 3856240; 735233, 3856110; 735139, 3856060; 735052, 3856040; 734942, 3856040; 734875, 3856060; 734778, 3856160; 734716, 3856270; 734705, 3856380; 734792, 3856490; 734985, 3856680; 734902, 3856760; 734811, 3856770; 734747, 3856930; 734572, 3857050; 734549, 3857170; 734576, 3857260; 734640, 3857350; 734687, 3857490; 734576, 3857560; 734488, 3857710; 734512, 3857810; 734582, 3857880; 734687, 3857900; 734802, 3857860; 734945, 3857850; 735007, 3857890; 735042, 3857970; 735063, 3858170; 735141, 3858250; 735367, 3858250; 735539, 3858220; 735720, 3858150; 735768, 3858170; 735803, 3858200; 735870, 3858370; 735919, 3858410; 736045, 3858370; 736228, 3858140; 736354, 3858150; 736497, 3858060; 736637, 3858070; 736403, 3858210; 736363, 3858320; 736363, 3858410; 736384, 3858450; 736443, 3858460; 736494, 3858470; 736519, 3858500; 736497, 3858560; 736446, 3858650; 736287, 3858850; 736024, 3859120; 735900, 3859270; 735905, 3859310; 735935, 3859340; 735972, 3859350; 736126, 3859280; 736336, 3859170; 736524, 3859030; 736580, 3859030; 736605, 3859080; 736607, 3859190; 736683, 3859240; 736779, 3859250; 736868, 3859260; 737000, 3859190; 737102, 3859190; 737186, 3859210; 737240, 3859240; 737430, 3859200; 737572, 3859160; 737721, 3859160; 737818, 3859200; 737915, 3859040; 737934, 3858970; 738022, 3858840; 738108, 3858670; 738286, 3858510; 738364, 3858370; 738498, 3858350; 738646, 3858230; 738754, 3858160; 738859, 3858100; 738907, 3858050; 738905, 3857960; 738883, 3857860; 738810, 3857710; 738808, 3857600; 738811, 3857490; 738800, 3857370; 738770, 3857240; 738734, 3857130; 738675, 3857000; 738613, 3856960; 738509, 3856890; 738452, 3856830; 738398, 3856710; 738240, 3856630; 738188, 3856580; 738149, 3856550; 738100, 3856580; 738059, 3856570; 737904, 3856510; 737780, 3856510; 737635, 3856540; 737608, 3856510; 737632, 3856470; 737687, 3856410; 737833, 3856320; 737890, 3856260; 737928, 3856160; 737869, 3856080; 737787, 3855920; 737740, 3855950; 737651, 3856020; 737576, 3856050; 737484, 3856100; 737417, 3856100.
(ii) Note: Map 4 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are designated for Garfield and Mesa Counties, Colorado.
(2) The primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of Phacelia submutica consist of five components:
(i)Suitable soils and geology.
(A) Atwell Gulch and Shire members of the Wasatch formation.
(B) Within these larger formations, small areas (from 10 to 1,000 ft2 (1 to 100 m2)) on colorful exposures of chocolate to purplish brown, light to dark charcoal gray, and tan clay soils. These small areas are slightly different in texture and color than the similar surrounding soils. Occupied sites are characterized by alkaline (pH range from 7 to 8.9) soils with higher clay content than similar nearby unoccupied soils.
(C) Clay soils that shrink and swell dramatically upon drying and wetting and are likely important in the maintenance of the seed bank.
(ii)Topography. Moderately steep slopes, benches, and ridge tops adjacent to valley floors. Occupied slopes range from 2 to 42 degrees with an average of 14 degrees.
(iii)Elevation and climate.
(A) Elevations from 4,600 ft (1,400 m) to 7,450 ft (2,275 m).
(B) Climatic conditions similar to those around DeBeque, Colorado, including suitable precipitation and temperatures. Annual fluctuations in moisture (and probably temperature) greatly influences the number of Phacelia submutica individuals that grow in a given year and are thus able to set seed and replenish the seed bank.
(iv)Plant community.
(A) Small (from 10 to 1,000 ft2 (1 to 100 m2)) barren areas with less than 20 percent plant cover in the actual barren areas.
(B) Presence of appropriate associated species that can include (but are not limited to) the natives Grindelia fastigiata, Eriogonum gordonii,Monolepis nuttalliana, and Oenothera caespitosa. Some presence, or even domination by, invasive nonnative species, such as Bromus tectorum, may occur, as Phacelia submutica may still be found there.
(C) Appropriate plant communities within the greater pinyon-juniper woodlands that include:
(1) Clay badlands within the mixed salt desert scrub; or
(2) Clay badlands within big sagebrush shrublands.
(v)Maintenance of the seed bank and appropriate disturbance levels.
(A) Within suitable soil and geologies (see paragraph (2)(i) of this entry), undisturbed areas where seed banks are left undamaged.
(B) Areas with light disturbance when dry and no disturbance when wet.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 12, 2012.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of both satellite imagery (NAIP 2009) as well as USGS geospatial quadrangle maps and were mapped using NAD 83 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), zone 13N coordinates. Location information came from a wide array of sources. A habitat model prepared by the Colorado Natural Heritage Program also was utilized. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public on http://regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R6-ES-2011-0040, on our Internet site (http://www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/species/plants/3ColoradoPlants/index.html), and at the Western Colorado Ecological Services Office, 764 Horizon Drive, Suite B, Grand Junction, CO 81506-3946.
(5) Note: Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Sulfur Gulch, Mesa County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 1 of critical habitat for Phacelia submutica is provided at paragraph (7) of this entry.
(7) Unit 2: Pyramid Rock, Garfield and Mesa Counties, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Units 1 and 2 of critical habitat for Phacelia submutica follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Roan Creek, Garfield County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 3 of critical habitat for Phacelia submutica is provided at paragraph (10) of this entry.
(9) Unit 4: DeBeque, Mesa County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 4 of critical habitat for Phacelia submutica is provided at paragraph (10) of this entry.
(10) Unit 5: Mount Logan, Garfield County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Units 3, 4, and 5 of critical habitat for Phacelia submutica follows:

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(11) Unit 6: Ashmead Draw, Mesa County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 6 of critical habitat for Phacelia submutica is provided at paragraph (14) of this entry.
(12) Unit 7: Baugh Reservoir, Mesa County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 7 of critical habitat for Phacelia submutica is provided at paragraph (14) of this entry.
(13) Unit 8: Horsethief Mountain, Mesa County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 8 of critical habitat for Phacelia submutica is provided at paragraph (14) of this entry.
(14) Unit 9: Anderson Gulch, Mesa County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Units 6, 7, 8, and 9 of critical habitat for Phacelia submutica follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Diego County, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent element of critical habitat for Acanthomintha ilicifolia is clay lenses that provide substrate for seedling establishment and space for growth and development of Acanthomintha ilicifolia that are:
(i) Within chaparral, grassland, and coastal sage scrub;
(ii) On gentle slopes ranging from 0 to 25 degrees;
(iii) Derived from gabbro and soft calcareous sandstone substrates with a loose, crumbly structure and deep fissures (approximately 1 to 2 feet (30 to 60 cm)); and
(iv) Characterized by a low density of forbs and geophytes, and a low density or absence of shrubs.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which such structures are located existing on the effective date of this rule.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5' quadrangle maps, and the critical habitat units were then mapped using UTM coordinates.
(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat units for Acanthomintha ilicifolia (San Diego thornmint) follows:

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(6) Unit 1: San Diego County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps San Luis Rey, San Marcos, Encinitas, and Rancho Santa Fe.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1, Subunits 1A and 1C, follows:

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(7) Unit 3: San Diego County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Viejas Mountain.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 3, Subunits 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E, and 3F, follows:

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(8) Unit 4: San Diego County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Alpine and Dulzura.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 4, Subunits 4A and 4C follows:

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New Mexico; Sierra County; the Critical Habitat of Hedeoma todsenii is best defined by two one-square kilometer sections on the 1000 m2 Universal Transverse Mercator Grid, Zone 13. The more northern critical habitat lies between 76 and 77,000 m N and 39 and 40,000 m E. The southern area lies between 74 and 75,000 m N and 40 and 41,000 m E. Gypsum limestone soils.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Diego County, California, on the map below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent element of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of Monardella viminea is riparian channels with ephemeral drainages and adjacent floodplains:
(i) With a natural hydrological regime, in which:
(A) Water flows only after peak seasonal rainstorms;
(B) High runoff events periodically scour riparian vegetation and redistribute alluvial material to create new stream channels, benches, and sandbars; and
(C) Water flows for usually less than 48 hours after a rain event, without long-term standing water;
(ii) With surrounding vegetation that provides semi-open, foliar cover with:
(A) Little or no herbaceous understory;
(B) Little to no canopy cover;
(C) Open ground cover, less than half of which is herbaceous vegetation cover;
(D) Some shrub cover; and
(E) An association of other plants, including Eriogonum fasciculatum (California buckwheat) and Baccharis sarothroides (broom baccharis);
(iii) That contain ephemeral drainages that:
(A) [Reserved]
(B) Are made up of coarse, rocky, or sandy alluvium; and
(C) Contain terraced floodplains, terraced secondary benches, stabilized sandbars, channel banks, or sandy washes; and
(iv) That have soil with high sand content, typically characterized by sediment and cobble deposits, and further characterized by a high content of coarse, sandy grains and low content of silt and clay.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5' quadrangle maps. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.
(5) Unit 1: Sycamore Canyon, and Unit 2, West Sycamore Canyon, San Diego County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1 and Unit 2, Sycamore Canyon and West Sycamore Canyon, follows:

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Family Lamiaceae: Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Bibb, Bleckley, Burke, Columbia, Houston, Monroe, Pulaski, Richmond, Screven, and Twiggs Counties in Georgia, and Aiken and Edgefield Counties in South Carolina, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Ocmulgee skullcap consist of the following components:
(i) River bluffs with steep and/or shallow soils that are subject to localized disturbances that limit the accumulation of leaf litter and competition within the Upper Gulf Coastal Plain and Piedmont of Georgia.
(ii) Well-drained soils that are buffered or circumneutral (pH between 6.5 and 7.5) generally within regions underlain or otherwise influenced by limestone or marl.
(iii) A mature, mixed-level canopy with spatial heterogeneity, providing mottled shade and often including with a rich diversity of grasses and forbs characterizing the herbaceous layer.
(iv) Intact forested habitat that is ecologically functional (i.e., with mature canopy and discrete disturbances) and buffered by surrounding habitat to impede the invasion of competitors.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 29, 2024.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created using ArcMap version 10.6 (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a geographic information systems program on a base of USA Topo Maps. Critical habitat units were then mapped using North American Datum (NAD) 1983, Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 17N coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at https://www.fws.gov/office/georgia-ecological-services/library, at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2021-0059, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

Figure 1 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (5)

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(6) Unit 1: Columbia/Richmond; Columbia and Richmond Counties, Georgia, and Aiken and Edgefield Counties, South Carolina.
(i) Unit 1 includes four subunits:
(A) Subunit 1a consists of 106 acres (ac) (43 hectares (ha)) in Columbia County, Georgia. The lands in this subunit are owned and managed by Richmond County (28 ac (11.3 ha)) and privately owned (78 ac (31.7 ha)).
(B) Subunit 1b consists of 117 ac (47 ha) in Richmond County, Georgia. The lands in this subunit are privately owned.
(C) Subunit 1c consists of 334 ac (135 ha) in Aiken and Edgefield Counties, South Carolina. The lands in this subunit are privately owned.
(D) Subunit 1d consists of 84 ac (34 ha) in Aiken County, South Carolina. The lands in this subunit are owned and managed by the State of South Carolina and include the Savannah River Bluffs Heritage Preserve.
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

Figure 2 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (6)(ii)

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(7) Unit 2: Barney Bluff; Richmond County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 2 consists of 415 ac (168 ha) in Richmond County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

Figure 3 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (7)(ii)

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(8) Unit 3: Burke North; Burke County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 3 consists of 526 ac (213 ha) in Burke County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

Figure 4 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (8)(ii)

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(9) Unit 4: Burke South; Burke County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 4 consists of 976 ac (395 ha) in Burke County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in State (199 ac (80 ha)) and private (777 ac (314 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

Figure 5 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (9)(ii)

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(10) Unit 5: Prescott Lakes; Screven County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 5 consists of 81 ac (33 ha) in Screven County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

Figure 6 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (10)(ii)

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(11) Unit 6: Bolingbroke Rest Area; Monroe County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 6 consists of 338 ac (137 ha) in Monroe County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

Figure 7 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (11)(ii)

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(12) Unit 7: River North Bluff; Bibb County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 7 consists of 115 ac (46 ha) in Bibb County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in State (10 ac (4 ha)) and private (105 ac (42 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

Figure 8 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (12)(ii)

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(13) Unit 8: Savage Branch; Bibb County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 8 consists of 115 ac (46 ha) in Bibb County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

Figure 9 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (13)(ii)

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(14) Unit 9: Adjoins Robins Air Force Base; Houston County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 9 consists of 231 ac (93 ha) in Houston County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 9 follows:

Figure 10 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (14)(ii)

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(15) Unit 10: Trib Richland Creek; Twiggs County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 10 consists of 340 ac (138 ha) in Twiggs County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in State (242 ac (98 ha)) and private (98 ac (40 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 10 follows:

Figure 11 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (15)(ii)

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(16) Unit 11: Oaky Woods North; Houston County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 11 consists of 657 ac (266 ha) in Houston County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in State (228 ac (92 ha)) and private (429 ac (174 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 11 follows:

Figure 12 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (16)(ii)

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(17) Unit 12: Crooked Creek; Twiggs County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 12 consists of 205 ac (83 ha) in Twiggs County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in State (201 ac (81 ha)) and private (4 ac (1.6 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 12 follows:

Figure 13 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (17)(ii)

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(18) Unit 13: Shellstone Creek; Twiggs County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 13 consists of 160 ac (65 ha) in Twiggs County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in State (15 ac (6 ha)) and private (145 ac (59 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 13 follows:

Figure 14 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (18)(ii)

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(19) Unit 14: Oaky Woods South; Houston County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 14 consists of 363 ac (147 ha) in Houston County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in State (84 ac (34 ha)) and private (279 ac (113 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Units 14 and 15 follows:

Figure 15 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (19)(ii)

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(20) Unit 15: Dry Creek; Houston and Pulaski Counties, Georgia.
(i) Unit 15 consists of 330 ac (133 ha) in Houston and Pulaski Counties, Georgia, and is composed of lands in State (50 ac (20 ha)) and private (280 ac (113 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 15 is provided at paragraph (19)(ii) of this entry.
(21) Unit 16: James Dykes Memorial; Bleckley and Pulaski Counties, Georgia.
(i) Unit 16 consists of 515 ac (208 ha) in Bleckley and Pulaski Counties, Georgia, and is composed of lands in State (497 ac (201 ha)) and private (18 ac (7.3 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Units 16 and 17 follows:

Figure 16 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (21)(ii)

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(22) Unit 17: South Shellstone Creek; Bleckley County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 17 consists of 403 ac (163 ha) in Bleckley County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in State (4 ac (1.6 ha)) and private (399 ac (161 ha)) ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 17 is provided at paragraph (21)(ii) of this entry.
(23) Unit 18: Jordan Creek; Pulaski County, Georgia.
(i) Unit 18 consists of 250 ac (101 ha) in Pulaski County, Georgia, and is composed of lands in private ownership.
(ii) Map of Unit 18 follows:

Figure 17 to Scutellaria ocmulgee (Ocmulgee skullcap) paragraph (23)(ii)

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Monterey and San Luis Obispo counties, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Chlorogalum purpureum var. purpureum consist of, but are not limited to:
(i) Soils that are sandy clay to loamy clay, well-drained on the surface, and are often overlain with fine gravel; and,
(ii) Plant communities in functioning ecosystems that support associated plant and animal species (e.g., pollinators, predator-prey species, etc.), including valley and foothill grassland, blue oak woodland or oak savannahs, and open areas within shrubland communities. Within these vegetation community types, C. p. var. purpureum appears where there is little cover of other species which compete for resources available for growth and reproduction.
(3) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Chlorogalum purpureum var. reductum consist of, but are not limited to:
(i) Well-drained, red clay soils with a large component of gravel and pebbles on the upper soil surface; and,
(ii) Plant communities in functioning ecosystems that support associated plant and animal species (e.g., pollinators, predator-prey species, etc.), including grassland, blue oak woodland (Quercus douglasii) or oak savannahs, and open areas within shrubland communities. Within these vegetation communities C. p. var. reductum appears where there is little cover of other species which compete for resources available for growth and reproduction.
(4) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures, such as buildings, hard-packed roads (e.g., asphalt, pavement), aqueducts, railroads, airport runways and buildings, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas not containing any of the primary constituent elements.
(5)Critical Habitat Map Units. Data layers defining map units were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(6) Note: Map 1-Index Map follows:

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(7)Jolon Unit.
(i)Chlorogalum purpureum var. purpureum. Monterey County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Jolon. Lands bounded by UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 666471, 3985340; 666646, 3985110; 666965, 3985110; 667260, 3985130; 667281, 3984880; 667567, 3984910; 667699, 3984690; 667849, 3984770; 668125, 3984770; 668175, 3984600; 668224, 3984470; 668334, 3984260; 668086, 3984250; 668094, 3984040; 668004, 3984040; 667888, 3983960; 667891, 3983860; 668085, 3983860; 668118, 3983590; 668538, 3983430; 668526, 3983290; 668780, 3983360; 668909, 3983300; 668905, 3983060; 669317, 3983070; 669346, 3982270; 669638, 3982120; 669638, 3981950; 669463, 3981960; 669396, 3981850; 668647, 3981840; 668649, 3982250; 668435, 3982790; 668126, 3982790; 668122, 3982620; 667509, 3982620; 667426, 3982950; 667272, 3982930; 667261, 3983040; 667283, 3983420; 666998, 3983420; 666907, 3983410; 666887, 3984220; 666496, 3984220; 666471, 3985340; 669233, 3978620; 669242, 3978640; 669244, 3978640; 669255, 3978650; 669303, 3978720; 669365, 3978680; 669374, 3978620; 669441, 3978600; 669504, 3978600; 669542, 3978660; 669614, 3978730; 669639, 3978810; 669616, 3978890; 669610, 3978900; 669594, 3978940; 669654, 3978930; 670986, 3978670; 671848, 3978660; 671854, 3978560; 671879, 3978440; 671888, 3978350; 671880, 3978370; 671821, 3978350; 671804, 3978280; 671833, 3978220; 671933, 3978220; 671918, 3978130; 671922, 3978070; 671947, 3978020; 671981, 3977950; 671985, 3977900; 671964, 3977870; 671961, 3977850; 670600, 3977840; 670599, 3977640; 669239, 3978620; 669233, 3978620.
(ii) Note: See Map 2.

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(8)Camatta Canyon Unit.
(i)Chlorogalum purpureum var. reductum. San Luis Obispo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Camatta Ranch, La Panza Ranch, and Pozo Summit. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 747763, 3918050; 747749, 3918040; 747714, 3918020; 747690, 3918000; 747683, 3917980; 747690, 3917960; 747722, 3917940; 747754, 3917900; 747749, 3917870; 747724, 3917870; 747647, 3917860; 747633, 3917860; 747616, 3917850; 747612, 3917840; 747615, 3917830; 747641, 3917820; 747727, 3917790; 747718, 3917780; 747687, 3917760; 747655, 3917750; 747635, 3917740; 747612, 3917720; 747597, 3917690; 747590, 3917660; 747598, 3917630; 747593, 3917600; 747578, 3917580; 747544, 3917560; 747530, 3917550; 747525, 3917540; 747528, 3917510; 747527, 3917470; 747521, 3917430; 747510, 3917410; 747461, 3917370; 747434, 3917370; 747411, 3917360; 747398, 3917360; 747387, 3917350; 747385, 3917330; 747396, 3917280; 747396, 3917250; 747381, 3917220; 747368, 3917180; 747366, 3917150; 747357, 3917140; 747343, 3917130; 747319, 3917130; 747285, 3917140; 747270, 3917150; 747263, 3917160; 747261, 3917190; 747256, 3917230; 747246, 3917270; 747224, 3917340; 747164, 3917470; 747106, 3917570; 747055, 3917640; 747019, 3917690; 746996, 3917700; 746972, 3917720; 746949, 3917720; 746933, 3917710; 746911, 3917700; 746889, 3917690; 746875, 3917670; 746869, 3917650; 746870, 3917640; 746875, 3917620; 746887, 3917620; 746919, 3917610; 746947, 3917600; 746960, 3917590; 746980, 3917550; 747016, 3917460; 747041, 3917370; 747064, 3917300; 747080, 3917270; 747080, 3917260; 747066, 3917250; 747048, 3917250; 746992, 3917290; 746949, 3917330; 746884, 3917390; 746860, 3917390; 746839, 3917390; 746822, 3917380; 746815, 3917380; 746811, 3917360; 746814, 3917350; 746818, 3917330; 746828, 3917320; 746854, 3917320; 746874, 3917310; 746886, 3917300; 746891, 3917290; 746884, 3917280; 746865, 3917280; 746846, 3917290; 746828, 3917290; 746823, 3917290; 746817, 3917280; 746809, 3917270; 746810, 3917260; 746804, 3917260; 746796, 3917260; 746791, 3917270; 746773, 3917290; 746728, 3917310; 746706, 3917330; 746675, 3917340; 746666, 3917350; 746659, 3917360; 746653, 3917360; 746639, 3917370; 746607, 3917380; 746587, 3917380; 746571, 3917390; 746562, 3917390; 746547, 3917400; 746539, 3917410; 746531, 3917410; 746521, 3917410; 746510, 3917410; 746494, 3917400; 746477, 3917400; 746460, 3917400; 746443, 3917400; 746422, 3917400; 746414, 3917400; 746403, 3917410; 746398, 3917420; 746398, 3917430; 746404, 3917440; 746416, 3917460; 746434, 3917460; 746465, 3917490; 746469, 3917500; 746450, 3917510; 746433, 3917520; 746394, 3917540; 746377, 3917550; 746356, 3917570; 746341, 3917580; 746288, 3917640; 746284, 3917650; 746287, 3917650; 746299, 3917660; 746312, 3917670; 746317, 3917670; 746318, 3917680; 746312, 3917690; 746297, 3917700; 746279, 3917730; 746265, 3917760; 746249, 3917770; 746238, 3917770; 746226, 3917780; 746215, 3917790; 746208, 3917790; 746200, 3917780; 746191, 3917770; 746171, 3917760; 746162, 3917750; 746155, 3917760; 746154, 3917790; 746162, 3917810; 746178, 3917830; 746191, 3917840; 746207, 3917860; 746222, 3917870; 746253, 3917890; 746283, 3917900; 746311, 3917900; 746347, 3917890; 746371, 3917890; 746409, 3917900; 746452, 3917930; 746478, 3917950; 746505, 3917980; 746506, 3917990; 746492, 3918020; 746482, 3918040; 746494, 3918070; 746513, 3918090; 746543, 3918100; 746605, 3918170; 746677, 3918220; 746752, 3918290; 746773, 3918320; 746775, 3918350; 746773, 3918390; 746755, 3918390; 746738, 3918380; 746717, 3918370; 746653, 3918360; 746627, 3918340; 746598, 3918320; 746508, 3918300; 746462, 3918280; 746412, 3918240; 746367, 3918190; 746332, 3918140; 746300, 3918110; 746253, 3918080; 746230, 3918070; 746204, 3918050; 746179, 3918040; 746171, 3917990; 746145, 3917970; 746040, 3918060; 746016, 3918070; 745994, 3918080; 745987, 3918090; 745995, 3918100; 746078, 3918120; 746104, 3918130; 746111, 3918160; 746142, 3918180; 746182, 3918200; 746219, 3918220; 746273, 3918230; 746301, 3918240; 746328, 3918250; 746361, 3918270; 746397, 3918290; 746401, 3918310; 746393, 3918330; 746373, 3918330; 746348, 3918330; 746311, 3918330; 746271, 3918340; 746230, 3918340; 746150, 3918310; 746067, 3918300; 746003, 3918290; 745960, 3918290; 745939, 3918290; 745925, 3918380; 745880, 3918460; 745864, 3918500; 745869, 3918530; 745882, 3918550; 745908, 3918590; 745958, 3918620; 746000, 3918660; 746017, 3918720; 746034, 3918730; 746127, 3918770; 746146, 3918790; 746143, 3918820; 746126, 3918840; 746053, 3918890; 745997, 3918950; 745973, 3918970; 745946, 3918990; 745922, 3919020; 745902, 3919030; 745872, 3919040; 745839, 3919050; 745790, 3919050; 745748, 3919040; 745700, 3919030; 745678, 3919030; 745661, 3919040; 745635, 3919080; 745605, 3919140; 745574, 3919200; 745554, 3919260; 745533, 3919290; 745517, 3919300; 745498, 3919300; 745493, 3919310; 745509, 3919330; 745555, 3919360; 745599, 3919390; 745632, 3919420; 745679, 3919440; 745691, 3919460; 745719, 3919480; 745709, 3919490; 745685, 3919490; 745627, 3919470; 745585, 3919490; 745548, 3919500; 745523, 3919520; 745502, 3919520; 745492, 3919530; 745495, 3919540; 745510, 3919550; 745540, 3919560; 745612, 3919560; 745672, 3919560; 745728, 3919560; 745768, 3919570; 745813, 3919580; 745850, 3919590; 745867, 3919600; 745866, 3919630; 745852, 3919670; 745833, 3919680; 745787, 3919670; 745731, 3919630; 745665, 3919610; 745611, 3919620; 745568, 3919620; 745550, 3919640; 745538, 3919660; 745536, 3919680; 745537, 3919700; 745550, 3919720; 745599, 3919740; 745647, 3919760; 745684, 3919790; 745706, 3919830; 745727, 3919870; 745752, 3919900; 745789, 3919900; 745836, 3919900; 745913, 3919900; 746019, 3919930; 746042, 3919950; 746061, 3919970; 746062, 3919990; 746051, 3920010; 746027, 3920010; 745990, 3920000; 745916, 3919980; 745896, 3919990; 745901, 3920020; 745938, 3920040; 745962, 3920060; 745971, 3920080; 745960, 3920100; 745938, 3920100; 745899, 3920110; 745874, 3920120; 745855, 3920140; 745836, 3920170; 745814, 3920180; 745776, 3920190; 745732, 3920190; 745689, 3920200; 745665, 3920230; 745641, 3920260; 745602, 3920290; 745569, 3920320; 745548, 3920340; 745546, 3920360; 745560, 3920370; 745614, 3920380; 745648, 3920390; 745661, 3920380; 745685, 3920370; 745726, 3920350; 745800, 3920340; 745838, 3920340; 745845, 3920360; 745819, 3920380; 745780, 3920440; 745740, 3920520; 745701, 3920550; 745667, 3920550; 745652, 3920560; 745665, 3920590; 745718, 3920690; 745733, 3920720; 745748, 3920780; 745761, 3920830; 745774, 3920870; 745775, 3920880; 745793, 3920890; 745817, 3920890; 745908, 3920740; 745934, 3920720; 745987, 3920700; 746068, 3920690; 746148, 3920700; 746221, 3920730; 746252, 3920750; 746293, 3920780; 746299, 3920800; 746282, 3920820; 746253, 3920830; 746153, 3920820; 746066, 3920820; 746053, 3920840; 746058, 3920870; 746076, 3920880; 746156, 3920880; 746175, 3920880; 746197, 3920880; 746275, 3920900; 746386, 3920960; 746424, 3920990; 746463, 3921030; 746508, 3921090; 746557, 3921160; 746569, 3921170; 746588, 3921180; 746606, 3921180; 746620, 3921190; 746625, 3921210; 746625, 3921240; 746612, 3921250; 746590, 3921260; 746515, 3921240; 746459, 3921240; 746425, 3921240; 746388, 3921220; 746355, 3921200; 746336, 3921160; 746327, 3921120; 746315, 3921060; 746308, 3921050; 746294, 3921050; 746281, 3921060; 746254, 3921100; 746221, 3921150; 746221, 3921170; 746228, 3921190; 746245, 3921210; 746271, 3921230; 746313, 3921250; 746333, 3921270; 746347, 3921280; 746367, 3921300; 746370, 3921320; 746367, 3921350; 746351, 3921370; 746331, 3921370; 746313, 3921380; 746292, 3921380; 746273, 3921370; 746242, 3921360; 746214, 3921350; 746189, 3921350; 746162, 3921360; 746137, 3921360; 746119, 3921380; 746104, 3921390; 746097, 3921420; 746103, 3921440; 746122, 3921460; 746144, 3921480; 746165, 3921490; 746189, 3921490; 746208, 3921480; 746256, 3921450; 746272, 3921440; 746292, 3921440; 746311, 3921440; 746410, 3921520; 746476, 3921550; 746498, 3921550; 746523, 3921550; 746538, 3921560; 746545, 3921570; 746551, 3921650; 746548, 3921670; 746538, 3921680; 746493, 3921680; 746482, 3921700; 746473, 3921710; 746475, 3921730; 746498, 3921760; 746504, 3921780; 746502, 3921800; 746473, 3921850; 746454, 3921870; 746442, 3921890; 746417, 3921910; 746384, 3921930; 746348, 3921940; 746307, 3921960; 746292, 3921970; 746283, 3922000; 746281, 3922030; 746289, 3922060; 746301, 3922090; 746317, 3922100; 746331, 3922100; 746360, 3922090; 746389, 3922090; 746414, 3922090; 746432, 3922100; 746441, 3922110; 746446, 3922140; 746442, 3922170; 746434, 3922230; 746435, 3922250; 746440, 3922270; 746453, 3922290; 746467, 3922290; 746489, 3922300; 746509, 3922310; 746525, 3922310; 746538, 3922320; 746544, 3922350; 746540, 3922390; 746527, 3922430; 746527, 3922450; 746538, 3922490; 746548, 3922520; 746547, 3922540; 746540, 3922570; 746525, 3922590; 746500, 3922650; 746493, 3922680; 746489, 3922700; 746492, 3922770; 746528, 3922910; 746530, 3922930; 746527, 3922950; 746520, 3922970; 746500, 3923000; 746490, 3923020; 746483, 3923040; 746478, 3923070; 746483, 3923090; 746493, 3923100; 746503, 3923110; 746521, 3923110; 746538, 3923100; 746559, 3923090; 746577, 3923090; 746605, 3923100; 746643, 3923110; 746706, 3923150; 746757, 3923170; 746779, 3923180; 746795, 3923200; 746798, 3923210; 746791, 3923220; 746753, 3923220; 746744, 3923230; 746742, 3923250; 746751, 3923260; 746853, 3923320; 746880, 3923330; 746913, 3923340; 746931, 3923340; 746955, 3923330; 746998, 3923330; 747041, 3923320; 747069, 3923320; 747097, 3923330; 747118, 3923340; 747136, 3923350; 747219, 3923440; 747260, 3923500; 747281, 3923540; 747298, 3923570; 747312, 3923580; 747326, 3923590; 747342, 3923590; 747356, 3923600; 747368, 3923590; 747377, 3923570; 747373, 3923530; 747358, 3923480; 747349, 3923430; 747337, 3923390; 747325, 3923340; 747307, 3923290; 747276, 3923250; 747201, 3923150; 747165, 3923110; 746995, 3922870; 746993, 3922860; 746995, 3922850; 747005, 3922840; 747020, 3922830; 747041, 3922840; 747075, 3922860; 747099, 3922880; 747146, 3922900; 747186, 3922920; 747197, 3922930; 747207, 3922950; 747216, 3922950; 747225, 3922950; 747236, 3922940; 747251, 3922900; 747264, 3922890; 747281, 3922880; 747306, 3922880; 747327, 3922880; 747370, 3923000; 747382, 3923030; 747387, 3923050; 747416, 3923120; 747428, 3923150; 747500, 3923240; 747536, 3923280; 747612, 3923330; 747636, 3923360; 747645, 3923390; 747645, 3923420; 747649, 3923440; 747657, 3923460; 747700, 3923510; 747720, 3923550; 747748, 3923590; 747770, 3923620; 747790, 3923660; 747803, 3923670; 747826, 3923670; 747887, 3923650; 747950, 3923650; 748022, 3923650; 748039, 3923650; 748041, 3923660; 748037, 3923680; 748023, 3923700; 748006, 3923720; 747990, 3923740; 747974, 3923770; 747962, 3923810; 747960, 3923840; 747970, 3923860; 747981, 3923880; 747996, 3923890; 748044, 3923900; 748071, 3923920; 748085, 3923920; 748100, 3923920; 748109, 3923910; 748118, 3923900; 748128, 3923890; 748140, 3923890; 748152, 3923900; 748211, 3923990; 748268, 3924040; 748330, 3924080; 748359, 3924090; 748388, 3924100; 748416, 3924100; 748442, 3924090; 748452, 3924080; 748454, 3924070; 748448, 3924050; 748422, 3924000; 748375, 3923900; 748341, 3923840; 748270, 3923740; 748235, 3923680; 748231, 3923670; 748237, 3923650; 748251, 3923650; 748352, 3923630; 748409, 3923610; 748431, 3923600; 748450, 3923590; 748466, 3923600; 748481, 3923620; 748520, 3923660; 748600, 3923730; 748644, 3923740; 748683, 3923740; 748707, 3923750; 748732, 3923770; 748765, 3923850; 748775, 3923880; 748774, 3923900; 748751, 3923910; 748726, 3923910; 748671, 3923890; 748636, 3923890; 748617, 3923900; 748613, 3923920; 748610, 3923950; 748623, 3923970; 748639, 3923990; 748667, 3924000; 748698, 3924000; 748722, 3923990; 748745, 3923970; 748766, 3923950; 748791, 3923940; 748819, 3923930; 748839, 3923940; 748856, 3923950; 748906, 3924030; 748920, 3924050; 748955, 3924080; 748977, 3924090; 749004, 3924100; 749019, 3924110; 749028, 3924130; 749048, 3924200; 749057, 3924210; 749072, 3924220; 749093, 3924220; 749139, 3924200; 749192, 3924180; 749241, 3924150; 749269, 3924120; 749317, 3924060; 749415, 3923900; 749435, 3923880; 749454, 3923870; 749480, 3923870; 749568, 3923900; 749642, 3923920; 749751, 3923970; 749776, 3923980; 749801, 3923970; 749815, 3923970; 749827, 3923950; 749839, 3923940; 749858, 3923930; 749886, 3923910; 749914, 3923910; 749975, 3923910; 750044, 3923920; 750067, 3923920; 750084, 3923910; 750090, 3923890; 750081, 3923870; 750070, 3923850; 750064, 3923830; 750072, 3923820; 750087, 3923820; 750116, 3923860; 750128, 3923870; 750140, 3923890; 750148, 3923910; 750159, 3923920; 750171, 3923920; 750189, 3923920; 750207, 3923910; 750226, 3923900; 750237, 3923880; 750240, 3923860; 750244, 3923840; 750256, 3923820; 750279, 3923800; 750307, 3923790; 750375, 3923770; 750398, 3923760; 750415, 3923740; 750431, 3923710; 750440, 3923520; 750441, 3923470; 750450, 3923440; 750472, 3923420; 750549, 3923350; 750595, 3923310; 750629, 3923270; 750653, 3923240; 750669, 3923210; 750677, 3923130; 750672, 3923070; 750675, 3923010; 750688, 3922960; 750712, 3922910; 750722, 3922880; 750724, 3922860; 750722, 3922840; 750711, 3922810; 750698, 3922780; 750681, 3922750; 750659, 3922720; 750636, 3922710; 750614, 3922690; 750594, 3922680; 750578, 3922670; 750574, 3922650; 750577, 3922630; 750581, 3922600; 750579, 3922590; 750575, 3922570; 750545, 3922530; 750468, 3922450; 750452, 3922440; 750441, 3922420; 750439, 3922400; 750432, 3922280; 750423, 3922250; 750405, 3922220; 750371, 3922180; 750295, 3922080; 750292, 3922070; 750296, 3922070; 750337, 3922050; 750386, 3922030; 750409, 3922020; 750418, 3921990; 750418, 3921960; 750414, 3921930; 750399, 3921910; 750382, 3921900; 750350, 3921880; 750316, 3921860; 750280, 3921850; 750267, 3921840; 750260, 3921840; 750258, 3921820; 750260, 3921810; 750277, 3921780; 750286, 3921780; 750300, 3921770; 750356, 3921770; 750401, 3921780; 750414, 3921770; 750424, 3921760; 750411, 3921690; 750373, 3921610; 750371, 3921590; 750381, 3921570; 750427, 3921410; 750429, 3921390; 750422, 3921370; 750261, 3921120; 750246, 3921100; 750229, 3921080; 750183, 3921030; 750128, 3920980; 749952, 3920750; 749915, 3920710; 749813, 3920640; 749685, 3920560; 749611, 3920530; 749582, 3920530; 749556, 3920540; 749531, 3920560; 749512, 3920560; 749493, 3920560; 749485, 3920530; 749480, 3920500; 749380, 3920480; 749352, 3920490; 749338, 3920510; 749324, 3920530; 749305, 3920530; 749300, 3920560; 749311, 3920580; 749307, 3920590; 749295, 3920600; 749255, 3920620; 749223, 3920620; 749121, 3920630; 749101, 3920630; 749090, 3920620; 749076, 3920600; 749063, 3920580; 749056, 3920550; 749057, 3920520; 749058, 3920480; 749053, 3920450; 749015, 3920410; 748981, 3920370; 748931, 3920330; 748829, 3920280; 748815, 3920290; 748807, 3920300; 748816, 3920320; 748878, 3920360; 748892, 3920390; 748897, 3920420; 748898, 3920440; 748890, 3920460; 748874, 3920470; 748855, 3920480; 748830, 3920480; 748771, 3920480; 748648, 3920490; 748619, 3920490; 748579, 3920470; 748511, 3920440; 748477, 3920390; 748451, 3920350; 748417, 3920330; 748396, 3920320; 748363, 3920330; 748330, 3920330; 748310, 3920350; 748308, 3920360; 748314, 3920380; 748333, 3920390; 748356, 3920400; 748398, 3920430; 748438, 3920460; 748459, 3920480; 748464, 3920490; 748457, 3920510; 748362, 3920610; 748332, 3920660; 748328, 3920690; 748312, 3920690; 748295, 3920690; 748283, 3920660; 748260, 3920620; 748237, 3920560; 748231, 3920520; 748216, 3920500; 748186, 3920470; 748067, 3920380; 747994, 3920310; 747954, 3920300; 747914, 3920280; 747853, 3920280; 747818, 3920270; 747778, 3920260; 747754, 3920260; 747736, 3920270; 747723, 3920290; 747719, 3920310; 747707, 3920320; 747694, 3920310; 747654, 3920270; 747640, 3920240; 747616, 3920210; 747578, 3920190; 747531, 3920160; 747501, 3920140; 747484, 3920120; 747471, 3920090; 747464, 3920070; 747460, 3920050; 747462, 3920030; 747456, 3920000; 747460, 3919980; 747466, 3919960; 747479, 3919950; 747488, 3919940; 747505, 3919940; 747521, 3919950; 747534, 3919960; 747549, 3919970; 747569, 3919990; 747588, 3919990; 747613, 3920000; 747631, 3919990; 747645, 3919980; 747652, 3919970; 747655, 3919950; 747648, 3919930; 747642, 3919900; 747629, 3919880; 747628, 3919870; 747649, 3919830; 747659, 3919810; 747658, 3919800; 747642, 3919790; 747618, 3919780; 747565, 3919760; 747534, 3919760; 747506, 3919770; 747446, 3919790; 747380, 3919820; 747335, 3919850; 747322, 3919860; 747304, 3919850; 747277, 3919830; 747253, 3919800; 747213, 3919770; 747196, 3919750; 747191, 3919730; 747196, 3919720; 747217, 3919700; 747426, 3919630; 747495, 3919610; 747519, 3919600; 747533, 3919590; 747545, 3919570; 747548, 3919550; 747545, 3919530; 747523, 3919510; 747498, 3919490; 747478, 3919480; 747442, 3919490; 747410, 3919500; 747391, 3919500; 747373, 3919500; 747363, 3919480; 747349, 3919450; 747328, 3919440; 747302, 3919440; 747282, 3919440; 747268, 3919440; 747262, 3919420; 747277, 3919340; 747295, 3919290; 747309, 3919240; 747329, 3919190; 747348, 3919140; 747360, 3919110; 747375, 3919080; 747398, 3919050; 747419, 3919000; 747435, 3918950; 747478, 3918910; 747484, 3918890; 747485, 3918870; 747470, 3918820; 747459, 3918790; 747455, 3918770; 747458, 3918740; 747457, 3918700; 747463, 3918670; 747474, 3918650; 747496, 3918640; 747524, 3918640; 747562, 3918620; 747581, 3918580; 747594, 3918540; 747600, 3918520; 747620, 3918510; 747636, 3918480; 747652, 3918460; 747659, 3918440; 747663, 3918420; 747662, 3918390; 747656, 3918370; 747656, 3918340; 747652, 3918310; 747645, 3918290; 747649, 3918270; 747670, 3918260; 747698, 3918250; 747720, 3918240; 747748, 3918220; 747777, 3918200; 747783, 3918190; 747787, 3918170; 747786, 3918140; 747790, 3918120; 747790, 3918080; 747778, 3918070; 747763, 3918050.
(ii) Note: Map 3 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Tehama and Butte Counties, California, on the map below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Limnanthes floccosa ssp. californica (Butte County meadowfoam) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described in paragraph (2)(ii) of this section, providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools; and
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands.
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Tehama and Butte Counties.
(5) Unit 2: Butte County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Richardson Springs.
(6) Unit 3: Butte County, California.
(7) Unit 4: Butte County, California.
(8) Units 1-4 (Map 1) follow:

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(1) Critical habitat units for Jackson County, Oregon, are depicted on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora are the following habitat components:
(i) Vernal pools or ephemeral wetlands and the adjacent upland margins of these depressions that hold water for a sufficient length of time to sustain Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora germination, growth, and reproduction, occurring in the Rogue River Valley vernal pool landscape. These vernal pools or ephemeral wetlands are seasonally inundated during wet years but do not necessarily fill with water every year due to natural variability in rainfall, and support native plant populations. Areas of sufficient size and quality are likely to have the following characteristics:
(A) Elevations from 372 to 469 m (1,220 to 1,540 ft);
(B) Associated dominant native plants including, but not limited to: Alopecurus saccatus, Deschampsia danthonioides, Eryngium petiolatum, Lasthenia californica, Myosurus minimus, Navarretia leucocephala ssp. leucocephala, Phlox gracilis, Plagiobothrys bracteatus, Trifolium depauperatum, and Triteleia hyacinthina.
(C) A minimum area of 8 ha (20 ac) to provide intact hydrology and protection from development and weed sources.
(ii) The hydrologically and ecologically functional system of interconnected pools, ephemeral wetlands, or depressions within a matrix of surrounding uplands that together form vernal pool complexes within the greater watershed. The associated features may include the pool basin or depressions; an intact hardpan subsoil underlying the surface soils up to 0.75 m (2.5 ft) in depth; and surrounding uplands, including mound topography and other geographic and edaphic features, that support these systems of hydrologically interconnected pools and other ephemeral wetlands (which may vary in extent depending on site-specific characteristics of pool size and depth, soil type, and hardpan depth).
(iii) Silt, loam, and clay soils that are of alluvial origin, with a 0 to 3 percent slope, primarily classified as Agate-Winlo complex soils, but also including Coker clay, Carney clay, Provig-Agate complex soils, and Winlo very gravelly loam soils.
(iv) No or negligible presence of competitive, nonnative, invasive plant species. Negligible is defined for the purpose of this rule as a minimal level of nonnative plant species that will still allow Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora to continue to survive and recover.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (including, but not limited to, buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical habitat unit maps. These critical habitat units were mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 10, North American Datum 1983 (UTM NAD 83) coordinates. These coordinates establish the vertices and endpoints of the boundaries of the units.
(5) Note: The reference to "Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora" on the map is equivalent to "Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora." Index map for critical habitat in Jackson County, Oregon, follows:

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(6) Unit RV1 for Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora: Shady Cove, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV1 consists of approximately 8 ha (20 ha) of intact vernal pool-mounded prairie habitat. The unit is located 460 m (1,500 ft) west of Highway 62 and parallels a 430-m (1,411-ft) stretch of the highway. The unit is 0.8 km (0.5 mi) south of Shady Cove, 1.3 km (0.8 mi) northeast of Takelma Park, and 122 m (400 ft) east of the Rogue River.
(ii) Note: The reference to "Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora" on the map is equivalent to "Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora." Map of Unit RV1 follows:

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(7) Unit RV2 for Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora: Hammel Road, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV2 is composed of four subunits and comprises approximately 69 ha (169 ac) of vernal pool-mounded prairie. The unit is located 1.2 km (0.75 mi) northeast of the confluence of Reese Creek and the Rogue River, 1.3 km (0.8 mi) west of Highway 62, and 430 m (1,400 ft) east of the Rogue River.
(ii) Note: The reference to "Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora" on the map is equivalent to "Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora." Map of Unit RV2 follows:

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(8) Unit RV3 for Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora: North Eagle Point, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV3 is composed of four subunits and totals 490 ha (1,210 ac) of intact vernal pool habitat. The unit is located southwest of Mosser Mountain and northeast of Long Mountain. The four subunits loosely follow a 6.9-km (4.3-mi) stretch of Hog Creek beginning at its origin. Originating 3.8 km (2.4 mi) east of Highway 62 in subunit RV3D, Hog Creek runs through RV3C, crosses Highway 62, flows between RV3B (located 100 m (328 ft) west of Highway 62) and RV3A (located 600 m (1,970 ft) west of Highway 62), before emptying into the Rogue River after 2.4 km (1.5 mi). Subunit RV3A is located 560 m (1,837 ft) southeast of the confluence of Reese Creek and the Rogue River. Subunit RV3B is located 100 m (328 ft) west of Highway 62 at the intersection of Ball Road and extends along an 835-m (2,740-ft) stretch of Hog Creek. Subunit RV3C is located 2 km (1.2 mi) north of Eagle Point (see Index map) and extends 2.6 km (1.6 mi) south of the junction of Ball Road and Reese Creek Road. Subunit RV3D is located 3.2 km (2 mi) east of Long Mountain and is 2.4 km (1.5 mi) southeast of the junction of Highway 62 and Ball Road. It extends along a 1.8-km (1.1-mi) stretch of Hog Creek.
(ii) Note: The reference to "Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora" on the map is equivalent to "Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora." Map of Unit RV3 follows:

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(9) Unit RV4 for Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora: Rogue Plains, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV4 consists of 243 ha (600 ac) of partially intact vernal pool-mounded prairie habitat. The unit is located 122 m (400 ft) southeast of the junction of Highway 234 and Modoc Road. It extends 2 km (1.2 mi) south along Modoc Road from the intersection, is located 1.4 km (0.87 mi) southwest of Dodge Bridge, and is 1.0 km (0.6 mi) northwest of Rattlesnake Rapids on the Rogue River.
(ii) Note: The reference to "Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora" on the map is equivalent to "Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora." Map of Unit RV4 follows:

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(10) Unit RV5 for Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora: Table Rock Terrace, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV5 includes 49 ha (122 ac) of intact vernal pool-mounded prairie habitat. The unit is located on privately owned land 670 m (2,200 ft) north of the junction of Modoc and Antioc Roads, is 1.4 km (0.9 mi) east of Upper Table Rock, and is 650 m (2,300 ft) west of the Rogue River. This unit follows along an 800-m (2,600-ft) stretch of Modoc Road to the east of the unit and along a 700-m (2,300-ft) stretch of Antioc Road to the west of the unit.
(ii) Note: The reference to "Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora" on the map is equivalent to "Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora." Map of Unit RV5 follows:

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(11) Unit RV6 for Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora: White City, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV6 for Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora consists of eight subunits totaling 740 ha (1,829 ac) in size and includes intact vernal pool-mounded prairie and swale habitats. The unit is located around White City, is 1.6 km (1.0 mi) southwest of Eagle Point, and is 440 m (1,444 ft) southeast of the confluence of the Rogue River and Little Butte Creek. Subunit RV6A is located north of Whetstone Creek and is 500 m (1,200 ft) west of the junction of Highway 62 and Antelope Road. Subunits RV6B, RV6C, RV6D, and RV6E are located north of Avenue G in White City, south of Little Butte Creek, and 670 m (2,200 ft) southwest of Antelope Creek. Subunits RV6F and RV6G are located approximately 500 feet west of Dry Creek and are east of Highway 62 in White City. Subunit RV6H is located north of Whetstone Creek and south of Antelope Road. Subunit RV6H roughly encircles the Hoover Ponds, east of Highway 62, and is 850 m (2,790 ft) east of subunit RV6A.
(ii) Note: The reference to "Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora" on the map is equivalent to "Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora." Map of Unit RV6 follows:

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(12) Unit RV7 for Limnanthes pumila spp. grandiflora: Agate Lake, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV7 consists of 421 ha (1,039 ac) of intact vernal pool-mounded prairie and swale habitat. The unit is located 500 m (1,640 ft) east of the Agate Reservoir, lies along a 5.4-km (3.4-mi) stretch roughly parallel and between Dry Creek and Antelope Creek, is 330 m (1,080 ft) north of Tater Hill, and is 1.4 km (0.9 mi) southeast of the confluence of Dry Creek and Antelope Creek.
(ii) Note: The reference to "Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora" on the map is equivalent to "Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora." Map of Unit RV7 follows:

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(13) Unit RV8 for Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora: Whetstone Creek, Jackson County, Oregon.
(i) Unit RV8 consists of 344 ha (850 ac) of intact vernal pool-mounded prairie and swale habitat. The unit is located approximately 1.4 km (0.9 mi) southeast of the confluence of the Rogue River and Whetstone Creek, 2.2 km (1.4 mi) southwest of Tou Velle State Park, and 2.9 km southeast of the confluence of Bear Creek and the Rogue River. The unit roughly parallels a 2.6-km (1.6-mi) stretch of Whetstone Creek to the south.
(ii) Note: The reference to "Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora" on the map is equivalent to "Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora." Map of Unit RV8 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units for Linum carteri var. carteri are depicted for Miami-Dade County, Florida, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Linum carteri var. carteri are:
(i) Areas of pine rockland habitat that contain:
(A) Open canopy, semi-open subcanopy, and understory;
(B) Substrate of oolitic limestone rock; and
(C) A plant community of predominately native vegetation that may include, but is not limited to:
(1) Canopy vegetation dominated by Pinus elliottii var. densa (South Florida slash pine);
(2) Subcanopy vegetation that may include, but is not limited to, Serenoa repens (saw palmetto), Sabal palmetto (cabbage palm), Coccothrinax argentata (silver palm), Myrica cerifera (wax myrtle), Myrsine floridana (myrsine), Metopium toxiferum (poisonwood), Byrsonima lucida (locustberry), Tetrazygia bicolor (tetrazygia), Guettarda scabra (rough velvetseed), Ardisia escallonioides (marlberry), Psidium longipes (mangroveberry), Sideroxylon salicifolium (willow bustic), and Rhus copallinum (winged sumac);
(3) Short-statured shrubs that may include, but are not limited to, Quercus pumila (running oak), Randia aculeata (white indigoberry), Crossopetalum ilicifolium (Christmas berry), Morinda royoc (redgal), and Chiococca alba (snowberry); and
(4) Understory vegetation that may include, but is not limited to: Andropogon spp.; Schizachyrium gracile, S. rhizomatum, and S. sanguineum (bluestems); Aristida purpurascens (arrowfeather threeawn); Sorghastrum secundum (lopsided Indiangrass); Muhlenbergia capillaris (hairawn muhly); Rhynchospora floridensis (Florida white-top sedge); Tragia saxicola (pineland noseburn); Echites umbellata (devil's potato); Croton linearis (pineland croton); Chamaesyce spp. (sandmats); Chamaecrista deeringiania (partridge pea); Zamia integrifolia (coontie); and Anemia adiantifolia (maidenhair pineland fern).
(ii) A disturbance regime that naturally or artificially duplicates natural ecological processes (e.g., fire, hurricanes, or other weather events) and that maintains the pine rockland habitat described in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry.
(iii) Habitats that are connected and of sufficient area to sustain viable populations of Linum carteri var. carteri in the pine rockland habitat described in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located exists within the legal boundaries on September 16, 2015.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Unit maps were developed using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial data layers. ArcGIS was also used to calculate the size of habitat areas. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the units was North American Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/verobeach/, at the Federal eRulemaking Portal (http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2013-0108), and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit LCC1: Trinity Pineland and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit LCC1 follows:

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(7) Unit LCC2: Nixon Smiley Pineland Preserve and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit LCC2 follows:

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(8) Unit LCC3: USDA Subtropical Horticultural Research Station and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit LCC3 follows:

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(9) Unit LCC4: Richmond Pinelands and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit LCC4 follows:

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(10) Unit LCC5: Quail Roost Pineland and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit LCC5 follows:

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(11) Unit LCC6: Camp Owaissa Bauer and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit LCC6 follows:

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(12) Unit LCC7: Navy Wells Pineland Preserve and surrounding areas, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Map of Unit LCC7 follows:

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Nevada, Nye County, Ash Meadows: SW 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 15, S 1/2NE 1/4, N 1/2SE 1/4, and SW 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 21, NW 1/4NW 1/4, S 1/2NW 1/4, and NE 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 22, NW 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 23, NW 1/4NE 1/4 sec. 28, SE 1/4SW 1/4 and SE 1/4 sec. 35, SW 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 36, T17S, R50E. NW 1/4NW 1/4, SW 1/4SW 1/4, and E 1/2SW 1/4 sec. 1, NE 1/4NE 1/4 and S 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 2, N 1/2NE 1/4 sec. 11, NW 1/4 sec. 12, T18S, R50E.

Known primary constituent elements include sandy or saline clay soils along canyon washes and near springs and seeps.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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Family Malvaceae: Hibiscus dasycalyx (Neches River rose-mallow)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Cherokee, Harrison, Houston, Nacogdoches, and Trinity Counties, Texas, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent element of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Hibiscus dasycalyx is intermittent or perennial wetlands within the Neches, Sabine, and Angelina River floodplains or Mud and Tantabogue Creek basins that contain:
(i) Hydric alluvial soils and the potential for flowing water when found in depressional sloughs, oxbows, terraces, side channels, or sand bars; and
(ii) Native woody or associated herbaceous vegetation, largely with an open canopy providing partial to full sun exposure with few to no nonnative species.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings; bridges; aqueducts; runways; roads; well pads; metering stations; other paved areas; unpaved roads; and the filled areas immediately adjacent to pavement) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 11, 2013.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of Strategic Mapping Program (StratMap) digital orthophoto quarter-quadrangles (DOQQs), with layers for boundaries and roads. The Service's National Wetlands Inventory maps for the appropriate USGS quads were also downloaded as layers. Critical habitat units were mapped using Geographic Coordinate System (GCS), North American, 1983. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site, at http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/ElectronicLibrary/ElectronicLibrary_Main.cfm, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0027, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: State Highway 94 right-of-way, Trinity County, Texas. Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Harrison site, Harrison County, Texas. Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Lovelady, Houston County, Texas. Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: State Highway 204 right-of-way, Cherokee County, Texas. Map of

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(10) Unit 5: Davy Crockett National Forest, Compartment 55, Houston County,

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(11) Unit 6: Davy Crockett National Forest, Compartment 11, Houston County,

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(12) Unit 7: Davy Crockett National Forest, Compartment 20, Houston County,

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(13) Unit 8: Davy Crockett National Forest, Compartment 16, Houston County,

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(14) Unit 9: Champion site, Trinity County, Texas. Map of Unit 9 follows:

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(15) Unit 10: Mill Creek Gardens, Nacogdoches County, Texas. Map of Unit 10 follows:

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(16) Unit 11: Camp Olympia, Trinity County, Texas. Map of Unit 11 follows:

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1. Ka'upulehu Ahupua'a area, bounded as follows: from a point of origin at Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate 925880 near or on the west boundary of the Ka'upulehu 1800-1801 lava flow (approximately at intersection of said west boundary and 2600 ft elevation contour); thence west southwesterly approximately 864 ft to UTM coordinate 914875 (also near 2600 ft elevation contour); thence north northwesterly approximately 1987 ft to UTM coordinate 909899 (near the 1400 ft elevation contour); thence east northeasterly approximately 378 ft to UTM coordinate 913900 (also near the 1400 ft elevation contour; then south southeasterly approximately 720 ft to UTM coordinate 916891; thence east northeasterly approximately 320 ft to UTM coordinate 920892 (near the said west boundary of the 1800-1801 lava flow); thence south southeasterly approximately 1140 ft to the point of origin. Included in this area is Ka'upulehu Forest Reserve, Section B.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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2. Ka'upulehu Ahupua'a and Pu'uwa'awa'a Ahupua'a boundary area, identified as follows: An unnamed kipuka (discontinuity) in 1800-1801 lava that straddles the boundary between Ka'upulehu and Pu'uwa'awa'a Ahupua'a and also crosses Mamalahoa Highway between 2400 and 1000 feet of elevation. Excluded is a small tongue of the said kipuka that extends south of UTM coordinate 941885 at approximately 2400 ft of elevation and above. UTM coordinate 931924 marks the low elevation end of the said kipuka.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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3. Pu'uwa'awa'a Ahupua'a area, identified as follows: Halepi'ula 3, Waimea Paddock of Pu'uwa'awa'a Ranch, which lies south of (upslope) and abuts Mamalahoa Highway just east of the boundary between Ka'upulehu and Pu'uwa'awa'a Ahupua'a. East boundary of the 1800-1801 Ka'upulehu lava flow is the west boundary of the paddock. The paddock corners are near UTM coordinates 948901 (NW), 985909 (NE) 973886 (SE), and 971879 (SW).

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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Primary constituent elements of critical habitat are appropriate soil type, climate, protection from grazing damage, protection from aggressive exotic weeds, and presence of suitable pollinators.


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Fresno and Tulare Counties, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Sidalcea keckii are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Minimally shaded annual grasslands in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains containing open patches in which competing vegetation is relatively sparse; and
(ii) Serpentine soils or other soils that tend to restrict competing vegetation.
(3) Existing features and structures made by people, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4)Critical Habitat Map Units.
(i) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(ii) Note: Index map follows:

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(5) Unit 1: Piedra Unit, Fresno County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Piedra, and Pine Flat Dam, California; land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 288300, 4074700; 288200, 4074700; 287700, 4074900; 287000, 4075600; 287400, 4076100; 287500, 4076300; 287500, 4076700; 287800, 4077000; 288000, 4077100; 288400, 4076900; 288400, 4076600; 288500, 4076300; 288300, 4075800; 288200, 4075700; 288300, 4075300; 288200, 4075100; 288100, 4075100; 288000, 4075000; 288300, 4075000; 288300, 4074700.
(ii) Note: Unit 1 map follows:

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(6) Unit 2: Mine Hill Unit, Tulare County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Success Dam, California; land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 326600, 3988600; 326500, 3988600; 326200, 3988900; 326100, 3989100; 326200, 3989200; 326200, 3989300; 326300, 3989400; 326500, 3989400; 326500, 3989500; 326700, 3989600; 327300, 3989600; 327400, 3989500; 327400, 3989300; 327200, 3989000; 327100, 3988900; 326700, 3988700; 326600, 3988600.
(ii) Note: Unit 2 map follows:

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(7) Unit 3: White River Unit, Tulare County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps White River, California; land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 334800, 3963600; 334100, 3963800; 333900, 3964100; 333900, 3964200; 333800, 3964500; 333800, 3964700; 334000, 3964800; 334400, 3964500; 334500, 3964500; 334700, 3964600; 334900, 3964800; 335100, 3964800; 335300, 3964900; 335400, 3964700; 335300, 3964600; 335300, 3964500; 335400, 3964400; 335500, 3964400; 335500, 3964100; 335200, 3963800; 334800, 3963600.
(ii) Note: Unit 3 map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat unit is depicted for Chelan County, Washington, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) Washington, Chelan County. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle maps Peshastin and Tip Top, Washington. T. 23 N., R 18 E., beginning at a point on Camas Creek in the NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of section 35 at approximately 47°26'52" N latitude and 120°38'57" W longitude proceeding downstream (northwesterly), expanding in all directions to include the entire wetland complex that comprises the Camas Meadow Natural Area Preserve, to a point approximately 0.4 km (0.25 mi) from the confluence of Pendleton Creek and Peshastin Creek, located at 47°31'06" and 120°37'18" W longitude. From this last point, the western boundary of the designated critical habitat parallels Peshastin Creek to a point at the southwest of the designated area located at 47°28'46" N latitude and 120°38'57" W longitude. The maximum elevation of the designated critical habitat is 1,000 m (3,300 ft) and the lowest elevation is 488 m (1,600 ft). Critical habitat within this area includes watercourses and wetland habitat out to the beginning of upland vegetation.
(3) The known primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Sidalcea oregana var. calva include: surface water or saturated upper soil profiles; a wetland plant community dominated by native grasses and forbs, and generally free of woody shrubs and conifers that would produce shade and competition for Sidalcea oregana var. calva; seeps and springs on fine-textured soils (clay loams and silt loams), which contribute to the maintenance of hydrologic processes necessary to support meadows that remain moist into the early summer; and elevations of 488-1,000 m (1,600-3,300 ft).

Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, aqueducts, railroads, airports, other paved areas, lawns, and other rural residential landscaped areas, not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.

Note: Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Washington County, Utah, and Mohave County, Arizona, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Gierisch mallow consist of the following components:
(i) Appropriate geological layers or gypsiferous soils, in the Harrisburg Member of the Kaibab Formation, that support individual Gierisch mallow plants or their habitat, within the elevation range of 775 to 1,148 meters (2,477 to 3,766 feet). Appropriate soils are defined as:
(A) Badland,
(B) Fluvaquents and Torrifluvents,
(C) Riverwash,
(D) Cave-Harrisburg-Grapevine complex,
(E) Grapevine-Hobcan complex,
(F) Nikey-Ruesh complex,
(G) Gypill-Hobog complex,
(H) Hobog-Tidwell complex,
(I) Hobog-Grapevine complex,
(J) Grapevine-Shelly complex, and
(K) Hindu-Rock outcrop-Gypill complex.
(ii) Appropriate Mojave desert scrub plant community and associated native species for the soil types at the sites listed in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry.
(iii) Biological soil crusts within the soil types listed in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry.
(iv) The presence of insect visitors or pollinators, such as the globemallow bee and other solitary bees. To ensure the proper suite of pollinators are present, this includes habitat that provides nesting substrate for pollinators in the areas described in paragraph (2)(ii) of this entry.
(v) Areas free of disturbance and areas with low densities or absence of nonnative, invasive plants, such as red brome and cheatgrass.
(3) Critical habitat includes all gypsum soils described in paragraph (2) of this entry, as well as the appropriate Mojave desert scrub plant community and associated native species and biological soil crusts within the appropriate gypsum soils. Critical habitat also includes all pollinators and their habitat within 1,200 meters (3,937 feet) of gypsum soils occupied by Gierisch mallow. Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 12, 2013.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using Albers Equal Area (Albers) North American Datum 83 (NAD 83) coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site (http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/Arizona/), at the Federal eRulemaking Portal (http://www.regulations.gov, at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2013-0018, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Starvation Point Unit, Mohave County, Arizona, and Washington County, Utah. Map of Units 1 and 2 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Black Knolls Unit, Mohave County, Arizona. Map of Unit 2 is provided at paragraph (6) of this entry.


California. An area of land, water, and airspace in Contra Costa County with the following components: T. 2 N. R. 2 E. SW 1/4 section 17, E 2/3 of S 1/3 of section 18.

Note: Map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Monterey County, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Piperia yadonii are the habitat components that provide:
(i) A vegetation structure providing filtered sunlight on sandy soils:
(A) Coastal pine forest (primarily Monterey pine) with a canopy cover of 20 to 70 percent, and a sparse herbaceous understory on Baywood sands, Narlon loamy fine sands, Sheridan coarse sandy loams, Tangair fine sands, Santa Lucia shaly clay loams and Chamise shaley clay loams underlain by a hardpan; or
(B) Maritime chaparral ridges with dwarfed shrubs (primarily Hooker's manzanita) on Reliz shaly clay loams, Sheridan sandy loams, Narlon sandy loams, Arnold loamy sands and soils in the Junipero-Sur complex, Rock Outcrop-Xerorthents Association, and Arnold-Santa Ynez complex, often underlain by rock outcroppings.
(ii) Presence of nocturnal, short-tongued moths in the families Pyralidae, Geometridae, Noctuidae, and Pterophoridae.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) Critical Habitat Map Units-Data layers defining map units were created on base maps using aerial imagery from the National Agricultural Imagery Program; aerial imagery captured June 2005. Data were project to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 10, North American Datum (NAD) 1983.
(5) Note: Index map of critical habitat for Piperia yadonii (Map 1) follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1: Blohm Ranch, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 1 is depicted on Map 2 in paragraph (9)(ii) of this entry.
(7) [Reserved]
(8) Unit 2: Manzanita Park, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 2 is depicted on Map 2 in paragraph (9)(ii) of this entry.
(9) Unit 3: Vierra Canyon, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 1, 2, and 3 (Map 2) follows:

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(10) Unit 4: Aguajito, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 4 is depicted on Map 3 in paragraph (12)(ii) of this entry.
(11) Unit 5: Old Capitol, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 5 is depicted on Map 3 in paragraph (12)(ii) of this entry.
(12) Unit 6: Monterey Peninsula, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 4, 5, and 6 (Map 3) and detail map of Subunit 6a (Map 4) follow:

View Image

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(13) Unit 7: Point Lobos Ranch, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 7 is depicted on Map 5 in paragraph (14)(ii) of this entry.
(14) Unit 8: Palo Colorado, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 7 and 8 (Map 5) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units for this species are found in San Bernardino County, California. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Castilleja cinerea are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Pebble plains in dry meadow-like openings, or non-pebble plain dry meadow margin areas, within upper montane coniferous forest, pinyon-juniper woodlands, or Great Basin sagebrush in the San Bernardino Mountains of San Bernardino County, California; at elevations between 5,900 to 9,800 ft (1,830 to 2,990 m) that provide space for individual and population growth, reproduction and dispersal;
(ii) Seasonally wet clay, or sandy clay soils, generally containing quartzite pebbles, subject to natural hydrological processes that include water hydrating the soil and freezing in winter and drying in summer causing lifting and churning of included pebbles, or seasonally wet silt or saline clay soils in non-pebble plain dry meadow margin areas that provide space for individual and population growth, reproduction and dispersal, adequate water, air, minerals, and other nutritional or physiological requirements to the species; and
(iii) The presence of one or more of its known host species such as Eriogonum kennedyi var. austromontanum, E. kennedyi. var. kennedyi, and E. wrightii var. subscaposumon in pebble plain habitat and species such as Artemisia tridentata, A. nova, and E. wrightii var. subscaposumon in pebble plain and non-pebble plain meadow margin habitat that provide some of the physiological requirements for this species.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,0000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) Index map (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Units CACI 1 and CACI 2. Arrastre/Union Flat, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear City.
(i) Unit CACI 1. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 512434, 3795966; 512436, 3795961; 512446, 3795966; 512450, 3795966; 512469, 3795969; 512508, 3795965; 512533, 3795959; 512537, 3795959; 512539, 3795960; 512549, 3795964; 512560, 3795961; 512568, 3795954; 512573, 3795948; 512573, 3795936; 512571, 3795930; 512568, 3795927; 512565, 3795927; 512563, 3795927; 512563, 3795924; 512561, 3795914; 512556, 3795904; 512555, 3795903; 512554, 3795901; 512548, 3795879; 512535, 3795835; 512544, 3795791; 512546, 3795790; 512554, 3795787; 512568, 3795779; 512576, 3795774; 512582, 3795771; 512592, 3795764; 512595, 3795753; 512595, 3795747; 512591, 3795739; 512584, 3795732; 512581, 3795731; 512575, 3795727; 512569, 3795727; 512560, 3795728; 512552, 3795733; 512544, 3795739; 512542, 3795740; 512541, 3795739; 512540, 3795738; 512525, 3795717; 512469, 3795694; 512447, 3795680; 512445, 3795679; 512427, 3795653; 512428, 3795649; 512450, 3795617; 512476, 3795588; 512476, 3795588; 512504, 3795564; 512514, 3795552; 512541, 3795525; 512546, 3795509; 512548, 3795508; 512553, 3795501; 512554, 3795500; 512558, 3795490; 512566, 3795479; 512573, 3795468; 512584, 3795444; 512586, 3795433; 512588, 3795412; 512594, 3795398; 512601, 3795395; 512607, 3795395; 512627, 3795401; 512632, 3795400; 512641, 3795402; 512654, 3795400; 512675, 3795405; 512691, 3795401; 512699, 3795397; 512703, 3795397; 512707, 3795394; 512715, 3795393; 512718, 3795391; 512730, 3795388; 512740, 3795378; 512742, 3795374; 512746, 3795371; 512770, 3795357; 512806, 3795330; 512815, 3795317; 512837, 3795311; 512856, 3795327; 512872, 3795330; 512883, 3795343; 512886, 3795339; 512900, 3795331; 512905, 3795319; 512909, 3795312; 512913, 3795307; 512913, 3795306; 512913, 3795305; 512914, 3795303; 512920, 3795287; 512924, 3795286; 512935, 3795275; 512938, 3795270; 512944, 3795264; 512948, 3795258; 512953, 3795250; 512955, 3795245; 512954, 3795239; 512953, 3795233; 512949, 3795225; 512946, 3795221; 512949, 3795219; 512976, 3795203; 512998, 3795196; 513008, 3795189; 513014, 3795187; 513019, 3795183; 513030, 3795176; 513031, 3795173; 513048, 3795163; 513049, 3795158; 513051, 3795154; 513053, 3795150; 513053, 3795143; 513053, 3795142; 513056, 3795131; 513053, 3795122; 513053, 3795109; 513055, 3795098; 513059, 3795095; 513062, 3795091; 513066, 3795086; 513069, 3795084; 513072, 3795077; 513076, 3795073; 513079, 3795066; 513080, 3795064; 513083, 3795057; 513083, 3795052; 513083, 3795047; 513082, 3795043; 513080, 3795036; 513080, 3795034; 513079, 3795025; 513077, 3795018; 513075, 3795011; 513075, 3795007; 513072, 3794999; 513069, 3794994; 513066, 3794989; 513058, 3794982; 513053, 3794982; 513047, 3794982; 513037, 3794982; 513035, 3794981; 513017, 3794975; 513010, 3794975; 513006, 3794978; 513000, 3794981; 512993, 3794985; 512988, 3794988; 512973, 3794993; 512965, 3794993; 512960, 3794991; 512951, 3794990; 512944, 3794988; 512938, 3794987; 512934, 3794988; 512924, 3794989; 512915, 3794991; 512897, 3794997; 512886, 3795001; 512875, 3795007; 512866, 3795012; 512852, 3795026; 512850, 3795031; 512847, 3795037; 512848, 3795042; 512848, 3795045; 512856, 3795057; 512861, 3795057; 512871, 3795053; 512875, 3795052; 512883, 3795047; 512863, 3795065; 512861, 3795066; 512853, 3795072; 512853, 3795075; 512847, 3795081; 512851, 3795097; 512867, 3795120; 512875, 3795132; 512879, 3795132; 512881, 3795135; 512913, 3795143; 512919, 3795177; 512903, 3795187; 512899, 3795188; 512884, 3795190; 512840, 3795190; 512839, 3795192; 512835, 3795194; 512826, 3795195; 512825, 3795196; 512811, 3795199; 512812, 3795203; 512811, 3795204; 512811, 3795217; 512800, 3795241; 512793, 3795247; 512785, 3795251; 512778, 3795254; 512765, 3795263; 512732, 3795279; 512696, 3795299; 512648, 3795303; 512621, 3795315; 512618, 3795316; 512607, 3795318; 512601, 3795321; 512585, 3795327; 512561, 3795335; 512558, 3795344; 512555, 3795349; 512545, 3795359; 512533, 3795366; 512510, 3795373; 512508, 3795373; 512500, 3795376; 512498, 3795372; 512497, 3795370; 512495, 3795367; 512492, 3795368; 512490, 3795372; 512490, 3795379; 512489, 3795379; 512484, 3795381; 512485, 3795387; 512482, 3795398; 512482, 3795418; 512485, 3795432; 512484, 3795433; 512486, 3795443; 512486, 3795452; 512453, 3795490; 512413, 3795508; 512409, 3795509; 512408, 3795507; 512406, 3795499; 512398, 3795500; 512390, 3795509; 512386, 3795512; 512354, 3795501; 512340, 3795496; 512357, 3795495; 512366, 3795491; 512362, 3795478; 512360, 3795467; 512361, 3795466; 512364, 3795462; 512368, 3795462; 512373, 3795469; 512376, 3795462; 512392, 3795462; 512392, 3795461; 512393, 3795461; 512401, 3795463; 512406, 3795462; 512408, 3795459; 512429, 3795455; 512432, 3795454; 512437, 3795449; 512437, 3795446; 512434, 3795435; 512431, 3795430; 512434, 3795422; 512433, 3795419; 512434, 3795416; 512432, 3795410; 512433, 3795405; 512430, 3795402; 512428, 3795397; 512423, 3795395; 512421, 3795393; 512393, 3795381; 512369, 3795385; 512368, 3795386; 512367, 3795386; 512351, 3795394; 512339, 3795398; 512339, 3795414; 512342, 3795418; 512342, 3795425; 512350, 3795437; 512339, 3795449; 512324, 3795455; 512306, 3795472; 512299, 3795481; 512283, 3795473; 512264, 3795473; 512249, 3795472; 512248, 3795473; 512247, 3795473; 512237, 3795473; 512228, 3795473; 512223, 3795475; 512207, 3795477; 512189, 3795483; 512172, 3795485; 512165, 3795492; 512163, 3795493; 512156, 3795496; 512155, 3795496; 512150, 3795497; 512149, 3795498; 512135, 3795504; 512124, 3795510; 512100, 3795517; 512095, 3795519; 512080, 3795516; 512060, 3795516; 512044, 3795536; 512052, 3795560; 512056, 3795588; 512064, 3795616; 512064, 3795617; 512065, 3795620; 512081, 3795644; 512087, 3795650; 512088, 3795651; 512089, 3795652; 512101, 3795664; 512123, 3795675; 512123, 3795688; 512123, 3795695; 512122, 3795699; 512119, 3795715; 512111, 3795727; 512119, 3795747; 512125, 3795759; 512133, 3795784; 512135, 3795798; 512143, 3795822; 512155, 3795842; 512171, 3795857; 512199, 3795878; 512223, 3795886; 512228, 3795889; 512235, 3795890; 512242, 3795892; 512248, 3795895; 512282, 3795913; 512334, 3795929; 512377, 3795941; 512380, 3795941; 512383, 3795942; 512387, 3795942; 512394, 3795943; 512397, 3795947; 512412, 3795966; 512417, 3795971; 512422, 3795975; 512427, 3795979; 512430, 3795978; 512434, 3795966.
(ii) Unit CACI 2. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 513282, 3797202; 513312, 3797195; 513346, 3797179; 513347, 3797179; 513352, 3797178; 513378, 3797155; 513382, 3797151; 513404, 3797137; 513430, 3797126; 513434, 3797122; 513438, 3797119; 513475, 3797110; 513503, 3797106; 513500, 3797115; 513500, 3797124; 513510, 3797137; 513520, 3797137; 513532, 3797131; 513545, 3797124; 513554, 3797111; 513554, 3797108; 513567, 3797110; 513599, 3797116; 513650, 3797107; 513655, 3797103; 513659, 3797103; 513666, 3797099; 513668, 3797098; 513694, 3797083; 513708, 3797069; 513727, 3797057; 513758, 3797027; 513788, 3796985; 513797, 3796978; 513801, 3796976; 513815, 3796968; 513834, 3796962; 513876, 3796962; 513926, 3796970; 513952, 3796981; 513956, 3796985; 513979, 3797000; 514002, 3797019; 514028, 3797035; 514070, 3797061; 514093, 3797069; 514129, 3797075; 514136, 3797079; 514216, 3797087; 514238, 3797082; 514329, 3797076; 514364, 3797073; 514406, 3797069; 514444, 3797046; 514455, 3797019; 514448, 3797004; 514444, 3797001; 514441, 3796991; 514418, 3796945; 514401, 3796935; 514398, 3796928; 514393, 3796914; 514396, 3796911; 514384, 3796831; 514384, 3796806; 514387, 3796798; 514383, 3796764; 514375, 3796741; 514362, 3796721; 514357, 3796709; 514343, 3796691; 514329, 3796661; 514318, 3796650; 514303, 3796631; 514288, 3796623; 514276, 3796625; 514270, 3796622; 514239, 3796625; 514197, 3796645; 514171, 3796637; 514166, 3796635; 514151, 3796626; 514106, 3796587; 514064, 3796561; 514003, 3796519; 513965, 3796488; 513946, 3796458; 513946, 3796457; 513959, 3796433; 513996, 3796392; 514005, 3796381; 514022, 3796370; 514030, 3796350; 514036, 3796343; 514043, 3796339; 514101, 3796309; 514102, 3796309; 514108, 3796307; 514111, 3796304; 514142, 3796287; 514170, 3796255; 514215, 3796208; 514291, 3796164; 514355, 3796119; 514424, 3796055; 514439, 3796024; 514451, 3796009; 514449, 3795971; 514450, 3795964; 514443, 3795894; 514441, 3795891; 514440, 3795890; 514393, 3795830; 514332, 3795801; 514321, 3795800; 514291, 3795789; 514262, 3795785; 514258, 3795783; 514231, 3795781; 514227, 3795781; 514226, 3795781; 514155, 3795776; 514144, 3795785; 514116, 3795789; 514088, 3795817; 514047, 3795891; 514018, 3795938; 514005, 3795973; 513980, 3796014; 513957, 3796046; 513948, 3796055; 513865, 3796109; 513828, 3796145; 513797, 3796168; 513780, 3796186; 513762, 3796200; 513760, 3796201; 513723, 3796230; 513687, 3796286; 513678, 3796295; 513674, 3796304; 513669, 3796313; 513661, 3796338; 513655, 3796353; 513652, 3796365; 513634, 3796408; 513630, 3796430; 513628, 3796432; 513627, 3796434; 513625, 3796439; 513622, 3796448; 513622, 3796451; 513619, 3796455; 513615, 3796461; 513612, 3796466; 513607, 3796471; 513601, 3796475; 513594, 3796479; 513581, 3796480; 513579, 3796481; 513577, 3796481; 513568, 3796491; 513563, 3796494; 513561, 3796495; 513560, 3796500; 513560, 3796506; 513560, 3796508; 513562, 3796511; 513567, 3796513; 513573, 3796517; 513578, 3796520; 513586, 3796523; 513592, 3796524; 513582, 3796530; 513580, 3796555; 513590, 3796564; 513595, 3796566; 513601, 3796566; 513598, 3796573; 513589, 3796592; 513581, 3796602; 513570, 3796605; 513551, 3796618; 513539, 3796656; 513548, 3796669; 513548, 3796676; 513571, 3796707; 513590, 3796760; 513590, 3796810; 513587, 3796851; 513586, 3796856; 513584, 3796863; 513571, 3796887; 513565, 3796881; 513546, 3796877; 513512, 3796881; 513489, 3796900; 513481, 3796923; 513481, 3796924; 513465, 3796924; 513438, 3796920; 513432, 3796923; 513431, 3796922; 513380, 3796910; 513348, 3796878; 513329, 3796849; 513326, 3796805; 513300, 3796757; 513293, 3796749; 513291, 3796739; 513275, 3796710; 513273, 3796706; 513268, 3796698; 513256, 3796676; 513232, 3796652; 513204, 3796636; 513196, 3796629; 513168, 3796629; 513162, 3796631; 513162, 3796628; 513162, 3796619; 513158, 3796609; 513155, 3796603; 513149, 3796597; 513138, 3796593; 513131, 3796584; 513128, 3796581; 513148, 3796577; 513167, 3796562; 513167, 3796528; 513152, 3796516; 513146, 3796511; 513141, 3796511; 513118, 3796501; 513119, 3796501; 513131, 3796493; 513134, 3796488; 513145, 3796482; 513149, 3796466; 513145, 3796450; 513137, 3796434; 513126, 3796434; 513115, 3796429; 513106, 3796427; 513100, 3796425; 513087, 3796427; 513085, 3796426; 513082, 3796427; 513085, 3796425; 513089, 3796424; 513094, 3796423; 513099, 3796421; 513103, 3796421; 513107, 3796420; 513109, 3796419; 513120, 3796414; 513122, 3796411; 513123, 3796407; 513123, 3796401; 513121, 3796389; 513110, 3796387; 513089, 3796387; 513085, 3796387; 513080, 3796383; 513075, 3796378; 513069, 3796376; 513065, 3796378; 513061, 3796380; 513038, 3796401; 513031, 3796403; 513022, 3796403; 513016, 3796403; 513010, 3796404; 513007, 3796408; 512998, 3796427; 512993, 3796432; 512984, 3796432; 512976, 3796431; 512967, 3796430; 512958, 3796430; 512948, 3796431; 512942, 3796435; 512942, 3796440; 512943, 3796447; 512947, 3796453; 512958, 3796458; 512968, 3796460; 512981, 3796461; 512990, 3796462; 512998, 3796461; 513002, 3796462; 513000, 3796463; 512996, 3796465; 512992, 3796472; 512986, 3796477; 512982, 3796485; 512977, 3796493; 512985, 3796499; 512986, 3796501; 512996, 3796509; 513006, 3796518; 513003, 3796519; 513001, 3796524; 513001, 3796528; 513003, 3796531; 513006, 3796533; 513013, 3796536; 513026, 3796540; 513031, 3796543; 513019, 3796558; 513004, 3796600; 513004, 3796623; 513001, 3796637; 513009, 3796690; 513024, 3796717; 513039, 3796763; 513070, 3796797; 513089, 3796843; 513096, 3796872; 513099, 3796901; 513095, 3796915; 513094, 3796917; 513076, 3796939; 513072, 3796962; 513087, 3796975; 513089, 3796980; 513123, 3797003; 513126, 3797015; 513126, 3797031; 513106, 3797069; 513087, 3797088; 513084, 3797137; 513096, 3797163; 513103, 3797175; 513141, 3797195; 513182, 3797197; 513184, 3797197; 513218, 3797201; 513240, 3797201; 513255, 3797202; 513282, 3797202.
(iii) Note: Map of Units CACI 1 and CACI 2 (Map 2) follows:

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(7) Units CACI 3 and CACI 4. Big Bear Lake, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear Lake.
(i) Unit CACI 3. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506933, 3788172; 506933, 3788172; 507055, 3788172; 507058, 3788169; 507058, 3788169; 507166, 3788172; 507208, 3788170; 507213, 3788165; 507215, 3788157; 507213, 3788134; 507205, 3788104; 507197, 3788062; 507176, 3788009; 507151, 3787955; 507123, 3787915; 507111, 3787897; 507087, 3787865; 507069, 3787840; 507045, 3787831; 507043, 3787831; 507040, 3787820; 507041, 3787818; 507036, 3787807; 507036, 3787807; 507036, 3787806; 507036, 3787806; 507025, 3787783; 507009, 3787755; 507006, 3787754; 507000, 3787747; 506974, 3787747; 506974, 3787747; 506973, 3787747; 506968, 3787747; 506967, 3787748; 506954, 3787751; 506938, 3787779; 506942, 3787811; 506954, 3787842; 506966, 3787866; 506974, 3787869; 506956, 3787901; 506949, 3787935; 506941, 3787974; 506938, 3788020; 506941, 3788043; 506939, 3788042; 506926, 3788042; 506907, 3788042; 506901, 3788049; 506892, 3788058; 506885, 3788071; 506885, 3788093; 506888, 3788115; 506895, 3788135; 506911, 3788153; 506933, 3788160; 506933, 3788172.
(ii) Unit CACI 4. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 507777, 3788001; 507780, 3787993; 507783, 3788009; 507791, 3788029; 507801, 3788015; 507806, 3788013; 507806, 3788005; 507811, 3787989; 507811, 3787973; 507811, 3787949; 507810, 3787946; 507810, 3787941; 507807, 3787932; 507806, 3787930; 507804, 3787929; 507803, 3787925; 507802, 3787925; 507790, 3787909; 507764, 3787877; 507732, 3787851; 507704, 3787839; 507688, 3787829; 507686, 3787828; 507682, 3787826; 507682, 3787827; 507678, 3787826; 507674, 3787876; 507666, 3787929; 507659, 3787975; 507659, 3788001; 507669, 3788023; 507682, 3788035; 507707, 3788042; 507729, 3788042; 507752, 3788036; 507767, 3788013; 507769, 3788006; 507777, 3788001.
(iii) Note: Map of Units CACI 3 and CACI 4 (Map 3) follows:

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(8) Units CACI 5 and CACI 6. Broom Flat, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Onyx Peak.
(i) Unit CACI 5. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 525644, 3786958; 525650, 3786943; 525657, 3786886; 525619, 3786867; 525580, 3786879; 525577, 3786894; 525574, 3786905; 525542, 3786911; 525498, 3786892; 525473, 3786847; 525450, 3786817; 525440, 3786790; 525442, 3786753; 525491, 3786702; 525528, 3786682; 525545, 3786658; 525552, 3786616; 525518, 3786601; 525472, 3786618; 525418, 3786655; 525374, 3786645; 525352, 3786596; 525312, 3786569; 525288, 3786552; 525285, 3786508; 525261, 3786459; 525229, 3786435; 525185, 3786425; 525148, 3786423; 525114, 3786442; 525107, 3786462; 525112, 3786503; 525121, 3786543; 525151, 3786587; 525190, 3786606; 525202, 3786658; 525246, 3786724; 525278, 3786795; 525327, 3786873; 525374, 3786910; 525377, 3786968; 525396, 3786994; 525428, 3787032; 525469, 3787091; 525533, 3787152; 525580, 3787209; 525619, 3787254; 525644, 3787311; 525657, 3787355; 525688, 3787387; 525733, 3787419; 525746, 3787419; 525771, 3787444; 525771, 3787508; 525777, 3787565; 525771, 3787616; 525777, 3787641; 525815, 3787629; 525834, 3787597; 525860, 3787552; 525898, 3787527; 525911, 3787495; 525904, 3787457; 525904, 3787425; 525892, 3787368; 525860, 3787324; 525828, 3787260; 525784, 3787203; 525777, 3787152; 525765, 3787127; 525733, 3787121; 525688, 3787076; 525644, 3787019; 525638, 3786974; 525644, 3786958.
(ii) Unit CACI 6. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 525111, 3785431; 525155, 3785406; 525142, 3785419; 525199, 3785419; 525250, 3785412; 525307, 3785393; 525365, 3785362; 525378, 3785345; 525421, 3785349; 525497, 3785323; 525558, 3785296; 525600, 3785262; 525661, 3785220; 525706, 3785197; 525744, 3785182; 525813, 3785170; 525870, 3785170; 525950, 3785201; 526053, 3785243; 526125, 3785292; 526198, 3785323; 526247, 3785330; 526297, 3785338; 526358, 3785338; 526411, 3785327; 526457, 3785292; 526491, 3785262; 526529, 3785227; 526556, 3785170; 526556, 3785132; 526552, 3785079; 526548, 3785022; 526540, 3784978; 526562, 3784983; 526585, 3784983; 526610, 3784977; 526632, 3784967; 526642, 3784945; 526639, 3784907; 526632, 3784885; 526616, 3784847; 526604, 3784834; 526588, 3784815; 526575, 3784789; 526562, 3784774; 526617, 3784774; 526651, 3784759; 526651, 3784751; 526662, 3784735; 526662, 3784724; 526642, 3784701; 526625, 3784671; 526614, 3784655; 526626, 3784653; 526636, 3784634; 526632, 3784615; 526616, 3784593; 526604, 3784577; 526594, 3784567; 526582, 3784558; 526575, 3784548; 526562, 3784542; 526550, 3784535; 526547, 3784534; 526522, 3784488; 526509, 3784440; 526506, 3784412; 526495, 3784379; 526459, 3784332; 526457, 3784330; 526449, 3784321; 526434, 3784252; 526415, 3784229; 526418, 3784219; 526423, 3784219; 526430, 3784207; 526436, 3784191; 526442, 3784178; 526445, 3784162; 526439, 3784151; 526445, 3784130; 526476, 3784019; 526510, 3783943; 526522, 3783890; 526541, 3783795; 526567, 3783692; 526579, 3783627; 526606, 3783581; 526647, 3783490; 526680, 3783446; 526713, 3783425; 526764, 3783396; 526818, 3783371; 526861, 3783342; 526873, 3783324; 526876, 3783323; 526878, 3783320; 526913, 3783270; 526922, 3783257; 526963, 3783235; 526981, 3783233; 527032, 3783219; 527050, 3783204; 527064, 3783175; 527075, 3783143; 527071, 3783137; 527074, 3783128; 527051, 3783117; 527037, 3783121; 527006, 3783124; 526970, 3783139; 526945, 3783150; 526930, 3783150; 526898, 3783168; 526872, 3783183; 526869, 3783183; 526840, 3783163; 526840, 3783139; 526843, 3783117; 526861, 3783088; 526890, 3783052; 526911, 3783037; 526907, 3783059; 526904, 3783081; 526901, 3783107; 526917, 3783113; 526926, 3783107; 526939, 3783094; 526946, 3783072; 526955, 3783069; 526958, 3783062; 526961, 3783031; 526961, 3783008; 526960, 3783003; 526974, 3782994; 526978, 3782969; 526979, 3782968; 526979, 3782967; 526981, 3782954; 526976, 3782944; 526975, 3782934; 526937, 3782873; 526904, 3782868; 526894, 3782863; 526880, 3782865; 526853, 3782861; 526788, 3782899; 526724, 3782957; 526678, 3783010; 526653, 3783029; 526644, 3783034; 526634, 3783043; 526613, 3783059; 526600, 3783077; 526571, 3783103; 526524, 3783161; 526489, 3783206; 526476, 3783219; 526473, 3783226; 526448, 3783262; 526452, 3783284; 526470, 3783284; 526495, 3783297; 526493, 3783306; 526477, 3783327; 526441, 3783378; 526419, 3783393; 526408, 3783425; 526401, 3783469; 526394, 3783531; 526390, 3783585; 526381, 3783631; 526351, 3783704; 526339, 3783719; 526299, 3783803; 526269, 3783859; 526263, 3783867; 526261, 3783869; 526234, 3783893; 526221, 3783921; 526209, 3783936; 526113, 3784063; 526089, 3784082; 526072, 3784131; 526026, 3784168; 526012, 3784180; 525995, 3784180; 525987, 3784194; 525958, 3784212; 525951, 3784270; 525969, 3784310; 526016, 3784379; 526029, 3784402; 526038, 3784423; 526068, 3784501; 526071, 3784513; 526089, 3784575; 526109, 3784589; 526125, 3784624; 526125, 3784644; 526103, 3784691; 526089, 3784702; 526083, 3784713; 526072, 3784721; 526062, 3784751; 526049, 3784775; 526052, 3784781; 526049, 3784789; 526065, 3784836; 526067, 3784883; 526064, 3784909; 526060, 3784931; 525995, 3784927; 525944, 3784916; 525912, 3784910; 525882, 3784896; 525828, 3784881; 525786, 3784858; 525737, 3784850; 525710, 3784854; 525630, 3784865; 525573, 3784888; 525508, 3784927; 525478, 3784965; 525455, 3785003; 525382, 3785037; 525360, 3785067; 525328, 3785099; 525326, 3785095; 525301, 3785044; 525263, 3785019; 525238, 3785063; 525231, 3785120; 525206, 3785165; 525206, 3785203; 525187, 3785247; 525149, 3785273; 525072, 3785298; 524965, 3785304; 524926, 3785298; 524869, 3785292; 524799, 3785323; 524799, 3785362; 524831, 3785406; 524869, 3785444; 524876, 3785470; 524914, 3785489; 524933, 3785501; 524984, 3785495; 525022, 3785482; 525066, 3785470; 525111, 3785431.
(iii) Note: Map of Units CACI 5 and CACI 6 (Map 4) follows:

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(9) Units CACI 7, CACI 8, CACI 9. Fawnskin, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Fawnskin.
(i) Unit CACI 7. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506020, 3792309; 506020, 3792303; 506001, 3792335; 506014, 3792404; 506014, 3792468; 506001, 3792538; 505982, 3792557; 505963, 3792595; 505950, 3792639; 505937, 3792671; 505944, 3792703; 505994, 3792722; 506039, 3792722; 506109, 3792684; 506147, 3792665; 506191, 3792627; 506229, 3792582; 506217, 3792525; 506166, 3792493; 506121, 3792462; 506109, 3792442; 506109, 3792417; 506096, 3792392; 506077, 3792373; 506052, 3792335; 506020, 3792309.
(ii) Unit CACI 8. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506636, 3791541; 506604, 3791490; 506547, 3791496; 506534, 3791515; 506515, 3791579; 506522, 3791661; 506502, 3791757; 506490, 3791807; 506502, 3791852; 506547, 3791941; 506579, 3792017; 506610, 3792100; 506629, 3792182; 506649, 3792220; 506668, 3792233; 506687, 3792227; 506680, 3792214; 506693, 3792182; 506706, 3792138; 506712, 3792074; 506725, 3792036; 506706, 3791928; 506680, 3791846; 506674, 3791801; 506674, 3791744; 506668, 3791674; 506655, 3791623; 506636, 3791541.
(iii) Unit CACI 9. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 509277, 3790880; 509264, 3790854; 509248, 3790857; 509229, 3790873; 509223, 3790908; 509223, 3790943; 509226, 3790972; 509232, 3790991; 509261, 3791003; 509273, 3790988; 509277, 3790969; 509273, 3790943; 509277, 3790908; 509277, 3790880.
(iv) Note: Map of Units CACI 7, CACI 8, CACI 9 (Map 5) follows:

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(10) Units CACI 10, CACI 11, CACI 12, CACI 15, and CACI 16. Gold Mountain and North Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear City.
(i) Unit CACI 10. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 516297, 3793523; 516342, 3793514; 516374, 3793491; 516405, 3793447; 516412, 3793390; 516424, 3793352; 516421, 3793333; 516437, 3793335; 516450, 3793331; 516463, 3793309; 516466, 3793281; 516465, 3793279; 516475, 3793268; 516469, 3793227; 516447, 3793207; 516421, 3793189; 516380, 3793166; 516345, 3793154; 516311, 3793139; 516272, 3793103; 516244, 3793081; 516215, 3793077; 516187, 3793090; 516206, 3793135; 516202, 3793144; 516207, 3793149; 516196, 3793141; 516172, 3793137; 516163, 3793137; 516157, 3793137; 516154, 3793135; 516147, 3793133; 516132, 3793125; 516128, 3793123; 516109, 3793112; 516096, 3793112; 516095, 3793112; 516081, 3793111; 516065, 3793105; 516045, 3793109; 516017, 3793126; 516016, 3793127; 516006, 3793132; 516003, 3793145; 515998, 3793153; 515995, 3793166; 515988, 3793165; 515980, 3793163; 515971, 3793161; 515961, 3793161; 515956, 3793162; 515943, 3793162; 515926, 3793178; 515919, 3793180; 515912, 3793182; 515905, 3793188; 515899, 3793193; 515893, 3793198; 515884, 3793209; 515881, 3793219; 515879, 3793220; 515793, 3793243; 515732, 3793233; 515685, 3793220; 515647, 3793211; 515577, 3793211; 515536, 3793230; 515507, 3793261; 515501, 3793303; 515501, 3793335; 515542, 3793357; 515586, 3793360; 515625, 3793357; 515666, 3793341; 515707, 3793335; 515761, 3793338; 515809, 3793354; 515828, 3793376; 515851, 3793399; 515851, 3793403; 515848, 3793408; 515845, 3793414; 515844, 3793417; 515842, 3793424; 515842, 3793431; 515843, 3793438; 515839, 3793448; 515845, 3793446; 515849, 3793444; 515856, 3793439; 515860, 3793433; 515872, 3793430; 515873, 3793429; 515879, 3793443; 515901, 3793468; 515904, 3793468; 515910, 3793468; 515917, 3793461; 515921, 3793461; 515935, 3793473; 515980, 3793495; 516015, 3793501; 516082, 3793514; 516132, 3793514; 516212, 3793520; 516262, 3793527; 516297, 3793523.
(ii) Unit CACI 11. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 516768, 3792969; 516744, 3792965; 516720, 3792965; 516705, 3792961; 516685, 3792953; 516673, 3792949; 516652, 3792935; 516645, 3792926; 516642, 3792923; 516641, 3792918; 516633, 3792898; 516633, 3792891; 516633, 3792891; 516623, 3792868; 516621, 3792864; 516585, 3792863; 516581, 3792865; 516578, 3792862; 516562, 3792870; 516560, 3792871; 516556, 3792871; 516545, 3792873; 516540, 3792875; 516521, 3792875; 516510, 3792864; 516502, 3792855; 516496, 3792848; 516490, 3792840; 516477, 3792833; 516463, 3792824; 516461, 3792822; 516450, 3792804; 516447, 3792800; 516438, 3792788; 516423, 3792784; 516410, 3792780; 516377, 3792769; 516375, 3792768; 516364, 3792763; 516319, 3792740; 516318, 3792740; 516311, 3792737; 516304, 3792731; 516298, 3792731; 516283, 3792725; 516279, 3792728; 516271, 3792727; 516229, 3792731; 516176, 3792758; 516157, 3792773; 516130, 3792803; 516127, 3792815; 516119, 3792849; 516138, 3792891; 516157, 3792925; 516180, 3792952; 516203, 3792979; 516233, 3793009; 516268, 3793036; 516274, 3793041; 516275, 3793055; 516282, 3793087; 516298, 3793112; 516329, 3793125; 516364, 3793131; 516453, 3793154; 516520, 3793160; 516590, 3793166; 516610, 3793155; 516641, 3793150; 516668, 3793139; 516694, 3793116; 516717, 3793093; 516732, 3793074; 516748, 3793055; 516759, 3793039; 516770, 3793024; 516772, 3793012; 516775, 3793010; 516778, 3793004; 516778, 3793004; 516780, 3793001; 516784, 3792993; 516783, 3792989; 516783, 3792987; 516783, 3792987; 516783, 3792987; 516782, 3792985; 516780, 3792983; 516780, 3792981; 516777, 3792979; 516777, 3792978; 516775, 3792975; 516773, 3792971; 516772, 3792971; 516772, 3792971; 516771, 3792971; 516769, 3792970; 516768, 3792969.
(iii) Unit CACI 12. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 517804, 3791769; 517801, 3791754; 517782, 3791754; 517766, 3791765; 517766, 3791780; 517774, 3791792; 517782, 3791796; 517804, 3791792; 517804, 3791769.
(iv) Unit CACI 15. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 516160, 3795525; 516163, 3795551; 516182, 3795563; 516194, 3795563; 516198, 3795566; 516240, 3795559; 516278, 3795551; 516308, 3795555; 516331, 3795578; 516396, 3795605; 516406, 3795603; 516415, 3795605; 516453, 3795601; 516491, 3795578; 516491, 3795574; 516491, 3795551; 516472, 3795525; 516466, 3795501; 516465, 3795486; 516468, 3795452; 516480, 3795422; 516486, 3795415; 516518, 3795399; 516552, 3795379; 516598, 3795380; 516649, 3795388; 516655, 3795391; 516654, 3795425; 516658, 3795442; 516685, 3795452; 516698, 3795449; 516708, 3795431; 516716, 3795406; 516765, 3795429; 516807, 3795448; 516810, 3795448; 516834, 3795456; 516857, 3795452; 516906, 3795429; 516933, 3795410; 516960, 3795383; 516971, 3795361; 516986, 3795334; 517009, 3795299; 517032, 3795262; 517063, 3795223; 517097, 3795181; 517110, 3795163; 517131, 3795140; 517165, 3795101; 517184, 3795090; 517207, 3795083; 517211, 3795082; 517269, 3795104; 517278, 3795133; 517272, 3795170; 517264, 3795193; 517230, 3795239; 517196, 3795288; 517154, 3795349; 517150, 3795370; 517146, 3795376; 517139, 3795399; 517141, 3795414; 517139, 3795425; 517146, 3795448; 517154, 3795471; 517211, 3795517; 517245, 3795521; 517314, 3795517; 517360, 3795509; 517381, 3795485; 517386, 3795479; 517388, 3795476; 517402, 3795460; 517413, 3795433; 517440, 3795387; 517460, 3795371; 517489, 3795353; 517506, 3795341; 517520, 3795334; 517584, 3795315; 517611, 3795292; 517653, 3795261; 517672, 3795219; 517699, 3795159; 517718, 3795115; 517749, 3795078; 517759, 3795070; 517786, 3795052; 517809, 3795029; 517840, 3794999; 517841, 3794997; 517851, 3794987; 517882, 3794923; 517908, 3794881; 517917, 3794871; 517939, 3794854; 517981, 3794819; 518023, 3794812; 518038, 3794812; 518095, 3794819; 518152, 3794816; 518155, 3794815; 518171, 3794816; 518202, 3794804; 518251, 3794778; 518339, 3794755; 518411, 3794732; 518461, 3794724; 518461, 3794713; 518457, 3794698; 518442, 3794683; 518439, 3794680; 518438, 3794679; 518415, 3794652; 518458, 3794642; 518462, 3794598; 518443, 3794587; 518438, 3794583; 518413, 3794573; 518371, 3794577; 518322, 3794586; 518279, 3794597; 518246, 3794608; 518230, 3794614; 518206, 3794614; 518133, 3794617; 518117, 3794619; 518097, 3794610; 518097, 3794615; 518097, 3794618; 518098, 3794621; 518069, 3794625; 518061, 3794625; 518045, 3794627; 518046, 3794602; 518045, 3794602; 518039, 3794605; 518034, 3794609; 518019, 3794610; 518017, 3794611; 518019, 3794605; 518019, 3794589; 518012, 3794567; 517993, 3794554; 517968, 3794567; 517946, 3794573; 517936, 3794560; 517920, 3794548; 517914, 3794549; 517917, 3794545; 517924, 3794535; 517931, 3794526; 517939, 3794516; 517948, 3794503; 517954, 3794493; 517959, 3794482; 517964, 3794473; 517964, 3794468; 517959, 3794461; 517950, 3794456; 517934, 3794458; 517923, 3794462; 517905, 3794469; 517892, 3794475; 517882, 3794478; 517869, 3794480; 517852, 3794480; 517859, 3794462; 517866, 3794439; 517889, 3794413; 517927, 3794397; 517988, 3794404; 518030, 3794416; 518087, 3794439; 518110, 3794450; 518141, 3794473; 518187, 3794489; 518187, 3794490; 518222, 3794509; 518263, 3794506; 518311, 3794497; 518358, 3794490; 518419, 3794490; 518476, 3794493; 518481, 3794494; 518521, 3794504; 518558, 3794517; 518564, 3794521; 518569, 3794521; 518583, 3794526; 518586, 3794527; 518612, 3794538; 518617, 3794537; 518631, 3794533; 518632, 3794534; 518633, 3794533; 518663, 3794526; 518666, 3794509; 518673, 3794503; 518666, 3794484; 518666, 3794453; 518652, 3794447; 518644, 3794435; 518627, 3794432; 518620, 3794430; 518617, 3794427; 518602, 3794424; 518587, 3794421; 518565, 3794411; 518549, 3794409; 518508, 3794396; 518507, 3794395; 518505, 3794395; 518499, 3794393; 518457, 3794385; 518453, 3794385; 518428, 3794373; 518387, 3794376; 518358, 3794379; 518338, 3794383; 518327, 3794381; 518297, 3794362; 518273, 3794328; 518272, 3794325; 518277, 3794321; 518281, 3794312; 518281, 3794302; 518281, 3794291; 518279, 3794282; 518279, 3794278; 518293, 3794271; 518316, 3794259; 518369, 3794248; 518415, 3794244; 518426, 3794242; 518442, 3794241; 518455, 3794236; 518468, 3794233; 518507, 3794221; 518533, 3794195; 518541, 3794175; 518552, 3794157; 518554, 3794145; 518560, 3794134; 518558, 3794126; 518560, 3794115; 518552, 3794092; 518539, 3794081; 518529, 3794065; 518480, 3794069; 518474, 3794071; 518446, 3794073; 518407, 3794092; 518373, 3794111; 518312, 3794145; 518305, 3794152; 518297, 3794157; 518280, 3794177; 518270, 3794183; 518251, 3794179; 518221, 3794179; 518175, 3794164; 518142, 3794157; 518099, 3794141; 518065, 3794130; 518030, 3794122; 517965, 3794115; 517927, 3794103; 517901, 3794092; 517878, 3794093; 517863, 3794088; 517830, 3794088; 517836, 3794390; 517634, 3794390; 517639, 3794589; 517192, 3794589; 517160, 3794606; 517141, 3794622; 517130, 3794635; 517123, 3794641; 517120, 3794653; 517119, 3794657; 517112, 3794663; 517070, 3794705; 517068, 3794708; 517063, 3794711; 517052, 3794723; 517046, 3794727; 517042, 3794731; 517041, 3794732; 517036, 3794736; 517030, 3794739; 517025, 3794739; 517020, 3794742; 517019, 3794742; 517014, 3794745; 517009, 3794751; 517014, 3794755; 517025, 3794753; 517041, 3794746; 517040, 3794749; 516998, 3794804; 516956, 3794839; 516952, 3794841; 516906, 3794865; 516883, 3794884; 516856, 3794905; 516851, 3794907; 516849, 3794897; 516839, 3794910; 516811, 3794919; 516735, 3794926; 516686, 3794937; 516674, 3794938; 516657, 3794947; 516643, 3794953; 516613, 3794973; 516582, 3794991; 516573, 3795005; 516567, 3795010; 516548, 3795037; 516525, 3795059; 516522, 3795063; 516487, 3795098; 516483, 3795101; 516472, 3795119; 516461, 3795136; 516443, 3795164; 516430, 3795185; 516420, 3795212; 516419, 3795216; 516396, 3795265; 516377, 3795311; 516365, 3795341; 516346, 3795368; 516304, 3795399; 516259, 3795433; 516198, 3795471; 516175, 3795494; 516167, 3795501; 516168, 3795507; 516160, 3795525.
(v) Unit CACI 16. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 516869, 3794211; 516844, 3794205; 516809, 3794214; 516783, 3794239; 516764, 3794271; 516749, 3794300; 516733, 3794325; 516720, 3794347; 516710, 3794376; 516695, 3794405; 516682, 3794424; 516672, 3794449; 516669, 3794465; 516688, 3794475; 516723, 3794471; 516742, 3794449; 516739, 3794421; 516745, 3794385; 516771, 3794351; 516793, 3794329; 516822, 3794306; 516860, 3794275; 516879, 3794243; 516869, 3794211.
(vi) Note: Map of Units CACI 10, CACI 11, CACI 12, CACI 15, and CACI 16 (Map 6) follows:

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(11) Units CACI 13 and CACI 14. Holcomb Valley, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Fawnskin.
(i) Unit CACI 13. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506727, 3796049; 506738, 3796035; 506743, 3796031; 506761, 3796001; 506765, 3795985; 506767, 3795981; 506783, 3795942; 506785, 3795915; 506787, 3795910; 506790, 3795878; 506784, 3795872; 506782, 3795867; 506779, 3795843; 506773, 3795840; 506772, 3795835; 506767, 3795833; 506752, 3795821; 506730, 3795818; 506689, 3795818; 506663, 3795823; 506634, 3795825; 506624, 3795837; 506612, 3795847; 506606, 3795854; 506597, 3795862; 506571, 3795881; 506571, 3795883; 506557, 3795893; 506544, 3795910; 506529, 3795930; 506530, 3795930; 506528, 3795934; 506565, 3795933; 506565, 3795935; 506574, 3795964; 506600, 3795986; 506635, 3796001; 506633, 3796023; 506631, 3796041; 506632, 3796041; 506644, 3796045; 506663, 3796042; 506681, 3796042; 506707, 3796045; 506715, 3796049; 506727, 3796049. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506666, 3795511; 506661, 3795481; 506647, 3795471; 506625, 3795463; 506622, 3795462; 506612, 3795476; 506604, 3795484; 506602, 3795500; 506591, 3795480; 506584, 3795455; 506569, 3795435; 506569, 3795428; 506562, 3795409; 506556, 3795389; 506547, 3795351; 506537, 3795317; 506532, 3795310; 506524, 3795303; 506512, 3795298; 506504, 3795291; 506495, 3795298; 506492, 3795307; 506487, 3795328; 506483, 3795347; 506477, 3795372; 506472, 3795393; 506470, 3795416; 506466, 3795433; 506463, 3795457; 506468, 3795488; 506472, 3795510; 506474, 3795533; 506477, 3795567; 506485, 3795593; 506494, 3795624; 506507, 3795657; 506517, 3795687; 506534, 3795715; 506555, 3795736; 506549, 3795747; 506552, 3795771; 506564, 3795799; 506572, 3795807; 506600, 3795819; 506616, 3795811; 506617, 3795807; 506620, 3795805; 506635, 3795794; 506639, 3795763; 506641, 3795759; 506670, 3795753; 506695, 3795750; 506705, 3795731; 506695, 3795712; 506690, 3795703; 506692, 3795687; 506687, 3795672; 506679, 3795655; 506689, 3795626; 506705, 3795598; 506708, 3795575; 506689, 3795550; 506677, 3795540; 506676, 3795537; 506666, 3795511.
(ii) Unit CACI 14. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 509943, 3794740; 509997, 3794674; 510070, 3794623; 510076, 3794591; 510073, 3794585; 510044, 3794562; 510003, 3794556; 510054, 3794518; 510105, 3794477; 510124, 3794477; 510194, 3794473; 510219, 3794442; 510222, 3794391; 510168, 3794347; 510105, 3794283; 510067, 3794201; 510054, 3794162; 510013, 3794124; 509999, 3794124; 509999, 3794118; 509996, 3794110; 509991, 3794106; 509987, 3794102; 509981, 3794099; 509975, 3794097; 509968, 3794095; 509961, 3794096; 509955, 3794096; 509950, 3794098; 509946, 3794101; 509940, 3794109; 509940, 3794115; 509940, 3794122; 509943, 3794131; 509947, 3794139; 509911, 3794159; 509908, 3794173; 509894, 3794173; 509886, 3794181; 509874, 3794221; 509894, 3794256; 509914, 3794284; 509943, 3794302; 509943, 3794305; 509893, 3794327; 509858, 3794375; 509839, 3794404; 509807, 3794445; 509782, 3794480; 509747, 3794531; 509668, 3794579; 509639, 3794617; 509643, 3794633; 509635, 3794642; 509648, 3794660; 509649, 3794664; 509664, 3794674; 509668, 3794674; 509674, 3794667; 509680, 3794664; 509682, 3794659; 509737, 3794651; 509797, 3794623; 509800, 3794620; 509787, 3794641; 509771, 3794660; 509747, 3794684; 509743, 3794708; 509747, 3794731; 509755, 3794743; 509775, 3794743; 509791, 3794735; 509806, 3794729; 509803, 3794743; 509822, 3794772; 509902, 3794759; 509943, 3794740.
(iii) Note: Units CACI 13 and CACI 14 (Map 7) follows:

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(12) Units CACI 17 and CACI 18. Sawmill, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Big Bear City and Moonridge.
(i) Unit CACI 17. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 514010,3788419; 513955,3788406; 513936,3788404; 513891,3788404; 513855,3788412; 513831,3788423; 513803,3788431; 513777,3788444; 513756,3788453; 513744,3788464; 513731,3788473; 513761,3788481; 513764,3788488; 513768,3788499; 513787,3788551; 513781,3788561; 513779,3788566; 513777,3788572; 513775,3788579; 513777,3788585; 513784,3788591; 513809,3788609; 513815,3788611; 513820,3788612; 513823,3788612; 513837,3788627; 513843,3788649; 513843,3788659; 513842,3788660; 513830,3788680; 513826,3788709; 513821,3788716; 513811,3788742; 513789,3788818; 513789,3788865; 513789,3788897; 513789,3788923; 513776,3788948; 513761,3788973; 513742,3788986; 513735,3789005; 513719,3789024; 513703,3789050; 513697,3789059; 513691,3789069; 513678,3789094; 513665,3789113; 513653,3789135; 513652,3789137; 513648,3789140; 513624,3789156; 513620,3789168; 513604,3789184; 513600,3789208; 513606,3789220; 513606,3789228; 513608,3789229; 513581,3789259; 513591,3789262; 513601,3789262; 513605,3789257; 513608,3789253; 513611,3789247; 513621,3789233; 513636,3789235; 513645,3789230; 513648,3789234; 513652,3789230; 513658,3789229; 513662,3789230; 513670,3789236; 513674,3789239; 513679,3789244; 513686,3789364; 513695,3789377; 513704,3789381; 513715,3789379; 513719,3789377; 513728,3789372; 513730,3789357; 513724,3789335; 513743,3789335; 513747,3789335; 513763,3789331; 513766,3789326; 513772,3789321; 513778,3789313; 513781,3789306; 513783,3789303; 513783,3789275; 513778,3789268; 513778,3789266; 513776,3789263; 513753,3789217; 513753,3789214; 513750,3789205; 513748,3789194; 513745,3789182; 513744,3789171; 513744,3789168; 513759,3789161; 513765,3789157; 513772,3789154; 513780,3789137; 513792,3789126; 513793,3789113; 513798,3789111; 513804,3789105; 513812,3789102; 513826,3789091; 513836,3789093; 513846,3789090; 513853,3789083; 513854,3789059; 513850,3789053; 513878,3789041; 513902,3789017; 513905,3789013; 513906,3789010; 513913,3789005; 513913,3789001; 513918,3788993; 513918,3788973; 513923,3788961; 513919,3788942; 513926,3788919; 513935,3788882; 513948,3788850; 513957,3788824; 513964,3788796; 513957,3788729; 513945,3788701; 513938,3788672; 513935,3788640; 513948,3788599; 513964,3788577; 513986,3788561; 513992,3788542; 513999,3788507; 514008,3788472; 514021,3788448; 514027,3788437; 514027,3788419.
(ii) Unit CACI 18. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 515023,3789730; 515031,3789764; 515027,3789815; 515027,3789875; 515029,3789884; 515029,3789895; 515034,3789907; 515034,3789909; 515035,3789912; 515037,3789923; 515053,3789964; 515054,3789966; 515058,3789977; 515063,3789983; 515066,3789986; 515069,3789988; 515077,3789997; 515092,3789990; 515094,3789989; 515104,3789979; 515113,3789974; 515120,3789962; 515128,3789941; 515137,3789925; 515140,3789915; 515142,3789911; 515153,3789887; 515153,3789881; 515156,3789875; 515148,3789851; 515132,3789851; 515116,3789851; 515113,3789850; 515104,3789865; 515098,3789869; 515091,3789873; 515089,3789873; 515077,3789867; 515066,3789856; 515069,3789834; 515073,3789814; 515077,3789790; 515085,3789759; 515088,3789732.
(iii) Note: Units CACI 17 and CACI 18 (Map 8) follows:

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(13) Unit CACI 19. Snow Valley, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Keller Peak. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 496377, 3786874; 496368, 3786876; 496360, 3786876; 496349, 3786874; 496333, 3786868; 496319, 3786861; 496300, 3786853; 496289, 3786849; 496273, 3786842; 496263, 3786836; 496249, 3786830; 496241, 3786825; 496236, 3786822; 496232, 3786816; 496224, 3786804; 496222, 3786803; 496219, 3786810; 496219, 3786838; 496219, 3786840; 496235, 3786873; 496248, 3786886; 496226, 3786935; 496210, 3786983; 496232, 3787012; 496268, 3787015; 496296, 3787018; 496331, 3787041; 496338, 3787085; 496370, 3787117; 496411, 3787124; 496459, 3787124; 496464, 3787118; 496465, 3787118; 496473, 3787122; 496473, 3787120; 496476, 3787110; 496481, 3787104; 496484, 3787099; 496484, 3787098; 496484, 3787098; 496483, 3787098; 496491, 3787088; 496498, 3787069; 496500, 3787067; 496500, 3787063; 496510, 3787038; 496549, 3787038; 496559, 3787041; 496606, 3787054; 496622, 3787073; 496644, 3787133; 496638, 3787175; 496638, 3787175; 496642, 3787184; 496654, 3787213; 496666, 3787223; 496682, 3787235; 496743, 3787235; 496787, 3787226; 496797, 3787213; 496800, 3787210; 496805, 3787196; 496809, 3787184; 496809, 3787184; 496809, 3787184; 496809, 3787159; 496809, 3787159; 496809, 3787159; 496799, 3787139; 496797, 3787133; 496790, 3787111; 496782, 3787102; 496768, 3787086; 496758, 3787082; 496746, 3787076; 496717, 3787057; 496713, 3787050; 496708, 3787041; 496704, 3787032; 496701, 3787025; 496692, 3787013; 496692, 3786994; 496692, 3786994; 496692, 3786994; 496689, 3786987; 496685, 3786978; 496673, 3786968; 496644, 3786956; 496622, 3786946; 496609, 3786944; 496584, 3786940; 496568, 3786934; 496552, 3786927; 496533, 3786923; 496511, 3786917; 496479, 3786910; 496460, 3786905; 496449, 3786898; 496428, 3786886; 496404, 3786884; 496393, 3786883; 496376, 3786876; 496377, 3786875; 496376, 3786875; 496377, 3786874.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit CACI 19 (Map 9) follows:

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(14) Unit CACI 20: South Baldwin Ridge/Erwin Lake, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear City. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 518798, 3790531; 518814, 3790499; 518836, 3790501; 518883, 3790501; 518891, 3790493; 518942, 3790490; 519022, 3790477; 519063, 3790455; 519104, 3790439; 519114, 3790429; 519108, 3790395; 519085, 3790359; 519057, 3790347; 519012, 3790344; 518955, 3790357; 518923, 3790404; 518900, 3790419; 518911, 3790389; 518923, 3790370; 518907, 3790346; 518876, 3790342; 518839, 3790342; 518822, 3790331; 518821, 3790331; 518820, 3790320; 518800, 3790313; 518797, 3790307; 518792, 3790302; 518776, 3790291; 518766, 3790295; 518764, 3790297; 518763, 3790296; 518744, 3790298; 518740, 3790308; 518737, 3790313; 518724, 3790318; 518725, 3790327; 518714, 3790333; 518716, 3790337; 518707, 3790343; 518699, 3790340; 518697, 3790342; 518695, 3790345; 518693, 3790346; 518691, 3790351; 518685, 3790353; 518683, 3790359; 518682, 3790364; 518683, 3790368; 518698, 3790377; 518704, 3790378; 518712, 3790375; 518707, 3790379; 518666, 3790392; 518637, 3790398; 518629, 3790391; 518618, 3790391; 518613, 3790387; 518613, 3790385; 518611, 3790382; 518605, 3790378; 518600, 3790374; 518591, 3790377; 518580, 3790376; 518568, 3790381; 518553, 3790380; 518545, 3790386; 518540, 3790382; 518541, 3790379; 518541, 3790375; 518542, 3790373; 518540, 3790371; 518538, 3790371; 518535, 3790374; 518533, 3790378; 518531, 3790382; 518530, 3790387; 518529, 3790392; 518530, 3790397; 518532, 3790400; 518536, 3790400; 518542, 3790399; 518550, 3790401; 518553, 3790401; 518563, 3790404; 518567, 3790405; 518568, 3790403; 518570, 3790401; 518574, 3790401; 518577, 3790399; 518583, 3790401; 518590, 3790403; 518596, 3790399; 518596, 3790397; 518597, 3790397; 518602, 3790395; 518604, 3790398; 518607, 3790400; 518609, 3790402; 518610, 3790404; 518602, 3790406; 518597, 3790409; 518586, 3790409; 518562, 3790429; 518582, 3790445; 518597, 3790453; 518595, 3790463; 518574, 3790467; 518561, 3790460; 518541, 3790453; 518503, 3790453; 518490, 3790477; 518517, 3790511; 518551, 3790531; 518632, 3790551; 518686, 3790571; 518720, 3790579; 518740, 3790579; 518764, 3790562; 518798, 3790531.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit CACI 20 (Map 10) follows:

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(15) Units CACI 21, CACI 22, CACI 23, and CACI 24. Sugarloaf Ridge, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Moonridge.
(i) Unit CACI 21. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 521244, 3783525; 521340, 3783525; 521411, 3783533; 521470, 3783533; 521550, 3783517; 521601, 3783537; 521617, 3783561; 521669, 3783589; 521752, 3783569; 521824, 3783533; 521883, 3783493; 521939, 3783453; 521959, 3783406; 521971, 3783351; 521982, 3783287; 521975, 3783203; 521970, 3783181; 521967, 3783152; 521967, 3783101; 521967, 3783072; 521951, 3783015; 521939, 3782987; 521897, 3782936; 521875, 3782911; 521831, 3782891; 521793, 3782882; 521739, 3782888; 521694, 3782888; 521650, 3782911; 521624, 3782926; 521602, 3782955; 521561, 3782993; 521520, 3783066; 521485, 3783126; 521462, 3783203; 521440, 3783228; 521380, 3783237; 521323, 3783241; 521266, 3783247; 521228, 3783247; 521151, 3783237; 521075, 3783234; 521040, 3783237; 520939, 3783250; 520894, 3783257; 520859, 3783279; 520862, 3783301; 520856, 3783336; 520853, 3783371; 520852, 3783374; 520828, 3783382; 520780, 3783410; 520764, 3783453; 520776, 3783521; 520784, 3783549; 520784, 3783557; 520752, 3783628; 520764, 3783652; 520820, 3783684; 520867, 3783692; 520927, 3783688; 520955, 3783652; 520994, 3783605; 521022, 3783573; 521078, 3783549; 521109, 3783533; 521244, 3783525.
(ii) Unit CACI 22. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 522459, 3784505; 522475, 3784502; 522490, 3784501; 522542, 3784497; 522570, 3784493; 522573, 3784489; 522582, 3784489; 522598, 3784448; 522601, 3784441; 522629, 3784382; 522640, 3784339; 522641, 3784335; 522641, 3784333; 522645, 3784318; 522637, 3784302; 522627, 3784289; 522625, 3784287; 522623, 3784285; 522621, 3784283; 522607, 3784265; 522602, 3784251; 522602, 3784227; 522613, 3784195; 522622, 3784177; 522637, 3784156; 522641, 3784144; 522640, 3784127; 522641, 3784116; 522638, 3784107; 522637, 3784097; 522633, 3784091; 522621, 3784064; 522586, 3784040; 522552, 3784021; 522534, 3784009; 522531, 3784009; 522530, 3784009; 522486, 3784009; 522455, 3784013; 522427, 3784044; 522387, 3784088; 522351, 3784135; 522347, 3784153; 522340, 3784168; 522292, 3784188; 522268, 3784200; 522258, 3784217; 522252, 3784223; 522256, 3784247; 522256, 3784255; 522280, 3784279; 522289, 3784297; 522292, 3784306; 522308, 3784366; 522308, 3784397; 522324, 3784449; 522327, 3784451; 522328, 3784454; 522339, 3784459; 522359, 3784473; 522403, 3784493; 522447, 3784505; 522455, 3784504; 522459, 3784505.
(iii) Unit CACI 23. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 520411,3784723; 520439,3784779; 520470,3784779; 520502,3784771; 520538,3784739; 520562,3784696; 520609,3784676; 520645,3784676; 520697,3784688; 520728,3784708; 520764,3784723; 520800,3784743; 520828,3784767; 520907,3784843; 520958,3784871; 521014,3784906; 521212,3785025; 521336,3785081; 521415,3785109; 521478,3785125; 521574,3785093; 521570,3785053; 521558,3785013; 521546,3784989; 521510,3784966; 521474,3784938; 521427,3784910; 521387,3784878; 521359,3784871; 521340,3784847; 521320,3784835; 521244,3784811; 521185,3784791; 521125,3784767; 521082,3784735; 521022,3784688; 520978,3784640; 520939,3784617; 520887,3784581; 520804,3784565; 520748,3784553; 520677,3784545; 520625,3784521; 520558,3784489; 520534,3784481; 520470,3784434; 520423,3784402; 520347,3784351; 520252,3784299; 520181,3784283; 520133,3784287; 520089,3784311; 520070,3784339; 520070,3784355; 520066,3784390; 520070,3784414; 520105,3784434; 520153,3784454; 520220,3784481; 520300,3784521; 520351,3784553; 520415,3784581; 520447,3784605; 520439,3784609.
(iv) Unit CACI 24. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 517371, 3784019; 517390, 3784013; 517415, 3784010; 517438, 3784001; 517485, 3783985; 517527, 3783965; 517558, 3783950; 517676, 3783937; 517720, 3783921; 517790, 3783918; 517806, 3783924; 517835, 3783934; 517876, 3783950; 517923, 3783950; 517955, 3783934; 517974, 3783915; 517981, 3783877; 517965, 3783829; 517958, 3783803; 517936, 3783791; 517892, 3783788; 517860, 3783791; 517828, 3783810; 517781, 3783829; 517733, 3783829; 517682, 3783823; 517650, 3783810; 517625, 3783803; 517562, 3783801; 517460, 3783759; 517419, 3783743; 517362, 3783715; 517311, 3783673; 517266, 3783645; 517241, 3783629; 517206, 3783619; 517082, 3783623; 517019, 3783623; 516949, 3783635; 516831, 3783683; 516774, 3783718; 516730, 3783753; 516714, 3783769; 516775, 3783688; 516815, 3783632; 516827, 3783624; 516851, 3783612; 517045, 3783597; 517061, 3783581; 517097, 3783561; 517145, 3783541; 517172, 3783537; 517224, 3783541; 517295, 3783545; 517379, 3783541; 517418, 3783545; 517482, 3783553; 517510, 3783557; 517553, 3783577; 517597, 3783585; 517641, 3783581; 517700, 3783573; 517744, 3783553; 517784, 3783513; 517815, 3783469; 517831, 3783422; 517823, 3783386; 517807, 3783366; 517716, 3783366; 517637, 3783374; 517621, 3783386; 517593, 3783410; 517549, 3783426; 517454, 3783426; 517371, 3783422; 517295, 3783414; 517220, 3783398; 517121, 3783374; 517006, 3783351; 516938, 3783351; 516803, 3783374; 516779, 3783394; 516684, 3783457; 516601, 3783525; 516549, 3783565; 516517, 3783573; 516486, 3783581; 516418, 3783589; 516363, 3783616; 516311, 3783656; 516287, 3783696; 516283, 3783727; 516314, 3783792; 516279, 3783801; 516266, 3783813; 516272, 3783857; 516282, 3783911; 516311, 3783965; 516339, 3784003; 516349, 3784073; 516399, 3784083; 516485, 3784093; 516580, 3784093; 516692, 3784073; 516796, 3784067; 516857, 3784064; 516946, 3784055; 517041, 3784023; 517095, 3784019; 517149, 3784001; 517196, 3783991; 517241, 3784007; 517295, 3784019.
(v) Note: Map of Units CACI 21, CACI 22, CACI 23, and CACI 24 (Map 11) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Santa Barbara County, California, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Vandenberg monkeyflower consist of two components:
(i) Native maritime chaparral communities of Burton Mesa comprising maritime chaparral and maritime chaparral mixed with coastal scrub, oak woodland, and small patches of native grasslands. The mosaic structure of the native plant communities (arranged in a mosaic of dominant vegetation and sandy openings (canopy gaps)) may change spatially as a result of succession, and physical processes such as windblown sand and wildfire.
(ii) Loose sandy soils on Burton Mesa. As mapped by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), these could include the following soil series: Arnold Sand, Marina Sand, Narlon Sand, Tangair Sand, Botella Loam, Terrace Escarpments, and Gullied Land.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 10, 2015.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 15N coordinates.
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1 (Vandenberg) and Unit 2 (Santa Lucia): Santa Barbara County, California.
(i) Unit 1 includes 223 ac (90 ha), and Unit 2 includes 1,484 ac (601 ha).
(ii) Map of Units 1 and 2 follows:

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(7) Unit 3 (Encina) and Unit 4 (La Purisima): Santa Barbara County, California.
(i) Unit 3 includes 2,024 ac (819 ha), and Unit 4 includes 2,024 ac (819 ha).
(ii) Map of Units 3 and 4 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are designated for Garfield County, Colorado.
(2) The primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of Penstemon debilis consist of five components:
(i)Suitable soils and geology.
(A) Parachute Member and the Lower Part of the Green River Formation.
(B) Appropriate soil morphology characterized by a surface layer of small to moderate shale channers (small flagstones) that shift continually due to the steep slopes and below a weakly developed calcareous, sandy to loamy layer with 40 to 90 percent coarse material.
(ii)Elevation and climate. Elevations from 5,250 to 9,600 ft (1,600 to 2,920 m). Climatic conditions similar to those of the Mahogany Bench, including suitable precipitation and temperatures.
(iii)Plant community.
(A) Barren areas with less than 10 percent plant cover.
(B) Other oil shale endemics, which can include: Mentzelia rhizomata, Thalictrum heliophilum,Astragalus lutosus, Lesquerella parviflora,Penstemon osterhoutii, and Festuca dasyclada.
(C) Presence of Penstemon caespitosa for support of pollinators and connectivity between sites.
(iv)Habitat for pollinators.
(A) Pollinator ground, twig, and mud nesting areas. Nesting and foraging habitats suitable for a wide array of pollinators and their life-history and nesting requirements. A mosaic of native plant communities and habitat types generally would provide for this diversity (see paragraph (2)(iii) of this entry). These habitats can include areas outside of the soils identified in paragraph (2)(i) of this entry.
(B) Connectivity between areas allowing pollinators to move from one population to the next within units.
(C) Availability of other floral resources such as other flowering plant species that provide nectar and pollen for pollinators. Grass species do not provide resources for pollinators.
(D) A 3,280-ft (1,000-m) area beyond occupied habitat to conserve the pollinators essential for plant reproduction.
(v)High levels of natural disturbance.
(A) Very little to no soil formation.
(B) Slow to moderate but constant downward motion of the oil shale that maintains the habitat in an early successional state.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 12, 2012.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of both satellite imagery (NAIP 2009) as well as USGS geospatial quadrangle maps and were mapped using NAD 83 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), zone 13N coordinates. Location information came from a wide array of sources. Geology, soil, and landcover layers also were utilized. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public on http://regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R6-ES-2011-0040, on our Internet site (http://www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/species/plants/3ColoradoPlants/index.html), and at the Western Colorado Ecological Services Office, 764 Horizon Drive, Suite B, Grand Junction, CO 81506-3946.
(5) NOTE: Index map of critical habitat for Penstemon debilis follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Brush Mountain, Garfield County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 1 of critical habitat for Penstemon debilis is provided at paragraph (7) of this entry.
(7) Unit 2: Cow Ridge, Garfield County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Units 1 and 2 of critical habitat for Penstemon debilis follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Mount Callahan, Garfield County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 3 of critical habitat for Penstemon debilis follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Anvil Points, Garfield County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 4 of critical habitat for Penstemon debilis follows:

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(1) A critical habitat unit, including five subunits, is depicted for Brewster County, Texas, on the map below.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Guadalupe fescue consist of:
(i) Areas within the Chihuahuan Desert:
(A) Above elevations of 1,800 m (5,905 ft), and
(B) That contain rocky or talus soils.
(ii) Associated vegetation characterized by relatively open stands of both conifer and oak trees in varying proportions. This vegetation may occur in areas classified as pine, conifer, pine-oak, or conifer-oak, and as forest or woodland, on available vegetation classification maps.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on October 10, 2017.
(4)Critical habitat map units. We defined the critical habitat unit using the following Geographic Information System data layers: A Digital Elevation Model produced by the U.S. Geological Survey; and a Shapefile of vegetation classifications at Big Bend National Park, created and provided to us by Park personnel. The map in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site (https://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/AustinTexas/ESA_Our_species.html), at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2016-0099 and FWS-R2-ES-2016-0100, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Map of Unit 1, Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas, follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Mariposa, Merced, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, and Yolo Counties, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Neostapfia colusana (Colusa grass) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described in paragraph (2)(ii) of this section, providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools; and
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands.
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Yolo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Davis and Saxon: 615400, 4262300; 615400, 4260700; 614500, 4260700; 614500, 4261500; 614200, 4261500; 614200, 4261800; 614000, 4261800; 614000, 4262300; returning to 615400, 4262300.
(5) NOTE: Map Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Unit 4: Tuolumne and Stanislaus Counties, California.
(i) Unit 4A: Tuolumne and Stanislaus Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Knights Ferry and Keystone. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 709919, 4186841; 709913, 4186795; 709477, 4187175; 709275, 4187351; 708435, 4188084; 708351, 4188158; 708264, 4188233; 708132, 4188349; 707999, 4188465; 707639, 4188779; 707607, 4188807; 707900, 4189100; 708400, 4189600; 708700, 4190000; 709200, 4189300; 709200, 4188600; 710100, 4188200; returning to 709919, 4186841.
(ii) Unit 4B: Stanislaus County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Waterford and Paulsell. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 701282, 4176830; 701345, 4176765; 701756, 4176778; 701600, 4176700; 701600, 4176500; 701600, 4176200; 701700, 4175900; 701800, 4175800; 702000, 4175800; 702000, 4175100; 701600, 4175100; 701600, 4174200; 701900, 4173700; 701800, 4173600; 701700, 4173500; 701700, 4173300; 701700, 4173200; 701600, 4173200; 701500, 4173100; 701500, 4173000; 701600, 4173000; 701600, 4172800; 701500, 4172600; 701300, 4172500; 701100, 4172600; 700700, 4172600; 700600, 4172600; 700500, 4172700; 700500, 4172900; 700400, 4172900; 700400, 4172800; 700100, 4172700; 699600, 4172700; 699500, 4172800; 699300, 4172800; 699100, 4172500; 698800, 4172500; 698700, 4172600; 698400, 4172400; 698100, 4172800; 698200, 4173000; 697400, 4174300; 697300, 4174300; 697300, 4174500; 697800, 4174500; 697800, 4176300; 697700, 4176300; 697700, 4176437; 698090, 4176397; 698085, 4176613; 698084, 4176642; 699300, 4176684; 700500, 4176726; 701204, 4176750; returning to 701282, 4176830.
(iii) Unit 4C: Stanislaus County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle Paulsell. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 702000, 4171800; 702000, 4169800; 702200, 4169800; 702200, 4169700; 702200, 4169658; 701000, 4169612; 701000, 4169700; 700700, 4169700; 700700, 4170400; 700700, 4170500; 700550, 4170500; 700500, 4170533; 700500, 4170900; 700300, 4170900; 700300, 4171100; 700300, 4171800; 701200, 4171800; returning to 702000, 4171800.
(iv) Unit 4D: Tuolumne County Stanislaus Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Paulsell, Cooperstown, La Grange, Keystone. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 715600, 4180900; 715400, 4180400; 716600, 4180400; 716900, 4179900; 717482, 4180046; 717700, 4180100; 718500, 4180000; 718700, 4179200; 719300, 4178700; 719455, 4178273; 719700, 4177600; 720126, 4177671; 720300, 4177700; 720700, 4177700; 720745, 4177115; 720800, 4176400; 721400, 4175900; 722200, 4175300; 722700, 4175200; 722800, 4173600; 723000, 4173500; 723200, 4173600; 723700, 4173600; 724000, 4173300; 724100, 4172300; 722800, 4172200; 721700, 4171200; 721571, 4170643; 721500, 4170500; 721400, 4170400; 721200, 4170300; 721000, 4170100; 721000, 4169600; 720900, 4169600; 720000, 4168500; 718900, 4168000; 718700, 4168100; 718100, 4168500; 718000, 4168500; 717900, 4168600; 716200, 4168600; 715900, 4168500; 715600, 4168300; 715500, 4168200; 715400, 4168300; 715400, 4169400; 714900, 4169900; 714900, 4170000; 715100, 4170000; 715200, 4170200; 715300, 4170200; 715300, 4170400; 715300, 4170407; 715300, 4171200; 715200, 4171200; 715200, 4171000; 715100, 4171000; 715100, 4170700; 714900, 4170700; 714900, 4170300; 713900, 4169800; 713800, 4169900; 713000, 4169500; 712500, 4169400; 712200, 4169400; 712000, 4169600; 711500, 4169900; 711300, 4169900; 710500, 4169100; 709300, 4169100; 709100, 4169500; 709100, 4169700; 708900, 4169700; 708800, 4169900; 708700, 4169900; 708600, 4169800; 708500, 4169900; 708400, 4170000; 708700, 4170200; 708800, 4170300; 708900, 4170400; 709100, 4170500; 709200, 4170600; 709400, 4170600; 709400, 4170800; 709300, 4170800; 709200, 4170900; 709100, 4170800; 708800, 4170700; 708800, 4170600; 708500, 4170500; 708400, 4170300; 708100, 4170200; 707900, 4170200; 707900, 4170300; 708100, 4170500; 708200, 4170500; 708200, 4170600; 708000, 4170600; 708200, 4170800; 708200, 4170900; 708100, 4170900; 707900, 4170700; 707700, 4170700; 707700, 4170800; 707600, 4170900; 707400, 4170900; 707100, 4171100; 707100, 4171200; 707200, 4171300; 707300, 4171200; 707500, 4171300; 707800, 4171600; 707900, 4171600; 708100, 4171600; 708200, 4171700; 708100, 4171800; 708100, 4171900; 708300, 4171900; 708300, 4172100; 708400, 4172100; 708500, 4172200; 708500, 4172300; 708700, 4172400; 708800, 4172500; 708800, 4172600; 708700, 4172700; 708500, 4172700; 708400, 4172800; 708300, 4172700; 708200, 4172700; 708100, 4172600; 708000, 4172500; 707900, 4172500; 707800, 4172700; 707600, 4172600; 707400, 4172500; 707400, 4172600; 707200, 4172700; 707100, 4172300; 707000, 4172200; 706700, 4172200; 706700, 4172300; 706500, 4172300; 706400, 4172300; 706400, 4172400; 706200, 4172600; 706300, 4172700; 706400, 4172800; 706300, 4172800; 706200, 4172800; 706100, 4172900; 705900, 4173100; 705800, 4173300; 705800, 4173500; 706000, 4173800; 705900, 4173900; 705800, 4174100; 705700, 4174200; 705500, 4174200; 705400, 4174100; 705400, 4173700; 705200, 4173200; 705100, 4173200; 705100, 4172600; 704900, 4172400; 704800, 4172100; 704600, 4172100; 704500, 4171900; 704400, 4171800; 704500, 4171600; 704600, 4171400; 704700, 4171500; 704900, 4171200; 704700, 4171100; 704900, 4171000; 704800, 4170900; 704600, 4170900; 704600, 4170700; 704800, 4170200; 705100, 4170200; 705000, 4170100; 705000, 4169600; 705000, 4169500; 704900, 4169400; 704800, 4169300; 704100, 4169300; 703500, 4169500; 703400, 4169600; 703400, 4170100; 703600, 4170200; 703600, 4170300; 703500, 4170300; 703500, 4170600; 703500, 4170700; 703500, 4170800; 703400, 4170900; 703400, 4171300; 703300, 4171400; 703200, 4171500; 703400, 4171500; 703400, 4171800; 703600, 4171800; 703600, 4174000; 704300, 4174000; 704300, 4173700; 705167, 4173700; 705167, 4173700; 705100, 4174700; 705400, 4175400; 705000, 4175900; 705300, 4176300; 705700, 4176700; 705700, 4177000; 705700, 4177500; 705100, 4177500; 705000, 4177300; 704800, 4177300; 704800, 4177100; 704600, 4177100; 704500, 4177200; 704500, 4177400; 704300, 4177500; 704200, 4177300; 704000, 4177300; 703800, 4177100; 703500, 4177300; 703500, 4177650; 703661, 4177654; 703645, 4177993; 703800, 4178200; 704000, 4178200; 704100, 4178100; 704200, 4178100; 704200, 4178400; 703900, 4178400; 703900, 4178800; 703800, 4178900; 703900, 4179100; 703900, 4179200; 703588, 4179200; 703586, 4179240; 704434, 4179184; 705229, 4179481; 706142, 4179326; 708062, 4179408; 708659, 4178568; 709277, 4179043; 709879, 4179505; 709905, 4179525; 711259, 4179578; 711250, 4179933; 711628, 4179987; 711599, 4180753; 711578, 4180885; 713039, 4181325; 713440, 4181474; 714003, 4181741; 714540, 4182019; 714627, 4182073; 714700, 4182000; 715200, 4181600; returning to 715600, 4180900.
(v) Unit 4E: Stanislaus County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle Paulsell. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 703100, 4177500; 703000, 4177300; 702911, 4177359; 702906, 4177503; 703100, 4177507; returning to 703100, 4177500.
(7) Unit 5: Stanislaus County, California
(i) Unit 5A: Stanislaus County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Paulsell and Montpelier: Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 704200, 4166200; 704000, 4166200; 703800, 4166400; 703400, 4166600; 703400, 4166800; 703500, 4166800; 703600, 4166900; 703700, 4167000; 703700, 4167200; 704600, 4167600; 704700, 4167600; 704800, 4167500; 705000, 4167400; 705300, 4167400; 705300, 4166400; 705000, 4166300; 704400, 4166300; returning to 704200, 4166200.
(ii) Unit 5B: Stanislaus and Merced Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Paulsell, Cooperstown, La Grange, Montpelier, Turlock Lake, Snelling, Merced Falls. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 720900, 4167500; 721100, 4167400; 721300, 4167700; 721700, 4167700; 722000, 4167600; 722500, 4167600; 723200, 4167100; 723500, 4166300; 723000, 4166100; 723200, 4165600; 723400, 4165700; 723600, 4165600; 723600, 4165100; 723700, 4164900; 724300, 4164900; 725000, 4163700; 725300, 4163800; 724900, 4162800; 725100, 4162700; 725400, 4162700; 726000, 4164100; 726300, 4163500; 726200, 4163100; 726000, 4163000; 726100, 4162700; 726199, 4160629; 726200, 4160600; 725800, 4160600; 725000, 4160200; 725300, 4159800; 726300, 4160200; 727000, 4159500; 727000, 4160400; 727223, 4160623; 727246, 4160646; 727300, 4160700; 727312, 4160647; 727317, 4160625; 727500, 4159800; 727600, 4159800; 727800, 4160400; 728300, 4160400; 728752, 4160658; 728773, 4160670; 729000, 4160800; 729244, 4160678; 729261, 4160670; 730400, 4160100; 730300, 4160500; 730600, 4160600; 730905, 4160871; 731500, 4161400; 731900, 4161400; 732000, 4160800; 731700, 4160700; 732000, 4160000; 733500, 4159000; 733700, 4158700; 733300, 4158600; 733300, 4158300; 733800, 4157700; 733400, 4157100; 731700, 4156900; 730900, 4156500; 728900, 4156600; 728700, 4156700; 728700, 4156800; 728600, 4156900; 728300, 4156900; 728100, 4156800; 727900, 4156800; 727100, 4156800; 726900, 4156600; 726700, 4156500; 726300, 4156500; 726100, 4156600; 725800, 4156500; 725600, 4156400; 725500, 4156300; 725400, 4156200; 725100, 4156100; 725000, 4156000; 724900, 4156000; 724800, 4156100; 724300, 4156100; 724300, 4155700; 723800, 4155700; 723900, 4155300; 723300, 4155400; 722700, 4155100; 722700, 4155400; 722300, 4155400; 722300, 4156800; 722900, 4156800; 722900, 4157400; 723500, 4157400; 723500, 4157000; 723700, 4157000; 723700, 4156900; 724300, 4156900; 724300, 4157400; 724200, 4157400; 724200, 4157400; 724100, 4158200; 723800, 4158200; 723700, 4159000; 722500, 4159000; 722500, 4159200; 722400, 4159200; 722300, 4159300; 722200, 4159300; 721600, 4159300; 721600, 4159500; 721500, 4159600; 721500, 4159800; 721600, 4159800; 721600, 4159900; 721700, 4159900; 721700, 4160500; 721100, 4160500; 721100, 4160100; 720800, 4160100; 720800, 4160500; 719500, 4160500; 719500, 4160300; 720000, 4159600; 719600, 4159600; 719600, 4159500; 719500, 4159500; 719400, 4159500; 719300, 4159400; 719100, 4159400; 719000, 4159400; 718900, 4159300; 718700, 4159100; 718600, 4159000; 718600, 4158900; 718400, 4158900; 718200, 4158800; 718200, 4158700; 718300, 4158600; 718400, 4158500; 718500, 4158500; 718600, 4158400; 718700, 4158400; 718900, 4158300; 719000, 4158100; 719000, 4157900; 718700, 4157600; 718000, 4157700; 717800, 4157400; 717900, 4157200; 718000, 4157000; 718400, 4157300; 718700, 4156700; 718700, 4156300; 717500, 4156300; 717500, 4156700; 717100, 4156700; 717100, 4156300; 716600, 4156300; 716600, 4155800; 716300, 4155700; 716200, 4155000; 715900, 4154900; 715900, 4155100; 715800, 4155200; 715800, 4155300; 715700, 4155400; 715600, 4155700; 715500, 4155800; 715400, 4155800; 715300, 4156600; 715400, 4156600; 715400, 4157200; 715400, 4157400; 715500, 4157400; 715500, 4157600; 717600, 4157600; 717600, 4159700; 718100, 4160200; 718200, 4160500; 718400, 4160800; 718700, 4161100; 716800, 4161100; 716800, 4160400; 715253, 4160400; 714900, 4160400; 714900, 4160900; 715000, 4160900; 715000, 4161000; 715200, 4161000; 715200, 4161100; 714400, 4161100; 714400, 4161200; 713700, 4161200; 713700, 4161100; 713300, 4161100; 713200, 4161200; 713100, 4161100; 713100, 4161000; 713400, 4160700; 713400, 4160600; 713600, 4160500; 713800, 4160800; 713900, 4160800; 714000, 4160700; 714000, 4160400; 711133, 4160301; 711100, 4161900; 709500, 4161900; 709500, 4163500; 707900, 4163500; 707900, 4163100; 707000, 4163100; 707000, 4165600; 707400, 4165600; 707400, 4165800; 706700, 4166100; 706500, 4165800; 706200, 4166000; 706300, 4166300; 706200, 4166400; 706200, 4166500; 706300, 4166500; 706300, 4166700; 706200, 4166700; 706200, 4167100; 706500, 4167100; 706700, 4166700; 706800, 4166700; 706800, 4166300; 707000, 4166300; 707000, 4166100; 707200, 4166100; 707200, 4166700; 707400, 4166700; 707800, 4166000; 707800, 4165600; 708000, 4165800; 708200, 4165800; 708400, 4165700; 708400, 4165500; 708200, 4165400; 708200, 4165300; 708300, 4165200; 708400, 4165200; 708500, 4165300; 708600, 4165400; 708800, 4165400; 709100, 4165100; 710200, 4165100; 710200, 4166400; 710100, 4166400; 710100, 4166500; 710000, 4166500; 709900, 4166500; 709900, 4166700; 709800, 4166700; 709800, 4167100; 710200, 4166800; 711000, 4167600; 711600, 4167800; 712400, 4167800; 712400, 4167300; 712900, 4167300; 712900, 4167200; 712600, 4166900; 711800, 4167000; 711600, 4166800; 711600, 4166600; 711800, 4166500; 711800, 4166600; 711900, 4166600; 712000, 4166300; 712100, 4166500; 712200, 4166500; 712300, 4166400; 712500, 4166400; 712500, 4166200; 712700, 4166200; 712700, 4166300; 712800, 4166300; 713000, 4166100; 712923, 4166062; 712800, 4166000; 712700, 4165800; 712500, 4165800; 712500, 4165600; 712700, 4165600; 712600, 4165400; 712400, 4165500; 712300, 4165400; 712500, 4165300; 712500, 4165200; 712400, 4165100; 712600, 4165100; 712600, 4165000; 712600, 4164900; 712700, 4164800; 712600, 4164700; 712500, 4164800; 712400, 4164800; 712400, 4164300; 712800, 4164500; 713100, 4164300; 713200, 4164100; 712900, 4163800; 712900, 4163700; 713100, 4163800; 713500, 4164000; 713600, 4164000; 713600, 4164100; 713700, 4164300; 714200, 4164300; 714400, 4164500; 714500, 4164800; 714600, 4164800; 714800, 4164700; 714800, 4164200; 714400, 4164000; 714400, 4163600; 714500, 4163500; 715200, 4164000; 715300, 4164200; 715400, 4164200; 715300, 4163900; 715100, 4163700; 715000, 4163500; 714800, 4163300; 714900, 4163200; 715000, 4163200; 715700, 4163200; 715900, 4163100; 716000, 4162900; 716100, 4162800; 716200, 4162800; 716300, 4162900; 716400, 4163000; 716500, 4163100; 716600, 4163200; 716600, 4163500; 716500, 4163600; 716500, 4163800; 716600, 4164100; 716800, 4164500; 716700, 4164900; 716800, 4165300; 717200, 4165800; 717200, 4166100; 717000, 4166400; 716600, 4166400; 716400, 4166300; 716400, 4166900; 716600, 4166900; 716800, 4167100; 716800, 4167300; 717000, 4167400; 717500, 4167400; 718100, 4167300; 718500, 4167100; 718600, 4166600; 718700, 4166400; 719100, 4166700; 719300, 4166800; 719500, 4166800; 719500, 4166500; 719600, 4166400; 719600, 4166100; 719800, 4166100; 719900, 4166300; 719900, 4166200; 720700, 4166200; 720700, 4163700; 721533, 4163700; 721700, 4163700; 722400, 4164100; 722400, 4164155; 722400, 4165300; 722200, 4165300; 722200, 4165400; 721500, 4165400; 721500, 4166100; 721000, 4166300; 720700, 4166500; 720900, 4166600; 721000, 4166700; 721100, 4166900; 721000, 4167000; 720300, 4167000; 720100, 4166900; 720200, 4166700; 720200, 4166600; 720100, 4166500; 720000, 4166500; 719800, 4166800; 719500, 4167400; 719500, 4167600; 719700, 4167800; 720500, 4167800; 720700, 4167700; returning to 720900, 4167500.
(iii) Unit 5C: Merced County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle Turlock Lake. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 713800, 4155400; 712600, 4155200; 712600, 4156800; 712900, 4156800; 712900, 4157100; 714800, 4157200; 714800, 4156800; 714300, 4156300; 714200, 4156200; 714000, 4155500; 714000, 4155400; returning to 713800, 4155400.
(iv) Unit 5D: Merced County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle Merced Falls. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 734700, 4158000; 734500, 4157900; 734700, 4158000; 734900, 4158300; returning to 734700, 4158000.
(v) Unit 5E: Merced County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Merced Falls. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 735600, 4158100; 736171, 4157529; 735600, 4158100; returning to 735600, 4158100.
(8) Unit 6: Merced and Mariposa Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Winton, Yosemite Lake, Snelling, Merced Falls, Haystack Mtn., Indian Gulch. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 737800, 4155000; 738200, 4154200; 738300, 4153300; 739000, 4152800; 739100, 4152200; 740200, 4151800; 740800, 4151500; 740800, 4150300; 741100, 4149900; 741700, 4149400; 742100, 4148500; 742100, 4147100; 743400, 4146100; 744000, 4145600; 744400, 4144600; 744300, 4143900; 743900, 4142700; 744000, 4142000; 744200, 4141700; 745500, 4140300; 745504, 4139577; 745500, 4139576; 745490, 4139575; 745422, 4139619; 745281, 4139676; 745269, 4139653; 745219, 4139621; 745324, 4139603; 745368, 4139567; 745432, 4139432; 745432, 4139432; 745433, 4139429; 745469, 4139385; 745412, 4139359; 745339, 4139307; 745338, 4139306; 745334, 4139300; 745299, 4139239; 745171, 4139174; 745038, 4139064; 744922, 4139007; 744890, 4138973; 744873, 4138873; 744852, 4138807; 744854, 4138756; 744892, 4138670; 744893, 4138653; 744895, 4138606; 744895, 4138606; 744830, 4138711; 744596, 4139085; 744234, 4139637; 744233, 4139645; 744162, 4139744; 744162, 4139744; 744013, 4140002; 744013, 4140002; 743998, 4140029; 743996, 4140030; 743973, 4140072; 743907, 4140195; 743889, 4140229; 743877, 4140264; 743750, 4140609; 743388, 4140868; 743091, 4141131; 743053, 4141165; 742997, 4141268; 742771, 4141692; 742748, 4141734; 742355, 4142343; 742336, 4142368; 742271, 4142457; 742238, 4142503; 742139, 4142637; 742056, 4142749; 742002, 4142823; 741974, 4142874; 741808, 4143176; 741722, 4143360; 741419, 4144010; 741385, 4144081; 741316, 4144328; 741297, 4144395; 741245, 4144456; 741194, 4144530; 741162, 4144608; 741076, 4144820; 740864, 4144897; 740843, 4144899; 740750, 4144952; 740641, 4145056; 740535, 4145175; 740517, 4145182; 740490, 4145240; 740487, 4145263; 740386, 4145415; 740321, 4145847; 740320, 4146066; 740303, 4146114; 740276, 4146159; 740272, 4146225; 740293, 4146273; 740293, 4146303; 740370, 4146426; 740415, 4146474; 740536, 4146602; 740735, 4146722; 740825, 4146775; 741069, 4147251; 741071, 4147549; 741071, 4147576; 740982, 4147830; 740955, 4147883; 740914, 4147967; 740822, 4148059; 740772, 4148182; 740782, 4148363; 740776, 4148391; 740695, 4148831; 740617, 4149151; 740447, 4149311; 740396, 4149534; 740344, 4149561; 740303, 4149575; 740289, 4149588; 740238, 4149636; 740225, 4149666; 740057, 4149659; 739993, 4149678; 739917, 4149678; 739791, 4149621; 739705, 4149597; 739701, 4149596; 739602, 4149593; 739521, 4149560; 739443, 4149542; 739197, 4149515; 738714, 4149273; 738694, 4149252; 738674, 4149251; 738178, 4148999; 737835, 4148823; 737747, 4148772; 737044, 4148135; 736672, 4147809; 736430, 4147669; 735929, 4147379; 735716, 4147219; 735669, 4147184; 735605, 4147136; 735437, 4147009; 735223, 4146848; 735183, 4146809; 735156, 4146798; 735151, 4146778; 735022, 4146655; 734989, 4146630; 734609, 4146349; 734480, 4146255; 734012, 4145909; 733808, 4145758; 733765, 4145739; 733763, 4145732; 733370, 4145442; 732703, 4144952; 732391, 4144910; 732197, 4144885; 731993, 4144850; 731062, 4144594; 730371, 4144363; 729000, 4143905; 728736, 4143813; 728542, 4143745; 728346, 4143647; 728018, 4143482; 727340, 4143194; 726795, 4142958; 726607, 4142867; 726599, 4142856; 726577, 4142853; 725785, 4142417; 725793, 4142408; 725843, 4142361; 726002, 4142378; 726117, 4142355; 726204, 4142264; 726415, 4142046; 726420, 4141975; 726381, 4141921; 726367, 4141880; 726261, 4141732; 726182, 4141648; 725935, 4141477; 725916, 4141451; 725903, 4141379; 725914, 4141349; 725981, 4141288; 726033, 4141240; 726145, 4141137; 726156, 4141109; 726147, 4141073; 726096, 4140993; 726083, 4140896; 726089, 4140784; 726108, 4140739; 726268, 4140551; 726269, 4140436; 726283, 4140368; 726313, 4140308; 726412, 4140209; 726455, 4140025; 726457, 4140000; 726459, 4139959; 726715, 4139715; 726786, 4139647; 726804, 4139630; 726822, 4139625; 726822, 4139611; 726823, 4139582; 726809, 4139546; 726755, 4139466; 726754, 4139433; 726931, 4139179; 727174, 4138842; 727220, 4138823; 727261, 4138819; 727328, 4138864; 727331, 4138842; 727333, 4138831; 727335, 4138819; 727343, 4138816; 727396, 4138803; 727406, 4138800; 727414, 4138798; 727552, 4138779; 727711, 4138793; 727806, 4138786; 727819, 4138766; 727845, 4138644; 727858, 4138617; 727881, 4138590; 727700, 4138500; 727600, 4138400; 727400, 4138300; 727400, 4137800; 727300, 4137800; 727300, 4137600; 727400, 4137600; 727400, 4137500; 727300, 4137500; 727300, 4137400; 727400, 4137400; 727400, 4137200; 726500, 4137200; 726500, 4136500; 726400, 4136400; 725800, 4136400; 725800, 4137200; 725000, 4137200; 724900, 4138800; 725500, 4138800; 725500, 4138700; 725800, 4138700; 725800, 4138800; 725900, 4138800; 725900, 4139500; 726500, 4139500; 726500, 4139600; 725900, 4139600; 725800, 4139600; 725800, 4140200; 725900, 4140200; 725900, 4140900; 725400, 4140900; 725400, 4140800; 725100, 4140800; 725100, 4141000; 724900, 4141000; 724900, 4141200; 724100, 4141200; 724100, 4141600; 723400, 4141600; 723400, 4141100; 723200, 4141100; 723200, 4140600; 723400, 4140500; 723400, 4139500; 724000, 4139500; 724000, 4139400; 723900, 4138900; 723900, 4138700; 723500, 4138200; 723400, 4138200; 723400, 4138300; 723000, 4138300; 723000, 4138700; 723000, 4138900; 723100, 4139100; 723200, 4139400; 723300, 4139500; 722100, 4139500; 722000, 4140500; 721900, 4141100; 721900, 4141900; 721900, 4143400; 720800, 4143400; 720900, 4141800; 721000, 4141500; 721000, 4141200; 721100, 4141100; 721000, 4141000; 717800, 4140900; 717700, 4142500; 714500, 4142400; 714500, 4144900; 715500, 4144900; 715500, 4145000; 715800, 4145000; 715900, 4145000; 716000, 4145000; 716100, 4145100; 716100, 4145200; 716000, 4145200; 715900, 4145300; 715900, 4145400; 716000, 4145500; 716000, 4145600; 716100, 4145700; 717000, 4145700; 717700, 4145300; 717800, 4145300; 717800, 4145200; 717800, 4145100; 717600, 4144900; 717600, 4144800; 717600, 4144700; 717800, 4144500; 717900, 4144600; 718200, 4144600; 718400, 4144500; 718700, 4144500; 718700, 4144800; 718600, 4145000; 718700, 4145100; 718700, 4145600; 718600, 4145600; 718600, 4145700; 718700, 4145800; 718600, 4145900; 718500, 4146000; 718500, 4146100; 718600, 4146200; 718600, 4146500; 718300, 4146500; 718200, 4146600; 718200, 4146800; 718300, 4146800; 718500, 4146900; 718600, 4147000; 718600, 4147100; 718400, 4147200; 718500, 4147300; 718500, 4147600; 718700, 4147600; 718700, 4147400; 719000, 4147500; 719100, 4147700; 719300, 4147600; 719600, 4147900; 719700, 4148000; 719700, 4148100; 719800, 4148200; 720000, 4148200; 720600, 4148200; 720600, 4148300; 720700, 4148400; 720800, 4148400; 720900, 4148500; 722700, 4148500; 722700, 4148600; 722900, 4148600; 723200, 4148700; 723400, 4148700; 723200, 4148600; 723100, 4148500; 723000, 4148400; 723200, 4148200; 723400, 4148200; 723500, 4148300; 723600, 4148400; 723600, 4148500; 723800, 4148500; 723800, 4148400; 723900, 4148400; 723900, 4148500; 724000, 4148700; 724200, 4148500; 724200, 4148900; 724300, 4149000; 724300, 4149100; 724500, 4149000; 724500, 4149300; 724700, 4149400; 724900, 4149600; 725000, 4149700; 725000, 4150000; 724900, 4150100; 725000, 4150200; 725200, 4150200; 725300, 4150400; 725400, 4150500; 725400, 4150600; 725100, 4150900; 724700, 4150900; 724700, 4153400; 725000, 4153500; 725400, 4153900; 725600, 4154100; 725800, 4154200; 726000, 4154300; 726200, 4154000; 726300, 4153800; 726300, 4153700; 727800, 4153600; 727800, 4153400; 727900, 4153400; 727900, 4153500; 728400, 4153600; 728700, 4153700; 729000, 4153700; 729000, 4153600; 729100, 4153500; 729300, 4153400; 729400, 4153400; 729400, 4153300; 729300, 4153200; 729500, 4153100; 729800, 4153100; 729900, 4153200; 729900, 4154200; 730000, 4154200; 730100, 4154300; 730600, 4154300; 730700, 4154400; 731000, 4154600; 731200, 4154700; 731500, 4154700; 731800, 4154900; 732200, 4154900; 732600, 4154800; 733200, 4154500; 733400, 4154500; 733700, 4154300; 734700, 4154300; 734900, 4154600; 735100, 4154800; 735100, 4154900; 735500, 4155300; 735600, 4155300; 735800, 4155500; 736100, 4155900; 737100, 4155400; 737157, 4155367; returning to 737800, 4155000.
(9) NOTE: Units 4-6 (Map 2) follow:

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(10) Unit 7: Merced County, California.
(i) Unit 7A: Merced County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quad Sandy Mush and El Nido. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 718900, 4120900; 718900, 4120000; 719300, 4120000; 719400, 4120200; 719600, 4120100; 720200, 4120100; 720300, 4120200; 720700, 4120200; 720900, 4120000; 721500, 4120000; 721600, 4120100; 722000, 4120100; 722100, 4120000; 722200, 4120200; 722200, 4120300; 722900, 4120300; 722900, 4119600; 722100, 4119500; 722200, 4118400; 725400, 4118500; 725400, 4118578; 725400, 4118582; 726100, 4118600; 726100, 4120100; 728600, 4120100; 728600, 4119200; 727800, 4119200; 727700, 4118600; 727600, 4118500; 727500, 4118500; 727500, 4118400; 727500, 4116900; 726800, 4116900; 726700, 4116900; 726800, 4115300; 725900, 4115300; 725900, 4116900; 724300, 4116900; 724300, 4117600; 722694, 4117506; 722600, 4117600; 721800, 4117600; 721800, 4118400; 720200, 4118400; 720200, 4117600; 719400, 4117600; 719400, 4116700; 718600, 4116700; 718600, 4117100; 718200, 4117100; 718200, 4117200; 718300, 4117300; 718400, 4117400; 718600, 4117400; 718600, 4117500; 718600, 4118291; 718900, 4118300; 718900, 4118900; 718800, 4119000; 718700, 4119000; 718600, 4119100; 717700, 4119100; 717700, 4119900; 718100, 4119900; 718100, 4119950; 718500, 4120000; 718500, 4120900; returning to 718900, 4120900.
(ii) Unit 7B: Merced County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle Sandy Mush. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 721300, 4120800; 720500, 4120800; 720500, 4121600; 721300, 4121600; 721300, 4121200; returning to 721300, 4120800.
(iii) Unit 7C: Merced County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle El Nido. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 722900, 4121800; 721800, 4121800; 722200, 4122500; 722900, 4122500; returning to 722900, 4121800.
(iv) Unit 7D: Merced County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Arena, and Turner Ranch: Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 701700, 4130600; 701700, 4129200; 701800, 4129200; 702800, 4129200; 703000, 4128800; 703300, 4128800; 703900, 4128800; 703900, 4129000; 704200, 4129000; 704200, 4128500; 703300, 4128400; 703400, 4128300; 703400, 4127900; 703500, 4127800; 703800, 4127500; 703700, 4127300; 703500, 4127300; 703400, 4127100; 703400, 4126100; 703400, 4126100; 703500, 4126100; 704400, 4126100; 704300, 4126000; 704300, 4126000; 704400, 4125900; 704500, 4125300; 704500, 4124800; 705000, 4124800; 705000, 4125300; 705700, 4125300; 705700, 4124900; 706600, 4125000; 706700, 4123700; 706700, 4122100; 706800, 4120900; 706700, 4120500; 706700, 4119700; 708100, 4119700; 708100, 4119600; 708000, 4119500; 707900, 4119200; 707900, 4119000; 708000, 4118900; 708300, 4118900; 708300, 4118100; 707900, 4118100; 707500, 4118500; 706500, 4118500; 706000, 4118900; 705600, 4119300; 705200, 4119700; 704800, 4120000; 704700, 4120100; 704700, 4120400; 705100, 4120400; 705100, 4120600; 704900, 4120700; 704900, 4120800; 705100, 4120800; 704900, 4121000; 705000, 4121100; 705100, 4121700; 705200, 4121700; 705300, 4122000; 705700, 4122100; 705700, 4122200; 705400, 4122300; 705300, 4122400; 705500, 4122600; 705400, 4122600; 705300, 4122500; 705200, 4122500; 705100, 4122500; 704900, 4122500; 704900, 4122700; 704800, 4122800; 704500, 4122800; 704300, 4122900; 704000, 4122800; 703900, 4122900; 703400, 4124400; 703300, 4124600; 701300, 4126500; 700100, 4127600; 700467, 4129067; 700500, 4129200; 700500, 4130600; 701000, 4130600; 701000, 4130100; 701100, 4129800; 701200, 4129800; 701100, 4130100; 701100, 4130600; returning to 701700, 4130600.
(v) Unit 7E: Merced County, California. USGS 24,000 topographic quadrangles Turner Ranch, and Sandy Mush. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 711200, 4120500; 711400, 4120400; 711500, 4120500; 711600, 4119600; 711900, 4119600; 711900, 4119400; 712100, 4119300; 712300, 4119300; 712300, 4119200; 712600, 4119200; 712800, 4118800; 711600, 4118700; 711600, 4118500; 711400, 4118500; 711300, 4118400; 711100, 4118100; 709900, 4118100; 709900, 4118800; 709900, 4119000; 709700, 4119000; 709700, 4119600; 710300, 4119600; 710300, 4119900; 710700, 4119900; 710700, 4120000; 710600, 4120000; 710600, 4120100; 710700, 4120200; 710600, 4120300; 710700, 4120400; 710700, 4120500; 710900, 4120400; 711100, 4120400; returning to 711200, 4120500.
(vi) Unit 7F: Merced County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle Turner Ranch. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD 83 coordinates (E,N): 702870, 4121705; 703200, 4121100; 702800, 4121700; returning to 702870, 4121705.
(vii) NOTE: Unit 7 (Map 3) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Fresno, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, and Tulare Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Orcuttia inaequalis (San Joaquin Valley Orcutt grass) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described in paragraph (2)(ii) of this section, providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools; and
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands.
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Merced and Mariposa Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Snelling, Merced Falls, Winton, Yosemite Lake, Haystack Mountain, Indian Gulch, Merced, and Owens Reservoir.
(5) Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Unit 2: Merced, Madera, and Mariposa Counties, California. From USGS 1:24, 000 topographic quadrangles Owens Reservoir, Plainsburg, Le Grand, and Raynor Creek.
(7) Unit 2 (Map 2) follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Madera County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 3 (Map 3) follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Fresno County, California. Map of Unit 4 is provided at paragraph (10)(ii) of this entry.
(10) Unit 5: Madera County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Units 4-5 (Map 4) follow:

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(11) Unit 6: Tulare County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 6 (Map 5) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Butte, Fresno, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Stanislaus, and Tehama Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Orcuttia pilosa (hairy Orcutt grass) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described in paragraph (2)(ii) of this section, providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools; and
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands.
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Tehama County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Acorn Hollow and Richardson Springs NW.
(5) Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Unit 2: Butte County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle Hamlin Canyon.
(7) Unit 2 (Map 2) follows:

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(8) Unit 4: Merced, Mariposa, and Stanislaus Counties, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 4 (Map 3) follows:

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(9) Unit 5: Madera County, California. Map of Unit 5 is provided at paragraph (11) of this entry.
(10) Unit 6: Madera County, California. Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (11) of this entry.
(11) Units 5-6 (Map 4) follow:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Lake, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Sacramento, Shasta, Siskiyou, and Tehama Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Orcuttia tenuis (slender Orcutt grass) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described in paragraph (2)(ii) of this section, providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools; and
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands.
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Siskiyou County, California.
(i) Units 1A-1B (Map 1) follow:

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(ii) Units 1C-1E (Map 2) follow:

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(iii) Units 1F-1J (Map 3) follow:

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(iv) Unit 1K (Map 4) follows:

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(5) Unit 2: Shasta County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 2 (Map 5) follows:

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(6) Unit 3: Shasta and Tehama Counties, California.
(i) Unit 3A excludes land bounded by 579328, 4466483; 579344, 4463788; 580057, 4465659; 580132, 4465813; 580184, 4465918; 580313, 4466064; 580839, 4466455; returning to 579328, 4466483.
(ii) Unit 3 (Map 6) follows:

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(7) Unit 4: Tehama County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Acorn Hollow and Richardson Springs NW.
(8) Unit 4 (Map 7) follows:

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(9) Unit 5: Lake County, California.
(i) Unit 5A excludes land bounded by 519133, 4304515; 519186, 4304513; 519190, 4304580; 519259, 4304536; 519575, 4304594; 519707, 4304515; 519882, 4304203; 519928, 4304160; 519924, 4304114; 519785, 4304012; 519729, 4303886; 519677, 4303975; 519634, 4303917; 519639, 4303693; 519840, 4303690; 519846, 4303903; 519925, 4303879; 519937, 4303781; 519975, 4303782; 519980, 4304504; 519952, 4304510; 519944, 4304600; 519130, 4304611; returning to 519133, 4304515.
(ii) Unit 5 (Map 8) follows:

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(10) Unit 6: Sacramento County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Carmichael.
(11) Unit 6 (Map 9) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Amador and Sacramento counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Orcuttia viscida (Sacramento Orcutt grass) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described in paragraph (2)(ii) of this section, providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools; and
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands.
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Sacramento County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle Folsom.
(5) Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Unit 2: Sacramento County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangle Carmichael.
(7) Unit 2 (Map 2) follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Sacramento and Amador Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 topographic quadrangles Sloughhouse, Carbondale, Clay, and Goose Creek.
(9) Unit 3 (Map 3) follows:

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Hawaii: City and County of Honolulu: Entire island of Mokoli'i (see map).

Probable primary constituent elements include: Exposure to strong sunlight; low rainfall; exposure to sea spray; and presence of gravelly, basalt-derived soil.

Note: Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units for this species are depicted for San Diego and San Bernardino Counties, California.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Poa atropurpurea are:
(i) Wet meadows subject to flooding during wet years in the San Bernardino Mountains in San Bernardino County at elevations of 6,700 to 8,100 feet (2,000 to 2,469 meters), and in the Laguna and Palomar Mountains of San Diego County at elevations of 6,000 to 7,500 feet (1,800 to 2,300 meters), that provide space for individual and population growth, reproduction, and dispersal; and
(ii) Well-drained, loamy alluvial to sandy loam soils occurring in the wet meadow system, with a 0 to 16 percent slope, to provide water, air, minerals, and other nutritional or physiological requirements to the species.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,0000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) NOTE: Index map of critical habitat units for Poa atropurpurea (San Bernardino bluegrass) follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 2: North Baldwin Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.


(ii) Map of Units 2, 3, 4, and 5 for Poa atropurpurea follows:

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(7) Unit 3: Belleville Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 3 for Poa atropurpurea is depicted on the map in paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(8) Unit 4: Hitchcock Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 4 for Poa atropurpurea is depicted on the map in paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(9) Unit 5: Bluff Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 5 for Poa atropurpurea is depicted on the map in paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(10) Unit 11: Cienega Seca Meadow, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 11 for Poa atropurpurea follows:

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(11) Unit 13: Mendenhall Valley, San Diego County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 13 for Poa atropurpurea follows:

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(12) Unit 14: Laguna Meadow, San Diego County, California.
(i) Unit 14 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E N): 550869, 3637877; 550892, 3637893; 550915, 3637910; 550939, 3637916; 550959, 3637913; 550973, 3637897; 550986, 3637895; 550983, 3637881; 550976, 3637859; 550982, 3637842; 551000, 3637820; 551017, 3637807; 551029, 3637784; 551025, 3637771; 551012, 3637769; 551011, 3637750; 551008, 3637732; 551000, 3637715; 550976, 3637723; 550955, 3637708; 550940, 3637686; 550937, 3637662; 550939, 3637658; 550948, 3637643; 550967, 3637618; 550989, 3637610; 550998, 3637595; 550987, 3637576; 550953, 3637556; 550924, 3637552; 550899, 3637554; 550882, 3637564; 550861, 3637549; 550854, 3637526; 550832, 3637523; 550793, 3637535; 550754, 3637564; 550724, 3637595; 550709, 3637624; 550686, 3637674; 550683, 3637707; 550710, 3637763; 550760, 3637826; 550800, 3637855; 550816, 3637865; 550845, 3637863; 550869, 3637877; and land bounded by 551248, 3637523; 551267, 3637518; 551283, 3637506; 551295, 3637484; 551295, 3637459; 551300, 3637428; 551303, 3637401; 551304, 3637378; 551291, 3637350; 551276, 3637341; 551265, 3637333; 551250, 3637339; 551231, 3637345; 551222, 3637325; 551208, 3637332; 551181, 3637346; 551166, 3637333; 551148, 3637324; 551131, 3637323; 551098, 3637329; 551080, 3637339; 551070, 3637355; 551074, 3637364; 551089, 3637352; 551111, 3637352; 551130, 3637365; 551148, 3637378; 551142, 3637405; 551144, 3637427; 551148, 3637460; 551158, 3637486; 551172, 3637492; 551194, 3637497; 551198, 3637512; 551215, 3637520; 551248, 3637523.
(ii) Map of Units 14 and 15 for Poa atropurpurea follows:

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(13) Unit 15: Bear Valley, San Diego County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 15 for Poa atropurpurea is depicted on the map in paragraph (12)(ii) of this entry.


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Butte, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Shasta, Stanislaus, Tehama, and Tuolumne counties, California, on the map below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Tuctoria greenei (Greene's tuctoria) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described in paragraph (2)(ii) of this section, providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools; and
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands.
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Shasta County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Murken Bench.
(5) Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Unit 2: Tehama County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Acorn Hollow, Richardson Springs NW.
(7) Unit 2 (Map 2) follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Butte County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Hamlin Canyon.
(9) Unit 3 (Map 3) follows:

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(10) Unit 6: Stanislaus County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 6 (Map 4) follows:

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(11) Unit 7: Merced County and Mariposa County.
(12) Unit 7 (Map 5) follows:

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(13) Unit 8: Madera County.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 8 (Map 6) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Yolo County, California, on the map below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Tuctoria mucronata (Solano grass) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described in paragraph (2)(ii) of this section, providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools; and
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands.
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Yolo County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Davis, Saxon.
(5) Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

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Texas, Hays County; Spring Lake and its outflow, the San Marcos River, downstream to its confluence with the Blanco River.

Note: The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are designated for Archuleta County, Colorado.
(2) The primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of Ipomopsis polyantha consist of five components:
(i)Mancos shale soils.
(ii)Elevation and climate. Elevations from 6,400 to 8,100 ft (1,950 to 2,475 m) and current climatic conditions similar to those that historically occurred around Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Climatic conditions include suitable precipitation; cold, dry springs; and winter snow.
(iii)Plant community.
(A) Suitable native plant communities (as described in paragraph (2)(iii)(B) of this entry) with small (less than 100 ft2 (10 m2)) or larger (several hectares or acres) barren areas with less than 20 percent plant cover in the actual barren areas.
(B) Appropriate native plant communities, preferably with plant communities reflective of historical community composition, or altered habitats which still contain components of native plant communities. These plant communities include:
(1) Barren shales;
(2) Open montane grassland (primarily Arizona fescue) understory at the edges of open Ponderosa pine; or
(3) Clearings within the ponderosa pine/Rocky Mountain juniper and Utah juniper/oak communities.
(iv)Habitat for pollinators.
(A) Pollinator ground and twig nesting areas. Nesting and foraging habitats suitable for a wide array of pollinators and their life-history and nesting requirements. A mosaic of native plant communities and habitat types generally would provide for this diversity.
(B) Connectivity between areas allowing pollinators to move from one site to the next within each plant population.
(C) Availability of other floral resources, such as other flowering plant species that provide nectar and pollen for pollinators. Grass species do not provide resources for pollinators.
(D) A 3,280-ft (1,000-m) area beyond occupied habitat to conserve the pollinators essential for plant reproduction.
(v)Appropriate disturbance regime.
(A) Appropriate disturbance levels-Light to moderate, or intermittent or discontinuous disturbances.
(B) Naturally maintained disturbances through soil erosion or human-maintained disturbances that can include light grazing, occasional ground clearing, and other disturbances that are not severe or continual.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on September 12, 2012. However, because Ipomopsis polyantha is found along the edges of roads and buildings, the edges of roads and edges of structures are included in the designation.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of both aerial imagery (NAIP 2009) as well as USGS geospatial quadrangle maps and were mapped using NAD 83 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), zone 13N coordinates. Location information came from a wide array of sources. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public on http://regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R6-ES-2011-0040, on our Internet site (http://www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/species/plants/3ColoradoPlants/index.html), and at the Western Colorado Ecological Services Office, 764 Horizon Drive, Suite B, Grand Junction, CO 81506-3946.
(5) NOTE: Index map of critical habitat for Ipomopsis polyantha follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Dyke, Archuleta County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 1 of critical habitat for Ipomopsis polyantha follows:

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(7) Unit 2: O'Neal Hill Special Botanical Unit, Archuleta County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 2 of critical habitat for Ipomopsis polyantha follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Pagosa Springs, Archuleta County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Unit 3 of critical habitat for Ipomopsis polyantha is provided at paragraph (9) of this entry.
(9) Unit 4: Eight Mile Mesa, Archuleta County, Colorado. NOTE: Map of Units 3 and 4 of critical habitat for Ipomopsis polyantha follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Diego Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements (PCEs) for Navarretia fossalis consist of three components:
(i) PCE 1-Ephemeral wetland habitat. Vernal pools (up to 10 ac (4 ha)) and seasonally flooded alkali vernal plains that become inundated by winter rains and hold water or have saturated soils for 2 weeks to 6 months during a year with average rainfall (i.e., years where average rainfall amounts for a particular area are reached during the rainy season (between October and May)). This period of inundation is long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production for Navarretia fossalis and other native species typical of vernal pool and seasonally flooded alkali vernal plain habitat, but not so long that true wetland species inhabit the areas.
(ii) PCE 2-Intermixed wetland and upland habitats that act as the local watershed. Areas characterized by mounds, swales, and depressions within a matrix of upland habitat that result in intermittently flowing surface and subsurface water in swales, drainages, and pools described in PCE 1.
(iii) PCE 3-Soils that support ponding during winter and spring. Soils found in areas characterized in PCEs 1 and 2 that have a clay component or other property that creates an impermeable surface or subsurface layer. These soil types include, but are not limited to: Cieneba-Pismo-Caperton soils in Los Angeles County; Domino, Traver, Waukena, Chino, and Willows soils in Riverside County; and Huerhuero, Placentia, Olivenhain, Stockpen, and Redding soils in San Diego County.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one of more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5' quadrangle maps. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.
(5) Note: Index Map of critical habitat units for Navarretia fossalis (spreading navarretia) follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1: Los Angeles Basin-Orange Management Area, Los Angeles County, CA. Subunit 1A: Cruzan Mesa.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Subunit 1A (Cruzan Mesa) is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.
(7) Unit 1: Los Angeles Basin-Orange Management Area, Los Angeles County, CA. Subunit 1B: Plum Canyon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1, Subunits 1A (Cruzan Mesa) and 1B (Plum Canyon) follows:

View Image

(8) Unit 2: San Diego: Northern Coastal Mesa Management Area-Poinsettia Lane Commuter Station, San Diego County, CA.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 2 (Poinsettia Lane Commuter Station) follows:

View Image

(9) Unit 3: San Diego: Central Coastal Mesa Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 3B: Carroll Canyon.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 3, Subunit 3B (Carroll Canyon) follows:

View Image

(10) Unit 3: San Diego: Central Coastal Mesa Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 3C: Nobel Drive.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 3, Subunit 3C (Nobel Drive) follows:

View Image

(11) Unit 3: San Diego: Central Coastal Mesa Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 3D: Montgomery Field.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 3, Subunit 3D (Montgomery Field) follows:

View Image

(12) Unit 4: San Diego: Inland Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 4C1: San Marcos (Upham).
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 4, Subunit 4C1 is provided at paragraph (14)(ii) of this entry.
(13) Unit 4: San Diego: Inland Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 4C2: San Marcos (Universal Boot).
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 4, Subunit 4C2 is provided at paragraph (14)(ii) of this entry.
(14) Unit 4: San Diego: Inland Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 4D: San Marcos (Bent Avenue).
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 4, Subunits 4C1, 4C2, and 4D (San Marcos) follows:

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(15) Unit 4: San Diego: Inland Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 4E: Ramona.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 4, Subunit 4E (Ramona) follows:

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(16) Unit 5: San Diego: Southern Coastal Mesa Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 5A: Sweetwater Vernal Pools.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5, Subunit 5A (Sweetwater Vernal Pools) follows:

View Image

(17) Unit 5: San Diego: Southern Coastal Mesa Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 5B: Otay River Valley.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5, Subunit 5B (Otay River Valley) follows:

View Image

(18) Unit 5: San Diego: Southern Coastal Mesa Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 5C: Otay Mesa.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5, Subunit 5C (Otay Mesa) follows:

View Image

(19) Unit 5: San Diego: Southern Coastal Mesa Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 5F: Proctor Valley.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5, Subunit 5F (Proctor Valley) follows:

View Image

(20) Unit 5: San Diego: Southern Coastal Mesa Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 5G: Otay Lakes.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5, Subunit 5G (Otay Lakes) follows:

View Image

(21) Unit 5: San Diego: Southern Coastal Mesa Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 5H: Western Otay Mesa Vernal Pool Complexes.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5, Subunit 5H (Western Otay Mesa Vernal Pool Complexes) follows:

View Image

(22) Unit 5: San Diego: Southern Coastal Mesa Management Area, San Diego County, CA. Subunit 5I: Eastern Otay Mesa Vernal Pool Complexes.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5, Subunit 5I (Eastern Otay Mesa Vernal Pool Complexes) follows:

View Image

(23) Unit 6: Riverside: Riverside Management Area, Riverside County, CA. Subunit 6A: San Jacinto River.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 6, Subunit 6A (San Jacinto River) follows:

View Image

(24) Unit 6: Riverside: Riverside Management Area, Riverside County, CA. Subunit 6B: Salt Creek Seasonally Flooded Alkali Plain.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 6, Subunit 6B (Salt Creek Seasonally Flooded Alkali Plain) follows:

View Image

(25) Unit 6: Riverside: Riverside Management Area, Riverside County, CA. Subunit 6C: Wickerd and Scott Road Pools.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 6, Subunit 6C (Wickerd and Scott Road Pools) follows:

View Image


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent element of critical habitat for Chorizanthe pungens var. pungens is a vegetation structure arranged in a mosaic with openings between the dominant elements (e.g., scrub, shrub, oak trees, or clumps of herbaceous vegetation) that changes in spatial position as a result of physical processes such as windblown sands and fire and that allows sunlight to reach the surface of the following sandy soils: coastal beaches, dune land, Baywood sand, Ben Lomond sandy loam, Elder sandy loam, Oceano loamy sand, Arnold loamy sand, Santa Ynez fine sandy loam, Arnold-Santa Ynez complex, Metz complex, and Metz loamy sand.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads) and the land on which such structures are located, existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on base maps using aerial imagery from the National Agricultural Imagery Program (aerial imagery captured June 2005). Data were projected to Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983.
(5) NOTE: Index map (Map 1) follows:

View Image

(6) Unit 1: Sunset Unit, Santa Cruz County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 1, 5, and 6 (Map 2) follows:

View Image

(7) Unit 2: Moss Landing Unit, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 2 and 7 (Map 3) follows:

View Image

(8) Unit 3: Marina Unit, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 3, 4, and 8 (Map 4) follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Asilomar Unit, Monterey County, California. Map of Unit 4 is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.
(10) Unit 5: Freedom Boulevard Unit, Monterey County, California. Map of Unit 5 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(11) Unit 6: Manresa Unit, Monterey County, California. Map of Unit 6 is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(12) Unit 7: Prunedale Unit, Monterey County, California. Map of Unit 7 is provided at paragraph (7)(ii) of this entry.
(13) Unit 8: Fort Ord Unit, Monterey County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangle Marina, Salinas, Seaside, and Spreckles. Unit 8 excludes land bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E, N):
(A) 609791, 4053559; 609792, 4053420; 609833, 4053395; 609908, 4053357; 610068, 4053380; 610032, 4053598; returning to 609791, 4053559.
(B) 611172, 4052992; 611242, 4052923; 611314, 4052987; 611402, 4052913; 611442, 4052907; 611524, 4052850; 611543, 4052844; 611587, 4052866; 611607, 4052919; 611628, 4053042; 611618, 4053074; 611670, 4053189; 611761, 4053277; 612029, 4053402; 612049, 4053521; 611863, 4053644; 611727, 4053518; 611656, 4053497; 611611, 4053451; 611535, 4053431; 611438, 4053400; 611394, 4053341; 611346, 4053238; 611278, 4053122; 611230, 4053068; returning to 611172, 4052992.
(C) 611476, 4056579; 611418, 4056559; 611437, 4056500; 611496, 4056520; returning to 611476, 4056579.
(ii) Map of Unit 8 is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.
(14) Unit 9: Soledad Unit, Monterey County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 9 (Map 5) follows:

View Image


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Santa Cruz County, California, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Chorizanthe robusta var. hartwegii are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Thin soils in the Bonnydoon series that have developed over outcrops of Santa Cruz mudstone and Purisima sandstone;
(ii) "Wildflower field" habitat that has developed on these thin-soiled sites;
(iii) A grassland plant community that supports the "wildflower field" habitat, that is stable over time and in which nonnative species are absent or are at a density that has little or no adverse effect on resources available for growth and reproduction of Chorizanthe robusta var. hartwegii;
(iv) Sufficient areas around each population to allow for recolonization to adjacent suitable microhabitat sites in the event of catastrophic events;
(v) Pollinator activity between existing colonies of Chorizanthe robusta var. hartwegii;
(vi) Seed dispersal mechanisms between existing colonies and other potentially suitable sites; and
(vii) Sufficient integrity of the watershed above habitat for Chorizanthe robusta var. hartwegii to maintain soil and hydrologic conditions that provide the seasonally wet substrate for growth and reproduction.
(3) Existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Santa Cruz County, California.

From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Felton, California, Mount. Diablo Meridian, California.

Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 587990, 4103190; 587999, 4103220; 588021, 4103230; 588025, 4103250; 587997, 4103260; 588025, 4103280; 588035, 4103290; 588033, 4103310; 588025, 4103320; 588012, 4103330; 588014, 4103340; 588005, 4103350; 587984, 4103360; 587969, 4103370; 587962, 4103380; 587958, 4103390; 587962, 4103400; 587975, 4103410; 587992, 4103410; 588012, 4103420; 588029, 4103400; 588046, 4103410; 588058, 4103420; 588064, 4103430; 588072, 4103450; 588082, 4103480; 588088, 4103500; 588091, 4103530; 588091, 4103560; 588099, 4103570; 588115, 4103590; 588146, 4103580; 588169, 4103610; 588201, 4103630; 588272, 4103700; 588411, 4104050; 588571, 4103930; 588584, 4103940; 588589, 4103960; 588590, 4103980; 588583, 4104010; 588574, 4104030; 588559, 4104050; 588549, 4104070; 588568, 4104110; 588833, 4104150; 588827, 4104020; 588883, 4104030; 588891, 4103950; 588906, 4103920; 588931, 4103890; 588979, 4103870; 589049, 4103870; 589069, 4103680; 589061, 4103450; 589124, 4103440; 589173, 4103400; 589117, 4103050; 589062, 4103060; 589019, 4102960; 589099, 4102940; 589096, 4102920; 588612, 4103020; 588570, 4102880; 588485, 4102900; 588474, 4102960; 588452, 4102960; 588452, 4103090; 588473, 4103160; 588502, 4103270; 588504, 4103330; 588505, 4103420; 588402, 4103470; 588360, 4103480; 588292, 4103480; 588267, 4103440; 588121, 4103320; 588033, 4103080; 588352, 4103020; 588337, 4102930; 588000, 4102990; 587981, 4102940; 587900, 4102940; 587900, 4102960; 587905, 4102980; 587919, 4102970; 587931, 4102970; 587932, 4102990; 587924, 4103010; 587916, 4103040; 587915, 4103060; 587893, 4103070; 587887, 4103090; 587883, 4103100; 587885, 4103100; 587891, 4103110; 587911, 4103100; 587939, 4103130; 587942, 4103150; 587951, 4103160; 587963, 4103150; 587977, 4103160; 587990, 4103190.

(5) Unit 2: Santa Cruz County, California.

From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Laurel, California.

Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 589297, 4102370; 589213, 4102420; 589164, 4102430; 589168, 4102460; 589174, 4102500; 589181, 4102550; 589189, 4102570; 589210, 4102600; 589243, 4102620; 589261, 4102630; 589274, 4102640; 589271, 4102660; 589270, 4102680; 589270, 4102690; 589289, 4102710; 589327, 4102740; 589361, 4102770; 589402, 4102790; 589435, 4102800; 589472, 4102800; 589571, 4102790; 589657, 4102780; 589762, 4102770; 589845, 4102750; 589889, 4102730; 589917, 4102690; 589932, 4102660; 589932, 4102620; 589930, 4102530; 589865, 4102440; 589732, 4102250; 589681, 4102260; 589669, 4102290; 589661, 4102300; 589642, 4102310; 589623, 4102310; 589590, 4102310; 589531, 4102320; 589297, 4102370.

(6)Critical Habitat Map for Units 1 and 2 follows:

View Image


(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Santa Cruz County, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta include, but are not limited to, the habitat components that provide:
(i) Sandy soils associated with active coastal dunes, coastal bluffs with a deposition of windblown sand, inland sites with sandy soils, and interior floodplain dunes;
(ii) Plant communities that support associated species, including coastal dune, coastal scrub, grassland, maritime chaparral, oak woodland, and interior floodplain dune communities, and have a structure such that there are openings between the dominant elements (e.g, scrub, shrub, oak trees, clumps of herbaceous vegetation);
(iii) Plant communities that contain no or little cover by nonnative species which would complete for resources available for growth and reproduction of Chorizanthe robusta var. robusta; and
(iv) Physical processes, such as occasional soil disturbance, that support natural dune dynamics along coastal areas.
(3) Existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.

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From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Santa Cruz, California. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 585912, 4094380; 585909, 4094380; 585900, 4094370; 585882, 4094350; 585830, 4094330; 585798, 4094320; 585775, 4094300; 585747, 4094260; 585722, 4094230; 585688, 4094200; 585666, 4094200; 585649, 4094210; 585617, 4094230; 585571, 4094230; 585556, 4094240; 585546, 4094240; 585537, 4094250; 585505, 4094280; 585487, 4094290; 585468, 4094290; 585442, 4094290; 585393, 4094290; 585340, 4094290; 585313, 4094300; 585220, 4094330; 585162, 4094330; 585101, 4094320; 584986, 4094300; 584917, 4094290; 584886, 4094300; 584871, 4094310; 584856, 4094320; 584839, 4094340; 584828, 4094360; 584829, 4094380; 584834, 4094390; 584846, 4094400; 584853, 4094420; 584856, 4094440; 584853, 4094470; 584844, 4094500; 584811, 4094600; 584798, 4094630; 584787, 4094650; 584773, 4094670; 584762, 4094700; 584754, 4094740; 584756, 4094770; 584762, 4094790; 584772, 4094830; 584777, 4094870; 584772, 4094890; 584730, 4094960; 584729, 4094990; 584738, 4095020; 584751, 4095040; 584767, 4095050; 584781, 4095060; 584805, 4095060; 584841, 4095070; 584879, 4095080; 584901, 4095090; 584926, 4095090; 585050, 4095110; 585125, 4095110; 585174, 4095110; 585168, 4095090; 585166, 4095070; 585169, 4095000; 585182, 4094980; 585193, 4094970; 585208, 4094960; 585223, 4094950; 585244, 4094950; 585265, 4094950; 585337, 4094940; 585366, 4094940; 585388, 4094930; 585397, 4094910; 585414, 4094890; 585446, 4094870; 585480, 4094860; 585492, 4094850; 585470, 4094830; 585568, 4094740; 585606, 4094750; 585626, 4094720; 585885, 4094430; 585899, 4094410; 585907, 4094400; 585912, 4094380.

(i) From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Santa Cruz, California. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 587730, 4094370; 587728, 4094390; 587865, 4094380; 587863, 4094360; 587877, 4094270; 587816, 4094080; 587738, 4094090; 587737, 4094190; 587724, 4094280; 587730, 4094370.
(ii) Map Unit A and B: Pogonip and Branciforte Map Follows.

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Santa Cruz County, California.

Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 599729, 4094230; 599670, 4094230; 599629, 4094230; 599577, 4094230; 599591, 4094270; 599596, 4094290; 599609, 4094340; 599623, 4094400; 599636, 4094460; 599641, 4094490; 599645, 4094530; 599647, 4094540; 599647, 4094570; 599648, 4094580; 599653, 4094640; 599655, 4094650; 599658, 4094660; 599661, 4094660; 599662, 4094660; 599701, 4094670; 599776, 4094670; 600002, 4094670; 600092, 4094680; 600199, 4094680; 600204, 4094670; 600209, 4094670; 600220, 4094670; 600225, 4094660; 600231, 4094660; 600242, 4094650; 600247, 4094640; 600272, 4094620; 600276, 4094610; 600280, 4094480; 600280, 4094480; 600278, 4094460; 600276, 4094460; 600274, 4094450; 600271, 4094440; 600270, 4094440; 600270, 4094430; 600271, 4094420; 600283, 4094380; 600287, 4094250; 600138, 4094250; 600007, 4094240; 599915, 4094240; 599729, 4094230.

(i) From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Watsonville West, California. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 601011, 4092690; 601113, 4092700; 601116, 4092600; 601223, 4092600; 601230, 4092400; 601122, 4092400; 601119, 4092500; 601019, 4092490; 601011, 4092690.
(ii) Map Units C and D: Aptos and Freedom Map Follows.

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From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Watsonville West, California. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 604046, 4088420; 604031, 4088480; 604029, 4088530; 604036, 4088560; 604049, 4088580; 604681, 4088360; 604692, 4087930; 604701, 4087560; 604071, 4087530; 604064, 4087550; 604057, 4087580; 604053, 4087630; 604060, 4087660; 604069, 4087670; 604089, 4087690; 604101, 4087700; 604111, 4087730; 604110, 4087790; 604109, 4087820; 604116, 4087870; 604125, 4087900; 604131, 4087930; 604130, 4088020; 604119, 4088060; 604114, 4088090; 604114, 4088110; 604123, 4088170; 604125, 4088250; 604120, 4088280; 604102, 4088320; 604082, 4088350; 604046, 4088420.

(i) From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Watsonville West, California. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 603772, 4083610; 603885, 4083680; 603931, 4083700; 604008, 4083560; 604053, 4083490; 604059, 4083450; 604054, 4083420; 604045, 4083380; 604045, 4083350; 604080, 4083290; 604092, 4083270; 604102, 4083220; 604103, 4083180; 604109, 4083160; 604122, 4083150; 604149, 4083140; 604176, 4083120; 604202, 4083090; 604224, 4083060; 604243, 4083040; 604256, 4083020; 604279, 4083000; 604303, 4082980; 604328, 4082960; 604349, 4082920; 604373, 4082840; 604386, 4082800; 604412, 4082710; 604424, 4082670; 604425, 4082640; 604425, 4082610; 604426, 4082580; 604443, 4082530; 604449, 4082510; 604457, 4082490; 604460, 4082470; 604480, 4082440; 604492, 4082430; 604504, 4082400; 604512, 4082350; 604530, 4082300; 604546, 4082260; 604547, 4082250; 604536, 4082200; 604688, 4081900; 604847, 4081650; 604743, 4081650; 604613, 4081900; 604539, 4082040; 604449, 4082220; 604338, 4082450; 604258, 4082580; 604205, 4082690; 604132, 4082830; 604076, 4082910; 603987, 4083070; 603871, 4083280; 603804, 4083400; 603755, 4083480; 603700, 4083580; 603772, 4083610.
(ii) Map Units E and F: Buena Vista and Sunset Map Follows.

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(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Benton County, Washington, on the map at paragraph (5) of this entry.
(2) The primary constituent elements of the physical and biological features essential to the conservation of Eriogonum codium are the following:
(i) North- to northeast-facing, weathered basalt cliffs of the Wanapum Formation at the eastern end of Umtanum Ridge in Benton County that contain outcrops, cliff breaks, slopes, and flat or gently sloping cliff tops with exposed pebble and gravel soils.
(ii) Pebbly lithosol talus soils derived from surface weathering of the top of the Lolo Flow of the Priest Rapids Member of the Wanapum Formation.
(iii) Sparsely vegetated habitat (less than 10 percent total cover), containing low amounts of nonnative or invasive plant species (less than 1 percent cover).
(iv) The presence of insect pollinator species.
(v) The presence of native shrub steppe habitat within the effective pollinator distance (300 m (approximately 980 ft)) around the population.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, pavement, or other structures) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) This critical habitat unit was mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator, Zone 11, North American Datum 1983 (UTM NAD 83) coordinates. These coordinates establish the vertices of the unit boundaries. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at the field office Internet site (http://www.fws.gov/wafwo/HanfordPlants/FLFCH.html), http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2013-0012, and at the Service's Washington Fish and Wildlife Office. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5)Note: Map of critical habitat for Eriogonum codium (Umtanum desert buckwheat) follows:

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New Mexico; Eddy County; T20S, R25E, Section 19: N 1/2, N 1/2 NE 1/4 SE 1/4, N 1/2 NW 1/4 SE 1/4; and T20S, R24E, Section 24: N 1/2 NE 1/4, N 1/2 S 1/2 NE 1/4, NE 1/4 NW 1/4, N 1/2 SE 1/4 NW 1/4; gypsum soils.

Note: The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units for this species are found in San Bernardino County, California. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Eriogonum kennedyi var. austromontanum are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Pebble plains in dry meadow-like openings within upper montane coniferous forest, pinyon-juniper woodlands, or Great Basin sagebrush in the San Bernardino Mountains of San Bernardino County, California; at elevations between 5,900 to 9,800 ft (1,830 to 2,990 m) that provide space for individual and population growth, reproduction and dispersal; and
(ii) Seasonally wet clay, or sandy clay soils, generally containing quartzite pebbles, subject to natural hydrological processes that include water hydrating the soil and freezing in winter and drying in summer causing lifting and churning of included pebbles, that provide space for individual and population growth, reproduction and dispersal, adequate water, air, minerals, and other nutritional or physiological requirements to the species.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,0000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) Index map (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Units ERKA 1 and ERKA 2. Arrastre/Union Flat, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear City.
(i) Unit ERKA 1. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 512434, 3795966; 512436, 3795961; 512446, 3795966; 512450, 3795966; 512469, 3795969; 512508, 3795965; 512533, 3795959; 512537, 3795959; 512539, 3795960; 512549, 3795964; 512560, 3795961; 512568, 3795954; 512573, 3795948; 512573, 3795936; 512571, 3795930; 512568, 3795927; 512565, 3795927; 512563, 3795927; 512563, 3795924; 512561, 3795914; 512556, 3795904; 512555, 3795903; 512554, 3795901; 512548, 3795879; 512535, 3795835; 512544, 3795791; 512546, 3795790; 512554, 3795787; 512568, 3795779; 512576, 3795774; 512582, 3795771; 512592, 3795764; 512595, 3795753; 512595, 3795747; 512591, 3795739; 512584, 3795732; 512581, 3795731; 512575, 3795727; 512569, 3795727; 512560, 3795728; 512552, 3795733; 512544, 3795739; 512542, 3795740; 512541, 3795739; 512540, 3795738; 512525, 3795717; 512469, 3795694; 512447, 3795680; 512445, 3795679; 512427, 3795653; 512428, 3795649; 512450, 3795617; 512476, 3795588; 512476, 3795588; 512504, 3795564; 512514, 3795552; 512541, 3795525; 512546, 3795509; 512548, 3795508; 512553, 3795501; 512554, 3795500; 512558, 3795490; 512566, 3795479; 512573, 3795468; 512584, 3795444; 512586, 3795433; 512588, 3795412; 512594, 3795398; 512601, 3795395; 512607, 3795395; 512627, 3795401; 512632, 3795400; 512641, 3795402; 512654, 3795400; 512675, 3795405; 512691, 3795401; 512699, 3795397; 512703, 3795397; 512707, 3795394; 512715, 3795393; 512718, 3795391; 512730, 3795388; 512740, 3795378; 512742, 3795374; 512746, 3795371; 512770, 3795357; 512806, 3795330; 512815, 3795317; 512837, 3795311; 512856, 3795327; 512872, 3795330; 512883, 3795343; 512886, 3795339; 512900, 3795331; 512905, 3795319; 512909, 3795312; 512913, 3795307; 512913, 3795306; 512913, 3795305; 512914, 3795303; 512920, 3795287; 512924, 3795286; 512935, 3795275; 512938, 3795270; 512944, 3795264; 512948, 3795258; 512953, 3795250; 512955, 3795245; 512954, 3795239; 512953, 3795233; 512949, 3795225; 512946, 3795221; 512949, 3795219; 512976, 3795203; 512998, 3795196; 513008, 3795189; 513014, 3795187; 513019, 3795183; 513030, 3795176; 513031, 3795173; 513048, 3795163; 513049, 3795158; 513051, 3795154; 513053, 3795150; 513053, 3795143; 513053, 3795142; 513056, 3795131; 513053, 3795122; 513053, 3795109; 513055, 3795098; 513059, 3795095; 513062, 3795091; 513066, 3795086; 513069, 3795084; 513072, 3795077; 513076, 3795073; 513079, 3795066; 513080, 3795064; 513083, 3795057; 513083, 3795052; 513083, 3795047; 513082, 3795043; 513080, 3795036; 513080, 3795034; 513079, 3795025; 513077, 3795018; 513075, 3795011; 513075, 3795007; 513072, 3794999; 513069, 3794994; 513066, 3794989; 513058, 3794982; 513053, 3794982; 513047, 3794982; 513037, 3794982; 513035, 3794981; 513017, 3794975; 513010, 3794975; 513006, 3794978; 513000, 3794981; 512993, 3794985; 512988, 3794988; 512973, 3794993; 512965, 3794993; 512960, 3794991; 512951, 3794990; 512944, 3794988; 512938, 3794987; 512934, 3794988; 512924, 3794989; 512915, 3794991; 512897, 3794997; 512886, 3795001; 512875, 3795007; 512866, 3795012; 512852, 3795026; 512850, 3795031; 512847, 3795037; 512848, 3795042; 512848, 3795045; 512856, 3795057; 512861, 3795057; 512871, 3795053; 512875, 3795052; 512883, 3795047; 512863, 3795065; 512861, 3795066; 512853, 3795072; 512853, 3795075; 512847, 3795081; 512851, 3795097; 512867, 3795120; 512875, 3795132; 512879, 3795132; 512881, 3795135; 512913, 3795143; 512919, 3795177; 512903, 3795187; 512899, 3795188; 512884, 3795190; 512840, 3795190; 512839, 3795192; 512835, 3795194; 512826, 3795195; 512825, 3795196; 512811, 3795199; 512812, 3795203; 512811, 3795204; 512811, 3795217; 512800, 3795241; 512793, 3795247; 512785, 3795251; 512778, 3795254; 512765, 3795263; 512732, 3795279; 512696, 3795299; 512648, 3795303; 512621, 3795315; 512618, 3795316; 512607, 3795318; 512601, 3795321; 512585, 3795327; 512561, 3795335; 512558, 3795344; 512555, 3795349; 512545, 3795359; 512533, 3795366; 512510, 3795373; 512508, 3795373; 512500, 3795376; 512498, 3795372; 512497, 3795370; 512495, 3795367; 512492, 3795368; 512490, 3795372; 512490, 3795379; 512489, 3795379; 512484, 3795381; 512485, 3795387; 512482, 3795398; 512482, 3795418; 512485, 3795432; 512484, 3795433; 512486, 3795443; 512486, 3795452; 512453, 3795490; 512413, 3795508; 512409, 3795509; 512408, 3795507; 512406, 3795499; 512398, 3795500; 512390, 3795509; 512386, 3795512; 512354, 3795501; 512340, 3795496; 512357, 3795495; 512366, 3795491; 512362, 3795478; 512360, 3795467; 512361, 3795466; 512364, 3795462; 512368, 3795462; 512373, 3795469; 512376, 3795462; 512392, 3795462; 512392, 3795461; 512393, 3795461; 512401, 3795463; 512406, 3795462; 512408, 3795459; 512429, 3795455; 512432, 3795454; 512437, 3795449; 512437, 3795446; 512434, 3795435; 512431, 3795430; 512434, 3795422; 512433, 3795419; 512434, 3795416; 512432, 3795410; 512433, 3795405; 512430, 3795402; 512428, 3795397; 512423, 3795395; 512421, 3795393; 512393, 3795381; 512369, 3795385; 512368, 3795386; 512367, 3795386; 512351, 3795394; 512339, 3795398; 512339, 3795414; 512342, 3795418; 512342, 3795425; 512350, 3795437; 512339, 3795449; 512324, 3795455; 512306, 3795472; 512299, 3795481; 512283, 3795473; 512264, 3795473; 512249, 3795472; 512248, 3795473; 512247, 3795473; 512237, 3795473; 512228, 3795473; 512223, 3795475; 512207, 3795477; 512189, 3795483; 512172, 3795485; 512165, 3795492; 512163, 3795493; 512156, 3795496; 512155, 3795496; 512150, 3795497; 512149, 3795498; 512135, 3795504; 512124, 3795510; 512100, 3795517; 512095, 3795519; 512080, 3795516; 512060, 3795516; 512044, 3795536; 512052, 3795560; 512056, 3795588; 512064, 3795616; 512064, 3795617; 512065, 3795620; 512081, 3795644; 512087, 3795650; 512088, 3795651; 512089, 3795652; 512101, 3795664; 512123, 3795675; 512123, 3795688; 512123, 3795695; 512122, 3795699; 512119, 3795715; 512111, 3795727; 512119, 3795747; 512125, 3795759; 512133, 3795784; 512135, 3795798; 512143, 3795822; 512155, 3795842; 512171, 3795857; 512199, 3795878; 512223, 3795886; 512228, 3795889; 512235, 3795890; 512242, 3795892; 512248, 3795895; 512282, 3795913; 512334, 3795929; 512377, 3795941; 512380, 3795941; 512383, 3795942; 512387, 3795942; 512394, 3795943; 512397, 3795947; 512412, 3795966; 512417, 3795971; 512422, 3795975; 512427, 3795979; 512430, 3795978; 512434, 3795966.
(ii) Unit ERKA 2. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 513282, 3797202; 513312, 3797195; 513346, 3797179; 513347, 3797179; 513352, 3797178; 513378, 3797155; 513382, 3797151; 513404, 3797137; 513430, 3797126; 513434, 3797122; 513438, 3797119; 513475, 3797110; 513503, 3797106; 513500, 3797115; 513500, 3797124; 513510, 3797137; 513520, 3797137; 513532, 3797131; 513545, 3797124; 513554, 3797111; 513554, 3797108; 513567, 3797110; 513599, 3797116; 513650, 3797107; 513655, 3797103; 513659, 3797103; 513666, 3797099; 513668, 3797098; 513694, 3797083; 513708, 3797069; 513727, 3797057; 513758, 3797027; 513788, 3796985; 513797, 3796978; 513801, 3796976; 513815, 3796968; 513834, 3796962; 513876, 3796962; 513926, 3796970; 513952, 3796981; 513956, 3796985; 513979, 3797000; 514002, 3797019; 514028, 3797035; 514070, 3797061; 514093, 3797069; 514129, 3797075; 514136, 3797079; 514216, 3797087; 514238, 3797082; 514329, 3797076; 514364, 3797073; 514406, 3797069; 514444, 3797046; 514455, 3797019; 514448, 3797004; 514444, 3797001; 514441, 3796991; 514418, 3796945; 514401, 3796935; 514398, 3796928; 514393, 3796914; 514396, 3796911; 514384, 3796831; 514384, 3796806; 514387, 3796798; 514383, 3796764; 514375, 3796741; 514362, 3796721; 514357, 3796709; 514343, 3796691; 514329, 3796661; 514318, 3796650; 514303, 3796631; 514288, 3796623; 514276, 3796625; 514270, 3796622; 514239, 3796625; 514197, 3796645; 514171, 3796637; 514166, 3796635; 514151, 3796626; 514106, 3796587; 514064, 3796561; 514003, 3796519; 513965, 3796488; 513946, 3796458; 513946, 3796457; 513959, 3796433; 513996, 3796392; 514005, 3796381; 514022, 3796370; 514030, 3796350; 514036, 3796343; 514043, 3796339; 514101, 3796309; 514102, 3796309; 514108, 3796307; 514111, 3796304; 514142, 3796287; 514170, 3796255; 514215, 3796208; 514291, 3796164; 514355, 3796119; 514424, 3796055; 514439, 3796024; 514451, 3796009; 514449, 3795971; 514450, 3795964; 514443, 3795894; 514441, 3795891; 514440, 3795890; 514393, 3795830; 514332, 3795801; 514321, 3795800; 514291, 3795789; 514262, 3795785; 514258, 3795783; 514231, 3795781; 514227, 3795781; 514226, 3795781; 514155, 3795776; 514144, 3795785; 514116, 3795789; 514088, 3795817; 514047, 3795891; 514018, 3795938; 514005, 3795973; 513980, 3796014; 513957, 3796046; 513948, 3796055; 513865, 3796109; 513828, 3796145; 513797, 3796168; 513780, 3796186; 513762, 3796200; 513760, 3796201; 513723, 3796230; 513687, 3796286; 513678, 3796295; 513674, 3796304; 513669, 3796313; 513661, 3796338; 513655, 3796353; 513652, 3796365; 513634, 3796408; 513630, 3796430; 513628, 3796432; 513627, 3796434; 513625, 3796439; 513622, 3796448; 513622, 3796451; 513619, 3796455; 513615, 3796461; 513612, 3796466; 513607, 3796471; 513601, 3796475; 513594, 3796479; 513581, 3796480; 513579, 3796481; 513577, 3796481; 513568, 3796491; 513563, 3796494; 513561, 3796495; 513560, 3796500; 513560, 3796506; 513560, 3796508; 513562, 3796511; 513567, 3796513; 513573, 3796517; 513578, 3796520; 513586, 3796523; 513592, 3796524; 513582, 3796530; 513580, 3796555; 513590, 3796564; 513595, 3796566; 513601, 3796566; 513598, 3796573; 513589, 3796592; 513581, 3796602; 513570, 3796605; 513551, 3796618; 513539, 3796656; 513548, 3796669; 513548, 3796676; 513571, 3796707; 513590, 3796760; 513590, 3796810; 513587, 3796851; 513586, 3796856; 513584, 3796863; 513571, 3796887; 513565, 3796881; 513546, 3796877; 513512, 3796881; 513489, 3796900; 513481, 3796923; 513481, 3796924; 513465, 3796924; 513438, 3796920; 513432, 3796923; 513431, 3796922; 513380, 3796910; 513348, 3796878; 513329, 3796849; 513326, 3796805; 513300, 3796757; 513293, 3796749; 513291, 3796739; 513275, 3796710; 513273, 3796706; 513268, 3796698; 513256, 3796676; 513232, 3796652; 513204, 3796636; 513196, 3796629; 513168, 3796629; 513162, 3796631; 513162, 3796628; 513162, 3796619; 513158, 3796609; 513155, 3796603; 513149, 3796597; 513138, 3796593; 513131, 3796584; 513128, 3796581; 513148, 3796577; 513167, 3796562; 513167, 3796528; 513152, 3796516; 513146, 3796511; 513141, 3796511; 513118, 3796501; 513119, 3796501; 513131, 3796493; 513134, 3796488; 513145, 3796482; 513149, 3796466; 513145, 3796450; 513137, 3796434; 513126, 3796434; 513115, 3796429; 513106, 3796427; 513100, 3796425; 513087, 3796427; 513085, 3796426; 513082, 3796427; 513085, 3796425; 513089, 3796424; 513094, 3796423; 513099, 3796421; 513103, 3796421; 513107, 3796420; 513109, 3796419; 513120, 3796414; 513122, 3796411; 513123, 3796407; 513123, 3796401; 513121, 3796389; 513110, 3796387; 513089, 3796387; 513085, 3796387; 513080, 3796383; 513075, 3796378; 513069, 3796376; 513065, 3796378; 513061, 3796380; 513038, 3796401; 513031, 3796403; 513022, 3796403; 513016, 3796403; 513010, 3796404; 513007, 3796408; 512998, 3796427; 512993, 3796432; 512984, 3796432; 512976, 3796431; 512967, 3796430; 512958, 3796430; 512948, 3796431; 512942, 3796435; 512942, 3796440; 512943, 3796447; 512947, 3796453; 512958, 3796458; 512968, 3796460; 512981, 3796461; 512990, 3796462; 512998, 3796461; 513002, 3796462; 513000, 3796463; 512996, 3796465; 512992, 3796472; 512986, 3796477; 512982, 3796485; 512977, 3796493; 512985, 3796499; 512986, 3796501; 512996, 3796509; 513006, 3796518; 513003, 3796519; 513001, 3796524; 513001, 3796528; 513003, 3796531; 513006, 3796533; 513013, 3796536; 513026, 3796540; 513031, 3796543; 513019, 3796558; 513004, 3796600; 513004, 3796623; 513001, 3796637; 513009, 3796690; 513024, 3796717; 513039, 3796763; 513070, 3796797; 513089, 3796843; 513096, 3796872; 513099, 3796901; 513095, 3796915; 513094, 3796917; 513076, 3796939; 513072, 3796962; 513087, 3796975; 513089, 3796980; 513123, 3797003; 513126, 3797015; 513126, 3797031; 513106, 3797069; 513087, 3797088; 513084, 3797137; 513096, 3797163; 513103, 3797175; 513141, 3797195; 513182, 3797197; 513184, 3797197; 513218, 3797201; 513240, 3797201; 513255, 3797202; 513282, 3797202.
(iii) NOTE: Map of Units ERKA 1 and ERKA 2 (Map 2) follows:

View Image

(7) Unit ERKA 3, Big Bear Lake, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear Lake. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 507777, 3788001; 507780, 3787993; 507783, 3788009; 507791, 3788029; 507801, 3788015; 507806, 3788013; 507806, 3788005; 507811, 3787989; 507811, 3787973; 507811, 3787949; 507810, 3787946; 507810, 3787941; 507807, 3787932; 507806, 3787930; 507804, 3787929; 507803, 3787925; 507802, 3787925; 507790, 3787909; 507764, 3787877; 507732, 3787851; 507704, 3787839; 507688, 3787829; 507686, 3787828; 507682, 3787826; 507682, 3787827; 507678, 3787826; 507674, 3787876; 507666, 3787929; 507659, 3787975; 507659, 3788001; 507669, 3788023; 507682, 3788035; 507707, 3788042; 507729, 3788042; 507752, 3788036; 507767, 3788013; 507769, 3788006; 507777, 3788001.
(ii) NOTE: Map of Unit ERKA 3 (Map 3) follows:

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(8) Units ERKA 4 and ERKA 5. Fawnskin, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Fawnskin.
(i) Unit ERKA 4. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506020, 3792309; 506020, 3792303; 506001, 3792335; 506014, 3792404; 506014, 3792468; 506001, 3792538; 505982, 3792557; 505963, 3792595; 505950, 3792639; 505937, 3792671; 505944, 3792703; 505994, 3792722; 506039, 3792722; 506109, 3792684; 506147, 3792665; 506191, 3792627; 506229, 3792582; 506217, 3792525; 506166, 3792493; 506121, 3792462; 506109, 3792442; 506109, 3792417; 506096, 3792392; 506077, 3792373; 506052, 3792335; 506020, 3792309.
(ii) Unit ERKA 5. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506636, 3791541; 506604, 3791490; 506547, 3791496; 506534, 3791515; 506515, 3791579; 506522, 3791661; 506502, 3791757; 506490, 3791807; 506502, 3791852; 506547, 3791941; 506579, 3792017; 506610, 3792100; 506629, 3792182; 506649, 3792220; 506668, 3792233; 506687, 3792227; 506680, 3792214; 506693, 3792182; 506706, 3792138; 506712, 3792074; 506725, 3792036; 506706, 3791928; 506680, 3791846; 506674, 3791801; 506674, 3791744; 506668, 3791674; 506655, 3791623; 506636, 3791541.
(iii) NOTE: Map of Units ERKA 4 and ERKA 5 (Map 4) follows:

View Image

(9) Units ERKA 6, ERKA 7, and ERKA 10. Gold Mountain and North Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear City.
(i) Unit ERKA 6. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 516297, 3793523; 516342, 3793514; 516374, 3793491; 516405, 3793447; 516412, 3793390; 516424, 3793352; 516421, 3793333; 516437, 3793335; 516450, 3793331; 516463, 3793309; 516466, 3793281; 516465, 3793279; 516475, 3793268; 516469, 3793227; 516447, 3793207; 516421, 3793189; 516380, 3793166; 516345, 3793154; 516311, 3793139; 516272, 3793103; 516244, 3793081; 516215, 3793077; 516187, 3793090; 516206, 3793135; 516202, 3793144; 516207, 3793149; 516196, 3793141; 516172, 3793137; 516163, 3793137; 516157, 3793137; 516154, 3793135; 516147, 3793133; 516132, 3793125; 516128, 3793123; 516109, 3793112; 516096, 3793112; 516095, 3793112; 516081, 3793111; 516065, 3793105; 516045, 3793109; 516017, 3793126; 516016, 3793127; 516006, 3793132; 516003, 3793145; 515998, 3793153; 515995, 3793166; 515988, 3793165; 515980, 3793163; 515971, 3793161; 515961, 3793161; 515956, 3793162; 515943, 3793162; 515926, 3793178; 515919, 3793180; 515912, 3793182; 515905, 3793188; 515899, 3793193; 515893, 3793198; 515884, 3793209; 515881, 3793219; 515879, 3793220; 515793, 3793243; 515732, 3793233; 515685, 3793220; 515647, 3793211; 515577, 3793211; 515536, 3793230; 515507, 3793261; 515501, 3793303; 515501, 3793335; 515542, 3793357; 515586, 3793360; 515625, 3793357; 515666, 3793341; 515707, 3793335; 515761, 3793338; 515809, 3793354; 515828, 3793376; 515851, 3793399; 515851, 3793403; 515848, 3793408; 515845, 3793414; 515844, 3793417; 515842, 3793424; 515842, 3793431; 515843, 3793438; 515839, 3793448; 515845, 3793446; 515849, 3793444; 515856, 3793439; 515860, 3793433; 515872, 3793430; 515873, 3793429; 515879, 3793443; 515901, 3793468; 515904, 3793468; 515910, 3793468; 515917, 3793461; 515921, 3793461; 515935, 3793473; 515980, 3793495; 516015, 3793501; 516082, 3793514; 516132, 3793514; 516212, 3793520; 516262, 3793527; 516297, 3793523.
(ii) Unit ERKA 7. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 516768, 3792969; 516744, 3792965; 516720, 3792965; 516705, 3792961; 516685, 3792953; 516673, 3792949; 516652, 3792935; 516645, 3792926; 516642, 3792923; 516641, 3792918; 516633, 3792898; 516633, 3792891; 516633, 3792891; 516623, 3792868; 516621, 3792864; 516585, 3792863; 516581, 3792865; 516578, 3792862; 516562, 3792870; 516560, 3792871; 516556, 3792871; 516545, 3792873; 516540, 3792875; 516521, 3792875; 516510, 3792864; 516502, 3792855; 516496, 3792848; 516490, 3792840; 516477, 3792833; 516463, 3792824; 516461, 3792822; 516450, 3792804; 516447, 3792800; 516438, 3792788; 516423, 3792784; 516410, 3792780; 516377, 3792769; 516375, 3792768; 516364, 3792763; 516319, 3792740; 516318, 3792740; 516311, 3792737; 516304, 3792731; 516298, 3792731; 516283, 3792725; 516279, 3792728; 516271, 3792727; 516229, 3792731; 516176, 3792758; 516157, 3792773; 516130, 3792803; 516127, 3792815; 516119, 3792849; 516138, 3792891; 516157, 3792925; 516180, 3792952; 516203, 3792979; 516233, 3793009; 516268, 3793036; 516274, 3793041; 516275, 3793055; 516282, 3793087; 516298, 3793112; 516329, 3793125; 516364, 3793131; 516453, 3793154; 516520, 3793160; 516590, 3793166; 516610, 3793155; 516641, 3793150; 516668, 3793139; 516694, 3793116; 516717, 3793093; 516732, 3793074; 516748, 3793055; 516759, 3793039; 516770, 3793024; 516772, 3793012; 516775, 3793010; 516778, 3793004; 516778, 3793004; 516780, 3793001; 516784, 3792993; 516783, 3792989; 516783, 3792987; 516783, 3792987; 516783, 3792987; 516782, 3792985; 516780, 3792983; 516780, 3792981; 516777, 3792979; 516777, 3792978; 516775, 3792975; 516773, 3792971; 516772, 3792971; 516772, 3792971; 516771, 3792971; 516769, 3792970; 516768, 3792969.
(iii) Unit ERKA 10. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 516160, 3795525; 516163, 3795551; 516182, 3795563; 516194, 3795563; 516198, 3795566; 516240, 3795559; 516278, 3795551; 516308, 3795555; 516331, 3795578; 516396, 3795605; 516406, 3795603; 516415, 3795605; 516453, 3795601; 516491, 3795578; 516491, 3795574; 516491, 3795551; 516472, 3795525; 516466, 3795501; 516465, 3795486; 516468, 3795452; 516480, 3795422; 516486, 3795415; 516518, 3795399; 516552, 3795379; 516598, 3795380; 516649, 3795388; 516655, 3795391; 516654, 3795425; 516658, 3795442; 516685, 3795452; 516698, 3795449; 516708, 3795431; 516716, 3795406; 516765, 3795429; 516807, 3795448; 516810, 3795448; 516834, 3795456; 516857, 3795452; 516906, 3795429; 516933, 3795410; 516960, 3795383; 516971, 3795361; 516986, 3795334; 517009, 3795299; 517032, 3795262; 517063, 3795223; 517097, 3795181; 517110, 3795163; 517131, 3795140; 517165, 3795101; 517184, 3795090; 517207, 3795083; 517211, 3795082; 517269, 3795104; 517278, 3795133; 517272, 3795170; 517264, 3795193; 517230, 3795239; 517196, 3795288; 517154, 3795349; 517150, 3795370; 517146, 3795376; 517139, 3795399; 517141, 3795414; 517139, 3795425; 517146, 3795448; 517154, 3795471; 517211, 3795517; 517245, 3795521; 517314, 3795517; 517360, 3795509; 517381, 3795485; 517386, 3795479; 517388, 3795476; 517402, 3795460; 517413, 3795433; 517440, 3795387; 517460, 3795371; 517489, 3795353; 517506, 3795341; 517520, 3795334; 517584, 3795315; 517611, 3795292; 517653, 3795261; 517672, 3795219; 517699, 3795159; 517718, 3795115; 517749, 3795078; 517759, 3795070; 517786, 3795052; 517809, 3795029; 517840, 3794999; 517841, 3794997; 517851, 3794987; 517882, 3794923; 517908, 3794881; 517917, 3794871; 517939, 3794854; 517981, 3794819; 518023, 3794812; 518038, 3794812; 518095, 3794819; 518152, 3794816; 518155, 3794815; 518171, 3794816; 518202, 3794804; 518251, 3794778; 518339, 3794755; 518411, 3794732; 518461, 3794724; 518461, 3794713; 518457, 3794698; 518442, 3794683; 518439, 3794680; 518438, 3794679; 518415, 3794652; 518458, 3794642; 518462, 3794598; 518443, 3794587; 518438, 3794583; 518413, 3794573; 518371, 3794577; 518322, 3794586; 518279, 3794597; 518246, 3794608; 518230, 3794614; 518206, 3794614; 518133, 3794617; 518117, 3794619; 518097, 3794610; 518097, 3794615; 518097, 3794618; 518098, 3794621; 518069, 3794625; 518061, 3794625; 518045, 3794627; 518046, 3794602; 518045, 3794602; 518039, 3794605; 518034, 3794609; 518019, 3794610; 518017, 3794611; 518019, 3794605; 518019, 3794589; 518012, 3794567; 517993, 3794554; 517968, 3794567; 517946, 3794573; 517936, 3794560; 517920, 3794548; 517914, 3794549; 517917, 3794545; 517924, 3794535; 517931, 3794526; 517939, 3794516; 517948, 3794503; 517954, 3794493; 517959, 3794482; 517964, 3794473; 517964, 3794468; 517959, 3794461; 517950, 3794456; 517934, 3794458; 517923, 3794462; 517905, 3794469; 517892, 3794475; 517882, 3794478; 517869, 3794480; 517852, 3794480; 517859, 3794462; 517866, 3794439; 517889, 3794413; 517927, 3794397; 517988, 3794404; 518030, 3794416; 518087, 3794439; 518110, 3794450; 518141, 3794473; 518187, 3794489; 518187, 3794490; 518222, 3794509; 518263, 3794506; 518311, 3794497; 518358, 3794490; 518419, 3794490; 518476, 3794493; 518481, 3794494; 518521, 3794504; 518558, 3794517; 518564, 3794521; 518569, 3794521; 518583, 3794526; 518586, 3794527; 518612, 3794538; 518617, 3794537; 518631, 3794533; 518632, 3794534; 518633, 3794533; 518663, 3794526; 518666, 3794509; 518673, 3794503; 518666, 3794484; 518666, 3794453; 518652, 3794447; 518644, 3794435; 518627, 3794432; 518620, 3794430; 518617, 3794427; 518602, 3794424; 518587, 3794421; 518565, 3794411; 518549, 3794409; 518508, 3794396; 518507, 3794395; 518505, 3794395; 518499, 3794393; 518457, 3794385; 518453, 3794385; 518428, 3794373; 518387, 3794376; 518358, 3794379; 518338, 3794383; 518327, 3794381; 518297, 3794362; 518273, 3794328; 518272, 3794325; 518277, 3794321; 518281, 3794312; 518281, 3794302; 518281, 3794291; 518279, 3794282; 518279, 3794278; 518293, 3794271; 518316, 3794259; 518369, 3794248; 518415, 3794244; 518426, 3794242; 518442, 3794241; 518455, 3794236; 518468, 3794233; 518507, 3794221; 518533, 3794195; 518541, 3794175; 518552, 3794157; 518554, 3794145; 518560, 3794134; 518558, 3794126; 518560, 3794115; 518552, 3794092; 518539, 3794081; 518529, 3794065; 518480, 3794069; 518474, 3794071; 518446, 3794073; 518407, 3794092; 518373, 3794111; 518312, 3794145; 518305, 3794152; 518297, 3794157; 518280, 3794177; 518270, 3794183; 518251, 3794179; 518221, 3794179; 518175, 3794164; 518142, 3794157; 518099, 3794141; 518065, 3794130; 518030, 3794122; 517965, 3794115; 517927, 3794103; 517901, 3794092; 517878, 3794093; 517863, 3794088; 517830, 3794088; 517836, 3794390; 517634, 3794390; 517639, 3794589; 517192, 3794589; 517160, 3794606; 517141, 3794622; 517130, 3794635; 517123, 3794641; 517120, 3794653; 517119, 3794657; 517112, 3794663; 517070, 3794705; 517068, 3794708; 517063, 3794711; 517052, 3794723; 517046, 3794727; 517042, 3794731; 517041, 3794732; 517036, 3794736; 517030, 3794739; 517025, 3794739; 517020, 3794742; 517019, 3794742; 517014, 3794745; 517009, 3794751; 517014, 3794755; 517025, 3794753; 517041, 3794746; 517040, 3794749; 516998, 3794804; 516956, 3794839; 516952, 3794841; 516906, 3794865; 516883, 3794884; 516856, 3794905; 516851, 3794907; 516849, 3794897; 516839, 3794910; 516811, 3794919; 516735, 3794926; 516686, 3794937; 516674, 3794938; 516657, 3794947; 516643, 3794953; 516613, 3794973; 516582, 3794991; 516573, 3795005; 516567, 3795010; 516548, 3795037; 516525, 3795059; 516522, 3795063; 516487, 3795098; 516483, 3795101; 516472, 3795119; 516461, 3795136; 516443, 3795164; 516430, 3795185; 516420, 3795212; 516419, 3795216; 516396, 3795265; 516377, 3795311; 516365, 3795341; 516346, 3795368; 516304, 3795399; 516259, 3795433; 516198, 3795471; 516175, 3795494; 516167, 3795501; 516168, 3795507; 516160, 3795525.
(iv) NOTE: Map of Units ERKA 6, ERKA 7, and ERKA 10 (Map 5) follows:

View Image

(10) Units ERKA 8 and ERKA 9. Holcomb Valley, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Fawnskin.
(i) Unit ERKA 8. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506727, 3796049; 506738, 3796035; 506743, 3796031; 506761, 3796001; 506765, 3795985; 506767, 3795981; 506783, 3795942; 506785, 3795915; 506787, 3795910; 506790, 3795878; 506784, 3795872; 506782, 3795867; 506779, 3795843; 506773, 3795840; 506772, 3795835; 506767, 3795833; 506752, 3795821; 506730, 3795818; 506689, 3795818; 506663, 3795823; 506634, 3795825; 506624, 3795837; 506612, 3795847; 506606, 3795854; 506597, 3795862; 506571, 3795881; 506571, 3795883; 506557, 3795893; 506544, 3795910; 506529, 3795930; 506530, 3795930; 506528, 3795934; 506565, 3795933; 506565, 3795935; 506574, 3795964; 506600, 3795986; 506635, 3796001; 506633, 3796023; 506631, 3796041; 506632, 3796041; 506644, 3796045; 506663, 3796042; 506681, 3796042; 506707, 3796045; 506715, 3796049; 506727, 3796049. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 506666, 3795511; 506661, 3795481; 506647, 3795471; 506625, 3795463; 506622, 3795462; 506612, 3795476; 506604, 3795484; 506602, 3795500; 506591, 3795480; 506584, 3795455; 506569, 3795435; 506569, 3795428; 506562, 3795409; 506556, 3795389; 506547, 3795351; 506537, 3795317; 506532, 3795310; 506524, 3795303; 506512, 3795298; 506504, 3795291; 506495, 3795298; 506492, 3795307; 506487, 3795328; 506483, 3795347; 506477, 3795372; 506472, 3795393; 506470, 3795416; 506466, 3795433; 506463, 3795457; 506468, 3795488; 506472, 3795510; 506474, 3795533; 506477, 3795567; 506485, 3795593; 506494, 3795624; 506507, 3795657; 506517, 3795687; 506534, 3795715; 506555, 3795736; 506549, 3795747; 506552, 3795771; 506564, 3795799; 506572, 3795807; 506600, 3795819; 506616, 3795811; 506617, 3795807; 506620, 3795805; 506635, 3795794; 506639, 3795763; 506641, 3795759; 506670, 3795753; 506695, 3795750; 506705, 3795731; 506695, 3795712; 506690, 3795703; 506692, 3795687; 506687, 3795672; 506679, 3795655; 506689, 3795626; 506705, 3795598; 506708, 3795575; 506689, 3795550; 506677, 3795540; 506676, 3795537; 506666, 3795511.
(ii) Unit ERKA 9. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 509943, 3794740; 509997, 3794674; 510070, 3794623; 510076, 3794591; 510073, 3794585; 510044, 3794562; 510003, 3794556; 510054, 3794518; 510105, 3794477; 510124, 3794477; 510194, 3794473; 510219, 3794442; 510222, 3794391; 510168, 3794347; 510105, 3794283; 510067, 3794201; 510054, 3794162; 510013, 3794124; 509999, 3794124; 509999, 3794118; 509996, 3794110; 509991, 3794106; 509987, 3794102; 509981, 3794099; 509975, 3794097; 509968, 3794095; 509961, 3794096; 509955, 3794096; 509950, 3794098; 509946, 3794101; 509940, 3794109; 509940, 3794115; 509940, 3794122; 509943, 3794131; 509947, 3794139; 509911, 3794159; 509908, 3794173; 509894, 3794173; 509886, 3794181; 509874, 3794221; 509894, 3794256; 509914, 3794284; 509943, 3794302; 509943, 3794305; 509893, 3794327; 509858, 3794375; 509839, 3794404; 509807, 3794445; 509782, 3794480; 509747, 3794531; 509668, 3794579; 509639, 3794617; 509643, 3794633; 509635, 3794642; 509648, 3794660; 509649, 3794664; 509664, 3794674; 509668, 3794674; 509674, 3794667; 509680, 3794664; 509682, 3794659; 509737, 3794651; 509797, 3794623; 509800, 3794620; 509787, 3794641; 509771, 3794660; 509747, 3794684; 509743, 3794708; 509747, 3794731; 509755, 3794743; 509775, 3794743; 509791, 3794735; 509806, 3794729; 509803, 3794743; 509822, 3794772; 509902, 3794759; 509943, 3794740.
(iii) NOTE: Units ERKA 8 and ERKA 9 (Map 6) follows:

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(11) Units ERKA 11 and ERKA 12. Sawmill, San Bernardino County, California. From USGS 1:24, 000 quadrangle maps Big Bear City and Moonridge.
(i) Unit ARUR 13. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 514010, 3788419; 513955, 3788406; 513936, 3788404; 513891, 3788404; 513855, 3788412; 513831, 3788423; 513803, 3788431; 513777, 3788444; 513756, 3788453; 513744, 3788464; 513731, 3788473; 513761, 3788481; 513764, 3788488; 513768, 3788499; 513787, 3788551; 513781, 3788561; 513779, 3788566; 513777, 3788572; 513775, 3788579; 513777, 3788585; 513784, 3788591; 513809, 3788609; 513815, 3788611; 513820, 3788612; 513823, 3788612; 513837, 3788627; 513843, 3788649; 513843, 3788659; 513842, 3788660; 513830, 3788680; 513826, 3788709; 513821, 3788716; 513811, 3788742; 513789, 3788818; 513789, 3788865; 513789, 3788897; 513789, 3788923; 513776, 3788948; 513761, 3788973; 513742, 3788986; 513735, 3789005; 513719, 3789024; 513703, 3789050; 513697, 3789059; 513691, 3789069; 513678, 3789094; 513665, 3789113; 513653, 3789135; 513652, 3789137; 513648, 3789140; 513624, 3789156; 513620, 3789168; 513604, 3789184; 513600, 3789208; 513606, 3789220; 513606, 3789228; 513608, 3789229; 513581, 3789259; 513591, 3789262; 513601, 3789262; 513605, 3789257; 513608, 3789253; 513611, 3789247; 513621, 3789233; 513636, 3789235; 513645, 3789230; 513648, 3789234; 513652, 3789230; 513658, 3789229; 513662, 3789230; 513670, 3789236; 513674, 3789239; 513679, 3789244; 513686, 3789364; 513695, 3789377; 513704, 3789381; 513715, 3789379; 513719, 3789377; 513728, 3789372; 513730, 3789357; 513724, 3789335; 513743, 3789335; 513747, 3789335; 513763, 3789331; 513766, 3789326; 513772, 3789321; 513778, 3789313; 513781, 3789306; 513783, 3789303; 513783, 3789275; 513778, 3789268; 513778, 3789266; 513776, 3789263; 513753, 3789217; 513753, 3789214; 513750, 3789205; 513748, 3789194; 513745, 3789182; 513744, 3789171; 513744, 3789168; 513759, 3789161; 513765, 3789157; 513772, 3789154; 513780, 3789137; 513792, 3789126; 513793, 3789113; 513798, 3789111; 513804, 3789105; 513812, 3789102; 513826, 3789091; 513836, 3789093; 513846, 3789090; 513853, 3789083; 513854, 3789059; 513850, 3789053; 513878, 3789041; 513902, 3789017; 513905, 3789013; 513906, 3789010; 513913, 3789005; 513913, 3789001; 513918, 3788993; 513918, 3788973; 513923, 3788961; 513919, 3788942; 513926, 3788919; 513935, 3788882; 513948, 3788850; 513957, 3788824; 513964, 3788796; 513957, 3788729; 513945, 3788701; 513938, 3788672; 513935, 3788640; 513948, 3788599; 513964, 3788577; 513986, 3788561; 513992, 3788542; 513999, 3788507; 514008, 3788472; 514021, 3788448; 514027, 3788437; 514027, 3788419.
(ii) Unit ARUR 14. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 515023, 3789730; 515031, 3789764; 515027, 3789815; 515027, 3789875; 515029, 3789884; 515029, 3789895; 515034, 3789907; 515034, 3789909; 515035, 3789912; 515037, 3789923; 515053, 3789964; 515054, 3789966; 515058, 3789977; 515063, 3789983; 515066, 3789986; 515069, 3789988; 515077, 3789997; 515092, 3789990; 515094, 3789989; 515104, 3789979; 515113, 3789974; 515120, 3789962; 515128, 3789941; 515137, 3789925; 515140, 3789915; 515142, 3789911; 515153, 3789887; 515153, 3789881; 515156, 3789875; 515148, 3789851; 515132, 3789851; 515116, 3789851; 515113, 3789850; 515104, 3789865; 515098, 3789869; 515091, 3789873; 515089, 3789873; 515077, 3789867; 515066, 3789856; 515069, 3789834; 515073, 3789814; 515077, 3789790; 515085, 3789759; 515088, 3789732.
(iii) NOTE: Units ERKA 11 and ERKA 12 (Map 7) follows:

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(12) Unit ERKA 13. South Baldwin Ridge/Erwin Lake, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Big Bear City. Land bounded by the following UTM NAD27 coordinates (E,N): 518798, 3790531; 518814, 3790499; 518836, 3790501; 518883, 3790501; 518891, 3790493; 518942, 3790490; 519022, 3790477; 519063, 3790455; 519104, 3790439; 519114, 3790429; 519108, 3790395; 519085, 3790359; 519057, 3790347; 519012, 3790344; 518955, 3790357; 518923, 3790404; 518900, 3790419; 518911, 3790389; 518923, 3790370; 518907, 3790346; 518876, 3790342; 518839, 3790342; 518822, 3790331; 518821, 3790331; 518820, 3790320; 518800, 3790313; 518797, 3790307; 518792, 3790302; 518776, 3790291; 518766, 3790295; 518764, 3790297; 518763, 3790296; 518744, 3790298; 518740, 3790308; 518737, 3790313; 518724, 3790318; 518725, 3790327; 518714, 3790333; 518716, 3790337; 518707, 3790343; 518699, 3790340; 518697, 3790342; 518695, 3790345; 518693, 3790346; 518691, 3790351; 518685, 3790353; 518683, 3790359; 518682, 3790364; 518683, 3790368; 518698, 3790377; 518704, 3790378; 518712, 3790375; 518707, 3790379; 518666, 3790392; 518637, 3790398; 518629, 3790391; 518618, 3790391; 518613, 3790387; 518613, 3790385; 518611, 3790382; 518605, 3790378; 518600, 3790374; 518591, 3790377; 518580, 3790376; 518568, 3790381; 518553, 3790380; 518545, 3790386; 518540, 3790382; 518541, 3790379; 518541, 3790375; 518542, 3790373; 518540, 3790371; 518538, 3790371; 518535, 3790374; 518533, 3790378; 518531, 3790382; 518530, 3790387; 518529, 3790392; 518530, 3790397; 518532, 3790400; 518536, 3790400; 518542, 3790399; 518550, 3790401; 518553, 3790401; 518563, 3790404; 518567, 3790405; 518568, 3790403; 518570, 3790401; 518574, 3790401; 518577, 3790399; 518583, 3790401; 518590, 3790403; 518596, 3790399; 518596, 3790397; 518597, 3790397; 518602, 3790395; 518604, 3790398; 518607, 3790400; 518609, 3790402; 518610, 3790404; 518602, 3790406; 518597, 3790409; 518586, 3790409; 518562, 3790429; 518582, 3790445; 518597, 3790453; 518595, 3790463; 518574, 3790467; 518561, 3790460; 518541, 3790453; 518503, 3790453; 518490, 3790477; 518517, 3790511; 518551, 3790531; 518632, 3790551; 518686, 3790571; 518720, 3790579; 518740, 3790579; 518764, 3790562; 518798, 3790531.
(ii) NOTE: Map of Unit ERKA 13 (Map 8) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Bernardino County, California, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum are those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of the species. Based on our current knowledge of this species, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for this species are listed below and consist of, but are not limited to:
(i) Soils derived primarily from the upper and middle members of the Bird Spring Formation and Bonanza King Formation parent materials that occur on hillsides at elevations between 1,400 and 2,400 m (4,600 and 7,900 ft);
(ii) Soils with intact, natural surfaces that have not been substantially altered by land use activities (e.g., graded, excavated, re-contoured, or otherwise altered by ground-disturbing equipment); and
(iii) Associated plant communities that have areas with an open canopy cover (generally less than 15 percent cover) and little accumulation of organic material (e.g., leaf litter) on the surface of the soil.
(3) Existing features and structures, such as buildings, active mines, paved or unpaved roads, other paved or cleared areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, are not likely to contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a section 7 consultation, unless they may affect the species or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Northeastern Slope Unit, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Fawnskin, Big Bear City, Rattlesnake Canyon, Butler Peak, and Onyx Peak, California.
(ii) Subunit 1a: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 497000, 3803000; 497200, 3803000; 497200, 3802900; 497300, 3802900; 497300, 3802500; 497000, 3802500; 497000, 3802600; 496900, 3802600; 496900, 3802900; 497000, 3802900; and 497000, 3803000.
(iii) Subunit 1b: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 498000, 3800800; 498600, 3800800; 498600, 3800400; 498200, 3800400; 498200, 3800500; 498000, 3800500; and 498000, 3800800.
(iv) Subunit 1c: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 503400, 3801200; 503700, 3801200; 503700, 3801100; 503900, 3801100; 503900, 3800800; 504000, 3800800; 504000, 3800400; 503900, 3800400; 503900, 3800300; 503700, 3800300; 503700, 3800400; 503400, 3800400; 503400, 3800600; 503300, 3800600; 503300, 3800700; 503200, 3800700; 503200, 3801000; 503300, 3801000; 503300, 3801100; 503400, 3801100; and 503400, 3801200.
(v) Subunit 1d: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 505200, 3800400; 505500, 3800400; 505500, 3800300; 506000, 3800300; 506000, 3800200; 506100, 3800200; 506100, 3799900; 506000, 3799900; 506000, 3800000; 505700, 3800000; 505700, 3799900; 505600, 3799900; 505600, 3799600; 505200, 3799600; 505200, 3800100; 505100, 3800100; 505100, 3800300; 505200, 3800300; and 505200, 3800400.
(vi) Subunit 1e: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 506800, 3799900; 507000, 3799900; 507000, 3799800; 507100, 3799800; 507100, 3799600; 506900, 3799600; 506900, 3799200; 507200, 3799200; 507200, 3799300; 507500, 3799300; 507500, 3799200; 507600, 3799200; 507600, 3799000; 507500, 3799000; 507500, 3798900; 507400, 3798900; 507400, 3798700; 507300, 3798700; 507300, 3798600; 506800, 3798600; 506800, 3798800; 506200, 3798800; 506200, 3799200; 506500, 3799200; 506500, 3799300; 506600, 3799300; 506600, 3799500; 506700, 3799500; 506700, 3799800; 506800, 3799800; and 506800, 3799900.
(vii) Subunit 1f: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 506800, 3798100; 507000, 3798100; 507000, 3798000; 507500, 3798000; 507500, 3797700; 507600, 3797700; 507600, 3797400; 507500, 3797400; 507500, 3797300; 507400, 3797300; 507400, 3797200; 507000, 3797200; 507000, 3797300; 506800, 3797300; 506800, 3797600; 506700, 3797600; 506700, 3798000; 506800, 3798000; and 506800, 3798100.
(viii) Subunit 1g: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 508100, 3798200; 508300, 3798200; 508300, 3798100; 508400, 3798100; 508400, 3797900; 508300, 3797900; 508300, 3797800; 508000, 3797800; 508000, 3798100; 508100, 3798100; and 508100, 3798200.
(ix) Subunit 1h: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 507900, 3797600; 508400, 3797600; 508400, 3797200; 508300, 3797200; 508300, 3797100; 508200, 3797100; 508200, 3796800; 507800, 3796800; 507800, 3797100; 507700, 3797100; 507700, 3797500; 507900, 3797500; and 507900, 3797600.
(x) Subunit 1i: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 508400, 3797200; 508700, 3797200; 508700, 3796900; 508400, 3796900; and 508400, 3797200.
(xi) Subunit 1j: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 508300, 3800600; 508600, 3800600; 508600, 3800500; 508700, 3800500; 508700, 3800200; 508600, 3800200; 508600, 3800100; 508100, 3800100; 508100, 3800500; 508300, 3800500; and 508300, 3800600.
(xii) Subunit 1k: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 508100, 3799800; 508500, 3799800; 508500, 3799400; 508400, 3799400; 508400, 3799300; 508200, 3799300; 508200, 3799400; 508000, 3799400; 508000, 3799700; 508100, 3799700; and 508100, 3799800.
(xiii) Subunit 1l: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 508700, 3799400; 509200, 3799400; 509200, 3799100; 509100, 3799100; 509100, 3798900; 508700, 3798900; and 508700, 3799400.
(xiv) Subunit 1m: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 509400, 3800700; 509700, 3800700; 509700, 3800600; 509800, 3800600; 509800, 3800500; 510300, 3800500; 510300, 3800400; 510400, 3800400; 510400, 3800300; 510600, 3800300; 510600, 3800100; 510200, 3800100; 510200, 3800300; 510100, 3800300; 510100, 3800400; 509900, 3800400; 509900, 3800200; 509500, 3800200; 509500, 3800100; 509200, 3800100; 509200, 3800300; 509100, 3800300; 509100, 3800500; 509200, 3800500; 509200, 3800600; 509400, 3800600; and 509400, 3800700.
(xv) Subunit 1n: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 510500, 3801200; 510700, 3801200; 510700, 3800900; 510500, 3800900; 510500, 3800800; 510400, 3800800; 510400, 3800700; 510600, 3800700; 510600, 3800600; 510300, 3800600; 510300, 3800700; 510200, 3800700; 510200, 3800800; 510300, 3800800; 510300, 3801000; 510400, 3801000; 510400, 3801100; 510500, 3801100; and 510500, 3801200.
(xvi) Subunit 1o: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 510900, 3800700; 511300, 3800700; 511300, 3800500; 510900, 3800500; and 510900, 3800700.
(xvii) Subunit 1p: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 511900, 3801000; 512200, 3801000; 512200, 3800800; 512300, 3800800; 512300, 3800700; 512500, 3800700; 512500, 3800600; 512700, 3800600; 512700, 3800800; 513000, 3800800; 513000, 3800300; 512900, 3800300; 512900, 3800100; 512800, 3800100; 512800, 3799900; 512900, 3799900; 512900, 3799800; 513000, 3799800; 513000, 3799700; 513100, 3799700; 513100, 3799500; 513000, 3799500; 513000, 3799400; 512700, 3799400; 512700, 3799500; 512500, 3799500; 512500, 3799600; 512300, 3799600; 512300, 3799700; 512200, 3799700; 512200, 3799800; 512100, 3799800; 512100, 3799600; 512200, 3799600; 512200, 3799500; 512300, 3799500; 512300, 3799200; 511800, 3799200; 511800, 3799500; 511700, 3799500; 511700, 3799400; 511400, 3799400; 511400, 3799500; 511300, 3799500; 511300, 3799600; 511200, 3799600; 511200, 3799700; 511100, 3799700; 511100, 3799800; 511000, 3799800; 511000, 3800100; 511200, 3800100; 511200, 3800000; 511300, 3800000; 511300, 3799900; 511700, 3799900; 511700, 3799800; 511800, 3799800; 511800, 3799900; 512000, 3799900; 512000, 3800100; 511900, 3800100; 511900, 3800500; 512000, 3800500; 512000, 3800700; 511900, 3800700; and 511900, 3801000.
(xviii) Subunit 1q: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 513200, 3800300; 513500, 3800300; 513500, 3800200; 513900, 3800200; 513900, 3800100; 514000, 3800100; 514000, 3800000; 514100, 3800000; 514100, 3799900; 514200, 3799900; 514200, 3800000; 514600, 3800000; 514600, 3799800; 514500, 3799800; 514500, 3799300; 514100, 3799300; 514100, 3799600; 514000, 3799600; 514000, 3799400; 513700, 3799400; 513700, 3799500; 513500, 3799500; 513500, 3799400; 513600, 3799400; 513600, 3799300; 513900, 3799300; 513900, 3799200; 514000, 3799200; 514000, 3798900; 513600, 3798900; 513600, 3798800; 513500, 3798800; 513500, 3798700; 513300, 3798700; 513300, 3798800; 513200, 3798800; 513200, 3799000; 513100, 3799000; 513100, 3799500; 513200, 3799500; 513200, 3799800; 513400, 3799800; 513400, 3799900; 513100, 3799900; 513100, 3800200; 513200, 3800200; and 513200, 3800300.
(xix) Subunit 1r: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 514200, 3800800; 514500, 3800800; 514500, 3800500; 514200, 3800500; and 514200, 3800800.
(xx) Subunit 1s: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 515500, 3802100; 515900, 3802100; 515900, 3801900; 516000, 3801900; 516000, 3801800; 516100, 3801800; 516100, 3801600; 516000, 3801600; 516000, 3801500; 516500, 3801500; 516500, 3801200; 516400, 3801200; 516400, 3801100; 516200, 3801100; 516200, 3800900; 516100, 3800900; 516100, 3800800; 516000, 3800800; 516000, 3800700; 515800, 3800700; 515800, 3800600; 516200, 3800600; 516200, 3800700; 516500, 3800700; 516500, 3799800; 516400, 3799800; 516400, 3799700; 516300, 3799700; 516300, 3799800; 516100, 3799800; 516100, 3799900; 515800, 3799900; 515800, 3799800; 515600, 3799800; 515600, 3799700; 515300, 3799700; 515300, 3799800; 515000, 3799800; 515000, 3799900; 514900, 3799900; 514900, 3800100; 515000, 3800100; 515000, 3800200; 515300, 3800200; 515300, 3800100; 515400, 3800100; 515400, 3800200; 515500, 3800200; 515500, 3800300; 515600, 3800300; 515600, 3800200; 515800, 3800200; 515800, 3800300; 515700, 3800300; 515700, 3800600; 515600, 3800600; 515600, 3800800; 515100, 3800800; 515100, 3800700; 515200, 3800700; 515200, 3800400; 515100, 3800400; 515100, 3800300; 514700, 3800300; 514700, 3800400; 514600, 3800400; 514600, 3800800; 514500, 3800800; 514500, 3800900; 514400, 3800900; 514400, 3801100; 514500, 3801100; 514500, 3801200; 514600, 3801200; 514600, 3801300; 514800, 3801300; 514800, 3801400; 515200, 3801400; 515200, 3801300; 515700, 3801300; 515700, 3801500; 515600, 3801500; 515600, 3801600; 515500, 3801600; 515500, 3801700; 515400, 3801700; 515400, 3802000; 515500, 3802000; and 515500, 3802100.
(xxi) Subunit 1t: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 514800, 3799600; 515000, 3799600; 515000, 3799500; 515100, 3799500; 515100, 3799200; 515000, 3799200; 515000, 3799100; 514800, 3799100; 514800, 3799200; 514700, 3799200; 514700, 3799300; 514600, 3799300; 514600, 3799400; 514700, 3799400; 514700, 3799500; 514800, 3799500; and 514800, 3799600.
(xxii) Subunit 1u: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 516700, 3799700; 516900, 3799700; 516900, 3799600; 517100, 3799600; 517100, 3799500; 517200, 3799500; 517200, 3799000; 517300, 3799000; 517300, 3798700; 516800, 3798700; 516800, 3798600; 516400, 3798600; 516400, 3798700; 516300, 3798700; 516300, 3798600; 516100, 3798600; 516100, 3798700; 516000, 3798700; 516000, 3798800; 515900, 3798800; 515900, 3798900; 515700, 3798900; 515700, 3799000; 515400, 3799000; 515400, 3799100; 515300, 3799100; 515300, 3799500; 516000, 3799500; 516000, 3799400; 516300, 3799400; 516300, 3799300; 516400, 3799300; 516400, 3799600; 516700, 3799600; and 516700, 3799700.
(xxiii) Subunit 1v: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 516700, 3800500; 517100, 3800500; 517100, 3800300; 517200, 3800300; 517200, 3800000; 517100, 3800000; 517100, 3799900; 516700, 3799900; 516700, 3800000; 516600, 3800000; 516600, 3800400; 516700, 3800400; and 516700, 3800500.
(xxiv) Subunit 1w: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 518600, 3799900; 519100, 3799900; 519100, 3799600; 519000, 3799600; 519000, 3799500; 518700, 3799500; 518700, 3799400; 518500, 3799400; 518500, 3799200; 518400, 3799200; 518400, 3799100; 518300, 3799100; 518300, 3799000; 518200, 3799000; 518200, 3799100; 517900, 3799100; 517900, 3798900; 517800, 3798900; 517800, 3798800; 517600, 3798800; 517600, 3798900; 517500, 3798900; 517500, 3799000; 517400, 3799000; 517400, 3799300; 517300, 3799300; 517300, 3799700; 517500, 3799700; 517500, 3799800; 518100, 3799800; 518100, 3799700; 518400, 3799700; 518400, 3799800; 518600, 3799800; and 518600, 3799900.
(xxv) Subunit 1x: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 515400, 3797400; 515800, 3797400; 515800, 3797300; 516300, 3797300; 516300, 3797200; 516400, 3797200; 516400, 3796900; 515500, 3796900; 515500, 3797000; 515400, 3797000; and 515400, 3797400.
(xxvi) Subunit 1y: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 519100, 3797200; 519400, 3797200; 519400, 3797100; 519500, 3797100; 519500, 3796900; 519700, 3796900; 519700, 3796000; 519600, 3796000; 519600, 3795900; 519500, 3795900; 519500, 3795700; 519100, 3795700; 519100, 3796100; 519000, 3796100; 519000, 3796300; 518900, 3796300; 518900, 3796600; 518800, 3796600; 518800, 3796800; 518900, 3796800; 518900, 3797000; 519000, 3797000; 519000, 3797100; 519100, 3797100; and 519100, 3797200.
(xxvii) Subunit 1z: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 519600, 3797600; 519800, 3797600; 519800, 3797500; 520300, 3797500; 520300, 3797100; 520200, 3797100; 520200, 3797000; 519800, 3797000; 519800, 3797100; 519700, 3797100; 519700, 3797200; 519500, 3797200; 519500, 3797500; 519600, 3797500; and 519600, 3797600.
(xxviii) Subunit 1aa: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 519700, 3800600; 520200, 3800600; 520200, 3800200; 520100, 3800200; 520100, 3800100; 519700, 3800100; and 519700, 3800600.
(xxix) Subunit 1ab: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 520000, 3800000; 520700, 3800000; 520700, 3799900; 520800, 3799900; 520800, 3799500; 520400, 3799500; 520400, 3799600; 519900, 3799600; 519900, 3799900; 520000, 3799900; and 520000, 3800000.
(xxx) Subunit 1ac: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 521000, 3800000; 521500, 3800000; 521500, 3799700; 521400, 3799700; 521400, 3799500; 520900, 3799500; 520900, 3799800; 521000, 3799800; and 521000, 3800000.
(xxxi) Subunit 1ad: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 520000, 3799400; 520500, 3799400; 520500, 3799300; 520600, 3799300; 520600, 3799100; 520300, 3799100; 520300, 3799200; 520200, 3799200; 520200, 3799100; 520000, 3799100; 520000, 3799000; 520200, 3799000; 520200, 3798800; 520100, 3798800; 520100, 3798700; 519700, 3798700; 519700, 3799100; 519900, 3799100; 519900, 3799300; 520000, 3799300; and 520000, 3799400.
(xxxii) Subunit 1ae: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 521400, 3799000; 522000, 3799000; 522000, 3798600; 521600, 3798600; 521600, 3798500; 521500, 3798500; 521500, 3798400; 521300, 3798400; 521300, 3798300; 521200, 3798300; 521200, 3798200; 520900, 3798200; 520900, 3798300; 520700, 3798300; 520700, 3798000; 520300, 3798000; 520300, 3798300; 520400, 3798300; 520400, 3798400; 520600, 3798400; 520600, 3798500; 520400, 3798500; 520400, 3798700; 520500, 3798700; 520500, 3798800; 520700, 3798800; 520700, 3798700; 520800, 3798700; 520800, 3798800; 521100, 3798800; 521100, 3798700; 521400, 3798700; 521400, 3798800; 521300, 3798800; 521300, 3798900; 521400, 3798900; and 521400, 3799000.
(xxxiii) Subunit 1af: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 519800, 3794600; 520100, 3794600; 520100, 3794200; 519800, 3794200; and 519800, 3794600.
(xxxiv) Subunit 1ag: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 520400, 3794200; 521100, 3794200; 521100, 3793900; 521000, 3793900; 521000, 3793800; 520700, 3793800; 520700, 3793700; 520400, 3793700; 520400, 3793800; 520300, 3793800; 520300, 3793700; 520000, 3793700; 520000, 3793800; 519900, 3793800; 519900, 3794000; 520000, 3794000; 520000, 3794100; 520400, 3794100; and 520400, 3794200.
(xxxv) Subunit 1ah: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 521600, 3794700; 521800, 3794700; 521800, 3794600; 521900, 3794600; 521900, 3794300; 521800, 3794300; 521800, 3794200; 521400, 3794200; 521400, 3794500; 521500, 3794500; 521500, 3794600; 521600, 3794600; and 521600, 3794700.
(xxxvi) Subunit 1ai: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 521300, 3793300; 521700, 3793300; 521700, 3793200; 521800, 3793200; 521800, 3793000; 521900, 3793000; 521900, 3793100; 522400, 3793100; 522400, 3793000; 522600, 3793000; 522600, 3792900; 522800, 3792900; 522800, 3792800; 523000, 3792800; 523000, 3792500; 523100, 3792500; 523100, 3792400; 523400, 3792400; 523400, 3792300; 523500, 3792300; 523500, 3791900; 523400, 3791900; 523400, 3791800; 523200, 3791800; 523200, 3791900; 523100, 3791900; 523100, 3792000; 522800, 3792000; 522800, 3792100; 522700, 3792100; 522700, 3792200; 522400, 3792200; 522400, 3792300; 522200, 3792300; 522200, 3792400; 522000, 3792400; 522000, 3792600; 521900, 3792600; 521900, 3792500; 521800, 3792500; 521800, 3792600; 521700, 3792600; 521700, 3792700; 521400, 3792700; 521400, 3792900; 521200, 3792900; 521200, 3793200; 521300, 3793200; and 521300, 3793300.
(xxxvii) Subunit 1aj: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 524100, 3792500; 524300, 3792500; 524300, 3792400; 524500, 3792400; 524500, 3792300; 524700, 3792300; 524700, 3792200; 524800, 3792200; 524800, 3792100; 524900, 3792100; 524900, 3792200; 525300, 3792200; 525300, 3792100; 525400, 3792100; 525400, 3791800; 525300, 3791800; 525300, 3791600; 525500, 3791600; 525500, 3791500; 525600, 3791500; 525600, 3791300; 525700, 3791300; 525700, 3791200; 525800, 3791200; 525800, 3791500; 526200, 3791500; 526200, 3791300; 526300, 3791300; 526300, 3791200; 526500, 3791200; 526500, 3791100; 526700, 3791100; 526700, 3791000; 526800, 3791000; 526800, 3791100; 527100, 3791100; 527100, 3791000; 527200, 3791000; 527200, 3790900; 527400, 3790900; 527400, 3790600; 527500, 3790600; 527500, 3790100; 527000, 3790100; 527000, 3790200; 526900, 3790200; 526900, 3790400; 526600, 3790400; 526600, 3790500; 526500, 3790500; 526500, 3790200; 526400, 3790200; 526400, 3790100; 526300, 3790100; 526300, 3790000; 526000, 3790000; 526000, 3790500; 525700, 3790500; 525700, 3790400; 525600, 3790400; 525600, 3790500; 525500, 3790500; 525500, 3790600; 525400, 3790600; 525400, 3790700; 525300, 3790700; 525300, 3791000; 525100, 3791000; 525100, 3791200; 524800, 3791200; 524800, 3791300; 524700, 3791300; 524700, 3791200; 524300, 3791200; 524300, 3791300; 524200, 3791300; 524200, 3791400; 524000, 3791400; 524000, 3791500; 523800, 3791500; 523800, 3791900; 524200, 3791900; 524200, 3792100; 524000, 3792100; 524000, 3792400; 524100, 3792400; and 524100, 3792500; excluding land bounded by 525900, 3791100; 525900, 3790900; 526000, 3790900; 526000, 3791100; and 525900, 3791100.
(xxxviii) Subunit 1ak: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 527600, 3790400; 527900, 3790400; 527900, 3790300; 528000, 3790300; 528000, 3790100; 527900, 3790100; 527900, 3790000; 527600, 3790000; and 527600, 3790400.
(xxxix) Subunit 1al: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 527900, 3789600; 528200, 3789600; 528200, 3789300; 527800, 3789300; 527800, 3789500; 527900, 3789500; and 527900, 3789600.
(xl) Subunit 1am: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 526900, 3789400; 527100, 3789400; 527100, 3789300; 527200, 3789300; 527200, 3789100; 527400, 3789100; 527400, 3789200; 527700, 3789200; 527700, 3789100; 527800, 3789100; 527800, 3789000; 528000, 3789000; 528000, 3789100; 528400, 3789100; 528400, 3789000; 528500, 3789000; 528500, 3788900; 528600, 3788900; 528600, 3788700; 528700, 3788700; 528700, 3788600; 528800, 3788600; 528800, 3788400; 528900, 3788400; 528900, 3788300; 529000, 3788300; 529000, 3788100; 528900, 3788100; 528900, 3788000; 528700, 3788000; 528700, 3788100; 528100, 3788100; 528100, 3788300; 527900, 3788300; 527900, 3788400; 527800, 3788400; 527800, 3788500; 527700, 3788500; 527700, 3788600; 527600, 3788600; 527600, 3788500; 527200, 3788500; 527200, 3788700; 527100, 3788700; 527100, 3788600; 526800, 3788600; 526800, 3788700; 526600, 3788700; 526600, 3788900; 526700, 3788900; 526700, 3789000; 526900, 3789000; and 526900, 3789400.
(xli) Subunit 1an: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 529200, 3788100; 529500, 3788100; 529500, 3787700; 529400, 3787700; 529400, 3787600; 529100, 3787600; 529100, 3788000; 529200, 3788000; and 529200, 3788100.
(xlii) Subunit 1ao: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 530200, 3788000; 531100, 3788000; 531100, 3787600; 530800, 3787600; 530800, 3787500; 530900, 3787500; 530900, 3787200; 530200, 3787200; 530200, 3787300; 530100, 3787300; 530100, 3787500; 530200, 3787500; and 530200, 3788000.
(xliii) Subunit 1ap: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 527700, 3786500; 528000, 3786500; 528000, 3786400; 528100, 3786400; 528100, 3786200; 528200, 3786200; 528200, 3785900; 528100, 3785900; 528100, 3785800; 527800, 3785800; 527800, 3785900; 527700, 3785900; 527700, 3786100; 527600, 3786100; 527600, 3786300; 527700, 3786300; and 527700, 3786500.
(5) Bertha Ridge Unit, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Fawnskin and Big Bear City, California, land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 512000, 3793000; 512700, 3793000; 512700, 3792900; 512900, 3792900; 512900, 3792700; 513400, 3792700; 513400, 3792400; 513300, 3792400; 513300, 3792300; 513100, 3792300; 513100, 3792400; 513000, 3792400; 513000, 3792500; 512900, 3792500; 512900, 3792600; 512800, 3792600; 512800, 3792500; 512400, 3792500; 512400, 3792300; 512300, 3792300; 512300, 3791900; 512200, 3791900; 512200, 3791800; 512000, 3791800; 512000, 3791600; 511900, 3791600; 511900, 3791400; 511500, 3791400; 511500, 3791800; 511600, 3791800; 511600, 3792000; 511500, 3792000; 511500, 3792100; 511400, 3792100; 511400, 3792500; 511500, 3792500; 511500, 3792600; 511600, 3792600; 511600, 3792700; 511800, 3792700; 511800, 3792900; 512000, 3792900; and 512000, 3793000.
(ii) NOTE: Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum map follows:

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Colorado, Delta County. About 3 miles east of Austin near Highway 92. T14S, R94W 6th P.M. Section 26-west 225 feet of Section 26 lying south of State Highway 92 (5.6 acres). Section 27-that part of the SE 1/4SE 1/4 lying south of State Highway 92 (35.6 acres). Section 34-an area bounded by a line beginning at the northeast corner of Section 34, thence south along the section line 200 feet to a point; thence southwesterly to a point 1050 feet south and 550 feet west of the northeast corner of Section 34; thence southwesterly to a point 700 feet north and 900 feet east of center 1/4 corner of Section 34; thence westerly 900 feet to the north-south 1/4 line; thence northerly 600 feet along the 1/4 line to a point; thence northeasterly to a point of the east 1/16 line; thence northerly along the 1/16 line 300 feet to the north section line of Section 34; thence easterly along the north section line to the point of beginning (65.0 acres). Section 35-north 200 feet of the west 225 feet (1.0 acres). Section 27-west 200 feet of Section 27 lying south of State Highway 92 (4.3 acres). Section 28-east 400 feet of Section 28 lying south of State Highway 92 (8.3 acres). Total 119.8 acres. The primary constituent elements include those factors associated with the whitish alkaline clay soils within the sparsely vegetated badlands of Mancos shale.

Note: The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) The critical habitat unit is depicted for Esmeralda County, Nevada, on the map in this entry.
(2) Within this area, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Tiehm's buckwheat consist of the following:
(i)Plant community. A plant community that supports all life stages of Tiehm's buckwheat includes:
(A) Open to sparsely vegetated areas with low native plant cover and stature.
(B) An intact, native vegetation assemblage that can include, but is not limited to, shadscale saltbush (Atriplex confertifolia), black sagebrush (Artemisia nova), Nevada mormon tea (Ephedra nevadensis), James' galleta (Hilaria jamesii (formerly Pleuraphis jamesii)), and alkali sacaton (Sporobolus airoides) to maintain plant-plant interactions and ecosystem resiliency and provide the habitats needed by Tiehm's buckwheat's insect visitors and pollinators.
(C) A diversity of native plants whose blooming times overlap to provide insect visitors and pollinator species with flowers for foraging throughout the seasons and to provide nesting and egg-laying sites; appropriate nest materials; and sheltered, undisturbed habitat for hibernation and overwintering of pollinator species and insect visitors.
(ii)Pollinators and insect visitors. Sufficient pollinators and insect visitors, particularly bees, wasps, beetles, and flies, are present for the species' successful reproduction and seed production.
(iii)Hydrology. Hydrology that is suitable for Tiehm's buckwheat consists of dry, open, relatively barren, upland sites subject to occasional precipitation from rain and/or snow for seed germination.
(iv)Suitable soils. Soils that are suitable for Tiehm's buckwheat consist of:
(A) Soils with a high percentage (70-95 percent) of surface fragments that is classified as clayey, smectitic, calcareous, mesic Lithic Torriorthents; clayey-skeletal, smectitic, mesic Typic Calcicargids; and clayey, smectitic, mesic Lithic Haplargids.
(B) Soils that have a thin (0-5.5 inch (in) (0-14 centimeter (cm)) A horizon; B horizons that are present as Bt (containing illuvial layer of lattice clays) or Bw (weathered); C horizons that are not always present; and soil depths to bedrock that range from 3.5 to 20 in (9 to 51 cm).
(C) Soils characterized by a variety of textures and that include gravelly clay loam, sand, clay, very gravelly silty clay, and gravelly loam.
(D) Soils with pH greater than 7.6 (i.e., alkaline) in all soil horizons.
(E) Soils that commonly have on average boron and bicarbonates present at higher levels and potassium, zinc, sulfur, and magnesium present at lower levels.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on January 17, 2023.
(4) Data layers defining the map unit were created by the Service, and the critical habitat unit was then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 11N coordinates. The map in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2020-0017 and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting the Service regional office, the address of which is listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Rhyolite Ridge Unit, Esmeralda County, Nevada.
(i) The Rhyolite Ridge Unit consists of approximately 910 acres (368 hectares) of occupied habitat in the Rhyolite Ridge area of the Silver Peak Range in Esmeralda County, Nevada. All lands within this unit are under Federal ownership (Bureau of Land Management).
(ii) Map of the Rhyolite Ridge Unit follows:

Figure 1 to Eriogonum tiehmii (Tiehm's buckwheat) paragraph (5)(ii)

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Bernardino County, California, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Oxytheca parishii var. goodmaniana are those habitat components that are essential for the primary biological needs of the species. Based on our current knowledge of this species, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat for this species are listed below and consist of, but are not limited to:
(i) Soils derived primarily from upslope limestone, a mixture of limestone and dolomite, or limestone talus substrates with parent materials that include Bird Spring Formation, Bonanza King Formation, middle and lower members of the Monte Cristo Limestone, and the Crystal Pass member of the Sultan Limestone Formation at elevations between 1,440 and 2,372 m (4,724 and 7,782 ft);
(ii) Soils with intact, natural surfaces that have not been substantially altered by land use activities (e.g., graded, excavated, re-contoured, or otherwise altered by ground-disturbing equipment); and
(iii) Associated plant communities that have areas with a moderately open canopy cover (generally between 25 and 53 percent (Neel 2000)).
(3) Existing features and structures, such as buildings, active mines, paved or unpaved roads, other paved or cleared areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, are not likely to contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a section 7 consultation, unless they may affect the species or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Northeastern Slope Unit, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Butler Peak, Fawnskin, Big Bear City, Rattlesnake Canyon, and Onyx Peak, California.
(ii) Subunit 1a: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 498200, 3801600; 498500, 3801600; 498500, 3801500; 498600, 3801500; 498600, 3801200; 498300, 3801200; 498300, 3801300; 498200, 3801300; and 498200, 3801600.
(iii) Subunit 1b: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 498800, 3801200; 499400, 3801200; 499400, 3800900; 499500, 3800900; 499500, 3800800; 499600, 3800800; 499600, 3800600; 499500, 3800600; 499500, 3800500; 499400, 3800500; 499400, 3800400; 499100, 3800400; 499100, 3800300; 499000, 3800300; 499000, 3800000; 498900, 3800000; 498900, 3799900; 498700, 3799900; 498700, 3799600; 498300, 3799600; 498300, 3800000; 498400, 3800000; 498400, 3800100; 498600, 3800100; 498600, 3800300; 498500, 3800300; 498500, 3800400; 498200, 3800400; 498200, 3800500; 498000, 3800500; 498000, 3800800; 498400, 3800800; 498400, 3800900; 498700, 3800900; 498700, 3801100; 498800, 3801100; and 498800, 3801200.
(iv) Subunit 1c: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 500200, 3799900; 500600, 3799900; 500600, 3799800; 500700, 3799800; 500700, 3799600; 500600, 3799600; 500600, 3799500; 500300, 3799500; 500300, 3799600; 500200, 3799600; and 500200, 3799900.
(v) Subunit 1d: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 502800, 3797400; 503400, 3797400; 503400, 3797200; 503500, 3797200; 503500, 3797000; 503400, 3797000; 503400, 3796900; 502900, 3796900; 502900, 3797000; 502800, 3797000; and 502800, 3797400.
(vi) Subunit 1e: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 503600, 3799300; 504000, 3799300; 504000, 3798600; 504300, 3798600; 504300, 3798500; 504400, 3798500; 504400, 3798400; 505300, 3798400; 505300, 3798300; 505500, 3798300; 505500, 3798000; 505300, 3798000; 505300, 3797700; 505100, 3797700; 505100, 3797800; 505000, 3797800; 505000, 3798000; 504500, 3798000; 504500, 3797900; 504300, 3797900; 504300, 3798000; 504000, 3798000; 504000, 3798100; 503900, 3798100; 503900, 3798300; 503800, 3798300; 503800, 3798100; 503500, 3798100; 503500, 3798000; 503100, 3798000; 503100, 3798400; 503200, 3798400; 503200, 3798500; 503700, 3798500; 503700, 3798600; 503600, 3798600; and 503600, 3799300.
(vii) Subunit 1f: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 506700, 3799500; 506900, 3799500; 506900, 3799200; 507200, 3799200; 507200, 3799300; 507500, 3799300; 507500, 3799200; 507600, 3799200; 507600, 3799000; 507500, 3799000; 507500, 3798900; 507400, 3798900; 507400, 3798800; 506900, 3798800; 506900, 3798900; 506700, 3798900; 506700, 3798800; 506000, 3798800; 506000, 3799200; 506600, 3799200; 506600, 3799400; 506700, 3799400; and 506700, 3799500.
(viii) Subunit 1g: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 506800, 3798100; 507300, 3798100; 507300, 3797800; 507400, 3797800; 507400, 3797700; 507600, 3797700; 507600, 3797600; 507900, 3797600; 507900, 3797500; 508000, 3797500; 508000, 3797400; 508100, 3797400; 508100, 3797200; 508200, 3797200; 508200, 3797000; 508300, 3797000; 508300, 3796700; 508400, 3796700; 508400, 3796600; 508500, 3796600; 508500, 3796200; 508200, 3796200; 508200, 3796100; 507700, 3796100; 507700, 3796500; 507800, 3796500; 507800, 3796600; 507900, 3796600; 507900, 3796700; 507800, 3796700; 507800, 3796800; 507700, 3796800; 507700, 3797000; 507600, 3797000; 507600, 3797400; 507500, 3797400; 507500, 3797300; 507400, 3797300; 507400, 3797200; 507000, 3797200; 507000, 3797300; 506900, 3797300; 506900, 3797400; 506800, 3797400; 506800, 3797600; 506700, 3797600; 506700, 3798000; 506800, 3798000; and 506800, 3798100.
(ix) Subunit 1h: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 508800, 3799300; 509000, 3799300; 509000, 3799200; 509100, 3799200; 509100, 3798800; 509000, 3798800; 509000, 3798700; 508800, 3798700; 508800, 3798800; 508700, 3798800; 508700, 3799100; 508800, 3799100; and 508800, 3799300.
(x) Subunit 1i: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 509300, 3801000; 509600, 3801000; 509600, 3800800; 509700, 3800800; 509700, 3800700; 509800, 3800700; 509800, 3800500; 510100, 3800500; 510100, 3800400; 510300, 3800400; 510300, 3800300; 510500, 3800300; 510500, 3800000; 509900, 3800000; 509900, 3800100; 509500, 3800100; 509500, 3800400; 509600, 3800400; 509600, 3800500; 509500, 3800500; 509500, 3800600; 509400, 3800600; 509400, 3800800; 509300, 3800800; and 509300, 3801000.
(xi) Subunit 1j: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 511000, 3800100; 511200, 3800100; 511200, 3800000; 511300, 3800000; 511300, 3799900; 511500, 3799900; 511500, 3799800; 511600, 3799800; 511600, 3799600; 511500, 3799600; 511500, 3799500; 511300, 3799500; 511300, 3799600; 511200, 3799600; 511200, 3799800; 511100, 3799800; 511100, 3799900; 511000, 3799900; and 511000, 3800100.
(xii) Subunit 1k: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 512300, 3800600; 512600, 3800600; 512600, 3800500; 512700, 3800500; 512700, 3800100; 512600, 3800100; 512600, 3799900; 512700, 3799900; 512700, 3799600; 512300, 3799600; 512300, 3799700; 512100, 3799700; 512100, 3799600; 511700, 3799600; 511700, 3799800; 511900, 3799800; 511900, 3799900; 512000, 3799900; 512000, 3799800; 512100, 3799800; 512100, 3800000; 511900, 3800000; 511900, 3800100; 511800, 3800100; 511800, 3800500; 512300, 3800500; and 512300, 3800600.
(xiii) Subunit 1l: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 513300, 3799300; 513600, 3799300; 513600, 3799200; 513700, 3799200; 513700, 3798900; 513600, 3798900; 513600, 3798800; 513400, 3798800; 513400, 3798900; 513200, 3798900; 513200, 3799200; 513300, 3799200; and 513300, 3799300.
(xiv) Subunit 1m: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 513300, 3800400; 513500, 3800400; 513500, 3800200; 513700, 3800200; 513700, 3800100; 513800, 3800100; 513800, 3800000; 514000, 3800000; 514000, 3799900; 514100, 3799900; 514100, 3799700; 513800, 3799700; 513800, 3799800; 513700, 3799800; 513700, 3799900; 513300, 3799900; 513300, 3800000; 513200, 3800000; 513200, 3800300; 513300, 3800300; and 513300, 3800400.
(xv) Subunit 1n: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 514200, 3800800; 514400, 3800800; 514400, 3800700; 514500, 3800700; 514500, 3800500; 514200, 3800500; and 514200, 3800800.
(xvi) Subunit 1o: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 514800, 3801300; 515000, 3801300; 515000, 3801200; 515100, 3801200; 515100, 3801000; 515000, 3801000; 515000, 3800900; 514700, 3800900; 514700, 3801200; 514800, 3801200; and 514800, 3801300.
(xvii) Subunit 1p: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 514600, 3799700; 514900, 3799700; 514900, 3799400; 514600, 3799400; and 514600, 3799700.
(xviii) Subunit 1q: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 515900, 3802200; 516200, 3802200; 516200, 3801900; 516100, 3801900; 516100, 3801800; 515900, 3801800; 515900, 3801900; 515800, 3801900; 515800, 3802100; 515900, 3802100; and 515900, 3802200.
(xix) Subunit 1r: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 516100, 3801400; 516400, 3801400; 516400, 3801000; 516100, 3801000; 516100, 3801100; 516000, 3801100; 516000, 3801300; 516100, 3801300; and 516100, 3801400.
(xx) Subunit 1s: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 515300, 3800400; 515600, 3800400; 515600, 3800300; 515700, 3800300; 515700, 3799800; 515600, 3799800; 515600, 3799700; 515300, 3799700; and 515300, 3800400.
(xxi) Subunit 1t: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 515700, 3800600; 516100, 3800600; 516100, 3800500; 516400, 3800500; 516400, 3800400; 516500, 3800400; 516500, 3799800; 516400, 3799800; 516400, 3799700; 516300, 3799700; 516300, 3799800; 516100, 3799800; 516100, 3800000; 516000, 3800000; 516000, 3800100; 515800, 3800100; 515800, 3800300; 515700, 3800300; and 515700, 3800600.
(xxii) Subunit 1u: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 516800, 3800400; 517100, 3800400; 517100, 3800300; 517200, 3800300; 517200, 3800000; 516800, 3800000; and 516800, 3800400.
(xxiii) Subunit 1v: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 515500, 3799600; 515900, 3799600; 515900, 3799500; 516000, 3799500; 516000, 3799400; 516400, 3799400; 516400, 3799300; 516500, 3799300; 516500, 3799100; 516700, 3799100; 516700, 3799200; 516600, 3799200; 516600, 3799400; 516700, 3799400; 516700, 3799500; 517000, 3799500; 517000, 3799300; 517100, 3799300; 517100, 3799100; 517200, 3799100; 517200, 3798700; 516500, 3798700; 516500, 3798800; 516300, 3798800; 516300, 3798900; 516200, 3798900; 516200, 3799000; 516100, 3799000; 516100, 3799100; 515900, 3799100; 515900, 3799000; 515700, 3799000; 515700, 3798900; 515400, 3798900; 515400, 3799000; 515300, 3799000; 515300, 3799300; 515400, 3799300; 515400, 3799500; 515500, 3799500; and 515500, 3799600.
(xxiv) Subunit 1w: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 517500, 3799800; 518000, 3799800; 518000, 3799700; 518300, 3799700; 518300, 3799800; 518600, 3799800; 518600, 3799700; 518800, 3799700; 518800, 3799400; 518600, 3799400; 518600, 3799300; 518700, 3799300; 518700, 3798900; 518300, 3798900; 518300, 3799000; 518200, 3799000; 518200, 3799100; 517900, 3799100; 517900, 3798800; 517800, 3798800; 517800, 3798700; 517500, 3798700; 517500, 3799000; 517400, 3799000; 517400, 3799300; 517500, 3799300; and 517500, 3799800.
(xxv) Subunit 1x: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 520900, 3798700; 521200, 3798700; 521200, 3798600; 521300, 3798600; 521300, 3798300; 521200, 3798300; 521200, 3798100; 520800, 3798100; 520800, 3798200; 520700, 3798200; 520700, 3798600; 520900, 3798600; and 520900, 3798700.
(xxvi) Subunit 1y: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 526700, 3791000; 527000, 3791000; 527000, 3790900; 527300, 3790900; 527300, 3790800; 527400, 3790800; 527400, 3790600; 527000, 3790600; 527000, 3790400; 526600, 3790400; 526600, 3790700; 526700, 3790700; and 526700, 3791000.
(xxvii) Subunit 1z: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 527800, 3790700; 528200, 3790700; 528200, 3790300; 528000, 3790300; 528000, 3790200; 527800, 3790200; 527800, 3790300; 527700, 3790300; 527700, 3790600; 527800, 3790600; and 527800, 3790700.
(xxviii) Subunit 1aa: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 527800, 3789600; 528200, 3789600; 528200, 3789200; 527700, 3789200; 527700, 3789500; 527800, 3789500; and 527800, 3789600.
(xxix) Subunit 1ab: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 528400, 3790100; 528600, 3790100; 528600, 3790000; 528800, 3790000; 528800, 3789600; 528400, 3789600; 528400, 3789700; 528300, 3789700; 528300, 3790000; 528400, 3790000; and 528400, 3790100.
(xxx) Subunit 1ac: Land bounded by the following UTM11 NAD27 coordinates (E, N): 530300, 3788100; 530500, 3788100; 530500, 3788000; 530600, 3788000; 530600, 3787400; 530300, 3787400; 530300, 3787600; 530200, 3787600; 530200, 3788000; 530300, 3788000; and 530300, 3788100.
(xxxi) NOTE: Oxytheca parishii var. goodmaniana map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Santa Cruz County, California, on the map below. The map provided is for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Polygonum hickmanii are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Thin soils in the Bonnydoon series that have developed over outcrops of Santa Cruz mudstone and Purisima sandstone;
(ii) "Wildflower field" habitat that has developed on these thin-soiled sites;
(iii) A grassland plant community that supports the "wildflower field" habitat and that supports the pollinator activity and seed dispersal mechanisms that typically occur within the grassland plant community;
(iv) Areas around each colony to allow for recolonization to adjacent suitable microhabitat sites; and
(v) Habitat within the subwatersheds upslope to the ridgelines to maintain the edaphic and hydrologic conditions and slope stability that provide the seasonally wet substrate for growth and reproduction of Polygonum hickmanii.
(3) Existing features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas, do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Santa Cruz County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Felton, California, Mount Diablo Meridian, California. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 587990, 4103190; 587999, 4103220; 588021, 4103230; 588025, 4103250; 587997, 4103260; 588025, 4103280; 588035, 4103290; 588033, 4103310; 588025, 4103320; 588012, 4103330; 588014, 4103340; 588005, 4103350; 587984, 4103360; 587969, 4103370; 587962, 4103380; 587958, 4103390; 587962, 4103400; 587975, 4103410; 587992, 4103410; 588012, 4103420; 588029, 4103400; 588046, 4103410; 588058, 4103420; 588064, 4103430; 588072, 4103450; 588082, 4103480; 588088, 4103500; 588091, 4103530; 588091, 4103560; 588099, 4103570; 588115, 4103590; 588146, 4103580; 588169, 4103610; 588201, 4103630; 588272, 4103700; 588411, 4104050; 588571, 4103930; 588584, 4103940; 588589, 4103960; 588590, 4103980; 588583, 4104010; 588574, 4104030; 588559, 4104050; 588549, 4104070; 588568, 4104110; 588833, 4104150; 588827, 4104020; 588883, 4104030; 588891, 4103950; 588906, 4103920; 588931, 4103890; 588979, 4103870; 589049, 4103870; 589069, 4103680; 589061, 4103450; 589124, 4103440; 589173, 4103400; 589117, 4103050; 589062, 4103060; 589019, 4102960; 589099, 4102940; 589096, 4102920; 588612, 4103020; 588570, 4102880; 588485, 4102900; 588474, 4102960; 588452, 4102960; 588452, 4103090; 588473, 4103160; 588502, 4103270; 588504, 4103330; 588505, 4103420; 588402, 4103470; 588360, 4103480; 588292, 4103480; 588267, 4103440; 588121, 4103320; 588033, 4103080; 588352, 4103020; 588337, 4102930; 588000, 4102990; 587981, 4102940; 587900, 4102940; 587900, 4102960; 587905, 4102980; 587919, 4102970; 587931, 4102970; 587932, 4102990; 587924, 4103010; 587916, 4103040; 587915, 4103060; 587893, 4103070; 587887, 4103090; 587883, 4103100; 587885, 4103100; 587891, 4103110; 587911, 4103100; 587939, 4103130; 587942, 4103150; 587951, 4103160; 587963, 4103150; 587977, 4103160; 587990, 4103190.
(5) Unit 2: Santa Cruz County, California. From USGS 7.5' quadrangle map Laurel, California, Mount Diablo Meridian, California. Lands bounded by the following UTM zone 10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 589297, 4102370; 589213, 4102420; 589164, 4102430; 589168, 4102460; 589174, 4102500; 589181, 4102550; 589189, 4102570; 589210, 4102600; 589243, 4102620; 589261, 4102630; 589274, 4102640; 589271, 4102660; 589270, 4102680; 589270, 4102690; 589289, 4102710; 589327, 4102740; 589361, 4102770; 589402, 4102790; 589435, 4102800; 589472, 4102800; 589571, 4102790; 589657, 4102780; 589762, 4102770; 589845, 4102750; 589889, 4102730; 589917, 4102690; 589932, 4102660; 589932, 4102620; 589930, 4102530; 589865, 4102440; 589732, 4102250; 589681, 4102260; 589669, 4102290; 589661, 4102300; 589642, 4102310; 589623, 4102310; 589590, 4102310; 589531, 4102320; 589297, 4102370.
(6) Map for Units 1 and 2 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Sonoma and Marin counties, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Delphinium bakeri are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Soils that are derived from decomposed shale;
(ii) Plant communities that support associated species, including, but not limited to: Umbellularia californica (California bay), Aesculus californica (California buckeye), Quercus agrifolia (coastal live oak), Baccharis pulularis ssp. consanguinea (coyotebrush), Symphorcarpos cf. rivularis (snowberry), Rubus ursinus (California blackberry), Pteridium aqulinum (braken fern), Polystichum munitum (Sword fern), Pityrogramma triangularis (goldback fern), Dryopteris arguta (coastal woodfern), Adiantum jordanii (maidenhair fern), Polypodium glycyrrhiza (licorice fern), Toxicodendron diversilobum (poison oak), Ceanothus thyrsiflorus (blueblossom ceanothus), Lithophragma affine (woodland star), and Holodiscus discolor (oceanspray); and
(iii) Mesic conditions on extensive north-facing slopes.
(3) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures made by people, such as buildings, roads and other paved areas, lawns, and developed areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical Habitat Map Units.
(i) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles obtained from the State of California's Stephen P. Teale Data Center. Proposed critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(ii) Map 1-Index map for Delphinium bakeri follows:

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(5) Unit B1: Sonoma County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Camp Meeker and Duncan Hills, California, land bounded by the following UTM10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 498360, 4249440; 498030, 4249650; 498040, 4249990; 498160, 4250150; 498430, 4250320; 498420, 4250440; 499140, 4250680; 499380, 4250710; 499510, 4250490; 499840, 4250710; 499880, 4250840; 500250, 4250840; 500580, 4250770; 500730, 4250780; 501020, 4250950; 501080, 4251070; 501360, 4251270; 501520, 4251370; 501730, 4251520; 502100, 4251370; 502190, 4251180; 502120, 4251090; 501830, 4251060; 501570, 4250750; 501380, 4250720; 501400, 4250360; 501230, 4250330; 501090, 4250220; 501070, 4250030; 500720, 4249960; 500550, 4249990; 500220, 4249930; 500190, 4249700; 499680, 4249760; 499520, 4249850; 499250, 4249830; 499210, 4249730; 498880, 4249750; 498620, 4250050; 498600, 4249490; 498360, 4249440.
(ii) Map 2-Unit B1 for Delphinium bakeri follows:

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(6) Unit B2: Marin County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Petaluma and Point Reyes NE, California, land bounded by the following UTM10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 521780, 4222900; 521560, 4223000; 521350, 4223070; 521230, 4223130; 520980, 4223320; 520890, 4223460; 520680, 4223430; 520220, 4223440; 520100, 4223460; 519940, 4223460; 519870, 4223360; 519720, 4223280; 519510, 4223340; 519400, 4223480; 519350, 4223630; 519360, 4223760; 519410, 4223800; 519530, 4223970; 519640, 4224090; 519830, 4224140; 519980, 4224160; 520440, 4224100; 520760, 4224100; 520990, 4224170; 521130, 4224160; 521460, 4224080; 521740, 4223960; 521820, 4223870; 521960, 4223770; 522130, 4223810; 522290, 4224000; 522320, 4224070; 522480, 4224160; 522550, 4224310; 522830, 4224380; 523160, 4224240; 523340, 4224250; 523470, 4224360; 523660, 4224430; 523750, 4224480; 523920, 4224510; 524070, 4224620; 524460, 4224710; 524860, 4224530; 525010, 4224370; 525030, 4224250; 524690, 4224190; 524590, 4224200; 524360, 4224100; 524280, 4223950; 524050, 4223780; 523920, 4223650; 523700, 4223480; 523600, 4223640; 523480, 4223720; 523210, 4223700; 522880, 4223510; 522650, 4223450; 522370, 4223230; 522170, 4223120; 522050, 4223080; 521860, 4222980; 521780, 4222900.
(ii) Map 3-Unit B2 for Delphinium bakeri follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Sonoma and Marin counties, California, on the maps below. The maps provided are for informational purposes only.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Delphinium luteum are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Plant communities, including north coastal scrub or coastal prairie communities, including but not limited to: Arabis blepharophylla (rose rockcress), Calochortus tolmei (Tolmei startulip), Mimulus aurantiacus (orange bush monkeyflower), Dudleya caespitosa (sea lettuce), Polypodium californicum (California polyploidy), Eriogonum parviflorum (sea cliff buckwheat), Toxicodendron diversilobum (poison oak), Romanzoffia californica (California mistmaiden), Hesperevax sparsiflora (evax), Pentagramma triangularis (goldenback fern), and Sedum spathulifolium (broadleaf stonecrop);
(ii) Relatively steep sloped soils (30 percent or greater) derived from sandstone or shale, with rapid runoff and high erosion potential, such as Kneeland or Yorkville series soils;
(iii) Generally north aspected areas; and
(iv) Habitat upslope and downslope from known populations to maintain disturbance such as occasional rock slides or soil slumping that the species appears to require.
(3) Critical habitat does not include existing features and structures made by people, such as buildings, roads and other paved areas, lawns, and other developed areas not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical Habitat Map Units.
(i) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles obtained from the State of California's Stephen P. Teale Data Center. Proposed critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(i) Map 4-Index map for Delphinium luteum follows:

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(5) Unit L1: Bodega Bay, Sonoma County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Bodega Head. Lands bounded by the following UTM10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 496820, 4241560; 496870, 4241690; 497130, 4241990; 497110, 4242130; 497170, 4242240; 497250, 4242220; 497470, 4242550; 497440, 4242700; 497930, 4242940; 498340, 4242940; 498430, 4243040; 498640, 4242960; 498720, 4243080; 499110, 4243090; 499410, 4242960; 499690, 4242760; 499650, 4242560; 500250, 4242210; 500030, 4241880; 500140, 4241320; 499900, 4240730; 499750, 4240650; 498690, 4240750; 498220, 4241010; 497940, 4241050; 497590, 4241010; 497450, 4241220; 497500, 4241630; 497750, 4241830; 497760, 4241970; 497720, 4242010; 497630, 4242010; 497520, 4241940; 497480, 4241850; 497320, 4241860; 497170, 4241680; 497100, 4241500; 497030, 4241410; 496910, 4241440; 496820, 4241560.
(ii) Map for Unit L1 is set forth below.
(6) Unit L2: Estero Americano, Marin County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Valley Ford. Lands bounded by the following UTM10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 499970, 4238100; 500010, 4238150; 500010, 4238240; 499870, 4238480; 500010, 4238710; 500140, 4238860; 500280, 4238940; 500470, 4238970; 500580, 4239030; 500630, 4239070; 500720, 4239040; 500850, 4238840; 500890, 4238860; 500970, 4238830; 501050, 4238740; 501170, 4238740; 501180, 4238650; 501300, 4238460; 501440, 4238320; 501510, 4238120; 501340, 4238000; 501270, 4238010; 501190, 4238000; 501120, 4238010; 500900, 4237990; 500870, 4237960; 500860, 4237860; 500730, 4237850; 500570, 4237760; 500470, 4237800; 500380, 4237730; 500250, 4237890; 500240, 4237940; 500180, 4237980; 499990, 4238060; 499970, 4238100.
(ii) Map 5-Units L1 and L2 for Delphinium luteum follows:

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(7) Unit L3: Estero de San Antonio, Marin County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Valley Ford. Lands bounded by the following UTM10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 502060, 4235600; 502110, 4235750; 502230, 4235770; 502300, 4235840; 502350, 4235930; 502370, 4236030; 502410, 4236100; 502510, 4236150; 502700, 4236150; 502900, 4235910; 503010, 4235860; 502900, 4236160; 502870, 4236120; 502700, 4236260; 502880, 4236400; 503060, 4236370; 503130, 4236240; 503070, 4236180; 503090, 4236010; 503200, 4235950; 503260, 4235990; 503170, 4236090; 503280, 4236180; 503410, 4236100; 503470, 4236040; 503430, 4235810; 503460, 4235720; 503600, 4235580; 503800, 4235490; 503950, 4235300; 504020, 4235010; 504030, 4234810; 504000, 4234630; 503920, 4234390; 503780, 4234410; 503780, 4234890; 503710, 4234990; 503610, 4234970; 503520, 4234840; 503560, 4234620; 503580, 4234470; 503520, 4234440; 503350, 4234580; 503360, 4234710; 503250, 4234860; 502990, 4234970; 502950, 4235100; 502700, 4235170; 502710, 4235260; 502810, 4235330; 502800, 4235510; 502580, 4235480; 502510, 4235510; 502530, 4235580; 502390, 4235560; 502310, 4235470; 502200, 4235470; 502060, 4235600.
(ii) Map for Unit L3 is set forth below.
(8) Unit L4: Tomales, Marin County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Tomales. Lands bounded by the following UTM10 NAD83 coordinates (E,N): 506200, 4229650; 506000, 4229960; 506040, 4230020; 506330, 4230130; 506450, 4230630; 506550, 4230640; 506760, 4230830; 506840, 4231090; 507070, 4231150; 507230, 4231260; 507340, 4231460; 507170, 4231740; 507270, 4231860; 507400, 4231820; 507550, 4231930; 507660, 4231930; 507780, 4232080; 507810, 4232220; 507870, 4232340; 507990, 4232290; 508250, 4232250; 508320, 4232050; 508110, 4231810; 508090, 4231660; 507960, 4231700; 507920, 4231670; 507950, 4231580; 507630, 4231410; 507520, 4231200; 507560, 4230830; 507560, 4230620; 507510, 4230590; 507490, 4230470; 507440, 4230300; 507440, 4230220; 507330, 4230050; 507300, 4229930; 507320, 4229820; 507310, 4229770; 507230, 4229730; 507060, 4229730; 506960, 4229740; 506780, 4229830; 506710, 4229840; 506580, 4229790; 506600, 4229860; 506720, 4230150; 506770, 4230340; 506640, 4230230; 506460, 4230020; 506200, 4229650.
(ii) Map 6-Units L3 and L4 for Delphinium luteum follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Riverside County, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat for Ceanothus ophiochilus are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Flat to gently sloping north to northeast facing ridge tops with slopes in the range of 0 to 40 percent slope that provide the appropriate solar exposure for seedling establishment and growth.
(ii) Soils formed from metavolcanic and ultra-basic parent materials and deeply weathered gabbro or pyroxenite-rich outcrops that provide nutrients and space for growth and reproduction. Specifically in the areas that Ceanothus ophiochilus is found, the soils are:
(A) Ramona, Cienaba, Las Posas, and Vista series in the Agua Tibia Wilderness; and
(B) Cajalco series in the vicinity of Vail Lake.
(iii) Chamise chaparral or mixed chamise-ceanothus-arctostaphylos chaparral at elevations of 2,000 feet to 3,000 feet (610 meters to 914 meters) that provide the appropriate canopy cover and elevation requirements for growth and reproduction.
(3) Critical habitat does not include man-made structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,0000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) Unit 1.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1, subunit 1B (Map 1) follows:

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Nevada, Nye County, Ash Meadows: SW 1/4NE 1/4 and W 1/2SE 1/4 sec. 21, S 1/2SW 1/4 and SW 1/4SE 1/4 sec. 35, T17S, R50E. SW 1/4 sec. 1, N 1/2NW 1/4 and SW 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 2, NE 1/4NE 1/4 sec. 3, NW 1/4NE 1/4 sec. 12, N 1/2NE 1/4 and SE 1/4NE 1/4 sec. 23, N 1/2NW 1/4, SW 1/4NW 1/4, and NW 1/4SW 1/4 sec. 24, T18S, R50E.

Known primary constituent elements include saline seep areas of light colored clay uplands.

Note: The map provided is for informational purposes only. Map follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Plumas, Lassen, and Sierra Counties, California, and Washoe and Douglas Counties, Nevada, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Ivesia webberi consist of four components:
(i)Plant community.
(A) Open to sparsely vegetated areas composed of generally short-statured associated plant species.
(B) Presence of appropriate associated species that can include (but are not limited to): Antennaria dimorpha, Artemisia arbuscula, Balsamorhiza hookeri, Elymus elymoides, Erigeron bloomeri, Lewisia rediviva, Poa secunda, and Viola beckwithii.
(C) An intact assemblage of appropriate associated species to attract the floral visitors that may be acting as pollinators of Ivesia webberi.
(ii)Topography. Flats, benches, or terraces that are generally above or adjacent to large valleys. Occupied sites vary from slightly concave to slightly convex or gently sloped (0-15°) and occur on all aspects.
(iii)Elevation. Elevations between 4,475 and 6,237 feet (1,364 and 1,901 meters).
(iv)Suitable soils and hydrology.
(A) Vernally moist soils with an argillic horizon that shrink and swell upon drying and wetting; these soil conditions are characteristic of known Ivesia webberi populations and are likely important in the maintenance of the seedbank and population recruitment.
(B) Suitable soils that can include (but are not limited to): Reno-a fine, smectitic, mesic Abruptic Xeric Argidurid; Xman-a clayey, smectitic, mesic, shallow Xeric Haplargids; Aldi-a clayey, smectitic, frigid Lithic Ultic Argixerolls; and Barshaad-a fine, smectitic, mesic Aridic Palexeroll.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 3, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created on the base of both satellite imagery (ESRI ArcGIS Imagery Basemap) as well as USGS geospatial quadrangle maps and were mapped using NAD 83 Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), zone 11N coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R8-ES-2013-0080, and at the field office responsible for this designation (i.e., Nevada Fish and Wildlife Office (http://www.fws.gov/nevada/)). You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Sierra Valley, Plumas County, California.
(i) Unit 1 includes 274 ac (111 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Constantia, Lassen County, California.
(i) Unit 2 includes 155 ac (63 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8) Unit 3: East of Hallelujah Junction Wildlife Area, Evans Canyon; Lassen County, California.
(i) Unit 3 includes 122 ac (49 ha).
(ii) Map of Units 3 and 4 follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Hallelujah Junction Wildlife Area, Sierra County, California.
(i) Unit 4 includes 69 ac (28 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 4 is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.
(10) Unit 5: Subunit 5a, Dog Valley Meadow, and Subunit 5b, Upper Dog Valley; Sierra County, California.
(i) Subunit 5a includes 386 ac (156 ha), and subunit 5b includes 29 ac (12 ha). Combined, Unit 5 includes 415 ac (168 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 5 (Subunits 5a and 5b) follows:

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(11) Unit 6: White Lake Overlook, Sierra County, California.
(i) Unit 6 includes 109 ac (44 ha).
(ii) Map of Units 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 follows:

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(12) Unit 7: Subunit 7a, Mules Ear Flat, Sierra County, California; Subunit 7b, Three Pine Flat and Jeffery Pine Saddle, Washoe County, Nevada.
(i) Subunit 7a includes 65 ac (27 ha), and subunit 7b includes 68 ac (27 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 7 is provided at paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(13) Unit 8: Ivesia Flat, Washoe County, Nevada.
(i) Unit 8 includes 62 ac (25 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 8 is provided at paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(14) Unit 9: Stateline Road 1, Sierra County, California, and Washoe County, Nevada.
(i) Unit 9 includes 193 ac (78 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 9 is provided at paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(15) Unit 10: Stateline Road 2, Sierra County, California, and Washoe County, Nevada.
(i) Unit 10 includes 66 ac (27 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 10 is provided at paragraph (11)(ii) of this entry.
(16) Unit 11: Hungry Valley, Washoe County, Nevada.
(i) Unit 11 includes 56 ac (23 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 11 follows:

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(17) Unit 12: Black Springs, Washoe County, Nevada.
(i) Unit 12 includes 163 ac (66 ha).
(ii) Map of Units 12 and 13 follows:

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(18) Unit 13: Raleigh Heights, Washoe County, Nevada.
(i) Unit 13 includes 253 ac (103 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 13 is provided at paragraph (17)(ii) of this entry.
(19) Unit 14: Dutch Louie Flat, Washoe County, Nevada.
(i) Unit 14 includes 54 ac (22 ha).
(ii) Map of Units 14 and 15 follows:

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(20) Unit 15: The Pines Powerline, Washoe County, Nevada.
(i) Unit 15 includes 32 ac (13 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 15 is provided at paragraph (19)(ii) of this entry.
(21) Unit 16: Dante Mine Road, Douglas County, Nevada.
(i) Unit 16 includes 14 ac (6 ha).
(ii) Map of Unit 16 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat is depicted on the map below for Halfpenny Bay, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.
(2) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat for Catesbaea melanocarpa are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Single-layered canopy forest with little ground cover and open forest floor that supports patches of dry vegetation with grasses, and
(ii) Well to excessively drained limestone and serpentine-derived soils (including soils of the San German, Nipe, and Rosario series and Glynn and Hogensborg series).
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements.
(4)Critical habitat map. Data layers were created by overlaying habitats that contain at least two of the PCEs, as defined in paragraph (2) of this section, on U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps (UTM 20, NAD 27).
(5) Critical Habitat unit: Halfpenny Bay, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.
(i)General description: The Halfpenny Bay unit consists of approximately 10.5 ac (4.3 ha) on privately owned property located about 2.48 mi (4 km) south of Christiansted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The designated unit is located east of South Shore Road, approximately 342 m (1,122 ft) south of Road 62, approximately 600 m (1,968 ft) north of the Halfpenny Bay coast, and 70 m (230 ft) west of a local road to Halfpenny Bay. This unit encompasses the habitat features essential to the conservation of Catesbaea melanocarpa within Estate Granard, Christiansted, St. Croix, and does not contain any manmade structures.
(ii) Map of Halfpenny Bay follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Fresno, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne Counties, California, on the map below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Castilleja campestris ssp. succulenta (Fleshy owl's-clover) are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Topographic features characterized by isolated mound and intermound complex within a matrix of surrounding uplands that result in continuously, or intermittently, flowing surface water in the depressional features including swales connecting the pools described in paragraph (2)(ii) of this section, providing for dispersal and promoting hydroperiods of adequate length in the pools; and
(ii) Depressional features including isolated vernal pools with underlying restrictive soil layers that become inundated during winter rains and that continuously hold water or whose soils are saturated for a period long enough to promote germination, flowering, and seed production of predominantly annual native wetland species and typically exclude both native and nonnative upland plant species in all but the driest years. As these features are inundated on a seasonal basis, they do not promote the development of obligate wetland vegetation habitats typical of permanently flooded emergent wetlands.
(3) Existing manmade features and structures, such as buildings, roads, railroads, airports, runways, other paved areas, lawns, and other urban landscaped areas do not contain one or more of the primary constituent elements. Federal actions limited to those areas, therefore, would not trigger a consultation under section 7 of the Act unless they may affect the species and/or primary constituent elements in adjacent critical habitat.
(4) Unit 1: Sacramento and San Joaquin Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Clay and Lockeford.
(5) Unit 1 (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Unit 2: Tuolumne and Stanislaus Counties, California. From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Keystone, La Grange, Cooperstown and Paulsell.
(7) Unit 2 (Map 2) follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Mariposa and Merced Counties, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 3 (Map 3) follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Madera and Merced Counties, California.
(i) Units 4A and 4B (Map 4) follow:

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(ii) Unit 4C (Map 5) follows:

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(10) Unit 5: Fresno County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 5 (Map 6) follows:

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(11) Unit 6: Fresno County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 6 (Map 7) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Contra Costa, Napa, and Solano Counties, California, on the maps below
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis are:
(i) Persistent emergent, intertidal, estuarine wetland at or above the mean high-water line (as extended directly across any intersecting channels);
(ii) Rarity or absence of plants that naturally die in late spring (winter annuals); and
(iii) Partially open spring canopy cover (approximately 790 nMol/m2/s) at ground level, with many small openings to facilitate seedling germination.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on the effective date of this rule.
(4) Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining Contra Costa, Napa, and Solano Counties map units were created on a base map using California Spatial Information Library black and white 1:24,000 scale digital orthophoto quarter quadrangles captured June/July 1993. Critical habitat units were then mapped using UTM zone 10, NAD 1983 coordinates.
(5) NOTE: Map of index for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Unit 1 for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis: Fagan Slough Marsh, Napa County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1 for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis (Map 2) follows:

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(7) Unit 2 for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis: Hill Slough Marsh, Solano County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Unit 2 for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis is depicted on Map 4 in paragraph (9)(ii) of this entry.
(8) Unit 3 for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis: Point Pinole Shoreline, Contra Costa County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 3 for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis (Map 3) follows:

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(9) Unit 4 for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis: Rush Ranch/Grizzly Island Wildlife Area, Solano County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Units 2 and 4 for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis (Map 4) follows:

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(10) Unit 5 for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis: Southampton Marsh, Solano County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5 for Cordylanthus mollis ssp. mollis (Map 5) follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of marron bacora consist of the following components:
(i) Native forest within the subtropical dry forest life zone in St. John.
(ii) Dry scrubland, deciduous forest, and semi-deciduous forest vegetation at elevations lower than 150 meters (492 feet).
(iii) Continuous native forest cover with low abundance of exotic plant species (e.g., Leucaena leucocephala and Megathyrsus maximus) and that provides the availability of pollinators to secure cross-pollination between populations.
(iv) Habitat quality evidenced by the presence of regional endemic plant species, including Zanthoxylum thomasianum, Peperomia wheeleri,Eugenia earhartii, Eugenia sessiliflora,Cordia rickseckeri, Croton fishlockii,Malpighia woodburyana, Bastardiopsis eggersii,Machaonia woodburyana, and Agave missionum.
(v) Open understory with appropriate microhabitat conditions, including shaded conditions and moisture availability, to support seed germination and seedling recruitment.
(3) Critical habitat does not include human-made structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 18, 2022.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created using ArcMap version 10.6.1 (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.), a Geographic Information Systems program on a base of USA Topo Map and the program world imagery. Critical habitat units were then mapped using NAD 1983, State Plane Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands FIPS 5200 coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at https://www.fws.gov/office/caribbean-ecological-services/library, at https://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2019-0050, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Note: Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: South Unit, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands.
(i) Unit 1 consists of 1,704 acres (ac) (690 hectares (ha)) in estates Rustenberg & Adventure, Sieben, Mollendal & Little Reef Bay, Hope, Reef Bay, Lameshur Complex, Mandal, Concordia A, Concordia B, St. Quaco & Zimmerman, Hard Labor, Johns Folly and Friis. Lands are composed of 1,634 ac (661 ha) of Federal lands managed by the U.S. National Park Service and 70 ac (28 ha) of privately owned lands.
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7) Unit 2: North Unit, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands.
(i) Unit 2 consists of 844 ac (341 ha) in estates Leinster Bay, Browns Bay, Zootenvaal, Hermitage, Mt. Pleasant and Retreat, Haulover, and Turner Point. The unit is composed entirely of Federal lands managed by the U.S. National Park Service.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for San Diego County, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements of critical habitat for Fremontodendron mexicanum are the habitat components that provide:
(i) Alluvial terraces, benches, and associated slopes within 500 feet (152 meters) of streams, creeks, and ephemeral drainages where water flows primarily after peak seasonal rains with a gradient ranging from 3 to 7 percent; and stabilized north- to east-facing slopes associated with steep (9 to 70 percent) slopes and canyons that provide space for growth and reproduction.
(ii) Silty loam soils derived from metavolcanic and metabasic bedrock, mapped as San Miguel-Exchequer Association soil series that provides the nutrients and substrate with adequate drainage to support seedling establishment and growth.
(iii) Open Cupressus forbesii and Platanus racemosa stands at elevations of 900 feet (274 meters) to 3,000 feet (914 meters) within a matrix of chaparral (such as Dendromecon rigida ssp. rigida and Malosma laurina) and riparian vegetation that provides adequate space for growth and reproduction.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 1:24,000 maps, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) Unit 1.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Subunits 1A and 1B follows:

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(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, Orange, and San Diego Counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements (PCE) for Brodiaea filifolia consist of two components:
(i) PCE 1-Appropriate soil series at a range of elevations and in a variety of plant communities, specifically:
(A) Clay soil series of various origins (such as Alo, Altamont, Auld, or Diablo), clay lenses found as unmapped inclusions in other soils series, or loamy soils series underlain by a clay subsoil (such as Fallbrook, Huerhuero, or Las Flores) occurring between the elevations of 100 and 2,500 ft (30 and 762 m).
(B) Soils (such as Cieneba-rock outcrop complex and Ramona family-Typic Xerothents soils) altered by hydrothermal activity occurring between the elevations of 1,000 and 2,500 ft (305 and 762 m).
(C) Silty loam soil series underlain by a clay subsoil or caliche that are generally poorly drained, moderately to strongly alkaline, granitic in origin (such as Domino, Grangeville, Traver, Waukena, or Willows) occurring between the elevations of 600 and 1,800 ft (183 and 549 m).
(D) Clay loam soil series (such as Murrieta) underlain by heavy clay loams or clays derived from olivine basalt lava flows occurring between the elevations of 1,700 and 2,500 ft (518 and 762 m).
(E) Sandy loam soils derived from basalt and granodiorite parent materials; deposits of gravel, cobble, and boulders; or hydrologically fractured, weathered granite in intermittent streams and seeps occurring between 1,800 and 2,500 ft (549 and 762 m).
(ii) PCE 2-Areas with a natural, generally intact surface and subsurface soil structure, not permanently altered by anthropogenic land use activities (such as deep, repetitive discing, or grading), extending out up to 820 ft (250 m) from mapped occurrences of Brodiaea filifolia to provide for space for individual population growth, and space for pollinators.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using a base of U.S. Geological Survey 7.5' quadrangle maps. Critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 11, North American Datum (NAD) 1983 coordinates.
(5) NOTE: Index map of critical habitat units for Brodiaea filifolia (thread-leaved brodiaea) follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Los Angeles County. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Glendora, Los Angeles County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 1, Los Angeles County, follows:

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(7) Unit 2: San Bernardino County. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map San Bernardino North, San Bernardino County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 2, San Bernardino County, follows:

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(8) Unit 3: Central Orange County. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map San Juan Capistrano, Orange County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 3, Central Orange County, follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Southern Orange County. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Canada Gobernadora, Orange County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 4, Southern Orange County, follows:

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(10) Unit 5: Northern San Diego County. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle maps Fallbrook and Margarita Peak, San Diego County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 5, Northern San Diego County, follows:

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(11) Unit 6: Oceanside, San Diego County, California. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map San Luis Rey, San Diego County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 6, Oceanside, follows:

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(12) Unit 7: Carlsbad, San Diego County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 7, Carlsbad, follows:

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(13) Unit 8: San Marcos and Vista. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map San Marcos, San Diego County, California.
(i) [Reserved]
(ii) Map of Unit 8, San Marcos and Vista, follows:

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(14) Unit 11: Western Riverside County, Riverside County, California.
(i) Map of Unit 11, Western Riverside County, Subunits a, b, c, d, and e, follows:

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(ii) Map of Unit 11, Western Riverside County, Subunit 11f, follows:

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(15) Unit 12: San Diego County. From USGS 1:24,000 quadrangle map Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego County, California.
(i) Unit 12 excludes land bounded by the following UTM NAD83 coordinates (E, N):
(A) 485555, 3652857; 485555, 3652822; 485572, 3652827; 485610, 3652827; 485613, 3652829; 485651, 3652882; 485667, 3652882; 485667, 3652899; 485556, 3652899; 485555, 3652857; and
(B) 485629, 3652710; 485749, 3652710; 485749, 3652807; 485746, 3652807; 485745, 3652820; 485744, 3652822; 485723, 3652822; 485717, 3652810; 485708, 3652806; 485690, 3652791; 485679, 3652788; 485671, 3652784; 485670, 3652780; 485665, 3652765; 485663, 3652761; 485649, 3652754; 485648, 3652750; 485635, 3652718; 485629, 3652710.
(ii) Map of Unit 12, San Diego County, follows:

View Image

(b)Conifers, ferns and allies, and lichens.
(1) Family Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes punctatum ssp. floridanum (Florida bristle fern).
(i) Critical habitat units are depicted for Miami-Dade and Sumter Counties, Florida, on the maps in this entry.
(ii) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of Florida bristle fern consist of the following components:
(A) Upland hardwood forest hammock habitats of sufficient quality and size to sustain the necessary microclimate and life processes for Florida bristle fern.
(B) Exposed substrate derived from oolitic limestone, Ocala limestone, or exposed limestone boulders, which provide anchoring and nutritional requirements.
(C) Constantly humid microhabitat consisting of dense canopy cover, moisture, stable high temperature, and stable monthly average humidity of 90 percent or higher, with intact hydrology within hammocks and the surrounding and adjacent wetland communities.
(D) Dense canopy cover of surrounding native vegetation that consists of the upland hardwood forest hammock habitats and provides shade, shelter, and moisture.
(E) Suitable microhabitat conditions, hydrology, and connectivity that can support Florida bristle fern's growth, distribution, and population expansion (including rhizomal growth, spore dispersal, and sporophyte and gametophyte growth and survival).
(F) Plant community of predominantly native vegetation that is minimally disturbed or free from human-related disturbance, with either no competitive nonnative, invasive plant species, or such species in quantities low enough to have minimal effect on Florida bristle fern.
(iii) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on January 23, 2023.
(iv) Data layers defining map units were created using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial data layers. ArcGIS was used to calculate the size of habitat areas. The projection used in mapping and calculating distances and locations within the units was North American Albers Equal Area Conic, NAD 83 Geographic. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at https://www.regulations.gov under Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2019-0068, https://www.fws.gov/office/florida-ecological-services/library, and at the Florida Ecological Services Field Office, Vero Beach. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(v) Index map follows:

Figure 1 to Family Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes punctatum ssp. floridanum (Florida bristle fern) paragraph (b)(1)(v)

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(vi) SF 1-Matheson Hammock, SF 2-Snapper Creek Hammock, and SF 3-Charles Deering Estate Hammock, Miami-Dade County, Florida.
(A) SF 1 consists of approximately 22 hectares (ha) (55 acres (ac)) in Matheson Hammock in and around Matheson Hammock Park. This unit is composed of 20.6 ha (51.1 ac) of County-owned land that is primarily managed cooperatively by Miami-Dade County's Environmentally Endangered Lands (EEL) program and Natural Areas Management division. The remaining 1.5 ha (3.7 ac) are privately owned and managed by the landowners through the County's EEL Covenant Program and/or are protected from development through the County's designation as Natural Forest Communities.
(B) SF 2 consists of approximately 6 ha (15 ac) in Snapper Creek Hammock adjacent to R. Hardy Matheson Preserve. This unit consists of 3.2 ha (8 ac) of State-owned land that is primarily managed cooperatively by Miami-Dade County's EEL program and Natural Areas Management division and 2.8 ha (7 ac) of University of Miami-owned land that is managed in cooperation with Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens.
(C) SF 3 consists of approximately 43 ha (106 ac) in Charles Deering Estate. This unit is comprised of State-owned land that is primarily managed by the Miami-Dade County EEL program and Natural Areas Management division.
(D) Map of SF 1, SF 2, and SF 3 follows:

Figure 2 to Family Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes punctatum ssp. floridanum (Florida bristle fern) paragraph (b)(1)(vi)(D)

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(vii) SF 4-Castellow and Ross Hammocks, SF 5-Silver Palm Hammock, SF 6-Hattie Bauer Hammock, and SF 7-Fuchs and Meissner Hammocks, Miami-Dade County, Florida.
(A) SF 4 consists of approximately 56 ha (139 ac) in Castellow and Ross Hammocks in and around Castellow Hammock Preserve. This unit consists of 17.5 ha (43.3 ac) of State-owned and 25.6 ha (63.4 ac) of County-owned lands that are primarily managed cooperatively by the Miami-Dade County EEL program and Natural Areas Management division. The remaining 13 ha (32.3 ac) are privately owned and managed by the landowners through the EEL Covenant Program and/or are protected from development through Miami-Dade County's designation as Natural Forest Communities.
(B) SF 5 consists of approximately 4 ha (10 ac) in Silver Palm Hammock. This unit comprises State-owned land that is primarily managed cooperatively by the Miami-Dade County EEL program and Natural Areas Management division.
(C) SF 6 consists of approximately 6 ha (16 ac) in Hattie Bauer Hammock in and around Hattie Bauer Hammock Preserve. This unit consists of 4 ha (10 ac) of County-owned land that is primarily managed cooperatively by the Miami-Dade County EEL program and Natural Areas Management division. The remaining 2 ha (6 ac) are privately owned and managed by the landowners through the EEL Covenant Program and/or are protected from development through Miami-Dade County's designation as Natural Forest Communities.
(D) SF 7 consists of approximately 10 ha (25 ac) in Fuchs and Meissner Hammocks in and around Fuchs and Meissner Hammock Preserves. This unit consists of 2 ha (5 ac) of State-owned and 7.6 ha (19 ac) of County-owned lands that are primarily managed cooperatively by the Miami-Dade County EEL program and Natural Areas Management division. The remaining 0.4 ha (1 ac) are privately owned and managed by the landowners through the EEL Covenant Program and/or are protected from development through Miami-Dade County's designation as Natural Forest Communities.
(E) Map of SF 4, SF 5, SF 6, and SF 7 follows:

Figure 3 to Family Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes punctatum ssp. floridanum (Florida bristle fern) paragraph (b)(1)(vii)(E)

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(viii) SF 8-Royal Palm Hammock, Miami-Dade County, Florida.
(A) SF 8 consists of approximately 61 ha (150 ac) in Royal Palm Hammock in Everglades National Park.
(B) Map of SF 8 follows:

Figure 4 to Family Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes punctatum ssp. floridanum (Florida bristle fern) paragraph (b)(1)(viii)(B)

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(ix) CF 1 and CF 2, Sumter County, Florida.
(A) CF 1 consists of approximately 742 ha (1,834 ac) of State-owned land (726 ha (1,795 ac)) within the Jumper Creek Tract of the Withlacoochee State Forest and of privately owned land (16 ha (39 ac)) directly adjacent to Withlacoochee State Forest. The State-owned land is managed by the Florida Forest Service.
(B) CF 2 consists of approximately 747 ha (1,846 ac) of State-owned land within the Jumper Creek Tract of the Withlacoochee State Forest.
(C) Map of CF 1 and CF 2 follows:

Figure 5 to Family Hymenophyllaceae: Trichomanes punctatum ssp. floridanum (Florida bristle fern) paragraph (b)(1)(ix)(C)

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(2) [Reserved]

50 C.F.R. §17.96

81 FR 3886 , 1/22/2016; 81 FR 18009 , 3/30/2016; 81 FR 55302 , 9/19/2016; 82 FR 42259 , 10/10/2017; 84 FR 59587 , 12/5/2019; 86 FR 31858 , 6/15/2021; 86 FR 38576 , 8/23/2021; 86 FR 67360 , 2/24/2022; 87 FR 35456 , 7/11/2022; 87 FR 36245 , 7/18/2022; 87 FR 77400 , 1/17/2023; 87 FR 78605 , 1/23/2023; 88 FR 12592 , 3/30/2023; 88 FR 7146 , 5/3/2023; 88 FR 21867 , 5/11/2023; 88 FR 25238 , 5/25/2023; 88 FR 28905 , 6/5/2023; 88 FR 30234 , 6/5/2023; 88 FR 57210 , 9/21/2023; 88 FR 69095 , 11/6/2023; 89 FR 86695 , 11/29/2024

For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting § 17.96, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.govinfo.gov.