- Section 192.601 - Scope
- Section 192.603 - General provisions
- Section 192.605 - Procedural manual for operations, maintenance, and emergencies
- Section 192.607 - Verification of Pipeline Material Properties and Attributes: Onshore steel transmission pipelines
- Section 192.609 - Change in class location: Required study
- Section 192.610 - Change in class location: Change in valve spacing
- Section 192.611 - Change in class location: Confirmation or revision of maximum allowable operating pressure
- Section 192.612 - Underwater inspection and reburial of pipelines in the Gulf of Mexico and its inlets
- Section 192.613 - Continuing surveillance
- Section 192.614 - Damage prevention program
- Section 192.615 - Emergency plans
- Section 192.616 - Public awareness
- Section 192.617 - Investigation of failures and incidents
- Section 192.619 - Maximum allowable operating pressure: Steel or plastic pipelines
- Section 192.620 - Alternative maximum allowable operating pressure for certain steel pipelines
- Section 192.621 - Maximum allowable operating pressure: High-pressure distribution systems
- Section 192.623 - Maximum and minimum allowable operating pressure; Low-pressure distribution systems
- Section 192.624 - Maximum allowable operating pressure reconfirmation: Onshore steel transmission pipelines
- Section 192.625 - Odorization of gas
- Section 192.627 - Tapping pipelines under pressure
- Section 192.629 - Purging of pipelines
- Section 192.631 - Control room management
- Section 192.632 - Engineering Critical Assessment for Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Reconfirmation: Onshore steel transmission pipelines
- Section 192.634 - Transmission lines: Onshore valve shut-off for rupture mitigation
- Section 192.635 - Notification of potential rupture
- Section 192.636 - Transmission lines: Response to a rupture; capabilities of rupture-mitigation valves (RMVs) or alternative equivalent technologies