Table 1 to Paragraph (a)(1)
Commodity | Parts per million |
Almond, hulls | 15 |
Cattle, fat | 0.03 |
Cattle, meat | 0.01 |
Corn, field, grain | 0.01 |
Corn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husks removed | 0.01 |
Corn, sweet, stover | 20 |
Egg | 0.01 |
Goat, fat | 0.03 |
Goat, meat | 0.01 |
Grain, aspirated fractions | 20 |
Grain, cereal, forage, fodder, and straw, group 16, forage, except rice | 15 |
Grain, cereal, forage, fodder, and straw, group 16, hay, except rice | 8 |
Grain, cereal, forage, fodder, and straw, group 16, stover, except rice | 4 |
Grain, cereal forage, fodder, and straw, group 16, straw, except rice | 20 |
Grain, cereal group 15, except rice and corn | 0.8 |
Hog, fat | 0.01 |
Hog, meat | 0.01 |
Horse, fat | 0.03 |
Horse, meat | 0.01 |
Milk | 0.01 |
Nut, tree, group 14-12 | 0.04 |
Poultry, fat | 0.01 |
Poultry, meat | 0.01 |
Sheep, fat | 0.03 |
Sheep, meat | 0.01 |
Soybean, forage | 15 |
Soybean, hay | 30 |
Soybean, hulls | 0.6 |
Soybean, seed | 0.2 |
Table 2 to Paragraph (a)(2)
Commodity | Parts per million |
Cattle, meat byproducts | 0.3 |
Goat, meat byproducts | 0.3 |
Horse, meat byproducts | 0.3 |
Hog, meat byproducts | 0.01 |
Poultry, meat byproducts | 0.01 |
Sheep, meat byproducts | 0.3 |
40 C.F.R. §180.716