Chapter 6 - Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
- Subchapter 1 - Child Labor Orders-Prohibited Occupations (§§ 11701 — 11707)
- Subchapter 2 - Employment of Minors in the Entertainment Industry (§§ 11750 — 11767)
- Subchapter 2.2 - Child Performer Services Permits (§§ 11770 — 11773)
- Subchapter 2.5 - Child Labor Law Violations (§§ 11775 — 11785)
- Subchapter 3 - Employment Agencies (§§ 12000 — 12033)
- Subchapter 4 - Rules and Regulations Governing Nonprofit Organizations Exempt from Licensing as Employment Agencies
- Subchapter 5 - Registration of Persons Who Unload Farm Products (§§ 13200 — 13236)
- Subchapter 5.5 - Unloading of Farm Products in the Markets of San Mateo, Alameda, and San Francisco (§§ 13260 — 13280)
- Subchapter 6 - Security for Wages (§§ 13300 — 13302)
- Subchapter 6.5 - Hearings on Actions to Recover Wages, Penalties, and Other Demands for Compensation and on Claims from Holders of Dishonored Payroll Checks or Drafts (§§ 13500 — 13520)
- Subchapter 7 - Industrial Homework (§§ 13600 — 13624)
- Subchapter 8 - Garment Manufacturers (§§ 13630 — 13659)
- Subchapter 9 - Farm Labor Contractors (§§ 13660 — 13667.4)
- Subchapter 10 - Registration of Employers, Transporters, and Supervisors of Minors Engaged in Door-to-Door Sales (§§ 13670 — 13677)
- Subchapter 11 - Car Washing and Polishing (§§ 13680 — 13694)
- Subchapter 12 - Collections (§ 13800)
- Subchapter 13 - Janitorial Registration and Training (§§ 13810 — 13822)
- Subchapter 13.5 - Enforcement of Client Employer Liability Under Labor Code Section 2810.3 (§§ 13830 — 13832)
- Subchapter 14 - Foreign Labor Contractor Registration (§§ 13850 — 13874)
- Subchapter 15 - Public List of Certain Port Drayage Motor Carriers and Customer Sharing of Liability Under Labor Code Section 2810.4 (§§ 13875 — 13888)
- Subchapter 16 - Assessment of Civil Penalties for Violations of Retaliation Laws Within the Jurisdiction of the Labor Commissioner (§§ 13900 — 13903)