Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 80021 - Multiple Subject, Single Subject or Education Specialist Short-Term Staff Permit
- Section 80021.1 - Multiple Subject, Single Subject or Education Specialist Provisional Internship Permit
- Section 80022 - Teaching Permit for Statutory Leave
- Section 80023 - Types of Emergency Permits
- Section 80023.1 - General Provisions Governing Emergency Permits
- Section 80023.2 - General Requirements for the Initial Issuance of Emergency Permits
- Section 80024 - Emergency Teaching and Services Credential for Other than 30-Day Substitute Teaching Service. [Repealed]
- Section 80024.1 - Emergency Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Permits. [Repealed]
- Section 80024.2 - Emergency Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Permit with a Bilingual, Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) Emphasis. [Repealed]
- Section 80024.2.1 - Emergency Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Permit with a Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Emphasis. [Repealed]
- Section 80024.3 - Emergency Specialist Instruction Permits for Teaching the Learning Handicapped, the Severely Handicapped, the Physically Handicapped, the Communication Handicapped, or the Visually Handicapped. [Repealed]
- Section 80024.3.1 - Emergency Resource Specialist Permit
- Section 80024.3.2 - Emergency Education Specialist Instruction Permits. [Repealed]
- Section 80024.4 - Emergency Speech-Language Pathology Services Permit, Including the Special Class Authorization. [Repealed]
- Section 80024.5 - Emergency Speech-Language Pathology Services Permit. [Repealed]
- Section 80024.6 - Emergency Teacher Librarian Services Permit
- Section 80024.7 - Emergency Bilingual Permit
- Section 80024.8 - Emergency Crosscultural, Language and Academic Development (CLAD) Permit
- Section 80025 - Emergency 30-Day Substitute Teaching Permit
- Section 80025.1 - Emergency Career Substitute Teaching Permit
- Section 80025.2 - Emergency Substitute Teaching Permit for Prospective Teachers
- Section 80025.3 - Day to Day Substitute Teaching
- Section 80025.4 - Substituting in a Special Education Classroom
- Section 80025.5 - Emergency Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Permit for 30-Day Substitute Teaching Service
- Section 80026 - Declaration of Need for Fully Qualified Educators
- Section 80026.1 - Information to Applicants
- Section 80026.4 - Plan to Develop Fully Qualified Educators. [Repealed]
- Section 80026.5 - Orientation, Guidance and Assistance
- Section 80026.6 - Requirements for the Reissuance of Emergency Permits
- Section 80027 - General Education Limited Assignment Multiple or Single Subject Teaching Permit
- Section 80027.1 - Special Education Limited Assignment Teaching Permit
- Section 80028 - Certificate of Clearance
- Section 80029 - Emergency Bilingual/Crosscultural Teaching Credential. [Renumbered]
- Section 80030 - Emergency Specialist Credentials in Learning Handicapped, Severely Handicapped, and Physically Handicapped. [Renumbered]
- Section 80031 - Emergency Services Credential in Health (School Nurse). [Renumbered]
- Section 80032 - Terms of Issuance and Renewal of Teaching and Services Credentials. [Renumbered]
- Section 80032.1 - Health Education Unit Requirement. [Renumbered]
- Section 80032.2 - Special Education Training for Teachers and Administrators. [Repealed]
- Section 80033 - Intern Teaching Credentials
- Section 80033.2 - Special Temporary Certificates. [Repealed]
- Section 80034 - Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credentials and Programs: Definition and Terms
- Section 80034.1 - Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Credentials and Business and Industry Partnership Teacher: Definitions and Terms
- Section 80034.2 - Specific Requirements for and Authorization of the Designated Subjects Three-Year Preliminary and Clear Career Technical Education Teaching Credentials
- Section 80034.3 - Specific Requirements for and Authorization of the Designated Subjects Business and Industry Partnership Teacher
- Section 80034.5 - Holder of Designated Subjects Full-Time Vocational Education, Full-Time Career Technical Education, or Career Technical Education Teaching Credential or Designated Subjects Full-Time Adult Education Teaching Credential Serving as a Substitute
- Section 80035 - Specific Requirements for and Authorization(s) of the Designated Subjects Preliminary and Clear Full-Time Career Technical Education Teaching Credentials and the Clear Full-Time Vocational Education Teaching Credentials
- Section 80035.1 - Specific Requirements for and Authorization(s) of the Designated Subjects Preliminary and Clear Part-Time Career Technical Education Teaching Credential and the Clear Part-Time Vocational Education Teaching Credential
- Section 80035.5 - Subject Classification System for Designated Subjects Career Technical Education Teaching Credentials
- Section 80036 - Specific Requirements for and Authorization of the Full-Time Designated Subjects Preliminary and Clear Adult Education Teaching Credential
- Section 80036.1 - Specific Requirements for and Authorization of the Designated Subjects Preliminary and Clear Part-Time Adult Education Teaching Credential
- Section 80036.2 - Qualifying Experience and/or Education for the Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential
- Section 80036.3 - Subject Classification System for Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credentials
- Section 80036.4 - Specific Requirements for and Authorization of the Designated Subjects Three-Year Preliminary and Clear Adult Education Teaching Credentials
- Section 80036.5 - Effect of Changes upon Certain Holders of Designated Subjects Teaching Credentials. [Repealed]
- Section 80037 - Specific Requirements for and Authorization of the Designated Subjects Preliminary and Clear Special Subjects Teaching Credential
- Section 80037.5 - Subject Matter Programs for the Designated Subjects Special Subjects Teaching Credential in Driver Education and Driver Training
- Section 80038 - Specific Requirements for and Authorization of the Designated Subjects Supervision and Coordination Credential
- Section 80039 - Preliminary Credential for Part-Time Service. [Repealed]
- Section 80040 - General Requirements for Designated Subjects Programs of Personalized Preparation
- Section 80040.1 - Cooperative Planning for and Implementation of the Program of Personalized Preparation
- Section 80040.2 - Specific Requirements for Programs of Personalized Preparation for the Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential
- Section 80040.2.5 - Instructional Practices Component of Programs of Personalized Preparation for the Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential
- Section 80040.2.7 - Timeline for Submission of Revised Programs of Personalized Preparation for the Designated Subjects Adult Education Teaching Credential. [Repealed]
- Section 80040.3 - Specific Requirements for Commission Approval of the Personalized Program in Supervision and Coordination Shall Include the Following:
- Section 80041 - Types of Designated Subjects Credentials for Adult Education. [Repealed]
- Section 80041.1 - Terms and Requirements for Issuance. [Repealed]
- Section 80041.2 - Authorization for Service. [Repealed]
- Section 80041.3 - Requirements for the Credential. [Repealed]
- Section 80041.4 - Requirements and Procedures for Agencies Recommending for Designated Subjects Credentials for Adult Education. [Repealed]
- Section 80042 - Specific Requirements for Programs of Personalized Preparation for the Designated Subjects Vocational Education Teaching Credential. [Repealed]
- Section 80042.5 - Timeline for Submission of Revised Programs of Personalized Preparation for the Designated Subjects Vocational Education Teaching Credential. [Repealed]
- Section 80043 - Statement of Employment and Verification of Qualifications
- Section 80044 - Scope of Eminence
- Section 80045 - Renewal of Eminence Credential
- Section 80046 - Requirements for Teaching Adapted Physical Education. [Repealed]
- Section 80046.1 - Requirements and Authorization for the Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization
- Section 80046.5 - Credential and Added Authorization Holders Authorized to Serve Students with Disabilities
- Section 80047 - Credentials, Certificates, and Authorizations to Provide Instructional Services to Students with Specific Learning Disability or Intellectual Disability (MILD to Moderate)
- Section 80047.1 - Credentials, Certificates, and Authorizations to Provide Instructional Services to Students with Intellectual Disability (Extensive)
- Section 80047.2 - Credentials, Certificates, and Authorizations to Provide Instructional Services to Students with: Emotional Disturbance
- Section 80047.3 - Credentials, Certificates, and Authorizations to Provide Instructional Services to Students with: Multiple Disabilities
- Section 80047.4 - Credentials, Certificates, and Authorizations to Provide Instructional Services to Students with: Autism
- Section 80047.5 - Credentials to Provide Instructional Services to Students with Primary Disability: Speech or Language Impairment
- Section 80047.6 - Credentials to Provide Instructional Services to Students with Primary Disability: Deafness or Hearing Impairment
- Section 80047.7 - Credentials and Authorizations to Provide Instructional Services to Students with Primary Disability: Deaf-Blindness
- Section 80047.8 - Credentials to Provide Instructional Services to Students with Primary Disability: Visual Impairment Including Blindness
- Section 80047.9 - Credentials, Certificates, and Authorizations to Provide Instructional Services to Students with Primary Disability: Orthopedic Impairment, Other Health Impairment, or Traumatic Brain Injury
- Section 80048 - Specialist Instruction Credential
- Section 80048.1 - Specialist Teaching Credentials in Reading
- Section 80048.2 - Specific Requirements for Preliminary and Professional Clear Specialist Instruction Credential in Special Education. [Repealed]
- Section 80048.3 - Specific Requirements for the Level I Education Specialist Instruction Credential. [Repealed]
- Section 80048.3.1 - Specific Requirements for Preliminary and Clear Education Specialist Instruction Credential for Out-of-State Credentialed Teachers
- Section 80048.3.2 - Specific Requirements for Preliminary and Clear Education Specialist Instruction Credential for Out-of-Country Credentialed Teachers
- Section 80048.4 - Specific Requirements for the Level II Education Specialist Instruction Credential. [Repealed]
- Section 80048.5 - Early Childhood Special Education Added Authorization: Requirements and Period of Validity
- Section 80048.6 - Authorizations for Education Specialist Instruction Credentials and Special Education Added Authorization
- Section 80048.7 - Added Authorizations in Special Education
- Section 80048.8 - Specific Requirements for the Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential
- Section 80048.8.1 - Specific Requirements for the Clear Education Specialist Instruction Credential
- Section 80048.9 - Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential in Language, Speech and Hearing
- Section 80048.9.1 - Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential: Orientation and Mobility
- Section 80048.9.2 - Clinical or Rehabilitative Services Credential: Audiology
- Section 80048.9.3 - Definition of Continuum of Program Options for All Other Related Special Education Services Credentials
- Section 80048.9.4 - Special Class Authorization
- Section 80048.10 - Education Specialist Bridge Authorization
- Section 80049 - Specific Requirements for the Clear Services Credential with a Specialization in Pupil Personnel Services
- Section 80049.1 - Authorization for Service
- Section 80050 - Specific Requirements for the Preliminary and the Professional Clear School Nurse Services Credential, Including Requirements for the Special Teaching Authorization in Health
- Section 80051 - Services Credential with a Specialization in Health Services Other than School Nurse
- Section 80052 - Authorization for Service
- Section 80053 - Services Credential Authorizing Service as a Teacher Librarian
- Section 80053.1 - Teacher Librarian Services Credential Special Class Authorization
- Section 80054 - Services Credential with a Specialization in Administrative Services; Requirements for California-Prepared Candidates
- Section 80054.1 - Services Credential with a Specialization in Administrative Services; Requirements for Candidates Prepared Outside California
- Section 80054.5 - Services Credential with a Specialization in Administrative Services; Authorization
- Section 80055 - Internship Credential
- Section 80055.1 - Exchange Certificated Credential
- Section 80055.2 - Sojourn Certificated Employee Credential
- Section 80056 - Methods for Obtaining a Credential; Completion of Approved Program or Its Equivalent; Reciprocity. [Renumbered]
- Section 80057 - Direct Application; when Permitted. [Renumbered]
- Section 80057.1 - Subsumed Subjects Added as Supplementary Authorization. [Renumbered]
- Section 80057.5 - Adding Supplementary Authorizations to Teaching Credentials Used Predominantly in Elementary Schools
- Section 80058 - Methods for Adding Authorization to an Existing Credential Issued Under this Article. [Renumbered]
- Section 80058.1 - Reissuance of Credentials, Certificates, or Permits Granted on Preliminary, Postponement, Emergency, or Clear Basis. [Renumbered]
- Section 80058.2 - Continuance and Extension of Service. [Repealed]
- Section 80059 - Fifth Year of Study. [Renumbered]
- Section 80060 - Appeal from Institutional Failure to Approve. [Renumbered]
- Section 80061 - Requirements for Teaching in Special Centers
- Section 80061.1 - Requirements for the Restricted Severely Handicapped Credential
- Section 80061.2 - Requirements for the Special Center Permit
- Section 80062 - Direct Application for Preliminary Specialist Instruction Credential on or Before December 31, 1976, Based upon Experience. [Repealed]
- Section 80063 - Direct Application for Clear Specialist Instruction Credentials. [Repealed]
- Section 80064 - Specific Requirements for the Specialist Instruction Credential in Special Education with an Authorization to Teach Either the Learning Handicapped or the Severely Handicapped. [Repealed]
- Section 80065 - Specific Requirements for/and the Authorization of the Language Development Specialist Certificate. [Repealed]
- Section 80065.1 - Examination for the Language Development Specialist Certificate. [Repealed]
- Section 80066 - Specific Requirements for the Clear Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential
- Section 80067 - Specific Requirements for the PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential
- Section 80067.1 - Preconditions for PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Credential Programs
- Section 80067.2 - PK-3 ECE Specialist Instruction Credential Program Standards
- Section 80067.3 - PK-3 Early Childhood Education Specialist Instruction Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs)
- Section 80068 - Specific Requirements for the Professional Clear Agriculture Specialist Instruction Credential
- Section 80069 - Specific Requirements for the Professional Clear Health Science Specialist Instruction Credential
- Section 80069.1 - Specific Requirements for the Professional Clear Gifted Specialist Instruction Credential
- Section 80069.2 - Specific Requirements for the Mathematics Instructional Added Authorization
- Section 80070 - Specific Requirements for the Clear Mathematics Instructional Leadership Specialist Credential and the Mathematics Specialist Instruction Credential
- Section 80070.1 - The Resource Specialist Added Authorization: Definition and Terms
- Section 80070.2 - The Clear Resource Specialist Added Authorization on Direct Application
- Section 80070.3 - The Preliminary Resource Specialist Added Authorization on Direct Application
- Section 80070.4 - The Clear Resource Specialist Added Authorization Issued on the Completion of Commission-Approved Resource Specialist Added Authorization Program
- Section 80070.5 - Authorization for the Resource Specialist Added Authorization
- Section 80070.6 - The Clear Resource Specialist Certificate of Competence from a Special Education Service Region with a Comprehensive Local Plan Approved by the Commission to Assess and Verify Completion for the Resource Specialist Added Authorization. [Repealed]
- Section 80070.7 - Requirements for a School District, County Office or Special Education Service Region with a Comprehensive "Local Plan" to Assess and Recommend for the Resource Specialist Certificate of Competence. [Repealed]
- Section 80070.8 - The Candidate for the Resource Specialist Certificate Shall Demonstrate the Skills, Knowledge and Performance Competencies Identified for Each of the Following Functions. [Repealed]