Article 3 - Minimum Internal Control Standards (MICS) for Cardroom Business Licensees
- Section 12380 - Minimum Internal Control Standards; General Terms, Conditions, Definitions
- Section 12381 - Policies and Procedures
- Section 12384 - Drop and Drop Collection
- Section 12385 - Count; Count Room Functions
- Section 12386 - Cage Operation and Functions
- Section 12387 - Security and Use of Floor Banks; Security of Gambling Equipment and Confidential Documents
- Section 12388 - Extension of Credit, Check Cashing, and Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs)
- Section 12391 - Gambling Floor Operation
- Section 12392 - House Rules
- Section 12395 - Security
- Section 12396 - [Operative until 4/4/2025] Surveillance
- Section 12396 - [Operative 4/4/2025] Surveillance