Article 3 - Specific Diseases and Conditions
- Section 2550 - Amebiasis
- Section 2551 - Anthrax. Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone
- Section 2552 - Botulism. Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone
- Section 2553 - Brucellosis (Undulant Fever). Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone
- Section 2554 - Chancroid
- Section 2555 - Chickenpox. [Repealed]
- Section 2556 - Cholera. Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone or Telegraph
- Section 2558 - Coccidioidomycosis
- Section 2560 - Conjunctivitis, Acute Infectious of the Newborn
- Section 2562 - Dengue. Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone or Telegraph
- Section 2564 - Diarrhea of the Newborn
- Section 2566 - Diphtheria
- Section 2570 - Encephalitis, Acute (Including Arthropod-Borne Viral, Post-Infectious, and Others)
- Section 2572 - Disorders Characterized by Lapses of Consciousness, Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. [Repealed]
- Section 2574 - Food Poisoning
- Section 2575 - German Measles (Rubella)
- Section 2577 - Gonococcus Infection
- Section 2578 - Granuloma Inguinale
- Section 2579 - Hepatitis, Infectious
- Section 2580 - Influenza, Epidemic. [Repealed]
- Section 2581 - Hepatitis, Serum (Homologous Serum Jaundice)
- Section 2582 - Leprosy (Hansen's Disease)
- Section 2584 - Leptospirosis (Including Weil's Disease)
- Section 2585 - Lymphogranuloma Venereum
- Section 2586 - Malaria
- Section 2588 - Measles
- Section 2590 - Meningitis, Meningococcal or Meningococcemia
- Section 2592 - Mumps
- Section 2593 - Neoplasm, Cancer
- Section 2594 - Pertussis (Whooping Cough)
- Section 2595 - Physically Handicapped Children
- Section 2596 - Plague. Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone
- Section 2597 - Q Fever
- Section 2598 - Pneumonia, Infectious (Except Pneumonic Plague). [Repealed]
- Section 2600 - Poliomyelitis, Acute Anterior
- Section 2602 - Psittacosis
- Section 2603 - Control of Pet Birds
- Section 2603.5 - Control of Psittacine Birds. [Repealed]
- Section 2604 - Rabies, Human
- Section 2606 - Rabies, Animal
- Section 2606.2 - Rabies Quarantine
- Section 2606.4 - Officially Declared Rabies Areas
- Section 2606.6 - Importation of Dogs
- Section 2606.8 - Skunk Rabies
- Section 2608 - Relapsing Fever
- Section 2610 - Rheumatic Fever, Acute
- Section 2611 - Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
- Section 2612 - Salmonella Infections (Other than Typhoid Fever)
- Section 2612.1 - Turtle Salmonellosis
- Section 2613 - Shigella Infections (Dysentery, Bacillary)
- Section 2614 - Smallpox (Variola). Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone
- Section 2616 - Streptococcal Infections, Hemolytic (Including Scarlet Fever and Streptococcal Sore Throat)
- Section 2617 - Syphilis
- Section 2618 - Tetanus
- Section 2620 - Trachoma
- Section 2622 - Trichinosis
- Section 2624 - Tuberculosis
- Section 2626 - Tularemia. Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone
- Section 2628 - Typhoid Fever
- Section 2630 - Typhus Fever (Flea-Borne, Endemic Type)
- Section 2632 - Typhus Fever (Louse-Borne, Epidemic Type). Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone or Telegraph
- Section 2636 - Venereal Diseases
- Section 2638 - Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers (E.G., Crimean-Congo, Ebola, Lassa and Marburg Viruses). Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone
- Section 2640 - Yellow Fever Cases and Suspect Cases to be Reported by Telephone or Telegraph