Diamond International Hazardous Fire Area No. 1 is composed of approximately 93,370 acres of forest land in Tehama and Shasta Counties. The exterior boundary of the area is described as follows:
Beginning at the point where USFS Road 31N16 crosses the N Sec line in the NW1/4 Sec. 3, T30N, R3E, MDB&M: thence W along the N Sec line of Secs 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, and 2 to the NW Corner Sec 2, T30N, R2E; thence S along the W Sec line of Secs 2, 11, 14, 23, and into the NW1/4 Sec. 26, T30N, R2E, to the point where that Sec line intersects the Forward Mill Road; thence SW along Forward Mill Road to the Jct of said road and Ponderosa Way near the N Center Sec 31, T30N, R2E; thence SE on Ponderosa Way to the point where it crosses Mill Creek in the NE1/4 Sec 23, T27N, R2E; thence NE along Mill Creek to the point where it crosses the E Sec line in the SE 1/4 Sec 35, T28N, R3E; thence N along E Sec line of Sec 35 and into 26 to the assumed E1/4 Corner Sec 26, T28N, R3E; thence NW to the Jct of Tamarack Road (aka Diamond Road 50R1) and Diamond R Line Road (aka USFS Road 28N08.2) in NE1/4 Sec. 26, T28N, R3E; thence NW along said Diamond R Line Road to the Jct of USFS Road 29N48 (aka The Turner Mountain Loop Road) in the NE1/4 Sec 26, T28N, R3E; thence NW along 29N48 to where it crosses the E Sec line in the NE1/4 Sec 34, T29N, R3E; thence N along E Sec line of Secs 34 and into 27 to the point where it crosses California State Highway 36 in the NE1/4 Sec 27, T29N, R3E; thence E along Highway 36 to the Jct of U.S.F.S. Forest Highway 17 (aka USFS Road 31N17.2) in the NW1/4 Sec 26, T29N, R3E; thence N along Forest Highway 17 to the Jct of USFS Road 30N74.2 in NE1/4 Sec 15, T30N, R3E; thence NW along USFS Road 30N74.2 to the Jct with USFS Road 31N16 in SE1/4 Sec 10, T30N, R3E; thence N along USFS Road 31N16 to the point of beginning on the N Sec Line of Sec 3, T30N, R3E.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 14, § 1203
Note: Authority cited: Section 4252, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 4251 and 4253, Public Resources Code.