Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14 § 1072.1
There shall be at least one plot per acre, with a minimum of 20 plots, for each timber operating area sampled. The Timber Owner or his/her agent is encouraged, in lieu of sampling the entire logged area or area being sampled, to delineate by ocular estimate the least stocked 40 acres (16.187 ha) of the logged area or area being sampled and sample this area to determine if it is acceptably stocked. If the least stocked area sampled is determined to be acceptably stocked in accordance with these regulations, the entire logged area, or area being sampled, shall be assumed to be acceptably stocked. If the area sampled is not acceptably stocked the area sampled shall be regenerated to bring it into conformance and the remainder of the logged area shall be sampled, or the next least stocked 40 acres (16.187 ha) shall be sampled to determine whether the rest of the logged area is acceptably stocked.
The Director, in making the Stocking inspection specified in PRC § 4588 may, independent of the sample specified in the Report of Stocking, sample what he determines is the least stocked 40 acres (16.187 ha) of the logged area to determine if the area is stocked.
Cal. Code Regs. Tit. 14, § 1072.1
Note: Authority cited: Sections 4551, 4561 and 4587, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 4561, 4587 and 4588, Public Resources Code.