Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 100 - Abalone
- Section 101 - Possession of Sliced Abalone During Closed Season. [Repealed]
- Section 102 - Abalone Processors Permit. [Repealed]
- Section 103 - Common Names for Market Fish
- Section 104 - White Croaker Closure
- Section 104.1 - Central California Gillnet Fishery Closure
- Section 105 - Importation and Sale of Kelp Bass, Sand Bass, and Spotted Bass
- Section 105.1 - Permits to Land California Caught Fish at Points Outside of California
- Section 105.5 - Cooperation with State and Federal Fishery Observers
- Section 106 - Permits to Commercially Take Shark and Swordfish Using Drift Gill Nets
- Section 106.5 - Drift Gill Net Shark and Swordfish Permit Transition Program
- Section 107 - Broadbill Swordfish
- Section 107.1 - Possession of Gill Nets by Swordfish Permittees
- Section 107.5 - Incidental Take of Swordfish by Gill Nets. [Repealed]
- Section 108 - Yellowfin Tuna. [Repealed]
- Section 109 - Importation of Yellowtail and Barracuda from Mexico
- Section 110 - Pismo Clams Imported into California
- Section 111 - Designated Forage Fish Species or Species Groups (Federal Shared Ecosystem Component Species)
- Section 112 - Surfperch
- Section 115 - Mussels
- Section 116 - Crayfish
- Section 119 - Trawl Nets Inside of the Golden Gate Bridge
- Section 120 - Prawn or Shrimp Trawling-General Provisions
- Section 120.01 - Pink Shrimp Trawling. [Repealed]
- Section 120.1 - Pink Shrimp Trawling
- Section 120.2 - Pink Shrimp Trawl Permits
- Section 120.3 - Golden Prawn (Penaeus Californiensis), Spot Prawn (Pandalus Platyceros) and Ridgeback Prawn (Sicyonia Ingentis) Trawling
- Section 120.4 - Restricted Access Fishery
- Section 120.5 - Brine Shrimp Trawling-Mono Lake, Mono County
- Section 120.6 - Use of Powered Equipment of the Type, Size and Specifications Hereinafter Noted to Take Crustaceans
- Section 120.7 - [Operative until 1/1/2025] Taking of Sea Urchins for Commercial Purposes
- Section 120.7 - [Operative 1/1/2025] Taking of Sea Urchins for Commercial Purposes
- Section 121 - Spiny Lobster. Open Season and Possession During Closed Season
- Section 121.5 - Spiny Lobster. Minimum Size and Verification
- Section 122 - [Operative until 1/1/2025] Spiny Lobster Permits and Restricted Areas
- Section 122 - [Operative 1/1/2025] Spiny Lobster Permits and Restricted Areas
- Section 122.1 - Spiny Lobster Buoys and Trap Tags
- Section 122.2 - Pulling Spiny Lobster Traps
- Section 123 - Tidal Invertebrates
- Section 124 - Halibut Trawling
- Section 124.1 - California Halibut Bottom Trawl Vessel Permits
- Section 125 - Commercial Rock Crab Permits
- Section 125.1 - Commercial Take of Rock Crab; Size Limit; Use of Rock Crab as Bait; Incidental Take Provisions
- Section 126 - Commercial Take of Crabs Not in the Genus Cancer in Trap Gear
- Section 126.1 - Commercial Take of Tanner Crab
- Section 127 - Commercial Take of Kellet's Whelk
- Section 128 - Commercial Taking of Sea Cucumber
- Section 130 - Importation and Inspection of Live Shellfish. [Repealed]
- Section 131 - Fishery Closures Due to Human Health Risk
- Section 132 - Importation of Crab
- Section 132.1 - Dungeness Crab Trap Tags, Biennial Buoy Tags, and Trap and Buoy Tag Allocations
- Section 132.2 - Retrieval of Commercial Dungeness Crab Traps
- Section 132.3 - Biennial Dungeness Crab Trap Limit Permit
- Section 132.4 - Replacement Procedures for Lost Dungeness Crab Buoy Tags
- Section 132.5 - Appeal of Dungeness Crab Trap and Buoy Tag Allocations and Deadlines
- Section 132.6 - Dungeness Crab Trap Surface Gear Limitations and Gear Removal Time
- Section 132.7 - Lost or Abandoned Dungeness Crab Trap Gear Retrieval Program
- Section 132.8 - Risk Assessment Mitigation Program: Commercial Dungeness Crab Fishery
- Section 133 - Crabmeat, Cooked Crabs or Parts Thereof
- Section 134 - Sturgeon, Importation of. [Repealed]
- Section 135 - Transportation, Possession and Sale of Imported Sturgeon, Striped Bass, Steelhead Trout and Shad
- Section 136 - Commercial Packaging or Tagging of Striped Bass. [Repealed]
- Section 137 - Importation and Sale of Green SEA Turtle Products. [Repealed]
- Section 141 - Sardine Canners, Reduction Plants and Packers of Other Sardine Products. [Repealed]
- Section 142 - Fishermen and Fish Plants
- Section 143 - Sardine Pack, Acceptable Equivalents for, Other than One-Pound Oval Cans. [Repealed]
- Section 145 - Anchovy Pack. [Repealed]
- Section 146 - Sampling Methods
- Section 147 - Granting and Issuance of Permits to Take and Use Anchovies by a Reduction Process
- Section 148 - Permits to Commercially Take Pacific Mackerel. [Repealed]
- Section 149 - Commercial Taking of Market Squid
- Section 149.1 - Market Squid Fishery Restricted Access Program
- Section 149.3 - Experimental Market Squid Vessel Permits. [Repealed]
- Section 150 - Nearshore Fishery Restricted Access Program
- Section 150.01 - Nearshore Fishery Permit Required
- Section 150.02 - Deeper Nearshore Fish Species Fishery Permits; Control Date for Other Nearshore Species
- Section 150.03 - Nearshore Fishery Gear Endorsement Program
- Section 150.04 - Control Date for Gear Endorsement Program for Other Nearshore Species
- Section 150.05 - Nearshore Fishery Bycatch Permit Program
- Section 150.06 - Commercial Groundfish Area Management Defined
- Section 150.16 - Commercial Take of Nearshore Fishes
- Section 150.17 - Limitations on Number of Hooks and Area
- Section 155 - White Seabass, Commercial Take
- Section 155.01 - White Seabass Commercial Size Limit:
- Section 155.05 - Use of Purse Seine and Roundhaul Nets and Delivery to California Ports
- Section 155.10 - Gill Net Mesh Size, Closed Season, Possession of Thresher and Shortfin Mako
- Section 156 - Sardines, Limit of Catch for Reduction Purposes. [Expired]
- Section 157 - Importation of Sardines for Bait
- Section 158 - Sardines
- Section 159 - Commercial Fishing for Coastal Pelagic Species
- Section 163 - Pacific Herring Permits
- Section 163.1 - Harvest of Pacific Herring
- Section 163.5 - Herring Buyer's Permit
- Section 163.6 - Commercial Harvesting of Herring. [Repealed]
- Section 164 - Harvest of Herring Eggs on Kelp
- Section 165 - [Operative until 1/1/2025] Commercial Harvesting of Kelp and Other Aquatic Plants
- Section 165 - [Operative 1/1/2025] Commercial Harvesting of Kelp and Other Aquatic Plants
- Section 165.5 - Lease of Kelp Beds for Exclusive Harvest of Macrocystis and Nereocystis
- Section 165.7 - Granting and Issuance of Permits to Control SEA Urchins in Kelp Beds. [Repealed]
- Section 166 - Salmon: Importation and Sale
- Section 167 - Penalties in Lieu of Suspension or Revocation-Salmon Permittees
- Section 167.2 - Domestically Reared Striped Bass. [Repealed]
- Section 167.3 - Sale of Marine Life Produced Under Mariculture License. [Repealed]
- Section 168 - Fish, Packaged or Tagged. [Repealed]
- Section 169 - Permit to Operate Domesticated Anadromous Fishery on Davenport Landing Creek (Santa Cruz County). [Repealed]
- Section 169.1 - Permits to Operate Domesticated Anadromous Fishery in Elk Creek (Mendocino County). [Repealed]
- Section 170 - Commercial Packaging of Dead, Domestically-Reared Fish. [Repealed]
- Section 170.5 - Domesticated Fish Breeders' Signs. [Repealed]
- Section 171 - Importation of Live Catfish
- Section 171.1 - Importation of Live Striped Bass. [Repealed]
- Section 171.5 - Importation of Eggs of Fishes of the Family Salmonidae (Trout, Char, and Salmon). [Repealed]
- Section 172 - Possession of Trawl or Drag Nets in Districts 4, 19, 19a, 19b, and 21
- Section 173 - Midwater Trawls. [Repealed]
- Section 174 - Permit to Use Gill Nets or Trammel Nets for Commercial Purposes
- Section 174.5 - Gill Nets and Trammel Nets-Areas with Restricted Fishing. [Repealed]
- Section 174.7 - Gill Nets and Trammel Nets-District 18. [Repealed]
- Section 175 - Trawl Nets. [Repealed]
- Section 176 - Trawl Fishing Activity Records
- Section 180 - Traps
- Section 180.1 - Spot Prawn (Pandalus Platyceros) Fishing
- Section 180.2 - Trap Destruction Devices
- Section 180.3 - Restricted Access Spot Prawn Trap Fishery
- Section 180.4 - Finfish Trap Construction
- Section 180.5 - Trap Buoy Identification
- Section 180.6 - Hagfish Traps
- Section 180.15 - Coonstripe Shrimp (Pandalus Danae) Fishing
- Section 181 - Commercial Salmon Fishing. [Repealed]
- Section 182 - Commercial Salmon Fishing
- Section 182.1 - Commercial Salmon Fishing
- Section 183 - Commercial Salmon Vessel Permit
- Section 185 - Commercial Take, Possession, Purchase, Sale, Transport, Export or Import of Native Reptiles and Amphibians. [Repealed]
- Section 185.5 - Captive Propagation of Native Reptiles and Amphibians for Commercial Purposes. [Repealed]
- Section 186 - Commercial Take and Use of Frogs for Human Consumption. [Repealed]
- Section 187 - Weight in the Round Conversion Factors for Swordfish, Salmon, Angel Shark, Bonito Shark, Thresher Shark, and Tanner Crab
- Section 188 - Marine Aquaria Receiver's License. [Repealed]
- Section 189 - Commercial Groundfish Fishing