168.00.16 Ark. Code R. 003

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 168.00.16-003 - Weatherization Assistance Program 2016

Mission Statement

The mission of the Arkansas Energy Office, a division of the Arkansas Kconomic Development Commission (AKO), is to promote energy efficiency, clean technology, and sustainable strategics that encourage economic development, energy security and the environmental well-being for all citizens of Arkansas.

The State Goals

The policies contained in this plan will enable Arkansas and its subgrantee network to effectively weatherize homes of low-income Arkansans based on:

* Priorities to serve elderly and disabled persons, households with children, and households experiencing a high energy burden as well as households using a high amount of energy,

* insuring that only the most cost effective measures arc employed,

* Weatherization process including client education on energy conservation and addressing health and safety issues affected by work on the house.


Executive Summary

The Arkansas Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) Slate Plan for Program Year 2016 derives from Arkansas's application to the U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) for Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) funding. These funds will provide assistance to approximately 231 households across the State. (NOTE: the estimate of 231 households is based on DOE funding only.)

The purpose of WAP is to install energy conservation measures in the homes of income-eligible persons (up to 200% of poverty level), with priority given to homes occupied by the elderly, persons with disabilities, households with children, households with a high energy burden and households with high energy usage, funds arc directed toward the most cost-effective energy efficiency measures, as determined by an on-site, highly technical energy audit of the eligible building. The program helps to:

* reduce energy consumption in Arkansas, thereby reducing carbon emissions that contribute to climate change,

* reduce the cost of energy for low-income families, and

* address health and safety issues affected by weatherization work.

Arkansas relies on a network of eight (8) subgrantees; six (6) of the subgrantees are Community Action Agencies (CAAs) and the remaining two (2) arc non-profit agencies, one of which is a housing service agency.

Currently, subgrantees provide energy efficiency weatherization services using their own trained crews or by subcontracting work to qualified contractors. Energy efficiency measures funded through the program include air scaling, insulation, and replacement of heating systems. The program assists all types of housing, including single family homes (including duplexes, triplexes and quadplexes), and manufactured housing (mobile homes). Weatherization of multi-family housing focuses on small housing complexes and group homes or emergency shelters.

The state will allocate DOE funds for the Program Year (PY) 2016 in accordance with this plan.

II. Application for Federal Assistance - Standard Form 424

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Budget Summary



2016 Program Year Allocation

$ 1.868,107

Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA)

$ 326,346 :

AEO Administration

$ 93,405

Subgrantee Administration

$ 93.406

Multi-Family Projects

$ 25.000

Subgrantee Operations*

$ 1,329.950


$ 1,868,107 ;

* Budget categories and amounts for Financial Audits, Liability Insurance, Program Operations, and Health & Safety will be negotiated with each subgrantee from the Subgrantee Operations amount.

Weatherization Projects

DOE Allocation Subgrantee Network PY2016

Better Community Development. Inc.

$ 63,069

Black River Area Development Corporation

$ 151,695

Central Arkansas Development Council

$ 267,306

Community Action Program for Central Arkansas

$ 94,048

Crawford-Sebastian Community Development Council

$ 345,037

Crowley's Ridge Development Council

$ 212,252


$ 269,697

Pine Bluff-Jefferson County KO Economic Opportunities Commission

$ 126,839


$ 1,529,943

Summary of Major Changes from the 2015 Program Year


In PY 2016, AEO will reduce the size of the service area assigned to Pine Bluff-Jefferson County Economic Opportunities Commission (PBJCEOC) from fourteen (14) to ten (10) counties. This change will allow PBJCEOC to reduce its travel time to homes, thereby increasing efficiency of scheduling and providing more time to focus on quality of weatherization work in the remaining ten (10) counties. Lee, Monroe, Phillips and Prairie counties will be reassigned.

During PY 2016, Lee, Monroe, Phillips and Prairie counties will be assigned to Better Community Development, Inc. (BCD) for single family weatherization work. In the Spring of 2017, AEO will issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for these four (4) counties. The RFQ will allow all interested parties to submit a plan for providing weatherization in this area of the state.

Certified Quality Control Inspection by AEO

In PY 2015 AEO established a partnership with Pulaski Technical College Weatherization Training Center (PTC WTC) to provide inspections for ten percent (10%) of homes weatherized and reported as complete. For PY 201 6 AEO plans to employ a certified Quality Control Inspector (QCI) on stall or to reissue the RFQ seeking proposals from qualified parties interested in performing this function for AEO).

This requirement of the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to employ certified QCPs went into effect in PY 201 5. By July 1, 201 5, all agencies in the Arkansas network employed at least one (1) certified QCI. Such inspections by certified QCKs provide oversight of the energy audit to ensure that appropriate measures arc installed and opportunities for energy savings and Health and Safety improvements are not missed and ensure that weatherization work meets the DOE Standard Work Specifications (SWS).

Priorities for Service

DOE is requiring that points assigned to eligible applicants be limited to the five (5) categories of priority for service established in 10 CFR 440.16(b): the elderly, disabled persons, families with children, households with a high energy burden, and high energy user households, lime on the waiting list is one significant area where points arc no longer assigned.

Applicants with no priority points remain at the end of the waiting list and will be served, oldest application date first, after all applicants with one (1) or more points arc served. Applicants with tied points will also be served by oldest application date first.

Arkansas is concerned that people waiting a long time on the list and having no priority points will be waiting indefinitely. However, the program requirements must be correctly implemented in order to avoid disallowances of expenditures.



APPLICANT: Arkansas I Energy Office

900 West Capitol Ave, Suite 400

Little Rock, Arkansas 72201


07/01 /16 - 06/30/17

Name of Funding Agency: Arkansas 1 Energy Office

Part I:Project Description: Briefly describe the purpose of the grant, the work to be done and the projected accomplishments:

The Weatherization Assistance Program for Low-Income Persons will weatherize 231 units for the low-income families in program year 2016 using DOE funds.

Part II:Budgetary Information:


DOE Federal

AEO Personnel Services


$I 20,371

AEO Travel


AEO Contracts

$ 1 07,277

AEO Subtotal


AliO Indirect Cost (29.74%)

$77,5 16






Indicate Other


Indicate "In-Kind" support by an (*) next to amount.

If the project is for more than one year, you should submit a separate budget for each applicable year.

Budget Justification


Provide detailed information to support cash Cost Category using this form. Cost breakdown estimates may be entered on this form or attach a breakdown of costs using your own format as Attachment A.

1.PERSONNEL - Prime Applicant only (all other participant costs must be listed on 6. below and form DOE E 4600.4, Section B. Eine 6.f. Contracts and Sub Grants.
a. Identify, by title, each position to be supported under the proposed award.

Weatherization Program Manager

Budget Specialist

Program Monitor (2)

Administrative Assistant

b. Briefly specify the duties of professionals to be compensated under this project.

Weatherization Program Manager supervises staff, develops annual grant, develops grant guidance, provides technical assistance to subgrantecs, and reviews subgrantee contracts.

Budget Specialist assists in the development and management of the grantee and subgrantee budgets. Processes invoices for payment. Tracks expenditures for AEO and subgrantecs compared to approved budgets; processes budget amendments. Completes financial reports. Performs on-site financial monitoring of subgrantecs and reports findings.

Grants Analyst/Program Monitor (2) monitors performance of weatherization subgrantees. The Program Monitor will also assist with the states training center, coordinating hands-on training, develops the statewide training plan, review subgrantees for compliance with policies/procedures

Administrative Assistant provides clerical support to the staff and assists the program manager with subgrantee contracts, typing reports and maintains all records.

Click here to view image

2.TRAVEL - Identify total Foreign and Domestic Travel as separate items.
a. Indicate the purpose(s) of proposed travel.
(1) Monitoring
(2) Training
(3) Meetings
(4) Conferences
b. Specify the basis for computation of travel expenses (e.g., current airline ticket quotes, past trips of a similar nature, federal government or organization travel policy, etc.). (l)(2)(3)(4)Past Expcrience
3.CONTRACTS - 1 Energy Conservation Online Software (FCOS) maintenance, third party QCI, training.
4.OTHER DIRECT COSTS - Include all direct costs not included in above categories.
a. Provide the basis for the cost estimates (e.g., vendor quotes, prior purchases of similar or like items, etc.).


b. Briefly justify the need for items to be purchased. These expenses arc based on prior year experience.
a. Are the indirect cost rates approved by a Federal Agency? If so, identify the agency and date of latest rate agreement or audit below, and include a copy of the rate agreement.

AHDC is requesting Federal approval of indirect cost rate of 29.74%

Carryover Explanation

Carryover funds will be used as originally budgeted and approved in FY 2015 or will be transferred to Program Operations to weathcri/.e additional homes.


1. Better Community Development, Inc.

3805 West 12th, Suite 203, Little Rock, Arkansas 72204

Contact: Dairyl Swinton, Email: dswinton@bcdinc.org


Type of Organization: Non-Profit

Tentative Allocation: S63.069

Number of Units to be Weatherized: 10 units

Source of Labor: Contractor

Congressional District(s): 1

Counties Served: Lee, Monroe, Phillips, Prairie and statewide multi-family

2.Black River Area Development Corporation

1403 Hospital Drive, Pocahontas, Arkansas72455-3847

Contact: James Jansen - Email: jjansen@bradcorp.org

Phone: 870-892-5219 fax: 870-892-0707

Type of Organization: Community Action Agency

Tentative Allocation: SI 51,695

Number of Units to be Weatherized: 23 units

Source of Labor: Contractor

Congressional District(s): 1, 2. 3, 4

Counties Served: Baxter, Boone, Clay, Pulton, Independence, Izard, Lawrence, Marion, Newton,

Randolph, Searcy, Sharp, Stone, Van Buren

3.Central Arkansas Development Council

321Edison Avenue, Post Office Box 580, Benton, Arkansas 7201 8-0580

Contact: Larry Cogburn Email: Iconburn@cadc.com

Phone: 501-315-1121 Lax: 501-778-9120T

Type of Organization: Community Action Agency

Tentative Allocation: $267,306

Number of Units to be Weatherized: 40 units

Source of Labor: Contractor and Crew

Congressional District(s): 2, 4

Counties Served: Calhoun, Clark, Columbia, Dallas, Garland, Hempstead, Hot Spring, Howard,

Lafayette, Little River, Miller, Montgomery, Nevada, Ouachita, Pike, Polk, Saline, Sevier, Union

4. Community Action Program for Central Arkansas

707 Robins Street, Suite 11 8, Conway, Arkansas 72034-6517

Contact: Jennifer Welter Email: Jennifer.welter@capcaine.org

Phone: 501-329-0977 Lax: 501 -712-4039329-9247

Type of Organization: Community Action Agency

Tentative Allocation: $94,048

Number of Units to be Weatherized: 14 units

Source of 1 ,abor: Contractor

Congressional District(s): 1,2

Counties Served: Cleburne, Faulkner, White

5. Crawford-Sebastian Community Development Council, Inc.

4831 Armour Street, Post Office Box 4069,Port Smith, Arkansas 72914

Contact: Mark Whitmer Email: mwhitmer@cscdcaa.oru

Phone: 479-785-2303 Pax: 479-785-2347

Type of Organization: Community Action Agency

Tentative Allocation: $345,037

Number of L'nils to be Weatherized: 52 units

Source of Labor: Contractor

Congressional District(s): 3, 4

Counties Served: Benton, Carroll, Crawford, franklin. Johnson, Logan. Madison, Scott, Sebastian,


6. Crowley's Ridge Development Council

2401 Pox Meadow Lane, Post Office Box 16720. Joncsboro, Arkansas 72403-671 1

Contact: Tim Wooldridge Email: twooldrigde@crdcnea.com

Phone: 870-802-7100 fax: 870-935-0291

Type of Organization: Community Action Agency

Tentative Allocation: $212,252

Number of Units to be Weatherized: 32 units

Source of Labor: Crew and Contractor

Congressional District(s): 1

Counties Served: Craighead, Crittenden, Cross, Greene, Jackson, Mississippi, Poinsett, St. f rancis,



1701 Moss Street, North Little Rock, Arkansas 72114

Contact: Brannon Runions Email: brannon@elevateus.org

Phone: 1-800-780-4444

Type of Organization: Non-Profit

Tentative Allocation: $269,697

Number of Knits to be Weatherized: 41 units

Source of Labor: Contractor

Congressional District(s): 1, 2, 3, 4

Counties Served: Conway, Lonoke, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Yell

8. Pine Bluff-Jefferson County Economic Opportunities Commission, Inc.

817 South Cherry Street, Post Office Box 7228, Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71611 -7228

Contact: Roger Lutrell Email: rlutrell@pbjceoc.org

Phone: 870-536-0046 Lax: 870-535-7558

Type of Organization: Community Action Agency

Tentative Allocation: $126,839

Number of Knits to be Weatherized: 19 units

Source of Labor: Contractor

Congressional District(s): 1, 4

Counties Served: Arkansas, Ashley, Bradley, Chicot, Cleveland, Desha, Drew, Grant, Jefferson, Lincoln,

WAP Production Schedule PY2016

Total Units (Excluding Re-weatherized)


Re-Weatherized Units


Unit Costs Including Reweatherizalion


Total Funds Federal

$ 1,868.107

Total Units to Be Weatherized


Total Units to Be Re-weatherized


Grand Total Units


Total Vehicle and Equipment Budget


Total Units to Be Weatherized and Re-weatherized


Average Vehicle and Acquisition Cost Per Units


Total Funds Tor Program Operations

$ 1,094,122

Cost Per Units


Average Vehicle and Equipment Acquisition Cost


Total Cost Per Units


Energy Savings & Program Impact

Method Used to Calculate Savings: DOE Algorithm

Estimated Energy Savings: 1.562 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity and 106 thousand cubic feet of natural gas usage per housing unit.

In 2012, the slate contracted with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock to conduct an analysis of the impact of the Weatherization Program and to develop a tool to measure economic and environmental impact of weatherization activities. The results are discussed below.

Program Impact

The Institute for Economic Advancement (IMA) at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) has worked in cooperation with the Arkansas WAP to evaluate the statewide effects of WAP's efforts. This evaluation consisted of several parts, including a series of surveys to determine customer experience. The surveys gathered demographic information as well as characteristics of housing in Arkansas. Economic benefits were evaluated by gathering energy usage data for actual WAP customers and comparing the prior year's usage to that of the year following completion of the weatherization measures. Savings from the customer records were used to compute the average energy savings per unit. This average was applied to the total number of units weatherized from the beginning of the program in 2009 through projects completed by December 31, 2010 to generate the total energy savings of the program.

The initial study included analysis of weatherization measures that were implemented in FY2009, 2010, and 2011. The sample of houses evaluated in the analysis yielded an average annual reduction in electricity usage of 13.6 percent and a reduction in natural gas usage of 1 7.1 percent due to the weatherization measures undertaken. Approximately, forty-nine percent (49%) of the housing units in the weatherization program used natural gas for water and/or space heating. These reductions in energy usage resulted in a total estimated average annual savings of $2,409,458 for all recipients of the weatherization services. Over the life of the wcatherization measures, it is expected that the weatherization measures will save the recipients $1.94 for every $1.00 invested.

Policy Advisory Council Members

As required by federal regulations, a Policy Advisory Council (PAC) assists in the development and implementation of the WAP and advises the state on a broad range of issues relating to WAP. The PAC is broadly representative of organizations that provide services to low-income persons in Arkansas.

Member Representing:

Aging/Adult Services Gwen McLarty

Banking At Large - Keith fountain

Electric Cooperatives - Brett Curry

Energy Trade Association At Large Ken Smith

Environmental and Occupational Health - Morris L. Cranmer

Executive Director Community Action Agency - Mark Whitmer

Federal Housing HUD Steve Coop

Health Department - Quinyatta Mumford

Housing - USDA Rural Development Lawrence McCullough

Local Government Andre Bernard

Low Income Home J Energy Assistance Program Shirley Mason

Public Service Commission Wally Nixon

Public Utility Center point Energy Kirk Pierce

Public Utility 1 Entergy Arkansas Denisc Jeter

Pulaski Technical College Roger Smith

Weathcrization Director Community Action Agency Beverly Palmer

Ex Officio Mitchell Simpson

State Plan Hearings and Transcripts

ALO conducted a public hearing to receive public input on the State Plan. Lor PY 2016 the hearing was conducted at 1 0:00 a.m. at. the Arkansas Economic Development Commission Building, Bessie Moore Room (2nd Floor), 900 West Capitol Avenue, Little Rock, Arkansas.

Notice of the meeting was published in the statewide daily publication the Arkansas Democrat-Gazelle April 12 April 14, 2016. The plan was also posted on the Arkansas Energy Office website at www.arkansasenergy.org/weatherization-assistance-program click on "WAP Forms & Documents" then "2016 State Plan") on April 6, 2016.

An official transcript of the public hearing was recorded and the transcript will be made available on May 9, 2016. All comments received during the 30 day period from April 6, 2016 (date of meeting notice on Arkansas Energy Office website May 5, 2016) will be considered.

All comments will be answered and posted on the ALO website.

This time line was sent by email to executive directors and weatheri/.ation directors of the Arkansas Weatheri/ation network on April 6, 2016 to ensure their awareness and invite their participation.

Miscellaneous -

Recipient Business Officer:

Mitchell Simpson



Recipient Principal Investigator:

Kay Joiner



Other Funding Sources

Low Income Home Lnergy Assistance Program (L1IILAP) funds have been directed toward the weatherization program since 1982. The amount of LIIILAP funds available for weathcrization during the 2015 program year is S3,747,929.00; which represents fifteen percent (15%) of the state's LIIILAP allocation. LIHLAP funds are received October 1 of each year and must be expended by September 30 of the following year. LIIILAP funds for Program Year 2016 will become available to the WAP October 1, 2016. LIHLAP funds are used in accordance with all applicable U.S. DOL and Arkansas State Plan rules and regulations except as follows:

Other Funding Sources: Capital Intensive

LIHLAP funds are allocated for Capital Intensive measures. These measures include:

* Primary use is to replace an unventcd space heater with a vented one if it is the primary source of heat.

* Removal of secondary space heaters that are not ANSI Z21.11.2 compliant.

* Replacement of secondary heaters with models meeting ANSI ZS21.11.2.

* Cleaning, tuning and/or evaluating an existing heating system.

* If after a clean and tune up of a furnace, it is found not to be repairable, a request can be made to ALO to replace the furnace. On any amount over S2.500 a waiver must be approved with justification provided for the request. The justification should include pictures, testing results and analysis by a licensed IIVAC contractor. If readings and/or pictures were not taken, an explanation is required. The form: Hvaluating IIVAC Systems (WAP 50) must be completed or an IIVAC contractor equivalent used.

* The cost of testing, pictures and evaluation of the system by an IIVAC contractor can be paid for with capital intensive funds.

Subgrantees Involved in the Leveraging and Collaboration Process Leveraging Activities

(1) ALO has signed an Inter-Local Agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Program to work on blended homes that qualify for both programs. Subgrantees are asked to utilize USDA Rural Development 504 loan and 504 grant funds on health and safety measures. This agreement allows WAP dollars to be better utilized on energy conservations measures.

Collaborative Efforts:

(2) The stale has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development. This MOU will allow the state to reduee the number of deferrals and assist the Secretary of Agriculture's Poverty Initiative as well as to advance the cause of healthy and sustainable, affordable housing in rural communities by enabling both parties to serve more families in more ways in rural areas.
(3) The state is also collaborating with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and USDA on multi-family weatherization. The state will set aside funding to address multi-family developments in the state's four (4) Congressional Districts.
(4) Healthy Homes is a comprehensive approach to combat disease and injury in the home driven by scientific evidence that links substandard housing and poor health. Healthy Homes interventions take a holistic approach to coordinated mitigation of housing-related hazards, rather than addressing a single hazard at a time. This method allows Healthy Homes practitioners to address a wide array of health and safety issues, including lead poisoning, asthma (exacerbated by moisture, mold, and pests), exposure to radon and other toxic chemicals, and injury caused by old or dilapidated housing among myriad others. ] lealthy Homes funding is provided by several federal agencies including the U.S. Department of f lousing and Urban Development (HUD), the ("enters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the U.S. 1 environmental Protection Agency (UPA).

Weatherization Plus Health: A National Effort for Local Healthy Homes Collaboration

The U.S. Department of 1 energy (DOIe) Weatherization Plus Health initiative is a national effort to enable the comprehensive, strategic coordination of resources for energy, health, and safety in low-income homes. The National Association of State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) is implementing the project on behalf of DO! e. Weatherization Plus Health will ensure energy efficient and healthy indoor environments by facilitating the establishment of strong, effective partnerships between grantees of the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) and providers of healthy homes services. Arkansas will work with the Policy Advisory Council (PAC) to establish a Healthy Homes Initiative.


Arkansas response to DOE Weatherization Program Requirements:

Every dwelling wcathcriz.cd will meet both client eligibility and building eligibility requirements, as follows:

Determining Client Eligibility

In accordance with 10 CI R 440.16(a), AKO understands that no dwelling unit may be wcatherized without documentation that the unit is an eligible dwelling unit as provided in 440.22.

Income Verification

* A dwelling unit shall be eligible for wcathcrization assistance under this pari if it is occupied by a family unit;

(1) whose income is at or below 200 percent of the poverty level determined in accordance with criteria established by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, or
(2) which contains a member who has received cash assistance payments have been paid at any time during the preceding twelve months under Titles IV and XVI of the Social Security Act, or
(3) that is eligible for assistance based on energy assistance payments that have been paid under the Low Income Home Kncrgy Assistance Program (KIIIKAP) at any time during the preceding twelve months.

* AEO will follow DOE's Poverty Income Guidelines and Definition of Income found in WPX 16-3. AKO and its subgrantecs will use the revised definition of income to determine how to define income, cash receipts, exclusions, proving eligibility, child support, annualizing income, and re-ccrtification.

* AEO acknowledges that all supporting documentation for applicants who arc on a waiting list must contain eligibility verification that has been updated once a year following dale of verification at time of application.

Procedures to Determine That Units Weatherized Have Eligibility Documentation (Household Eligibility)

All dwelling units certified as eligible for services shall be occupied by an income-eligible household with income at or below 200 percent of the poverty level, or

* which contains a member who receives cash assistance payments under Title IV or XVI of the Social Security Act or has received such payments during the twelve (12) month period preceding the determination of eligibility for wcathcrization assistance," or

* which contains a member which has received energy assistance payments under the I ,ow Income Home Knergy Assistance Program during the twelve (12) month period preceding the determination of eligibility for wcathcrization assistance, provided household income docs not exceed 200% of poverty level.

Non-traditional dwelling units such as apartments over businesses, require AKO approval prior to wcathcrization. AKO will ensure that program regulations for eligibility are met prior to granting approval.

Requirements to establish eligibility of non-stationary campers and trailers arc:

* Residential electric services established.

* Mail service established using street address.

* Other proof that permanent residence has been established lor 12 months or more.

Such documentation will include: all sources of income, such as payroll stubs, social security administration award letter, income tax forms. Subgrantees are required to keep documentation in each client file for review during Program Compliance and Onsitc Program monitoring visits by stale WAP staff.

Qualified Aliens Receiving Weatherization Benefits:

U.S. DOE directs grantees to guidance provided by Health and 1 luman Services (J 11 IS) under

LIHEAP. This guidance can be found by going to: http://aspe.hhs.gov/hps/immigration/restrictions-suni.shtml. Subgrantees must verify qualified alien status of Weatherization Program applicants. The verification documentation is required as part of the Subgrantec Client files.

Determining Building Eligibility

Reweatherizalion Compliance

The following is Arkansas' plan to ensure that houses are not rc-weatherized if weatherization occurred after 9/30/1994:

1) Develop access to the database for non-CAP agencies, if possible.
2) Require that agencies search by address as well as client name.
3) Understanding that data prior to circa 2004 is not available in the database:

* Survey agencies for the existence of paper records of houses weatherized.

* Require, if newly assigned to serve counties since 2013, to contact the agency which previously served that county for information on a house prior to approving application.

* Prior to doing the energy audit, require visual inspection at the house for new windows and doors, new IIVAC, extensive interior caulking, presence of insulation (check date on attic insulation tag).

4) The least reliable avenue is asking the applicant; this question is asked at the top of the weatherization application and will continue to be explored with the client.

This process will be completed prior to the Grants Guidance Workshop (March 23 24) where review of the process to prevent unallowable re-wcatherization will be addressed with the network.

Homes weatherized on or before September 30, 1994 are eligible to be rcweatherized. No more than ten percent (10%) of a subgrantcc's DOE completed units may be rcweatherized without prior approval from AKO. The priority wait list will be followed in addressing rcweatherized units.

Eligible Structures

Eligiblc housing types include owner and renter-occupied single-family homes, manufactured (mobile) homes, and mullifamily buildings. Multi-family is defined as small multi-family complexes. Single-family homes include duplexes, triplexes, and quadplexes.

State Historic Preservation Compliance (SHPO)

Arkansas Historic Preservation Program and ALO have not developed a Programmatic Agreement. Therefore, prior to the expenditure of federal funds to alter any structure or site, ALO Subgrantees will comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NIIPA). Section 106 applies to historic properties or sites that are listed on or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. In order to fulfill the requirements of Section 106. the Subgrantec must contact the Historic Preservation Office to coordinate the Section 106 review as set forth in 36 Cf R Part 800 and consistent with DOL's 2009 Letter of Delegation of Authority.

Subgrantees arc required to obtain/verify the year a home was built (typically records are located with the county assessor's office). Prior to wcatheri/ing a home that is 50 years old or older, the subgrantec must follow this protocol:

* Take a picture of the front and rear of the home;

* Draft a letter that:

* states the address of the home,

* includes an energy audit printout, work order, and the pictures as enclosures, and

* requests approval to complete weatherization measures.

* Letters should be mailed to: Robert W. Scoggin, Section 104 Program Manager, Arkansas Historic Preservation Program, Tower Building, 323 Center Street, Suite 1500, Little Rock, AR 72201.

The SHPO will notify the subgrantec within thirty (30) days whether or not permission is granted to proceed with weatherization.

Rental Units

Arkansas's rental plan as follows, protects renters rights as specified in 10 CLR 440.22 (b)(3) and (c) (e).

* The subgrantec obtains written permission from the owner or agent of the rental unit. Such written permission shall be permanently maintained in the file of the client whose unit is weatherized.

* The benefits of weatherization assistance will accrue primarily to low-income tenants.

* No undue or excessive enhancement shall occur to the value of the dwelling units. An energy audit of a rental unit will be reviewed to determine if work authorized by the audit software is more costly than the average cost per unit (ACPU) for the agency providing the weatherization services. If the cost of work on the rental unit exceeds the agency's ACPU, agency will negotiate with the property owner to pay all or part of the cost exceeding the ACPU prior to any work being done on the unit. If the owner's household income is 200% of poverty level or less, then the rental unit may be weatherized without owner/landlord contribution.

* Not less than 66 percent (50 percent for duplexes and four-unit buildings) of the dwelling units in the building arc eligible dwelling units or will become eligible dwelling units within 180 days under a Federal, Stale, or local program for rehabilitating the building or making similar improvements to the building.

* The subgrantcc must obtain and place in the client file a signed agreement from the landlord (or authorized agent of the landlord) that states that for a minimum of twelve (12) months after wcathcrization work has been completed on a dwelling, the tenants in that dwelling will not be subjected to rent increases because of the increased value of dwelling units due solely to wcathcrization assistance provided.

* Subgrantces will provide copies of the signed Landlord Agreements to the tenants to ensure their understanding and provide an avenue for tenant complaints.

* Other Considerations:

* In the event of a dispute between the tenant and property owner regarding the issues listed above, the subgrantcc will attempt to resolve the dispute; if that fails, the tenant will be referred to legal aid by the subgrantcc.

* Units being weathcrized must be occupied by a qualified household; the only exception to this requirement is that an applicant household may temporarily move out while work is being performed on the house, if the temporary nature of the move is documented and re-occupation of the house is expected one work is completed.

* The Arkansas Wcathcrization Assistance Program does not seek property owner agreements for placement of liens nor does it use other contractual restrictions.

Arkansas requires financial participation from owners when feasible.

Deferral Process

There arc conditions and situations under which a subgrantcc must not or may choose not to wcathcrizc an otherwise eligible dwelling unit. Information for making this determination may become evident during either the eligibility process or during the initial inspection process. The Arkansas WAP Deferral policy is part of the J lealth & Safety plan found in the Arkansas Subgrantcc Operations Manual, Chapter 7 Technical Standards and Best Practices, VI. Health & Safety.

Definition of Children

Children arc defined as those individuals under the age of 19.

Approach to Tribal Organizations

Low-income members of Indian tribes will receive benefits equivalent to the assistance provided to other low-income persons within Arkansas. Arkansas has no identified Indian 'Tribes.

Selection of Areas to be Served

In 2013, Arkansas issued Requests for Qualifications (Rl'Q) and changed the traditional service areas from those served by Community Action Agencies (15) to larger areas served by seven (7) agencies. Serving larger areas of the slate has provided challenges for the Arkansas network.

AEO reserves the right to:

* Change any service delivery areas should production of homes or service to eligible clients not meet standards of quality work.

* Reassign on a temporary basis, responsibility for the Weatherixation Program in a service area or part of a service area in order to ensure quality of service.

* Issue a Request for Qualifications (RfQ) at any time for part or all of the Wealheri/ation Program and its service areas.

At the beginning of PY 2016, four (4) counties: Lcc, Monroe. Phillips and Prairie will be re-assigned for one (1) year from PBJCKOC to BCD. This action has been approved by ])()]* in order to provide a more manageable area for PBJCKOC. These four counties will be subject to an R1Q for PY 2017 where any interested party may apply to provide Wcatherization services.

Priorities For Service Delivery

Subgrantees arc allowed to maintain a priority list for each county in their service area. The AKO has elected to use the same Client waiting list for DOE and KI1IKAP programs. In the event of the death of the head of household, the household will maintain its eligibility and status on the waiting list.

The Subgrantcc's waiting list must be maintained by assigning priority points for DOE categories of priority for service. Priority Points are awarded to eligible households based on:

1. At least one member of the household is elderly (age 60 or older). (1 point)
2. At least one member of the household is disabled (a disabled person must be a recipient of Rehabilitation Services, receive Social Security disability, Veterans disability or services under the Developmental Disabilities Act). Disability from a private employer must be in addition to or as a settlement with Federal or state disability. (1 point)
3. At least one member of the household is a child (under the age of 19). (1 point)
4. The household experiences a high energy burden. (1 point)

A household spending 14% or more of their income on heating and cooling is defined as having a high energy burden. To calculate the household's energy burden:

a. Add the client's heating and cooling utility bills (gas, electric, fuel oil) for the past 12 months;
b. Use client's annualized income documentation (obtained during the client intake process):
c. Divide the sum of utility bills by the annualized income and multiply by 100 to determine the percent burden.
5. The household is a high energy user. (1 point)

A household whose electricity bill is 100 or more per square fool is defined as a high energy user. To calculate, take the highest summer electric bill. Divide by conditioned square footage of the house. If result is 100 or more, household is a high energy user. Knlcrgy Solutions brochure "You have the power to lower your Kntcrgy bill."

AEO has approved the use of separate priority lists by county to give subgrantces flexibility when scheduling work crews and assigning contractors. This policy minimizes travel distances and maximizes available work hours and worker efficiency. I lowcvcr, a subgrantcc serving two or more counties may not work exclusively in one county for more than one month. The Subgrantee's goal should be to serve each county in proportion to the number of units planned for that county and to prioritize counties based on the number of priority points assigned to top applicants on each county list. The selection of a county in which to provide weatherization work exclusively for a coming month should be based on where the applicant with the highest number of points among all counties resides.

A copy of each county priority list must be printed monthly and kept on file. Kach county list should contain notes, e.g., attempts to contact clients and other information pertinent to selection of clients.

Clients with equal number of priority points or no priority points must be selected on the basis of application dates with clients waiting the longest on the list being selected first.

It is permissible to pull a client from the priority list out of order to engage with a leveraging opportunity, if the following guidelines are followed:

* Client is part of a group with an equal number of points at or near the top of the list and

* Leveraging opportunity is rare and

* Subgrantcc can defend the selection of client for leveraging over other clients on list.

Climatic Conditions

Total heating degrcc-days (dd) in Arkansas range from a high of 5,708 in the northwestern corner of the State to a low of 4,555 in southeastern Arkansas. The average heating degree-days are thirty (30) year averages that have been supplied by the National Oeeanic and Atmospherie Administration. In counties without reporting stations and some without complete data for thirty (30) years, data from nearby stations was utilized.



Black River Area Development Council


Central Arkansas Development Council


Community Action Program for Central Arkansas


Crowley's Ridge Development Council


Crawford-Sebastian Community Development Council

5,33 1

Pine Bluff-Jefferson County Fconomic Opportunities Commission




Types of Weatherization Work to be Implemented

Technical Guides and Materials

Arkansas uses the following:

(1) The Standard Work Specifications field Guide for Single-Family Homes (issued 2014).
(2) Arkansas Wcatheri/ation Assistance Program field Guide (mobile homes only), and
(3) Subgrantcc Operations Manual (under revision).

The Standard Work Specifications field Guide for Single-family Homes will be mailed to subgrantces with certified return receipt requested in April 2016. DOf approval to use this guidance document must be obtained first.

Electronic Link http://arkansasenergy.org/

Click on "Incentives & Programs" on the left side of screen, then

Click on "Weathcrization Assistance Program (WAP)" and scroll down to

Select "WAP forms & Documents"

Access all WAP documents available on the Arkansas Knergy website.

Documentation of Distribution

Standard Work Specifications field Guide for Single-family Homes: mailed with certified return receipt to all subgrantces by July 2015.

Arkansas Subgrantcc Operations Manual 2014

All documents will be maintained on the website.

Documenting the Process for Distribution

AEO sent each subgrantcc one copy of the Standard Work Specifications Field Guide for Single-Family Homes via certified mail. Fach subgrantcc signed for delivery. The US Postal Service sent us copies of the signature cards which is our written verification that the subgrantces have received a copy. As a reminder, the Standard Work Specifications Field Guide for Single-Family Homes is available on the AFX) website referenced above.

Likewise, subgrantces have their direct hires sign-off that they have received a copy of the Standard Work Specifications Field Guide for Single-Family Homes at the time of their contract signing. AFX) receives a copy of the sign-offs from the Subgrantces for each of its direct hires.

AEO's Statements of Assurances

AFX) ensures that all subgrantcc agreements and subgrantcc direct hire contractor's contracts will contain language which clearly specifies that all work performed will be of a quality outlined in WPN 15-4, Section 2.

The language will clearly require and document the following:

(1) that subgrantces understand that work quality standards must align with the SWS,
(2) that each subgrantcc's direct hire is aware of these standards, and
(3) that they all must sign off that they have received a copy of the Standard Work Specifications Field Guide for Single-Family Homes.

AEO ensures that all work will be performed in accordance with our DOF-approved Fncrgy Audit procedures and all materials will be approved materials specified in 10 CFR 440 . Appendix A.

* Language in Subgrantcc Agreement

Subgrantcc agreements incorporate language which states the expectations for work quality and how the subgrantcc's direct hire contracts must specify the same,

* Describe Mechanism Used

The mechanism AFX) will utilize to verify that subgrantces understand and agree to expectations of work to be performed will be via the subgrantcc's signature on the contract documents.

Energy Audit Procedures

Arkansas is committed to resubmitting energy audit procedures to DOF for approval every five (5) years, with the understanding that sufficient lead time is required for the approval process.

Single Family Energy Audit

Encrgy Conservation Online Software (FCOS) is utilized to audit single family homes. Site specific audits must be run on all single family homes weathcrized with Arkansas Wcathcrization Assistance Program funds. DOF approval of FCOS was granted December 22, 2014.

Manufactured Housing Energy Audit

Energy Conservation Online Software (ECOS) is utilized to audit manufactured housing. Site specific audits must be run on all mobile homes wealherized with Arkansas Wcathcrization Assistance Program funds. DOE approval of ECOS was granted December 22, 2014.

Multi-family Energy Audit

Arkansas received approval to use the National Energy Audit Tool (NEAT) for single family and manufactured housing. This approval expired on October 4, 2015. Since Arkansas weatherized only small multi-family housing and this building type constituted less than twenty percent (20%) of total wcathcrization in the state, Arkansas did not seek approval to use NEAT for multi-family wcathcrization. Under Arkansas" current agreement with DOE, the project officer must approve audit of each multi-family project prior to wcathcrization. Arkansas will submit necessary materials from the audit to DOE on a case-by-casc basis.

AEO has signed MOUs with both the local-level HUD Office and the ESDA Rural Development Office to develop partnerships with a goal of weathcrizing multi-family complexes throughout the state of Arkansas. The AEO will utilize IIED\s pre-approved list for multi-family complexes and ESDA Rural Development is offering funds for a blended service approach. Arkansas will give top priority to properties on the HE'D pre-approved list and will screen any potential multi-family project for energy savings potential prior to conducting a full audit.

Final Inspection

Inspection and Monitoring of Work Using Guidelines and Standards

DOE requires that Quality Control Inspectors possess the knowledge, skills and abilities outlined in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Job Task Analysis for Quality Control Inspectors. This requirement applies to all individuals who perform a final inspection on and sign off on work performed in homes including final inspectors and state monitoring staff.

For PY 2016 Arkansas will continue to ensure that Quality Control Inspector (QCI) competency is demonstrated by mandating certification as a Home Energy Professional (HEP) QCI. The state requires that each subgrantee employ or contract with a HEP QCI. Subgrantccs must submit to AEO the credentials of all staff employed as a QCI and of any third parly organizations engaged to conduct quality control inspections. AFX) will employ a certified QCI on staff or issue a Request for Qualifications to secure services of a third party certified QCI.

AEO's Final Inspection & Assurance Statement

Beginning in Program Year 2015, AFX) has required that every DOE WAP unit reported as a "completed unit" undergo a final inspection by a certified QCI ensuring that all work meets the minimum specifications outlined in the Standard Work Specifications developed by DEO/NREL.

* Every client file will have a form that certifies that the unit had a final inspection and that all work met the required standards. 'The certification will be signed by a certified QCI. Signatures will be accepted to demonstrate compliance. If a unit, inspected by the subgrantee QCI, is also inspected by the state, two certification forms will be available in the client file - one for each inspection.

* The Quality Control Inspection includes an assessment of the original audit to confirm that the measures called for on the work order are appropriate and compliant with the state audit procedures and protocols approved by DOT and that there arc no "missed measures" which should have been considered.

The Usc of Quality Control Inspectors

Arkansas Subgrantees have one (1) or two (2) certified QCls on staff as of July 1, 201 5. AHO has monitored at least ten percent (10%) of all units reported as complete in PY 2015. This practice will continue in PY 2016 until AIT) can verify that each agency has a completely independent QC1 process from its energy auditing function.

Policy & Procedures for Inadequate Inspection Practices

* Agency QC1 accompanies state/third party QC1 to learn first hand of any deficiencies in the agency inspection and audit.

* State/third parly QCJ provides feedback during the inspection.

* QCI addresses incomplete and poor workmanship as well as missed opportunities on site and in reports. Needed Tier 2 training delivered in the field as soon as possible.

* QCI identifies call backs and missed opportunities and request corrective actions at agency's expense.

Improvements are expected or AIT) will meet with agency administration to review expectation and discuss corrective action plans.

Quality Assurance Inspection form: WAP 08

Weathcrization Analysis of Effectiveness

The State of Arkansas is concerned that all entities that participate in the program be qualified and has sufficient ability to effectively deliver a quality product to the citizens of Arkansas. The following evaluation system has been developed to analyze current subgrantce performance and to assess viability for continued participation in the wcatherization program.

* On-site Inspections of Weatherized Units: A QCI will inspect a minimum often percent (10%) of completed units for each subgrantce. (Sec previous Pinal Inspection section).

* Monitoring: At the beginning of PY 2016, ATO will conduct a risk assessment of each agency. Monitoring will be scheduled, with agencies at increased risk monitored more frequently. Higher risk monitoring scheduled will be monthly or quarterly. Tower risk scheduled will be semi-annual or annual. Visits will focus on fiscal and administrative compliance with all applicable federal and state WAP rules and regulations, findings will be tracked with corrective action responses. Any patterns will be noted and addressed.

* CPA Audits: Hach subgrantce must submit a financial audit within three (3) months of the end of their fiscal year. Audits will be reviewed.

* Productivity: Charting of actual production compared to each subgrantee's wcathcrization plan will be reviewed monthly.

* Analyses using ECOS: With the implementation of l.COS in PY 201 5, AfX) has expanded capability to track subgrantee progress. Due to the learning curve for implementation, evaluative capabilities have not yet been explored. In PY 2016, these capabilities will be explored:

* Information dashboard: findings by subgrantee, measure, contractor reworks and disallowances: training needs including Tier 1 and tier 2 based on findings, results and priorities.

* ECOS allows for the development of comparison charts to show productivity levels, spending and energy savings between subgrantccs.

* AEO implemented self-assessment of employees based on KSAs required by the WAP position in which they are employed. Wcathcri/ation directors use these self-assessments to build their training plan.

* Competitive procurement of labor and materials for PY 2016 is required prior to July 1, 2016. AfX) oversight of this process will be especially focused on agencies cited for poor workmanship.

Health and Safety Plans

Please sec 2014 Arkansas Operations .Manual, Chapter 7, Technical Standards and Best Practices for Arkansas's WAP 1 Icalth and Safety plan. 1 listorieally, Arkansas has limited 1 Iealth and Safety investment to fifteen percent (15%) of the average cost per unit (ACPU). However, implementation of ASIIRAK 62.2 is increasing 1 Iealth and Safety expenditures.

Program Management

Overview and Organization

Since 2013, the wcathcrization program has been administered by the Arkansas Ixonomic Development Commission Arkansas Kncrgy Office (AfX)), an independent state agency. The organizational chart shows WAP as a unit under the Director of AfX). Connection to the State Kncrgy Program allows for the exchange of ideas beneficial to WAP.

Administrative Expenditure Limits

In PY 2015, AfX) granted small increases in administration funds to subgrantccs receiving less than $350,000; these increases were provided with PY 2014 carry over funds, for PY 2016, AfX) is assessing the needs of smaller subgrantccs by looking at approved federal indirect cost rates, if any, and specific personnel needs. However, AfX) docs not anticipate granting ten percent (10%) in administration funds to the network but rather smaller increases where needed.

Monitoring Activities

To ensure quality workmanship throughout the State, the APX) implements a comprehensive project and program compliance monitoring strategy. The WAP Network of subgrantees provides access to weatherization services in each of the state's seventy-five (75) counties based on the relative need of the low-income population residing in each county of their service area.

Monitoring consists of onsitc visits to subgrantees to review program administration and compliance functions as well as field visits to inspect weathcrized homes. The state performs annual Program Compliance Monitoring, including a review of fiscal and administrative systems to assure compliance with all applicable rules and regulations. Program Monitors Quality Control Inspectors conduct monitoring and technical assistance centered on monthly site visits to work sites and completed weathcrized homes during several phases of project implementation.

AEO's Final Inspection & Assurance Statement

Beginning in Program Year 2016, the Arkansas Pncrgy Office will require that every 1)01', WAP unit reported as a "completed unit" undergoes a final inspection by a certified QCI ensuring that all work meets the minimum specifications outlined in the SWS in accordance with 10 OR 440.

Click here to view image

Inspection of Weatherized Homes

Program monitoring consists of the inspection of recently weatherized houses. Some subgranlecs will be monitored each quarter, while others are monitored more (or less) frequently depending on production and identified needs to address quality and/or health and safety concerns. The goal will be to inspect ten percent (10%) of weatherized homes for each subgrantcc: however, AHO will monitor additional units in progress to ensure work quality: therefore, if deficiencies are noted, the percentage could increase.

Quality Control Monitoring

AEO Program Monitors and Quality Control Inspectors will accompany subgrantcc crews and contractors as they conduct final quality control inspections. This provides the opportunity for the AEO to provide technical assistance with weatherization techniques such as CAZ (combustion appliance zone) and air scaling.

Vile Review Monitoring

AEO Program Monitors complete an onsite file review for every weatherized home that is inspected.

Lead Safe Weatherization Site Visits

AEO Program Monitors will make periodic unannounced site visits to homes that arc being weatherized to observe that the required lead-safe work practices are being used by crews and contractors. This is an opportunity to clarify and demonstrate best practices related to lead-safe weatherization.

Program Compliance Monitoring

The AEO believes monitoring is an extremely important aspect of weatherization program management. A successful monitoring program improves subgrantcc operations, identifies problems early enough for corrective action, and promotes quality work. The AEO considers monitoring to be an assessment of subgrantcc performance in fulfilling program objectives.

A Program Compliance Monitoring will be conducted annually with each subgrantcc. Program compliance monitoring consists of a review of financial and administrative policies and practices.

The financial review will include a(n):

1. Comparison of the contract files against contract procedures
2. Sampling of journal entries
3. Inventory reconciliation
4. Review of cost categories
5. Assessment of administrative expenses

The program administration review will include a(n):

1. Assessment of how the outreach support level affects the client application process
2. Review of client files for compliance with all federal and state Weatherization Assistance Program rules and regulations regarding mandated documentation of: household income, client certification of eligibility, owner/landlord permission for weatherization, rent declaration, fuel release statement, inspection statement, a complete Building Check & Job Order form, site-specific audit, complete material cost information, funding source designation, final quality control inspection and client release
3. Review of client certification and prioritization system
4. Review of inspection/quality control systems
5. Review of subcontracting system
6. Review of goals for serving elderly, disabled. Native Americans, and renters
7. Review of procurement systems

A minimum often percent (10%) of the client files of all DOE units completed in the twelve (12) months prior to the program compliance monitoring visit will be examined. The AEO staff will review subgrantec management systems to ensure compliance with rules, regulations, and mandated file documentation. Material records shall be examined and inventory will be inspected to verify adherence to federal specifications. The financial review will encompass the examination of all completed programs not previously reviewed.

AEO will issue a report to the Agency Executive Director and the Wcatherization Program Director detailing the monitoring findings if any, along with recommendations for subgrantec improvement. The subgrantec is required to respond within fifteen (1 5) working days with a corrective action plan that includes steps to be taken to address findings identified during the onsitc monitoring. AfX) Program Monitors and Budget Specialist will follow-up during onsitc visits to ensure that the corrective actions arc implemented as directed.

Resolution Strategies

Monitoring reports list recommendations and or required actions when deficiencies, issues, and/or concerns arc found. Kacb recommendation and required action is based on policies, procedures and/or regulations which are quoted in the left column of the monitoring letter.

Please see Subgrantec Operations Manual (pages 91-101) for how agencies receive ratings based on performance. The Subgrantecs Operations Manual also outlines the steps to be taken for disciplinary action and/or removal of a subgrantec on page 104.

Training and Technical Assistance

Continuing in PY 2016, the state Training Plan will require comprehensive training for all WAP workers. Training is aligned with the National Renewable Kncrgy Tab (NREL) Job Task Analysis (JTA) for the position in which the worker is employed.

The Training Plan will address two distinct categories: Tier 1 and Tier 2 Training. The plan reflects feedback from the DOE field visits, Arkansas monitoring visits, and contractor analysis.

Tier 1 Training: Comprehensive, occupation-specific training which follows a curriculum aligned with the JTA for the occupation. The Tier 1 training will be administered by the Interstate Renewable Knergy Council (IRKC) training provider for the JTA being taught. All Wcatherization staff will receive Tier 1 training.


Tier 1

* Site Built (Retrofit Installer) Feb. 2016

* Wcathcrizalion 1 lealth & Safety

* Mobile Home

* Air-sealing & Insulating the Attic/Crawl Space

Tier 2(Focus areas identified via DOH and Stale monitoring visits)

* Codes and Standards

* Air-sealing & Insulating the Attic/Crawl Space

Crew Leaders

Tier 1

* Reviewing the Workplan

* Strategies for Corrective Actions

* Client Relations & Communication Skills

* Advanced CAZ Testing

* Blower Door Resting

Tier 2

* Lead & Proper Containment

* Photographic Documentation (lead and attic/crawl space air-scaling)

* Test Out


Tier 1

* Modeling the Building

* Testing the Building (CAZ, IR, Zonal, etc.)

* HA Training

* ECOS Data Collection (Input Forms) & Avoiding Missed Opportunities

* Evaluating Data Collection

* ECOS EA Training

* ASHRAE 62.2 2016

* Identifying the IIVAC pre-conditions

* Manual J, S, & D

* Identifying II & S needs

* Fan Flow Metering

* Mobile Home Insulation

* SWS & Local Codes

* QCI Training

* Duct Scaling

* Developing a Good Workplan (using the floorplan)

Tier 2

* ASHRAE 62.2 2016

* Zonal Pressure Diagnostics and Air Sealing

* 1R Camera and Insulation assessment techniques

* OSHA 10 and EPA lead certification

* Duct Scaling

* QCI Training

* Beware of the Bypass

Quality Control Inspector

Tier 1

* Crew Leader

* Mobile Home Insulation

* Air-sealing and Insulating the Crawl Space

* Conducting Quality Checks

* Identifying Pass/Pair Installations

* Duct Scaling

* Air-sealing & Insulating the Crawl Space


* Radon

* Auditor

* Advanced CAZ

* Quality Control Inspector

* ASIIRAK 62.2 2016

Tier 2

* ASIIRAK 62.2 2016

* Zonal Pressure Diagnostics and Air Scaling

* 1R camera and Insulation assessment techniques

* Air-sealing and Insulating the Crawl Space

* Conducting Quality Checks

* Identifying Pass/1''ail Installations

* Duct Scaling

* Air-scaling & Insulating the Crawl Space

Quality Control Inspectors completed the required continuing education units to maintain BPI certification during Arkansas Wcatheri/ation Training Conference October, 2015, and Grants Guidance, March, 2016.

Wcatheri/ation Directors or Financial Managers

Although there arc no Tier 1 or Tier 2 requirements as stated in WPN 15-4 for Weathcrization Directors or financial Managers, Arkansas developed training for these positions. Arkansas identified specific duties for each position and corresponding KSAs.

Wcathcrization Directors

* Procurement & 2 CFR 200

* Evaluating Contractor Performance

* Reporting/File Maintenance

* Quality Work Plan

* Client Education Strategy

* Coding Tasks for Billing

* Rules, Regulations & WPNs

* Specialized Contractor (IIVAC): Repair or Replace

Tier 2

* WAP Administrative Training

* OMB Circular training

* Field Inspections

* Accompanying the Auditor

* Quality Checks with the QC1

Financial Managers

* 2 CFR 200 Training

* JAI Hilling

* ECOS Budget Amendments

* Minimizing Budgetary Errors

The actual training offerings for PY 2016 will be discussed with Wcathcrization Directors and PTC WTC staff and scheduled at the beginning ofPY 2016. The agencies will prc-registcr their staff at the time the training schedule is developed. At the present time, there arc no certifications required prior to subgrantccs hiring staff. Agencies are encouraged to hire the best trained personnel available and to grant a salary increase upon successful completion of a required certification. Arkansas is preparing to focus on developing certified energy auditors for each subgrantcc.

Subgrantee Monitoring

Two Program Monitors and a Budget Specialist arc responsible for monitoring and evaluating the operation of the WAP program at the subgrantee level as outlined in the State Plan.

Technical Assistance

Each wcathcrization subgrantcc is assigned a WAP Program Monitor who accompanies the state's certified QC1. The certified QC1 completes the inspection and technical assistance activities which arc a part of the Program Monitoring and Compliance Strategy. Technical assistance provided may include but is not limited to: staff training, policy interpretation, state plan clarification, working with subgrantccs to address deficiencies in the energy audit and workmanship, and training subgrantccs on wcathcrization techniques.

AEO Staff Training

Training is essential for staff development and is provided on an ongoing basis to upgrade the quality of service delivered by the WAP Program Monitors. One monitor is working to complete the QCI training and become a Certified Home Energy Professional QCI. Monitors are also expected to research and attend training opportunities offered through the Arkansas WAP Training Center, which will enable them to gain additional knowledge and skills in wcathcrization technology, IIVAC technology, and diagnostic equipment. AKO staff attend the semi-annual conferences provided by NASCSP which includes DOE staff

Lead Safe Weatherization Training

Subgrantee staff and contractors are required to have and to update Lead Safe Certification. This training is readily available in the community.

State Technical Working Group

The Wcathcrization Director or designee from each subgrantee will attend meetings with the AKO WAP staff to discuss technical issues, specific problems, innovative solutions, and program direction. The Wcathcrization Training ("enter. WAP Directors and Technical Program Monitor will make up the State Technical Working Croup which will continue to meet at least quarterly. Current projects arc 1) updating the task codes in KCOS preparatory to subgrantee procurement for PY 2016 and 2) reviewing the SWS to identify Arkansas variances which will be submitted to DOE for approval.

Arkansas's WAP Training Center

The accredited training component of the DOE Guidelines for Home Knergy Professionals project guarantees the existence and availability of high quality standardized training programs within the home energy upgrade industry. To ensure that Arkansas is in compliance with these guidelines, the state has contracted with the Center for Applied Building Science at Pulaski Technical College to provide certified Tier 1 classes and Tier 2 training in the field and classroom that has been identified as needed through DOE and state monitoring.

The Center for Applied Building Science at Pulaski Technical College is accredited by the Interstate Renewable Knergy Council (IREC). The accredited training program ensures that individuals receive the proper training to become certified Home Energy Professionals and to do the quality work that is defined in the standard work specifications. The Center for Applied Building Science at Pulaski Technical College has provided wcathcrization training classes including: Installer fundamentals, Installer Intermediate. Crew Chief, Knergy Auditor, Mobile Home Wcathcrization. Home Knergy Auditing, CAZ, Lead-safe Wcathcrization, and Renovate Right Protocol (RRP).

Ongoing training and direct technical assistance will be provided on subjects such as Combustion Appliance Zone (CAZ) testing, air sealing techniques, implementation of ASIIRAK 62.2, identification of health and safety conditions such as mold and moisture, and the OSI1A 10 and 30 hour training courses. These trainings will be provided at least once to each subgrantee in the PY 2016.

First priority to attend the trainings is reserved for the Arkansas WAP subgrantee staff and contractors, braining is delivered through a site-based center in North Kittle Rock, Arkansas and a mobile training lab. The schedule through June 30, 2017 is not finalized but will include testing for the Home Knergy Professional Quality Control Inspector and Knergy Auditor.

Subgrantee 'Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA)

Kach subgrantee will receive an allocation of T&TA funds to provide training for their wcathcrization staff and/or contractors or to pay for travel to training and any registration fees incurred. Arkansas uses a retention agreement that contractors must sign if Subgrantces pay for them to attend WAP training.

Consumer Education and Outreach

The educational component has been designed to enhance program participants' understanding of home energy efficiency improvements, to increase energy savings, and to contribute to the ongoing effectiveness of installed wcatherization measures. Educational materials have been prepared and distributed by AEO (e.g., a calendar with tips to save energy, various publications) and training has been provided to our subgrantces. AEO will continue to require WAP subgrantces to provide client education to each WAP client. Subgrantces will be required to provide, at a minimum, education verbally to the client along with any leave-behind materials the Subgrantee finds helpful to their clients.

Energy Crisis and Disaster Plan

Arkansas will not use any grant funds for energy crisis relief during the 2016 Program Year.

168.00.16 Ark. Code R. 003
