002.00.17 Ark. Code R. 008

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 002.00.17-008 - 2017-2018 Fishing Regulations (Code Book Language for Baitfish Regulation Changes and 2018 Fisheries Proposed Regulation Changes Codebook Language)

It is unlawful to hog or noodle fish.


(1) Buffalo, catfish, carp and drum may be taken by these means for personal use. The portion of the state north and west of U.S. Highway 67 is open July 15-Oct 31, and that portion of the state south and east of U. S. Highway 67 is open May 15- Oct. 31. The Arkansas River is open May 15-Oct. 31. The Mississippi River is open from May 1-July 15. While engaged in hogging in these areas, it is unlawful to raise any part of a natural or artificial device out of the water, aiding in the capture of enclosed fish. Hogging and noodling is prohibited on the Ouachita River from the confluence of the Little Missouri River to Remmel Dam.
(2) Half daily limit on catfish is allowed for hogged or noodled fish.
(3) Lake Charles and the Strawberry River below U.S. Highway 167 is open June 1-Oct. 31.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful to fish other than rough fish with bow and arrow or gig.


(1)Annual limit of one alligator gar longer than 36 inches may be taken per year by Alligator Gar Tag holders (Codes 25.01; 26.28).
(2) Gigging is allowed 10 a.m.-midnight, Sept.l5-Feb.l5 statewide.
(3) Half the daily limit of catfish in the waters being fished may be taken per day from noon to noon with bow and arrow July 15-May 1.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful for any person to harvest any alligator gar without a valid Alligator

Gar Tag in their possession in addition to a fishing license in compliance with Code 03.02.

(A)Immediately after harvesting an Alligator Gar and before moving it. each fisherman must attach a temporary Alligator Gar Possession Tag to the dorsal fin.
(B)Fishermen must check each Alligator Gar within 12 hours of harvest by contacting the Commission and following all tag requirements furnished by the Commission before the season.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful to take grass carp from Lake Columbia.

PENALTY: Class 1


ft is unlawful to release any trout after it has been placed on a stringer, within a fish basket, live well, ice chest or retained by any other device. PENALTY: Class 1



It is unlawful to purchase commercial tackle tags or to operate commercial tackle,

or sell or attempt to sell wild-caught commercial aquatic wildlife without a current commercial fisherman's permit and sportfishing license. A bill of sale or receipt of transfer with a commercial fisherman's permit number must accompany all sales to fish markets, processors or retailers of fish or fish parts in each transaction. Bills of sale must be retained by the purchaser for a period of 12 months and made available for inspection by the Commission. EXCEPTIONS:

(1)Bill of sale or receipt provision applies only to the sale of commercial fish or fish parts from a commercial fisherman to a fish market, processor or retailer.
(2) Youths or individuals 65 years of age or older are requu-ed to purchase a Junior/Senior commercial fishing permit.
(3) A person with a commercial fisherman helper's permit in his immediate possession may operate the properly tagged tackle of tiie licensed commercial fisherman who holds the permit. The holder of a commercial fishermen's permit and sportfishuig license shall be fully responsible for supervising the actions of the person using the commercial fisherman helper's permit.
(4) In compliance with Codes 03.07. 03.08. PENALTY: Class 2

Metal tags issued with commercial tackle licenses must be attached to the tackle

of the commercial fisherman that is fishing the tackle as specified:

(A) Gill net, trammel net and fish seine tags must be attached to one end of the float line. If over 100 yards, an additional tag is required for each additional 100 yards or fractional part.
(B) Hoop net and fiddler net tags must be attached to first hoop at the opening of the net.
(C) Slat trap tags must be attached to the first rib nearest the front opening of each trap.
(D) Trotline, snagline, throw line, limbline and set hook tags (same tag used for each of these tackles) must be attached to each line at the bank end. If over 100 feet, an additional tag is required for each additional 100 feet or fractional part.

PENALTY: Class 2



01-18 It is unlawful for commercial fishermen to possess game fish while engaged in commercial fishing or while possessing commercial tackle or commercial fish. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Catfish 16 inches or longer.
(2) In compliance with Codes 30.11; 30.14; 35.01.
(3) Bream for bait. PENALTY: Class 2


It is imlawfiil to use or possess fiddler size hoop nets or slat type fish traps in any waters of the state other than those specified below:

(A) Arkansas River, including all impoundments, from the mouth of the Mississippi River to Arkansas/Oklahoma state line.
(B) L'Anguille River from the mouth of the St. Francis River to the point of origin.
(C) Little River from its mouth to the Corps of Engineers boat ramp on the west side of Little River below Millwood Dam.
(D) All waters of the Mississippi River bounding Arkansas.
(E) Red River from the Louisiana state line to the Oklahoma state line.
(F) St. Francis River from the mouth at the Mississippi River to the Missouri state line in Clay Counly.
(G) Old Town Lake, Phillips County.
(H) Only slat traps may be used in liie White River from the Interstate 40 bridge to its mouth. Fiddler size hoop nets are prohibited in the White River.
(I) All lakes, bays or other bodies of water, other than tributary streams,

connected to waters specified, when accessible by boat from the main channel.

(J) Bay Ditch, (Cross, Poinsett and Craighead counties) from its mouth upstream to U.S. Highway 63 in Craighead County.
(K) St. Francis Floodway Diversion Ditch from its mouth upsfream to U.S. Highway 63 in Poinsett County.
(L) Cypress Bayou (Whiskey Chute) in Phillips County (slat traps only).
(M) . Sulphur River from the mouth of the Red River to the Texas state line.
(N) Boeuf River from the Louisiana state line to the point of origin. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Fiddler size hoop nets prohibited in the Arkansas River from the Arkansas Highway 7 Bridge in Yell County to the Arkansas/Oklahoma state line; and in Old Town Lake, Phillips County.
(2) Slat traps may be fished from noon Sept. 30-noon June 1 in Millwood Lake and year-round in Little River above Millwood Lake to the Oklahoma state line.

PENALTY: Class 2

(A) The foUowiiig waters are open year-round to legal commercial tackle as defmed in Code 30.05:

ARKANSAS RIVER from its mouth to the Arkansas/Oklahoma state line including that part of the Arkansas River from the Ozark Dam to the Arkansas/Oklahoma state line, bounded on the north by the Union Pacific Raihoad and on the south by Arkansas Highway 22 in compliance with Code 30.24-25;

ARKANSAS WATERS between the main levees of the Mississippi River.

BLACK RIVER from its mouth to the Missouri state line;

CACHE RIVER and lakes accessible by boat from the river;

FOURCHE La FAVE RIVER from its mouth to the Arkansas Highway 7 bridge in Perry County;

LITTLE RIVER from its mouth in Hempstead and Little River counties upstream to the Corps of Engineers boat ramp on west bank of river below

Millwood Lake Dam;

OUACHITA RIVER from the Louisiana state line to U.S. Highway 79B

bridge (Camden);

PETIT JEAN RIVER from its mouth to the Arkansas Highway 10

bridge in Yell County;

RED RIVER in Hempstead, Lafayette, Little River and Miller counties;

ST. FRANCIS RIVER upstream to the mouth of the Left Hand Chute of Little River in Poinsett County;

SALINE RIVER from its confluence with the Ouachita River upstream to the Stillion railroad bridge in Ashley and Bradley Counties;

SULPHUR RIVER from its mouth to the Texas state Ime;

WHITE RIVER upstream from its mouth to 100 yards below Dam No. 1

at Batesville in Independence County;

All lakes, bays or other bodies of water, other than tributary streams,

connected to waters as specified above, when accessible by boat, from the main channel except as limited by Addendum Chapter H1.00;


(1) Emergency Closures listed m Chapter 38.00.
(2) Flathead catfish, bowfin, drum, and gar may not be taken or possessed by commercial fishermen on the Ouachita River from Smackover Creek to the northern boundary of Felsenthal NWR.
(3) Blue catfish, flathead catfish, bowfin, drum and gar may not be taken or possessed by commercial fishermen on the Ouachita River from the northern boundary of Felsenthal NWR to the Louisiana state line, all waters within Felsenthal NWR, and from the Saline River from its mouth within Felsenthal NWR upstream to the Stilhon railroad bridge.
(4) Island 40 Chute in Crittenden County is closed to commercial fishing except noon, Nov. 1-noon, March 30, or when accessible by boat from the Mississippi River.
(B) The following waters are closed year-round to commercial fishing and possession of commercial fishing tackle is prohibited while on these waters:

Lake Erling, including all tributaries upstream from 100 yards below Lake Erling Dam to Arkansas Highway 313 in Lafayette County; All lakes owned and/or operated by Arkansas State Parks, USDA Forest Service, AGFC; Columbia County Lake in Columbia County; Dorcheat Bayou from its headwaters in Nevada County to the Arkansas/Louisiana state line; Horseshoe Lake in Crittenden County; Saline River above the Arkansas Highway 278 in Bradley County; Lake Wallace in Drew and Chicot counties; Hensley Lake in Jefferson County; Lake Maumelle in Pulaski County; White Oak Bay (Ozark Lake/Arkansas River); Little Missouri River, White River above the mouth of the Black River, and all lakes in the Hot Springs Village Area of Saline County.


Hoop nets shall not be used on Grand Lake (Chicot County).

(C) The following counties or other parts are open year-round to legal commercial fishing unless noted closed in Section B or other Chapter 30 Commission Codes. Legal gill and trammel nets may be fished in the following counties only from noon, Sept. 30 to noon, May 1: Arkansas (Emergency Closure Code 38.01"). Ashley (Emergency Closure Codes 38.04-06'), Bradley (Emergency Closure Codes 38.03: 38.06\ Calhoun (Emergency Closure Codes 38.03-04: 38.06), Chicot, Clay, Columbia (Dorcheat Bayou closed in (B) above; also see Emergency Closure Code 38.02), Craighead, Crittenden, Cross, Desha, Drew (see Emergency Closure Codes 38.04-05), Greene, Hempstead, hidependence, Jackson, Jefferson (see Emergency Closure Code 38.01). Lafayette, Lawrence, Lee, Lincoln, Little River, Lonoke (see Emergency Closure Code 38.01). Miller, Mississippi, Monroe, Nevada (Dorcheat Bayou closed in (B) above), Phillips, Poinsett, Prairie (see Emergency Closure Code 38.01), Pulaski (see Emergency Closure Code 38.01). Randolph, St. Francis, White, Woodruff and Union (see Emergency Closure Code 38.06) counties.


(1) For waters in the above counties located within the Dale Bumpers White River NWR below Arkansas Highway 1, gill and trammel net season is from noon, Sept. 30-noon, Nov. 30 and fi*om noon, March 1-noon, Sept. 30 when accessible by boat fi-om the White River and the White River is above 23.5 feet on the St. Charles gauge. All commercial fishermen must obtain a special use permit from the Dale Bumpers White River NWR manager prior to fishing refuge waters.
(2) Saline River and backwaters from Stillion raihoad bridge in Ashley and Bradley Counties to the Arkansas Highway 278 bridge in Bradley County are closed all year to gill and trammel nets.
(3) Open waters in Independence County include White River, Black River and oxbow lakes that are north of Arkansas Highway 14 and east of Arkansas Highway 122 and Arkansas Highway 25. Landowner permission will be required for oxbow lakes that are not accessible from the Black River.
(4) The Little Red river in White County is closed year-round to commercial fishing upstream of the Arkansas Highway 367 Bridge at Searcy.
(D) The following counties are closed year-round to commercial fishing unless open in Section A or other 3 Commission Codes: Baxter, Benton, Boone, Carroll, Clark, Cleburne, Cleveland, Conway, Crawford, Dallas, Faulkner, Franklin, Fulton, Garland, Grant, Hot Spring, Howard, Izard, Logan, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Montgomery, Newton, Ouachita. Perry, Pike, Polk, Pope, Saline, Scott, Searcy, Sebastian, Sevier, Sharp, Stone, Van Buren, Washington and Yell counties. When a river or stream forms the boundary between opened and closed counties, that boundary segment shall be open to tackle legal in the open county, unless closed in other Codes.


That part of Saline River south of Arkansas Highway 371 (old Arkansas Highway 24) in Howard and Sevier counties is open year around to hoop nets. PENALTY: Class 2

(A)Corning Lake or Long Lake in Clay County: trotlines, throw line,

limblines or snag lines are prohibited.

(B)Lake Dardanelle: Commercial tackle of any type prohibited from noon, March 1-noon, Nov. 30 in the waters of Dardanelle Lake north of the Missouri Pacific Railroad in Pope, Johnson and Franklin counties, Dardanelle Bay in Yell County, and south of signs posted on Shoal Bay, Cane Creek Bay, Six Mile Creek at O-Kane Island Access, and south of Arkansas Highway 22 in Delaware Bay in Logan County.
(C)Lake Bardanelle: Gill and trammel nets must be anchored so they are notwithin3 feetofthe water surface except noon, Dec. 1-noon, April 1.
(D) Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge: March 1-Oct. 31 with 3 inch or larger square bar mesh gill and trammel nets.
(E)Lake Millwood: with legal gill and trammel nets open noon, Sept. 30-noon, May 1, and slat traps open noon, Sept. 30-noon, June 1. Lake Millwood is open year-round to other legal commercial fishmg. Commercial fishermen must register with the local district fisheries biologist at the Hope Regional Office prior to fishing and must submit monthly catch records to the local district fisheries biologist by the 15th of the following month.
(F)Nimrod Lake, Blue Mountain Lake and Morgan Point Bendway Lake: Open noon, Oct. 1-noon, March 1. All species of carp caught must be removed from these lakes. Commercial fishermen must register prior to fishing with the local district fisheries biologist and must submit monthly catch records to the local district fisheries biologist by the 15th of the following month. Only legal-sized gill and trammel nets or larger.
(G)Entergy Nuclear Power Plant: No commercial fishing in the discharge bay Nov. 1-March 1.
(H)Cadron Creek and Point Remove Creek: Legal commercial tackle during the commercial fishing season noon, Sept. 30-noon, May 1 on Cadron Creek - from its mouth to Arkansas Highway 287 on its east fork in Faulkner County, North Cadron Creek - from its mouth to Arkansas Highway 285 in Faulkner County; Point Remove Creek - from its mouth up the east fork to Arkansas Highway 95 and the Kissire Bridge on the west fork in Conway County.
(I)Sheffield Nelson Dagmar WMA: Open noon, Jan. 1 until the last day of February.
(J)First Old River Lake (Miller County): Open noon, Nov. 1 until noon the last day of February, with legal gill and trammel nets. Commercial fishermen must obtain, and have in their possession while fishing, a commercial permit from the district biologist at the Hope Regional Office and report their catch to the Hope Regional Office by March 15.
(K)Grand Lake (Chicot County): Commercial fishing with slat traps noon, Nov. 1-noon, March 1.
(L)Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d'Arc Lake (Hempstead County): Open noon, Jan. 1 until noon February 28, with legal gill and trammel nets. Commercial fishermen must obtain, and have in their possession while fishing, a commercial pemiit fi-om the district biologist at the Hope Regional Office and report their catch to the Hope Regional Office by March 15.
(M)Calion Lake (Union County): Open noon, February 1, until noon, March 15, with legal gill and trammel nets. Commercial fishermen must obtain and have in their possession while fishing, a commercial permit from the district biologist at the Camden Regional Office and report their catch to the Camden Regional Office by March 31. All rough fish caught m the nets must be retained.
(N)Lake Chicot (Chicot County): Open noon, November 1, until noon

December 31. 2017. Commercial fishermen must register prior to fishing with the local district fisheries biologist and must submit monthlv catch records to the local district fisheries biologist by the 15th of the following month. All species of carp and all rough fish, excluding aUigator gar, caught must be removed fi'om the lake. Alligator gar must be released back into the lake. The 16-inch minimum length limit on buffalo is waived. Only legal-sized gill and trammel nets or larger may be used. PENALTY: Class 2



It is unlawfiil for commercial fishers to possess rare and endangered fish. Rare fish that may not be possessed include Lake Sturgeon, AUigator Gar. American eel. Striped Mullet, Highfin Carpsucker, Pealip Redhorse, and Silver Redhorse. Endangered fish species are listed in Code PI.01. PENALTY: Class 2


It is unlawful to use tackle for taking or attempting to take baitfish fi-om waters of the state other than as specified below. Only baiffish may be retained for bait, and all other species offish must be immediately returned to the waters where taken. The tackle allowed for taking baitfish is as foUows:

(A) Seines not in excess of 50 feet long and 4 feet in depth with square mesh of 1/4 inch.
(B) Square traps or lifts not exceeding 6 feet by 6 feet by 3 feet in depth, and round traps not exceeding 3 feet in diameter and 6 feet long with up to 3/4 inch wire or mesh and throat size of 2 inches square mesh.
(C) Throw nets and casting nets with square mesh not larger than 1 inch, or shad trawl nets with square mesh not larger than 1 inch.
(D) Plastic, glass or wire mesh minnow traps not in excess of 1 gallon capacity with throat size of not more than 1.5 inches.
(E) Hand-operated dip nets or lifts with up to 1 inch square bar mesh used to take legal baitfish for personal use while in the act of sport fishing day or night, and all other species offish are immediately returned to the waters where taken.

PENALTY: Class 1


Alligator Gar

1 Annuallv with Taa

Black Basses (including not

more than four Smallmouth)


Bream (over 4 inches length)


Catfish (except Bullhead)




Rock Bass












Shovelnose Sturgeon

No Lunit

Striped Bass or Hybrid (Combination)


Trout (including not more than:

2 brown trout, 2 cutthroat

trout, 2 brook trout)




White Bass



(1) The following bodies of water are restricted to half the daily limit for all sportfish: Horseshoe Bend Pool of the Strawberry River in Izard County. There is no daily limit for harvest of game fish from Lake Poinsett and Mercer Bayou (Sulphur River WMA).
(A)Smallmouth bass:

Ozark Zone (Baxter, Benton, Boone, Carroll, Clay, Cleburne, Fulton, Independence, Izard, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Newton, Randolph, Searcy, Sharp, Stone, Van Buren, and Washington counties) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 12 inches with a daily limit of four, except Bull Shoals, Beaver, Greers Ferry, Table Rock Lakes and Lake Norfork (see Ex. 1(B) below). Greers Ferry Lake - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 12 inches, daily limit six.

Ozark Zone Blue Ribbon Streams - Crooked Creek from Arkansas Highway 101 bridge downstream to the confluence with the White River; between the U.S. Highway 62-412 and U.S. Highway 62 Spur bridges at Pyatt - smallmouth bass minimum length limit 18 inches, daily limit of one. Buffalo River from confluence with Clabber Creek downstream to the confluence with the White River - smallmouth bass minimum length limit 18 inches, daily limit of one. All other water of Crooked Creek and Buffalo River - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 14 inches, daily limit of two.

Ozark Zone Catch-and-Release Area - Crooked Creek, along boundary of Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation property near Kelley's Slab Access.

Ozark Zone Quality Streams - Kings River from Trigger Gap to U.S. Highway 62 bridge smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 18 inches, daily limit of one.

All other water of the Kings, Illinois, Spring, South Fork of the Spring and Eleven Point rivers and War Eagle Creek - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 14 inches, daily limit of two. Ouachita/Boston Zone (all Arkansas counties not included in the Ozark Zone) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 10 inches, daily limit of four.

Ouachita/Boston Zone Quality Streams - (Mulberry, Caddo above DeGray Lake, DeGray Lake, Cossatot River, Ouachita River upsfream from Lake Ouachita, Ouachita River downstream from Remmel Dam, Saline River, including its four headwater forks m Saline, Perry and Garland counties, South Fork/Ouachita, Little Missouri above Lake Greeson) - smalhnouth bass minimum length limit of 12 inches, daily limit of two.

Ouachita/Boston Zone Catch-and-Release Area - aU smallmouth bass caught in Lake Ouachita including the Ouachita River upstream to the River Bluff access and the South Fork of the Ouachita River upstream to Hovel Branch must be immediately returned to the stream.

(B)Largemouth bass:

Lake Terre Noire and Lake Sylvia - daily limit five.

Lake Millwood - daily limit six.

Mallard Lake - daily limit one.

Marion MeCollum Lake, Lake Sylvia - Largemouth bass caught must be immediately returned to the water.

(C)Black Bass (all species combined):

Beaver, Bull Shoals, DeGray, DeQueen, Norfork, Table Rock lakes, Lake Jack Nolen, Ouachita, Ashbaugh - daily limit six. Lake Lou Emma - daily limit five. Lake Atkins - daily limit four. War Eagle Creek - daily limit two.


No limit on bream 4 inches or shorter.

(A) No limit on catfish on Grand Lake - Chicot County, Lake Chicot (including that portion of Connerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou from the mlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam) and between the main levees of the Mississippi River, from the confluence of the MississippiAVhite Rivers upstream to the Benzal Railroad Bridge, and from the confluence of the Mississippi/Arkansas

Rivers upstream to the Yancopin Railroad Bridge. No limit on blue and channel catfish fi-om Little River (below Millwood Dam) Red and Sulphur Rivers. No limit on channel catfish on Marion McCollum Lake Greenlee -Monroe County, and on Lake Chicot (uicluding that portion of Connerly Bayou downstream fi-om Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou fi*om the inlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam).

(B) Catfish daily limit five on:

DeWitt City Park Lake (Arkansas County); Lake Atalanta_(Benton County); Hidden Lake (Carroll County); Big Tunber Lake and Gurdon Lake (Clark County); Hubble Lake (Clay County); Lake Bailey (Conway County); Lake Cambadelle and Lake Lou Emma (Crawford County); Marion City Park Lake (Crittenden County); Village Creek State Park Lakes (Cross and St. Francis Counties); Lake Bennett (Faulkner County); Lake Clearfork (Garland County); Crowley Ridge State Park Lake and Reynolds Park Lake (Greene County); Newark City Lake (Independence County); Lake June (Lafayette County); Ward City Park Lake (Lonoke County); Hindsville Lake (Madison County); Blytheville City Park Lake (Mississippi County); Donald Branch Fishing Pond (Momoe County); Lake Sylvia (Perry County); Shady Lake (Polk County); Twin Lakes A and B, Camp Femcliff (Pulaski County); Old Davidsonville State Park Lake (Randolph County); Forrest City Park Lake (St. Francis County); Truman Baker Lake (Scott County); Cave City's Lakes (Sharp County); Gunner Pool and Hayden Bend Pond (Stone County); Devils Den State Park (Washington County); Spring Lake, Kingfisher, Clubhouse Lakes in Petit Jean WMA (Yell Comity) and posted USDA Forest Service ponds and lakes.

(C) In addition to daily limit, 10 channel catfish under 16 inches may be taken on the Arkansas River.
(D) In addition to daily limit, 10 channel catfish and 10 blue catfish any size may be taken in Lake Erling.
(A) Crappie daily limit - 15 in Beaver, Table Rock, Bull Shoals, Norfork reservoirs, Cane Creek Lake (Lincohi County), and Gurdon Lake (Clark County) and Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d'Arc Lake.
(B) Crappie daily limit - 50 between the main levees of the Mississippi River, from the confluence of the Mississippi/White Rivers upstream to the Benzal Raihoad Bridge, from the confluence of the Mississippi/Arkansas Rivers upstream to the Yancopin Raihoad Bridge and on Horseshoe Lake (Crittenden County).
(C) Crappie daily limit - 20 in Lake Chicot and Lake Monticello.
(D)No Crappie daily limit on Lake Charles.
(A) Beaver Lake and its tributaries; Table Rock Lake and its tributaries to Beaver Dam; Bull Shoals Lake, and Norfork Lake - minimum length limit of 18 inches, daily limit four.
(B) Greers Feny Lake and its tributaries - protected slot limit of 20-28 inches, daily limit of six (only one of which may be longer than 28 inches).
(C) In compliance with Addendum N 1.02 and Code Chapter 28.00.
(A) White bass:

Between the main levees of the Mississippi river, from the confluence of the Mississippi and White rivers upstream to the Benzal Railroad Bridge, and from the confluence of the Mississippi and Arkansas rivers upstream to the Yancopin Raihoad Bridge -daily limit of 50, possession limit of 100. Beaver Lake and its tributaries; lakes Ashbaugh, Sequoyah and Monticello - no limit.

(B) Striped bass and hybrid striped bass (combined): Beaver, Bull Shoals and Norfork lakes; Lake Ouachita - daily limit three. Arkansas River and connecting lakes - daily limit 10. Lake Monticello - no limit.

Alligator gar longer than 36 inches may not be harvested from noon. May 1-noon, July 1, statewide. Alligator Gar Tag is required to harvest alligator gar (Code 26.28'}.

(A) Brown trout:

White River from Bull Shoals Dam to Highway 58 Bridge (Bull Shoals Tailwater) and North Fork White River (Norfork Tailwater) - minimum length 24 inches, daily limit one. Spavinaw Creek (Benton County) west of Arkansas Highway 59 and Spring River-minimum length 16 inches, daily limit two. Little Red River from Greers Ferry Dam to Arkansas Highway 305 Bridge (Greers Ferry Tailwater) - daily limit of five (only one of trout daily limit may be longer than 16 inches). White River from Beaver Dam to boundary signs at Houseman Access (Beaver Tailwater) - protected slot lunit of 13-16 inches, daily limit of five (only one of trout daily limit may be longer than 16 inches). Little Missouri River from Narrows Dam to Arkansas Highway 27 Bridge (Narrows Tailwater) - all brown trout must be released immediately.

(B)Cutthroat trout:

White River from Bull Shoals Dam to Highway 58 Bridge (Bull Shoals Tailwater), North Fork White River (Norfork Tailwater), Spavinaw Creek (Benton County) west of Arkansas Highway 59, Spring River - minimum length 16 inches, daily limit of two. Little Red River from Greers Ferry Dam to Arkansas Highway 305 Bridge (Greers Ferry Tailwater) - only one of trout daily limit may be longer than 16 inches. White River from Beaver Dam to boundary signs at Houseman Access (Beaver Tailwater) - protected slot limit of 13-16 inches (only one of trout daily limit may be longer than 16 inches).

(C)Brook trout:

White River (Bull Shoals Tailwater), North Fork White River (Norfork Tailwater), Spavinaw Creek (Benton County) west of Arkansas Highway 59, Spring River - minimum length 14 inches, daily limit two. Little Red River from Greers Ferry Dam to

Arkansas Highway 305 Bridge (Greers Ferry Tailwater) - only one of trout daily limit may be longer than 16 inches. White River from Beaver Dam to boundary signs at Houseman Access (Beaver Tailwater) - protected slot limit of 13-16 inches (only one of trout daily limit may be longer than 16 inches).

(D) Rainbow trout:

Lake Atalanta (Benton County) - daily limit of five. Little Red River from Greers Ferry Dam to Arkansas Highway 305 Bridge (Greers Ferry Tailwater) - daily limit of five (only one of trout daily limit may be longer than 16 inches). White River from Beaver Dam to boundary signs at Houseman Access (Beaver Tailwater) -protected slot limit of 13-16 inches, daily limit of five (only one of trout daily limit may be longer than 16 inches).

All fish measurements must follow procedures listed in Code 01 .QO-C Length Limit definition

(A)BLACK BASS - It is unlawful to possess black bass as follows:
(1) Largemouth bass less than 12 inches on Lake Frierson.
(2) Spotted bass less than 12 inches on, Bull Shoals, Norfork and Table Rock lakes.
(3) All black bass less than 12 inches in Horseshoe Bend Pool on the Strawberry River.
(4) Largemouth bass less than 13 inches on Lake Ouachita.
(5) Largemouth bass 13-16 inches on lakes Austell (Cross County), Harnett (White County), Brewer, Wilhelmina (Polk County), Bear Creek Lake, Bob Kidd, Lee Creek, and Sugar Loaf Lake.
(6) Largemouth bass less than 13 inches on DeGray Lake and within the boundaries of Felsenthal NWR.

EXCEPTION: No restriction in Woodland Trail Pond - located at the Felsenthal NWR Headquarters on Hwy 82 (Ashley County); Locust Ridge Pond - located at Locust Ridge on Hwy 82 (Union County); Eagle Lake Pond- located north of Eagle Lake on Bradley Road 53 (Bradley County); and Shallow Lake Field Pond located west of Shallow Lake (Union County). Person(s) keeping largemouth bass less than 13 inches from these waters must exit the NWR boundm*ies immediately upon leaving these ponds and may not enter NWR campgrounds or fish other NWR waters with largemouth bass less than 13 inches from these four ponds in their possession.

(7) Largemouth bass less than 14 inches on the Arkansas River and its tributaries.
(8) Smallmouth bass less than 15 inches on Beaver, Bull Shoals, Norfork and Table Rock lakes.
(9) Largemouth bass less than 15 inches on Beaver Lake, Big Lake NWR, Blue Mountain, Bull Shoals, Georgia Pacific, Greers Ferry, Kingfisher, Norfork, Table Rock lakes; Upper and Lower Lake Chicot (including Connerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou from the inlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam); Lake Greenlee and Moss Creek Pond.
(10) Black bass greaterthan 16 inches in Lake Winona.
(11) Largemouth bass 16-21 inches on Lake Atkins. Daily limit four (only one of which may be longer than 21 inches).
(12) Largemouth bass 16-21 inches on Tonuny L. Sproles Lake Pickthome. Daily limit two (only one of which may be longer than 21 inches).
(13) Largemouth bass daily limit ten (only one of which may be longer than 20 inches) on Lake Columbia.
(14) Largemouth bass daily limit 10 (only one of which may be longer than 18 inches) on Lake SWEPCO.
(15) Smallmouth bass less than 18 inches on the lower Little Missouri River from Narrows Dam to its mouth. Daily limit one.
(16) Largemouth bass 14-17 inches on Mallard Lake. Daily limit 10, only one of which may be larger than 17 inches.
(17) Largemouth bass 19-22 inches on Lake Monticello. Daily limit eight, only one of which may be longer than 22 inches.
(18) Largemouth bass 18-21 inches on Lower White Oak Lake. Daily limit ten (only one of which may be longer than 21 inchesV
(B)CRAPPIE: It is unlawful to possess crappie as follows:
(1) Less than 10 inches in Beaver, Table Rock, Bull Shoals and Norfork Reservoirs; Cane Creek Lake in Lincoln County; Lake Chicot (including Coimerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou from the inlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam); Lake Charles, Lake Conway including Gold Creek downsfream from the Sturgis Road Bridge, Stone Dam Creek downstream of 1-40 Bridge, Canev Creek/Little Creek downstream from the Hwv 286 Bridge, and Palarm Creek downstream from the Hwy 286 Bridge), Lake Monticello, Lake Overcup, Harris Brake Lake and Lake Atkins.
(2) Less than 9 inches on Blue Mountain Lake.


(1) From December-February, the minimum length limit is waived on Lake Monticello and the harvest is regulated by a 20-fish daily limit. The first 20 crappie caught, regardless of size, must be kept. Culling is not permitted. From March-November, harvest is controlled by a 10-inch minimum length, daily limit of 20.
(C)CATFISH (channel, blue and flathead):
(1) It is unlawful to possess flathead catfish less than 20 inches on the Ouachita River from Sandy Beach Access (Ouachita County) to Remmel Dam.
(D)STRIPED BASS: It is unlawful to possess striped bass less than 20 inches on Lake Norfork and Beaver Lake.
(E)SHOVELNOSE STURGEON: It is unlawfril to possess shovelnose sturgeon less than 21 inches. Shovelnose sturgeon may not be taken from the Mississippi River.


(1) Sportfish may be snagged (except in catch-and-release areas) in compliance with Codes 26.05; 26.17 and within the resfrictive size limits in this addendum chapter.
(A)Beaver Tailwater (White River from 100 yards below Beaver Dam to boundary signs at Houseman Access).
(1) No fishing, boating or wading within 100 yards of Beaver Dam.
(2) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish other than as specified for the paddlefish-snagging season.
(3) Bait fishing allowed only with a single, hooking point.
(4) From April 15-June 15, snagging game fish is legal only from 100 yards below Beaver Dam from the Corps of Engineers "No Fishing Beyond This Point" sign downstream to the first Corps of Engineers boat ramp on the left descending bank to the first boat-launching ramp. Snagging must cease after half the daily limit of any game fish has been snagged. Snagged fish of any species shall not be released.
(5) Special Regulation Area:

Artificial Lures Only Area/No Bait Zone from approximately 0.5 mile below Beaver Dam to approximately 100 yards upstream of Parker Bend Access, as indicated by signs.

(a) Only artificial lures or flies shall be used. All hooking points must be barbless. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(b) Chumming is prohibited.
(B)Bull Shoals Tailwater (White River from 100 yards below Bull Shoals Dam to Arkansas Highway 58 Bridge at Guion).
(1) No fishing, boating or wading within 100 yards of Bull Shoals Dam.
(2) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(3) Special Regulation Areas:
(a) Bull Shoals Dam Catch-and-Release Area - Open to fishing from Feb. 1-Oct. 31 from 100 yards below Bull Shoals Dam to the upstream boimdary of Bull Shoals/White River State Park, as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures or flies shall be used. All hooking points must be barbless. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(b) Bull Shoals Dam Closed Area - the area 100 yards below Bull Shoals Dam to the wing dike at the Bull ShoalsAVhite River State Park Trout Dock. This area is closed to fishing or wading Nov. 1-Jan. 31.
(c) Bull Shoals Dam Seasonal Brown Trout Catch-and-Release Area, Nov. 1 -Jan. 31. From the wing dike at Bull ShoalsAVhite River State Park Trout Dock to the downstream boundary of the Bull ShoalsAVhite River State Park.
(1) All brown trout must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures or flies shall be used. All hooking points must be barbless. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(4) No fishing 30 minutes after sunset-30 minutes before sunrise.
(d) Rim Shoals Catch-and-Release Area (near Cotter). From sign immediately above mouth of Jenkins Creek to the first electric power line downstream, as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures or flies shall be used. All hooking points must be barbless. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(e) Monkey Island Catch-and-Release Area (between Reds Landing Access and Chesmond Ferry Access), from the upstream end of Monkey Island to mouth of Moccasin Creek, as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures or flies shall be used. All hooking points must be barbless. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(C)Norfork Tailwater (North Fork of the White River from 100 yards below Norfork Dam to the confluence of the White River).
(1) No fishing, boating or wading within 100 yards below Norfork Dam.
(2) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(3) Chain dragging is prohibited. It is unlawful to drag chains or other objects from boats, capable of destroying aquatic vegetation.
(4) Special Regulation Areas:
(a) Norfork Catch-and-Release Area - from the downstream end of Long Hole to the Bill Ackerman River Ridge Walk-in Access (about 1-2 miles), as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures or flies shall be used. All hooking points must be barbless. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(D)Greers Ferry Tailwater (Little Red River from 100 yards below Greers Ferry Dam to the Arkansas Highway 305 Bridge).
(1) No fishing, boating or wading within 100 yards of Greers Ferry Dam.
(2) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish. Only a single hooking point per pole may be used for bait-fishing.
(3) Special Regulation Areas:
(a) JFK Catch-and-Release Area (at John F. Kennedy Park below Greers Ferry Dam) - from 100 yards downstream from Greers Ferry Dam to approximately 0.5 miles downstream to the last Greer's Ferry National Fish Hatchery effluent outfall in John F. Kennedy Park, as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released
(2) Only artificial lures or flies shall be used. All hooking points must be barbless. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(b) Cow Shoals Catch-and-Release Area - from the head of Cow Shoals to the mouth of Canoe Creek, as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point per pole shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(4) Closed to night fishmg from October 1 -December 31 (No fishing one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise).
(c) Mossy Shoals Catch-and-Release Area - from the head of Dunham Shoals downstream to the end of Mossy Shoals, as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures or flies shall be used. All hooking points must be barbless. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(E)Collins Creek (from its source in John F. Kennedy Park below Greers Ferry Dam to the confluence of the Little Red River).
(1) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(2) Catch-and-Release Stream. All trout caught must be unmediately released.
(3) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(4) Chumming is prohibited.
(5) Fishmg is limited to youths upstream of the wooden vehicle bridge in John F. Kennedy Park.
(6) Fishing is allowed from sunrise to sunset.
(7) Downstream of the wooden vehicle road bridge in John F. Kennedy Park, fishing is limited to youths under age 16, anglers with a fishing license and a trout permit who are accompanying a youth under age 16 in the act of fishing, and mobility impaired anglers.
(8) Mobility impaired anglers shall fish from the mobility impaired access piers only.
(9) Mobility impaired card is required for mobility-impaired anglers in compliance with Addendum C1.11.
(F)Dry Run Creek (from its source on the east side of Norfork National Fish Hatchery below Norfork Dam to the confluence with the North Fork of the White River).
(1) An angler shall use no more than one fishmg rod or pole and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(2) Catch-and-Release Stream. All trout caught must be immediately released.
(3) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(4) Chumming is prohibited.
(5) Fishing is limited to youths and mobility impaired anglers.
(6) Fishing is allowed from sumise to sunset.
(7) Mobility impaired anglers shall fish from the mobility impaired access pier or boardwalk only.
(8) Mobility-impaired card is required for mobility-impaired anglers in compliance with AddendumCl.il.
(G)Blanchard Spring Mirror Lake (in Ozark National Forest Blanchard Spring, from its source to the confluence with North Sylamore Creek, including Mirror Lake).
(1) An angler shall use no more than two fishing rods or poles and must attend them at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(H)Spring River, from 100 yards below Dam No. 1 at Mammoth Spring State Park to the mouth of Myatt Creek.
(1) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(I)Spavinaw Creek (Benton County), from its source downstream to the Arkansas Highway 59 bridge.
(1) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(2) Catch and Release Stream. All front caught must be immediately released.
(3) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(4) Chumming is prohibited.
(J)Narrows Tailwater - Little Missouri River from 100 yards below

Narrows Dam (Lake Greeson) downstream to the low-water bridge (Arkansas Highway 27 Bridge).

(1) An angler shall use no more than one fishing rod or pole and must attend it at all times. No other devices shall be used to catch fish.
(2) Special Regulation Areas:
(a) Narrows Catch-and-Release Area - from 100 yards below Narrows Dam downstream to the upsfream boimdary of Riverside Park Access.
(1) All frout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point per pole shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(b) Narrows Summer Catch-and-Release Area - May 1-Oct. 15. Downstream from the upsfream boundary of the Riverside Park Access to the gas line crossing above River Ridge Pool.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a single, barbless hooking point per pole_shall be used. Natural or scented baits are not allowed.
(3) Chumming is not allowed.
(c) Narrows Winter Catch-and-Release Area - Oct. 16-April 30. From approximately 300 yards downstream of Hinds Bluff Access to approximately 300 yards upstream of Old Factory Site (Weir 2), as indicated by signs.
(1) All trout caught must be immediately released.
(2) Only artificial lures with a smgle, barbless hooking point per pole shall be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(3) Chumming is prohibited.
(K)Big Spring (at Cotter) firom its source to the confluence with the White River.
(1) Fishing is limited to youths and disabled anglers. Youths must be accompanied by an adult when fishing. Adult disabled anglers must carry proof they are 100 percent permanently and totally disabled ("Code Ol.GQ-C Disabled) and possess a sport fishing, lifetime fishing, or combination hunting and fishing license, plus a trout permit.
(2) An angler may use no more than one fishing rod or pole and must attend it at all times. No other devices may be used to catch fish.
(3) All fish caught must be released.
(4) Only artificial lures with barbless hook(s) may be used. Natural or scented baits are prohibited.
(5) Chumming is prohibited.
(6) Fishing is allowed from sunrise to sunset.
(7) No fishing in the swimming hole at the upstream end of Big Spring, as indicated by signs.
(8) No motorized boats allowed in Big Spring.

002.00.17 Ark. Code R. 008
