002.00.13 Ark. Code R. 003

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 002.00.13-003 - 2012-13 Trout Fishing and Turtle Harvest Restrictions Regulations Clarifications; Arkansas Aquatic Nuisance Species Plan; 2013-14 Statewide General Hunting Regulations and Seasons

Proposed 2013-2014 General Hunting Regulations Approval

Committee: Regulations Date: April 17, 2013


Recommended revisions for hunting related regulations and new proposals were presented at the March meeting for Commission review and consideration. The regulations committee voted unanimous to strike the recommendation to change the checking time from 24 to 12 hours from the proposals last month. The amended proposals will be presented at this meeting for Commission approval. These proposals include calendar adjustments, code revisions and code clarifications. Included, with the backup material, is a summary of recommended changes and a color coded copy of affected codes.

Prepared by: David Goad


Hunting Regulations Summary of Proposals


1. Add all states and Canadian Provinces to the carcass importation restriction list in code 05.26, by adding this language addendum S1.01 can be deleted. The lands between the Mississippi River levees in neighboring states of Tennessee and Mississippi will be excluded.

Code/Addendum: 05.26, S1.01


The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission approved the carcass importation restriction in October 2005 as an attempt to decrease Arkansas's chances of acquiring CWD via infected carcass importation. Currently, 36 states and five Canadian provinces have a ban or restriction on the importation of hunter harvested cervid parts.

With the spread of CWD, new states are becoming positive on an annual basis. The spread of this disease is directly linked to the transportation of live cervids and cervid carcasses.

In order to increase Arkansas's protection and increase consistency in our regulations, this proposal would place all states and Canadian provinces on the carcass importation restriction list. This would result in hunters following the guidelines on animal parts that can enter Arkansas regardless of origin.

2. Eliminate adult mentors from possessing firearms for their hunting purposes during the special youth modern gun deer hunts.

Code: 11.05


The AGFC has set aside two weekends exclusively for youth hunters to deer hunt. During these hunts, youths are required to be accompanied by an adult either 18 or 21 years old, depending on the youth's hunter education status.

Wildlife officers have observed the accompanying adult carrying a firearm with the intention of harvesting game or feral hogs. The purpose of the Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt is to solely provide opportunity for the youth. This proposal would eliminate the ability of the adult to carry a firearm, with an exception for concealed carry, while hunting with a youth during the Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt.

3. Add "Private Land" to the antlerless only modern gun deer hunt.

Addendum: A1.01


To ensure hunters are aware this hunt applies only to private lands and not public lands.

4. Modify boundaries of deer zones 11 and 13.

Addendum: E1.01


The current boundary descriptions of deer zones 11 and 13 near Hot Springs has resulted in confusion among some hunters. The confusion results from highway construction and development around Hot Springs that was not in place during the initial development of common boundaries of deer zones 11 and 13. This proposed change would increase clarification and assist with an area west of Hot Springs that is currently experiencing a high deer population and increased human deer conflicts. This small portion of deer zone 11 will be placed in deer zone 13, which has a much more liberal season structure.

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5. Modify harvest strategy for deer zone 11 to allow doe harvest the entire muzzleloader and modern gun seasons.

Addendum: A1.01


Doe harvest in deer zone 11 has gradually been liberalized. In 2003, the total doe harvest was 703 does (1 per 3,236 acres of deer habitat). The female harvest has progressively increased to a high in 2012 of 2,400 does (1 per 948 acres of deer habitat). This proposal would not increase the doe bag limit for deer zone 11, but would allow hunters more opportunity to harvest a doe. The expected result of this proposal is a slight increase in the doe harvest while maintaining a conservative season structure. This proposal would also assist in balancing harvest sex ratios which have been has high as 8:1 (buck:doe), but recently around 2:1 (buck:doe).

The most recent biological data from 168 females shows that 45% percent are 3.5 years old and older. These data suggest that doe harvest can be increased without negatively impacting the deer herd. This proposal is a small step in increasing the doe harvest without modifying the bag limit.

6. Add deer zone 3 to the Private Lands Antlerless Only Modern Gun Deer Hunt.

Addendum: A1.01


The deer season structure in deer zone 3 has been gradually liberalized. In 2003, a total of 1,093 does were harvested in deer zone 3 which equates to a harvest of one per 2,087 acres of deer habitat. Recent doe harvest densities have been around one per 300 acres of deer habitat. This harvest density is far more acceptable in terms of deer management. Harvest sex ratios have peaked at 5.9:1 (buck per doe) in 2003 to an average of 1.5:1 (buck per doe) in recent years.

A total of 500 doe biological samples have been collected annually from deer zone 3; of these samples, as many as 57% have been 3.5 years of age and older. This suggests that doe harvest can be increased without negatively impacting the herd. This proposal would conservatively increase doe harvest without modifying the bag limit.

7. Remove the Wildlife Importation permit, VS-127 form, and trailer sealing requirement from the live cervid importation code.

Code: 09.11


The current requirements for moving live cervids through Arkansas require the owner to obtain a VS-127 form and the container must be sealed while in the state. It has been determined by the USDA that these requirements contradict the national CWD Program and justifies preemption. After discussing this topic with the Commission's Regulations Committee, it was recommended that we remove the permit requirements, VS-127 form, and the sealing of the trailer, but maintain the requirement for prior notification before individuals transport live cervids through Arkansas.


No change.


No change.


8. Change archery season opening date in bear zone 2 to October 1 instead of September 15 (including WMAs in zone 2), and re-instate the quota of 150 in bear zone 2.

Addenda: A1.08, C1.02


The opening date of bear season in zone 2 was moved to September 15 to help increase the bear harvest. The target harvest of 150 bears was never reached and the season was liberalized to "catch up" for years of under harvest. Three of the last five years have had harvests exceeding 200 bears. Nuisance complaints over the past two years have indicated that the population has been effectively reduced. The harvest strategies for the zone need to be moved back to the more conservative strategies of the past which includes moving the opener back to October 1 and re-instating the 150 bear quota. The 150 bear quota needs to be separated by month to ensure that gun hunters have bear hunting opportunity. Approximately 20% of the bears in zone 2 have been harvested after November 1. The quota should allow harvests of 125 bears during the October hunt and 25 bears during the November hunt. An October 1 opener will ensure a consistent annual opening date. It will also serve to ease harvest pressure on adult females, which are more susceptible to harvest earlier in the year.

9. Require nonresident bear hunters to purchase a nonresident annual all game license to harvest a bear.

Code: 03.04


Non-residents currently account for approximately 16% of the annual bear harvest. The AGFC does not currently have any special license requirements for non-resident bear hunters. In fact, bears may be taken by non-residents with the purchase of a $50 one-day hunting license since bear tags do not exist. AGFC staff examined non-resident bear hunting fees for several states and determined that costs ranged from approximately $200-$500. The simple solution would be to require non-residents to purchase an annual $300 hunting license rather than creating a special bear tag.

Captive Wildlife

10. Insert language in the requirements for Wildlife Breeder/Dealer, Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort, and Game Bird Shooting Resort permits.

Addenda: F1.01, F1.02, F1.03


This will clarify the current code to ensure that captive wildlife facilities are not permitted unless they have acquired their stock in a legal fashion. This will also make it clear that animals may not be captured from the wild in Arkansas to become stock in these facilities.

11. Remove exception 4 from code 05.04.

Code: 05.04


This exception is redundant as exception 2 already references code section 9 in regards to sale of wildlife.

12. Implement standards for caging of non-native wildlife, require that male and female non-native wildlife be separated so as to prevent breeding, and require specific documentation of ownership.

Code: 09.02


This proposal will institute provisions that already apply to native wildlife pets. The caging standards are necessary to prevent escape of non-natives that may have a negative impact on wild populations of native Arkansas wildlife. The separation of the sexes is necessary to prevent breeding, for which a Wildlife Breeder/Dealer permit is required.


13. Add an exception to allow private inholdings on a WMA to participate in the Elk Management Assistance Program.

Code: 02.02


This change will allow for any private lands within the five county Elk Management Assistance Program (EMAP) zone to participate in the private lands elk hunt. Currently, these in-holders cannot participate in the hunt according to code 02.02. This will also help reduce the number of complaints caused by nuisance elk.

14. Remove 2 pm curfew for EMAP private land elk hunt. Allow antlerless hunters to hunt all day and call the wildlife hotline at 7 pm each evening to determine if the antlerless quota has been filled. Bull hunters must stop hunting between the hours of 12 pm-2 pm and must call the wildlife hotline at 2 pm to determine if the bull quota has been met.

Code/Addendum: No code or addendum change required.


Private landowners would like to be able to hunt elk during the evening. Allowing the EMAP permit holders hunt all day will help fill the EMAP quota more quickly. This will allow landowners who have elk on their property more opportunity to harvest an elk.

15. Add crossbow as a legal method for harvesting elk.

Code: 06.10


Crossbows are allowed to hunt all other big game species. This will help streamline the elk regulations to be cohesive with other programs regulations.

16. Clarify and revise the public land elk zones by adding the descriptions in the code which were established prior to the 1998.

Addendum: E1.10


These zones were established prior to the 1998 hunting season, which is when elk hunting was first allowed during the modern era but were never added to the addendum. Since elk movements have changed over the years, these zone boundaries require modification.

17. Change the season dates from September to mid-October for elk zones 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Addendum: A1.09


September bull elk hunts were implemented to allow hunters the opportunity to hunt during the bugling season. Changing the hunt to mid-October will still allow for hunters to enjoy a bugling season bull hunt, and also give the ability to remove some antlerless elk. Moving the first season to mid-October will allow calves to reach a sufficient weaning age before cows are harvested. This change will help spread the antlerless hunters out over two seasons instead of putting them all in one season like in the past. As the elk population increases it will be difficult to safely permit enough hunters to fill the antlerless quota during one hunt.


No change.


No change.


No change.


18. Clarify code 03.03 so that it doesn't seem like a trapping license is needed to hunt furbearers.

Code: 03.03


The current language implies that a trapping license is needed to hunt furbearers.

19. Restore a reference to code 17.01 which outlines legal trapping methods that can be used to take nuisance furbearers under exception 3 to code 05.10.

Code: 05.10


This will ensure that only legal trapping techniques are used for the take of these nuisance furbearers.

20. Remove exception 3 from Code 17.07.

Code: 17.07


None of these animals are furbearers and it is not necessary to include them in a code dealing with purchase and sale of furbearers.

21. Restore requirement for non-resident trappers to report on their harvest.

Code: 17.09


This requirement was in place but was lost during the code revision permit when separate code requirements for each type of permit were consolidated into code section 3. This report allows us to monitor harvest by non-resident trappers, which can account for significant percentages of harvest of certain species.

22. Remove exception 3 from addendum A1.05 that reference nuisance coyote.

Addendum: A1.05


This exception is not necessary as it is covered in exception 1 of the nuisance wildlife code 05.10.

23. Clarify that bobcat and coyote seasons are closed during turkey and squirrel seasons only on WMAs where turkey or squirrel season is closed.

Addendum: C1.09


The current code implies that if turkey season is closed on a WMA then no bobcat or coyote hunting is allowed at any time.

WMA General Regulations

24. Modify antler restrictions on Dave Donaldson Black River WMA from the 3 point rule to 15-inch inside spread or 18-inch main beam.

Addendum: C1.14


The intent of the Sweet 16 is to increase diversity in our public land management strategies. These 16 areas are designed to manage the females to ensure a healthy, productive, and balanced deer herd. Males will be managed for quality bucks with majority of the harvest reaching 3.5 year old. The 2012 regulation package contained changes in antler restrictions for 10 of the Sweet 16. This proposal would result in all the Sweet 16 WMAs having an antler restriction that are specifically tailored to move majority of the buck harvest into a 3.5 and older age class.

25. Modify antler restrictions on Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d'Arc, Hope Upland, McIlroy Madison County, Scott Henderson Gulf Mountain and Shirey Bay Rainey Brake WMAs from the three point rule to 12-inch inside spread or 15-inch main beam.

Addendum: C1.14


The intent of the Sweet 16 is to increase diversity in our public land management strategies. These 16 areas are designed to manage the females to ensure a healthy, productive, and balanced deer herd. Males will be managed for quality bucks with majority of the harvest reaching 3.5 year old. The 2012 regulation package contained changes in antler restrictions for 10 of the Sweet 16. This proposal would result in all the Sweet 16 WMAs having an antler restriction that are specifically tailored to move majority of the buck harvest into a 3.5 and older age class.

26. Exempt youth hunters from antler restrictions on Freddie Black Choctaw Island Deer Research Area WMA East Unit.

Code/Addendum: 15.01, C1.14


Youth hunters are not currently required to abide by antler restrictions on WMAs except the Freddie Black Choctaw Island Deer Research Area WMA East Unit. Allowing youth hunters to harvest any deer will provide additional opportunity for youth hunters.

27. Decrease the deer bag limit from four to three deer during the modern gun youth permit hunt on Freddie Black Choctaw Island Deer Research Area WMA East Unit.

Addendum: C1.01


This change will make bag limits for all permit hunts on Freddie Black Choctaw Island Deer Research Area WMA East Unit the same.

28. Allow the use of any caliber weapon to take bobcat, fox and coyote during the bobcat, fox and coyote season on Dardanelle and Ozark Lake WMAs.

Code: 20.02


In many portions of both WMAs, Corps property extends up narrow drainages with private land on either side thus making the weapons restriction nearly impossible to enforce. Recent requests by hunters who like to call bobcats, foxes and coyotes, especially on the bigger islands and field systems, and would like to use center fire rifles yet are limited in the type of weapons used, have increased. This recommendation would increase hunter opportunity to use any caliber weapon to harvest bobcat, foxes and coyotes.

29. Implement firearms restriction to shotguns only (.410 and larger) with slugs (no buckshot allowed) or muzzleloading rifles shooting a single projectile on Frierson and Holland Bottoms WMAs.

Code: 20.02


Frierson-To make the firearm restrictions on the WMA the same as the surrounding zone.

Holland Bottoms-Weapons are being restricted due to urbanization surrounding the

WMA and in order to ensure hunter safety.

30. Removing the firearm restrictions and allowing all legal modern guns during the modern gun youth permit hunt on Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms WMA.

Code: 20.02


After three years of the permit hunt, it is believed there are no safety issues that would warrant firearm restrictions. Allowing rifles designed for kids will increase hunter participation and success for this permit hunt.

31. Allow other seasons to remain open during the permit hunts on DeGray Lake WMA.

Code: 20.17


The special youth deer permit hunt and the Mobility Impaired Waterfowl permit hunt conducted by the Corps of Engineers conflicts with Code 20.17 that states: "It is unlawful to hunt wildlife during a permit hunt on any WMA without first obtaining a permit. All seasons not named on the permit are closed during permit hunts on WMAs." As the code currently reads, deer archery and furbearer hunting would be closed during these two permit hunts. However, the Corps of Engineers only allows a small number of people to participate in these permit hunts and it is on areas that are not allowed to be hunted by the general public. It is not the intent to close any other seasons during these hunts, so adding DeGray Lake WMA as an exception would correct this.

32. Extend quail dog training from April 1 to April 15 on J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA.

Code: 22.01


To provide additional spring dog training opportunity for National Shoot to Retrieve Association and National Bird Hunter Association participants.

33. Adjust WMA deer bag limits to match up with surrounding zone bag limits and to align WMAs into four tiers. This includes Bayou Meto, Beaver Lake, Bell Slough, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita, Big Lake, Big Timber, Camp Robins SUA, Camp Robinson WMA, Casey Jones, Cherokee, Cove Creek Natural Area, Crossett Experimental Forest, Dardanelle, Dave Donaldson Black River, DeGray Lake, Devils Knob, Ed Gordon Point Remove, Ft. Chaffee, Foushee Cave Natural Area, Frierson, Frog Bayou, Greers Ferry, Harold E. Alexander, Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area, Howard Hensley Searcy County, J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA, Jamestown Independence County, Jim Kress, Jones Point, Lake Overcup, Loafer's Glory, McIlroy Madison County, Mike Freeze Wattensaw, Mt. Magazine, Nimrod Lloyd Millwood, Norfork Lake, Ozark Lake, Ozark National Forest, Petit Jean River, Piney Creeks, Poison

Springs, Prairie Bayou, Rainey, River Bend, St. Francis National Forest, St. Francis Sunken Lands, Seven Devils, Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms, Sweden Creek Natural Area, Sylamore, Terre Noire, Trusten Holder, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station, W. E. Brewer Scatter Creek, Wedington, White Rock and Winona WMAs.

Addendum: C1.01


To simply bag limit regulations on certain WMAs by organizing them into four groups of season structures/bag limits.

34. Add a third modern gun special youth hunt on Bearcat Hollow WMA.

Addendum: C1.01


The US Forest Service has requested a third youth deer season to offer more public hunting opportunity for the youth of Northwest Arkansas.

35. Add an archery deer season on the Devil's Eyebrow Unit on Beaver Lake WMA.

Addendum: C1.01


This area has just been added to the WMA system and is located near heavily populated Northwest Arkansas cities. This has potential to become a very popular destination for the deer hunting public in that area. An archery only season this first year will allow time for AGFC and partners (ANHC and TNC) to evaluate options and alternatives appropriate for this location.

36. Change the deer modern gun youth permit hunt from the first weekend of muzzleloader to the weekend before deer muzzleloader on DeGray Lake WMA.

Addendum: C1.01


The Corps of Engineers has a deer modern gun youth permit hunt that allows three youth to participate in the permit hunt and it is on areas that are not allowed to be hunted by the general public. The Corps of Engineers has selected these dates for this hunt so that it is not during muzzleloader season.

37. Add a modern gun permit hunt on Galla Creek WMA.

Codes: C1.01, C1.13


Several adjacent clubs continue to obtain numerous doe tags in an attempt to control deer numbers around Galla Creek WMA. In an attempt to continue to liberalize the deer harvest on this WMA and to allow public land hunters in this area more opportunity, Region 8 staff recommends the addition of a modern gun permit hunt (30 permits) with a bag limit of two deer (one buck and one doe).

38. Move the modern gun mobility impaired permit hunt and the modern gun permit hunt dates on Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area later in the season.

Addendum: C1.01


Moving these date changes to later in the season will reduce conflicts between user groups on the area and give more attention to selected hunters.

39. Add two youth permit hunts to Holland Bottoms WMA.

Addendum: C1.01


Youth modern gun permit (20 permits per hunt) hunts, with restricted weapons, are being recommended to provide additional youth hunting opportunities within the central Arkansas region. The Holland Bottoms has approximately 5,540 acres of quality habitat that could be utilized by youth hunters with an average annual harvest rate of approximately 30 deer. The low number of permits (1/277 acres of quality habitat) will allow for a quality/safe experience. These hunt dates will coincide with the statewide youth deer hunts.

40. Remove the permit requirement to harvest a doe with a firearm during the entire muzzleloader season and Nov. 9-10 and Dec. 26-28 on Blue Mountain WMA.

Addenda: C1.01, C1.13


Align the total deer bag limit with deer zone 11. Deer harvest numbers suggest the deer herd on this area can support the increase in the bag limit.

41. Add a modern gun youth permit (20 permits) hunt on Little Bayou WMA.

Addenda: C1.01, C1.13


To provide additional quality hunting opportunities for youths. The dates will coincide with the first statewide youth deer hunt.

42. Remove the permit requirement from the youth hunt and add the second statewide youth hunt date on Prairie Bayou WMA.

Addenda: C1.01, C1.13


Removing permit requirement for the youth hunt and adding the second youth hunt will increase regional and statewide opportunity for youth hunters. Permit sales have been low the last several years, averaging 75% permits remaining.

43. Add a modern gun mobility impaired permit hunt (6 permits) on Wedington and White Rock WMAs.

Addenda: C1.01, C1.13


To provide hunting opportunity to special needs mobility impaired deer hunters.

44. Open archery bear season on Cedar Creek and Iron Mountain Natural Area WMAs.

Addendum: C1.02


There is no biological reason not to allow archery bear hunting on these areas. The area is currently open to archery deer hunting and this change would allow for more sportsman opportunity.

45. Open modern gun bear season for two days for deer permit holders only on Galla Creek WMA.

Addendum: C1.02


Bears are rare occurrences on Galla Creek WMA and are typically young bears passing through the area. Allowing deer permit holders to also harvest a bear if they encounter one will prevent bears from becoming established on this small WMA which is located very near to urban areas where they would assuredly cause human conflicts. This recommendation is consistent with the permit hunts on all other Region 8 WMAs.

46. Increase the turkey bag limit from one to two on Buck Island WMA.

Addendum: C1.04


This regulation change would align the WMA bag limit with the surrounding zone.

47. Eliminate the Bird Dog Training/Quail Hunting Permit that is currently required to hunt on Big Timber WMA Upland Demonstration Area.

Addendum: C1.05


The AGFC leases this portion of Big Timber WMA from The Ross Foundation. The intent of the Bird Dog Training/Quail Hunting Permits was originally to gather information from quail hunters using the area and to survey them to collect data used by the Ross Foundation. The Ross Foundation did not gather enough accurate data from the hunters and the area is not very heavily utilized by quail hunters, so the Ross Foundation has requested that no permits be required on the Upland Wildlife Demonstration Area.

48. Allow raccoon hunting on J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain WMA.

Addendum: C1.09


Allowing raccoon hunting will reduce predation on the quail stocked for field trial use, reduce predation on ground nesting bird nests and provide additional furbearer hunting opportunity.

49. Allow trapping of furbearers on Camp Robinson WMA.

Addendum: C1.09


Military personnel at Camp Robinson have requested to allow trapping of furbearers on the WMA. A few years ago, the military personnel at the time recommended that the WMA be closed to trapping due to the potential for an individual to set out traps on the WMA one day and then return the next day to find that the same area had been closed to public access and would thereby be unable to retrieve his traps. With the current personnel on the military base and the long-term scheduling of training activities, it is unlikely that the once perceived problem would actually become reality. Therefore, the military personnel recommend allowing trapping on Camp Robinson WMA in order to provide recreational opportunity and help reduce furbearer numbers.

50. A change to allow archery hunting for deer, and squirrel hunting on Harris Brake WMA seven days a week while staying consistent with statewide season and WMA boating restrictions.

Addendum: C1.12


Comments from the non-duck hunting public as well as a general consensus between area biologists, and county wildlife officers suggest that a possibly large portion of hunters are unable to utilize this WMA for many of its intended uses due to restrictions that were placed on the days, times, and types of hunting that can occur during the waterfowl season After consultation with previous area managers, and county wildlife officers no reasons could be identified for continuing with these restrictions.

51. The Conway George Unit on Sheffield Nelson Dagmar WMA is closed to all trespassing, except for waterfowl hunting permit from the last day of the modern gun permit hunt to the last day of waterfowl season (including the special youth waterfowl hunt). Anyone entering the Conway George Unit during waterfowl season must be in possession of a Sheffield Nelson Dagmar WMA Conway George Unit Waterfowl Hunting Daily Use Permit, or be accompanied (in immediate proximity) by a permit holder in accordance with permit requirements. Waterfowl hunting permits will be allocated through an online drawing. All permits must be completed and returned to the collection box at the end of the hunt.

Addendum: C1.12


The Conway George Unit is a newly acquired property that will be managed as a permitted waterfowl hunt unit on Wednesdays and Saturdays. All day youth permit hunts will be allowed each Saturday of waterfowl season in order to support, encourage and promote youth waterfowl hunting in East Central Arkansas. These small units will be closed to all trespass except for permit holders in order to allow waterfowl time to forage and loaf on these high quality sites.

52. Added a muzzleloader and modern gun deer permit hunt (20 permits per hunt) on Benson Creek Natural Area WMA.

Addenda: C1.01, C1.13


Increase public hunting opportunity by allowing muzzleloader and modern gun permit hunts on this WMA. The WMA will be permitted due to anticipated hunter participation. This WMA is in deer zone 9 and borders both Sheffield Nelson Dagmar WMA and Cache River NWR. There are no anticipated safety concerns with allowing these permit hunts. Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission supports adding these permit hunts. The staff would like to provide additional public opportunity but at the same time, is committed to providing a quality experience for the permit hunters.

53. Add the word possess to code 20.05 and also add an exception to exclude hunters traveling to inholding property on a WMA.

Code: 20.05


There is no reason for hunters to possess corn, feed or any type of bait while hunting on WMAs. In the past corn has been found by enforcement on ATV's and in trucks. The hunter has used the excuse they hunt over bait on their lease.

54. Open elk season on Bearcat Hollow WMA.

Addendum: C1.15


The elk population on this area has reached a level to sustain a limited hunt.

55. Open squirrel hunting with dogs after the first nine days of modern gun deer season on Big Timber, Casey Jones, Ozark National Forest, Piney Creeks and White Rock WMAs.

Code: 22.01


To provide maximum opportunity for both modern gun deer hunters and modern gun squirrel hunters utilizing dogs.

56. Add an alligator hunt by permit only on Sulphur River WMA.

Addendum: C1.03


Permits have been issued on Sulphur River in the past; however numbers of alligators detected during spotlight surveys declined due to flooding, and the WMA was removed from the code. The alligator population in the area most likely did not drop, but the flood waters most likely accounted for dispersal of the alligators. Including Sulphur River WMA in the code, and allowing the harvest of one alligator on the area will not negatively impact the resource. Staff recommends adding Sulphur River WMA to the code, and the alligator population will continue to be closely monitored.


57. Modify the legal archery tackle to exclude arrowheads containing firearm ammunition.

Code: 06.04


A new product has been developed to be used for archery hunters. This product incorporates firearm ammunition inside an arrowhead to be delivered by archery tackle. When the arrow makes contact with the target, the arrow becomes a firing pin and deploys the ammunition round.

This product can become very deadly being delivered from archery tackle. Deployed arrows may glance off tree limbs and other obstacles which result in the arrow rapidly changing its course of flight. A deflected arrow with these types of heads can be very dangerous as the ammunition round is fired in a random direction. In addition, a firearm ammunition arrowhead contradicts the spirit of archery tackle definitions.

58. Modify the minimum archery poundage from 40 to 35 pounds.

Code: 06.04


The current regulation requires that hunters utilizing archery tackle comply with a draw weight at least 40 pounds. This regulation was developed many years ago and has not been modified with the advances of archery tackle.

It has been recommended by the Arkansas Bowhunters Association that the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission lower the 40 pound requirement to 35 pounds to address the enhancements in archery tackle and provide opportunity to hunters who may not be able to effectively draw 40 pounds. This recommended draw weight would also take into consideration the various types of broad heads (fixed vs. expandable) and their killing ability.

Items in blue are clarifications and are not reflected in the summary.



Deer (archery): Sat., Sept. 27, 2014 (4th Sat. in Sept. annually) Deer (muzzleloader): Sat., Oct. 18, 2014 (3rd Sat. in Oct. annually) Deer (modern gun): Sat., Nov. 8, 2014 (2nd Sat. in Nov. annually


Each WMA (Code 01.00-C WMA) is a separate zone for which the Commission may establish and apply hunting regulations. All private lands (including any combinations of lands separately owned, and regardless of whether such lands touch a road, creek, stream, river, lake or other waterbody) that are completely surrounded by WMA lands (except NWRs) shall be considered as inholdings. Such inholdings shall be subject to the same regulations pertaining to hunting season dates, hunting hours, bag limits and hunting permits as the surrounding WMA.


(1) Private lands that are completely surrounded by NWR lands shall be subject to the same state regulations pertaining to hunting season dates, hunting hours, bag limits and hunting permits as the surrounding or nearest adjacent state management zone, plus any federal regulations pertaining to NWR inholdings.
(2) Private lands that are completely surrounded by a WMA that are located within the five county (Boone, Carroll, Madison, Newton and Searcy Counties) Elk Management Assistance Program private land elk zone shall be subject to the elk hunting season dates, bag limits and hunting permits as the surrounding or nearest adjacent state management zone that allows elk hunting.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful for any resident to hunt any wildlife by any means in Arkansas without possessing on the person the appropriate Arkansas hunting license as provided herein:

(A) To hunt alligator, deer, turkey, bear or elk, the hunter must have physical possession of a valid Arkansas hunting license. A temporary, internet license or a confirmation/authorization number from a telephone license order is not valid for hunting these species.
(B) Arkansas Residents (16 years of age and older) - Small Game: Resident Wildlife Conservation License; Resident Sportsman's License; Big Game: Resident Wildlife Conservation License (permits residents to harvest one legal deer during any deer season); Resident Sportsman's License; Furbearer (Hunting): Any valid hunting license. Furbearer (Trapping): Any valid hunting license and a resident trappers permit. Holders of the following licenses are entitled to hunt all game, except if taking waterfowl, an Arkansas Resident Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp and Harvest Information Program (HIP) are required: Resident Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Sportsman's Permit; Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or 65 Plus Lifetime Combination License); Resident Disabled Lifetime Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident Disabled Lifetime Combination License) Resident Disabled Hunting 3-Year License (or Resident Disabled Combination 3-Year License).


(1) Residents hunting on a licensed game bird shooting resort in compliance with regulations (Code 09.06).
(2) In compliance with Code 04.04 and Addendum B1.14.
(3) Youths six to 15 years of age hunting big game.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful for any non-resident, 16 years of age or older, to hunt any wildlife by any means in Arkansas without possessing on the person the appropriate Arkansas hunting license as provided herein:

(A) To hunt deer, turkey, bear or elk, the hunter must have physical possession of a valid Arkansas hunting license. A temporary, internet license or confirmation/authorization number from a telephone license order is not valid for hunting these species.
(B) Nonresidents hunting small game only (excluding deer, elk, turkey and bear). Requirements: Non-Resident Annual Small Game License, or Non-Resident 5-Day Small Game License for a period of said license, and Non-Resident Trapper Permit if trapping furbearers. Small game may also be taken on the Non-Resident All Game Licenses. If hunting waterfowl, an Arkansas NonResident Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp and Harvest Information Program (HIP) are required.
(C) Nonresidents hunting deer, elk and/or wild turkey. Requirements: Non-Resident Annual All Game License (provides holder all applicable tags for deer, bear and turkey); Non-Resident 1-Day All Game License (provides holder one game tag); Non-Resident 3-Day All Game License (provides holder two game tags); or a Non-Resident 5-Day All Game License (provides holder three game tags) and a Non-Resident Trapper Permit if trapping furbearers.
(D) Nonresidents hunting bear.

Requirements: Non-Resident Annual All Game License

(E) Non-residents are ineligible to hunt elk using a public land permit obtained through the permit draw process and are also ineligible to hunt alligators.


(1) Non-residents hunting on a licensed game bird shooting resort in compliance with regulations (Code 09.06).
(2) In compliance with Code 04.04, Addendum B1.14, Addendum H1.01 and H1.03.
(3) Youths six to 15 years of age hunting big game.

PENALTY: Class 2



It is unlawful to purchase, sell, offer for sale, barter or trade any species of wildlife or portions thereof.


(1) Furbearer pelts and carcasses taken during a furbearer season may be sold by persons with valid hunting or fur dealer licenses. Purchase of furbearer pelts and carcasses must be in compliance with Code 17.07.
(2) In compliance with Chapter 09.00 or Codes 26.18; 29.03; 30.01; 31.01; 32.02; 34.01; 35.01 and Addendum F1.07.
(3) Legally taken squirrel tails and pelts, rabbit pelts, turkey bones, deer antlers, elk antlers, deer hides, elk hides and feathers not protected by federal regulation 50 CFR § 20 .
(4) Red fox, gray fox and coyote legally trapped in Arkansas may be sold by a person possessing a hunting license and trapping permit and Live Fox and Coyote Permit (Code 09.16)
(5) Commission-approved nonprofit organizations with a valid tax identification number may pay for the processing of game and donate the meat to needy individuals.
(6) Alligator hide, meat and parts from legally harvested alligators (Codes 05.01; 12.02; 12.03 and Addenda A1.10; C1.03) may be sold or donated in state when accompanied by documentation verifying origin and description of transferred parts. An individual alligator hide legally harvested and with an attached U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service CITES tag may be sold outside the state. Alligator meat or parts may not be sold or transferred out of state without prior written authorization from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
(7) Certain wildlife (i.e. migratory birds) is subject to federal regulation 50 CFR. Otherwise mounted or tanned wildlife may be bought or sold when accompanied by a bill of sale. The bill of sale will state the purchase date, number and description of item and full name and address of the previous owner. This bill of sale will be made available to a Wildlife Officer upon request for a period of 1 year from the date of sale/purchase.

PENALTY: Class 3


It is unlawful to take or attempt to take any game or furbearing animal damaging crops or personal property without obtaining a Depredation Permit and complying with the terms and provisions of the permit. Non-game wildlife, excluding migratory birds and endangered species, which pose a reasonable threat to persons or property, may be taken during daylight hours with firearms, or trapped (Code 17.01), without a Depredation Permit (Addendum G1.01).


(1) Nuisance wildlife may be taken by legal methods during any open season on the species committing damage and in accordance with applicable bag limits.
(2) Property owners or their designees may use live traps for removal of nuisance wildlife, other than bear or alligator. Live trapping conducted in incorporated towns or cities must be in accordance with their local ordinances or statutes. Live captured nuisance wildlife must be released unharmed outside the municipalities' boundaries within 24 hours.
(3) Nuisance beaver, muskrat, nutria, coyote, raccoon, opossum, squirrel, and striped skunk may be taken year-round, using firearms during daylight hours (Code 06.07) only by landowners or their designees, in any number, on private property where damage is being committed, or may be trapped and destroyed (Code 17.01).
(4) English sparrows, blackbirds, starlings and crows damaging agricultural crops or personal property may be taken in any number (Code 14.01).
(5) Nuisance migratory birds taken in compliance with a permit issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or in compliance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regulations.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful to import, transport or possess in Arkansas any portion other than boneless meat from a cervid carcass originating from any area outside the boundaries of Arkansas .


(1) Antlers, antlers attached to cleaned skull plates, or cleaned skulls where no tissue is attached to the skull.
(2) Cleaned teeth.
(3) Finished taxidermy and antler products.
(4) Hides and tanned products.
(5) Land located between the Mississippi River levees in neighboring states of Tennessee and Mississippi (Addenda H1.01 and H1.03). PENALTY: Class 1

It is unlawful to hunt wildlife with any of the following archery tackle:

A long or compound bow with a draw weight of less than 35 pounds;

A crossbow without a functional mechanical safety device or with a draw weight of less than 125 pounds;

Arrows with an arrowhead width of less than 7/8 inch when open; or,

Arrows or arrowheads containing poisons or chemicals.

Arrowheads containing firearm ammunition. EXCEPTION:

Small game may be hunted using arrowheads less than 7/8 inch in width.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful to hunt elk with:

(A) Muzzleloading firearms smaller than .50 caliber;
(B) Shotguns smaller than 20 gauge;
(C) Shot for shotguns other than slugs;
(D) Archery tackle that is not in compliance with Code 06.04;
(E) Conventional straight-wall case handgun calibers smaller than .41 caliber (.410) or bottleneck-case handgun calibers smaller than .24 caliber .244/6mm);
(F) Modern firearms smaller than .24 caliber (6mm);
(G) Modern firearms that are not centerfire; or
(H) Modern firearm ammunition with bullet weight less than 100 grains in compliance with Code 06.11.


In compliance with Code 05.19.

PENALTY: Class 1

(A) It is unlawful to possess captive non-native wildlife not excepted under Code 09.01, unless the possessor can produce written documentation that such wildlife was legally obtained and has been certified by an accredited veterinarian to be free of diseases and parasites that may pose an adverse risk to native wildlife.
(B) It is unlawful for any person to possess mountain lions (Puma concolor) except in compliance with Codes 09.07; 09.13.
(C) It is unlawful to possess tigers, African lions and all species of bears not in compliance with Ark. Code Ann. §§ 20-19-501 -511 or Code 09.07.
(D) It is unlawful to keep non-native wildlife under inhumane or unhealthy conditions.
(E) All non-native wildlife possessed in captivity shall be maintained in enclosures, pens, or cages that are sufficiently strong to prevent escape of the wildlife and that will protect the wildlife from injury.
(F) Males and females of the same species must be kept in separate enclosures, or if kept in the same enclosure, the owner shall provide proof that all males within the enclosure have been neutered.
(G) Owners shall maintain records of proof of legal ownership of such animals including licenses, bills of sale, bills of lading, receipts, invoices and copies of Wildlife Importation Permits or other satisfactory evidence. The date of acquisition, place of origin, and the name, address, and telephone number of the person from whom the wildlife was acquired shall be recorded. Owners shall provide these records to the Commission upon demand.


Wildlife listed in Code 09.01, Exception 8.

PENALTY: Class 2

(1) Any person convicted of violating this regulation shall be liable for the costs incurred in the storage, care and maintenance of any equipment, wildlife and/or fish seized in connection with the violation.
(2) Any person convicted of violating this regulation shall be liable for the costs of any and all tests and/or examinations of the illegally possessed wildlife, and also shall be liable for the costs of destruction and/or disposal of the illegally possessed wildlife, as deemed necessary by the Commission for the protection of native wildlife.

It is unlawful to import, ship, transport, or carry into Arkansas by any means, or to cause to be imported, receive, or to assist in any manner in the importation of any of the following living wildlife:

(A) Any member of the Family Cervidae (cervids).
(B) Raccoons.
(C) Bats.
(D) Skunks.
(E) Coyotes that originate from or have lived in Alaska, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, Wyoming or Canada.
(F) Gray and red foxes that originate or have lived in Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin, Wyoming or Canada.
(G) Rodents captured in the wild from Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah or Wyoming.
(H) All box turtles of the Genus Terrapene.
(I) All waterfowl.
(J) Large carnivores and mountain lions.
(K) Any species listed as injurious wildlife under the Lacey Act ( 50 CFR 16) by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service including but not limited to flying fox, mongoose, meerkat, European rabbit, European hare, wild dog, multimammate rat or mouse, raccoon dog, brushtail possum, pink starling, dioch, Java sparrow, red whiskered bul bul, brown tree snake, Burmese or

Indian pythons (Python molarus), Northern African python (Python sebae), Southern African python (python natalensis), and yellow anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) .


(1) Wildlife exchanged with other states by the Commission.
(2) These species may be imported on a temporary basis for bona fide scientific, conservation, or educational purposes under terms of a special permit issued by the Chief of Wildlife Management.
(3) Large carnivores and mountain lions may be imported only by holders of valid U.S. Department of Agriculture Wildlife Exhibition Permits for large carnivores or mountain lions. Such importation shall be done in compliance with a current Commission Wildlife Importation Permit.
(4) Mallards may be imported by a representative of a group designated in Code 09.03, Exception 3, for use in an official field trial in compliance with a current Wildlife Importation Permit provided that ducks are identified as captive reared by one of the following methods 1) banding of one metatarsus with a seamless metal band; 2) removal of the hind toe from the right foot; 3) pinioning of a wing by removal of all or some of the metacarpal bones of one wing, which renders the bird permanently incapable of flight; 4) a readily discernible tattoo of numbers and/or letters on the web of one foot. The permit holder must possess documentation that the waterfowl have originated from a flock participating in the National Poultry Improvement Program and such documentation shall be submitted to the Commission in compliance with reporting requirements in Code 09.10.
(5) Mallards may be imported by the holder of a Shoot-To-Kill Retrieving Dog Training Permit in compliance with a current Wildlife Importation Permit provided that ducks are identified as captive reared by one of the following methods 1) banding of one metatarsus with a seamless metal band; 2) removal of the hind toe from the right foot; 3) pinioning of a wing by removal of all or some of the metacarpal bones of one wing, which renders the bird permanently incapable of flight; 4) a readily discernible tattoo of numbers and/or letters on the web of one foot. The permit holder must possess documentation that the waterfowl have originated from a flock participating in the National Poultry Improvement Program and such documentation shall be submitted to the Commission in compliance with reporting requirements in Code 09.10.
(6) Pet box turtles in compliance with Code 09.10, Exception 8.
(7) These species, excluding cervids, may be moved through the state of Arkansas with a Wildlife Importation Permit provided that it is done in accordance with a property issued U.S. Department of Agriculture VS-127 Restricted Movement Document and that the container the animals are in is sealed in the originating state and that seal remains unbroken while in the state of Arkansas.
(8) Individuals must provide prior notification to the Wildlife Management Division before any live cervid can be moved through the state of Arkansas.

PENALTY: Class 3

(1) All equipment, including any form of legal tender, and all wildlife imported in violation of this regulation, may be seized by Enforcement Officers, confiscated by the court, forfeited to the State and disposed of according to law (Code 01.00D).
(2) Any person convicted of violating this regulation shall be liable for the costs incurred in the storage, care, and maintenance of any equipment, wildlife and/or fish seized in connection with the violation.
(3) Any person convicted of violating this regulation shall be liable for the costs of any and all tests and/or examinations of the illegally imported wildlife as deemed necessary by the Commission for the protection of native wildlife.

It is unlawful for any person to possess, take or transport raptors, or to use raptors to take game animals or game birds, without possessing a valid Falconry

Permit issued by the Commission (Addendum F1.07).


(1) A nonresident falconer with a valid Non-Resident Arkansas Hunting License and a valid falconry permit from another state may use raptors to take wildlife during open seasons. A properly permitted nonresident falconer may, without additional permit, use raptors to take wildlife in any regional or national falconry field trial that has been authorized by letter from the director of the Commission.
(2) Persons in possession of a valid USFWS Special Purpose Permit as listed in 50 CFR 21.27.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful for any youth who has completed a hunter education course to participate in a special youth hunt unless he is accompanied by an adult mentor at least 18 years old, and for any youth who has not completed a hunter education course to participate in a special youth hunt unless he is under the direct supervision of an adult mentor at least 21 years old. Adult mentors cannot possess a firearm for their hunting purposes during this hunt. It also is unlawful for the youth's parent or guardian to allow the youth to participate in any special youth hunt in violation of this regulation. EXCEPTION:

In compliance with Code 05.19. PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful to hunt or possess any buck deer other than a legal buck (Code 01.00C Legal Buck).


(1) Deer carcasses and parts legally harvested outside the state and accompanied by verification (Code 05.26).
(2) In compliance with Chapter 09.00.
(3) Youths may take any buck.
(4) On certain WMAs (Code 21.03).
(5) Bucks taken with the Deer Management Assistance Program Management buck tags.
(6) Bucks taken by hunters using archery equipment during the Antlerless Only Modern Gun Hunt.

PENALTY: Class 1



The purchase of pelts or furbearer carcasses from May 1- June 30 is prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to buy or resell pelts or furbearer carcasses without the appropriate (resident or non-resident) fur dealer license for each individual buyer or separate place of business.


(1) Nonresident fur dealers buying pelts from or selling pelts to Arkansas resident fur dealers.
(2) Arkansas residents purchasing tanned pelts, taxidermy mounts or whole carcasses of legally taken furbearers for personal use.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful for holders of a Nonresident Trapper Permit to fail to submit a reportof furbearers taken in Arkansas during the furbearer trapping season, other thanthose sold to licensed Arkansas fur dealers, by May 1.

PENALTY: Class 1

20.05 BAITING OR HUNTING OVER BAITED PORTIONS OF WMAs PROHIBITED It is unlawful to possess, place, deposit or scatter any grain or other feed so as to constitute a lure, attraction or enticement of wildlife; or to take or attempt to take wildlife using bait on any WMA.


(1) Sowing of wildlife food areas by Commission personnel.
(2) Bait or lures used in legally set traps during an open furbearer trapping season.
(3) Hunters traveling to inholding property on WMAs. PENALTY: Class 2

It is unlawful to possess buckshot, rifled slugs, centerfire firearms or rimfire firearms larger than .22 caliber on WMAs other than during open modern gun deer, bear or elk seasons and in compliance with Codes 06.02; 06.09; 06.10. It is unlawful to possess muzzleloaders larger than .40 caliber on any WMA other than during an open muzzleloader or modern gun deer, bear or elk seasons and in compliance with Code 06.03. Bobcat, fox and coyote may be taken during daylight hours with firearms of any caliber during bobcat, fox and coyote seasons on commission-owned WMAs, Dardanelle WMA, Ozark Lake WMA and all USDA Forest Service lands, including

WMAs lying within Ouachita National Forest and the St. Francis/Ozark National Forests.


(A) Beaver Lake; Big Lake; Brushy Creek; Dave Donaldson Black River, Frierson, Holland Bottoms, St. Francis Sunken Lands; Shirey Bay Rainey Brake, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station; W.E. Brewer Scatter Creek and Wedington WMAs - only shotguns with slugs (no buckshot allowed), or muzzleloading rifles (in compliance with Code 06.03) shooting a single projectile only during modern gun season.
(B) Trusten Holder WMA -- within the boundaries of the Arkansas Post National Memorial buffer zone, discharge of any firearm is prohibited. No rifles are allowed on that part of Trusten Holder, including all Corps of Engineers lands, lying north and east of the centerline of the Arkansas River which fall within the area that lies east of Pendleton Bridge to just south of Dam 2 and those lands west of Tichnor Blacktop and Nady Road.
(C) Big Lake WMA - it is unlawful to transport firearms in that portion of Ditch 28 on the Big Lake WMA without firearms being dismantled or encased.
(D) Lafayette County WMA - no buckshot.
(E) Bell Slough WMA - shotguns or rimfire rifles only.
(F) Johnson County WRA on Dardanelle WMA muzzleloaders shooting a single projectile or shotguns with slugs only.
(G) DeGray Lake WMA - within the boundaries of the Lower DeGray Lake Waterfowl Rest Area, possession of loaded firearms is prohibited.
(H) Greers Ferry WMA - muzzleloaders allowed during the mobility impaired deer permit hunt.
(I) Camp Robinson WMA - bobcat, fox and coyote may be taken during daylight hours with firearms of any caliber during bobcat, fox and coyote seasons.
(J) The farm units within Bald Knob, Cache River and Wapanocca NWRs -muzzleloaders shooting a single projectile, shotguns or legal handguns only.
(K) On Maumelle River WMA, shotguns using legal, non-toxic ammunition may be used to take squirrel on the portion of the WMA lying west of Arkansas Highway 10 bridge and west of Arkansas Highway 113 as designated on the public use map in compliance with Code 23.03.
(L) On DeQueen Lake WMA, all property lying south of Bellah Mine Road (excluding property contained within the boundaries of the Dike C Firearms Unit and Jordan Tract Firearm Unit) - firearms are not allowed. All COE Recreational Areas are closed to hunting. Refer to COE\AGFC Public Use Map.
(M) On Little Bayou and Crossett Experiment Forest WMAs bobcat, fox, and coyote may not be taken during daylight hours with any caliber.


(1) Private landowners within boundaries of WMAs where they maintain a bona fide residence, within their homes or on their own land where normal agricultural activity is conducted.
(2) Trusten Holder WMA mobility impaired muzzleloader deer hunters may use shotguns with slugs.
(3) DeGray Lake WMA special hunt permit holders may possess loaded firearms within the delineated boundaries of the Lower DeGray Lake Waterfowl Rest Area during the special hunts.
(4) In compliance with Code 05.19.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful to hunt wildlife during a permit hunt on any WMA without first obtaining a permit. All seasons not named on the permit are closed during permit hunts on WMAs.


(1) Waterfowl may be hunted during waterfowl seasons.
(2) Other hunting seasons remain open during permit hunts on DeGray Lake, Howard County, Lake Greeson and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMAs for hunting without a permit.
(3) This regulation does not apply on Gene Rush and Buffalo National River WMAs.
(4) Squirrel hunting is allowed (shotgun only; non-toxic shot; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday hunting only) on Maumelle River WMA west of the Arkansas Highway 10 bridge during the permit deer hunts without a permit.

PENALTY: Class 1


It is unlawful hunt or pursue wildlife with the aid of dogs on WMAs.


(1) Permitted American Kennel Club, United Kennel Club, and American Coon Hunters Association field trials when approved by the Commission.
(2) Quail and Rabbit Dog Training: Sept. 1-April 1, except during firearms deer hunts where dogs are not allowed.
(3) Training dogs on Camp Robinson, Wylie Cox and J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUAs requires an Arkansas hunting license. Wylie Cox and J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUAs are closed to dog training during organized field trials. On Camp Robinson SUA, only reserved/closed compartments are closed to dog training.
(4) Dogs are required to hunt bobcat, opossum and raccoon at night in compliance with Addendum C1.09.
(5) J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA is open for training raccoon dogs at night only and rabbit dogs year-round except during field trials. Quail dog training from is allowed Oct. 1- April 15 except during firearms deer hunts where dogs are not allowed.
(6) Waterfowl retrievers are allowed during open migratory bird seasons.
(7) Quail and woodcock hunting with bird dog breeds only, during open season.
(8) Specified dates during modern gun deer season on Gum Flats, Lake Greeson, Provo and Mount Magazine WMAs in compliance with Addendum C1.01.
(9) Dogs are allowed for coyote, fox and bobcat hunting on Casey Jones WMA during the declared furbearer season when a firearms deer season is closed (Codes 21.01; 23.06 and Addendum C1.09).
(10) Dogs are allowed for modern gun deer season on Blue Mountain, DeGray Lake, Lloyd Millwood Nimrod, Dardanelle and Ozark Lake WMAs. No dogs are allowed on islands except waterfowl retrievers during waterfowl season and hunting furbearers at night.
(11) Dogs are allowed for squirrel and rabbit hunting where no modern gun or muzzleloader deer season is open or where dogs are allowed for modern gun deer hunting.
(12) . Dogs are not allowed for squirrel hunting duringthe first nine days of modern gun deer season on Big Timber, Casey Jones, Ozark National Forest, Piney Creeks and White Rock WMAs.
(13) Dogs are allowed for training and/or hunting under the conditions and during the seasons provided by the required annual refuge hunting permit on all NWRs. Field trials are prohibited unless authorized by refuge Special Use Permit.
(14) Waterfowl retriever, rabbit dog (beagle) and bird dog training is allowed on Camp Robinson SUA from Sept. 15-April 1, except during firearm deer hunts where dogs are not allowed. Bird dog training is also prohibited immediately following dates scheduled for supplemental bird releases on Camp Robinson SUA. Camp Robinson personnel will establish the exact dates of supplemental bird releases after field trial schedules are set in July. Dog trainers will be required to check with area personnel to get the dates of scheduled supplemental releases and additional dog training closure periods. Waterfowl retriever training is open the entire year in compartment 5. Dog training must comply with all applicable rules and regulations.
(15) Employees of the National Park Service or their designees engaged in official duties.

PENALTY: Class 1



Zones 1, 1A,2, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 6, 6A,7, 8,8A, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16A and 17: Sept.28,2013-Feb.28,2014(Codes 06.04-05). EXCEPTION: In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).


Zones 1,1A, 2, 3, 6, 6A, 7, 8, 8A, 10 and 11: Nov. 9-Dec. 1, 2013.

Zone 4: Nov. 9-10, 2013.

Zone 5: Nov. 9-10 and Nov. 16-17, 2013.

Zones 4A, 5A, 14 and 15: Nov. 9-Dec. 8, 2013.

Zones 4B and 5B: Nov. 9-17, 2013.

Zones 9, 12 and 13: Nov. 9-Dec. 15, 2013.

Zones 16, 16A and 17: Nov. 9-Dec. 25, 2013. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
(2) Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.


Zones 1,1A, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 6, 6A, 7, 8,8A, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16A and 17: Dec. 26-28, 2013. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) WMAs closed during modern gun deer season are excluded from the Christmas Holiday Deer Hunt (Addendum C1.01).
(2) WMAs requiring a permit for the modern gun or muzzleloader deer season are excluded from the Christmas Holiday Deer Hunt (Addendum C1.01).
(3) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
(4) Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.


All deer zones: Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
(2) WMAs requiring a WMA deer permit are closed to the Special Modern Gun Deer Youth Hunt (Addendum C1.01).
(3) Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.

PRIVATE LAND ANTLERLESS (Ref. 01.00-C) ONLY MODERN GUN DEER HUNT Zones 1, 1A, 2, 3, 6, 6A, 8, 8A, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 16A and 17: Oct 12-16, 2013. Zones, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 7 and 11: Closed.


(1) In compliance with regulations (Code 11.02).
(2) In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
(3) Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.
(4) Hunters using archery equipment may harvest bucks.

Zones 1, 1A, 2, 3, 4A, 5A, 6, 6A, 7, 8, 8A, 10, 11, 14 and 15: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013.

Zones 9, 12, 13, 16, 16A and 17: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013. Zones 4, 4B, 5 and 5B: Closed.


(1) In areas open during regular gun deer seasons.
(2) In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.01).
(3) Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) Deer Management Tags.


Statewide seasonal limit of six deer, no more than two legal bucks using any legal method.

Zones 1 1A, 9, 14, 15, 16 and 16A: Seasonal bag limit of four deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and two does may be taken with firearms.

Zones 2, 3, 6, 6A, 7, 8, 8A and 10: Seasonal bag limit of four deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken with firearms.

Zones 4, 4B, 5 5B and 11: Seasonal bag limit of three deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks and one doe may be taken with firearms.

Zones 4A and 5A: Seasonal bag limit of three deer, no more than two legal bucks.

No more than two legal bucks or up to three does may be taken with archery tackle.

No more than two legal bucks or up to two does may be taken with firearms.

Zones 12 and 17: Seasonal bag limit of six deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to six does may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks or up to six does may be taken with firearms. Zone 13: Seasonal bag limit of four deer, no more than two legal bucks. No more than two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken with archery tackle. No more than two legal bucks or up to four does may be taken with firearms.

Youths six to 15 years of age hunting during the Special Youth Modern Gun Deer Hunt may harvest does Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014in accordance with the zone firearm doe bag limits.


(1) Commission registered deer camps that participate in the Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) receiving deer management tags or those camps receiving Doe Deer Permits (DDP) and bonus deer on certain WMAs (Addendum C1.01) do not apply toward an individual seasonal limit.
(2) Subject to applicable limit restrictions on WMAs (Addendum C1.01).

No jakes (sub-adult male turkeys', except youth hunters may harvest one jake. No more than one legal turkey may be taken per day and no more than two legal turkeys may be taken in any combination of turkey zones.


Zones 1, 2, 3, 4B, 5, 5B, 6, 7, 7A, 8, 9, 10 and 17: April 19-May 4, 2014. Zones 4, 4A, 5A and 9A: April 19-27, 2014. Zone 1A: Closed.


(1) In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.04).
(2) In compliance with regulations (Code 11.03).


Zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 6, 7, 7A, 8, 9, 9A, 10 and 17: April 12-13, 2014. Zone 1A: Closed.


Firearm and Archery/Crossbow:

Statewide seasonal limit of two legal gobblers or bearded hens.

Zones 1, 2, 3, 4B, 5, 5B, 6, 7, 7A, 8, 9, 10 and 17: Two adult gobblers or bearded hens.

Zones 4, 4A, 5A and 9A: One adult gobbler or bearded hen.

Youth hunters may only take one jake.

A1.03 QUAIL SEASON AND LIMITS Nov. 1, 2013-Feb. 2, 2014statewide. EXCEPTION:

In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.05). LIMIT: Daily limit six, possession limit 12.

A1.04 RABBIT SEASON AND LIMITS Sept. 1, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014statewide. EXCEPTION:

In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.06). LIMIT: Daily limit eight, possession limit 16.

(A)Gray Fox, Mink, Red Fox and Striped Skunk Hunting: Sunrise, Sept. 1, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(day hunting only).

LIMIT: Daily limit two per species, possession unlimited.

(B)Opossum Hunting: Sunrise, Sept. 1, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(day or night hunting; dogs are required to hunt at night).

LIMIT: Daily limit two, possession unlimited.

(C)Bobcat Hunting: Sunrise, Sept. 1, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(dogs allowed to hunt bobcat during the day; dogs required to hunt bobcat at night) and during turkey season (day hunting only; no dogs allowed).

LIMIT: Daily limit two, possession unlimited.


(1) Dogs are not allowed in deer zones where a firearms deer season is in progress that prohibits the use of dogs.
(2) During youth turkey hunts, only youth may take bobcats.
(D)Coyote Hunting: Sunrise, July 1, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(dogs allowed to hunt coyote during the day; coyote may not be hunted at night) and during turkey season (day hunting only; no dogs allowed).


(1) Dogs are not allowed in deer zones where a firearms deer season is in progress that prohibits the use of dogs.
(2) During youth turkey hunts, only youth may take coyotes. LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.
(E)River Otter Hunting: Sunrise, Nov. 9, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(day hunting only). LIMIT: Daily limit two, possession unlimited.
(F)Raccoon Hunting: Sunset, July 1-Sunrise, Aug. 31, 2013(night hunting only; dogs required). Sunrise, Sept. 1, 2013-Sunset, March 31, 2014(day or night hunting; dogs are required for hunting at night).

LIMIT: July 1-Nov. 8daily limit four, possession unlimited. Nov. 9-March 31 daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.

(G)Muskrat, Nutria and Beaver Hunting: Sunrise, Sept. 1, 2013-Sunset, March 31, 2014 (day hunting only).

LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.

(H)Badger, Spotted Skunk (Civet Cat) and Weasel Hunting: Closed.
(I)Furbearer Trapping (Other than Beaver, Coyote, Muskrat and Nutria): Sunrise,Nov.9, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014.

LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.

(J)Beaver, Muskrat and Nutria Trapping: Sunrise, Nov. 9, 2013-Sunset, March 31, 2014.

LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.

(K)Coyote Trapping: Sunrise, Aug.1, 2013-Sunset, March 31, 2014.

LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) In compliance with Codes 05.01; 05.10; 09.14.
(2) In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.09).
A1.06 SQUIRREL SEASON AND LIMITS May 15, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014 and May 15, 2014-Feb. 28, 2015statewide. EXCEPTION:

In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.07). LIMIT: Daily limit 12, possession limit 48.


Sept. 1, 2013-Feb. 21, 2014, Thursdays-Mondays only (124 days).


(1) Crows may be taken while committing damage to domestic animals or personal property.
(2) In compliance with WMA regulations (Addendum C1.10).

LIMIT: No limit


Zone 1: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013.

Zone 2: -Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013.

Zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: Closed.


Zones 1 and 2: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: Closed.


Zones 1 and 2: Nov. 4-30, 2013.

Zone 5: Nov. 30-Dec. 8, 2013, Arkansas lands east of the Mississippi River are closed. Zone 5A: Nov. 23-Dec.8, 2013, Arkansas lands east of the Mississippi River are closed. Zones 3, 4, 6 and 7: Closed.

SPECIAL YOUTH MODERN GUN BEAR HUNT Zones 1 and 2: Nov. 2-3, 2013. Zones 3, 4, 5, 5A, 6 and 7: Closed.


Zone 1 (including all WMAs in zone 1) the quota is not to exceed 165 for the month of October and the total quota is not to exceed 200 for all combined seasons.

Zone 2 (including all WMAs in zone 2) the quota is not to exceed 125 for the month of October and the total quota is not to exceed 150 for all combined seasons.

Zone 5: Quota 10 bears.

Zone 5A: Quota 5 bears.

Zones 1, 2, 5 and 5A: Hunters in these zones must comply with the terms and conditions outlined in the current Arkansas Hunting Guidebook.


(1) In compliance with WMA regulations. (Addendum C1.02)
(2) In compliance with Chapter 09.00 and Code 11.01 LIMIT: Individual seasonal limit of one bear statewide.

Zones 1, 2, 3 and 4: Oct. 7-11, 2013by permit only.

Zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and Boone, Carroll, Madison, Newton and Searcy Counties: Oct. 28-Nov.

1, 2013by permit only.


In compliance with Chapter 09.00.

LIMIT: Individual seasonal limit of one elk.


Zones 1 and 3: Sept. 20-23 and Sept. 27-30, 2013by permit only.

Zones 2, 4 and 5: Closed.


In compliance with Chapter 33.00.

LIMIT: Individual seasonal limit of one alligator.



Archery: Oct. 1, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader: (all units): Oct. 19-27, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunt) (Farm Unit only): Nov. 2-3, 2013

Modern Gun (permit hunt) (Farm Unit only): Nov. 9-10, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). (Codes 11.02; 20.07; 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One buck or one doe with muzzleloader (all units);

. One buck or one doe with modern gun permit hunt.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck or doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Three does with archery;

. Two does with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to two does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and two does with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck and two does with modern gun permit. BEARCAT HOLLOW WMA

Archery: ept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, Dec. 7-8, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-17 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of two deer; no more than one legal buck. (Codes 11.02; 21.02)

. One legal buck with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Two does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 014

Archery: (Devil's Eyebrow Unit only): Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. Two does with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and two does. BELL SLOUGH WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery. BENSON CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013. Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck or one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck or one doe with modern gun permit. BERYL ANTHONY LOWER OUACHITA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013. Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Six does with archery; muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is six deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to six does. BIG CREEK WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov.9-Dec. 8 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02) . Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun; . Three does with archery; . One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun. . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Oct. 1, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014.

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions).

(Codes 20.07; 21.03 and Addendum C1.14) . Two bucks with archery; . Three does with archery. BIG LAKE WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-10, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery or modern gun;

. Three does with archery.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe. BIG TIMBER WMA

Archery:. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 20.07)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Six does with archery, muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is six deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to six does. BLEVINS WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02).

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Six does with archery;

. Four does with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is six deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and four does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 21.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Three does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe BREWER LAKE CYPRESS CREEK WMA Archery/Firearms: Closed


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-17 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery or modern gun;

. Three does with archery;

. One doe with modern gun.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 24 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02, 21.02- 03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Six does with archery, muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is six deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to six does.

BUFFALO NATIONAL RIVER WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013. Seasonal limit of two deer; no more than one legal buck. (Code 11.02) . One legal buck with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Two does with archery; . One doe with muzzleloader.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe.


Archery: (all units). Oct. 1, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014. Muzzleloader: (all units) Oct. 19-23, 2013 and Dec. 29-31, 2014. Modern Gun (special youth hunt - all units): Nov. 2-3, 2013 Modern Gun (all units permit hunt): Nov. 9-17, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). (Codes 11.02; 20.07; 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery (all units);

. One buck or one doe with muzzleloader (all units);

. One buck or one doe with modern gun permit (all units).

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck or doe (all units).


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-11, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 21.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery; . Three does with archery; . One buck and one doe with modern gun permit. CAMP ROBINSON WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Nov. 23-24, 2013 Modern Gun (youth permit hunts): Oct. 26-27 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunts): Nov. 28-29 and Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2013 Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than one legal buck. (Code 21.02) . One legal buck with archery; . Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit; . One legal buck and one doe with modern gun permit. . Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. CANEY CREEK WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 21.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Three does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined (WMA doe permit required). . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe (a WMA doe permit is not required).


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 20.07) . Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun; . Six does with archery, muzzleloader and modern gun combined. . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is six deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to six does. CATTAIL MARSH WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Three does with archery. CEDAR CREEK WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Three does with archery. CHEROKEE WMA

Archery: . 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02 ; 2007)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun; . Four does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined. . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. CHEROKEE PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery; . Two does with archery. COVE CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Four does with archery. CROSSETT EXPERIMENTAL FOREST WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013. Modern Gun: Closed

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 20.07) . Two legal bucks with archery or muzzleloader; . Six does with archery and muzzleloader combined.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-23, 2013

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck and one doe with modern gun permit. CYPRESS BAYOU WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 21.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck or one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck or one doe with modern gun permit. DARDANELLE WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014Johnson WRA: Oct. 1-31, 2013 and

Feb. 1-28, 2014.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Modern Gun (mobility impaired permit hunt): Johnson County WRA only:

Nov. 2-3, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 21.02 -03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined

. Limit during the muzzleloader mobility impaired hunt is two deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or two does on the Johnson County WRA. . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe.

DAVE DONALDSON BLACK RIVER WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 26-30, 2013 Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013 Modern Gun: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 20.02; 21.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit.

. Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. DEGRAY LAKE WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Oct. 12-13, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 21.02 -03)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery, muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is four, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to four does.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to four does. DEPARTEE CREEK WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Three does with archery;

. Two does with muzzleloader or modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to two does.


Archery (all open units): Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader (firearms units only): Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (firearms units only) (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013

and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun (firearms units only): Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 20.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. Two does with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and two does.

DEVIL'S KNOB NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02) . Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun; . Four does with archery; . One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe. DR. LESTER SITZES III BOIS D'ARC WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 014. Red Slough WRA: Sept. 28-Nov. 1, 2013

Muzzleloader (permit hunts): Oct. 19-23 and Nov. 2-3, 2013

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 21.02 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and two does with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck and two does with modern gun permit.. EARL BUSS BAYOU DEVIEW WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014. Firearms: Closed Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery. ED GORDON POINT REMOVE WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Oct. 26-30, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than one legal buck. Hunters must harvest and check a doe prior to harvesting a legal buck. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14) . One legal buck with archery; . Three does with archery; . One legal buck and two does with modern gun permit. ELECTRIC ISLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed ETHEL WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Three does with archery. FALCON BOTTOMS NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 014 Firearms: Closed 2.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Six does with archery. FELSENTHAL NWR

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014. Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-23, 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-12, 2013

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks (no antler restrictions). A doe must be harvested and checked before a buck may be harvested during any season. (Codes 20.07; 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14) . Two legal bucks with archery; . Six does with archery;

. One legal buck or up to two does with muzzleloader; . One legal buck or up to two does with modern gun permit. . FT. CHAFFEE WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunts): Nov. 23 and Nov. 24, 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunts): Nov. 16 and Nov. 17, 2013 Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 21.02) . Two legal bucks with archery; . Four does with archery; . One legal buck or doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck or doe with modern gun permit. FOUSHEE CAVE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: ept. 28, 2013 Feb. 28, 2014. Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Four does with archery. FREDDIE BLACK CHOCTAW ISLAND WMA DEER RESEARCH AREA East Unit

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Dec. 31, 2013. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013 Modern Gun (mobility impaired permit hunt): Oct. 26-28, 2013 Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Nov. 22-24, 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 30-Dec. 2, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks and two does. A doe must be harvested and checked before a buck may be harvested during any season, except during the modern gun youth permit hunt. (Codes 20.07; 21.02-03)

. One legal buck with archery;

. Two does with archery;

. One legal buck and two does with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck and two does with modern gun permit.

. Limit during the modern gun mobility impaired permit hunt is three deer, one buck and two does. . Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is three deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and two does. Youth are allowed to harvest a buck without first harvesting and checking a doe and up to two does.

West Unit Archery: Closed Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (youth permit hunts): Nov. 16-17, Nov. 22-24 and Nov. 30-Dec. 1 and Dec. 7-8, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than one buck (no antler restrictions). (Codes 21.02-03)

. Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is three deer, one buck and two does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-10, Nov. 16-17 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Seasonal limit of three deer, no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02 and 20.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery or modern gun;

. Three does with archery;

. One doe with modern gun.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe. FROG BAYOU WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Four does with archery. GALLA CREEK WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-10, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 21.03 and Addendum C1.13)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe during the modern gun permit.

. Limit during the modern gun youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.

GARRETT HOLLOW NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of two deer; no more than one legal buck. . One legal buck with archery; . Two does with archery. GENE RUSH WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun: Nov. 9-17 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of two deer; no more than one legal buck. (Codes 11.02; 21.02) . One legal buck with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun; . Two does with archery; . One doe with muzzleloader.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28 2013- Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader (mobility impaired permit hunt): Nov. 5-7, 2013

Muzzleloader (youth permit hunt): Dec. 19-20, 2013

Modern Gun: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery.

. Limit during the muzzleloader mobility impaired permit hunt is four deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to four does. . Limit during the muzzleloader youth permit hunt is four deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to four does. GUM FLATS WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-20, Nov. 30-Dec. 11 (dogs allowed) and Dec. 26-28, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 20.07)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader;

. One legal buck and one doe with modern gun.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.

H. E. FLANAGAN PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Two does with archery. HALL CREEK BARRENS NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 014 Firearms: Closed 2.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Six does with archery. HAROLD E. ALEXANDER SPRING RIVER WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Nov 2. 6, 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Dec. 7-11, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than one legal buck. (Code 21.02 and Addendum C1.14)

. One legal buck with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck and one doe with modern gun permit. HARRIS BRAKE WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of two deer; no more than one legal buck.

. One legal buck with archery;

. Two does with archery. HENRY GRAY HURRICANE LAKE WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck and one doe with modern gun permit. HOBBS STATE PARK-CONSERVATION AREA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Nov. 16-20, 2013 Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013

Modern Gun (mobility impaired permit hunt): Dec. 16-17, 2013

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Dec. 7-11, 2013 Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than one legal buck. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. One legal buck with archery;

. Four does with archery;

. One legal buck or one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck or one doe with modern gun permit.

. Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt and the modern gun mobility impaired permit hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. HOLLA BEND NWR

Archery: Oct. 1-Dec. 1, 2013.

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Dec. 7, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 20.07; 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks (no antler restrictions) with archery;

. Two does with archery.

. Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader (permit hunts): Oct. 19-21 and Nov. 22-24, 2013 Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014. Modern Gun: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 21.02-03) . Two legal bucks with archery;

. Two does with archery;

. One legal buck or one doe with muzzleloader permit hunt. . Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe HOPE UPLAND WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery;

. Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) or up to two does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader (permit hunts): Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013. Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun (permit hunts): Nov. 9-20 and Nov. 30-Dec. 11, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03) . Two legal bucks with archery; . Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit; . One legal buck and one doe with modern gun permit. . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe.

HOWARD HENSLEY SEARCY COUNTY WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013. Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 21.03)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun; . Four does with archery;

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions) or one doe. IRON MOUNTAIN NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of two deer; no more than one legal buck. . One legal buck with archery; . Two does with archery. J. PERRY MIKLES BLUE MOUNTAIN SUA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Oct. 5-6, 2013

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 13-14, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 21.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck or one doe with modern gun permit.

. Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. JAMESTOWN INDEPENDENCE COUNTY WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013. Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. JIM KRESS WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02 ; 2007)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. JONES POINT WMA

Archery: ept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery. KINGSLAND PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 014 Firearms: Closed 2.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Six does with archery.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec 2i. -31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 20.07

and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Six does with archery;

. Four does with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is six deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and four does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader (permit hunts): Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Muzzleloader (mobility impaired hunt): Oct. 5-6, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun (permit hunts): Nov. 9-20 and Nov. 30-Dec. 11, 2013(dogs allowed).

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck and one doe with modern gun permit.

. Limit during the muzzleloader mobility impaired permit is two deer, one legal buck and one doe.

. Limit during the modern gun youth hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer, no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery. LEE COUNTY WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 8 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Three does with archery;

. Two does with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to two does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013

Modern Gun: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 21.02 and

Addendum C1.13)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit.

. Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe LITTLE RIVER WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. Two does with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and two does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-17, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. LONGVIEW SALINE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 014 Firearms: Closed 2.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Six does with archery. MAUMELLE RIVER WMA

Archery (permit hunts): Oct. 1-31, Nov. 1-30 and Dec. 1-31, 2013.

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than one legal buck. (Code 21.02)

. One legal buck with archery permit;

. Two does with archery permit. MCILROY MADISON COUNTY WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Nov. 2-6, 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Dec. 7-11, 2013. Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than one legal buck. (Code 21.02 and C1.14)

. One legal buck with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck and one doe with modern gun permit. MIKE FREEZE WATTENSAW WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck and one doe with modern gun permit;

. Limit during the modern special gun youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. MORO BIG PINE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, Nov. 29-Dec. 3, Dec. 14-18 and Dec. 26-30, 2

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than one legal buck. Hunters must harvest and check a doe prior to harvesting a legal buck (a youth is not required to harvest a doe before harvesting a buck during any hunt)

(Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. One legal buck with archery;

. Six does with archery;

. One legal buck or up to six does with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck or up to six does with modern gun permit

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is six deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) or up to six does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 (dogs allowed Nov. 21-Dec. 1) and Dec. 26-28, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02) . Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun; . Four does with archery; . One doe with muzzleloader.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe. MUDDY CREEK WMA

Archery: ept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 21.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Three does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined (WMA doe permit required). . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe (a WMA doe quota permit is not required).

NACATOCH RAVINES NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Four does with archery. NIMROD LLOYD MILLWOOD WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013 Modern Gun (special youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun (mobility impaired permit hunt): November 5-6, 2013 Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013. Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Two does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader;

. Limit during the mobility impaired permit hunt is three deer; two bucks

(no antler restrictions) and one doe. . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe


Archery: All Units Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward Point,

Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units Oct. Oct. 19-27, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): Seward Point, Bennett's Bayou and

Fulton County Units: Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014Chapin Point and

Indian Head Units closed.

Modern Gun: Seward Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units: Nov.

9-17, 2013Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. OVERFLOW NWR

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Jan 31, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013

Modern Gun: Closed

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two bucks (no restrictions).

(Codes 20.07; 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two bucks with archery;

. Six does with archery;

. One buck and one doe with muzzleloader. OZAN WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Six does with archery;

. Four does with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is six deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and four does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

* Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

* Four does with archery;

* One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined

* Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than one legal buck. (Code 11.02) . One legal buck with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun; . Three does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and one doe Nov. 9-10, 2013with modern gun combined . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Four does with archery.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02) . Two bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun; . Four does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined. . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Three does with archery. PINEY CREEKS WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than one legal buck. (Code 11.02)

. One legal buck with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Three does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and one doe Nov. 9-10, 2013with modern gun combined

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013 and Dec. 29-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Six does with archery, muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is six deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to six does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Jan 31, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-23, 2013

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Oct. 26-27, 2013

Modern Gun (mobility impaired permit hunt): Nov. 7-8, 2013

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions).

The first deer harvested can be a buck or doe. A doe must be harvested and checked at the refuge check station before a second buck may be harvested with any weapon (this does not apply to the modern gun youth and

mobility impaired permit hunts) (Codes 20.07; 21 02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two bucks with archery;

. Two does with archery;

. One buck or up to two does with muzzleloader;

. One buck and one doe with modern gun permit.

. Limit during the mobility impaired permit hunt is two deer, two bucks and two does

. Limit during the modern gun youth permits is two deer, two bucks and two does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5,2014

Seasonal limit of three deer, no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 20.11; 21.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2013

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-20, Nov. 30-Dec. 11 (dogs allowed) and Dec. 26-28, 2013

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 20.07)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader;

. One legal buck and one doe with modern gun.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed Seasonal limit of three deer, no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and De 2. 4-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One buck and one doe with modern gun permit.


Archery (permit hunt): Oct. 12-Dec. 1, 2013

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than one legal buck. A doe must be harvested before a buck may be harvested and does harvested on this area are bonus deer and do not count against the statewide seasonal limit. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. One legal buck with archery permit;

. Two does with archery permit;


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. One doe with archery.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and De 2. 4-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal buck. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014.

Firearms: Closed Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 014

Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader (permit hunts): Oct. 19-23 and Oct. 26-30, 2013

Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery; . Three does with archery;

. One legal buck or one doe with muzzleloader permit; . One legal buck or one doe with modern gun permit. . Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014.

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-10 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of two deer; no more than one legal buck. (Code 11.02)

. One legal buck with archery or modern gun; . Two does with archery; . One doe with modern gun.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Four does with archery.

SCOTT HENDERSON GULF MOUNTAIN WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than one legal buck. (Code 21.02 and Addendum C1.14)

. One legal buck with archery; . Three does archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit; . One legal buck and one doe with modern gun permit. SEVEN DEVILS WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 014 Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec 2. 9-31, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 15 and Dec. 26-28, 2013. Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02) . Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Six does with archery, muzzleloader and modern gun combined. . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is six deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) or up to six does. SHEFFIELD NELSON DAGMAR WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013 Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-13, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck or one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One legal buck or one doe with modern gun permit. SHIREY BAY RAINEY BRAKE WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014. Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 26-30, 2013 Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 20.02; 21.02 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One legal buck or one doe with muzzleloader permit.

. Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is one deer, buck (no antler restrictions) or doe.

SLIPPERY HOLLOW NATURAL AREA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery. SMOKE HOLE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery. SPRING BANK WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 8 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. Two does with muzzleloader and modern gun combined. . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and two does.

STATELINE SANDPONDS NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Three does with archery. STEVE N. WILSON RAFT CREEK BOTTOMS WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Modern Gun (youth permit hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03) . Two legal bucks with archery; . Three does with archery.

. Limit during the modern gun youth permit hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Henry Moore WRA: Sept. 28-

Nov. 2, 2013.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 8 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Four does with archery;

. Two does with muzzleloader and modern combined.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is four deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and two does.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Four does with archery. SYLAMORE WMA North Unit: Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-17 and Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2013

South Unit:

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than one legal buck (both units).

(Code 11.02)

. One legal buck with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun; . Three does with archery; . One doe with muzzleloader.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. TERRE NOIRE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014. Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Six does with archery. TRUSTEN HOLDER WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013.

Muzzleloader (mobility impaired permit hunt - Merrisach Park Area only) : Noon, Nov. 13-Noon, Nov. 15, 2013This hunt is administered by the Corps of Engineers.

Modern Gun: Closed

Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 21.02-03

and Addendum C1.14)

. Two legal bucks with archery; . Four does with archery;

. One legal buck and two does with muzzleloader permit. . Limit during the muzzleloader mobility impaired permit hunt is three deer, one buck and two does. Does taken during the special mobility impaired permit hunt are bonus deer and do not count toward the seasonal limit. (Contact Corp of Engineers at 870 548-2291 for specific mobility impaired criteria; application period July 5-Sept. 5).


Archery: ept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed.

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Six does with archery. U OF A PINE TREE EXPERIMENTAL STATION WDA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-23, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun (permit hunts): Nov. 9-13 and Nov. 22-26, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). (Codes 20.07; 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14)

. Two bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery;

. One buck and one doe with muzzleloader permit;

. One buck and one doe with modern gun permit.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck and one doe. W. E. BREWER SCATTER CREEK WMA Archery: ept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 26-27, 2013 Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014 Modern Gun: Closed.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Code 11.02) . Two legal bucks with archery; . Three does with archery; . One buck or one doe with muzzleloader permit

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, two bucks

(no antler restrictions) or up to one doe.


Archery: Oct. 1, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014.

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-10, 2013

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). (Codes 20.07; 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14) . Two bucks with archery; . Three does with archery; . One buck or one doe with modern gun permit. WARREN PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of six deer; no more than two legal bucks. . Two legal bucks with archery; . Six does with archery. WEDINGTON WMA

Archery: Sept. -Dec. 31, 2013.

Muzzleloader: Closed

Modern Gun (mobility impaired permit hunt): Oct. 11-13, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-10, 2013

Seasonal limit of two deer; no more than one legal buck. (Codes 20.02; 21.02 and Addendum C1.13)

. One legal buck with archery;

. Two does with archery;

. One legal buck and one doe with modern gun permit.

. Limit during the mobility impaired permit hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe.

. Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. WHITE CLIFFS NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed Seasonal limit of four deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Four does with archery. WHITEHALL WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Firearms: Closed

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two legal bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery. WHITE RIVER NWR

Archery: Oct. 1, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014(north unit). Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2013(south unit). Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013(Kansas Lake Area).

Muzzleloader (permit hunt): Oct. 19-21, 2013(both units)

Muzzleloader: Oct. 22-25, 2013(north unit).

Modern Gun (special youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013(both units)

Modern Gun (permit hunt): Nov. 9-11, 2013(both units)

Modern Gun: Nov. 12-13, 2013(north unit). Closed (Kansas Lake Area).

Cook's Lake Area (youth permit hunt): Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2013

Cook's Lake Area (mobility impaired permit hunt): Dec. 6-8, 2013

Season limit of three deer; no more than two bucks (no antler restrictions). (Codes 20.07; 21.02-03 and Addendum C1.14) . Two bucks with archery (both units); . Three does with archery (both units); . One buck or one doe with muzzleloader permit Oct. 19-21(both units); . One buck with muzzleloader Oct. 22-25(no does allowed) (north unit only); . One buck or one doe with modern gun permit Nov. 9-11(north and south units); . One buck with modern gun permit Nov. 12-13(no does allowed)

(north unit only). . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is one deer, buck or doe Nov. 2-3(both units). . Limit during the Cooks Lake Area modern gun permit youth hunt is two deer, one buck and one doe Nov. 30- Dec. 1.

. Limit during the Cooks Lake modern gun mobility impaired permit hunt is two deer, one buck and one doe Dec. 6-8. Cooks Lake area: Deer harvested during the modern gun youth permit hunt and mobility impaired permit hunt are bonus deer and do not count in the hunter's statewide seasonal limit.


Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (mobility impaired permit hunt): Oct. 4-6, 2013.

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of two deer; no more than one legal buck. (Code 11.02 and

Addendum C1.13)

. One legal buck with archery, muzzleloader or modern gun;

. Two does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader;

. Limit during the modern gun mobility impaired permit is two

deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is two deer, one buck (no antler restrictions) and one doe. WINONA WMA

Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27 and Dec. 14-16, 2013

Modern Gun (special youth hunts): Nov. 2-3, 2013 and Jan. 4-5, 2014

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-Dec. 1 and Dec. 26-28, 2013.

Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks. (Codes 11.02; 21.02)

. Two legal bucks with archery, muzzleloader and modern gun;

. Three does with archery;

. One doe with muzzleloader and modern gun combined . . Limit during the modern gun special youth hunt is three deer, two bucks (no antler restrictions) and one doe.

WITTSBURG NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Sept. 28, 2013-Feb 28, 2014 Firearms: Closed Seasonal limit of three deer; no more than two legal bucks.

. Two bucks with archery;

. Three does with archery.



Archery/Firearms: Closed. BAYOU DES ARC WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BAYOU METO WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BEARCAT HOLLOW WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-17, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08) BEAVER LAKE WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit. Firearms: Closed. (Addendum A1.08)



Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG LAKE NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG LAKE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG TIMBER WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013(only on that part of the area in bear zone 2) . Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013(only on that part of the area in bear zone 2).

Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013(only on that part of the area in bear zone 2). Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013(only on that part of the area in bear zone 2).

Statewide limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. BLUE MOUNTAIN WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. BREWER LAKE CYPRESS CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BRUSHY CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BUCK ISLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed.

BUFFALO NATIONAL RIVER WMA Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit. Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit. Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit. Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. (Addendum A1.08)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. CAMP ROBINSON SUA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Firearms: Closed.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Firearms: Closed.

(Addendum A1.08) CANEY CREEK WMA

Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. CASEY JONES WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CATTAIL MARSH WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CEDAR CREEK WMA

Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Firearms: Closed. CHEROKEE WMA

Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013(only on that part of the area in bear zone 2).

Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013(only that part of the area in zone 1).

Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)



Archery/Firearms (both units): Closed. COVE CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. CUT-OFF CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. CYPRESS BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. DARDANELLE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. DEGRAY LAKE WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. DEPARTEE CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. DEQUEEN LAKE WMA

Archery (all open units): Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader (firearms units only): Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (firearms units only) (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (firearms units only): Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. DEVIL'S KNOB NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. EARL BUSS BAYOU DEVIEW WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. ED GORDON POINT REMOVE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun: Oct. 26-30, 2013(deer permit holders only). Statewide limit. ELECTRIC ISLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. ETHEL WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. FELSENTHAL NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. FT. CHAFFEE WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. FRIERSON WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. FROG BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. GALLA CREEK WMA

Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Closed.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013(deer permit holders only). Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-10, 2013 (deer permit holders only). Statewide limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. GENE RUSH WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-17, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Firearms: Closed. GUM FLATS WMA




Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Nov. 2-6, 2013(deer permit holders only). Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Dec. 7-11, 2013(deer permit holders only). Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery: Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit. Statewide limit.



Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Nov. 16-20, 2013(deer permit holders only). Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Dec. 7-11, 2013(deer permit holders only). Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOLLAND BOTTOMS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOPE UPLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOWARD COUNTY WMA


Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)

IRON MOUNTAIN NATURAL AREA WMA Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit. Firearms: Closed.



Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit. Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit. Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit. Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. (Addendum A1.08)


Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. LAFAYETTE COUNTY WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. LAKE OVERCUP WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Firearms: Closed. LEE COUNTY WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. LITTLE BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. LITTLE RIVER WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. LOAFER'S GLORY WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-17, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)



Archery/Firearms: Closed. TWO BAYOU CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. MAUMELLE RIVER WMA

Archery: Oct 1-31 and Nov. 1-30, 2013(deer permit holders only. Statewide limit.


Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Nov. 2-6, 2013(deer permit holders only).

Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Dec. 7-11, 2013(deer permit holders only).

Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. MORO BIG PINE NAT URAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. MT. MAGAZINE WMA

Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. MUDDY CREEK WMA

Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. NACATOCH RAVINES NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. NIMROD LLOYD MILLWOOD WMA

Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. NORFORK LAKE WMA

Archery (all units): Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward Point, Bennett's

Bayou and Fulton County Units Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward

Point, Bennett's Bayou and Fulton County Units Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Chapin Point and Indian Head Units closed. Seward Point, Bennett's

Bayou and Fulton County Units Nov. 9-17, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. OZAN WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. OZARK LAKE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. OZARK NATIONAL FOREST WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)



Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. PINE CITY NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PINEY CREEKS WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. POND CREEK NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PRAIRIE BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PROVO WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed.


Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit. Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit. Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit. Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. (Addendum A1.08)



Archery/Firearms: Closed. RING SLOUGH WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. RIVER BEND WMA

Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. ROBERT L. HANKINS MUD CREEK WMA



Archery/Firearms: Closed. ST. FRANCIS SUNKEN LANDS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SANDHILLS NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed.

SCOTT HENDERSON GULF MOUNTAIN WMA Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit. Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-23, 2013(deer permit holders only). Statewide limit. Modern Gun: Nov. 9-13, 2013(deer permit holders only). Statewide limit. (Addendum A1.08)



Archery/Firearms: Closed. SHIREY BAY RAINEY BRAKE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SMOKE HOLE NATURAL AREA WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. SPRING BANK WMA



Archery/Firearms: Closed. SULPHUR RIVER WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. SYLAMORE WMA

North Unit

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 9-17 and Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)

South Unit

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit. Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit. Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit. Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. (Addendum A1.08)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. TRUSTEN HOLDER WMA

Archery: Nov. 30-Dec. 8, 2013(closed on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service property on

Trusten Holder WMA). Statewide limit.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. WAPANOCCA NWR


Archery/Firearms: Closed.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. WEDINGTON WMA


Archery/Firearms: Closed. WHITEHALL WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. WHITE RIVER NWR

Archery/Firearms: All Units closed. WHITE ROCK WMA

Archery: Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit.

(Addendum A1.08)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. WINONA WMA

Archery: Oct 1-Nov. 30, 2013. Statewide limit.

Muzzleloader: Oct. 19-27, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun (youth hunt): Nov. 2-3, 2013. Statewide limit.

Modern Gun: Nov. 4-30, 2013. Statewide limit. WITTSBURG NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed.


All WMAs are closed.


On Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d'Arc, Sulphur River and designated portions of Trusten

Holder WMAs alligators may be hunted Sept. 20-23 and Sept. 27-30, 2013by permit only.


Individual seasonal limit of one alligator.


In compliance with Code 01.00C Legal Turkey.


Archery/Firearms: Closed. BAYOU DES ARC WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. BAYOU METO WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkey. BEARCAT HOLLOW WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 20-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. BEAVER LAKE WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BELL SLOUGH WMA

Firearms (permit hunt): See Camp Robinson WMA (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16).


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. BERYL ANTHONY LOWER OUACHITA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. BIG LAKE NWR

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BIG LAKE WMA

Firearms(youthpermithunt):April12-13,2014. One legal turkey (Code 21.07

and Addendum C1.16).


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms:April19-May4,2014. Two legal turkeys (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16 ).


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. BLUE MOUNTAIN WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. BREWER LAKE CYPRESS CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BRUSHY CREEK WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. BUCK ISLAND WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkey. BUFFALO NATIONAL RIVER WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. CACHE RIVER NWR

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014in hunt units 1 and 3. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014in hunt unit 1. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014in hunt unit 3. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): See Rex Hancock Black Swamp WMA for hunt unit 2 dates and limits (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16).


Archery/Firearms: Closed. CAMP ROBINSON WMA

Firearms (permit hunt) (includes Bell Slough WMA): April 21-23, April 28-30

and May 5-7, 2014. One legal turkey (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16). CANEY CREEK WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. CASEY JONES WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms:April19-May4,2014. Two legal turkeys (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16 ).


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. CEDAR CREEK WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. CHEROKEE WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms:April19-May4,2014. Two legal turkeys (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16 ).


Archery/Firearms: Closed. COVE CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. CROSSETT EXPERIMENTAL FOREST WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. CUT-OFF CREEK WMA

Archery: April 22-24 and April 29-May 1, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21, April 26-28 and May 2-4, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. DARDANELLE WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. DAVE DONALDSON BLACK RIVER WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. DEGRAY LAKE WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. DEPARTEE CREEK WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. DEQUEEN LAKE WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. DEVIL'S KNOB NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

DR. LESTER SITZES, III BOIS D'ARC WMA Archery: April 28-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. Firearms: (permit hunt): April 19-21 and April 25-27, 2014. One legal turkey. (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. ED GORDON POINT REMOVE WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Wiley Cox Field Trial Area is closed to hunting. ELECTRIC ISLAND WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. ETHEL WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. FALCON BOTTOMS NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. FELSENTHAL NWR

Archery: Other than during permit hunts, areas are restricted to archery hunting and are open April 22-May 4, 2014. Closed during turkey gun permit hunts. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. FOUSHEE CAVE NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. FREDDIE BLACK CHOCTAW ISLAND WMA AND DEER RESEARCH AREA

East Unit

Archery: April 22-24 and April 29-May 1, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21, April 26-28, May 2-4, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)

West Unit

Archery/Firearms: Closed. FRIERSON WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. FROG BAYOU WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. GALLA CREEK WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. GARRETT HOLLOW NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: Closed.


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. GREERS FERRY LAKE WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. GUM FLATS WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)



Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. HAROLD E. ALEXANDER SPRING RIVER WMA

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21, April 25-27, and May 2-4, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys. Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys.


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey. HOBBS STATE PARK-CONSERVATION AREA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. HOLLA BEND NWR

Archery: April 21-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 19-20, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey. Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21 and April 26-28, 2014. One legal turkey (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16).


Firearms (youth hunt): See Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA. HOWARD COUNTY WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. HOWARD HENSLEY SEARCY COUNTY WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. IRON MOUNTAIN NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. J. PERRY MIKLES BLUE MOUNTAIN SUA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. JAMESTOWN INDEPENDENCE COUNTY WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. JIM KRESS WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. KINGSLAND PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. LAFAYETTE COUNTY WMA

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. LAKE OVERCUP WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. LEE COUNTY WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. LITTLE BAYOU WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. LITTLE RIVER WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. LOAFER'S GLORY WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. LONGVIEW SALINE NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms : April 19-May 4, 2014.

One legal turkey (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16).


Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey. Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21 and April 26-28, 2014. One legal turkey (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16).


Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey. Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21 and April 25-27, 2014. One legal turkey (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16).

MORO BIG PINE NATURAL AREA WMA Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21, April 25-27 and May 2-4, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. MUDDY CREEK WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. NACATOCH RAVINES NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. NIMROD LLOYD MILLWOOD WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. NORFORK LAKE WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. OVERFLOW NWR

Archery/Crossbow: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: Closed. OZAN WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. OZARK LAKE WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. OZARK NATIONAL FOREST WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. PALMETTO FLATS NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. PETIT JEAN RIVER WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. PINE CITY NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. PINEY CREEKS WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. POISON SPRINGS WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. POND CREEK NWR

Archery: Other than during permit hunt, areas are restricted to archery hunting and are open April 21-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-20, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms: (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. PROVO WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. RAINEY WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. REX HANCOCK BLACK SWAMP WMA

Firearms (youth permit hunt) (includes Cache River NWR Unit 2 lands within an

area bounded by U.S. Highway 64 on north, Arkansas Highway 17 on east,

Arkansas Highway 38 on south and Arkansas Highway 33 on west): April 12-13, 2014 . One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-20 and April 26-27, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth permit hunt) (includes Hope Upland WMA): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey (Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16).


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. RIVER BEND WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. ROBERT L. HANKINS MUD CREEK WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. ROTH PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. ST. FRANCIS SUNKEN LANDS WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. SANDHILLS NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. SCOTT HENDERSON GULF MOUNTAIN WMA

Archery: April 22-24 and April 28-May 1, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21, April 25-27 and May 2-4, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. SHEFFIELD NELSON DAGMAR WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SHIREY BAY RAINEY BRAKE WMA

Firearms (permit hunts): April 19-21, April 25-27 and May 2-4, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. SMOKE HOLE NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. SPRING BANK WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. STATELINE SANDPONDS NATURAL AREA WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. STEVE N. WILSON RAFT CREEK BOTTOMS WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. SULPHUR RIVER WMA

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21 and April 25-27, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)


Archery/Firearms: Closed. SYLAMORE WMA

North and South Units

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms(permithunt):April19-21,2014. One legal turkey (Code 21.07 and

Addendum C1.16).

Firearms: April 24-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. TERRE NOIRE NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed. TRUSTEN HOLDER WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. TWO BAYOU CREEK WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. U OF A PINE TREE EXPERIMENTAL STATION WDA

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16)



Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys.



Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. One legal turkey. WHITEHALL WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms: April 19-27, 2014. One legal turkey. WHITE RIVER NWR

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014(both units). Two legal turkeys. WHITE ROCK WMA

Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. W.E. BREWER SCATTER CREEK WMA

Firearms (youth permit hunt): April 12-13, 2014. One legal turkey.

Firearms (permit hunt): April 19-21 and April 25-27, 2014. One legal turkey

(Code 21.07 and Addendum C1.16).


Firearms (youth hunt): April 12-13, 2014. Two legal turkeys.

Firearms: April 19-May 4, 2014. Two legal turkeys. WITTSBURG NATURAL AREA WMA

Archery/Firearms: Closed.

C1.05 QUAIL SEASON AND LIMITS ON WMAs Nov. 1, 2013-Feb. 2, 2014. EXCEPTIONS:
(1)Nov. 1, 2013-Feb. 2, 2014on Holland Bottoms WMA - (Tuesdays and Saturdays only).
(2)Dec. 14-16, 2013 and Jan. 3-5, 2014on Harold E. Alexander Spring River and Scott Henderson Gulf Mountain WMAs - Limit 4.
(3)Nov. 1, 2013-Feb. 2, 2014on Norfork Lake WMA (Chapin Point and Indian Head Units) - quail hunting ends at Noon.
(4)Nov. 1, 2013-Feb. 2, 2014on Hope Upland WMA (Tuesdays only). Limit: 4.
(5)Nov. 1, 2013-Feb. 2, 2014on Ed Gordon Point Remove and Galla Creek WMAs (weekends only). Limit 4.
(6)Dec. 1, 2013-Feb. 2, 2014on Ft. Chaffee WMA.
(7)Nov. 1, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014on Felsenthal and Overflow NWRs.
(8)Nov. 1, 2013-Feb. 2, 2014on Prairie Bayou. Limit 4.
(9) Closed on Big Lake NWR, Camp Robinson SUA, Electric Island, Holla Bend NWR, J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA, Johnson County WRA, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRA on Dardanelle, Maumelle River, Pond Creek NWR, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie, Robert L. Hankins Mud Creek, Wapanocca NWR, White River NWR, and Wedington WMAs.

LIMIT: Daily limit six, possession limit 12.

C1.06 RABBIT SEASON AND LIMITS ON WMAs Sept. 1, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014. EXCEPTIONS:
(1)Sept. 1, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014on Hope Upland and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMAs (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays only).
(2)Sept. 1, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014on Felsenthal, Pond Creek, Overflow and White River (North Unit) NWRs
(3)Oct. 1-Dec. 1, 2013on Holla Bend NWR (archery only).
(4)Sept. 1-Nov. 30, 2013on White River NWR (South Unit).
(5)Sept. 1, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014on Prairie Bayou. Limit 4.
(6) Closed on Camp Robinson SUA, Electric Island WMA, J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA, Maumelle River, Wylie Cox SUA on Ed Gordon Point Remove WMA and Johnson County, WRA on Dardanelle WMA.

LIMIT: Daily limit eight, possession limit 16.

C1.07 SQUIRREL SEASON AND LIMITS ON WMAs May 15, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014 and May 15, 2014-Feb. 28, 2015. EXCEPTIONS:
(1)Sept. 1, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014on Bald Knob, Big Lake, Cache River, Wapanocca and White River (North unit) NWRs.
(2)May 18-Sept. 30, 2013on Camp Robinson SUA.
(3)Sept. 1, 2013-Feb. 28, 2014on Camp Robinson WMA, Harold E. Alexander Spring River, Hope Upland (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only), Lafayette County, Maumelle River (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only) and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only) WMAs.
(4)Sept. 1, 2013-Jan. 31, 2014on Felsenthal, Pond Creek, Overflow and White River (North Unit) NWRs.
(5)Oct. 1-Dec. 1, 2013on Holla Bend NWR (archery only).
(6)Sept. 1-Nov. 30, 2013on White River NWR (South Unit).
(7) Spring Squirrel closed on Electric Island, Johnson County WRA on Dardanelle and Wylie Cox SUA on Ed Gordon Point Remove WMAs. LIMIT: Daily limit 12, possession limit 48.
(A) Gray Fox, Mink, Red Fox and striped Skunk Hunting: Sunrise, Sept. 1, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(day hunting only). LIMIT: Daily limit two per species, possession unlimited.
(B) Opossum Hunting: Sunrise, Sept. 1, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(day or night hunting; dogs are required for hunting at night).

LIMIT: Daily limit two, possession unlimited.

(C) Bobcat Hunting: Sunrise, Sept. 1, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(dogs required to hunt bobcat at night) and during turkey season (day hunting only; no dogs allowed).


(1) Closed during turkey and squirrel seasons on WMAs where a turkey or squirrel season is closed.
(2) During youth turkey hunts, only youths may take bobcat.
(3) Hope Upland and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA: Closed to bobcat hunting except open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays during daylight hours only.

LIMIT: Daily limit two, possession unlimited.

(D) Coyote Hunting: Sunrise, July 1, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(dogs not allowed to hunt coyote) and during turkey season (day hunting only; no dogs allowed).


(1) Closed during turkey and squirrel seasons on WMAs where a turkey or squirrel seasons is closed.
(2) During youth turkey hunts, only youths may take coyote.
(3) Hope Upland and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMA: Closed to coyote hunting except open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays during daylight hours only.

LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.

(E) River Otter Hunting: Sunrise, Nov. 9, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(day hunting only).

LIMIT: Daily limit two, possession unlimited.

(F) Raccoon Hunting: Sunset, July 1-Sunrise, Aug. 31, 2013(night hunting only; dogs are required). Sunrise, Sept. 1, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014(day or night hunting; dogs are required for hunting at night). March 1-31, 2014(night hunting only; dogs are required).

LIMIT: July 1- Feb. 28 daily limit four, possession unlimited. March 1-31 daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.

(H)Muskrat, Nutria and Beaver Hunting: Sunrise, Sept. 1, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014.

LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.

Badger, Spotted Skunk (Civet Cat) and Weasel Hunting: Closed.

(J)Furbearer Trapping (Other than Beaver, Coyote, Muskrat and Nutria):

Sunrise, Nov. 9, 2013-Sunset, Feb. 28, 2014.

LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.

(K)Beaver Muskrat and Nutria Trapping: Sunrise, Nov. 9, 2013-Sunset, March 31, 2014.

LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.

(L)Coyote Trapping: Aug. 1, 2013-March 31, 2014.

LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Only enclosed, pull-activated dog-proof traps may be utilized on Camp Robinson SUA.
(2) Cedar Creek, Electric Island and Maumelle River WMAs are closed to all furbearer hunting and trapping.
(3) J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA is closed to all trapping . Chase for pleasure or training purposes is permitted year-round. Closed during field trails.
(4) Furbearer hunting and trapping allowed under the conditions, seasons and limits provided by the required annual refuge hunting permit or refuge trapping permit on all NWRs.
(5) Buffalo National Riverand Ditch 28 on Big Lake WMA are closed to all trapping.
(6) Bobcat, coyote and fox hunting with dogs allowed on Casey Jones WMA in accordance with Code 22.01.
C1.10 CROW SEASON AND LIMITS ON WMAs All WMAs: Sept. 1, 2013-Feb. 21, 2014. Thursdays-Mondays only. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) All Electric Island, Maumelle River WMAs and NWRs: - Closed.
(2) Hope Upland and Rick Evans Grandview Prairie WMAs - Open Thursdays and Saturdays only during the statewide season.
(3) Camp Robinson SUA - Sept. 1-30, 2013. LIMIT: Daily limit unlimited, possession unlimited.


(1)Bayou Meto: No trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas, and boat launch ramps) from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. during duck season.
(2)Big Lake: Mallard Lake is closed to hunting. Fishing and non-hunting activities are allowed.
(3)Brewer Lake Cypress Creek, Camp Robinson SUA and Cedar Creek: Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(4)Cane Creek Lake (Lincoln County): Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(5)Cole Pile Lake: Closed to hunting. Fishing and non-hunting activities are allowed.
(6)Cut-Off Creek: No trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas and boat launch ramps) from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. during duck season. Travel by boat is prohibited on Latin Drain, Firehunt Slough and Third Slough except during high water periods when boating access is possible to the Deep Slough Dam. In this case, boats may be used area-wide, however, boat motors may only be used on Cut-Off Creek and Deep Slough.
(7)Dardanelle: Waterfowl hunting is not allowed on that part of Big Spadra and Little Spadra creeks lying north of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, east of Crawford Street, south of I-40, and west of Arkansas Highway 103. Dogs, hunting or trapping devices are prohibited on Johnson County WRA.
(8)Dave Donaldson Black River: Lake Ashbaugh and Hubble Lake are closed to hunting, although Hubble Lake is open for early teal season. Fishing and non-hunting activities are allowed.
(9)DeGray Lake: Loaded firearms are prohibited on Lower DeGray Lake WRA except by permitted participants of special hunts.
(10)Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d'Arc: Boats are not allowed on the Green Tree Waterfowl area 14 days before waterfowl season opens, but are allowed during the regular duck season.
(11)Earl Buss Bayou DeView: Lake Houge is closed to hunting. Fishing and non-hunting activities are allowed.
(12)Ed Gordon Point Remove: No trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas and boat launch ramps) from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. during duck season.
(13)Frog Bayou: Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated areas until 4 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 1 p.m.
(14)Harris Brake: Open to waterfowl hunting only Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. All-day hunting is allowed the last two days of the last duck season. During duck season, other hunters must abide by same hours and days as duck hunters, except for those trapping, deer archery hunting, squirrel hunting, and hunting furbearers at night. Only shotguns and archery equipment are allowed for hunting. Harris Brake Lake is open to Canada goose hunting every Sept. 1-15.
(15)Henry Gray Hurricane Lake: Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 1 p.m.
(16)Craig D. Campbell Lake Conway Reservoir: Closed to waterfowl hunting, except on the Caney Creek, Dixs Creek, Palarm Creek, and Pierce Creek Bays outside posted buffer zones. Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(17)Lake Overcup: Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(18)Little Bayou: Closed to all trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas and boat launch ramps) from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. during duck season
(19)Maumelle River: Closed to waterfowl hunting. All boating activities and trespassing is prohibited in the Restricted Area Zone 1 on the east end of Lake Maumelle as marked by buoy lines. No hunting, camping or other trespassing is allowed on any island on Lake Maumelle.
(20)Petit Jean River: Waterfowl impoundments are closed to trespass from one hour after sunset until 4 a.m. during duck season.
(21)Rex Hancock Black Swamp: Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 1 p.m.
(22)Rick Evans Grandview Prairie: Waterfowl hunting closed on all lakes and ponds.
(23)Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms: Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 1 p.m.
(24)St. Francis Forest: Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(25)St. Francis Sunken Lands: The Snowden Field Waterfowl Rest Area levee is open to foot traffic around the north end of the unit to allow access to public lands.
(26) Sheffield Nelson Dagmar: The Conway George Tract is closed to all trespassing, except for waterfowl hunting permit holders on Wednesdays (half day) and Saturdays (all day youth hunt) during waterfowl season, from the last day of the modern gun permit hunt to the last day of waterfowl season (including the waterfowl special youth hunt).
(27)Shirey Bay Rainey Brake: Closed to all trespassing, except in designated campsites, parking areas, and boat launch ramps, from 2 a.m. to 4 a.m. during duck season.
(28)Tommy L. Sproles Lake Pickthorne: Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(29)U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA: North of Highway 306 closed to waterfowl hunting.
(A) Buck and/or Doe: Bald Knob NWR (modern gun), Bayou Meto (firearms), Benson Creek (firearms), Cache River NWR (modern gun),, Camp Robinson WMA (firearms), Cut-Off Creek (modern gun), Cypress Bayou (firearms), Dave Donaldson Black River (muzzleloader), Dr. Lester Sitzes, III Bois d'Arc (firearms), Ed Gordon Point Remove (modern gun), Felsenthal NWR (modern gun), Fort Chaffee (firearms), Freddie Black Choctaw Island WMA Deer Research Area both units (firearms), Galla Creek (modern gun), Harold E. Alexander Spring River (firearms), Henry Gray Hurricane Lake (firearms), Hobbs SP-CA (firearms), Holla Bend NWR (archery), Holland Bottoms (muzzleloader), Howard County (firearms), J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA (modern gun), Lake Greeson (firearms), Little Bayou (muzzleloader), Maumelle River WMA (archery), McIlroy Madison County (firearms), Mike Freeze Wattensaw (firearms), Moro Big Pine Natural Area (firearms), Pond Creek NWR (modern gun), Rex Hancock Black Swamp (firearms), Rick Evans Grandview Prairie (archery), St. Francis National Forest (firearms), Scott Henderson Gulf Mountain (firearms), Sheffield Nelson Dagmar (firearms), Shirey Bay Rainey Brake (muzzleloader), Trusten Holder (muzzleloader), U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA (firearms), W. E. Brewer Scatter Creek (muzzleloader) Wedington (modern gun), Wapanocca NWR (modern gun), and White River NWR (firearms).
(B) Doe:, Caney Creek (firearms) and Muddy Creek (firearms) WMAs.
(C) Mobility-Impaired: Freddie Black Choctaw Island WMA Deer Research Area East Unit (modern gun), Johnson County WDA on Dardanelle (modern gun), Greers Ferry Lake (muzzleloader), Hobbs (modern gun), Lake Greeson (muzzleloader), Merrisach Park on Trusten Holder (muzzleloader or shotguns allowed), Nimrod Lloyd Millwood (modern gun), Pond Creek (modern gun), Wedington (modern gun), White River NWR and White Rock (modern gun) WMAs.
(D) Youth: Camp Robinson WMA (modern gun), Dave Donaldson Black River WMA (modern gun), De Gray Lake (modern gun), Freddie Black Choctaw Island WMA Deer Research Area both units (modern gun), Greers Ferry WMA (muzzleloader), Hobbs SP-CA (modern gun), Holla Bend (modern gun), Holland Bottoms (modern gun), Hope Upland (modern gun), J. Perry Mikles Blue Mountain SUA (modern gun), Little Bayou (modern gun), Pond Creek NWR (modern gun),, St. Francis National Forest (modern gun), Shirey Bay Rainey Brake (modern gun), Steve N. Wilson Raft Creek Bottoms (modern gun), and White River NWR (modern gun).
(E) A Lease Land Permit is required for persons 16 years and older to camp, hunt or trap wildlife on Big Timber, Casey Jones, Cherokee, Gum Flats, Jim Kress, Lafayette County and Provo WMAs. ATVs, motorcycles and bicycles allowed on open, maintained roads on Cherokee and Jim Kress WMAs by hunters in possession of a Leased-Land Permit for ingress and egress to hunting locations and/or camping sites only.
(1) On Lafayette County WMA, a buck deer must have:
(A) both antlers under 2 inches (button buck included); or
(B) at least one antler with at least four points a minimum of 1 inch long, including the main beam,
(2) On Bayou Meto, Buck Island, Cut-Off Creek, Dave Donaldson Black River, Ed Gordon Point Remove, Freddie Black Choctaw Island WMA Deer Research Area East Unit, Henry Gray Hurricane Lake, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie, St. Francis National Forest, Sheffield Nelson Dagmar and Trusten Holder WMAs a buck must have:
(A) both antlers under 2 inches (button buck included); or
(B) an inside spread of 15 inches or more in width; or
(C) at least one main beam 18 inches or more in length.
(3) On Johnson County WRA on Dardanelle WMA any buck deer may be legally harvested during a firearm permit hunt.
(4) On Greers Ferry Lake and Nimrod/Lloyd Millwood WMAs, any buck deer may be legally harvested during the deer muzzleloader mobility-impaired hunt.
(5) On Hobbs SP-CA, any buck deer may be legally harvested during the deer modern gun mobility-impaired hunt.
(6) On Dr. Lester Sitzes III Bois d'Arc, Harold E. Alexander Spring River, Hope Upland, McIlroy Madison County, Mike Freeze Wattensaw and Moro Big Pine Natural Area, Scott Henderson Gulf Mountain, Shirey Bay Rainey Brake WMAs a buck must have:
(A) both antlers under 2 inches (button buck included); or
(B) an inside spread of 12 inches or more in width; or
(C) at least one main beam 15 inches or more in length.
(7) On Bald Knob, Big Lake, Cache River, Felsenthal, Holla Bend, Overflow, Pond Creek, Wapanocca and White River NWRs; Rex Hancock Black Swamp and U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WMAs any buck deer may be legally harvested during all deer hunts.
(8) In compliance with Code 11.02.

Oct. 7-11 and Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2013on Bearcat Hollow, Buffalo National

River and Gene Rush WMAs.

LIMIT: Individual annual limit of one elk.



Zone 1 - Northwestern Arkansas. From northwestern corner of Arkansas; south on the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to U.S. Highway 62; east on U.S. Highway 62 to Arkansas Highway 16 at Fayetteville; east on Arkansas Highway 16 to Kings River; north on Kings River to the Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on the Arkansas-Missouri state line to the northwestern corner of Arkansas.

Zone 1A - Southwestern portion of northwestern Arkansas. From Arkansas-Oklahoma state line and U.S. Highway 62; south on the Arkansas-Oklahoma state line toI-540; east on I-540 to I-40; east on I-40 to U.S. Highway71; north on U.S. Highway 71 to Forest Service Road 1564B near Winslow; east on Forest Service Road 1575A to Forest Service Road 1580A near Brannon; east on Forest Service Road 1580A to Arkansas Highway 295; north on Arkansas Highway 295 to Arkansas Highway16; west on Arkansas Highway 16 to U.S. Highway 62 at Fayetteville; west on U.S. Highway 62 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line.

Zone 2 - Western half of north-central Arkansas. From intersection of Arkansas-Missouri state line and Kings River; south on Kings River to Arkansas Highway 16; east on Arkansas Highway 16 to Arkansas Highway 21 near Fallsville; north on Arkansas Highway 21 to Arkansas Highway 16 near Swain; east on Arkansas Highway 16 to Arkansas Highway 27 near Tilly; north on Arkansas Highway 27 to Arkansas Highway 254; east on Arkansas Highway 254 to U.S. Highway 65 at Dennard; north on U.S. Highway 65 to Arkansas Highway 66 at Leslie; east on Arkansas Highway 66 to Arkansas Highway 58 at Mountain View; east on Arkansas Highway 58 to the White River; north on the White River to U.S. Highway 62; west on U.S. Highway 62 to Arkansas Highway 14 at Yellville; west on Arkansas Highway 14 to U.S. Highway 65; north on U.S. Highway 65 to Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on Arkansas-Missouri state line to Kings River.

Zone 3 - Eastern half of north-central Arkansas. From intersection of Arkansas-Missouri state line and U.S. Highway 65; south on U.S. Highway 65 to Arkansas Highway 14; east on Arkansas Highway 14 to U.S. Highway 62 at Yellville; east on U.S. Highway 62 to White River; south on White River to Black River; north on Black River to Current River; north on Current River to Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on Arkansas-Missouri state line to western edge of Bull Shoals Lake.

Zone 4 (section 1) - Western portion of northeastern Arkansas. From intersection of Current River and Arkansas-Missouri state line; south on Current River to Black River; south on Black River to White River; south on White River to Arkansas Highway 14; east on Arkansas Highway 14 to Arkansas Highway 17; south on Arkansas Highway 17 to Arkansas Highway 14; east on Arkansas Highway 14 to Arkansas Highway 145; south on Arkansas Highway 145 to Arkansas Highway 37; south on Arkansas Highway 37 to Arkansas Highway 42; east on Arkansas Highway 42 to Arkansas Highway 1 near Cherry Valley; north on Arkansas Highway 1 to U.S. Highway 63; north on U.S. Highway 63 to Arkansas Highway 228; east on Arkansas Highway 228 to U.S. Highway 412; east on U.S. Highway 412 to Arkansas Highway 141; north on Arkansas Highway 141 to U.S. Highway 62; east on U.S. Highway 62 to Arkansas Highway 139; north on Arkansas Highway 139 to Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on Arkansas-Missouri state line to Current River.

Zone 4A (section 1) - Western portion of east-central Arkansas. From intersection of I-40 and U.S. Highway 49 near Brinkley; south on U.S. Highway 49 to Arkansas Highway 39; south on Arkansas Highway 39 to Arkansas Highway 316; east on Arkansas Highway 316 to Arkansas Highway 318; east on Arkansas Highway 318 to Arkansas Highway 20; east on Arkansas Highway 20 to Phillips County Road 422 at Modoc; east on Phillips County Road 422 to the Mississippi River Levee; north on the Mississippi River Levee to U.S. Highway 49; north on U.S. Highway 49 to Arkansas Highway 1 at Walnut Corner; north on Arkansas Highway 1 to I-40 at Forrest City; west on I-40 to U.S. Highway 49 near Brinkley.

Zone 4 (section 2) - Eastern portion of northeastern Arkansas. From U.S. Highway 62 and the St. Francis River at the Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on U.S. Highway 62 to U.S. Highway 49; south on U.S. Highway 49 to Arkansas Highway 1 near Jonesboro; south on Arkansas Highway 1 to Arkansas Highway 163; south on Arkansas Highway 163 to Arkansas Highway 42; east on Arkansas Highway 42 to Arkansas Highway 77 near Turrell; south on Arkansas Highway 77 to Old River Road; east on Old River Road to Island 40 Road; east on Island 40 Road to Mississippi River Levee; north on the Mississippi River Levee to the Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on the Arkansas-Missouri state line to the St. Francis River; on the St. Francis River to U.S. Highway 62.

Zone 4A (section 2) - Eastern portion of east-central Arkansas. From intersection of I-40 and the Mississippi River Levee at West Memphis; south on the Mississippi River Levee to Arkansas Highway 131 at Seyppel; north on Arkansas Highway 131 to Arkansas Highway 147; south on Arkansas Highway 147 to Arkansas Highway 38; west on Arkansas Highway 38 to St. Francis County Road 619; south on St. Francis County Road 619 to Crittenden County Road 47; south on Crittenden County Road 47 to Arkansas Highway 147; north on Arkansas Highway 147 to Crittenden County Road 285; south on Crittenden County Road 285 to the Mississippi River Levee; south on the Mississippi River Levee to its end near the St. Francis River; on a line due west from this point to the St. Francis River; north on the St. Francis River to I-40 near Madison; east on I-40 to the Mississippi River Levee at West Memphis.

Zone 4B (section 1) - Western portion of central-northeastern Arkansas. From U.S. Highway 49 and Arkansas Highway 42 near Hickory Ridge; south on U.S. Highway 49 to I-40 near Brinkley; east on I-40 to Arkansas Highway 1 near Forrest City; north on Arkansas Highway 1 to Arkansas Highway 42 near Cherry Valley; west on Arkansas Highway 42 to U.S. Highway 49.

Zone 4B (section 2) - Eastern portion of central-northeastern Arkansas. From Arkansas highways 42 and 163 near Birdeye; south on Arkansas Highway 163 to U.S. Highway 64; east on U.S. Highway 64 to St. Francis River Levee; south on the St. Francis River Levee to I-40; east on I-40 to the Mississippi River Levee; north on Mississippi River Levee to Island 40 Road; west on Island 40 Road to Old River Road; west on Old River Road to Arkansas Highway 77; north on Arkansas Highway 77 to Arkansas Highway 42 near Turrell; west on Arkansas Highway 42 to Arkansas Highway 163 near Birdeye.

Zone 5 - Northern portion of Crowley's Ridge. From intersection of Arkansas Highway 1 and Arkansas Highway 42 near Cherry Valley; north on Arkansas Highway 1 to U.S. Highway 49 at Jonesboro; north on U.S. Highway 49 to U.S. Highway 62; north on U.S. Highway 62 to St. Francis River; north on St. Francis River to Arkansas-Missouri state line; west on Arkansas-Missouri state line to Arkansas Highway 139; south on Arkansas Highway 139 to Arkansas Highway 141; south on Arkansas Highway 141 to U.S. Highway 412; west on U.S. Highway 412 to Arkansas Highway 228; west on Arkansas Highway 228 to U.S. Highway 63; south on U.S. Highway 63 to Arkansas Highway 1 at Jonesboro; south on Arkansas Highway 1 to Arkansas Highway 163; south on Arkansas Highway 163 to Arkansas Highway 42; west on Arkansas Highway 42 to Arkansas Highway 1 near Cherry Valley.

Zone 5A - Southern portion of Crowley's Ridge. From I-40 and Arkansas Highway 1 at Forrest City; south on Arkansas Highway 1 to U.S. Highway 49 at Walnut Corner; south on U.S. Highway 49 to Mississippi River Levee; north on Mississippi River Levee to FDR 1901 (low road); north on FDR 1901 to St. Francis National Forest boundary; north and east on St. Francis National Forest boundary to Mississippi River; north on Mississippi River to St. Francis River; north on St. Francis River to I-40 near Madison; west on I-40 to Arkansas Highway 1 at Forrest City.

Zone 5B (section 1) - Central portion of Crowley's Ridge. From intersection of Arkansas Highway 42 and Arkansas Highway 1 near Cherry Valley; south on Arkansas Highway 1 to I-40 near Forrest City; east on I-40 to St. Francis River Levee; north on St. Francis River Levee to U.S. Highway 64; west on U.S. Highway 64 to Arkansas Highway 163; north on Arkansas Highway 163 to Arkansas Highway 42 near Birdeye, west on Arkansas Highway 42 to Arkansas Highway 1.

Zone 6 - South-central portion of northwestern Arkansas. From I-40 and U.S. Highway 71; north on U.S. Highway 71 to Forest Service Road 1564B near Winslow; east on Forest Service Road 1564B to Forest Service Road 1575 A; north on Forest Service Road 1575A to Forest Service Road 1580A near Brannon; east on Forest Service Road 1580 A to Arkansas Highway 295; north on Arkansas Highway 295 to Arkansas Highway 16; east on Arkansas Highway 16 to Arkansas Highway 254 near Tilly; east on Arkansas Highway 254 to U.S. Highway 65 near Dennard; south on U.S. Highway 65 to Arkansas Highway 95 near Clinton; south on Arkansas Highway 95 to Arkansas Highway 124; west on Arkansas Highway 124 to Arkansas Highway 105; north on Arkansas Highway 105 to Arkansas

Highway 27; south on Arkansas Highway 27 to Arkansas Highway 164; west on Arkansas Highway 164 to Arkansas Highway 123; south on Arkansas Highway 123 to U.S. Highway 64 near Lamar; east on U.S. Highway 64 to I-40; west to intersection of I-40 and U.S. Highway 71.

Zone 6A -Southeastern portion of northwestern Arkansas. From intersection of Arkansas Highway 16 and U.S. Highway 65 at Clinton; east on Arkansas Highway 16 to Arkansas Highway 92 at Greers Ferry; east on Arkansas Highway 92 to Arkansas Highway 25 at Drasco; north on Arkansas Highway 25 to Arkansas Highway 87 at Concord; south on Arkansas Highway 87 to U.S. Highway 167 near Pleasant Plains; north on U.S. Highway 167 to White River at Batesville; north on White River to Arkansas Highway 58 near Guion; west on Arkansas Highway 58 to Arkansas Highway 14; west on Arkansas Highway 14 to Arkansas Highway 66 at Mountain View; west on Arkansas Highway 66 to U.S. Highway 65 at Leslie; south on U.S. Highway 65 to Clinton. Zone 7 - Western portion of Arkansas River Valley. From intersection of I-540 and Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; north to I-540 to I-40; east on I-40 to Arkansas Highway 9 at Morrilton; south on Arkansas Highway 9 to Arkansas Highway 10 at Perry; west on Arkansas Highway 10 to Arkansas Highway 23 at Booneville; south on Arkansas Highway 23 to U.S. Highway 71; north on U.S. Highway 71 to Arkansas Highway 96; west on Arkansas Highway 96 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; north on Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to I-540.

Zone 8 - Northern portion of central Arkansas. From intersection of Arkansas Highway 16 and U.S. Highway 65 at Clinton; south on U.S. Highway 65 to Arkansas Highway 92 at Bee Branch; east on Arkansas Highway 92 to Arkansas Highway 225; south on Arkansas Highway 225 to Arkansas Highway 107; south on Arkansas Highway 107 to Arkansas Highway 36 near Naylor; west on Arkansas Highway 36 to U.S. Highway 64; west on U.S. Highway 64 to U.S. Highway 65B; south on U.S. Highway 65B to Arkansas Highway 60; west on Arkansas Highway 60 to Arkansas Highway 9; north on Arkansas Highway 9 to I-40 near Morrilton; west on I-40 to U.S. Highway 64 at Lamar; west on U.S. Highway 64 to Arkansas Highway 123; north on Arkansas Highway 123 to Arkansas Highway 164; east on Arkansas Highway 164 to Arkansas Highway 27; north on Arkansas Highway 27 to Arkansas Highway 105; south on Arkansas Highway 105 to Arkansas Highway 124 at Jerusalem; east on Arkansas Highway 124 to Arkansas Highway 95 near Cleveland; north on Arkansas Highway 95 to Arkansas Highway 16 at Clinton.

Zone 8A - Northern portion of central Arkansas. From U.S. Highway 167 and White River at Batesville; south on White River to Arkansas Highway 14 at Newport; east on Arkansas Highway 14 to U.S. Highway 67; south on U.S. Highway 67 to Arkansas Highway 36; west on Arkansas Highway 36 to Arkansas Highway 305; south on Arkansas Highway 305 to Arkansas Highway 31 at Floyd; north on Arkansas Highway 31 to Arkansas Highway 5; south on Arkansas Highway 5 to Arkansas Highway 310; west on Arkansas Highway 310 to Arkansas Highway 36; west on Arkansas Highway 36 to Arkansas Highway 107; north on Arkansas Highway 107 to Arkansas Highway 225; north on Arkansas Highway 225 to Arkansas Highway 92; west on Arkansas Highway 92 to U.S. Highway 65 at Bee Branch; north on U.S. Highway 65 to Arkansas Highway 16 at Clinton; east on Arkansas Highway 16 to Arkansas Highway 92 at Greers Ferry; east on Arkansas Highway 92 to Arkansas Highway 25; north on Arkansas Highway 25 to Arkansas Highway 87 at Concord; south on Arkansas Highway 87 to U.S. Highway 167 near Pleasant Plains; north on U.S. Highway 167 to White River at Batesville.

Zone 9 - East-central Arkansas. From intersection of Arkansas Highway 14 and U.S. Highway 67 near Newport; south on U.S. Highway 67 to I-40 in North Little Rock; west on I-40 to I-30; west on I-30 to Arkansas River; south on Arkansas River to U.S. Highway 79B; north on U.S. Highway 79B to U.S. Highway 79; north on U.S. Highway 79 to Arkansas Highway 152; east on Arkansas Highway 152 to U.S. Highway 165; south on U.S. Highway 165 to Arkansas River; northeast on Arkansas River to confluence with Arkansas Post Canal; east on Arkansas Post Canal to confluence with White River; southeast on Arkansas-Desha county line, following White River to Missouri-Pacific railroad; northeast on Missouri-Pacific railroad to intersection of western line of Section 9, T8S, R1W; north on western line of Section 9 to southwestern corner of Section 4, T8S, R1W; north along western line of Section 4 to north line of T8S, R1W; east along north line of T8S, R1W to intersection of Missouri-Pacific railroad; northeast on Missouri-Pacific railroad to intersection of Mississippi River Levee south of Snow Lake; northeast on Mississippi River Levee to Phillips County Road 422; west on Phillips County Road 422 to Arkansas Highway 20 at Modoc; west on Arkansas Highway 20 to Arkansas Highway 318; west on Arkansas Highway 318 to Arkansas Highway 316; west on Arkansas Highway 316 to Arkansas Highway 39 at Turner; north on Arkansas Highway 39 to U.S. Highway 49; north on U.S. Highway 49 to Arkansas Highway 42 at Hickory Ridge; west on Arkansas Highway 42 to Arkansas Highway 37; north on Arkansas Highway 37 to Arkansas Highway 145; north on Arkansas Highway 145 to Arkansas Highway 14 to Arkansas Highway 17; north on Arkansas Highway 17 to Arkansas Highway 14; west on Arkansas Highway 14 to White River; west on Arkansas Highway 14 to U.S. Highway 67 near Newport.

Zone 10 - Central Arkansas River Valley. From intersection of U.S. Highway 67 and Arkansas Highway 36; west on Arkansas Highway 36 to Arkansas Highway 305; south on Arkansas Highway 305 to Arkansas Highway 31 at Floyd; north on Arkansas Highway 31 to Arkansas Highway 5; south on Arkansas Highway 5 to Arkansas Highway 310; west on Arkansas Highway 310 to Arkansas Highway 36; west on Arkansas Highway 36 to U.S. Highway 64; west on U.S. Highway 64 to U.S. Highway 65B; south on U.S. Highway 65B to Arkansas Highway 60; west on Arkansas Highway 60 to Arkansas Highway 9; south on Arkansas Highway 9 to Arkansas Highway 10 at Williams Junction; east on Arkansas Highway 10 to I-430; west on I-430 to I-30; east on I-30 to I-40; east on I-40 to U.S. Highway 67; north on U.S. Highway 67 to Arkansas Highway 36.

Zone 11 - West-central Arkansas. From intersection of Arkansas Highway 9 and Arkansas Highway 10 at Perry; west on Arkansas Highway 10 to Arkansas Highway 23 at Booneville; south on Arkansas Highway 23 to U.S. Highway 71; north on U.S. Highway 71 to Arkansas Highway 96; west on Arkansas Highway 96 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; south along Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to Arkansas Highway 8; east on Arkansas Highway 8 to junction of U.S. Highway 71; south on U.S. Highway 71 to Arkansas Highway 246; east on Arkansas Highway 246 to Arkansas Highway 84 at Athens; east on Arkansas Highway 84 to U.S. Highway 70 at Salem; east on U.S. Highway 70 to Arkansas Highway 227; north on Arkansas Highway 227 to U.S. Highway 270; east on U.S. Highway 270 to Arkansas Highway 227; north on Arkansas Highway 227 to Arkansas Highway 192; east on Arkansas Highway 192 to Arkansas Highway 7; north on Arkansas Highway 7 to Forest Service Access Road 2; east on Forest Service Access Road 2 to Forest Service Access Road 46; east on Forest Service Access Road 46 to Weyerhaeuser Road 24330; south on Weyerhaeuser Road 24330 to Weyerhaeuser Road 24000; east on Weyerhaeuser Road 24000 to Arkansas Highway 9; north on Arkansas Highway 9 to Arkansas Highway 10 at Perry.

Zone 12 - Central and south-central Arkansas. From intersection of I-30 and Arkansas River; west on I-30 to Arkansas Highway 51; south on Arkansas Highway 51 to Arkansas Highway 26; west on Arkansas Highway 26 to Arkansas Highway 27 at Murfreesboro; south on Arkansas Highway 27 to Arkansas Highway 355 at Mineral Springs; south on Arkansas Highway 355 to Arkansas Highway 32 at Saratoga; west on Arkansas Highway 32 to Millwood Dam at Little River; downstream on Little River to Red River; downstream on Red River to I-30; east on I-30 to Arkansas Highway 29; south on Arkansas Highway 29 to Arkansas-Louisiana state line; east on Arkansas-Louisiana state line to Bayou Bartholomew; north on Bayou Bartholomew to U.S. Highway 79B; north on U.S. Highway 79B to Arkansas River; north on Arkansas River to U.S. Interstate I-30.

Zone 13 - Northwestern part of south-central Arkansas. From intersection of I-30 and U.S. Highway 70; west on I-30 to Arkansas Highway 51; south on Arkansas Highway 51 to Arkansas Highway 26; west on 26 to U.S. Highway 278 at Center Point; west on U.S. Highway 278 to U.S. Highway 70 at Dierks; west on U.S. Highway 70 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; north on Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to Arkansas Highway 8; east on Arkansas Highway 8 to U.S. Highway 71; south on U.S. Highway 71 to Arkansas Highway 246; east on Arkansas Highway 246 to Arkansas Highway 84 at Athens; east on Arkansas Highway 84 to U.S. Highway 70 at Salem; east on U.S. Highway 70 to Arkansas Highway 227; north on Arkansas Highway 227 to U.S. Highway 270 ; east on U.S. Highway 270 to Arkansas Highway 227; north on Arkansas Highway 227 to Arkansas Highway 192; east on Arkansas 192 to Arkansas Highway 7; north on Arkansas Highway 7 to Forest Service Access Road 2; east on Forest Service Access Road 2 to Forest Service Access Road 46; east on Forest Service Access Road 46 to Weyerhaeuser Road 24330; south on Weyerhaeuser Road 24330 to Weyerhaeuser Road 24000; east on Weyhaeuser Road 24000 to Arkansas Highway 9; north on Arkansas Highway 9 to Arkansas Highway 10 at Williams Junction; east on Arkansas Highway 10 to I-430; south on I-430 to I-30; southwest on I-30 to U.S. Highway 70.

Zone 14 - Southwestern Arkansas. From intersection of U.S. Highway 70 and Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; east on U.S. Highway 70 to U.S. Highway 278 at Dierks; east on U.S. Highway 278 to Arkansas Highway 26; east on Arkansas Highway 26 to Arkansas Highway 27; south on Arkansas Highway 27 to Arkansas Highway 355 at Mineral Springs; south on Arkansas Highway 355 to Arkansas Highway 32 at Saratoga; west on Arkansas Highway 32 to Millwood Dam at Little River; downstream on Little River to Red River; west on Red River to U.S. Highway 71; north on Highway 71 to Arkansas Highway 32 near Ashdown; west on Arkansas Highway 32 to Arkansas-Oklahoma state line; north on Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to U.S. Highway 70.

Zone 15 - Southwestern part of south-central Arkansas. From I-30 and Arkansas Highway 29 at Hope; south on Arkansas Highway 29 to Arkansas-Louisiana state line; west on Arkansas-Louisiana state line to intersection of Arkansas-Louisiana-Texas state lines; north along Arkansas-Texas state line to Red River; west on Red River to intersection of Arkansas-Texas-Oklahoma state lines; north along Arkansas-Oklahoma state line to Arkansas Highway 32; east on Arkansas Highway 32 to U.S. Highway 71 near Ashdown; south on U.S. Highway 71 to Red River; east on Red River to I-30 near Fulton; east on I-30 to Arkansas Highway 29 at Hope.

Zone 16 - Southeastern Arkansas. From Arkansas River and U.S. Highway 79B; north on U.S. Highway 79B to U.S. Highway 79; north on U.S. Highway 79 to Arkansas Highway 152; east on Arkansas Highway 152 to U.S. Highway 165; south on U.S Highway 165 to the Arkansas/Mississippi River Levee; south on the Arkansas/Mississippi River Levee to Gould Road; west on Gould Road to Arkansas Highway 1; south on Arkansas Highway 1 to Arkansas Highway 138; west on Arkansas Highway 138 to Bayou Bartholomew; north along Bayou Bartholomew to U.S. Highway 79B; north on U.S. Highway 79B to the Arkansas River.

Zone 16A - Southern portion of southeastern Arkansas. From Mississippi River Levee and Arkansas-Louisiana state line; west along Arkansas-Louisiana state line to Bayou Bartholomew; north along Bayou Bartholomew to Arkansas Highway 138; east on Arkansas Highway 138 to Arkansas Highway 1; north on Arkansas Highway 1 to Gould Road; east on Gould Road to Mississippi River Levee; south on Mississippi River Levee to Arkansas-Louisiana state line.

Zone 17 - Arkansas land within Mississippi River Levee. Arkansas land between Arkansas-Tennessee state line, Arkansas-Mississippi state line and Mississippi River Levee and other lands described: From Mississippi River Levee and Arkansas-Missouri state line, south on Mississippi River Levee to Arkansas Highway 131 at Seyppel; north on Arkansas Highway 131 to Arkansas Highway 147; south on Arkansas Highway 147 to Arkansas Highway 38; west on Arkansas Highway 38 to St. Francis County Road 619; south on St. Francis County Road 619 to Crittenden County Road 47; south on Crittenden County Road 47 to Arkansas Highway 147; north on Arkansas Highway 147 to Crittenden County Road 285; south on Crittenden County Road 285 to Mississippi River Levee; south on Mississippi River Levee to its end near the St. Francis River; on a line due west from this point to the St. Francis River; along the St. Francis River to the Mississippi River to the southeastern boundary of St. Francis National Forest; west and south along St. Francis National Forest boundary to intersection of FDR 1901 (low road); south along FDR 1901 to Mississippi River Levee in Helena; south on Mississippi River Levee to Missouri-Pacific railroad south of Snow Lake; south and west along the Missouri-Pacific railroad to intersection of north line of Section 1, T8S, R1W; west along Township line to northwestern corner of Section 4, T8S, R1W; south along western line of Section 4, T8S, R1W to north line of Section 9, T8S, R1W; south along western line of Section 9, T8S, R1W to Missouri-Pacific railroad; south and west along Missouri-Pacific railroad to White River; northwest on Arkansas-Desha county line, following White River to Arkansas Post Canal; west along Arkansas Post Canal to Arkansas River; southwest on Arkansas River to U.S. Highway 165 at Pendleton Bridge; south on U.S. Highway 165 to Arkansas/Mississippi River Levee; south on Arkansas-Mississippi River Levee to Arkansas-Louisiana state line.

E1.10 Public Land Elk Zone Description

Zone 1 - The portion of the Buffalo National River Wildlife Management Areathat lies between: downstream (east) of the Highway 74 bridge at the Poncaaccess to the Highway 123 bridge upstream (west) from the Carver access.

Check with the National Park Service for no hunting zones established withinthe boundary of the Buffalo National River.

Zone 2 - Includes all portions of Gene Rush Wildlife Management Area excluding the Richland Valley Sonny Varnell Elk Conservation Area located inthe Richland Valley bottoms. Also includes the portions of the Buffalo National River Wildlife Management Area that lies between the Highway 123 bridge at the Carver access downstream (east) to Searcy County Rd 14 upstream (west) from the Woolum access. Check with the National Park Service for no hunting zones established within the boundary within the Buffalo National River.

Zone 3 - Includes the Richland Valley Sonny Varnell Elk Conservation Area and the portion of the Buffalo National River Wildlife Management Area that lies between: downstream (east) from where Searcy County Road 14 crosses at the Woolum access to the Arkansas Highway 65 bridge. Check with the National Park Service for no hunting zones established within the boundary of the Buffalo National River.

Zone 4 - Bearcat Hollow Wildlife Management Area located in the boundary of the Ozark National Forest as established by the United States Forest Service (USFS). Check with the USFS for no hunting zones established within the boundary of the Bearcat Hollow WMA.

(A) Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permits may be issued to applicants complying with the following requirements:
(1) The applicant must be at least 18 years old and shall not have been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for, violating any federal, state or municipal law governing captive wildlife, illegal appropriation or commercialization of wildlife, or cruelty to animals within five years of application date.
(2) The applicant shall provide to the Commission, in writing, proof from the county judge or sheriff and any municipal planning commission or board with jurisdiction, stating that the applicant's hunting resort shall be in compliance with all local ordinances.
(3) The applicant shall submit a written application (available from the Commission) for each facility to be permitted.
(B) The requested permit shall be denied if:
(1) The applicant fails to meet any of the issuance criteria set forth in this addendum chapter;
(2) The applicant fails to disclose material information required, makes false statements as to any material fact in connection with the application, or supplies false information or makes a false statement on the application;
(3) The Commission finds, through further inquiry or investigation, the issuance of the permit may be potentially harmful to the wildlife resources of the State.
(C) Commercial wildlife hunting resorts must comply with the following:
(1) Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permits must be obtained at least 60 days before hunting begins. Operators must notify the Commission upon any change of ownership or enclosure size.
(2) Native game animals, except black bear, may be hunted within commercial wildlife hunting resorts in accordance with statewide hunting regulations and license requirements. Such high-fence enclosures shall be at least 500 contiguous acres of free range (no cross-fencing) with a fence at least 8 feet in height around the perimeter.
(3) Deer and elk may be hunted within commercial wildlife hunting resorts with any legal method of take for deer or elk hunting from October-February. Limits do not apply. An elk permit is not required.
(4) High-fence enclosures shall have at least 60 percent forested cover classified as timberland by the county tax assessor.
(5) Hunting, chasing, herding or corralling deer or elk with dogs within a commercial wildlife hunting enclosure is prohibited.
(6) Hunting non-native wildlife within a high-fence enclosure is prohibited.
(7) The perimeter fencing of a high-fence enclosure must be posted at least every 300 feet with yellow signs marked with "Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort" in black letters at least 4 inches tall.
(8) All cervids held captive under this permit that die, including those harvested by hunters, shall be tested for chronic wasting disease by the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission at the expense of the permit holder. The permit holder shall submit the results of such testing to the Commission within seven days of receipt.
(9) Permit holders whose facilities, including enclosures, pens and cages, are not in compliance with this addendum chapter shall be notified in writing and shall have 10 days to correct the violation.
(10) If the violation has not been corrected in 10 days, the Commission may revoke any existing permit and may refuse to issue any future permit to the violator. Such revocation or refusal to issue a future permit shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
(D) Reporting and Record-Keeping Requirements:
(1) Owners or operators of commercial wildlife hunting resorts must keep legible and complete records showing the name and current address of each hunter, the date, number of wildlife and sex of each animal taken.
(2) Records shall include evidence of legal possession of all wildlife kept under this permit, including licenses, bills of sale, bills of lading, receipts, invoices or other satisfactory evidence of ownership. Records shall include the date of acquisition, place of origin, and the name, address and telephone number of the person from whom the wildlife was acquired.
(3) Records must be retained throughout the time the wildlife is possessed by the permittee or for five years, whichever is longer.
(4) Permit holders shall submit a completed Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Harvest Report (form available from the Commission) by May 1.
(5) Stock shall only be acquired from either a Commission-permitted Wildlife Breeder/Dealer or have been brought into the state in accordance with a Commission Wildlife Importation Permit. Permits will not be issued to and existing permits may be revoked for facilities that have acquired stock by any other method.
(E) Disease Testing and Control:
(1) The director of the Commission, in consultation with the director of the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission, or their designees, shall determine mechanisms and procedures for control of diseases and parasites in captive wildlife within Arkansas. Such mechanisms and procedures shall include, but not be limited to, examination, testing, quarantine and slaughter or destruction of individual animals and/or herds that are, or in the opinion of the Commission may be, infected with a disease or parasite that may have significant detrimental effect on native wildlife, other captive wildlife, livestock or the public health of the citizens of Arkansas.
(2) Examinations, testing, quarantine and slaughter of captive wildlife shall be conducted at the expense of the owner. As a condition of any permit issued under this addendum chapter, the Commission may require the captive wildlife be quarantined for a period specified by the Commission.
(F) Facility and Enclosure Requirements:
(1) All wildlife possessed in captivity shall be maintained in enclosures that are sufficiently strong to prevent escape of the wildlife and will protect the wildlife from injury.
(2) Enclosures shall be kept in good repair at all times and gates shall be securely fastened with latches or locks.
(3) Permit holders whose facilities, including enclosures, are not in compliance with this addendum chapter shall correct the violation within 10 days of notification, or sooner if so ordered by the Commission.
(4) If the violation has not been corrected within required time, the Commission may revoke or suspend any existing permit and may refuse to issue any future permit. Such revocation, suspension or refusal to issue a future permit shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
(5) All wildlife shall be maintained in humane and healthy conditions.
(F) Inspection:
(1) Permit holders shall allow agents of the Commission to enter and inspect the premises, including books, records or permits required to be kept and any wildlife and/or facilities kept under authority of permit.
(2) Each permittee shall pen the captive wildlife in suitable pens and restrain them for inspection, at a reasonable time, when requested to do so by an agent of the Commission.
(G) Permit Renewal, Transfer, Suspension And Revocation:
(1) Persons in violation of the terms of this permit, this addendum chapter, Commission Codes, or convicted of violating associated regulations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, shall be notified in writing and shall have 20 days to respond with just cause as to why their permit should not be suspended or revoked.
(2) If after 20 days just cause has not been given, the Commission may suspend or revoke any existing permit held by the violator and may refuse to issue future permits. Permit suspension, revocation or refusal shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
(3) Upon revocation, permit holder must remove by legal means all captive wildlife within the time designated in the revocation, not to exceed 60 days, and failure to do so shall result in the Commission taking action, per Commission policy, at the permit holder's expense.
(A) Game Bird Shooting Resort Permits may be issued to applicants complying with the following requirements:
(1) The applicant must be at least 18 years old and shall not have been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for, violating any federal, state or municipal law governing captive wildlife, illegal appropriation or commercialization of wildlife, or cruelty to animals within five years of application date.
(2) The applicant shall provide to the Commission, in writing, proof from the county judge or sheriff and any municipal planning commission or board with jurisdiction, stating the applicant's resort shall be in compliance with all local ordinances.
(3) The applicant shall submit a written application (available from the Commission) for each facility to be permitted.
(B) The requested permit shall be denied if:
(1) The applicant fails to meet any of the issuance criteria set forth in this addendum chapter;
(2) The applicant fails to disclose material information required, makes false statements as to any material fact in connection with the application, or supplies false information or makes a false statement on the application;
(3) The Commission finds, through further inquiry or investigation, the issuance of the permit may be potentially harmful to the wildlife resources of the State.
(C) Permit Requirements:
(1) Holders of a Game Bird Shooting Resort Permit shall comply with the following requirements:
(a) The resort operator shall release only the number of game birds intended to be harvested each day, less the number of birds released but not harvested the previous hunt;
(b) The resort owner shall release only the number of captive-reared mallards intended to be harvested each day and, after hunting is completed, shall capture all non-harvested mallards released for the hunt and return them to their enclosure.
(c) All acreage in the shooting resort will be contiguous and not exceed 1,500 acres;
(d) The perimeter of each game bird shooting resort must be posted at least every 300 feet with yellow signs marked with "Game Bird Shooting Resort" in black letters at least 4 inches tall.
(e) Operators of Game Bird Shooting Resorts may release captive- reared mallards for the sole purpose of flight training during daylight hours July 1-Sept. 1. After flight training has been completed, captive-reared mallards shall be returned to their enlclosure before sunset.
(f) Permit holders whose facilities, including enclosures, pens and cages, are not in compliance with this addendum chapter shall be notified in writing and shall have 10 days to correct the violation.
(g) If the violation has not been corrected in 10 days, the Commission may revoke any existing permit and may refuse to issue any future permit to the violator. Such revocation or refusal to issue a future permit shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
(D) Reporting and Record-Keeping Requirements:
(1) Owners or operators of game bird shooting resorts must keep legible and complete records (on forms provided by the Commission) showing the name and current address of each hunter, the date, number and type of birds released each day and the number taken by each hunter.
(2) Records shall include evidence of legal possession of all wildlife kept under this permit, including licenses, bills of sale, bills of lading, receipts, invoices or other satisfactory evidence of ownership. Records shall include the date of acquisition, place of origin, and the name, address and telephone number of the person from whom the wildlife was acquired.
(3) Records must be retained throughout the time the wildlife is possessed by the permittee or for five years, whichever is longer.
(4) Permit holders shall submit a completed Game Bird Shooting Resort Daily Release and Harvest Report (form available from the Commission) by May 1.
(5) Stock shall only be acquired from either a Commission-permitted Wildlife Breeder/Dealer or have been brought into the state in accordance with a Commission Wildlife Importation Permit. Permits will not be issued to and existing permits may be revoked for facilities that have acquired stock by any other method.
(E) Disease Testing and Control:
(1) The director of the Commission, in consultation with the director of the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission, or their designees, shall determine mechanisms and procedures for control of diseases and parasites in captive wildlife within Arkansas. Such mechanisms and procedures shall include, but not be limited to, examination, testing, quarantine and slaughter or destruction of individual animals and/or herds or flocks that are, or in the opinion of the Commission may be, infected with a disease or parasite that may have significant detrimental effect on native wildlife, other captive wildlife, livestock or the public health of the citizens of Arkansas.
(2) Examinations, testing, quarantine and slaughter of captive wildlife shall be conducted at the expense of the owner. As a condition of any permit issued under this addendum chapter, the Commission may require the captive wildlife be quarantined for a period specified by the Commission.
(F) Facility and Caging Requirements:
(1) Birds possessed in captivity shall be maintained in buildings or covered pens that prevent escape, protect the birds from injury and prevent entry of wild birds.
(2) Enclosures shall be kept in good repair at all times and gates shall be securely fastened with latches or locks.
(3) Permit holders whose facilities, including enclosures, are not in compliance with this addendum chapter shall correct the violation within 10 days of notification, or sooner if so ordered by the Commission.
(4) If the violation has not been corrected within the required time, the Commission may revoke or suspend any existing permit and may refuse to issue any future permit. Such revocation, suspension or refusal to issue a future permit shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
(5) All wildlife shall be maintained in humane and healthy conditions.
(G) Harvest Identification Requirements:

Any person in possession of game birds harvested from a game bird shooting resort shall have on his person written information stating the name and address of the hunter who harvested the game birds, the number, species and harvest date of the game birds, and the name and address of the resort.

(H) Inspection:
(1) Permit holders shall allow agents of the Commission to enter and inspect the premises, including books, records or permits required to be kept and any wildlife and/or facilities kept under authority of permit.
(2) Each permittee shall pen the captive wildlife in suitable pens and restrain them for inspection, at a reasonable time, when requested to do so by an agent of the Commission.
(I) Permit Renewal, Transfer, Suspension and Revocation:
(1) Persons in violation of the terms of this permit, this addendum chapter, Commission Codes, or convicted of violating associated regulations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, shall be notified in writing and shall have 20 days to respond with just cause as to why their permit should not be suspended or revoked.
(2) If after 20 days just cause has not been given, the Commission may suspend or revoke any existing permit held by the violator and may refuse to issue future permits. Permit suspension, revocation or refusal shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
(3) Upon revocation, permit holder must remove by legal means all captive wildlife within the time designated in the revocation, not to exceed 60 days, and failure to do so shall result in the Commission taking action, per Commission policy, at the permit holder's expense.
(A) Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permits may be issued to applicants complying with the following requirements:
(1) The applicant must be at least 18 years old and shall not have been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere for, violating any federal, state or municipal law governing captive wildlife, illegal appropriation or commercialization of wildlife, or cruelty to animals within five years of the application date.
(2) The applicant shall provide to the Commission, in writing, proof from the county judge or sheriff and any municipal planning commission or board with jurisdiction, stating that the applicant's facility shall be in compliance with all local ordinances.
(3) The applicant shall submit a written application (available from the Commission) for each facility to be permitted.
(B) The requested permit shall be denied if:
(1) The applicant fails to meet any of the issuance criteria set forth in this addendum chapter;
(2) The applicant fails to disclose material information required, or makes false statements as to any material fact in connection with the application, or supplies false information or makes a false statement on the application;
(3) The Commission finds, through further inquiry or investigation, the issuance of the permit may be potentially harmful to the wildlife resources of the State.
(4) The applicant is seeking to permit a new facility for:
(a) Rearing, breeding, propagating, producing, distributing or possessing large carnivores or mountain lions.
(b) Rearing, breeding, propagating, producing or distributing any member of the cervidae family.
(c) The importation, propagation, sale, transfer, barter or distribution of box turtles (genus Terrapene).
(5) The applicant is seeking a Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit for waterfowl on properties where poultry is raised for sale, show or exhibition.
(C) Permit Requirements:
(1) The applicant shall supply satisfactory evidence stock has been/will be secured from a legal source.
(2) Stock may be slaughtered in accordance with established husbandry practices for slaughter of domestic livestock.
(3) Fencing of enclosures in which deer, elk or other big game animals are to be held shall consist of a permanent deer-proof fence at least 8 feet tall and constructed in a manner that prohibits escape of captive wildlife and prohibits entry of native wildlife.
(4) Waterfowl hatched in wildlife breeder/dealer facilities shall be banded with a seamless metal band.
(5) Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit holders for cervids shall only sell live cervids to Arkansas residents who possess a current Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit for cervids, Arkansas residents who possess a current Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit for cervids or to buyers outside Arkansas.
(6) Live bobwhite quail sold to Arkansas residents who do not possess a Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit or Game Bird Shooting Resort Permit must be banded by the permit holder.
(D) Reporting and Record-keeping Requirements:
(1) Legible records of all wildlife acquisitions and dispositions, including births, deaths, sales, slaughter and transport, shall be kept.
(2) Records shall include evidence of legal possession of all wildlife kept under the permit, including licenses, bills of sale, bills of lading, receipts, invoices or other satisfactory evidence of ownership. Records shall include date of acquisition, place of origin, and the name, address and telephone number of the person from whom the wildlife was acquired.
(3) Records of sale shall include the name, address and telephone number of the person to whom the wildlife was sold, and the number of each species sold to each person.
(4) Records must be retained throughout the time the wildlife is possessed by the permittee or for five years, whichever is longer.
(5) Holders of Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permits shall submit legible, complete monthly reports (forms available from the Commission) of their inventory and any births, deaths, sales or purchases of wildlife by the fifth of the following month.
(6) Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit holders who possess cervids in facilities larger than 25 acres where the animals are allowed free range may report an estimated inventory number based on a Commission-approved survey technique.
(7) Stock shall only be acquired from either a Commission-permitted Wildlife Breeder/Dealer or have been brought into the state in accordance with a Commission Wildlife Importation Permit. Permits will not be issued to and existing permits may be revoked for facilities that have acquired stock by any other method.
(E) Disease Testing and Control:
(1) The director of the Commission, in consultation with the director of the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission, or their designees, shall determine mechanisms and procedures for control of diseases and parasites in captive wildlife within Arkansas. Such mechanisms and procedures shall include, but not be limited to, examination, testing, quarantine and slaughter or destruction of individual animals and/or herds or flocks that are, or in the opinion of the Commission may be, infected with a disease or parasite that may have significant detrimental effect on native wildlife, other captive wildlife, livestock or the public health of the citizens of Arkansas.
(2) Examinations, testing, quarantine and slaughter of captive wildlife shall be conducted at the expense of the owner. As a condition of any permit issued under this addendum chapter, the Commission may require the captive wildlife be quarantined for a period specified by the Commission.
(3) All Cervids that die in captivity must be tested for chronic wasting disease. Copies of test results shall be forwarded to the Commission within seven days of receipt.
(4) Captive Cervid facilities must be in compliance with all Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission requirements.
(5) Permitted Wildlife Breeder/Dealer facilities in which birds are kept are required to adhere to Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission requirements regarding pullorum-typhoid disease tests and are encouraged to participate in the National Poultry Improvement Plan.
(6) Each Wildlife Breeder/Dealer facility where waterfowl are kept is required to test 60 birds for duck virus enteritis using the PCR technique every May. Facilities containing less than 60 birds shall test all birds in stock. Samples shall be taken by a licensed veterinarian and submitted to the Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission at the owner's expense. Copies of test results shall be forwarded to the Commission within seven days of receipt.
(7) Flocks testing positive for duck virus enteritis shall be quarantined or destroyed by the owner or operator within 14 days and the carcasses disposed of in accordance with Arkansas Livestock and Poultry Commission regulations.
(F) Facility and Caging Requirements:

All wildlife possessed under a Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit in Arkansas shall be maintained in a permanent enclosure, pen, or cage strong enough to prevent escape of the wildlife and protect them from injury. All wildlife shall be maintained in humane and healthy conditions. Birds must be kept in buildings or covered pens that prevent escape and that do not allow entry of wild birds. Enclosures shall be kept in good repair at all times and gates shall be securely fastened with latches or locks. Enclosures, pens or cages considered unsafe by Commission personnel must be repaired or reconstructed within 10 days or as specified by the Commission.

(1) Facilities containing large carnivores and mountain lions shall meet the following requirements:
(a) A written plan of action shall be prepared and a copy submitted with permit application for use in the following events: Severe damage to enclosures from fire, wind, floods or other natural forces; animals attacking and/or injuring humans, and animals escaping enclosures. Plans should identify the location of temporary holding facilities and necessary mechanisms to safely transport large carnivores to these facilities. Recapture plans shall outline procedures for handling and recapturing escaped large carnivores. Plans should include a list of safety equipment which shall be available for use. The Commission shall immediately be notified upon the escape of any large carnivores or mountain lions. In the event of sickness, the name, address, phone number, and signature of the veterinarian who has agreed to care for the animal shall be provided.
(b) A perimeter fence sufficient to deter entry by the public, at least 8 feet tall shall completely surround cages where animals are housed or exercised outdoors. Perimeter fences that allow objects to be passed through them, such as chain link or welded wire, shall be at least 3 feet from cages or exercise areas.
(c) Warning signs must be posted at the entrance to the property.
(d) All cages or enclosures shall be equipped with an entrance or device that allows a keeper to enter or exit a cage without providing an avenue of escape to an animal (such as a double-gated entry door, interconnected cages that can be isolated from each other, a lock-down area, or other comparable device). Safety entrances shall be constructed of materials of equivalent strength as those prescribed for cage construction. Doors or gates in perimeter fences shall be locked when unattended.
(e) Cages shall be equipped with a lockout area that allows the keeper access while the animal is contained in a separate area.
(f) Cages shall be well braced and securely anchored at ground level to prevent escape by digging or erosion. The fasteners and fittings used in construction shall be of equivalent strength to the material required for cage construction.
(g) In facilities containing tigers, African lions and bears cage construction materials shall consist of at least 9-gauge chain link or equivalent materials. In facilities containing mountain lions, cage construction materials shall consist of at least 11-gauge chain link or equivalent materials. Juvenile animals may be kept in incubation or rearing facilities not meeting these standards until they weigh more than 25 pounds.
(h) Cages containing a single African lion, tiger or bear shall have a cage floor at least 300 square feet and shall be at least 8 feet tall. For each additional animal the cage size shall be increased 100 square feet.
(i) Cages containing a single mountain lion shall have a cage floor at least 200 square feet and shall be at least 8 feet tall. For each additional animal the cage size shall be increased 100 square feet.
(j) Large carnivores and mountain lions may temporarily be housed in cages or enclosures smaller than specified in this chapter while being transported, while in veterinary care or while being quarantined, provided temporary caging is large enough for the animal to stand up, lie down and turn around without touching the sides of the enclosure or another animal.
(k) Open-top outdoor exercise areas are allowed providing they have vertical walls at least 12 feet tall, topped by either: an inward-angled overhang at an angle between 35 and 55 degrees, which is at least 2 feet long and of equal strength as the cage walls; or, two strands of electric fencing, one of which is 1 foot below the top of the vertical wall, and the other at the top of the wall or the upper 3 feet of the interior of the fence consists of sheer, solid metal. Animals may not be left in exercise areas overnight.
(l) Permit holders whose facility, including enclosures, pens and cages, is not in compliance with this Commission Addendum Chapter shall be notified in writing and shall have 10 days to correct the violation.
(m) If the violation has not been corrected in 10 days of notification, the Commission may revoke any existing permit and may refuse to issue any future permit. Such revocation or refusal to issue a future permit shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
(G) Inspection:
(1) Any person issued a Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit shall allow entry, at any reasonable hour, to Commission employees or their agents to inspect any wildlife and/or facilities kept under authority of the permit.
(2) Each permittee shall pen the captive wildlife in suitable pens and restrain them for inspection, at a reasonable time, when requested to do so by the employee or agent.
(H) Renewal, Transfer, Suspension and Revocation:
(1) Permits may be revoked for failure to comply with the terms of the permit or with the terms of this Commission Addendum Chapter.
(2) Persons in violation of the terms of this permit, violation of the Commission Addendum, or upon conviction of associated regulations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, shall be notified in writing of such violations and shall have 20 days to respond.
(3) If, at the end of 20 days, just cause has not been given, the Commission may suspend or revoke any existing permit and refuse to issue any future permit. Permit suspension, revocation or refusal shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
(4) Upon revocation, permit holder must legally remove all captive wildlife within the time designated in the revocation, not to exceed 60 days, and failure to do so shall result in the Commission taking action, per Commission policy, at the permit holder's expense.
(5) No existing permit can be transferred to another person, firm or corporation rearing, breeding, propagating, producing or distributing any member of the Cervidae family.
A) Permits or legible copies of them must be in a falconer's immediate possession when trapping, transporting, working with or flying falconry raptors, both in and outside of Arkansas.


(1) When the falconer is at the location of his/her falconry facilities
B) Permits issued by the Commission will be at a level commensurate with the falconer's ability and experience as follows:

Apprentice Class Eligibility, and Application Conditions and Requirements:

A) An Apprentice falconer applicant must be at least 14 years of age. If the apprentice is under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign his/her application and be legally responsible for his/her activities.
B) An Apprentice Class falconer applicant must have a letter from a Master or General Falconer who is at least 18 years old and has at least two years experience at the General Falconer level and a state falconry permit stating that he or she will sponsor the applicant and serve as his/her mentor.
C) An Apprentice applicant will not be issued a permit until the applicant has demonstrated satisfactory compliance with the following requirements:
1) Must pass a written falconry examination administered by the Commission with a score of at least 80 percent.
2) Must possess a Arkansas hunting license.
3) Must have their falconry facilities and equipment pass inspection by an employee of AGFC.
D) Apprentice falconers may possess no more than 1 raptor for use in falconry.
E) Apprentice falconers may possess a wild-caught raptor of the following species: Red-tailed hawk, American kestrel, Red-shouldered hawk, Great horned owl, or Harris's hawk.
F) Apprentice falconers are required to capture the hawk themselves; the raptor may not be transferred to them by another falconer.
G) Apprentice falconers may not possess a raptor taken from the wild as a nestling and may not possess a bird that is imprinted on humans.

General Class Eligibility, and Application Conditions and Requirements:

A) General Class Falconers must be at least 16 years of age. General Class falconers that are 16 or 17 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian sign their falconry application and be legally responsible for their activities.
B) Apprentice Class falconers can move to General Class by submitting a document from a General Falconer or Master Falconer (preferably his/her sponsor) to the AGFC Falconry Program Coordinator stating that the apprentice has practiced falconry with wild raptor(s) at the Apprentice Falconry level or equivalent for at least two years, including maintaining, training capture, release and flying and hunting the raptor(s) for at least four months each year. The letter must state the number of months and days that the Apprentice falconer possessed a falconry raptor.
C) Apprentice class falconers may not substitute any falconry school program or education to shorten the period of two years at the Apprentice Level.
D) General Class falconers may take and possess any species of Falconiform or Strigiform except a golden eagle, a bald eagle a white-tailed eagle or a Stellers sea-eagle. General falconers may possess captive bred individuals and hybrids of the species that General Class falconers are allowed to possess.
E) General Class falconers may possess no more than 3 raptors.

Master Class Eligibility, and Application Conditions and Requirements: Master Class falconers must have practiced falconry with their own raptors(s) at the General Falconer level for at least 5 years.

A) General Class falconers can move to Master Class by submitting a document in writing to AGFC's Falconry Coordinator requesting to be moved to Master Class status. The request must include the species and number of months and years that the General Class falconer possessed each raptor during his/her General Class period.
B) Master Class Falconers may take and possess any species of Falconiform or Strigiform except a bald eagle. Master Class falconers may take and possess a golden, eagle, a white-tailed eagle or a Steller's sea eagle only if he/she possesses a Falconry Eagle Permit. Master Class falconers may use captive bred individuals and hybrids of the species Master falconers are allowed to possess.
C) Master Class falconers may possess no more than five wild raptors (including golden eagles if the master Class falconer has a Falconry Eagle Permit).
D) Master Class falconers may possess any number if captive bred raptors, however the falconer must train them in the pursuit of wild game and use them in hunting.

Falconry Eagle Permit Eligibility, and Application Conditions and Requirements.

A) Master Class falconers may take and possess golden, eagles, white-tailed eagles or a Steller's sea eagles when issued an Arkansas Falconry Eagle Permit. Master Class falconers will be issued an Arkansas Eagle Falconry Permit when the

Master Class falconer has demonstrated satisfactory compliance with the following requirements.

1) A list of qualifications and experience in handling large raptors, including information about the species the applicant has handled and the type and duration of the activity in which the applicant gained the experience submitted in writing to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator.
2) At least two letters of reference from people with experience handling and/or flying large raptors such as eagles, ferruginous hawks, goshawks, or great horned owls. Each must contain a concise history of the author's experience with large raptors, which can include, but is not limited to, handling of raptors held by zoos, rehabilitating large raptors, or scientific studies of involving large raptors. Each letter must also assess the applicant's ability to care for eagles and fly them in falconry and must be submitted to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator.
B) A golden eagle, white-tailed sea eagle, or Steller's sea eagle possessed by a Master falconer with a Falconry Eagle permit will count as one of the raptors in that falconer's total wild bird possession limit as a master falconer.
C) Master Class falconers with a Falconry Eagle Permit may take one or two golden eagles from the wild according to both federal regulations and the regulations of the state in which the eagle is taken.
D) Master Class falconers with an Eagle Permit may take, transport or possess up to three eagle including golden eagles, white-tailed eagles and/or Steller's sea eagles. Each eagle a Master falconer possesses counts as a bird included under the Master falconer's wild bird possession limit. Master falconer's in possession of eagle(s) must follow all federal regulations and guidelines pertaining to eagles.

Eligibility Requirements to obtain falconry permit for individuals with falconry experience who are new residents in the United States.

A) Applicant must pass a written falconry examination administered by the Commission with a score of at least 80 percent and must provide written documentation of falconry experience including species of raptors flown and game taken and must have their falconry facilities and equipment pass inspection by an employee of AGFC.
B) The Arkansas Falconry Coordinator will assign a falconry Class level commensurate with the new resident falconer's experience.

Eligibility Requirements to obtain falconry permit for individuals with falconry experience who are Not U. S. Residents.

A) A visitor to Arkansas from outside of the United States may quality for a one year renewable Arkansas Non-U.S. Resident Temporary Falconry Permit at level appropriate for his/her experience according to the following requirements:
1) The visitor must take the written test, Arkansas Falconry Examination, and pass with a score of 80 or higher; the visitor must provide a written letter detailing the visitor's falconry experience which the Commission's Falconry Coordinator will use to assign the level of Apprentice, General or Master falconer to the temporary falconry permit; and the visitor must have his facilities pass inspection in order to possess birds for falconry.
B) Holders of an Arkansas Non-U.S. Resident Temporary Falconry Permit may not take a bird from the wild for use in falconry.
C) Holders of an Arkansas Non-U.S. Resident Temporary Falconry Permit may fly raptors held for falconry by a permitted Arkansas falconer.
D) Holders of an Arkansas Non-U.S. Resident Temporary Falconry Permit may use any bird for falconry that he/she possess legally in their country of origin for that purpose, provided that import of that species in the U.S. is not prohibited and provided that he/she has met all permitting requirements in their country of residence.
E) Holders of a temporary falconry permit must also have a current Arkansas NonResident Annual Small Game Hunting License.
F) A holder of an Arkansas Non-U.S. resident Temporary Falconry Permit may transport registered raptors and must follow federal regulations and possess the necessary federal permits to import or export raptors to and from the United States. Unless the permit holder has the necessary federal permits to bring a raptor into the United States and leave it in the U.S., he/she must take raptors brought into the country for falconry out of the country when he/she leaves.


(1) If a raptor brought into the United States and Arkansas dies or is list in the state, the visitor must report the loss to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator before leaving the state our country.
G) When flown free, any bird brought to this country temporarily must have two functioning radio transmitters attached to the bird which will enable the falconer to locate it.
H) A holder of an Arkansas Non-U.S. Resident Falconry Permit must comply with all Commission regulations and the falconry regulation in the states where he/she wishes to conduct falconry or through which he/she will travel with the falconry bird.

Additional Requirements regarding falconry permits including Reinstatement of lapsed falconry permit and residency requirements.

A) If a previously licensed falconer's permit has lapsed for fewer than five years, his/her permit may be reinstated at the level they held previously if they provide the Commission's Falconry Coordinator with proof of their certification at that level and their facilities must pass inspection by an AGFC employee.


(1) If a previously licensed falconer's permit has lapsed for more than five years, they must pass the Arkansas Falconry written exam by correctly answering 80 percent of the questions and their facilities their facilities must pass inspection by an AGFC employee and they must provide written documentation of the class (Apprentice, General, Master) at which they were last permitted or licensed and for which they want their permit issued.
B) If a permitted falconer resides for part of a year in another state, the falconer must contact that state to determine if they need to obtain a falconry permit from that state.
1) If a falconer lives for more that 120 consecutive days in a state, territory of tribal land other than their Arkansas residence, their falconry facilities in that second state must meet Arkansas standards.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding facilities and care.

A) Falconry Facility Requirements: Conditions for Facilities maintained on property owned or controlled by the falconer
1) The Commission must be notified in five days of a change of location of a permitee's falconry facilities and a falconer must have new facilities inspected in 30 days of a change of location.
2) Birds must be kept in humane and healthful conditions, protected from the environment, predators and domestic animals.
3) An Indoor Facility must have a suitable perch for each raptor, at least one opening for sunlight and must provide a healthy environment.
4) Untethered raptors may be housed together if they are compatible with each other.
5) Each raptor must have an area large enough to allow it to fly if it is untethered or, if tethered, to fully extend its wings or bate (attempt to fly when tethered) without damaging its feathers or contacting other raptors. It must be large enough to insure that tethered birds cannot strike the enclosure when flying from the perch.
6) Each raptor must have a pan of clean water available at all times.
7) An indoor facility must be large enough to allow easy access for the care and feeding of raptors kept there and must have flooring that allows drainage, does not retain moisture, and allows for sanitary maintenance activities.
8) If raptors housed in an indoor facility are not tethered, all walls that are not solid must be protected on the inside. Suitable materials may include vertical bars spaced narrower than the width of the smallest raptor housed in the enclosure or heavy duty netting.
9) Acceptable indoor facilities include shelf perch enclosures where raptors are tethered side by side. Other innovative housing systems are acceptable if they provide the enclosed raptors with protection and provide healthy feathers and fresh air.
10) Falconry raptors may be kept inside the falconer's place of residence if a suitable perch or perches is provided. The residence's windows or other openings do not need to be modified. Raptors kept in a residence must be tethered when they are not being moved into or out of the location in which they are being kept.
11) All falconers in possession of falconry raptors must have and maintain jesses or the materials and equipment to make jesses appropriate for the size raptor in their possession, leash and swivel, bath container, and scales or balances appropriate for weighing raptors in the falconer's possession (scales for kestrels must weigh in increments of one grams or less).
12) Falconry raptors may be kept outside in the open if they are under watch, such as by the falconer or a family member at any location or, for example by a designated individual in a weathering yard at falconry meet.
13) Permittees must keep all facilities and equipment at or above these standards at all times.
B) Falconry Facility Requirements: Conditions for facilities maintained on property not owned or controlled by the falconer.
1) Regardless of location, a falconer's facilities must meet all the requirements listed for facilities on property own or controlled by the falconer.
2) Falconer must submit a dated statement to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator showing that the falconer or the property owners (if the falconer's facilities are on property not owned or leased by the falconer) agrees that the falconry facilities, equipment and raptors may be inspected without advance notice by Commission personnel at any reasonable time of day.
C) Transportation Facilities: Conditions for care and facilities for transporting raptors.
1) When transporting a raptor, using a raptor for hunting or for temporary housing when away from home a falconer is required to have a suitable perch and protect the raptor from extreme temperatures, wind and excessive disturbance.
2) A "giant hood' or similar container is acceptable for transporting or housing a raptor when away from home.
D) Temporary Facilities: Conditions for temporary care and facilities for raptors.
1) A falconer may house a raptor in temporary facilities for no more than 120 consecutive calendar days if the bird has a suitable perch and is protected from predators, domestic animals, extreme temperatures, wind and excessive disturbance.
E) Conditions for Care of Falconry Raptors by Another Falconry Permittee.
1) Another falconry permittee may care for a falconer's raptor or raptors at the falconer's facilities or at the other permittee's facilities for up to 120 consecutive calendar days if:
a) The other person has a signed and dated statement from the falconer authorizing the other permittee the temporary possession of the falconry raptor(s). This written statement must include information about the time period for which the other permittee will keep the raptors(s) and state what he or she is allowed to do with the raptor(s).
b) Written authorization to the other falconry permittee from the falconer must be accompanied by a copy of FWS form 3-186A that shows the falconer as the authorized possessor of each of the falconry raptors.
c) The raptor(s) will remain on the falconer's permit and will not count against the possession limit of the other falconry permittee caring for the raptors.
d) If the falconry permittee caring for the raptor(s) hold the appropriate level falconry permit, he/she may fly the falconry's raptors in whatever way the falconer authorizes, including hunting.
F) Conditions for Care of Falconry Raptors by a Person who does not have a falconry permit.
1) A person who does not have a falconry permit may care for a falconer's raptor(s) at the falconer's facilities for up to 45 consecutive calendar days providing the following conditions are met:
a) The raptors remain on the falconers permit.
b) The raptors must remain in the falconer's approved facilities.
c) The person(s) caring for the raptors may not fly them for any reason.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding take and possession of raptors from the wild.

A) Falconers may take no more than two raptors from the wild each 365 consecutive day period beginning on the date of the first bird to use in falconry.
1. If a falconer transfers a bird that he/she took from the wild to another falconer in the same year in which it was captured, the bird will count as one of the raptors the falconer is allowed to take from the wild that year; it will not count as a capture by the recipient, although it will always be considered a wild bird.
B) Falconers may not intentionally capture a raptor species that their classification as a falconer does not allow them to possess for falconry. Raptors captured by falconers who are not allowed to possess that species or age group must be immediately released.
C) Raptors must be taken only in a humane manner. Any device used to take birds of prey shall be labeled with the name, address and phone number of the falconer, and must be attended to continually by the falconer. No eggs may be taken from raptor nests.
D) Falconers must immediately release any bird captured unintentionally.
E) Falconers may recapture a lost falconry bird for which he/she has submitted a form 3-186A at any time the recapture will not count as taking a bird from the wild.
F) Falconers may recapture a raptor wearing falconry equipment or a captive bred raptor at any time-even if that falconer is not allowed to possess that species of raptor. The bird will not count against the falconer's possession limit nor their capture from the wild limit. The falconer must report the recapture of the bird to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator no more than five working days after the recapture and return the recaptured falconry bird to the person who lost it, if that person legally possessed it. Disposition of a bird whose legal possession cannot be determined will be at the discretion of the Commission's Falconry Coordinator.
G) Peregrine falcons banded with a Federal Bird Banding Laboratory band may not be taken from the wild, however other raptors banded with a federal bird banding lab may be taken if the falconer is authorized to take that species.
H) If a falconer captures a peregrine falcon that has a colored alphanumeric research band on it or a research marking attached to it, it must be immediately released.
I)Passage peregrines may be taken from Sept. 20-Oct. 20 by an Arkansas resident falconer who has been issued an Arkansas Passage Peregrine Falcon Permit by the Commission in accordance with requirements stated on that permit.


(1) If the falcon has a transmitter attached to it, the falconer has up to 30 days to contact the researcher to determine if he/she wishes to replace the transmitter or its batteries. If the researcher wishes to do so or to have the transmitter removed, the researcher or his/her designee can make the change or allow the falconer to do so before the falconer releases the falcon.
J) If a falconer captures a raptor wearing a seamless metal band, a transmitter, or any other item identifying it as a falconry bird, the falconer must report the capture of the bird to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator no more than five working days after the capture. The falconer must return the bird to the person who lost if, however if that person cannot posses the bird or does not want to possess it, the falconer may keep it. Disposition of a bird who's legal possession cannot be determined will be at the discretion of the Commission's Falconry Coordinator. During the time period when a falconer keeps a bird for return to the person who lost it, the bird will not count toward the falconer's possession limit or his/her limit on take of birds from the wild, as long as the falconer reports the bird to the Commission in five working days of capture.
K) If a falconer captures a raptor with a band other that the Federal Bird Banding Lab aluminum band, research marking or transmitter attached to it, the falconer must report the band numbers and all other relevant information to the Federal Bird Banding Laboratory in five working days. If the bird is wearing a transmitter, the falconer may contact the researcher to determine if he/she wishes to replace it. The falconer is authorized to possess the bird for up to 30 days until the researcher or his/her designee does so, or until the falconer replaces it himself. Disposition of the bird will be at the discretion of the Commission's Falconry Coordinator. Temporary possession will not count against the falconer's possession limit. L) General and/or Master Class falconers may remove nestlings from a nest or aerie in accordance with the following:
1. Take of a raptors from the wild must be reported in five days from the date at which take occurred by entering the required information in the electronic database at http://permits.fws.gov/186A or by submitting a paper form 3-186A to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator.
2. A falconer present at the capture site, even if another person captures the bird for him/her, is considered the person who removes the bird from the wild and is responsible for filing a 3-186A form.
3. If the falconer is not at the immediate location where the bird is taken from the wild, the person who removes the bird from the wild must be a General or Master Falconer and must report take of the bird. If that person then transfers the bird to the falconer, both must file 3-186A forms reporting the transaction no later than five days after the transfer. The bird will count as one of the two raptors the person who took it from the wild is allowed to capture in any year. The bird will not count as a bird the falconer took from the wild. The person who takes the bird from the wild must report the take even if he or she promptly transfers the bird to another falconer.
4. If a falconer has a long-term or permanent physical impairment that prevents him/her from attending the capture of a species for falconry, a General or Master Falconer may capture the bird for the impaired falconer. The impaired falconer must file a 3-186A reporting take of a wild bird and the bird counts against the impaired falconer's total take of wild raptors for the year.
M) Goshawks, Harris hawks, peregrine falcons, and gyrfalcons captured from the wild or acquired from a rehabilitator must be banded with a permanent non-reusable numbered U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service leg band provided to AGFC by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; or implanted with an ISO--compliant microchip. Band numbers and/or microchip information must be reported to both AGFC's Falconry Coordinator and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service when acquisition of the bird is reported by the falconer no later than 10 days after acquisition.


(1) If a falconer documents that a raptor's health or injury problems are caused by the band, that documentation must be submitted to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator who will issue an exemption to the requirements for that raptor.
1) The falconer must keep a copy of the exemption paperwork on his person when transporting or flying that raptor
2) if that bird is wild caught goshawk, Harris's hawk, peregrine falcon or gyrfalcon, the band must be replaced with an ISO--compliant microchip provided to the falconer through the Commission by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
N) A raptor captured from the wild may not be banded with a seamless numbered band.
O) Falconry bands may not be altered defaced or counterfeited, however removal of the rear tab on a band on a raptor taken from the wild, and smoothing the surface without affecting the integrity of the band or the numbering on it is permissible.
P) Take of eyas (nestling raptors incapable of flight) birds is allowed between Jan. 1 and Aug. 1 of each year.
Q) Take of passage (raptors fledged from the nest but less than 1 year of age) is allowed from June 15-March 1.
Q) Take of a raptors from the wild must be reported in five days from the date at which take occurred by entering the required information in the electronic database at http://permits.fws.gov/186A or by submitting a paper form 3-186A to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding possession of raptors bred in captivity.

A. Falconry raptors bred in captivity must be banded with a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seamless band or be micro-chipped.
1. If the seamless band is removed or lost, the falconer must report it and request a replacement band from AGFC no less than 10 days after the band is removed or lost.
a) The required information must be reported electronically (http://permits.fws.gov/186A) immediately upon rebanding or microchipping or by submitted federal form 3-186-A to the AGFC Falconry Coordinator.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding possession of raptors transferred from migratory bird rehabilitators.

A. Falconers may acquire a bird for falconry from a federally permitted migratory bird rehabilitator, if the falconer is permitted to possess that species of bird for falconry. Acquisition of a bird from a rehabilitator will count as one of the raptors the falconer is permitted to take from the wild. Transfer to the falconer is at the discretion of the permitted rehabilitator. Falconer must report acquisition of the bird using required reporting procedures.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding record keeping.

A) Falconers must keep copies of all database submissions, including electronic and paper submissions, documenting take, transfer, loss, release, rebanding and/or microchipping of each falconry raptor until five years after the falconer has transferred or lost the bird, or the bird dies.
B) All raptors acquired and disposed of must be reported in five days of the date when transaction or transition occurred by entering the required information in the electronic database at http://permits.fws.gov/186A or by submitting a paper form 3--186A to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding theft of a falconry bird.

A) If a raptor possessed under a falconry permit is stolen, the falconer must report the theft to the Commission's Falconry Coordinator and to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Law Enforcement office in five working days of the theft of the bird.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding Selling or Trading Raptors held under a Falconry Permit.

A) Falconers may sell, purchase, barter, trade, and/or offer for sale, or purchase captive-bred raptors marked with a seamless metal bands to other falconry permittees who are authorized to possess them.
B) Falconers may not purchase, sell, trade or barter wild raptors; they can only transfer them to another falconer or to a recipient who possess the necessary federal and state permits for that activity.
C) Wild-caught falconry raptors may be transferred to a raptor propagation permit only after the bird has been used in falconry for at least two years or for one year for sharp-shinned hawks, Cooper's hawks, merlins and American kestrels.


(1) Wild-caught raptors that are less than two years of age or for one year for sharp-shinned hawks, Cooper's hawks, merlins and American kestrels, may be transferred to another permit type if the bird has been injured and a veterinarian or permitted migratory bird rehabilitator has determined that the raptor can no longer be flown for falconry. Falconer must provide a copy of the 3--186A form documenting acquisition of the bird by the propagators to the Federal Migratory Bird Permit office that administers the other permit type.
D) Falconers may transfer captive-bred falconry raptors to another type of permit if the holder of the other permit type is authorized to possess the bird. Falconers must report the transfer on a 186A form in five days of the transfer.
E) A surviving spouse, executor, administrator or other legal representative of a deceased falconry permittee may transfer any bird held by the permittee to another authorized permittee in 90 days of the falconer's death. After 90 days, the disposition of a bird held under the permit is at the discretion of the Commission's Falconry Coordinator.
F) Falconers may use raptors held under a falconry permit in raptor propagation if the falconer or the person overseeing the propagation has the necessary permits if the following requirements are met.
1) If the bird will be used for propagation for fewer than eight months a year, the falconer does not need to transfer the raptor from his permit.
2) If the raptor is used for propagation for more than eight months per year, the bird must be transferred to a federal propagation permit and banded as required by federal raptor propagation regulations.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding Take of Prey by Falconry Raptors.

A) Falconers may take wildlife only within the specific seasons and bag limits, except that squirrels and rabbits may be taken outside of the specified hunting season by falconry birds with a daily limit of one game mammal per raptor per day.
B) If a falconry bird kills a prey animal that was not the falconer's intended prey, and if that kill was outside of the animal's legal open hunting season, the falconers may allow their falconry raptor to feed on the incidental kill but the falconer may not take the animal into possession.
C) Falconers must ensure that their activities do not cause the take of a federal listed threatened or endangered species. "Take" under the federal Endangered Species Act means "to harass, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect or attempt to engage in any such conduct". "Harass in this Act means any act that may injure wildlife by disrupting normal behavior including breeding feeding or sheltering. "Harm" in this Act means an act that actually kills or injure wildlife.
1) Falconers must report the location of the take of any federally listed threatened or endangered species to the state's U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceEcological Services field office.
D) Falconry take of bird species for which a federal depredation order is in place is permitted. Falconers may use their falconry raptors to take any species listed in parts 50 CFR 21.23, 44, 45 of the federal register at any time in accordance with the conditions of the depredation order, however the falconer may not be paid for doing so.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding Release of Falconry Birds into the Wild and Falconry Training Techniques.

A) The use of acceptable falconry training or conditioning practices includes but is not limited to, tame--hacking, the use of creance flying, lures, balloons or kites, flying falconry birds at pen-raised birds or birds not covered by the Migratory Treaty Act.
B) Hacking of Falconry Raptors: General and Master Class falconers may condition raptors for falconry with the following requirements.
1) The raptor the falconer hacks must be a species the falconer is allowed to possess and counts against the falconer's possession limit.
2) A hybrid raptor may be hacked if the raptor wearing two functioning radio transmitters.
3) Hacking a raptor may not occur near a nesting area of a federally threatened or endangered bird species or in any location where the raptor is likely to harm a federally listed threatened or endangered species that might be disturbed or taken by the hacked falconry bird.
C) Falconers may only release back to the wild in Arkansas, wild caught raptors native to the state. Non-native raptor species, hybrid raptor species and raptors bred in captivity may not be released back to the wild in Arkansas. Wild-caught raptors must be released at an appropriate time of year and an appropriate location and any and all bands and falconry equipment must be removed from the raptor prior to its release.
D) When flown free, hybrid falcons must have at least two functioning radio transmitters attached to it to assist the falconer in locating the bird.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding migratory bird feather and carcass possession.

A) A falconer may possess flight feathers for each species of raptor he or she currently and previously held on his/her permit for imping purposes.
B) Falconers may give and/or receive feathers for imping from other permitted falconers, federally permitted wildlife rehabilitators, or federally permitted raptor propagators in the United States.
C) Flight feathers for imping may not be purchased, sold or bartered.
D) Falconers may donate feathers, except golden eagle feathers, to any person or institution with a permit to possess them or to anyone exempt from permit requirements under federal statute 21.12.
E) If a falconer's permit expires or is revoked, the falconer must burn, bury or otherwise destroy imping feathers in their possession or donate the feathers to any person or institution with a permit to possess them or to anyone exempt from permit requirements under federal statute 21.12.
F) Master Falconers in possession of a golden eagle must gather primary and secondary flight feathers and retrices from molted by their golden eagle(s) and store them for imping or send them to the National Eagle Repository.
G) Carcasses of falconry birds that die while in the falconer's possession may be burned, buried or otherwise destroyed and disposed of in 10 days of death or 10 days of necropsy by a veterinarian, or donated to any person or institution with a permit to possess them or donated to anyone exempt from permit requirements under federal statute 21.12.
H) Carcasses of euthanized raptors must be disposed of in a manner that will prevent scavenger from feeding on them. Flight feathers may be retained for imping purposes.


(1) Carcasses of golden eagles must be sent to the National Eagle Repository.
(2) Banded or microchipped falconry birds that die while in the falconer's possession may be kept by the falconer so that the feathers are available for imping or the falconer may have the body mounted by a taxidermist and the mount used in educational programs. Bands must remain on the body and microchips must left in place.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding Raptors Injured Due to a Falconer's Trapping Efforts.

A) Falconers must do one of the following if a raptor is injured during trapping.
1) Falconer may put the bird injured during trapping on his/her falconry permit and follow procedures outlined for reporting take of a bird from the wild falconry. The bird will count towards the falconers possession limit. The falconer must have the injured bird treated by a veterinarian or a permitted migratory bird rehabilitator and the falconer is responsible for the costs of care and rehabilitation of the bird.
2) Falconer must give the bird directly (no more than 24 hours) to a veterinarian or permitted migratory bird rehabilitator. The bird will not count against the falconer's take or possession limits however the falconer is responsible for the costs of care and rehabilitation of the bird.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding assistance in the rehabilitation of raptors to prepare them for release according to the following requirements.

A) General and Master Class falconers may assist federally permitted migratory bird rehabilitators to condition raptors in preparation for their release to the wild in accordance with the following requirements:
1) The rehabilitator must provide the falconer with a letter or form that identifies the bird and explains that the falconer is assisting in its rehabilitation.
B) The falconer does not have to meet the rehabilitator facility guidelines and may keep the rehabilitating raptor in his/her approved falconry facilities.
C) The rehabilitating raptor will remain on the rehabilitator's permit and will not be added to the falconer's permit.
D) The falconer must return any such bird that cannot be permanently released to the rehabilitator for placement in the 180 day timeframe in which the rehabilitator is federally authorized to posses this bird, unless the issuing office authorized the rehabilitator to retain the bird longer than 180 days.
E) The falconer must coordinate with the rehabilitator and release all releasable raptors to the wild or return them to the rehabilitator for release in the 180 day timeframe in which the rehabilitator is federally authorized to posses this bird, unless the issuing office authorized the rehabilitator to retain the bird longer than 180 days, or unless the rehabilitator transfer the bird to the falconer you to hold under his/her falconry permit.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding Use of Falconry Raptors in Abatement and Education Activities.

A) Falconers may use raptors possessed on their falconry permits in conservation education program presented in public venues follow without first obtaining a federal Education Permit if they abide by the following requirements:
1. Raptors used in the program must be on their falconry permit and used primarily for falconry.
2. Apprentice falconers presenting educational programs must be under direct supervision of a General or Master Class falconer.
3. If a fee is charged for presentation of a conservation education program, the fee may not exceed the amount required to recoup the falconer's cost of presenting the program.
4. The presentation is required to address falconry and conservation education and may also include information about the biology, ecological roles, and conservation needs of raptors and other migratory birds.
5. The falconer is responsibility for all liab33333ility associated with his/her conservation education activities.
6. Falconers may allow photography, filming or other such uses of his/her falconry raptors to make movies or other sources of information on the practice of falconry or on the biology, ecological roles, and conservation needs of raptors and/or migratory birds however the falconer may not be paid for doing so.
7. Falconers may not use their falconry raptors in movies commercials or other commercial ventures that are not related to falconry.
B) A Master Class falconer my conduct abatement activities with his/her falconry birds if the falconer has first obtained a federal Special Purpose Abatement permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
C) General Class falconers may conduct abatement activities only as a subpermittees of the holder of the federal Abatement permit and both Master and General Class falconers must follow the conditions of said permit.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for falconers holding a permit issued by another state to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding Non-resident falconers hunting and taking raptors in Arkansas.

A) Non-resident falconers with a Non-Resident Small Game Hunting License may take game in Arkansas according to state and federal regulations.
B) Non-resident falconers with a non-resident Arkansas Small Game Hunting License may to take one (1) legal raptor per year in Arkansas provided the state of their residence reciprocates such approval for Arkansas falconers and the taking of a legal raptor by a non-resident must comply with Arkansas regulations.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding taking falconry raptors to another country for use in falconry activities.

A) An Arkansas falconry permit authorized the falconer to export and import to another country without additional migratory bird import/export permits, the raptors the falconer legally possesses for falconry. The falconer must meet any federal requirements in 50 CFR 14 Part B, and may need additional permits listed in 50 CFR 15, 17 and 23.
B) Unless the falconer has the necessary permits to export raptors from the U.S. the falconer must bring any raptor taken out of the country for falconry back to the U.S. upon his/her return. Each raptor must be covered by a CITES certificate of ownership and the falconer must have full documentation of the lawful origin of each raptors and each raptors must be identifiable with a permanent non-reusable U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service leg band, seamless leg band or implanted microchip for identification.
C) If the raptor dies or is lost, the falconer is not required to bring it back but it must be reported immediately upon the falconers return to the U.S. according to state and federal CITES regulations.

Permit Requirements: It shall be unlawful for holders of Falconry Permits to fail to comply with the following requirements regarding facility inspection and permit revocation.

A) Any person issued a Falconry Permit under this Code chapter shall allow entry, at any reasonable hour, to employees or agents of the Commission upon the premises where the permitted activity is conducted. Commission employees or agents may enter such premises to inspect the facility, any and all records associated with the activities relating to the permit, and any birds kept under authority of the permit.
B) Permits may be revoked by this Agency for failure to comply with the terms of the permit or with the terms of this Commission Code Section.
C) Persons in violation of the terms of this permit, violation of the Commission Code, or upon conviction of associated regulations of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, shall be notified in writing of such violations and shall have twenty days to respond with just cause as to why their permit should not be suspended or revoked.
D) If, at the end of the twenty-day period, just cause has not been given, this Agency may suspend or revoke any existing permit held by the violator and may refuse to issue any future permit. Such suspension, revocation or refusal to issue a future permit shall be in addition to any criminal charges that may be filed.
E) Upon revocation, permit holder must legally transfer or release all falconry raptors in the time designated in the revocation, not to exceed sixty days, and failure to do so shall result in the Commission taking action, per Commission policy, at the permit holder's expense.



Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

Fisheries Management Division

April 18, 2013

Subject: Adoption of 2013 Fishing Regulation Clarifications

Submitted by: Mark Oliver Chief

The Fisheries Division recommends the attached fishing regulation changes. The following pages include the recommended Code Book language to be adopted for trout permit requirements and turtle harvest restrictions. During the code book revision "waters of the state" was inadvertently deleted from the trout permit requirements. A clarification is needed for turtle harvest restrictions, which includes adding portions of Randolph County. This change should have been included in the fisheries regulation package the Commission approved last August. A Minute Order is attached for approval. All approved changes would go into effect April 18, 2013.

Mark Oliver, Chief Fisheries Division

SUMMARY FOR COMMITTEE ITEM 2013 Fishing Regulations Clarifications - Second Reading Summary

Committee: Regulations Committee

Date: April 17, 2013

Title: 2013 Fishing Regulations Clarifications - Second

Reading for Approval

Explanation: The Fisheries Division recommends the attached fishing regulation changes. The following pages include the recommended Code Book language to be adopted for trout permit requirements and turtle harvest restrictions. During the code book revision "waters of the state" was inadvertently deleted from the trout permit requirements. A clarification is needed for turtle harvest restrictions, which includes adding portions of Randolph County. This change should have been included in the fisheries regulation package the Commission approved last August. A Minute Order is attached for approval. All approved changes would go into effect April 18, 2013.

Prepared by: Mark Oliver

Chief of Fisheries

2013 Fisheries Regulation Clarifications


It is unlawful for persons 16 or older to keep trout from waters of the state or to fish without a valid trout permit on the following waters: the Beaver Lake Tailwater from Beaver Dam to the boundary signs at Houseman Access; the Lake Greeson Tailwater, from Narrows Dam to Muddy Fork Road (low-water bridge); the Little Red River, from Greers Ferry Dam to the Arkansas Highway 305 bridge; the North Fork of the White River downstream of Norfork Dam; and the White River, from Bull Shoals Dam to the Arkansas Highway 58 bridge at Guion.


(1) In compliance with Chapter 36.00.
(2) Persons possessing a Lifetime Resident Hunting and Fishing Sportsman's Permit.
(3) Persons possessing a Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Trout Permit.

PENALTY: Class 1

(A) It is unlawful to take or attempt to take aquatic turtle eggs from the wild.
(B) It is unlawful to take or attempt to take aquatic turtles for commercial purposes by any means other than hoop nets or box type turtle traps. Commercial aquatic turtle harvest is allowedin waters ofthe following counties or specified portions thereof,and/or bodies of water as specified:
(1) Arkansas, Ashley, Bradley, Calhoun, Chicot (Exception 2), Cleveland, Clay, Columbia (Exception 2), Craighead, Crittenden (Exception 2), Cross, Dallas, Desha, Drew (Exception 2), Grant, Greene, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette (Exception 2), Lawrence (Exception 2), Lawrence (east of the Black River),Lee, Lincoln, Lonoke, Miller, Mississippi, Monroe, Nevada, Ouachita, Phillips, Poinsett, Prairie, Pulaski (south of I-30 and east of I-440 and Arkansas Highway 67), Randolph (east of the Black River), St. Francis, Saline (east of I-30), Union, White (east of Arkansas Highway 67)and Woodruff counties;
(2) Randolph (east of the Black Riverfrom the southern border to Pocahontas; from Pocahontas to Maynard east of Arkansas Highway 115; and from Maynard to the state line east of Arkansas Highway 166), St. Francis, Saline (east of I-30), Union, White (east of Arkansas Highway 67) and Woodruff counties;
(3) Arkansas River, from its mouth to the Arkansas/Oklahoma state line, including that part of the Arkansas River from the Ozark Dam to the Arkansas/Oklahoma state line, bounded on the north by the Union Pacific Railroad and on the south by Arkansas Highway 22 in compliance with Code 30.25.
(4)Black River from its mouth to the Missouri state line;
(5)Little River from its mouth to the Corps of Engineers boat ramp on west bank of river below Millwood Lake Dam;
(6)Ouachita River from the Louisiana state line to the confluence of the Caddo River;
(7)Red River from the Louisiana state line to the Oklahoma/Texas state line;
(8)Sulphur River from its mouth to the Texas state line;
(9)White River from its mouth to 100 yards below Dam No. 1 at Batesville, Independence County;
(10)Arkansas waters between the main levees of the Mississippi River.
(11)All lakes, bays or other bodies of water, other than tributary streams, connected to waters as specified above, when accessible by boat, from the main channel except as limited by Addendum Chapter H1.00.
(C) When a river or stream forms the boundary between opened and closed counties, that boundary segment shall be open to tackle legal in the open county.


(1)Bayou Meto Bayou in compliance with Code 38.01.
(2)The following waters are closed to commercial aquatic turtle harvest:
(a)Lake Erling, including all tributaries upstream from 100 yards below Lake Erling Dam to Arkansas Highway 313 (Lafayette County)
(b)All Commission-owned lakes (excluding all natural lakes when accessible by boat from river or stream channel on WMAs in counties listed above);
(c)Lake Columbia (Columbia County);
(d)Horseshoe Lake (Crittenden County);
(e)Lake Wallace (Drew and Chicot counties);
(f)Upper and Lower Lake Chicot (Connerly Bayou to Ditch Bayou Dam inclusive)(Chicot County).
(3)USDA Forest Service lakes, State Park lakes and lakes owned by municipalities or property-owner associations.
(4)Private landowners, in closed counties, can obtain from the Commission, a Private Land Nuisance Aquatic Turtle Permit. This permit allows the harvest of Common Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentine), Redear Sliders (Trachemys scripta), and Spiny Softshells (Apalone spinifera) for commercial purposes on private property under the following conditions:
(a)Only from manmade lakes and ponds
(b)Only by a licensed commercial aquatic turtle harvest or dealer permittee
(c)Only with legal commercial turtle harvest gear as defined above
(d)All harvested turtles shall be reported on aquatic turtle harvest report forms as specified in Code 34.07.

PENALTY: Class 1

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Sources Esti, DflLorme, NAVTEQ, U5GS, Intermap, iPC. NRCAN, Esri Japan. MET!. Esri Chifla tHong Kong), Esfi (Ttiailard), TomTom.20i2

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Sources: Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ. USGS. tnieimap. iPC. WRCAN, Esri Jafwn, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong], Esrf (Ttiailand), TomTum, 2012

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