002.00.07 Ark. Code R. 020

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 002.00.07-020 - Concealed Handgun License Holder Codes
07.04 MODERN FIREARMS PROHIBITED DURING MUZZLE-LOADING DEER SEASONS. It shall be unlawful to have in immediate possession a centerfire or rimfire weapon while participating in muzzle-loading deer seasons.


(1) Holders of a valid state-issued concealed handgun license recognized and honored by the State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Title 5, Chapter 73, Subchapter 3, may possess the handgun covered by the license, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where disallowed by a landowner in accordance with applicable law. Nothing in this exception is intended to supersede or limit the regulations of any federal, state or local authorities that prohibit the possession of concealed handguns on their property, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to have any firearms in the immediate possession while hunting bear, deer or turkey with archery tackle.


(1) Legal firearms when and where a regular gun or muzzle-loading deer season is open.
(2) Legal firearms when and where bear season is open.
(3) Holders of a valid state-issued concealed handgun license recognized and honored by the State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Title 5, Chapter 73, Subchapter 3, may possess the handgun covered by the license, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where disallowed by a landowner in accordance with applicable law. Nothing in this exception is intended to supersede or limit the regulations of any federal, state or local authorities that prohibit the possession of concealed handguns on their property, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to use dogs to chase wildlife for pleasure (Ref: 01.00-C Definition of Terms -Chase Wildlife

For Pleasure) other than from May 16 through March 31 or to use dogs to chase deer for training purposes other than from 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset October 1 through December 31 only in those deer zones where dogs can legally be used for the taking of deer during the modern gun deer seasons. Possession of a killing device is prohibited when using dogs to chase wildlife for pleasure or when training/allowing dogs to chase deer.


(1) When chasing wildlife for pleasure, killing devices may only be possessed in compliance with declared open seasons for the taking of game or furbearing animals.
(2) When training/allowing dogs to chase deer, killing devices may only be possessed during open season in those deer zones where it is lawful to use dogs to hunt deer during the modern gun deer season.
(3) Chase for pleasure is allowed beginning 60 minutes after sunset until 60 minutes before sunrise from April 1 until May 15.
(4) During any Spring Special Youth Turkey Hunt the use of dogs to chase game animals is prohibited during 60 minutes before sunrise until 60 minutes after sunset.
(5) During any muzzleloader deer season dogs may only be used for chasing fox or coyote from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise.
(6) During any modern gun deer season where dogs are unlawful to run deer, dogs may only be used to chase fox or coyote from 30 minutes after sunset until 30 minutes before sunrise.
(7) Chasing fox and/or coyote for pleasure within fox/coyote enclosures permitted day or night year around.
(8) Deer dog training is not allowed during the muzzle loading deer seasons.
(9) In compliance with Regulation 22.01 Dog Restrictions on WMAs.
(10) In compliance with code 16.06 (Chasing Bear with Dogs Prohibited.
(11) In Compliance with Code 17.07 (Chasing Elk with Dogs Prohibited.
(12) Holders of a valid state-issued concealed handgun license recognized and honored by the State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Title 5, Chapter 73, Subchapter 3, may possess the handgun covered by the license, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where disallowed by a landowner in accordance with applicable law. Nothing in this exception is intended to supersede or limit the regulations of any federal, state or local authorities that prohibit the possession of concealed handguns on their property, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.

18.05 TAKING WILDLIFE AT NIGHT FROM A BOAT PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take or locate any wildlife from a boat during the hours of darkness, or to transport any firearms in a boat at night without said firearms being unloaded and cased.


(1) Taking of frogs, fish or turtles by legal methods during the open season.
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 18.09 (Depredation Permit).
(3) In compliance with Commission Code 02.23 (Alligator Hunting Season) and 26.02 (Restrictions on Method of Taking Alligator).
(4) Holders of a valid state-issued concealed handgun license recognized and honored by the State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Title 5, Chapter 73, Subchapter 3, may possess the handgun covered by the license, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where disallowed by a landowner in accordance with applicable law. Nothing in this exception is intended to supersede or limit the regulations of any federal, state or local authorities that prohibit the possession of concealed handguns on their property, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to hunt, trap, or possess a killing device in any wildlife management area.


(1) During open seasons for wildlife on said areas.
(2) Conibear traps and/or snares for taking beaver, muskrat and nutria.
(3) Ozark National Forest WMA.
(4) Sanctioned Shoot-to-Kill Walking Trials.
(5) For activities permitted by the Commission.
(6) For Commission employees in the performance of their official job duties.
(7) Holders of a valid state-issued concealed handgun license recognized and honored by the State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Title 5, Chapter 73, Subchapter 3, may possess the handgun covered by the license, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where disallowed by a landowner in accordance with applicable law. Nothing in this exception is intended to supersede or limit the regulations of any federal, state or local authorities that prohibit the possession of concealed handguns on their property, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

20.02 FIREARM RESTRICTIONS ON WMAs. It shall be unlawful to possess any buckshot; rifled slugs,

center fire firearms, muzzleloaders larger than .40 caliber, center fire firearms or rim fire firearms larger than .22 caliber on any wildlife management area other than during any open modern gun deer, bear or elk seasons. (Ref. 06.02, Guns and Ammunition Prohibited During Modern Gun Deer Seasons; and 16.02, Killing Device Restrictions for Bear Hunting and 17.02, Weapon Restrictions for Taking Elk).

(A) Big Lake, Brushy Creek, St. Francis Sunken Lands, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station, W. E. Brewer Scatter Creek and Wedington WMAs - only shotguns (.410 or larger), with slugs (no buckshot allowed), or muzzleloading rifles (in compliance with Commission Code 07.02) shooting a single projectile only during modern gun season.
(B) Beaver Lake WMA (islands only), Greers Ferry WMA and that part of Trusten Holder including all Corps lands, lying north and east of the center line of the Arkansas River which fall within the area that lies east of the Pendleton Bridge to just south of Dam #2 and those lands west of Tichnor Blacktop and Nady Road - no rifles (including muzzleloading rifles) for any season.
(C) Big Lake WMA - it shall be unlawful to transport firearms in that portion of Ditch 28 within the

Big Lake WMA without said firearms having been dismantled or encased.

(D) Harris Brake WMA - shotguns only.
(E) Lafayette County WMA - no buckshot of any size.
(F) Bell Slough WMA - shotguns or rimfire rifles only.
(G) The Farm Unit within Bald Knob NWR, Johnson County WRA within Dardanelle WMA and

Wapanocca NWR - muzzleloaders shooting a single projectile only or shotguns with slugs.

(H) Trusten Holder WMA - within the delineated boundaries of the Arkansas Post National Park buffer zone discharge of any firearm is prohibited.


(1) Private landowners within boundaries of WMAs where they maintain a bona fide residence,

within their homes or on their own land where normal agricultural activity is conducted.

(2) Law enforcement officers and Game and Fish Commission employees in performance of their official job duties.
(3) Trusten Holder WMA mobility impaired muzzleloader deer hunters may use shotguns with slugs.
(4) Holders of a valid state-issued concealed handgun license recognized and honored by the

State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Title 5, Chapter 73, Subchapter 3, may possess the handgun covered by the license, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where disallowed by a landowner in accordance with applicable law. Nothing in this exception is intended to supersede or limit the regulations of any federal, state or local authorities that prohibit the possession of concealed handguns on their property, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.



It shall be unlawful to possess a loaded firearm in any camping area on any wildlife management area, special use area, wildlife demonstration area or in any fishing or boating access area. (Ref: Section 01.00 -C, Loaded Firearms).


(1) Holders of a valid state-issued concealed handgun license recognized and honored by the State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Title 5, Chapter 73, Subchapter 3, may possess the handgun covered by the license, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where disallowed by a landowner in accordance with applicable law. Nothing in this exception is intended to supersede or limit the regulations of any federal, state or local authorities that prohibit the possession of concealed handguns on their property, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

26.02 RESTRICTIONS ON METHODS OF TAKING ALLIGATOR. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess an alligator other than during the open alligator season or by any method other than permitted herein:
(A) Alligator must be captured alive and securely restrained using handheld snares or harpoons prior to dispatching. Hand-held snares must be constructed of steel cable with a sliding locking device and harpoon heads must be attached to a steel cable leader.
(B) Firearms may only be used to dispatch a securely restrained alligator. Firearms used for dispatching an alligator are restricted to shotguns or shotgun caliber bangsticks using shot size no larger than #4 shot.
(C) All shotguns and bangsticks must be cased and unloaded at all times until an alligator has been securely restrained. No other firearms or ammunition may be in possession of the permittee or hunting assistant.
(D) No firearm or bangstick may be discharged within 150 yards of any residence, building, boat ramp or occupied campsite.
(E) All harvested alligator must be validated at a designated check station(s) on the day of harvest. The permittee's Temporary Alligator Possession Tag must be attached to the alligator immediately upon harvest and prior to moving. Upon validation at the check station by a Commission employee, a USFWS CITES tag will be attached to the alligator.
(F) Legal hunting hours during the declared open alligator season will be from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise. The use of artificial lights is permitted during legal hunting hours.
(G) All harvested alligators must be at least four (4) feet in length as measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail.


(1) In compliance with Commission Code Section 40.00 - Alligator Farmer Requirements.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $1000.00.


It shall be unlawful to possess any firearms on lakes owned or controlled by the Commission, or to possess firearms in any fishing or boating access area.


(1) While legally hunting waterfowl on lakes open to waterfowl hunting.
(2) Firearms unloaded and cased may be transported by boat on Game and Fish lakes and access areas during an open hunting season.
(3) While legally hunting alligators compliant with Commission Code 02.23 (Alligator Hunting Season) and 26.02 (Restrictions on Methods of Taking Alligator).
(4) Holders of a valid state-issued concealed handgun license recognized and honored by the State of Arkansas in accordance with Arkansas Code Title 5, Chapter 73, Subchapter 3, may possess the handgun covered by the license, except in places where otherwise prohibited under federal, state or local law or where disallowed by a landowner in accordance with applicable law. Nothing in this exception is intended to supersede or limit the regulations of any federal, state or local authorities that prohibit the possession of concealed handguns on their property, including, but not limited to, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

002.00.07 Ark. Code R. 020
