002.00.05 Ark. Code R. 013

Current through Register Vol. 49, No. 12, December, 2024
Rule 002.00.05-013 - Hunting and Fishing Regulations: Emergency Approval of the Prohibition of the Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products; 2006 Fisheries Regulations, Lower White Oak Lake; Ivory-billed Woodpecker Code Approvals; 2006 Spring Turkey Seasons and Regulations Approval; 2005-2006 Waterfowl Code Approvals

Wildlife Management Division October 21, 2005

Emergency Approval of the Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products

Presented by Cory Gray

Attached are proposed code changes to minimize the risk of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) being brought into Arkansas through cervid carcasses. These codes are being presented at this meeting for an emergency approval. These codes will be presented at the November meeting with a minute order for ratification approval.

Doyle Shook, Chief

Wildlife Management Division

01.00-C DEFINITION OF TERMS. For the purposes of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Code of Regulations, the following terms shall be construed, respectively, to mean and include:

ADULT GOBBLER - Male turkeys having at least one of the following characteristics:

a) tail feathers which are the same length,
b) wing feathers that have white barring all the way to the tip or
c) a beard more than six (6) inches in length.

ALLIGATOR DEALER - Any person, firm or corporation engaging in the sale, purchase, barter, or exchange of an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) or other crocodilian species, or any part, nest or eggs thereof in the State of Arkansas.

ALLIGATOR FARMER - Any person, firm or corporation possessing an American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) or other crocodilian species, or any part, nest or eggs thereof in the State of Arkansas for the purpose of propagation production or rearing.

ALLIGATOR SNAPPING TURTLE DEALER - Any person, firm or corporation engaged in the sale or purchase of alligator snapping turtles.

ALLIGATOR SNAPPING TURTLE BREEDER - Any person, firm or corporation possessing alligator snapping turtles for the purpose of propagation, production or rearing or sale.

ANIMAL - An organism of the animal kingdom, as distinguished from the plant kingdom, including any part, product, egg, or offspring thereof.

ANTLERLESS ELK - Any elk (male or female) not meeting requirements to be a legal bull elk

AQUATIC WILDLIFE - Aquatic Snails, Aquatic Turtles, Crayfish (Crawfish, Crawdads), Fish (including Minnows), Frogs, Mussels and Salamanders.

ARKANSAS RIVER BOUNDARY (Sportfishing Only): The Arkansas Post Canal from Lock and Dam #1 to the Arkansas River and the Arkansas River from Dam #2 upstream to the Oklahoma state line including all lakes, bays and tributary streams accessible by boat from the main channel except that portion of Big Bayou Meto upstream from Hwy 11, Plum Bayou upstream from Hwy 79, Little Maumelle River upstream form Pinnacle State Park, Maumelle River upstream from Lake Maumelle Dam, Fouche LaFave upstream from Hwy 113, Palarm Creek upstream from Interstate 40, Cadron Creek upstream from the weir, Point Remove Creek upstream from Hwy 113, Petit Jean River upstream from Pontoon Boat Ramp at Hwy 154, Illinois Bayou upstream from Russellville Waterworks Dam, Big Piney and Little Piney Creeks upstream from Hwy 359, Horsehead Creek upstream from Interstate 40, Mulberry River upstream from Interstate 40, Frog Bayou upstream from Hwy 162 and Lee Creek upstream from Lee Creek Dam, and from the first non-navigable shoal for streams entering the Arkansas River along the left bank ascending from Lake Dardanelle Dam to the Oklahoma State Line.

ARTIFICIAL LURE/FLY - Terminal fishing tackle made by the method of fly tying, or made entirely of rubber, wood, metal, glass, feathers, hair, synthetic fibers, or plastic, with hook attached.

BAG LIMIT - The number of species allowed to be taken in a time period - 24 hours (12 o'clock midnight to 12 o'clock midnight) unless otherwise specified.

BAITFISH - Minnows (including bluntnose minnows, bullhead minnows, chubs, crayfish, dace, fatheads, common carp under 6 inches, small goldfish, shiners and stonerollers), logperch (also called sand pike or zebra minnows), shad, gar (other than alligator gar), drum, bowfin under 6 inches, skipjack herring, silversides (brook and inland), buffalo (bigmouth, smallmouth and black), river carpsucker, sculpin (banded and Ozark) and bream 4" and under.

BAITING - The direct or indirect placing, exposing, depositing, distributing, or scattering of salt, grain, or other feed that could serve as a lure or attraction for wildlife to, on, or over any areas where hunters are attempting to take them.

BIG GAME - Bear, deer, elk and turkey.

BLACK BASS: Largemouth bass, redeye bass, smallmouth bass, and spotted bass.

BONUS DEER: A harvested deer that is not included in a hunter's statewide bag limit.

BOX TYPE TURTLE TRAP - A floating trap designed to capture aquatic turtles, but does not permit capture of fish (see Code 39.04 for restrictions).

BREAM - Any species of the genus Lepomis, including bluegill, redear, warmouth and other sunfish.

BUCK - A male deer (See LEGAL BUCK definition).

BUCK DEER SEASON - Any deer season whereby no deer other than legal buck deer may be taken.

BULL ELK (legal) - Any elk having at least one antler visible above the hair line.

BUY - To purchase, barter, exchange, or trade and includes any offer to purchase, barter, exchange, or trade.

CAPTIVITY or HOLD CAPTIVE - The holding of living wildlife in a controlled environment that is manipulated by man for the purpose of exercising ownership, possession or control of the wildlife, and that has boundaries designed to prevent selected species from entering or leaving the controlled environment.

CASE - A container specifically designed for the purpose of housing a gun which completely encloses such gun by being zipped, snapped, buckled, tied or otherwise fastened with no portion of the gun exposed.

CARCASS - The body of a dead animal.

CATCH-AND-RELEASE - The requirement that fish of a designated species musts be immediately released into the water where caught.

CERVID - A member of the family Cervidae

CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE (CWD) - Fatal disease affecting the brain of cervids that belongs to a group of diseases called transmissible spongiform encephalopathies.

CHUMMING - To dislodge or deposit any substance not attached to a hook which may attract fish.

CITY, COUNTY, STATE, OR FEDERALLY MAINTAINED ROAD - Any road graded or otherwise repaired by any city, county, state, or federal agency in the state of Arkansas.

CLEAN - Having no meat matter or tissue attached to the carcass part. COMMERCIAL FISH - Bowfin (over 6 inches), buffalo, catfish, carp, drum, gar, paddlefish, sucker family, white amur and sturgeon. COMMERCIAL FISHERMAN - Any person who fishes with tackle designated as commercial tackle requiring a license and/or tag issued by the Commission.

COMMERCIAL WILDLIFE PERMIT(S) - Shall be a term construed to identify each and/or all of the following permits: Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit, Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit, Resident Shell Taker and Seller Permit, Shell Buyer Permit, Non Resident Shell Buyer Permit, Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit, Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit, Non-Resident Roe Buyer Permit, Resident Fur Dealer Permit, NonResident Fur Dealer Permit, Special Commercial Quail Permit, Game Bird Shooting Resort Permit, Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit, Wildlife Breeder/Dealer Permit and Wildlife Translocation Permit. COMMISSION - The Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission, unless otherwise designated.

DISABLED - Any individual who is 100% permanently and totally disabled as declared by the following federal agencies: the United States Social Security Administration, the United Department of Veteran's Affairs, or the United States Railroad Retirement Board. DOE - A female deer.

DOE DEER SEASON - Any deer season whereby a doe may be taken.

DROWNING SET - Any leg hold trap that utilizes one or more of the following techniques to retain the target animal in water of suitable depth for drowning. These are:

(1) a slide wire with lock;
(2) tangle stake; or
(3) drowning weight.

DUCKS (includes the following species) - All species of Teal, Merganser, Whistling Duck and Scaup; American Wigeon, American Black Duck, Bufflehead, Canvasback, Gadwall, Goldeneye, Mallard, Mottled Duck, Northern Shoveler, Redhead, Ring-necked Duck, Ruddy Duck, Northern Pintail and Wood Duck. EITHER-SEX - A male or a female.

EITHER-SEX DEER SEASON - Any deer season whereby a doe or a legal buck may be taken.

ENCLOSE - To surround species of wildlife on all sides using man-made barriers, including but not limited to fencing, walls, structures or other devices, so that the wildlife are not free to leave a particular environment. ENCLOSURE - Any area surrounded by a man-made barrier, including but not limited to fencing, walls, structures or other devices that prevent wildlife from leaving a particular environment. ENDANGERED SPECIES - Any wildlife species or subspecies endangered or threatened with extinction listed by the U. S. Department of Interior and the following native species hereby designated in Arkansas: MAMMALS:

Gray bat (Myotis grisescens), Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis), Ozark big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii ingens. BIRDS:

Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), least tern (Sterna antillarum), Bachman's warbler (Vermivora bachmanii), red-cockaded woodpecker (Dendrocopos borealis)


American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis),


Ozark cavefish (Amblyopsis rosae), leopard darter (Percina pantherina), pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhyncus albus);


Scaleshell mussel, Curtis' pearly mussel, (Epioblasma florentina curtisi), fat pocketbook pearly mussel (Potamilus capax), pink mucket mussel (Lampsilis abrupta), turgid blossom mussel (Epioblasma turgidula), speckled pocketbook mussel (Lampsilis streckeri), Arkansas fatmucket mussel (Lampsilis powelli), winged mapleleaf mussel (Quadrula fragosa), Magazine Mountain shagreen land snail (Inflectarius magazinensis); scaleshell mussel (Leptodea leptodon), Ouachita rock pocketbook mussel (Arkansia wheeleri);


Cave crayfish (Cambarus zophonastes) and (Cambarus aculabrum;


American burying beetle (Nicrophorus americanus);


Geocarpon minimum (no common name), pondberry, (Lindera melissifolia), Missouri bladderpod (Lesquerella filiformis), Harperella (Ptilimnium nodosum), Eastern prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera leucophaea), running buffalo clover (Trifolium stoloniferum);

FEE LAKE - A lake in which there is a charge for fishing privileges. All persons 16 years of age and older must possess an Arkansas fishing license.

Daily limits apply.

FERAL HOG - Any hog (Sus scrofa), including Russian and European wild boar, which is roaming freely upon public lands and is living in a wild or feral state.

FIREARMS, LOADED - Firearms shall be considered to be loaded if shells or cartridges are in either the chamber, magazine, or cylinder;

percussion cap muzzle-loading firearms are considered loaded if the percussion cap is on the nipple; flintlock muzzle-loading firearms are considered to be loaded if there is powder in the flashpan.

FISH or FISHING - To lure, attract, collect, or pursue fish species or aquatic wildlife for the purpose of taking or attempting to take such fish species or aquatic wildlife by any method.

FISH FARM - Waters and adjacent premises confined within a pond, tank, or lake not connected with public waters, and under management by a commercial fish farmer.

FISH FARMER - Any person, firm, partnership or corporation engaged in the propagation and/or production of crawfish, fish and/or minnows for sale.

FREE FLOATING FISHING DEVICE - Any floating fishing device unanchored or unattached to a stationary object.

FURBEARERS - Badger, beaver, bobcat, civet cat, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, muskrat, nutria, opossum, raccoon, river otter, skunk, and weasel.

GAFFING FISH - Taking or attempting to take fish with a hand held or handled hook prior to being caught on hook and line.

GAME ANIMALS - Black bear, bobcat, coyote, deer, elk, fox, mink, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, and squirrel.

GAME BIRDS - Turkey, quail, pheasant, chuckar, and all birds classified by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service as migratory game birds.

GAME BIRD SHOOTING RESORT - Any person, firm, or corporation engaged, for pay or other consideration, who provides pen-raised birds for harvest by hunters.

GAME FISH - Alligator gar, black bass, white bass, striped bass, striped bass hybrid, crappie, catfish, trout, bream, sunfish, goggle-eye, walleye, northern pike, muskellunge, sauger, paddlefish, and pickerel.

GUIDE - Any person who provides, for monetary or any other compensation, that person's personal services for the purpose of assisting others to locate, pursue, catch or hunt wildlife.

HIGH FENCE ENCLOSURE - An enclosure that contains an area of at least 500 contiguous acres, with at least sixty percent (60%) of the acreage in forested cover that has been classified as timberland by the local county tax assessor, that has a perimeter fence at least eight (8) feet high, with no cross fencing that has the effect of reducing the size of the area to less than 500 contiguous acres with at least sixty percent (60%) of the acreage in forested cover as herein provided.

HOGGING - the taking of fish by the use of hands only in or under the water.

HUNT or HUNTING - To search for, pursue, chase, track, lure, attract, or lie in wait of game animals or other wildlife for the purpose of taking or attempting to take such game animals or wildlife by any method.

HUNTING PARTY - Two or more persons hunting together.

IMPORT - To land on, bring into, or introduce into any place within the jurisdiction of the State of Arkansas.

IMPORTATION - To ship, convey, carry or transport wildlife into or through the state by any means.

JAKE - Sub-adult turkeys having all of following characteristics:

a) longer central tail feathers,
b) outermost 1 or 2 wing feathers lacking white barring all the way to the tip and
c) a beard six (6) inches or less in length.

KILLING DEVICE - Any firearm, bow and arrow, crossbow, pellet gun, or any other device capable of killing wildlife.

LARGE CARNIVORE - Tigers (Panthera tigris), African Lions (Panthera leo), or any hybrid thereof and all species of bears.

LEGAL BUCK - A buck having both antlers under two inches (including button buck) or at least one antler with at least three points including the main beam, each a minimum of one inch long. (Ref: Code 21.03)

MIGRATORY BIRDS - All birds protected by the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and subsequent amendments.

MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS - Coots, crows, doves, ducks, gallinules or moorhens, geese, rails, snipe and woodcock.

MINIMUM LENGTH LIMIT - The shortest length of a fish, of a designated species, measured from the front of the lower jaw with the mouth closed to the tip of the tail with tail lobes pressed together, that an angler may keep. All fish not meeting the minimum length requirement for a particular water or species must be immediately released into the water where caught.

MINNOWS - Small nongame fish commonly used for bait including bluntnose minnows, bullhead minnows, chubs, dace, fatheads, common carp under 6 inches, goldfish, shiners, and stonerollers.

MOBILITY IMPAIRED - Individuals who are mobility impaired in accordance with criteria on the Game and Fish application for the mobility impaired card.

NATIVE WILDLIFE - Those species and sub-species of wildlife that have established, naturally reproducing, free-ranging, wild populations within the state of Arkansas.

NIGHT - Thirty (30) minutes after sunset to thirty (30) minutes before sunrise.

NONGAME WILDLIFE - All wildlife other than furbearing or game animals, birds and fish. NON-RESIDENT - Any person not defined as resident.

NOODLING - The taking of fish by the use of hook or snare type device,

with or without an attached line no longer than 4 feet in length, manipulated by hand when a person is in or under the water.

NUISANCE WILDLIFE - Any wild animal creating a problem by committing damage to personal property (Depredation Permit available).

NUISANCE FURBEARING ANIMALS - Beaver, muskrat, and nutria.

OPEN SEASON - that season during which protected wildlife may be lawfully taken. PEN-RAISED QUAIL - Quail that are hatched from eggs of quail raised in captivity in pens or cages.

PERSON - Any individual, firm, corporation, association, or partnership in singular or plural as the context requires.

POSSESS or POSSESSION - To have under control. The manual or ideal custody of wildlife or anything that may be the subject of property, for one's use and enjoyment, either as owner or as the proprietor of a qualified right in it, and either held personally or by another who exercises it in one's place and name. Possession includes the act or state of possessing and that condition of facts under which one can exercise his power over a corporeal thing at his pleasure to the exclusion of all other persons. Possession includes constructive possession, which means not actual but assumed to exist, where one claims to hold by virtue of some title, without having actual custody.

PROTECTED SLOT LIMIT - A species/size limit which prohibits anglers from keeping fish within a designated size group, and requires fish of that size and species to be immediately released into the water where caught.

PROTECTED WILDLIFE - All wildlife in the state unless a declared open season has been established by the Commission.

PUT AND TAKE PAY LAKE - Private waters open to public fishing for a fee, after being licensed by the Commission and where no fishing license or daily limit of fish is imposed.

RAPTOR - Any migratory bird of the Order Falconiformes or the Order

Strigiformes and Ciconiiformes Family Cathartidae.

REHABILITATION - The practice of providing medical treatment or other care to orphaned, sick or injured wild animals that have come into human possession with the goal of returning the animal to the wild.

RESIDENT - Any person who has established a bona fide or actual residence of at least 60 days prior to applying for a license, and who declares intentions of becoming a citizen of Arkansas. Also, the following students, carrying proof of full-time enrollment in schools, colleges or universities while hunting or fishing in Arkansas, are eligible to purchase a resident license:

(1) Resident foreign exchange students attending school outside of Arkansas.
(2) Non-resident foreign exchange students attending school in Arkansas.
(3) Residents of Arkansas enrolled as full-time students in colleges and universities outside of Arkansas.
(4) Non-residents enrolled as full-time students in colleges and universities in Arkansas.

Possession of Arkansas real estate by persons living outside the state does not qualify the owner as a resident.

Servicemen and women stationed (permanently assigned) in Arkansas are granted resident privileges for hunting and fishing. Servicemen and women who were Arkansas residents at the time of entering service are also granted resident privileges for hunting and fishing, regardless where stationed. 65 Plus Lifetime Licenses, $1,000 Sportsman's permit, Resident Disabled 3-Year Licenses, Special Guide License, Alligator Farmer/Dealer Permit, Alligator Snapping Turtle Breeder/Dealer Permit, Commercial Fisherman's Permit & Sportfishing License, Commercial Fisherman's Helper Permit, Junior/Senior Commercial Fishing Permit, Resident Shell Taker/Seller Permit, Shell Taker Helper Permit, Shell Buyer, Resident Fish Dealer, Resident Roe Taker/Seller Permit, Resident Roe Taker Helper Permit and Resident Roe Buyer/Exporter Permit: Any person who has established a bona fide or actual residence of at least 12 months (one year) prior to applying for a license, and has declared citizenship in Arkansas. 65 Plus Lifetime Licenses: Any person who has established a bona fide or actual residence of at least 36 months (three years) prior to applying for a license, and has declared citizenship in Arkansas.

The Director or his representative shall make the final determination as to resident status of any license applicant.

ROUGH FISH - Gars, bowfin, common carp, asian carp (grass carp, bighead carp, silver carp), suckers (including buffalo), freshwater eel and drum.

SELL - To exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; to offer for sale, barter, exchange, or trade or the act of selling, bartering, exchanging or trading.

SHELL BUYER - Anyone who buys mussels or mussel parts from a Taker. An agent purchasing for a licensed buyer is not a buyer.

SMALL GAME - Furbearers, migratory birds, quail, rabbit and squirrel. SNAGGING - A method of taking fish using conventional rod and reel tackle where the fish is impaled by the forceful retrieval of one or more hooks.

SNAGLINE - Commercial tackle consisting of a horizontal line with hooks or drops less than 24 inches apart.

SPINNING/FLAPPING WING DECOYS - Electronic, mechanically-operated, wind-powered or manually-powered spinning or flapping blade devices that simulate wing movement.

TACKLE - Any rod, reel, pole, line, net, yo-yo, seine, or any other apparatus or device used to take fish.

TAKE - To shoot, kill, injure, trap, net, snare, spear, catch, capture, or reduce to possession.

TAXIDERMY - The art of preparing, stuffing and/or mounting of wildlife and parts thereof.

TRANSLOCATION - To ship, convey, carry or transport wildlife from one location to another by any means, including importation, exportation, interstate and intrastate movement.

TROUT - Any members of the Salmonidae family including rainbow trout, brown trout, brook trout, lake trout and cutthroat trout. WATERFOWL - All species of ducks, geese and swans.

WATERS OF THE STATE - All streams, lakes, sloughs, bayous, marshes, or any other water wholly or partially within the State. Pay lakes and fish farms are excluded from the above. WILD - To be living in a state of nature and not domesticated. WILDLIFE - All wild birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians and other wild aquatic forms, and all other wild animals, regardless of classification, whether resident, migratory or imported, protected or unprotected, dead or alive, and shall extend to and include any and every part of any individual species of wildlife, including animals living in a captive state and which lack a genetic distinction from members of the same species living in the wild.

WILDLIFE CHECK STATION - An official wildlife check station is a Commission designated (1) county check station, (2) Commission employee, (3) deer camp or (4) Commission on-line checking web site http://www.agfc.com.

WILDLIFE HUNTING RESORT - A Wildlife Hunting Resort is any facility, location, business or operation that is engaged in offering the opportunity to hunt or attempt to hunt captive wildlife other than pen-raised game birds.

WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA (WMA) - Designated areas set aside by the Commission and distinguished by certain markers and considered a separate zone with regard to wildlife regulations. (Referred to as "WMA", "Waterfowl Rest Area (WRA)", "Wildlife Demonstration Area (WDA)", "Field Trail Area (FTA)", "State Park-Conservation Area (SP-CA)" or "National Wildlife Refuge (NWR)".

ZONE - Any area defined or delineated by the Commission where hunting and/or fishing activities are regulated for that specific area.

06.04 TAKING OF DOE DEER PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take or possess doe deer.


(1) If said doe in possession was legally taken in a zone or area declared open by the Commission to the taking of doe.
(2) Deer carcasses and parts legally harvested outside the state and accompanied by verification. (Ref. Code 19.06 Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products)
(3) In compliance with Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts).

PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00, and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

15.04COMMERCIAL WILDLIFE HUNTING RESORT PERMIT. It shall be unlawful for a person to operate or maintain a commercial wildlife hunting resort for hunting purposes without first obtaining a Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit and complying with the following restrictions.
(A) Native game animals (except black bear) may be hunted in accordance with statewide hunting regulations and license requirements, in enclosures equal to or greater than 500 contiguous acres of free range, having a fence of not less than eight (8) feet in height with no cross fencing that has the effect of reducing the size of the area to less than 500 contiguous acres, and having a minimum of sixty percent (60%) of forested cover that has been classified as timberland by the local county tax assessor.
(B) Enclosures operated for commercial purposes must obtain a Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort permit from the Commission sixty days prior to initiation of hunting and notify the Commission upon any change of ownership or enclosure size.
(C) Hunting of protected wildlife and non-native wildlife is prohibited.
(D) It shall be unlawful for owners or operators of commercial wildlife hunting resorts to fail to keep legible and complete records showing the name, current address, date and number of wildlife taken by each hunter. These records shall be filed with the Commission no later than May 1 of each year.
(E) The exterior boundaries of each wildlife hunting resort must be clearly defined and posted with signs erected around the perimeter at intervals of 300 feet or less and bearing the words, "Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort." Such signs must be yellow with black letters at least 4 inches in height.
(F) Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permits for new facilities for the hunting of any member of the cervidae family, including but not limited to white-tailed deer and elk, shall not be issued after June 30, 2006.
(G) Deer or elk in compliance with Code 19.06 (Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products).


(1) Deer and elk may be hunted with any weapon legal for deer or elk hunting within Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resorts from October 1 through February (Ref. Commission Code 02.01). Bag limits do not apply. Elk permit not required.
(2) A Commercial Wildlife Hunting Resort Permit is not required for pens in which red fox, gray fox and coyote are pursued (foxpens) unless the facility is also a high-fence enclosure in which other native game species are hunted as part of a commercial operation.

PENALTY: $500.00 to $5,000.00.

17.03LEGAL BULL ELK REQUIREMENTS. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess a legal bull elk.


(1) If said elk in possession was taken by a permit holder and checked in a zone or areas declared open by the Commission.
(2) If said elk was legally taken in another state and accompanied by verification. (Ref. Code 19.06 Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products)

PENALTY: $150.00 to $1,000.00, and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.

18.01HUNTING WILDLIFE IN CLOSED SEASON PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, attempt to take, or possess any species of wildlife, or portions thereof, other than during a season open by the Commission.


(1) In compliance with Commission Code 15.16 (Native Wildlife Pet Restrictions);
(2) In compliance with Commission Code 18.09 (Depredation Permit Requirement);
(3) In compliance with Commission Code Section 15.00 (Captive Wildlife/Hunting Resorts);
(4) Wildlife legally obtained or brought from outside the state and accompanied by verification (Ref. Code 19.06 Importation of Cervid Carcasses, Parts and Products);
(5) Nongame wildlife, excluding wildlife migratory birds and endangered species, which pose reasonable threat or endangerment to persons or property.
(6) In compliance with Commission Code 39.01 (Permit/License Requirements for the Commercial Harvest and Sale of Aquatic Turtles).
(7) In compliance with Commission Code 42.01 (Fish Farmer Permit Requirements).

PENALTY: $500.00 to $2,000.00.

In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges. Equipment used in such violations (including but not limited to killing devices and lights) may be confiscated by the court, forfeited to the State, and disposed of according to law.


It shall be unlawful to import, transport or possess in Arkansas a cervid carcass or carcass part from any area, as proclaimed by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, that has a known case of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) or considered taken from a captive facility or within an enclosure. EXCEPTIONS:

(1) Meat that has bones removed.
(2) Meat that has no portion of the spinal column or head attached.
(3) Antlers, antlers attached to cleaned skull plates or cleaned skulls (where no meat or tissues are attached to the skull).
(4) Cleaned teeth.
(5) Finished taxidermy and antler products.
(6) Hides and tanned products.
(7) Deer or elk harvested in commercial wildlife hunting resorts in Arkansas providing that a chronic wasting disease sample is collected in accordance with code 15.11C (General Provisions Applicable to Captive Wildlife Permits)

The following U.S. states, portions of states, and Canadian provinces are proclaimed to be CWD positive:


West Virginia



Kansas *

South Dakota




New Mexico

New York






*States and provinces where CWD has been found in captive cervids only.

And any other state or province where a positive case of CWD has been detected as confirmed by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) or Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).


The number one objective in the management of CWD is to prevent its spread into new areas. One theoretical mode of disease transmission is via infected carcasses. Therefore, in an effort to minimize the risk of disease spread, a number of states (23) have adopted regulations affecting the transportation of hunter-harvested cervids.

Since the suspected infective agent (prion) is concentrated in the brain, spinal cord and lymph glands, the most common regulation is the prohibition of the importation of whole carcasses harvested from CWD areas.

In 2005, New York found positive cases of CWD in both captive and wild cervids. New York officials have thoroughly performed trace-backs of captive deer and fully believe that CWD was brought into their state through a taxidermist who accepted a positive CWD head from a positive CWD state. The taxidermist removed the skull plate and hide, and disposed of the head remains on his property, which contained captive cervids. New York believes that by disposing of positive CWD tissue into the environment caused the spread on this disease in not only the captive deer, but into wild populations.

By accepting this proposal, Arkansas will increase its defense against bringing CWD into the state.


(A) Ozark Zone (Baxter, Benton, Boone, Carroll, Cleburne, Fulton, Independence, Izard, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Newton, Randolph, Searcy, Sharp, Stone, Van Buren, and Washington counties) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit 12 inches with a daily limit of 4, except Bull Shoals Lake, Beaver Lake, Lake Norfork, and Table Rock Lake (see exception 1(B) below).

Ozark Zone Blue Ribbon Streams (Crooked Creek and Buffalo River) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 14 inches with a daily limit of 2. Smallmouth bass minimum length limit on Crooked Creek 18 inches with a daily limit of 1: from 101 bridge downstream to the confluence with the White River; between the Hwy 62-412 and Hwy 62 Spur bridges at Pyatt.

Ozark Zone Catch and Release Area - Crooked Creek, along boundary of Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation property near Kelly's Slab Access. Ozark Zone Quality Streams (Kings, Spring, and South Fork/Spring rivers) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 14 inches with a daily limit of 2, except on Kings River from Trigger Gap to Hwy 62 bridge: minimum length limit 18 inches and daily limit of 1.

Ouachita/Boston Zone (all Arkansas counties not included in the Ozark Zone) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 10 inches with a daily limit of 4.

Ouachita/Boston Zone Quality Streams (Mulberry, Caddo above DeGray Lake, DeGray Lake, Ouachita River upstream from Lake Ouachita, Saline River, including its four headwater forks in Saline, Perry and Garland counties, South Fork/Ouachita, Little Missouri above Lake Greeson and Lake Greeson) - smallmouth bass minimum length limit of 12 inches with a daily limit of 2. Ouachita/Boston Zone Catch-and-Release Area - all smallmouth bass caught in Lake Ouachita including the Ouachita River upstream to the River Bluff access area and Little Missouri River from Lake Greeson Dam to the Ouachita River must be immediately returned to the stream.

(B) Black Bass daily limit - six (6) on Beaver Lake, Bull Shoals, Norfork Lake, Lake Ouachita and Table Rock Lake, five (5) on Lake Lou Emma - Crawford County, and four (4) on Lake Cargile; Largemouth bass daily limit - five (5) on Grandview Lake #2, eight (8) in Lower White Oak Lake; (Reference Code 31.02 A (12), Black Bass Length Limits and Protective Slot Limits on Certain Lakes).
(C) Largemouth bass caught must be immediately returned to the water in Lake Greenlee in Monroe County, Lake Sylvia in Perry County, Lake SWEPCO, Bois d'Arc Lake and Lake Ashbaugh in Greene County.
(A) No limit on bream four (4) inches or less in length.
(A) No limit on catfish on Grand Lake - Chicot County, Lake Chicot (including that portion of Connerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou from the inlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam) and between the main levees of the Mississippi River.
(B) Catfish daily limit five (5) on DeWitt City Park Lake - Arkansas County; Lake Atalanta and Lake Bentonville -Benton County; Hidden Lake - Carroll County; Big Timber Lake and Gurdon Lake - Clark County; Hubble Lake - Clay County; Lake Bailey - Conway County; Craighead Forest Lake - Craighead County; Lake Cambadelle and Lake Lou Emma - Crawford County; West Memphis City Parks Lake and Marion City Park Lake- Crittenden County; Village Creek State Park Lakes - Cross and St. Francis Counties; Lake Bennett - Faulkner County; Lake Clearfork - Garland County; Crowley Ridge State Park Lake and Reynolds Park Lake - Greene County; Newark City Lake - Independence County; Ward City Park Lake - Lonoke County; Hindsville Lake - Madison County; Blytheville City Park Lake -Mississippi County; Donald Branch Fishing Pond - Monroe County; Lake Sylvia - Perry County; Shady Lake -Polk County; Twin Lakes A & B, Camp Ferncliff, Paradise Lake, and all Little Rock and North Little Rock City Park lakes - Pulaski County; Old Davidsonville State Park Lake -Randolph County; Forrest City Park Lake - St. Francis County; Truman Baker Lake - Scott County; Cave City's Lakes - Sharp County; Gunner Pool and Hayden Bend Pond - Stone County; Devils Den State Park - Washington County; Spring Lake - Yell County; Kingfisher, Clubhouse Lakes in Petit Jean WMA, Yell County and posted U.S. Forest Service ponds and lakes.
(C) In addition to daily limit, ten (10) channel catfish under 16 inches may be taken on the Arkansas River.
(D) In addition to daily limit, ten channel catfish of any size may be taken in Lake Erling and Millwood Lake.
(A) Crappie daily limit - 15 in Beaver, Table Rock, Bull Shoals, Norfork reservoirs and Cane Creek Lake in Lincoln County.
(B) Crappie daily limit - 30 east of a line beginning at the Arkansas - Missouri State Line on U.S. Hwy 63 and described as follows: following U.S. Hwy 63 south to Hardy, continuing on U.S. Hwy 62 west to Ash Flat, continuing on U.S. Hwy 167 south to Little Rock, continuing on U.S. Hwy 67 south to Texarkana to Arkansas - Texas state line.
(C) Crappie daily limit - 50 between the main levees of the Mississippi River and on Horseshoe Lake in Crittenden County.
(D)Crappie daily limit - 20 in Lake Chicot and Lake Monticello.
(A) Walleye daily limit - 4 with an 18 inch minimum length limit in Beaver, Bull Shoals, Norfork and Table Rock lakes to the Beaver Dam on the White River; Greers Ferry Lake including all its tributaries, daily limit - 4, only one of which may be 28 inches or over, with a protected slot limit from 20 to 28 inches.
(6) In compliance with Commission Code 31.02 (Game Fish Limits and Protective Slot Limits on Certain Lakes and Rivers.
(7) In compliance with Commission Code Section 35.00 (Spear Fishing).
(8) In compliance with Commission Code Section 42.00 (Fish Farmer).
(A) White Bass daily limit of 50 and possession limit of 100 while fishing between the main levees of the Mississippi River.
(B) Striped Bass or Hybrid Combination daily limit - 3 on Beaver Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Lake Greeson, Lake Maumelle, Norfork Lake and Lake Ouachita; 10 when taken from the Arkansas River and connecting lakes.
(C) No limit on White Bass on Lake Ashbaugh and Beaver Lake and all tributaries including Lake Sequoyah.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

(A)BASS: It shall be unlawful to possess black bass as follows:
(1) Less than 12 inches in length on largemouth bass in Lake Frierson.
(2) Less than 12 inches in length on spotted bass in Beaver Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Norfork Lake and Table Rock Lake.
(3) Less than 15 inches in length on smallmouth bass in Beaver Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Norfork Lake and Table Rock Lake.
(4) Less than 15 inches in length on largemouth bass only in Lake Atkins, Beaver Lake, Big Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Blue Mountain Lake, Bull Shoals Lake, Caddo Fishing Pond, Upper and Lower Lake Chicot (including that portion of Connerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou from the inlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam) in Chicot County, Georgia Pacific Lake Lake Greenlee, Kingfisher Lake, Greers Ferry Lake, Mercer Bayou (Sulphur River WMA), Moss Creek Pond, Norfork Lake, Shady Lake, Table Rock Lake, Lake Wright (Sebastian County), and Arkansas River:
(5) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from 13" to 16" in length on Lake Barnett (White County), Lake Austell (Cross County), Bear Creek Lake, Bob Kidd Lake, Lake Brewer, Lake DeGray, Dierks Reservoir (Howard and Sevier counties), Lake Hogue, Lee Creek Lake, Lake Maumelle (Pulaski County), Sugar Loaf Lake, and Lake Wilhelmina (Polk County); or to possess largemouth bass from 13" to 18" in length on DeQueen Reservoir.
(6) Less than 16 inches in length on largemouth bass only in

Lake Millwood. Limit 3.

(7) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from 16" to 21" in length or to possess more than one (1) largemouth bass 21" or longer in Lake Cargile (Conway County), Lake Columbia, and Mallard Lake. Limit 4.
(8) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from 16" to 21" in length in Lake Pickthorne; limit 2, only one of which may be 21" or longer.
(9) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from16 inches to 21 inches in length in Lake #1 in Grandview WMA. Limit 2 largemouth bass (1 over 21" and 1 under 16", or 2 under 16"). Limit on other game fish is one half the statewide daily limit.
(10) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from 16" to 21" in length or to possess more than one (1) largemouth bass 21" or longer in Lake Monticello. Limit 4.
(11)Less than 13 inches in length on largemouth bass in Lake Ouachita.
(12) It shall be unlawful to possess largemouth bass from 16" to 18" in length or to possess more than three largemouth bass longer than 18" in Lower White Oak Lake.
(B) CRAPPIE: It shall be unlawful to possess crappie as follows:
(1) Less than 10 inches in length in Beaver, Table Rock, Bull Shoals and Norfork Reservoirs, Cane Creek Lake in Lincoln County, Lake Chicot (including that portion of Connerly Bayou downstream from Connerly Dam to the bayou's mouth and Ditch Bayou from the inlet on Lake Chicot to Ditch Bayou Dam), Lake Charles and Lake Monticello.
(2) Less than 9 inches in length in Blue Mountain Lake and Harris Brake Lake.


(1)During the months of December, January and February, the minimum length limit is waived on Lake Monticello and the harvest is regulated by a 20-fish daily bag limit. The first 20 crappie caught, regardless of size, must be retained: culling is not permitted. From March through November, harvest is controlled by a 10-inch minimum length, 20-fish daily bag limit.


(1) Sportfish may be snagged (except in catch and release areas) in accordance with Code 31.05, Hogging, Noodling and Snagging Game Fish Prohibited, and within the restrictive size limits as specified in Code 31.02.

NOTE: Measure all fish from the front end of the lower jaw to the tip of the tail with fish laid flat on rule, mouth closed and tail lobes pressed together.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

14.05 TAKING OR HARASSING IVORY-BILLED WOODPECKERS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful to take, injure, harass, disturb, or collect, or attempt to take, injure, harass, disturb, or collect any Ivory-billed Woodpecker.


(1) Employees of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and employees of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service while in the performance of their official duties, and duly authorized designees of the Commission.

PENALTY: $1,000.00 to $10,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence of up to one year may be imposed.

14.06 PROHIBITED METHODS FOR BIRD CALLING ON CERTAIN MANAGEMENT AREAS WMA. It shall be unlawful to use audio devices, including mechanical or electronic callers, musical instruments, recordings, or similar artificial devices for simulating the call of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker or any other birds on Bayou Meto WMA, Benson Creek WMA, Cache River NWR, Dagmar WMA, Henry Gray Hurricane Lake WMA, Rex Hancock Black Swamp WMA, Trusten Holder WMA, Wattensaw WMA, and White River NWR. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) Employees of the Arkansas game and Fish Commission, employees of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, while in the performance of their official duties, and duly authorized designees of the Commission.
(2) Game birds may be called in compliance with legal methods identified in Commission codes during open hunting seasons.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

02.04WILD TURKEY SEASONS (2005-2006). It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wild turkey other than during the open seasons as specified herein:
(A) Spring Wild Turkey Firearms and Archery/Crossbow Seasons: Zones 1, 2, 3, 4B, 5, 5B, 6, 7, 7A, 8, 9, and 10: April 8-May 5, 2006Zones 1A, 4, 4A, 5A and 9A: April 8-21, 2006. Zone 17: April 1-28, 2006.
(B) Fall Wild Turkey Archery/Crossbow Seasons: All Zones: October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006.
(C) Fall Wild Turkey Firearms Season:Zones 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 17: October 24-30, 2005. Zones 1A, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 7A, 9, 9A and 10: Closed. EXCEPTIONS:
(1) In compliance with applicable WMA regulations Reference Code 23.01 (Turkey Seasons and Bag Limit Restrictions on WMAs).
(2) In compliance with applicable regulations Reference Code 04.11 (Special Youth Turkey Hunt Restrictions).

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

04.08SPECIAL YOUTH TURKEY HUNT RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful for anyone other than youths, 15 years of age or younger, to hunt turkeys during the special youth turkey hunt as specified herein. Zones 1, 1A, 2, 3, 4, 4A, 4B, 5, 5A, 5B, 6, 7, 7A, 8, 9, 9A and 10: April 1-2, 2006.

Zone 17: March 25-26, 2006.

Youths who have completed a hunter education course must be accompanied by an adult mentor who is 18 years of age or older. Youths who have not completed a hunter education course must be under the direct supervision of an adult mentor who is 21 years of age or older.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take wild turkey by any method within WMAs other than as specified herein, and in compliance with Code 02.12 (Game Animal Daily Bag Limit and Possession Restrictions):


Fall (Archery) (Mingo Creek Unit): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery) (Mingo Creek Unit): April 8-21, 2006.One gobbler or bearded turkey.

Spring (Firearms): Closed. BAYOU DES ARC WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. BAYOU METO WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. BELL SLOUGH WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): See Camp Robinson WMA. (Ref. Code 23.02) BENSON CREEK NATURAL AREA WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 13-15, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02) BIG CREEK WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. BIG LAKE NWR

Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. BIG LAKE WMA

Fall: Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey. Open only in area that lies in open fall firearms turkey zone.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. BRUSHY CREEK WMA

Fall: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. In all Hunt Units. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006 (youth hunt) in Hunt Units 1 and 3. One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-May 5, 2006in Hunt Unit 1. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys,

no more than one jake. April 8-21, 2006in Hunt Unit 3. One gobbler or bearded turkey. Hunt Unit 2 see Rex Hancock Black Swamp WMA. Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms) (includes Bell Slough WMA): April 18-20, 2006,

April 25-27, 2006 and May 2-4, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. Ref. Code 23.02) All areas south of Declination Road and east of Cato Road, south of the pipeline and west of Cato Road, the impact area and the drop zone are closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. CEDAR CREEK WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 3-10, 2006 and April 28-May 5, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey each hunt. Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 11-13, 2006, April 18-20, 2006 and April 25-27, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

Hunting ends at 1:00 p.m. daily for permit hunts. CYPRESS BAYOU WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. DAGMAR WMA

Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. DARDANELLE WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-January 31, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. DEPARTEE CREEK WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. DEVIL'S KNOB NATURAL AREA WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. DR. LESTER SITZES, III BOIS D'ARC WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 8-10, 2006 and April 14-16, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-January 31, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Wiley Cox FTA is closed to hunting. ELECTRIC ISLAND WMA

Fall: Closed.

Spring: Closed. ETHEL WMA

all (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

FELSENTHAL NWR Fall: Closed. Spring (Archery) :

Other than during permit hunts, areas are restricted to archery hunting and are open April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring (Firearms) (includes Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita WMA): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 13-15, 2006 and April 20-22, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02) Turkeys must be checked at designated check stations: Sport-about, Hermitage Bait Shop, Carroll's Grocery, Vestal's Ice or Teddy Bear Convenience Store. FT. CHAFFEE WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed. GALLA CREEK WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2004-February 15, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery): . April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or

bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring (Firearms): Closed. GREERS FERRY LAKE WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. Ref. Code 23.02)H.E . FLANAGAN PRAIRIE NATURAL AREA WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 8-10, 2006, April 15-17, 2006, April 22-24, 2006 and April 29-May 1, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02) HARRIS BRAKE WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 15-16, 2006 and April 22-23, 2006(youth hunts). One gobbler or bearded turkey. Turkeys must be checked at

Area Headquarters. HOBBS SP-CA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1-November 30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

Turkeys must be checked at Area Headquarters. HOLLAND BOTTOMS WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006 and April 15-17, 2006(youth hunts). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 22-24, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): See Rick Evans Grandview Prairie

WMA (Ref. Code 23.02). HOWARD COUNTY WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2004-February 15, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 8-10, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02) LAKE GREESON WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): All units October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): All units April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

All units April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall: Closed.

Spring (Archery): April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring (Firearms): Closed. OZAN WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey. Hunting ends at 12:00 noon.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. PINEY CREEKS WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms: October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

POND CREEK NWR Fall: Closed. Spring (Archery): Other than during permit hunt, areas are restricted to archery hunting and are open April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt).

One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 8-10, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02) PRAIRIE BAYOU WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. PROVO WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed. RAINEY WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms) (includes Cache River NWR Unit 2 lands within

an area bounded by Hwy 64 on North, Hwy 17 on East, Hwy 38 on

South, and Hwy 33 on West): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 8-10, 2006 and April 22-24, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Spring (Firearms) (includes Hope Upland WMA): . April 1-2, 2006 (youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02).


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. RIVER BEND WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-January 31, 2006. One either-sex.


Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-January 31, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. SEVEN DEVILS WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-January 31, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 8-10, 2006, April 15-17, 2006, April 22-24,2006 and April 29-May 1, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. SPRING BANK WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. SLIPPERY HOLLOW NATURAL AREA WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-January 31, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring: April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. STEVE N. WILSON RAFT CREEK BOTTOMS WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 8-10, 2006 and April 14-16, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed. SYLAMORE WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 8-May 5, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)


Fall: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-January 31, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. WEDINGTON WMA

Fall: Closed.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. WHITEHALL WMA

Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey.

April 8-21, 2006. One gobbler or bearded turkey. WHITE RIVER NWR

Fall (Archery): October 1-December 31, 2005 (south unit), October 1,2005-January 31, 2006 north unit). One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-January 31, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). One gobbler or bearded turkey. (Ref. Code 23.02)

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkey, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): October 24-30, 2005. One either-sex turkey.

Spring (Firearms): April 1-2, 2006(youth hunt). Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.

April 8-May 5, 2006. Two gobblers or bearded turkeys, no more than one jake.


Fall (Archery): October 1, 2005-February 15, 2006. One either-sex turkey.

Fall (Firearms): Closed.

Spring: Closed. PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00. In addition, a jail sentence not to exceed 10 days may be imposed and hunting privileges may be suspended in accordance with Code 11.05, Revocation of Privileges.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take turkey during spring permit hunts on certain WMAs, WDAs and NWRs without first obtaining the required permit or fail to follow the instructions on said permits (Ref: Code 19.15 Non-Compliance with Terms Of Permit) as specified herein:

(A) Quota: Bell Slough, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita, Cache River NWR (Unit 2), Camp Robinson WMA, Cut-Off Creek, Dr. Lester Sitzes, III Bois D'Arc, Felsenthal NWR, Harold E. Alexander Spring River, Holland Bottoms, Lafayette County, Pond Creek NWR, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Shirey Bay Rainey Brake and Sulphur River WMAs.
(B) Youth: Bayou Meto, Beryl Anthony Lower Ouachita, Big Lake, Cache River NWR (Unit 2), Cut-Off Creek, Felsenthal NWR, Gulf Mountain, Harold E. Alexander Spring River, Holla Bend NWR, Holland Bottoms, Hope Upland, Lafayette County, Madison County, Pond Creek NWR, Rex Hancock Black Swamp, Rick Evans Grandview Prairie, Sulphur River, Trusten Holder, U of A Pine Tree Experimental Station WDA and W.E. Brewer Scatter Creek WMAs.
(C) A lease land permit is required for persons 16 years and older to camp, hunt or trap any type of wildlife on Big Timber, Casey Jones, Cherokee, Gum Flats, Jim Kress, Lafayette County and Provo WMAs. A Cherokee WMA Lease Land permit is also required for the operation of motorcycles, bicycles, ATVs and horseback riding from October 1-February 28 and during Spring Turkey seasons in Spring Turkey Zones 2, 6 and 7 on Cherokee and Jim Kress WMAs, except on state or county roads.
Section 12.00 Migratory Game Birds and Waterfowl Regulations
12.09COMMON SNIPE SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take common snipe other than from

November 1, 2005-February 15, 2006.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.


It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take

White-fronted geese other than from November 19 - December 4, 2005 and December 12, 2005 - February 5, 2006.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.19 WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than two (2) white-fronted geese or to possess more than twice the daily limit.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

12.20 SNOW, BLUE, ROSS' GOOSE SEASON RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take Snow, Blue and Ross' geese other than from November 10 - December 9, 2005 and December 12, 2005 - February 5, 2006.


(1) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation Order starting from February 6 - April 30, 2006.

PENALTY: $200.00 to $1,000.00.

12.21 SNOW, BLUE AND ROSS' GOOSE DAILY BAG AND POSSESSION RESTRICTIONS. It shall be unlawful to take or attempt to take more than twenty (20) Snow, Blue or Ross' geese with no possession limit.


(1) In compliance with the Snow, Blue and Ross' Goose Conservation Order starting from February 6 - April 30, 2006.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

25.02HUNTING OR TRESPASSING PROHIBITED WITHIN CERTAIN WMAs AND LAKES. It shall be unlawful to duck hunt or trespass on the following areas and lakes as specified herein:
(1)BAYOU METO - The Wrape Plantation WRA is closed to access 30 days before the first duck season until February 15 except open to duck hunting all day during the last 3 days of the last duck season and during the special youth waterfowl hunt. Halowell WRA is closed to access 30 days before the first duck season until February 15.
(2)BELL SLOUGH - Palarm Creek Waterfowl Rest Areas closes to access 30 days before the first duck season until 30 days after the last duck season.
(3)BIG LAKE - Mallard Lake is closed to hunting. Fishing and non-hunting activities are allowed.
(4)DR. LESTER SITZES, III BOIS D'ARC - Red Slough Waterfowl Rest Area is open all day the last three days of the last duck season, open to archery deer hunting October 1-November 11 and open to small game hunting until October 15. Dr. Lester Sitzes, III Bois d'Arc Lake is closed to waterfowl hunting except open to hunting all day the last three days of the last duck season.
(5)BREWER LAKE - Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(6)CAMP ROBINSON WDA - Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(7)CAMP ROBINSON WMA - Waterfowl hunting ends at noon although hunting is allowed all day the last three days of the last duck season. Duck blinds are prohibited.
(8)CASEY JONES - Waterfowl hunting ends at noon although hunting is allowed all day the last three days of the last duck season.
(9)CEDAR CREEK - Closed to waterfowl hunting.
(10)CUT-OFF CREEK - Closed to all trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas and boat launch ramps) from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. during duck season. Pigeon Creek Waterfowl Rest Area will be closed to access following the last day of the modern gun deer season until the end of the last duck season except is open to hunting during the special youth waterfowl hunt. . Travel by boat is prohibited on Latin Drain, Firehunt Slough and Third Slough except during high water periods when boating access is possible to the Deep Slough Dam. In this case, boats may be used area-wide, however, boat motors may only be used on Cut-Off Creek and Deep Slough.
(11)DAGMAR - Apple Lake WRA is closed to access 30 days before the first duck season through the last day of duck season, except open all day the last three days of the last duck season and during the special youth waterfowl hunt.
(12)DARDANELLE - Waterfowl hunting is not allowed on that part of Big Spadra and Little Spadra Creeks lying north of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, east of Crawford Street, south of I-40, and west of State Hwy 103, or all park boundaries, state highways and all waterfowl rest areas. Dogs, hunting or trapping devices are prohibited on Johnson County, Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRAs. Access prohibited during waterfowl seasons and during the Mobility Impaired Permit Gun Deer hunt. Exceptions: Archery deer hunting October 1-31 and February 1-15 and Mobility Impaired Permit Gun deer hunt by permit holders. The WRAs are closed to access during waterfowl seasons except for archery deer hunting October 1-31 and February 1-15. Horsehead Creek and Bob Young WRAs are closed to access November 1 through the last day of duck season, except open during the Special Youth Waterfowl Hunt.
(13)DAVE DONALDSON BLACK RIVER - The waterfowl rest area (part of Section 16 and all of Section 21, T19N, R3E lying south of Black River) and the Brookings Moist Soil Unit closes to all hunting and trespassing November 1 through the last day of duck season. No hunting is allowed on Hubble Lake during duck season. Lake Ashbaugh is closed to all hunting. The waterfowl rest area, Brookings Moist Soil Unit and Hubble Lake are open for early teal season and youth waterfowl hunts and to hunting all day the last three days of the last duck season. On Lake Ashbaugh and Hubble Lake, only fishing and non-hunting activities are allowed.
(14)ED GORDON POINT REMOVE - The Steve Frick Waterfowl Rest Area is closed to all hunting and trespassing from November 15 - February 28.
(15)FT. CHAFFEE - The Ft. Chaffee Waterfowl Rest Area in Sportsmen Compartment 3 closes to access November 1 through the last day of duck season.
(16) FROG BAYOU - Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated areas until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m., except open to access from 4:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. the last three days of the last duck season.
(17) HARRIS BRAKE - Open to waterfowl hunting only Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. All day hunting is allowed the last two days of the last duck season. During duck season, other hunters must abide by same hours and days as duck hunters, except for those trapping and hunting furbearers at night. Only shotguns and archery equipment are allowed for hunting. Harris Brake Lake is closed to hunting.
(18) HENRY GRAY HURRICANE LAKE - Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m., except open to access from 4:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. all day the last three days of the last duck season.
(19) HOLLAND BOTTOMS - Lake Pickthorne Waterfowl Rest Area is closed to access November 1 through the last day of duck season.
(20)LITTLE BAYOU - Closed to all trespassing (except in designated campsites, parking areas and boat launch ramps) from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. during duck season and open during the special youth waterfowl hunt and to hunting all day the last three days of the last duck season.
(21)NIMROD LLOYD MILLWOOD - Nimrod Lloyd Millwood Waterfowl Rest Area is closed to waterfowl hunting except during the last three days of the last duck season.
(22)PETIT JEAN RIVER WMA - Waterfowl impoundments are closed to trespass from one hour after sunset until 4:00 a.m. from November 19-January 29 .
(23)REX HANCOCK BLACK SWAMP -Lee LeBlanc WRA is closed to access November 1 through the last day of duck season, except the WRA is open during the special youth waterfowl hunt. Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m., except open to access from 4:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. all day the last three days of the last duck season.
(24)RICK EVANS GRANDVIEW PRAIRIE - Waterfowl hunting closed on all lakes and ponds.
(25)SHIREY BAY/RAINEY BRAKE - The waterfowl rest area in Sections 3, 7, 8, and 18 T13N, R2W; Sections 21 and 28, T16N, R2W; Section 3, T15N, R2W; and Section 32, T16N, R2W closes to access November 1 through the last day of duck season, except the waterfowl rest areas and MSUs (Moist Soil Units) are open to the early teal season and youth waterfowl hunts and all day hunting the last three days of the last duck season.
(26)STEVE N. WILSON RAFT CREEK BOTTOMS - Waterfowl hunters may not access inundated area until 4:00 a.m. and must exit inundated areas by 12:00 p.m., except open to access from 4:00 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. all day the last three days of the last duck season.
(27) ST. FRANCIS FOREST- Waterfowl hunting ends at noon. Boat motors over 10 hp are prohibited.
(28)ST. FRANCIS SUNKEN LANDS - Waterfowl hunting ends at noon although hunting is allowed all day the last three days of the last duck season. The Payneway Moist Soil Unit Sections 8,9,16 and 17, T11N, R6E and Snowden Field Moist Soil Unit in Sections 20 and 21, T12N, R6E is closed to all hunting from November 1 through the last day of duck season, except the Snowden Field (MSU) levee is open to foot traffic around the north end of the unit to allow access to public lands, the MSUs are open for the early teal and the special youth waterfowl hunt and to hunting all day the last three days of the last duck season.
(29)SULPHUR RIVER - Trespassing is prohibited from October 1 through the last day of duck season only on the Henry Moore Waterfowl Rest Area, except the last three days of the last duck season and the special youth waterfowl hunt.
(30)LAKE CONWAY - Closed to waterfowl hunting except on the Pierce Creek and Dixs Creek Bays, waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(31)CANE CREEK LAKE (Lincoln County) - Waterfowl hunting ends at noon.
(32)U OF A PINE TREE EXPERIMENTAL STATION WDA -North of Hwy 306 closed to waterfowl hunting.
(33)LAKE PICKTHORNE - Closed to waterfowl hunting. EXCEPTION:
(1) Employees or agents of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission in the performance of their duties.

PENALTY: $100.00 to $1,000.00.

002.00.05 Ark. Code R. 013
