Chapter 12 - Charitable Solicitation
- Section 9 AAC 12.010 - Charitable organization registration statement
- Section 9 AAC 12.020 - Paid solicitor registration statement
- Section 9 AAC 12.030 - Change of information
- Section 9 AAC 12.040 - Written contract required
- Section 9 AAC 12.050 - Contract information as part of registration
- Section 9 AAC 12.060 - Paid solicitor surety bond
- Section 9 AAC 12.065 - Paid solicitor financial report
- Section 9 AAC 12.070 - Membership dues and government grants
- Section 9 AAC 12.080 - Registration and renewal fees
- Section 9 AAC 12.890 - Electronic filing and signatures
- Section 9 AAC 12.900 - Definitions