5 Alaska Admin. Code § 31.105

Current through November 28, 2024
Section 5 AAC 31.105 - Description of Registration Area A districts and sections
(a) District 1: waters east and north of a line running from the southernmost tip of Caamano Point at 55° 29.85' N. lat., 131° 58.21' W. long., then south to a point in Dixon Entrance at 54" 40.00' N. lat., 131° 45.00' W. long., and waters north of a line running from 54° 40.00' N. lat., 131° 45.00' W. long., to 54° 42.48' N. lat., 130° 36.92'W. long.
(b) District 2: waters south of a line running from the easternmost tip of Narrow Point at 55" 47.00' IN. lat., 132" 28.23' W. long., to Lemesurier Point at 55" 46.02' N. lat, 132" 16.94' W. long., waters west of a line running from the southernmost tip of Caamano Point at 55" 29.85' N. lat., 131" 58.21' W. long., then due south to a point in Dixon Entrance at 54° 40.00' N. lat., 131" 45.00' W. long., and waters east of a line running from Point Marsh Light at 54" 42.70' N. lat., 132" 17.72' W. long., then due south to a point in Dixon Entrance at 54" 40.00' N. lat., 132° 17.50' W. long.
(c) District 3: waters north and west of a line running from Point Marsh Light at 54° 42.70' N. lat., 132° 17.72' W. long., then due south to a point in Dixon Entrance at 54° 40.00' N. lat, 132" 41.29' W. long., and ending at the southernmost tip of Cape Muzon, and waters east of a line running from the northernmost tip of Eagle Point on Dall Island at 55" 14.53' N. lat., 133" 13.28' W. long., to the westernmost tip of Point Arboleda at 55" 19.10' N. lat, 133" 27.81' W. long., to the southernmost tip of Point San Roque at 55" 20.13' N. lat., 133° 32.70' W. long., to the northernmost tip of Cape Ulitka at 55" 33.76' IN. Iat" 133" 43,73' W. long., to Cape Lynch Light at 55" 46.87' IN. lat., 133" 42.10' W. long., and ending at the southwest entrance point of Halibut Harbor on Kosciusko Island at 55° 54.99' N. lat., 133° 47.64' W. long., and waters south of the latitude of Aneskett Point at 56" 08.85' N. lat.;
(1) Section 3-A: waters of District 3 south and east of a line through Tlevak Narrows beginning at the easternmost tip of Turn Point at 55º 15.74' N. lat., 133º 07.33' W. long., to a point on Prince of Wales Island at 55º 15.75' N. lat., 133º 06.43' W. long., including Soda Bay and its contiguous waters, but excluding all waters of Meares Pass and its contiguous waters;
(2) Section 3-B: waters of District 3 south of Point Swift at 55° 45.78' N. lat., 133° 19.57' W. long., including all waters of Warm Chuck Inlet, Iphigenia Bay south of Cape Lynch Light at 55" 46.87' N. lat., 133" 42.10' W. long., excluding all waters of Tuxekan Passage and its contiguous waters, and waters of District 3 north of a line through Tlevak Narrows beginning at the easternmost tip of Turn Point located at 55° 15.74' N. lat., 133° 07.33' W. long., to a point on Prince of Wales Island at 55° 15.70' N. lat., 133° 06.53 W. long., including all waters of Meares Pass and its contiguous waters, but excluding all waters of Soda Bay and its contiguous waters;
(3) Section 3-C: waters of District 3 north of the latitude of Point Swift at 55° 45.78' N. lat., 133" 19.57' W, long., including all waters of Tuxekan Passage and its contiguous waters, but excluding all waters of warm Chuck Inlet, Iphigenia Bay south of Cape Lynch Light at 55" 46.86' IN. lat., 133" 42.10' W. long.
(d) District 4: waters north of the southernmost tip of Cape Muzon at 54" 39.82' N. lat., 132" 41.29' W. long., west of District 3, and south of a line from Helm Point on Coronation Island at 55" 49.59' N. lat., 134° 16.19' W. long., to Cape Lynch Light at 55" 46.87' N. lat., 133" 42.10' W. long.
(e) District 5: waters of Sumner Strait that are north and east of a line running from Cape Decision to Helm Point, to Cape Lynch, and ending at the southwest entrance point of Halibut Harbor, and waters north of the latitude of Aneskett Point, west of a line from Point Baker to Point Barrie, and south of a line running from Point Camden to Salt Point Light in Keku Strait.
(f) District 6: waters of Clarence Strait north and east of a line from Narrow Point at 55° 47.45' N. lat., 132° 28.57' W. long., to Lemesurier Point at 55° 46.02' N. lat., 132° 16.93' W. long., to Ernest Point at 55° 51.00' N. lat., 132° 22.21' W. long., to the most southerly point on Etolin Island at 55° 54.79' N. lat., 132 2 J.2-'' W. long., waters of Stikine Strait south of the latitude of Round Point at 56° 16.65' N. lat., 132° 39.44' W. long ., \vaters of Sumner Strait west of a line from Point Alexander at 56° 30.54' N. lat., 132° 56.94' W. long ., to Lov. Point at 56° 27.18' N. lat., 132° 57.17' W long., and east of a line from Point Baker at 56° 21.52' N. lat., 133° 37.58' W. long., to Point Barrie at 56° 26.18' N. lat.. 133° 39.27' W. long., waters of Wrangell Narrows south and west of a line from Prole\vy Point at 56° 50.12' N. lat ., 132° 56.45' W. long., to the northern tip ofMitkof Island at 56° 49.38' N. lat., 132° 56.31' W. long., and all waters of Duncan Canal;
(1) Section 6-A: waters north of a line from Point Colpoys at 56° 20.17' N. lat., 133° 11.90' W. long., to Macnamara Point at 56° 19.85' N. lat., 133° 04.00' W. long., west of a line from Low Point at 56° 27.18' N. lat., 132° 57.17' W long., to Point Alexander at 56° 30.54' N. lat., 132° 56.94' W. long., and east of a line from Point Barrie at 56° 26.18' N. lat., 133° 39.27' W. long., to Point Baker at 56° 21.52' N. lat., 133° 3 7.58' W. long.;
(2) Section 6-8: waters south of a line. from Point Colpoys at 56° 20.17' N. lat., 133° 11.90' W. long., to Macnamara Point at 56° 19.85' N. lat., 133° 04.00' W. long., and north and west of a line from Luck Point at 55° 59.04' N. lat., 132° 44.07' W. long., to Point Stanhope at 56° 00.69' N. lat., 132° 36.46' W. long., to Lincoln Rock Light at 56° 03.40' N. lat., 132° 41.85' W. long., to Key Reef Light at 56° 09.61' N. lat., 132° 49.78' W. long., tQ Nesbitt Reef Light at 56° 13.22' N. lat., 132° 51.83' W. long., to Point Nesbitt at 56° 13.88' N. lat., 132° 52.33' W. long.;
(3) Section 6-C: waters enclosed by a line from Lincoln Rock Light at 56° 03.40' N. lat., 132° 41.85' W. long., to the 'vvesternmost point of Screen Islands at 56° 05 .54' W. lat., 132' 42.60' W. long., to the westernmost point of Marsh Island at 56° 06.94' N. lat., 132° 43.15' W. long., to the westernmost point of Steamer Rocks at 56° 08.41' N. lat., 132° 43.64' W. long., to Mariposa Rock Buoy at 56° 10.67' N. lat., 132° 44.35' W. long., to the tip of Point Nesbitt at 56° 13 .88' N. lat., 132° 52 .33 ' W. long., to Nesbitt Reef Light at 56° 13.22' N. lat., 132° 51.83' W. long., to Key Reef Light at 56° 09.61' N. lat., 132° 49. 78' W. long., to Lincoln Rock Light at 56° 03.40' N. lat., 132° 41.85' W. long.;
(4) Section 6-D: all waters of District 6 not included in (1) - (3) of this subsection.
(g) District 7: waters of Ernest Sound and Bradfield Canal that are east of a line running from Lemesurier Point to Ernest Point, and ending at the most southerly point of Etolin Island, waters of Zimovia Strait that are south of the latitude of Nemo Point, and waters of Eastern Passage and Blake Channel that are east of a line from Babbler Point to Hour Point (56º 27.80' N. lat., 132º 16.63' W. long.).
(h) District 8: waters of Frederick Sound south of a line from Wood Point at 56° 59.47' N. lat., 132° 56.97' W. long. to Beacon Point at 56° 56.36' N. lat., 132 59.74' W. long., waters of Sumner Strait east of a line from Point Alexander at 56° 30.54' N. lat., 132° 56.94' W. long., to Low Point at 56° 27.18' N. lat., 132° 57.17' W long .. waters of Stikine Strait north of the latitude of Round Point at 56° 16.65' N. lat., 132° 39.44' W long., waters of Zimovia Strait north of the latitude ofNemo Point at 56° 17.00' N. lat., 132° 21.94' W. long., and waters of Eastern Passage west of a line from Hour Point at 56° 27.72' N. lat., 132° 16.79' W. long., to Babbler Point at 56° 29.08' W. lat., 132° 17.36' W. long.;
(1) Section 8-A: waters north of a line from Blaquiere Point at 56° 35.06' N. lat., 132° 32.54' W. long., to Kahvan Point at 56° 41.62' N. lat., 132° 13.12' W. long.;
(2) Section 8-B: vvaters south of a line from Blaquiere Point at 56° 35.06' N. lat., 132° 32.54' W. long., to Kahvan Point at 56° 41.62' N. lat., 132° 13.12' W. long.
(i) District 9: waters of Frederick Sound and Chatham Strait that are south of the latitude of the southernmost tip of Point Gardner, waters that are south of the latitude of the southernmost tip of Elliott Island and that are west of a line running from the southernmost tip of Elliott Island to the westernmost tip of Point Macartney, waters that are north and west of a line running from the northernmost tip of Point Camden to Salt Point Light, and waters that are north and east of a line running from the southernmost tip of Cape Decision to the southernmost tip of Helm Point, to the westernmost tip of Hazy Islands, and ending at Cape Ommaney Light.
(j) District 10: waters of Frederick Soundl Stephens Passage, and contiguous waters north of a line from Beacon Point at 56° 56.36' N. lat., 132° 59.74' W. long., to Wood Point at 56° 59.47' N. lat., 132° 56.97' W. long., east of a line from Point Macariney at 57° 01.49' N. lat., 13-'0 03.51' W. long., to the southern tip of Elliott Island at 57° 15.20' N. lat., 134° 03.72' W. long., and north of the latitude of the southern tip of Elliott Island at 57° 15.20' N. lat., 134° 03.72' W. long., waters of Seymour Canal south of 57° 37 .00' N. lat. and waters of Stephens Passage south of a line " from Point League at 57° 37.76' N. lat., 133° 40.47' W. long., to Point Hugh at 57° 34.21' N. lat., 133° 48.58' W. long.;
(1) Section 10-A: waters west of line from Pinta Point at 57° 05. 90' N. lat., 133 ° 53.40' W. long., to a point at 57° 12.60' N. lat., 133° 53.25' W. long., to the northernmost tip of Akusha Island at 57° I 8.40' N. lat., 133° 39.28' W. long., to McDonald Rock Light at 57° 25. 10' N. lat., 133° 37.82' W. long., to a point at 57° 36.00' N. lat., 133° 44. 76' W. long.;
(2) Section 10-B: waters north of a line from Pinta Point at 57° 05 .90' N. lat., 133° 53.40' W. long., to Cape Fanshaw at 57° 11.12' N. lat., 133° 34.40' W. long., and east of line from Pinta Point at 57° 05.90' N. lat.. 133° 53.40' W. long., to a point at 57° 12.60' N. lat., 133° 53.25' W. long., to the northernmost tip of Akusha Island at 57° 18.40' N. lat., 133° 39.28' W. long., to McDonald Rock Light at 57° 25.10' N. lat., 133° 3 7.82' W. long., to a point at 57° 36.00' N. lat., 133°44. 76' W. long.;
(3) Section 10-C: waters east of a line from Pinta Point at 57° 05.90' N. lat., 133° 53.40' W. long., to Cape Fanshaw at 57° 11.12' N. lat., 133° 34.40' W. long.
(k) District 11: waters of Stephens Passage that are north of a line from Point League to Point Hugh, waters of Seymour Canal that are north of 57º 37' N. lat., and waters that are south of the latitude of Little Island Light and east of a line running from Little Island Light to Point Retreat Light;
(1) Section 11-A: waters of the district that are north and west of a line running from a point at 58º 12.33' N. lat., 134º 10' W. long., to the Coast Guard marker and light on Point Arden;
(2) Section 11-B: waters of the district that are north of the latitude of Midway Island Light and south and east of a line running from a point at 58º 12.33' N. lat., 134º 10' W. long., to the Coast Guard marker and light on Point Arden;
(3) Section 11-C: waters of the district that are south of the latitude of Midway Island Light and north of a line running from Point League to Point Hugh;
(4) Section 11-D: all waters of Seymour Canal that are north of 57º 37' N. lat.
(l) District 12: waters of Lynn Canal and Chatham Strait that are south of the latitude of Little Island Light, north of the latitude of Point Gardner, west of a line running from Little Island Light to Point Retreat Light, east of a line running from Point Couverden to Point Augusta, and east of a line running from Point Hayes to Point Thatcher.
(m) District 13: waters that are north of the latitude of the southernmost tip of Helm Point and west of a line running from the southernmost tip of Helm Point to the westernmost tip of Hazy Island, and ending at Cape Ommaney Light, waters that are south of a line running west from the southernmost tip of Cape Spencer, waters that are west of a line from the southernmost tip of Cape Spencer through Yakobi Rock, and ending at Yakobi Island, waters that are south of a line running from the northernmost tip of Soapstone Point to the westernmost tip of Column Point, and waters that are west of a line running from the southernmost tip of Point Hayes to the northernmost tip of Point Thatcher;
(1) Section 13-A: waters that are north of 57º 16' N. lat. and the waters of Peril Strait that are south of the latitude of Pogibshi Point (57º 30.50' N. lat.);
(2) Section 13-B: waters that are south of 57º 16' N. lat.;
(3) Section 13-C: waters of the district that are north of the latitude of Pogibshi Point and west of a line running from the southernmost tip of Point Hayes to the northernmost tip of Point Thatcher in Peril Strait.
(n) District 14: waters of Icy Strait that are west of a line from the southernmost tip of Point Couverden to Point Augusta Light, east of a straight line running from the southernmost tip of Cape Spencer through Yakobi Rock, and ending at Yakobi Island, and waters that are north of a line running from the northernmost point of Soapstone Point to the westernmost point of Column Point.
(o) District 15: waters of Lynn Canal that are north of the latitude of Little Island Light.
(p) District 16: waters that are north of a line running west from the southernmost tip of Cape Spencer and south of a line running southwest from the westernmost tip of Cape Fairweather.
(q) Dixon Entrance District: waters that are east of 138º 45.33' W. long., south of the southern boundaries of Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4, and waters that are north of a line running from 54º 43.50' N. lat., 130º 37.62' W. long., to 54º 43.40' N. lat., 130º 37.65' W. long., to 54º 43.25' N. lat., 130º 37.73' W. long., to 54º 43' N. lat., 130º 37.92' W. long., to 54º 42.97' N. lat., 130º 37.95' W. long., to 54º 42.78' N. lat., 130º 38.10' W. long., to 54º 42.37' N. lat., 130º 38.43' W. long., to 54º 41.15' N. lat., 130º 38.97' W. long., to 54º 39.90' N. lat., 130º 38.97' W. long., to 54º 39.23' N. lat., 130º 39.30' W. long., to 54º 39.80' N. lat., 130º 41.58' W. long., to 54º 40.05' N. lat., 130º 42.37' W. long., to 54º 40.70' N. lat., 130º 44.72' W. long., to 54º 40.68' N. lat., 130º 44.98' W. long., to 54º 40.77' N. lat., 130º 45.85' W. long., to 54º 41.10' N. lat., 130º 48.52' W. long., to 54º 41.08' N. lat., 130º 49.28' W. long., to 54º 41.35' N. lat., 130º 53.30' W. long., to 54º 41.43' N. lat., 130º 53.65' W. long., to 54º 42.45' N. lat., 130º 56.30' W. long., to 54º 42.57' N. lat., 130º 57.15' W. long., to 54º 43' N. lat., 130º 57.68' W. long., to 54º 43.77' N. lat., 130º 58.92' W. long., to 54º 44.20' N. lat., 130º 59.73' W. long., to 54º 45.65' N. lat., 131º 03.10' W. long., to 54º 46.27' N. lat., 131º 04.72' W. long., to 54º 42.18' N. lat., 131º 13' W. long., to 54º 40.87' N. lat., 131º 13.90' W. long., to 54º 39.15' N. lat., 131º 16.28' W. long., to 54º 36.87' N. lat., 131º 19.37' W. long., to 54º 29.88' N. lat., 131º 33.80' W. long., to 54º 30.53' N. lat., 131º 38.02' W. long., to 54º 28.30' N. lat., 131º 45.33' W. long., to 54º 26.68' N. lat., 131º 49.47' W. long., to 54º 21.85' N. lat., 132º 02.90' W. long., to 54º 24.87' N. lat., 132º 23.65' W. long., to 54º 24.68' N. lat., 132º 24.48' W. long., to 54º 24.68' N. lat., 132º 24.58' W. long., to 54º 24.65' N. lat., 132º 26.85' W. long., to 54º 24.57' N. lat., 132º 38.27' W. long., to 54º 24.90' N. lat., 132º 39.77' W. long., to 54º 26' N. lat., 132º 44.20' W. long., to 54º 27.12' N. lat., 132º 49.58' W. long., to 54º 27.12' N. lat., 132º 50.70' W. long., to 54º 28.42' N. lat., 132º 55.90' W. long., to 54º 28.53' N. lat., 132º 56.47' W. long., to 54º 30.05' N. lat., 133º 07' W. long., to 54º 30.17' N. lat., 133º 07.72' W. long., to 54º 30.70' N. lat., 133º 11.47' W. long., to 54º 31.03' N. lat., 133º 14' W. long., to 54º 30.10' N. lat., 133º 16.97' W. long., to 54º 22.02' N. lat., 133º 44.40' W. long., to 54º 20.55' N. lat., 133º 49.35' W. long., to 54º 15.67' N. lat., 134º 19.82' W. long., to 54º 12.95' N. lat., 134º 23.78' W. long., to 54º 12.75' N. lat., 134º 25.05' W. long., to 54º 07.50' N. lat., 134º 56.40' W. long., to 54º 00.02' N. lat., 135º 45.95' W. long., and ending at 53º 28.45' N. lat., 138º 45.33' W. long.

5 AAC 31.105

In effect before 1986; am 12/14/86, Register 100; am 5/8/98, Register 146; am 10/12/2000, Register 156; am 3/11/2001, Register 157; am 6/17/2018,Register 226, July 2018; am 9/19/2019,Register 231, August 2019; am 9/19/2019,Register 231, August 2019

Authority:AS 16.05.251