3 Alaska Admin. Code § 46.230

Current through October 17, 2024
Section 3 AAC 46.230 - Integrated resource plan requirements
(a) Under AS 42.05.780, an electric reliability organization shall submit a proposed integrated resource plan to the commission. The integrated resource plan must address a forecast period of not less than 20 calendar years from the date of filing and must include portfolios, including a preferred portfolio, each of which must comply with the electric reliability organization's reliability standards and certificate requirements. The integrated resource plan must
(1) contain an executive summary that provides
(A) the goals and objectives of the integrated resource plan; and
(B) a summary of the integrated resource plan process and approach;
(2) contain a description and explanation of the planning environment used in preparing the integrated resource plan that includes
(A) the layout of the interconnected bulk-electric system, including generation, storage, transmission, and system control assets;
(B) a discussion of how the integrated resource plan has considered
(i) relevant municipal, tribal, state, and federal mandates, directives, and policies governing resources included in the integrated resource plan;
(ii) known or reasonably estimated constraints on the availability or price of generation fuel sources; and
(iii) the effect of the planning environment on reliability and cost of power;
(C) the primary planning assumptions that were incorporated in the plan; and
(D) identification of all exemptions from municipal planning decisions under AS 42.05.641 required to implement the integrated resource plan and an explanation of why those exemptions cannot be avoided;
(3) contain a discussion, including an analysis and technical assessment, of the full range of resource options evaluated in the development of the resource portfolios that meet projected or existing unmet needs in the interconnected bulk-electric system; the discussion
(A) must consider the resource options specified in AS 42.05.780(a) and projected retirements;
(B) may consider resource options that include one or more of the following:
(i) customer voluntary interruptible programs;
(ii) distributed energy resources;
(iii) market purchases;
(iv) other resource options identified by the electric reliability organization;
(C) as part of the analysis of these resource options, must describe and support the following elements:
(i) model input assumptions;
(ii) models and techniques used;
(iii) model sensitivities and scenarios considered;
(iv) the resource option's availability, reliability, and cost; and
(v) the applicable time horizon; and
(D) may consider a resource option to be cost-effective for purposes of AS 42.05.780(a) in delivering a given quantum of service only if the resource option meets one or more criteria in (6) of this subsection at minimum expected cost, considering the risks specified in (4)(A)(i) and (ii) of this subsection and other risks proposed by the electric reliability organization;
(4) contain a presentation and analysis of at least two resource portfolios
(A) that each satisfy one or more criteria in (6) of this subsection at lowest reasonable cost, consistent with each load-serving entity's obligations, and with satisfaction being shown through detailed and consistent analysis to minimize the cost of the resource portfolio's mix of resource options, given due consideration of
(i) risks affecting resource option costs;
(ii) risks associated with the ability of applicable resource options, either collectively or individually, to provide service when needed;
(iii) effects on system operation; and
(iv) effects on the environment; and
(B) that, for each portfolio, describe and support the resource portfolio modeling relied upon, including
(i) input assumptions;
(ii) models and techniques; and
(iii) sensitivities and scenarios;
(5) contain an explanation why the preferred portfolio, chosen from the resource portfolios described in (4) of this subsection, provides greatest value;
(6) for purposes of (4)(A) and (5) of the subsection, use one or more criteria for determining greatest value that include
(A) the satisfaction of the needs of the customers of each load-serving entity;
(B) interconnected bulk-electric system reliability;
(C) interconnected bulk-electric system resiliency;
(D) costs or benefits to the environment; and
(E) other considerations proposed by the electric reliability organization;
(7) provide a demand forecast, except as provided in (8) of this subsection, using a uniform demand-forecasting methodology for all load-serving entities in the interconnected bulk-electric system when estimating future demand;
(8) as an alternative to the demand forecast required under (7) of this subsection, provide a demand forecast using multiple demand-forecasting methodologies for the load-serving entities in the interconnected bulk-electric system when estimating future demand if
(A) multiple methods are needed to reasonably estimate future demand;
(B) the integrated resource plan explains why a uniform demand forecasting methodology cannot most reasonably estimate future demand; and
(C) the integrated resource plan identifies the multiple demand-forecasting methods used and explains the differences in how each method forecasts load;
(9) reflect a planning area that
(A) includes the entirety of the interconnected bulk-electric system;
(B) identifies resource options, resource portfolios, and, as applicable, specific projects or project portfolios without regard to service territory boundaries within the interconnected bulk-electric system, while satisfying each load-serving entity's obligations; and
(C) excepting resources that a load-serving entity must acquire under federal law, includes only those specific and defined large energy projects that have been sized to ensure that available economies of scale have been reasonably maximized in light of projected demand; and
(10) contain, for the electric reliability organization, an action plan that provides a non-binding framework for implementing the preferred resource portfolio and that includes
(A) a process for determining the entities that will be involved in the procurement;
(B) a process for ensuring that the means for satisfying needs are accomplished at the lowest reasonable cost;
(C) a process by which load-serving entities of the interconnected bulkelectric system determine how they will apportion cost responsibility for the measures that satisfy the needs identified in the integrated resource plan; and
(D) a schedule of key activities and timelines.
(b) The commission may waive or modify by order the requirements of this section, in whole or in part, upon application and a showing of good cause or on the commission's own motion, if the waiver does not also require a waiver of the requirements set out in AS 42.05.780.

3 AAC 46.230

Eff. 3/11/2022, Register 241, April 2022

Authority:AS 42.05.141

AS 42.05.151

AS 42.05.762

AS 42.05.770

AS 42.05.780