18 Alaska Admin. Code § 80.1990

Current through December 21, 2024
Section 18 AAC 80.1990 - Definitions, abbreviations, and symbols
(a) In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise,
(1) "acute risk" means a possible source of a hazard, danger, loss, or injury that could quickly affect public health;
(2) "ANSI" means the American National Standards Institute, Inc.;
(3) "approved" and "approval" mean approved by or the approval of the department;
(4) "aquifer" means a formation, a group of formations, or part of a formation that contains sufficient saturated permeable material to yield economical quantities of water to wells and springs;
(5) "AWWA" means the American Water Works Association;
(6) "backflow" means the flow, in a direction opposite to the normal flow, of a foreign liquid, gas, or substance into the collection or distribution system of a public water system;
(7) "best available technology" has the meaning given to "best available technology or BAT" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(8) "bottled water" means water that is sealed in bottles or other containers and intended for human consumption;
(9) "cathodic protection well" means an artificial excavation to install equipment or facilities for the protection of metallic equipment in contact with the ground;
(10) "certified laboratory" means a laboratory certified by the department under 18 AAC 80.1100 - 18 AAC 80.1110 or by the EPA;
(11) "chloramines" means a group of chlorine ammonia compounds formed when chlorine combines with ammonia or organic nitrogen in the water;
(12) "cleanout" has the meaning given to "cleanout" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(13) "coagulation" has the meaning given to "coagulation" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(14) "coliform" means
(A) aerobic and facultative anaerobic, gram-negative, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped bacteria that ferment lactose with gas production within 48 hours at 35 degrees Celsius;
(B) aerobic and facultative anaerobic, gram-negative, non-spore-forming, rod-shaped bacteria that produce a dark colony with a metallic sheen within 24 hours at 35 degrees Celsius on an Endo-type medium containing lactose; and
(C) those organisms able to produce the enzyme beta-galactosidase which hydrolyzes substrate present in a chemically defined medium according to EPA approved methods listed in the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water, including supplements, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(b), and in accordance with 40 C.F.R. 141.852, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(15) "combination-source system" means a public water system that uses a combination of two or more of the following as source water:
(A) a groundwater source;
(B) a surface water source;
(C) a GWUDISW source;
(16) "combined chlorine" means the concentration of residual chlorine that is combined with ammonia, organic nitrogen, or both in water as a chloramine or other chloroderivative;
(17) "community sewer line" has the meaning given to "community sewer line" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(18) "community water system" means a public water system that serves at least 15 service connections used by year-round residents or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents;
(19) "compliance cycle" has the meaning given to "compliance cycle" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(20) "compliance period" has the meaning given to "compliance period" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(21) "composite correction program" means a program that includes a comprehensive performance evaluation and a comprehensive technical assistance activity;
(22) "composite sample" means a sample created by a certified laboratory by mixing equal parts of water from up to five different samples;
(23) "compositing" means using or creating a composite sample;
(24) "comprehensive technical assistance" means the performance improvement phase
(A) that is implemented if the comprehensive performance evaluation results indicate improved performance potential; and
(B) during which identified plan-specific factors are systematically addressed and eliminated;
(25) "confirmation sample" means a second sample collected at the same sampling point as the first sample and used for re-analysis;
(26) "confluent growth" or "CG" has the meaning given to "confluent growth" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(27) "consecutive public water system" has the meaning given to "consecutive system" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(28) "constructed conveyance"
(A) means, with respect to a public water system, a manmade conduit for water;
(B) includes ditches, culverts, waterways, flumes, mine drains, or canals;
(C) does not include a water haul vehicle or water that is delivered by bottle, other package unit, vending machine, or cooler;
(29) "contaminant" means a physical, chemical, biological, or radiological substance or material in water that, in sufficient quantity, makes water unfit for human consumption;
(30) "contamination" means the presence in water of
(A) a contaminant at a level that exceeds
(i) a maximum contaminant level under 18 AAC 80.300; or
(ii) an action level, including the lead or copper action level under 40 C.F.R. 141.80, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(B) a contaminant that
(i) exceeds the allowable limit for removal or inactivation by a treatment technique, including the substances set out under 18 AAC 80.303; or
(ii) triggers a treatment technique requirement under this chapter; or
(C) another contaminant in sufficient quantity to make the water unfit for human consumption;
(31) "conventional filtration" has the meaning given to "conventional filtration treatment" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(32) "corrective action"
(A) means an action taken to remedy
(i) a deficiency or sanitary defect; or
(ii) a direct, indirect, or potential cause, in whole or in part, of a risk to public health, regardless of whether that cause is a deficiency or sanitary defect;
(B) includes interim and final measures taken to remedy the deficiency, sanitary defect, or cause of a risk to public health;
(33) "corrective action plan" means a proposal, either made by the department or submitted by the owner of a public water system to the department for approval, to take one or more corrective actions according to a specified schedule;
(34) "corrosivity" means the tendency of internal water to oxidize piping and appurtenances; a noncorrosive water is characterized by a slightly positive Langelier index, a driving force index greater than 1.0, or an aggressive index greater than or equal to 12.0 for asbestos-cement pipe;
(35) "cross-connection" means a physical arrangement by which a public water system is connected, directly or indirectly, with an unapproved water system, sewer, drain, conduit, pool, storage reservoir, plumbing fixture, or other device that contains, or might contain, wastewater or other substances of unknown or unsafe quality that might be capable of contaminating the water supply through backflow; "cross-connection" includes a bypass arrangement, jumper connection, removable section, swivel or change-over device, and other temporary, permanent, or potential connection through which, or because of which, backflow could occur;
(36) "CT" or "CTcalc" means the result obtained by multiplying the residual disinfectant concentration (C), in mg/1, determined before or at the first customer, and the corresponding disinfectant contact time (T), in minutes;
(37) "CT99.9" is the CT value required for 99.9 percent (3-log) inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts;
(38) "decommission" means to fill or plug a well so that it is rendered unproductive and does not produce water or serve as a channel for water movement;
(39) "deficiency" means a condition of a public water system, or an action or omission of an owner or operator of a public water system, that directly or indirectly causes, or has the potential to cause,
(A) a risk to public health;
(B) an unplanned interruption of service in the public water system; or
(C) a deviation from professional standards of engineering, sanitation, or public health applicable to public water systems;
(40) "demonstrate" or "demonstration" means to prove or proof through documentation or other evidence to the department's satisfaction;
(41) "department" means the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation;
(42) "design criteria" means information and numerical data such as rates, loadings, and other parameters upon which a specific facility design is based; "design criteria" include
(A) engineering guidelines that specify construction details and materials; and
(B) objectives, results, or limits that a facility, structure, or process must meet in the performance of its intended function;
(43) "detected" means that the analytical result exceeds the detection limit specified for the method used to analyze a contaminant;
(44) "diatomaceous earth filtration" has the meaning given to "diatomaceous earth filtration" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(45) "direct filtration" has the meaning given to "direct filtration" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(46) "director" means the director of the department's division assigned to environmental health;
(47) "disinfectant" means an oxidant or equivalent agent that is intended to inactivate pathogenic microorganisms and that is added to water during the treatment or distribution process; "disinfectant" includes chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramines, and ozone;
(48) "disinfectant contact time" has the meaning given to "disinfectant contact time" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(49) "disinfection" means a process that inactivates pathogenic organisms in water by chemical oxidants or equivalent agents;
(50) "distribution system" means post-treatment storage facilities, conduits, mains, lines, fixtures, pumping stations, or other devices used to carry water to the consumer;
(51) "domestic or other nondistribution system plumbing problem" has the meaning given to "domestic or other nondistribution system plumbing problem" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(52) "DPD" means N-N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine;
(53) "drinking water" means water that is provided for human consumption;
(54) "emergency" means an unforeseen event that causes damage to or disrupts normal operations of a public water system and requires immediate action to protect public health and safety;
(55) "engineering plans" means a set of plans signed, sealed, and dated by a registered engineer;
(56) "EPA" means the United States Environmental Protection Agency;
(57) "fecal indicator" means microbes whose presence indicates that the water may be contaminated with human or animal wastes;
(58) "fill-and-draw system" means a water system where the storage tanks are filled with treated water on an intermittent basis, while water is drawn as needed from the storage tanks;
(59) "filtration" means a process to remove particulate matter from water by passage through porous media;
(60) "finished water" has the meaning given to "finished water" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(61) "flocculation" has the meaning given to "flocculation" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(62) "free chlorine" means the amount of chlorine available as dissolved gas, hypochlorous acid, or hypochlorite ion that is not combined with an amine or other organic compound;
(63) "gross alpha particle activity" means the total radioactivity due to alpha particle emission as inferred from measurements on a dry sample; "gross alpha particle activity" includes the radioactivity of radium-226; "gross alpha particle activity" does not include the radioactivity of radon and uranium;
(64) "gross beta particle activity" means the total radioactivity due to beta particle emission as inferred from measurements on a dry sample;
(65) "groundwater" means water beneath the surface of the ground; "groundwater" does not include GWUDISW;
(66) "groundwater system" means a public water system that uses only groundwater as source water;
(67) "GWUDISW", or "groundwater under the direct influence of surface water," has the meaning given to "groundwater under the direct influence of surface water (GWUDI)" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(68) "heterotrophic plate count" or "HPC" means the procedure for estimating the number of live heterotrophic bacteria in a water sample;
(69) "holding tank" has the meaning given to "holding tank" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(70) "holding time" means the time elapsed from the time a water sample is gathered into the sample bottle until it is analyzed;
(71) "human consumption" means the use of water for drinking, bathing, showering, cooking, dishwashing, maintaining oral hygiene, and other similar uses;
(72) "infiltration gallery" means a system
(A) of perforated pipes, cribbed pits, or similar collection devices that are laid along the banks or under the bed of a stream, lake, or other surface waterbody; and
(B) that is installed to collect water from the formation beneath or adjacent to the waterbody;
(73) "initial compliance period" has the meaning given to "initial compliance period" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(74) "innovative technology or device" means water system technology that is new, non-conventional, alternative, or untested in this state; "innovative technology or device" includes technology related to
(A) disinfection and inactivation methods;
(B) removal of pathogens;
(C) particulate reduction;
(D) turbidity reduction;
(E) storage tank materials; and
(F) computer models for water treatment;
(75) "inspection" means an onsite review by an individual approved by the department to determine compliance with this chapter;
(76) "install" means to construct or fabricate components necessary to create a public water system or a portion of a public water system; installation may be done by the owner or an individual who is contracted to do the work for the owner;
(77) "Level 1 assessment" has the meaning given to "Level 1 assessment" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(78) "Level 2 assessment" has the meaning given to "Level 2 assessment" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(79) "master meter" means a water meter or a system of water meters that measures both instantaneous and total flow of water for a public water system;
(80) "maximum contaminant level" or "MCL" means the maximum permissible level of a contaminant in water that is delivered to a user of a public water system;
(81) "maximum residual disinfectant level" or "MRDL" means a level of a disinfectant added for water treatment that may not be exceeded at the consumer's tap without an unacceptable possibility of adverse health effects;
(82) "method detection limit" has the meaning given in Appendix C of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water: Criteria and Procedures, Quality Assurance, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(b);
(83) "method reporting limit" has the meaning given in Appendix C of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water: Criteria and Procedures, Quality Assurance, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(b);
(84) "microbial contaminant" means a living organism that is in water, that is not visible individually without a microscope, and that, in sufficient quantity, makes the water unsafe for human consumption; "microbial contaminants" include bacteria, viruses and parasites such as Cryptosporidium parvum;
(85) "MIL" means Military Standards and Specifications;
(86) "monthly average" means the result obtained by dividing the sum of the result of sample analyses taken in a month by the number of samples taken during that month;
(87) "near the first service connection" has the meaning given to "near the first service connection" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(88) "new community water system" means
(A) a community water system that is constructed after October 1, 1999;
(B) a community water system that has not received a public water system identification number under 18 AAC 80.210(c)(3) as of October 1, 1999; or
(C) an existing water system other than a community water system, if as a result of expanding its infrastructure, the system falls within the definition of a community water system;
(89) "new non-transient non-community water system" means
(A) a non-transient non-community water system that is constructed after October 1, 1999;
(B) a non-transient non-community water system that has not received a public water system identification number under 18 AAC 80.210(c)(3) as of October 1, 1999; or
(C) an existing water system other than a non-transient non-community water system, if as a result of expanding its infrastructure, the system falls within the definition of a non-transient non-community water system;
(90) "new transient non-community water system" means
(A) a transient non-community water system that is constructed after October 1, 1999;
(B) a transient non-community water system that has not received a public water system identification number under 18 AAC 80.210(c)(3) as of October 1, 1999; or
(C) an existing water system other than a transient non-community water system, if as a result of expanding its infrastructure, the system falls within the definition of a transient non-community water system;
(91) "non-community water system" means a public water system that is not a community water system; a non-community water system is either a non-transient non-community water system or a transient non-community water system;
(92) "nonresidential," with respect to buildings, means occupied by an individual, but not as that individual's primary place of abode;
(93) "non-transient non-community water system" means a public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves at least 25 of the same individuals over six months per year;
(94) "NSF" means NSF International, also known as the National Sanitation Foundation;
(95) "NTU" means nephelometric turbidity unit;
(96) "operator" means a person engaged in the operation of a public water system; "operator" does not ordinarily mean an official, such as the city engineer or public works superintendent, exercising only general administrative supervision;
(97) "organic drilling fluid" means a synthetic polymer drilling fluid that is not specifically designed for use in the potable water well drilling industry;
(98) "owner" means a person who owns a public water system;
(99) "person" has the meaning given to "person" in AS 46.03.900;
(100) "pilot" means serving as an experimental trial apparatus or operation in which processes or techniques planned for use in full-scale operation are tested in advance;
(101) "pilot plant study" means an evaluation, on a scale larger than laboratory or bench scale but smaller than full scale, of the amenability of drinking water to treatment with the proposed method, operation, or process;
(102) "pit privy" has the meaning given to "pit privy" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(103) "point-of-entry treatment device" means a water treatment device that is located where water enters a building and before the point of use, and is for the purpose of reducing contaminants in the drinking water distributed throughout that building;
(104) "point-of-use treatment device" means a water treatment device applied to a single tap and used for the purpose of reducing contaminants in drinking water at that one tap;
(105) "pollution" has the meaning given to "pollution" in AS 46.03.900;
(106) "potable water system" means a source of water, intake works, collection system, water treatment works, storage facility, or distribution system from which water is available for human consumption;
(107) "practical quantitation limit" has the meaning given to "method reporting limit" in this subsection;
(108) "private sewer line" has the meaning given to "private sewer line" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(109) "private water line" means a line, pipe, or conduit used to carry water as part of a private water system;
(110) "private water system" means a potable water system that is not a public water system;
(111) "professional geologist" means a geologist certified under AS 08.02.011;
(112) "proficiency testing sample" has the meaning given to "proficiency testing sample" in Appendix C of the Manual for the Certification of Laboratories Analyzing Drinking Water: Criteria and Procedures, Quality Assurance, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(b);
(113) "public utility" has the meaning given to "public utility" in AS 42.05.990;
(114) "public water system"
(A) means a system for the provision to the public of water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances, if the system has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves an average of at least 25 individuals daily at least 60 days out of the year;
(B) is either a community water system or a non-community water system;
(C) includes
(i) a collection, treatment, storage, or distribution facility, including a water haul vehicle, under control of the operator of the system and used primarily in connection with the system; and
(ii) a collection or pretreatment storage facility not under control of the system operator that is used primarily in connection with the system;
(D) does not include a private water system;
(115) "quality assurance" means ensuring that analytical data is of a known and documented degree of excellence; "quality assurance" covers the general areas of accuracy, completeness, representativeness, and comparability of data;
(116) "quality assurance plan" means a totally integrated program for quality assurance, ensuring reliability of measurement data;
(117) "quarter" or "quarterly" means January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December;
(118) "rain catchment system" means a public water system for which the primary source of drinking water is precipitation caught by a manmade device;
(119) "record drawings" means the original plans prepared for construction and department approval, revised to reflect how the system was constructed or installed;
(120) "regional health corporation" means a federally recognized corporation under 25 U.S.C. 450f that receives federal money for the purpose of providing health care to Alaska Natives;
(121) "registered engineer" means a professional engineer registered to practice in this state under AS 08.48;
(122) "repeat compliance period" has the meaning given to "repeat compliance period" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(123) "repeat sample" means a follow-up sample taken in the same way as a routine sample to confirm the results obtained from a routine sample;
(124) "resident" means an individual occupying a dwelling unit as a primary place of abode;
(125) "residual disinfectant concentration" means the concentration of disinfectant measured in mg/l in a representative sample of water;
(126) "routine maintenance" means activity normally required to maintain the components of a public water system in good working order; "routine maintenance" includes the replacement of 40 feet or less of pipe, a valve, a hydro-pneumatic tank, or an in-kind replacement of a pump; "routine maintenance" does not include changes that affect the system's configuration, material, treatment, or capacity;
(127) "routine sample" means a sample required by 18 AAC 80.300 - 18 AAC 80.355, 18 AAC 80.405, or 18 AAC 80.500 - 18 AAC 80.505;
(128) "sampling site" means a location identified within a public water system where a water sample is collected for analysis;
(129) "sanitary defect" has the meaning given to "sanitary defect" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(130) "sanitary seal" means a device that
(A) is attached to the top of a well casing or pipe sleeve;
(B) prevents insects, dirt, or water or other liquid from entering the well under normal conditions; and
(C) allows air to flow in and out of the well;
(131) "sanitary survey"
(A) means a review consisting of
(i) an onsite inspection and review of the water source, treatment, the distribution system, finished water storage, each pump and pump facility and controls, monitoring, reporting, data verification, and management and operation of a public water system to evaluate the adequacy of the source, facilities, equipment, operation, and maintenance for producing and distributing safe drinking water; and
(ii) a review of operator compliance with 18 AAC 74 and this chapter; and
(B) includes writing, signing, and submitting the completed report to the department and owner;
(132) "sealed" means prepared by a registered engineer or an individual under that engineer's direct supervision, and bearing the signature and seal of that engineer as required by AS 08.48.221 and 12 AAC 36.185;
(133) "seasonal system" has the meaning given to "seasonal system" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(134) "sedimentation" has the meaning given to "sedimentation" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(135) "septic tank" has the meaning given to "septic tank" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(136) "serve" means to cause or allow the provision of water for human consumption;
(137) "service connection" means a single building or structure that receives water for human consumption from a public water system; "service connection" includes a residence, school, hospital, clinic, office, restaurant, gas station, hotel, motel, washeteria, RV connection, or watering point; "service connection" does not include mobile facilities; for purposes of this paragraph, "mobile facilities" includes planes and boats;
(138) "service line" means the pipe works that extend from a water distribution main line to a single service connection;
(139) "sewer" or "sewer line" has the meaning given to "sewer" or "sewer line" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(140) "sewerage" has the meaning given to "sewerage" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(141) "significant deficiency" means a defect, including a failure or malfunction, in a public water system's source, design, treatment, storage, distribution, operation, management, maintenance, or security, that the department determines to be causing, or to have potential to cause, contamination of water delivered to consumers or any other risk to public health or safety;
(142) "slow sand filtration" has the meaning given to "slow sand filtration" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a);
(143) "soil absorption system" has the meaning given to "soil absorption system" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(144) "surface water" means water that is open to the atmosphere and subject to surface runoff;
(145) "surface water system" means a public water system that uses surface water for a source;
(146) "too numerous to count" has the meaning given to "too numerous to count" in 40 C.F.R. 141.2, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 80.010(a); (147) "total chlorine" means the total concentration of chlorine in water, including the combined chlorine and the free chlorine that are present in water;
(148) "transient non-community water system" means a non-community water system that serves at least 25 individuals daily for 60 or more days per year, but does not regularly serve a daily average of at least 25 of the same individuals for more than six months per year;
(149) "treatment technique requirement" means a requirement in this chapter that specifies, for a contaminant, a treatment technique or a process that leads to a reduction in the level of a contaminant sufficient to comply with the requirements of this chapter;
(150) "UL" means Underwriters Laboratories;
(151) "unusual and unpredictable circumstances" means events with a low probability of occurrence;
(152) "utilidor" means an enclosure constructed above ground or below ground that contains one or more water lines, sewer lines, or other utilities and that provides access for their installation and maintenance;
(153) "vault privy" has the meaning given to "vault privy" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(154) "virus" means a virus of fecal origin that is infectious to humans by waterborne transmission;
(155) "volatile organic chemical" or "VOC" means a carbon-based compound with the property of escaping easily from water into the air;
(156) "waiver review area" means the area around a water source that is evaluated for activities that may use, store, or dispose of synthetic organic chemicals and other organic chemicals;
(157) "wastewater" has the meaning given to "wastewater" in 18 AAC 72.990;
(158) "wastewater disposal system" has the meaning given to "domestic wastewater disposal system" or "nondomestic wastewater disposal system," as appropriate for the context, both defined in 18 AAC 72.990;
(159) "wastewater treatment works" has the meaning given to "domestic wastewater treatment works" or "nondomestic wastewater treatment works," as appropriate for the context, both defined in 18 AAC 72.990;
(160) "water hauler" means a public water system that consists of one or more vehicles that are owned by the same person and used to distribute potable water; "water hauler" does not include vehicles owned or operated solely by a public water system as part of its collection or distribution system;
(161) "water distribution main" means a line, pipe, or conduit used to distribute potable water as part of a public water system; "water distribution main" includes trunks, branches, and laterals, and lines used to fill vehicles used to distribute potable water but does not include private water lines or service lines;
(162) "water line" means a pipe or conduit used to carry water as part of a public water system; "water line" includes a water distribution main but does not include private water lines or service lines;
(163) "water treatment works" means the structure and appurtenances, including chemical feeders, coagulation and sedimentation tanks, filtration devices, ion exchange apparatus, aeration tanks, or other works, used to condition, purify, or refine water for human consumption;
(164) "waterborne disease outbreak" means a significant occurrence of acute infectious illness, epidemiologically associated with the ingestion of water from a public water system that is deficient in treatment;
(165) "watering point" means a common tap from which a community gets potable water;
(166) "well" means an excavation, opening, shaft, or hole from which water can be extracted;
(167) "well log" means a written report that includes the information under 11 AAC 93.140(a)(1) - (18), and under 18 AAC 80.210(h);
(168) "working day" means a day other than Saturday, Sunday, or a state holiday.
(169) "drain" has the meaning given in 18 AAC 72.990;
(170) "sewer main" has the meaning given in 18 AAC 72.990;
(171) "sewer service line" has the meaning given in 18 AAC 72.990.
(b) In this chapter,
(1) "mg/l" means milligrams per liter and equals parts per million;
(2) "ml" means milliter;
(3) "mm" means millimeter;
(4) "mrem" means millirems;
(5) "µg/l" means micrograms per liter, and equals parts per billion;
(6) "µm" means micrometer;
(7) "pCi/l" means picocuries per liter;
(8) "<=" means less than or equal to;
(9) ">=" means greater than or equal to;
(10) " UNHANDLEDCHAR " means the sum of.

18 AAC 80.1990

Eff. 10/1/99, Register 151; am 3/25/2001, Register 157; am 9/28/2001, Register 159; am 1/11/2004, Register 169; am 1/11/2006, Register 177; am 8/19/2006, Register 179; am 11/9/2006, Register 180; am 4/24/2009, Register 190; am 11/20/2009, Register 192; am 7/25/2010, Register 195; am 11/11/2010, Register 196; am 5/20/2011, Register 198; am 8/20/2012, Register 203; am 12/13/2014, Register 212 January 2015; am 2/11/2017 Register 221, April 2017; am 5/3/2019, Register 230; am 10/1/2023, Register 247, October 2023

As of Register 179 (October 2006), the definitions in 18 AAC 80.1990(a) were reorganized to put them in alphabetical order, regardless of when each of them was adopted.

As of Register 187 (October 2008), the regulations attorney made technical revisions under AS 44.62.125(b)(6), to correct a gap in paragraph numbering in 18 AAC 80.1990(a), and made other technical revisions to 18 AAC 80.1990.

Authority:AS 46.03.010

AS 46.03.020

AS 46.03.050

AS 46.03.710

AS 46.03.720