Article 1 - Oil Pollution Prevention Requirements
- Section 18 AAC 75.005 - Responsibility
- Section 18 AAC 75.007 - General oil pollution prevention requirements
- Section 18 AAC 75.015 - Waiver
- Section 18 AAC 75.020 - Oil discharge prevention training and recordkeeping
- Section 18 AAC 75.025 - Transfer requirements
- Section 18 AAC 75.027 - Requirements for laden tank vessels
- Section 18 AAC 75.037 - Requirements for laden oil barges
- Section 18 AAC 75.045 - Operating requirements for exploration and production facilities
- Section 18 AAC 75.047 - Requirements for flow lines at production facilities
- Section 18 AAC 75.055 - Leak detection, monitoring, and operating requirements for crude oil transmission pipelines
- Section 18 AAC 75.065 - Field-constructed aboveground oil storage tank requirements
- Section 18 AAC 75.066 - Shop-fabricated aboveground oil storage tanks
- Section 18 AAC 75.075 - Secondary containment requirements for aboveground oil storage tanks
- Section 18 AAC 75.080 - Requirements for facility oil piping
- Section 18 AAC 75.085 - Requirements for railroad tank cars and operations by rail
- Section 18 AAC 75.090 - Recommended practices (Repealed)