Current through December 21, 2024
Section 18 AAC 50.040 - Federal standards adopted by reference(a) The following provisions of 40 C.F.R. Part 60 (Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources), revised as of March 23, 2021, are adopted by reference as they apply to a Title V source: (1) Subpart A (General Provisions), except 40 C.F.R. 60.9 (Availability of Information);(2) the following subparts: (A) Subpart D (Standards of Performance for Fossil-Fuel-Fired Steam Generators);(B) Subpart Da (Standards of Performance for Electric Utility Steam Generating Units);(C) Subpart Db (Standards of Performance for Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units);(D) Subpart Dc (Standards of Performance for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units);(E) Subpart E (Standards of Performance for Incinerators);(F) Subpart Ea (Standards of Performance for Municipal Waste Combustors for Which Construction is Commenced After December 20, 1989 and on or Before September 20, 1994) and Subpart Eb (Standards of Performance for Large Municipal Waste Combustors for Which Construction is Commenced After September 20, 1994 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction is Commenced After June 19, 1996);(G) Subpart Ec (Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources: Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators);(H) Subpart F (Standards of Performance for Portland Cement Plants);(I) Subpart I (Standards of Performance for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities);(J) Subpart J (Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries);(K) Subpart K (Standards of Performance for Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After June 11, 1973, and Prior to May 19, 1978);(L) Subpart Ka (Standards of Performance for Storage Vessels for Petroleum Liquids for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 18, 1978, and Prior to July 23, 1984);(M) Subpart Kb (Standards of Performance for Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984);(N) Subpart L (Standards of Performance for Secondary Lead Smelters);(O) Subpart N (Standards of Performance for Primary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Furnaces for Which Construction is Commenced After June 11, 1973);(P) Subpart Na (Standards of Performance for Secondary Emissions from Basic Oxygen Process Steelmaking Facilities for Which Construction is Commenced After January 20, 1983);(Q) Subpart O (Standards of Performance for Sewage Treatment Plants);(R) Subpart Q (Standards of Performance for Primary Zinc Smelters);(S) Subpart R (Standards of Performance for Primary Lead Smelters);(T) Subpart Y (Standards of Performance for Coal Preparation and Processing Plants);(U) Subpart DD (Standards of Performance for Grain Elevators);(V) Subpart GG (Standards of Performance for Stationary Gas Turbines);(W) Subpart HH (Standards of Performance for Lime Manufacturing Plants);(X) Subpart LL (Standards of Performance for Metallic Mineral Processing Plants);(Y) Subpart UU (Standards of Performance for Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture);(Z) Subpart VV (Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry for which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commences After January 5, 1981, and on or Before November 7, 2006);(AA) Subpart XX (Standards of Performance for Bulk Gasoline Terminals);(BB) Subpart GGG (Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After January 4, 1983 and on or Before November 7, 2006);(CC) Subpart JJJ (Standards of Performance for Petroleum Dry Cleaners);(DD) Subpart KKK (Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC from Onshore Natural Gas Processing Plants);(EE) Subpart LLL (Standards of Performance for Onshore Natural Gas Processing: SO2, Emissions);(FF) Subpart OOO (Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants);(GG) Subpart QQQ (Standards of Performance for VOC Emissions From Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Systems);(HH) Subpart UUU (Standards of Performance for Calciners and Dryers in Mineral Industries);(II) Subpart WWW (Standards of Performance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills);(JJ) Subpart CCCC (Standards of Performance for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction Is Commenced After November 30, 1999 or for Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced on or After June 1, 2001);(KK) the provisions of Subpart AAA (Standards of Performance for New Residential Wood Heaters), except that the operator of a wood stove may demonstrate compliance with 40 C.F.R. 60.532 by operating the wood stove in accordance with the permanent label required by 40 C.F.R. 60.536;(LL) Subpart DDDD (Emissions Guidelines and Compliance Times for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units That Commenced Construction on or Before November 30, 1999);(MM) Subpart EEEE (Standards of Performance for Other Solid Waste Incineration Units for Which Construction Is Commenced After December 9, 2004, or for Which Modification or Reconstruction Is Commenced on or After June 16, 2006);(NN) Subpart FFFF (Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Other Solid Waste Incineration Units That Commenced Construction on or Before December 9, 2004);(OO) Subpart IIII (Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines);(PP) Subpart JJJJ (Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines);(QQ) Subpart KKKK (Standards of Performance for Stationary Combustion Turbines);(RR) Subpart LLLL (Standards of Performance for New Sewage Sludge Incineration Units);(SS) Subpart MMMM (Emissions Guidelines and Compliance Times for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units);(TT) Subpart Ja (Standards of Performance for Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After May 14, 2007);(UU) Subpart VVa (Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in the Synthetic Organic Chemicals Manufacturing Industry for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006);(VV) Subpart GGGa (Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC in Petroleum Refineries for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After November 7, 2006);(WW) Subpart OOOO (Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution);(XX) Subpart TTTT (Standards of Performance for Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Electric Generating Units);(YY) Subpart UUUU (Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Compliance Times for Electric Utility Generating Units);(ZZ) Subpart OOOOa (Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015);(3) the Provisions of Appendices A-I.(b) The following provisions of 40 C.F.R. Part 61 (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants), revised as of October 7, 2020, are adopted by reference as they apply to a Title V source: (1) Subpart A (General Provisions), except 40 C.F.R. 61.16 (Availability of Information);(2) the following subparts: (A) Subpart E (National Emission Standard for Mercury);(B) Subpart J (National Emission Standard for Equipment Leaks (Fugitive Emission Sources) of Benzene);(C) Subpart V (National Emission Standard for Equipment Leaks (Fugitive Emission Sources));(D) Subpart Y (National Emission Standard for Benzene Emissions from Benzene Storage Vessels);(E) Subpart FF (National Emission Standard for Benzene Waste Operations);(F) the Standard for Demolition and Renovation under 40 C.F.R. 61.145 and, as they apply to activities subject to 40 C.F.R. 61.145, 40 C.F.R. 61.141, 40 C.F.R. 61.149(d)(1), 40 C.F.R. 61.150, 40 C.F.R. 61.152, and Appendix A to Subpart M (Interpretive Rule Governing Roof Removal Operations);(4) Appendices A, B, and C.(c) The following provisions of 40 C.F.R. Part 63 (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants), revised as of March 11, 2021, are adopted by reference as they apply to a Title V source: (1) Subpart A (General Provisions), except 40 C.F.R. 63.5(e)(2) - (f);(2) Subpart B (Requirements for Control Technology Determinations for Major Sources in Accordance with Clean Air Act Sections, Sections 112(g) and 112(j)), except that (A)40 C.F.R. 63.50 and 40 C.F.R. 63.54 are not adopted; and(B) the requirements of 40 C.F.R. 63.51- 40 C.F.R. 63.53, 40 C.F.R. 63.55, and 40 C.F.R. 63.56 apply to the owner or operator of a hazardous air pollutant major source that includes one or more sources from a category or subcategory established under 42 U.S.C. 7412(c)(1) (Clean Air Act, sec. 112(c)(1)) for which the EPA administrator has failed to promulgate an emission standard within 18 months after the deadline established for doing so in 42 U.S.C. 7412(e) (Clean Air Act, sec. 112(e));(3) Subpart D (Regulations Governing Compliance Extensions for Early Reductions of Hazardous Air Pollutants);(4) Subpart M (National Perchloroethlyene Air Emission Standards for Dry Cleaning Facilities);(5) Subpart N (National Emission Standards for Chromium Emissions From Hard and Decorative Chromium Electroplating and Anodizing Tanks);(6) Subpart Q (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial Process Cooling Towers);(7) Subpart R (National Emission Standards for Gasoline Distribution Facilities: Bulk Gasoline Terminals and Pipeline Breakout Stations);(8) Subpart T (National Emission Standards for Halogenated Solvent Cleaning);(9) Subpart Y (National Emission Standards for Marine Tank Vessel Loading Operations);(10) Subpart CC (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Petroleum Refineries);(11) Subpart DD (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Off-Site Waste and Recovery Operations);(12) Subpart GG (National Emission Standards for Aerospace Manufacturing and Rework Facilities);(13) Subpart HH (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Oil and Natural Gas Production Facilities);(14) Subpart II (National Emission Standards for Shipbuilding and Ship Repair (Surface Coating));(15) Subpart JJ (National Emission Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations);(16) Subpart KK (National Emission Standards for the Printing and Publishing Industry);(17) Subpart HHH (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Natural Gas Transmission and Storage Facilities);(18) Subpart LLL (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From the Portland Cement Manufacturing Industry);(19) Subpart UUU (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Petroleum Refineries: Catalytic Cracking Units, Catalytic Reforming Units, and Sulfur Recovery Units);(20) Subpart AAAA (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Municipal Solid Waste Landfills);(21) Subpart EEEE (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Organic Liquids Distribution (Non-Gasoline));(22) Subpart YYYY (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Combustion Turbines);(23) Subpart ZZZZ (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines);(24) Subpart GGGGG (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Site Remediation);(25) Subpart PPPPP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Engine Test Cells/Stands);(26) Subpart LLLLLL (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Acrylic and Modacrylic Fibers Production Area Sources);(27) Subpart MMMMMM (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Carbon Black Production Area Sources);(28) Subpart NNNNNN (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Chemical Manufacturing Area Sources: Chromium Compounds);(29) Subpart OOOOOO (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Flexible Polyurethane Foam Production and Fabrication Area Sources);(30) Subpart PPPPPP (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Lead Acid Battery Manufacturing Area Sources);(31) Subpart QQQQQQ (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Wood Preserving Area Sources);(32) Appendix A (Test Methods Pollutant Measurement Methods From Various Waste Media);(33) Appendix B (Sources Defined for Early Reduction Provisions);(34) Subpart BBBBBB (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Gasoline Distribution Bulk Terminals, Bulk Plants, and Pipeline Facilities);(35) Subpart CCCCCC (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Source Category: Gasoline Dispensing Facilities);(36) Subpart EEEEEEE (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Gold Mine Ore Processing and Production Area Source Category);(37) Subpart DDDDD (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters);(38) Subpart UUUUU (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Coal- and Oil-Fired Electrical Utility Steam Generating Units);(39) Subpart JJJJJJ (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Area Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers).(d) The provisions of 40 C.F.R. Part 82, revised as of July 1, 2019, are adopted by reference to the extent that they apply to a Title V source.(e) The requirements of 40 C.F.R. 52.70- 40 C.F.R 52.98, revised as of July 1, 2019, as they apply to a Title V source and for purposes of a Title V permit, are adopted by reference.(f) The provisions of 40 C.F.R. Part 51, Appendix W (Guideline on Air Quality Models), revised as of July 1, 2019, are adopted by reference.(g) The following provisions of 40 C.F.R. Part 62 (Approval and Promulgation of State Plans for Designated Facilities and Pollutants), revised as of June 21, 2022, are adopted by reference as they apply to a Title V source: (1) Subpart FFF (Federal Plan Requirements for Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed on or Before September 20, 1994);(2) Subpart GGG (Federal Plan Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills That Commenced Construction Prior to May 30, 1991, and Have Not Been Modified or Reconstructed Since May 30, 1991);(3) Subpart HHH (Federal Plan Requirements for Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incinerators Constructed on or Before December 1, 2008);(4) Subpart III (Federal Plan Requirements for Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incineration Units that Commenced Construction on or Before November 30, 1999);(5) Subpart JJJ (Federal Plan Requirements for Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units Constructed on or Before August 30, 1999);(6) Subpart OOO (Federal Plan Requirements for Municipal Solid Waste Landfills That Commenced Construction On or Before July 17, 2014 and Have Not Been Modified or Reconstructed Since July 17, 2014).(h) The following provisions of 40 C.F.R. 51.166 (Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality) and 40 C.F.R. Part 52 (Approval and Promulgation of Implementation Plans), revised as of November 24, 2020, are adopted by reference: (1)40 C.F.R. 51.166(f) (Exclusions from Increment Consumption);(2)40 C.F.R. 51.166(q)(2) (Public Participation);(3)40 C.F.R. 52.21(a)(2) (Applicability Procedures);(4)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b) (Definitions), except as follows:(A) the following provisions are not adopted, and the terms defined in those provisions have the meanings given in AS 46.14.990 and 18 AAC 50.990: (i)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b)(1) ("major stationary source");(ii)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b)(2) ("major modification");(B) the following provisions are not adopted, and the terms defined in those provisions have the meanings given in AS 46.14.990: (i)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b)(4) ("potential to emit");(ii)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b)(5) ("stationary source");(iii)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b)(6) ("building, structure, facility, or installation");(iv)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b)(7) ("emissions unit");(v)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b)(8) ("construction");(C) the following provisions are not adopted, and the terms defined in those provisions have the meanings given in 18 AAC 50.990: (i)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b)(51) ("reviewing authority");(ii)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b)(20) ("fugitive emissions");(D)40 C.F.R. 52.21(b)(15) ("baseline area") is not adopted, and the term defined in that provision has the meaning given in 18 AAC 50.020(g);(6)40 C.F.R. 52.21(h) (Stack Heights);(7)40 C.F.R. 52.21(i) (Exemptions);(8)40 C.F.R. 52.21(j) (Control Technology Review);(9)40 C.F.R. 52.21(k) (Source Impact Analysis);(10)40 C.F.R. 52.21(l) (Air Quality Models);(11)40 C.F.R. 52.21(m) (Air Quality Analysis);(12)40 C.F.R. 52.21(n) (Source Information);(13)40 C.F.R. 52.21(o) (Additional Impact Analysis);(14)40 C.F.R. 52.21(p) (Sources Impacting Federal Class I Areas);(15)40 C.F.R. 52.21(r) (Source Obligation);(16)40 C.F.R. 52.21(v) (Innovative Control Technology);(20)40 C.F.R. 52.21(aa) (Actuals PALs), except as follows: (A) mass balance calculations as authorized under 40 C.F.R. 52.21(aa)(12)(ii) (a) are also acceptable for activities using coating or solvents or for activities emitting sulfur dioxide from the combustion of fuel;(B) the requirements of 40 C.F.R. 52.21(aa)(12)(iii) also apply to owners or operators using mass balance calculations to monitor PAL pollutant emissions from activities using coating or solvents or from activities emitting sulfur dioxide from the combustion of fuel;(i) From the following provisions of 40 C.F.R. 51.165 (Permit Requirements), revised as of November 24, 2020, text setting out provisions that a state implementation plan shall or may contain is adopted by reference as follows: (1)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(1) (Definitions), except as follows: (A) the following provisions are not adopted, and the terms defined in those provisions have the meanings given in AS 46.14.990: (i)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(1)(i) ("stationary source");(ii)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(1)(ii) ("building, structure, facility, or installation");(iii)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(1)(iii) ("potential to emit");(iv)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(1)(vii) ("emissions unit");(v)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(1) (xviii) ("construction");(B) the following provisions are not adopted, and the terms defined in those provisions have the meaning given in 18 AAC 50.990: (i)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(1) (xxxviii) ("reviewing authority");(ii)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(1)(ix) ("fugitive emissions");(2)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(2)(ii);(3)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(3);(4)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(5);(5)40 C.F.R. 51.165(a)(6);(6)40 C.F.R. 51.165(f) (Actuals PALs), except as follows: (A) mass balance calculations as authorized under 40 C.F.R. 51.165(f)(12)(ii)(A) are also acceptable for activities using coating or solvents or for activities emitting sulfur dioxide from the combustion of fuel;(B) the requirements of 40 C.F.R. 51.165(f)(12)(iii) also apply to owners or operators using mass balance calculations to monitor PAL pollutant emissions from activities using coating or solvents or from activities emitting sulfur dioxide from the combustion of fuel.(j) The following provisions of 40 C.F.R. Part 71 (Operating Permits), revised as of August 21, 2020, are adopted by reference as they apply to a Title V source, except as provided in 18 AAC 50.326: (1)40 C.F.R. 71.2 (Definitions);(2)40 C.F.R. 71.3 (Sources Subject to Permitting Requirements);(3)40 C.F.R. 71.5(a) - (c) (Permit Applications);(4)40 C.F.R. 71.6(a) - (f) (Permit Content);(5)40 C.F.R. 71.7(a) - (e) (Permit Issuance, Renewal, Reopenings, and Revisions);(6)40 C.F.R. 71.8 (Affected State Review);(7)40 C.F.R. 71.10(d) (Delegation);(8)40 C.F.R. 71.11(a) - (h) and (j) - (k) (Administrative Record, Public Participation, and Administrative Review);(k) The provisions of 40 C.F.R. Part 64, revised as of July 1, 2019, are adopted by reference to the extent that they apply to a Title V source.Eff. 1/18/97, Register 141; am 6/14/98, Register 146; am 6/21/98, Register 146; am 7/2/2000, Register 154; am 6/1/2002, Register 162; am 8/15/2002, Register 163; am 10/1/2004, Register 171; am 12/3/2005, Register 176; am 7/25/2008, Register 187; am 12/9/2010, Register 196; am 9/14/2012, Register 203; am 1/4/2013, Register 205; am 10/6/2013, Register 208; am 11/9/2014, Register 212, January 2015; am 4/17/2015, Register 214, July 2015; am 8/20/2016, Register 219, October 2016; am 9/15/2018, Register 227, October 2018; am 11/7/2020, Register 236, January 2021 Register 236, January 2021; am 4/16/2022, Register 242, July 2022; am 9/7/2022, Register 243, October 2022Authority:AS 46.03.020
AS 46.14.010
AS 46.14.020
AS 46.14.030