Chapter 98 - Tire Fees
- Section 15 AAC 98.010 - Motor vehicles designed for use on a highway
- Section 15 AAC 98.020 - Return filing requirements
- Section 15 AAC 98.030 - Tires on new motor vehicles
- Section 15 AAC 98.040 - Collection of the fee
- Section 15 AAC 98.050 - Replacement due to defect or recall
- Section 15 AAC 98.060 - Tires for resale
- Section 15 AAC 98.070 - Persons immune or exempt under federal law from tire fees
- Section 15 AAC 98.080 - Certificate of use
- Section 15 AAC 98.090 - Recordkeeping requirements
- Section 15 AAC 98.100 - Administration and enforcement
- Section 15 AAC 98.900 - Definitions